苹果长在苹果树修剪技术上是用on the tree还是in the tree 呢?

&&& A Long time ago,there was a huge
tree.It loved a little boy&very much,the&boy loved to
come and play around it everyday.He climbed to the treetop,Ate the
apples.Take a nap under the shadow.He loved the tree,the tree was
so happy!Time went by......
&&& One day,the
boy came back to the tree.
&&& The tree
said "Come and play with me."
&& &“I am no
longer a kid, I do not play around a tree anymore.”“I want toys.I
need money to buy them.Can u give me money?”
&&&&“Sorry,but I do not have money....but
you can pick all my apples and sell them.So,you will have
&&&&The boy
was so excited.He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left
happily.The tree was happy.&
&&& The boy
never came back after picked the apples.The tree was
&&&&One&day,the boy who now turned
into a man returned and the tree was excited."Come and play with
me" the tree said.
&&& "I do not
have time to play.I have to work for my family.We need a house for
shelter.Can you help me?"
&&&"Sorry,but I
do not have any hourse.But you can shop off my branches to build
your house."
&&&So the man
cot all the branches of the tree and left happily.The tree was glad
to see him happy but the man never came back since then.The tree
was again lonely and sad.
&& One hot summer
day,the man returned and the tree was delighted.
&& "Come and play
with me!"the tree said."I am getting old.I want to go sailing to
relax myself.Can u give me a boat?"said the man.
&& "Use my trunk to
build your boat." the tree said, "you can sail far away and be
&& So the man cut the
tree trunk to make a boat.He went sailing and never showed up for a
lone time.The tree was happy,but it was not the true.Finally,the
man returned after many years."sorry,my boy,But I do not have
anything for u anymore.No more apples for u..."the tree said."No
problem,I do not have any teeth to bite" the man
&&& “No more
truck for you to climb on”
&&& "I am too
old for that now the man said."
&&& "I really
cannot give you anything...the only thing left is my dying roots"
the tree said with tears. "I do not need much now,just a place to
rest.I am tired after all these years"the man replled.
&&& “Good! Old
tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest, Come,come sit
down with me and rest.”
&&& The man sat
down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears....
matter how busy you are,share some time with parents!
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。牛顿重力苹果树将飞向太空 体验零重力
文章来源:未知 文章作者:meng 发布时间: 05:58
A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission.
A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission.
The 4-inch-long wood sample, which is normally held in the Royal Society archives(档案) in London, comes from the original tree from which an apple fell and inspired Newton's theory of gravity.
Born in 1643 in Lincolnshire, Newton dominated British and European science by the early 1700s and is considered by many as the greatest scientist of his era.
The tree sample along with a picture of Newton will be taken into orbit by British-born astronaut Dr Piers Sellers who will be part of a six-man crew aboard the NASA space shuttle Atlantis scheduled to lift off(起飞,发射) on May 14.
&We're delighted to take this piece of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree to orbit. While it's up there, it will be experiencing no gravity, so if it had an apple on it, the apple wouldn't fall,& said Sellers.
&I'm pretty sure that Sir Isaac would have loved to see this, assuming he wasn't spacesick, as it would have proved his first law of motion(运动定律) to be correct.&
After the flight the piece of tree and the picture of the scientist will be returned to the Royal Society.
The mission is part of the academic institution's 350th anniversary celebrations.
Newton himself was elected president of the Royal Society in 1703, an office he held until his death in 1727.
Lord Rees, the current president of the Royal Society, said: &We are both pleased and proud that such an extraordinary part of scientific history and important element of the Royal Society's archive collection can make this historic trip into space.
&Upon their return the piece of tree and picture of Newton will form part of the History of the Royal Society exhibition that the Society will be holding later this year and will then be held as a permanent(永久的,永恒的) exhibit at the Society,& he added.文档贡献者
上传日期: 11:07:30|
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