
原作者:Emory Rowland
Dating Sites XO was sparked by a couple who pursued a relationship on opposite ends of the world. Now they\'re sharing dating sites and tips with singles everywhere.
交友网XO是被一对夫妻创办的,他们虽相距遥远却依然追求着他们远距离的爱情。 现在他们和单身汉们一起分享他们的交友网以及交友秘诀。
New Dating Site Born From Couple Who Met Online 一对儿从网上相识的夫妻创建了新的交友网 Dating Sites XO was sparked by a couple who pursued a relationship on opposite ends of the world. Now they're sharing dating sites and tips with singles everywhere. 交友网XO是被一对夫妇创办的,他们虽相距甚远却依然追求着他们远距离的爱情。 现在他们和单身汉们一起分享他们的交友网以及交友秘诀。
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) November 21, 2011
来自PRWEB, 乔治亚州亚特兰大市,21/11/2011 Singles don't always have the opportunity to meet their soulmate in a local venue. At least, that was the case with Emory and Suzana, two romantics living on opposite ends of the globe who were matched through a dating site before dating sites were considered normal. Despite the barrier of distance, their online relationship eventually lead to marriage. Fast forward about ten years to today when the couple announces the launch of Dating Sites XO (), a place where singles discover and explore dating sites. 如果仅局限于当地的话,单身汉们不是总有机会遇到自己的另一半。至少对于Emory和Suzana是这样的。这两个浪漫的人住在地球的两端,他们是通过一个交友网站认识的,尽管在当时这样的交友网还不是很常见。虽然距离很远,他们最终从网恋步入了婚姻殿堂。时光飞逝,十年后的今天,这对夫妻终于宣布创建新的交友网XO(),---- 一个可以让单身汉们找到适合于自己的交友网站的地方。 & A Site About Dating Sites 这是一个关于交友的网站
Dating sites have come of age since the couple met and married in the early days of online dating. Sites today offer much more than the typical profile picture and description in a classified ad listing. Now, computerized matching sites with sleek web 2.0 designs boast of members in the tens of millions. Dating Sites XO lists the heavyweights as well as some of the many smaller, niche-focused dating sites. 自从这对“网恋前辈”在网络上相遇并结婚后,交友网的发展已日趋成熟。今天,网站可提供的不仅仅是老套的证件照以及在分类广告清单中的一段描述性文字。如今用计算机编译的这些网站,再加上最新最炫的互联网应用设计能够帮助用户在数以百万的人潮中脱颖而出。交友网站XO列出了那些有影响力的大型交友网站以及一些给特定群体的小型交友网站。 Birds of a Feather Flock at Different Speeds and Altitudes 正如鸟类在飞行中有高低快慢之分,交友网站就是要满足人们对于交友的不同需求
Not only have dating websites changed both on the inside and outside, but more choices are available as demand increases. The universe of dating sites has expanded as marketers cater to more diverse audiences. It's not just about general classifications like age, race or religious background anymore, but what are members' deepest personal interests? Dating sites for fans of books, music and movies bring people together in a way that larger sites may not. Cataloguing the various types of dating sites is at the heart of Dating Sites XO's mission. 不仅仅是交友网站从内到外的变化,随着需求的增长选择也随之增加。全球的交友网站已经扩展成为一种专营特定商品的公司来迎合多元化的需求。(这些网站)再也不仅仅是一个按照年龄,种族,宗教信仰划分的大致的分类了,而是基于用户更深层次的个人兴趣。人们因为一些特定的原因比如出于对某种图书,音乐,或电影的喜爱而聚集形成的交友网站有着与大型交友网站不同的作用。对于不同类型交友网站的分类是新的XO交友网的重要使命。 Dating Sites XO Features 交友网XO的一些特征
Besides collecting and organizing data about dating sites, Dating Sites XO features reviews from editors and users, listings by niche, coupons and buzz about online dating. For each listing, the team of editors gathers as much data as possible to include in each dating site profile, data that some dating sites may not want you to see until after you sign up. Dating Sites XO answers some of the most common questions that consumers have about dating sites: 除了搜集和组织其他交友网的数据,XO交友网被广大编辑和用户们审查,列出了各种特殊的分类、优惠活动(适用于约会场所),以及一些交友信息。对于每个分类而言,编辑组搜集尽可能多的数据,涵盖了每个交友网的人物简介以及数据,而某些交友网站在你注册登记前是不会让你看到这些内容的。交友网站XO解答了以下一些客户最常见的问题:
&&&&How many members are there?
& 这个网站有多少用户?
&&&&What countries do the members reside?
& 这些用户都来自哪些国家?
&&&&What are the prices and membership types?
& 价格以及会员身份是何种形式?
&&&&What unique features does the site offer?
& 这个交友网有何特殊之处?
&&&&What kind of relationships are members seeking? Marriage, casual, friendship, etc.
& 用户们寻求何种交友关系?婚姻、友谊还是就只是随便聊聊等等
&&&&How do people connect on the site?
& 人们是如何通过网站进行联系的?
&&&&What coupons, promos or trials are available?
& 有何优惠,促销,或者体验活动?
&&&&How is the dating site rated by editors and users?
& 编辑和用户们是如何对该网站进行评估的?
Dating Sites XO has catalogued over one hundred dating sites so far. The number keeps growing because the couple continues finding more and more interesting web destinations to share. Online dating has become the norm, but "there is no such thing as a standard dating site," say the Dating Sites XO couple. "Each dating site has its own unique features and ways to connect members." 交友网XO迄今为止已经将超过100个交友网分门别类。这个数字还在上升中,因为这对夫妻还在不停寻找着更多更有趣的网站和大家分享。网上交友成为了一种规范准则,但这对夫妻说“决不存在一个被视为规范的交友网站,因为每一个交友网都有其独特之处以及独到的方法来吸引用户。” So how much does it cost to sign up for a site about dating sites? Not a penny. It's free. "We're not selling anything," the couple insists, "just presenting options... options that we didn't have available back when we met online." Ultimately it's not about finding the right dating site, but about finding the right match, the Dating Sites XO founders agree. 到底要花多少钱才能注册成为这个交友网站的用户呢?一分都不用。这是完全免费的。这对夫妇坚持说他们不是想卖什么东西,仅仅是给更多的人提供选择的机会,而这些选择的机会在他们当年在网上相遇时还没有。最终, 目的不在于找到一个合适的交友网站而是找到适合自己的那个人,XO交友网站的创始人们对此表示支持。 About Dating Sites XO 关于交友网站XO
Dating Sites XO was inspired by the online dating experiences of Emory and Suzana Rowland, a couple who met online and pursued a relationship on opposite ends of the world and later married. Dating Sites XO is owned by Leverable, Inc., a successful web publisher of many years. Visit Dating Sites XO at
or get updates on Twitter () or Facebook (). 交友网XO的灵感来自于Rowland夫妇网恋的经历。他们在网上相识,虽相距甚远依然相恋,最终步入婚姻殿堂。此网站为Leverable股份有限公司所有,该公司多年来一直是成功的网络出版商。由此浏览该网站或是登录微博或登录facebook .
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