I saw a bird singing on the sign。(什么叫双重否定句句)

Service Unavailable2012届中考英语考点备考复习4
j.Co M 900. night(n)夜晚The accident happened on Friday night.事故发生在星期五的夜里。These animals only come out at night.on the night of January 10.在一月十日的晚上I saw her in town the other night.前两天晚上我在城里见过她。I’m working late tomorrow night.明天晚上我要工作很晚。Good night ! See you in the morning.晚安,明儿见。The machines are kept running day and night.这些机器夜以继日地运转着。* night-club. (n)夜总会901. nine(num)九Nine to five九点至五点,正常上班时间I work nine to five.我九点至五点上班A nine-to-five job朝九晚五的工作902. nineteen(num)十九903. ninety(num)九十The nineties 九十年代In your nineties 90多岁904. ninth(num)第九Mr. Brown lives on the ninth floor.布朗先生住在九楼905. no (ad, a)不,不是,没有,无,不--Are you ready ?准备好了吗?--No, I’m not没有,没准备好--Another drink?再来一杯?--No, thanks.不要了,谢谢--She’s had an accident她发生了意外--Oh, no !怎么会呢 (表示惊讶)He has no friends in this city. 在这个城市里他没有朋友。There were no letters this morning.今天早上一封信也没有。There’s no bread left.一片面包都没有了。He'll be back in no time. 他很快就会回来。No smoking! 严禁吸烟!906. nobody(n, pron)无足轻重的人;无人,没有人She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar.她从无名小辈一跃成为超级明星。Nobody seems to notice. 似乎没有人注意。907. nod(v)点头; 打瞌睡He nodded to show that he understood.他点头表示他懂了。She nodded her head when she passed me in the street当她在街上走过我身旁时,向我点了点头。She nodded a welcome to Mary.她向玛丽点头表示欢迎。908. noise (n)噪声, 喧哗声The noise awoke me from my sleep.喧闹声使我从睡梦中醒来。I asked them to stop making such a noise.我叫他们不要再这样吵闹。* noisy (a.) 喧闹的,嘈杂的* noisily (ad.) 喧闹地909. none (pron ) 无任何东西或人;无一人None of these pens works / work.这些钢笔一支都不能用。We have three sons but none of them lives / live nearby.我们有三个儿子但他们都不在附近。 I wanted some more cold meat but there was none left. 我想再吃些冷盘肉,可是一点也不剩了。--Is there any more milk?还有牛奶吗?--No, none at all.没有,一点也没有【补充】none but仅仅,只有None but he knew the truth.只有他知道真相。910. noodle(n)面条911. noon(n)中午, 正午We should be there by noon.我们应该最晚中午到达。912. nor (conj.)(用在neither之后)也不 I have neither time nor money for pop festival我既没时间也没钱来参加流行音乐节。(用在not,no,never之后)也不The story is not interesting or instructive. 这个故事没有味道,也没有教育意义。(用在句首,句子须倒装)也不You do not like him, nor do I. 你不喜欢他,我也不喜欢。913. normal(a.)平常的, 正常的Her temperature is normal.她的体温正常。It’s normal to feel tired after such a long trip.这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳时正常的。914. north(a. n)(在/向)北方(的); 朝北的; 来自北方的Beijing is to the north of Hefei.Beijing is in the north of China.*northeast东北 northwest西北* northwards (ad) 向北915. northern(a.)北方的, 北部的916. nose(n)鼻子; 似鼻子的东西He broke his nose in the fight.他打架时打断了鼻梁。Stop picking your nose!别抠鼻孔了。a dog with a good nose嗅觉灵敏的狗917. not (ad)不, 没It’s cold ,isn’t it?很冷,是吧?Didn’t you eat meat?你不吃肉吗?He warned me not to be late.他提醒我别迟到。--Will she be there?她会在那儿吗?--I hope not.但愿不会--Is it ready? --I’m afraid not.I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not.我不知道他是否说了真话--Thanks a lot. --Not at all. 不客气Not only you but also I am going to hand in the papers.918. note (n, v)便条,笔记,注释,钞票,纸币,音符,音调;记下,记录,注意,留意He never took notes in class.他上课从不记笔记。He sent me four fifty-dollar notes. 他寄给我四张五十圆面额的钞票。Please make a note of the dates.请记下日期She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table.她在厨房餐桌上给本留了个便条。See note 3, page 259 见259页注释3Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days. 请注意本帐单必须在十天内付款。The policeman noted down every word I said. 警察记下了我所说的每一个字。919. notebook(n)笔记本920. nothing(pron)没有东西/事情There was nothing in the bag.包里什么也没有。There’s nothing you can do to help.你什么忙也帮不上。The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me.医生说我什么毛病也没有。I want nothing but the best for my children.我只是想给我的孩子们最好的。There is nothing much in the fridge.冰箱里没什么东西。921. notice (n, v )公告,,贴示 警告 ;察觉,注意 通知She didn't notice that I had entered the room. 她没有看到我已经走进屋里。I didn’t notice him leaving.我没看到他离开。I noticed them come in.我注意到他们进来。The plane was noticed to take off at six o’clock. 飞机接到通知六时起飞。There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled.布告牌上一则通知说这堂课取消了。A notice saying “Keep off the grass”.写着“勿踏草坪”的公告牌。922. November(n)十一月923. now现在,目前; 立刻,马上; 其时,当时I had a headache this morning, but I’m all right now.From now on I’ll be more careful今后,我将更加细心。Now, listen to what she’s saying.嗨,听听她在讲什么。* nowadays (ad) 当今,现在924. number数字; 号码; 数目, 数量; 数Three is my lucky number.三是我的幸运数字。We live at No. 107 Church Street.我们住在教堂街107号。I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong number.对不起,我想你打错了A large number of people have lost their jobs.很多人失业了。925. nurse(n)护士, 保育员; 保姆My mother used to be a nurse.我妈妈过去是护士。* nursery (n) 托儿所* nursing (n) (职业性的)保育,护理O926. OK (ad) 好的--Shall we go for a walk?咱们去散步好不好?--OK.好I’ll do it my way. OK? 我想怎么做就怎么做,行吗?Are you OK? 你没事吧?Is it OK if I leave now? 我现在离开,可以吗?Is it OK for me to come too? 我也去,行吗?【经典试题】--How are you doing? --____, thank you.A. I’m OK. B. I’m a teacherC. I’d love to D. I’m coming927. object(n)物体 对象;目标 宗旨 宾语everyday objects日常用品I don’t know the names of the objects in this lab. 我不知道这个实验室里物件的名称。What is the object of his visit? 他这次访问的目的是什么?928. ocean(n)洋, 海洋One afternoon, she went for a swim in the ocean.一天下午她到海里去游泳。the Atlantic Ocean大西洋 the Indian Ocean印度洋the Pacific Ocean太平洋* Oceania (n) 大洋洲(ocean常和专有名词构成海洋的名称,其前须有定冠词the ,ocean常可省略)929. October(n) 十月930. of (prep)One of the legs of the table is broken.桌子的一条腿坏了。Mr. Brown is a friend of mine.布朗先生是我的朋友。 The house is made of stone. 这房子是石建的。 Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best. 在这个班级中,汤姆是最优秀的。2 kilos of potatoes两公斤马铃薯It was very kind of you to help us.He came to New York at the age of ten. 他在十岁时来到纽约。 We waited for the arrival of the next bus. 我们等待下一班汽车的到来。 I have the complete works of Shakespeare. 我有莎士比亚全集。 Her son died of cancer. 她儿子因患癌症而死。 It is a matter of importance.这是一件重要的事。 931. off (prep, ad. )离开,脱离,(电,自来水)停了,中断I fell offf the ladder.我从梯子上跌下来Keep off the grass! 勿踏草坪!You're going off the subject. 你们离题了。You need to take the top off the bottle first.你得先把瓶盖子打开。They went off together and left me sitting there. 他们一同离开了,留下我独自坐在那里。I called him but he ran off.我喊他但他跑开了。Take your coat off.脱了外衣吧。The water is off.停水了。Make sure th TV is off.请注意关掉电视机。The town is five miles off. 小城离这儿五英里远。He turned off the light before going out. 他出门前把灯关掉。【补充】休息;减价He’s had ten days off school.他有十天没上学。I’ve got three days off next week.我下周有三天休假。All the shirts are 10% off.衬衣全部减价10%。Shoes with $2 off减价两美元的鞋子。932. offer (n, v)【动词】给予, 提供; 拿出, 试图(做某事);提议, 出(价);He offered me a glass of wine. 他端给我一杯酒。They offered to help me. 他们表示愿意帮助我。We offered him the sweater for US$50. 这毛衣我们向他开价五十美元。He offered $4000 for the car.他出价四千美元买这辆车。They decided to offer the job to Joe = They decided to off Joe the job.他们决定让乔做这份工作。【名词】 提供,提议;出价;报价to accept an offer接受好意Thank you for your kind offer of help. 感谢你想给予帮助的好意。I accepted her offer to pay.她要付款,我同意了。They’ve decided to accept our off.他们已决定接受我们的报价。933. office(n)办公室Some people have to share an office.有些人只好合用一间办公室。【补充】办事处,局,厅,公职She came to the station and went to th booking office.她来到车站,去了订票处。It is my office to open the door.我的职责就是开门。The present government took office in 1997.现政府于1997年执政。How long has he been in office? 他任职多久了?934. officer(n)军官, 高级官员He dreamed to be an officer.Her husband was ao officer.* official (a, n) 政府,公司官员;官方的935. often (ad.)常常, 经常I often go swimming in summer.夏天我常游泳。How often does this magazine come out?这本书多长时间出一期?936. oil(n)油, 石油;* oilfield (n) 油田937. old(a.)老的, 旧的;Oxford is an old university.牛津大学是一所老大学。My father is fifty years old. 我的父亲五十岁了。He got his old job back. 他恢复了原来的工作。I met with an old friend at a dinner party.我在一次宴会上偶然遇到一位老朋友。Things were different in the old days.从前的情况可不一样。How old is this building? 这座建筑已有多少年了?938. on(prep, ad)在...上,关于, (穿,放…)上,接通,进行下去,(电灯)开He laid a hand on my shoulder.他把一只手放在我肩上。There is a mark on your skirt.你裙子上有一块斑。She stood on my left. 她站在我左边。I came on my bike. 我骑自行车来的。He had been hit on the head.他被打中了脑袋。She was standing on one foot.她单脚站立。on the evening of May the first在五月一日晚Did you hear it on the radio? 你是从收音机听到这消息的吗?We went to the factory on foot.我们步行去工厂。Information is available on the Internet.从互联网上可以得到这个信息。He is on the school volleyball team.他是校排球队员。He jumped with joy on hearing the news. 他一听到这个消息就高兴得跳了起来。He worked on without a break.他毫不停歇地继续工作。She stopped for a moment, then walked on.她停了一会儿,然后又向前走。From then on he never trusted her again.从那时起,他再也不信任她了。Put your coat on.把外衣穿上!The lights were all on.灯都亮着。It doesn’t matter. The film has been on for only a few minutes.不要紧,电影才开始几分钟。The bus stopped and four people got on.公共汽车停了下来,四个人上了车。【补充】一….就…He jumped with joy on hearing the news. 他一听到这个消息就高兴得跳了起来。On arriving home I discovered they had gone.我一到家就发现他们离开了。939. once (n, ad. Conj.)一次,一度;从前;一旦Once is enough. 一次就够了。I see them once every two months. 我每两个月与他们见一次面。He once knew her, but they are no longer friends. 他以前认识她,但他们已经不是朋友了。Once you get into a bad habit, you'll find it hard to get out of it. 一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。940. one (num. pron) 一, 某一, 某人There is only room for one person.只有一个人的空间。One more, please! 请再来一个!One of my friends lives in Shanghai我的一位朋友住在上海。One day you’ll understand.总有一天你会明白的。Our car’s always breaking down,. But we’re getting a new one soon.我们的车老出毛病,但我们快要买新的了。The students who are the most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes.成绩最好的学生往往是出全勤的那些人。941. oneself (pron)自己,自身If one wants to learn it, one must do it oneself.要想学会它就得亲自去做。942. only (a. ad)唯一的,仅有的;仅仅,只,才She’s their only daughter.她是他们的独生女。She’s the only person for the job.她是这项工作最合适的人选。She’s only 21 and she runs her own business.她只有21岁就经营起自己的企业。It only took a few seconds. = It took only a few second.那只需要几秒钟。He not only read the book,but also remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。only child独生子(女):I’m an only child.943. open (a, v ) 打开的; 开放的; 营业的; 公开的She had left the door wide open.她把门敞开着。My door is always open to visitors. 我的门永远向来访者敞开。Is the store open from 9 to 7? 那家商店是从上午九点营业到晚上七点吗?The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。That’s an open society. 那是一个开放的社会。She was always open with her parents.她总是与父母无话不谈。(坦诚的,直率的)【动词】开;打开; 使开张(营业); 开业I opened the window after I got up.我起床后便把窗子打开。What time does the bank open? 这家银行什么时候开门?The company opened its doors for business a month ago.该公司一个月前开业。Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其它文化。* opener (n) 开具,启子* opening (n) 开放,口子【经典试题】The door has been ____ for a long time.A. open B. opened C. opening944. operation(n) 手术,操作;运转,经营;Will I need to have an operation? 我需要做手术吗?The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。The new rules come into operation from next week.新规定下周起施行。* operate (v) 做手术,经营,管理,运转The company operates three factories.这家公司经营三家工厂。The machine is operating properly.机器运转正常。 945. or(conj)或者 否则,要不然He can’t read or write.他不会读也不会写。Either you or I am to go. 你我之间总有一个人要去。You may spend two or three days there. 你可以在那里呆上两三天。Hurry up, or you'll be late. 快点,否则你会迟到的。946. orange(a, n) 柑, 橘; 橘色, 橙色(的)Would you like some orange? 想喝点橙汁吗?947. order (v. n) 命令 定购;点菜;顺序,秩序命令订购The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.有些老师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。Things were in terrible order. 情况一团糟。He gave orders that the job be done in three days. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。May I take your order? 现在可以点菜吗?The company received a large order for computers. 这家公司接到一份要求大量供应电脑的订单。He ordered her to go. 他命令她走。I ordered a beer and a sandwich.我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。948. other(pron. a) (两者中)另一个的;其余的; 其他的Mr. Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were here.哈里斯老师贝特老师和其他三位老师在场。There are other ways to do this exercise. 做这个练习还可用别的方法。Are there any other questions?还有其他的问题没有?He raised one arm and then the other.他先举起一只手,然后举起另一只。I saw Jack the other day.我前几天看到杰克了。The other day / week / morning / evening(用于说话前不久的日子)It is hard to tell the twin brothers one from the other. 这对孪生兄弟很难辨认。S others are listening to the radio. 有些孩子在阅读,有些则在听收音机。949. our(pron)我们的(形容词物主代词)* ours (pron) 我们的(名词性)950. ourselves(pron)我们自己We’ve often thought of going there ourselves.我们常想亲自到那里去一趟。951. out(ad)出外;在外;向外,没有,问世,完全, (用)完;熄灭;无知觉,不流行Let’s go out for a walk. 我们出去散散步吧。He’s been out of work for six months.他已经失业六个月了。 I watched the car until it was out of sight.我目送汽车,直到看不见为止。Two out of three people think Jack is wrong.三分之二的人认为杰克错了。When does her new book come out? 她的新书什么时候出版。His secret got out. 他的秘密泄漏了。He blew out the candle. 他把蜡烛吹灭了。The little girl passed out at the sight of the snake. 小女孩一看到那条蛇就昏过去了。Mr. Liu, you are out!刘老师,你落伍了。952. outside (n. ad. prep)【名词】外面,外部 外表,外观The outside of the house needs painting. 房子外部需要油漆一下。We walked around the outside of the building.我们绕着房子四周散步。【副词】在外面,向外面 在室外,向室外There is no light outside of the gate. 大门外面没有灯。It was raining hard outside. 外边雨下得很大。【介词】在...外;向...外在...范围之外 Outside the window it was a wonderful spring morning. 窗外是一片美妙的春天晨景。You can park your car outside our house.你可以把汽车停在我们家屋外。953. over (prep, ad.)【介词】 在...之上,在正上方; (覆盖)在...上面越过... 遍及 超过 通过...媒介We live over a small bookstore. 我们住在一家小书店的楼上。There was a lamp hanging over the table.桌子上方吊着一盏灯There is bridge over the river.河上面有座桥She climbed over the wall .她翻过墙去Snow is falling all over the country全国各地都在下雪A plane flew over the house. 一架飞机飞过了房子。She told me over the telephone about it. 她在电话里把这事告诉了我。She is over sixty.她六十多岁了【副词】翻倒,遍布,越过,结束She knocked the bottle over.她碰倒了瓶子。Cover her over with an overcoat把她盖件大衣。By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我们到达时,会议已经结束了。We rowed over to the other side of the river.我们划船到河的对岸。954. overcoat(n)外套, 大衣955. own (a. v) 自己的;有,拥有I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到这次事故的全过程。He owns three cars. 他有三辆汽车。956.owner(n)物主, 所有人Do you know the name of the owner?你知道主人的名字吗?The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter.店主走过来,看看出什么事了。* ownership (n) 所有制P957. P.C.=personal computer(n)个人电脑958. P.E.=physical education(n)体育959. Pacific太平洋(的)960. package(n)包裹;包;(香烟等的)一包He brought me a large package.他给我送来一大包裹。* pack(n, v) 包,捆;为运输打包961.page(n)页, 张Turn to Page 64.请翻到64页。962.paint(n)油漆, 涂料 绘画作品Wet paint !油漆未干!【补充】(v)油漆,粉刷,绘画We’ve decided to have the house painted.我们决定把房子油漆一下。* painter (n) 绘画者,(油)画家963.pair(n)一双, 一副, 一把, 一对a pair of gloves / shoes / earringsa huge pair of eyes一双大眼睛a pair of glasses / pants / jeans / trousersStudents worked in pairs on the project.学生们两人一组做这个项目。964. palace(n)宫殿the Summer Palace颐和园965. pale(a.)苍白的 ,灰白的 (颜色)淡的She was pale with fear. 她吓得脸色发白。You look pale. Are you OK? 你气色不好,没事吧?He wore a pale blue tie. 他戴一条浅蓝色的领带。pale blue eyes.淡蓝色的眼睛966. pancake(n)烙饼, 薄饼967. panda(n)熊猫968. paper(n)纸 报纸 试题,试卷,论文,a piece of paper 一张纸Have you seen today’s paper?你看了今天的报纸没有?She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用一个晚上批阅试卷969. pardon (n)原谅,饶恕,宽恕--You’re very quiet today.你今天话很少啊。--Pardon? 什么?--I said you’re very quiet today.我说你今天话很少。I beg your pardon, what you say is not correct.对不起,你说的话不对。I hope you’ll pardon me saying so.希望你原谅我这么说。970. parent(n)父, 母; 家长He’s still living with his parents.他还和父母住在一块。971. park (n) 公园 停车场There’s a car park over there.那儿有个停车场。972. park (v) 停放(车辆等)Don’t park the car on this street.别把汽车停放在这条街上。* parking lot停车场973. part, (n)部分; 部,篇; 部件,零件;角色Parts of the book are interesting.这本书有几部分很有意思.We’ve done the difficult part of the job.我们已完成了工作的困难部分.She carried some machine parts from this city to that one.她将一些机器零件从这个城市运送到那个城市.What part did you play? 你演什么角色?* (a.) 局部的,部分的【补充】(v) 分离,分开,分割We parted at the street corner我们在街道拐角分手* partly (ad.) 部分地,在一定程度上* partner (n) 搭档,合作者* part-time (a) 兼职的,部分时间的974. party(n)党, 政党; 社交聚会a birthday / dinner / garden party生日聚会/宴会/游园会Did you go to their party? 你参加他们的聚会没有?975. pass(v);传,经过,通过You cannot pass. Stop where you are. 你不能过去。原处停下。The ten days passed quickly. 这十天很快就过去了。He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语考试及格了,但英语没及格。Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。The bill was passed in 1908. 这项议案是1908年通过的。His mother passed away last year.她母亲去年出世了。(去世)976. passage(n)文章,乐曲等的)一段,一节, 走廊, 过道asecret underground passage地下秘密通道A dark narrow passage led to the hall.一条阴暗狭窄的走廊通向大厅。Read the following passage and answer the questions below.阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。977. passenger(n)乘客,旅客The train drew in and all the passengers got off.火车到站了,所有乘客都下来了。* passer-by (n) 过客,过路人978. passport(n)护照;通行证;执照979. past ( n, a. prep) 过去,昔日;过去的; 以前的 前任的;(指时间、数量等)过;通过,经过In the past he had to read by candle light. 过去他只得在烛光下攻读。John Smith is a past president of our club. 约翰?史密斯是我们俱乐部的前任主席。 ten minutes past two两点十分 / half past two两点半The boys walked past our house. 孩子们走过我们的房子980. path(n)小路, 路线, 途径 Follow the path through the woods.沿着这条小路穿过树林。981. patient(n) 病人She was one of Dr. Shaw’s patients.她是肖医生的病人之一。The patient was well looked after by the nurse.这病人得到护士的很好照顾。982. patient(a.)有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的He’s a very patient man. 他是个很有耐心的人。She is very patient with young children.她对幼儿特别有耐心。* patience (n) 容忍,耐心983. pay (paid, paid) 付款; 给予; 工资(n)Would you mind paying the taxi driver?你付出租车费好吗?I’m paid $100 a day.我每天工资100元。I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying.我没有注意她在说什么。If you lose a book from the library, you’ll have to pay for it.如果你丢了图书,你将要赔。He paid 100 yuan for the dictionary.他花100元买了这本字典984. peace(n)和平, 治安After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。All I want is a bit of peace and quiet.我所希望的只是一点平静。* peaceful (a.) 和平的,安宁的985. pear(n)梨The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much.梨是好吃的水果,我喜欢它。We carried the pears with a boat.我们用小船运梨。986. pen(n)笔, 钢笔, 圆珠笔My pen writes well我的笔好使。He must write the letter with a pen.他必须用钢笔写这封信。Students are required to write their excercises in pen.学生们被要求用钢笔写作业。George is clever with his pen.乔治善于写作。* pencil-box铅笔盒 penfriend笔友987. pence (n) (penny的复数) 便士(pl)988. pencil(n)铅笔I’ll get a pencil and paper.我去拿铅笔盒纸。She wrote a note in pencil.她用铅笔写了张便条。989. penny(n)便士;一便士硬币(pence, pennies)He had a few pennies in his pocket.他口袋里有几个便士的硬币。They cost 20 pence each.这些东西每个需要20便士。990. people (n)人, 人们; 人民; 民族At least ten people were killed in the accident.至少10人在事故中丧生。Many young people are out of work.很多年轻人失业。There are fifty-six peoples in our country.我们国家有56个民族。991. percent (n)百分之…The area of Asia takes up 27 percent of the world’s total.亚洲面积占世界总面积的27%。More than 70 per cent of my time has been spent in teaching.我的时间70%以上用在了上。* percentage (n) 百分率992. perfect(a.)完美的; 精通的She speaks perfect English. 她说一口地道的英语。The weather was perfect.天气好极了。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。993. perhaps或许, 大概, 可能--Are you going to come?--Perhaps. I’ll see how I feel.Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow.如果你明天回来也许更好。994. period (n) (一段)时间,学时,时期,时代He got well after a period of medical treatment. 经过一段时间治疗,他康复了。This is his most difficult period.这是他最困难的时期。The school day is divided into seven periods.学校一天有七节课。【补充】句号,句点Use a period at the end of the sentence.在一个句子的末尾用句号。995. person(n)人; (语法)人称A certain person told me about it.有人告诉了我这件事。“He” is the third person. “He”是第三人称。996. personal (a.)个人的, 私人的It’s a personal letter.这是私人信件。The novel is written from personal experience.这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。997. pet(n)宠物Do you have any pets?你有没有养宠物?a pet dog宠物狗998. phone = telephone(n. v)电话; 打电话(给某人)I have to make a phone call.我得打个电话。a phone bill 电话费单to pick up the phone拿起电话to put the phone down放下电话He’s been on the phone to Kate for more than an hour.他给凯特打电话讲了一个多小时。Could you phone back later?你过一会儿再打电话来好吗?Phone them up and find out when they are coming.给他们打个电话,问问他们什么时候来999. photo = photograph(n)照片, 相片a color/black-and-white/passport photo彩色/黑白/护照相片I’ll take a photo of you.我来给你拍个照。* photographer (n)摄影师1000. physics物理学 physicist物理学家1001. piano(n)钢琴 pianist(n)钢琴家1002. pick(v)挑选,选择; 采,摘Please pick a good book for me. 请为我挑一本好书。He picked her a rose. 他给她采了一朵玫瑰花。1003. picnic(n)野餐; 郊游It’s a nice day.Let’s go for a picnic.天气不错,咱们去野餐吧。【补充】(v)(picnicked, picnicked)野餐We picnicked on the beach yesterday.昨天我们去海边野餐了。(注意过去式的特殊形式)1004. picture (n)图画, 肖像, 照片A picture of flowers hung on the wall.墙上挂着一张花卉的画。We had our pictures taken in front of the hotel.我们在旅馆前照了相。1005. pie(n)派(酥壳有馅的饼);馅饼Does anyone want some more pie?有谁想再吃点馅饼吗?Help yourself to some more pie.请随意再吃些果馅饼吧。1006. piece(n)一块(片,张,件……)Could you give me a piece of paper?你能给我一张纸吗?The pianist played a piece by Chopin. 钢琴家演奏了一曲肖邦的作品。Here is a good piece of news for you.有个好消息要告诉你。There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road.道路上布满了碎玻璃渣。a piece of news / information / advicea piece of cake:轻而易举的事,举手之劳--Can you carry the heavy box?--Yes. Just a piece of cake!1007. pig(n)猪1008. pilot(n)飞行员, 宇航员1009. ping-pong(n)乒乓球1010. pink (a.)粉红色(的); 淡红的Pale pink roses淡粉红色的玫瑰1011. pioneer(n)拓荒者,先驱者,开拓者They were the pioneers of the American West. 他们是美国西部的开拓者。Henry Ford was a pioneer in the auto industry. 亨利?福特是汽车工业的先驱。He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.他是现代医学实践的先驱。1012. pity (n)怜悯 ;同情 可惜的事, 憾事She never asked for pity before. 她过去从未乞求怜悯It’s a pity he missed the chance to travel abroad. 他错过了去国外旅游的机会,真是可惜。It’s a pity that you can’t stay longer.你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。--I’ve lost it.我把东西丢了--Oh, what a pity!哎呀,真可惜!What a pity that she didn’t tell me earlier.真遗憾,她没有早点告诉我.It seems a pity to waste this food.浪费这些食物真可惜.1013. place(n,v)【名词】地方 住所 席位 名次Is this the place where it happened? 这就是事发现场吗?The police searched the place.警察搜索了那个地方。Mary won first place in the singing competition. 玛丽在歌咏比赛中得第一名。He finished in third place.他得了第三名。She had marked her place with a bookmark.她把书签夹在了她读到的地方。The film festival takes place in October.电影节将于十月举行。Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.在大多办公室,电脑已取代了打字机。【动词】 放置;定出(选手)名次He placed his hand on her shoulder.他把手搭在她的肩上。I would place her among the top five tennis players in the world.我将把她排在世界五名顶尖网球手之列。He was placed fifth in last Saturday’s race.在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。1014. plain (a, n) 简朴的 清楚的;明白的;平原;旷野He made it plain that we should leave.他明确表示要我们离开。The meaning of the sentence is very plain. 这句句子的意思十分清楚。plain food素食 She’s in plain clothes.她穿着朴素。The food was plain but well prepared. 这饭菜很普通,但烧得很好。I’ll tell you everything in plain words.我将坦白地把一切告诉你。The child has a plain face.这孩子相貌平常。cross plains穿过平原1015. plan(n v)计划, 打算, 方案; 平面图Do you have any plans for the summer?这个夏天你有什么打算?We can’t change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。We need to make plans for the future.我们必须规划未来。A meeting has been planned for early next year.会议计划明年年初召开。We’re planning a trip to France in the spring. Are you interested?我们打算春天去法国旅游,你有意去吗?1016. plane(n)飞机She left by plane for Berlin.她乘飞机去柏林了。I caught the next plane to Dublin.我赶上了下一班飞机去都伯林。The plane took off an hour late.飞机延迟一小时起飞。The plane landed at Geneva.飞机在日内瓦降落。1017. planet(n)行星Is there life on other planets?在其他行星上有生命吗?1018. plant (n, v) 植物, 工厂;栽种;播种All plants need light and water.一切植物都需要阳光和水。He works at a power plant. 他在发电厂工作。We planted a lot of flowers in our garden. 我们在庭院里种了很多花。1019. plastic (n, a.)塑胶;塑胶制品;可塑的,塑性的The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag.售货员帮玛丽把水果装入一个塑胶购物袋里。The chairs should be made of plastic.这些椅子应当用塑料制作。1020. plate(n)盘子, 碟1021. play(v)玩耍,演奏; 表演;播放; 放(唱片等) 扮演(角色);上演(戏剧,同...比赛;玩(游戏等);打(球);;打(牌);下(棋)The children don’t know how to play the game.孩子们不会玩这个游戏。France are playing against Wales on Saturday.星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。I’m good at playing the piano but I can’t play tennis.我擅长弹钢琴但我不会打网球。Play their new CD for us, please.请把他们的新唱片放给我们听一下吧。The part of Elizabeth was played by Kate.伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特扮演。* (n) 玩耍,戏剧to put on a play上演戏剧* playroom (n) 游戏室* player (n) 比赛者,选手* playmate (n) 玩伴1022. playground(n)操场, 娱乐场The city has several playgrounds for children.这座城市有好几个儿童游乐场。1023. pleasant(a.)令人愉快的;舒适的The walk was very pleasant.那次散步很愉快。We spent a very pleasant evening.我们度过了一个愉快的晚上。1024. please (v)使高兴,使喜欢,使满意,请Two coffees, please.请来两客咖啡--May I come in? 我可以进来吗?--Come in, please. 请进。What pleases you best? 你最喜欢什么?--Would you like some help? --Yes, please.He’s a difficult man to please.他是个难以取悦的人。I did it to please my parents.我那么做是要让父母高兴。【成语】if you pleae (用于特别表示客气) 请Take a seat, if you please.请坐!* pleased (a.) 高兴的,满意的She was very pleased with her exam results.她对考试成绩非常满意。Pleased to meet you.见到你真高兴!1025. pleasure(n)愉快,高兴;满足,乐事;乐趣Has he gone to Paris on business or for pleasure?他到巴黎是办公事还是游玩去?He finds great pleasure in reading. 他从读书中得到很大乐趣。It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。--Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box?--With pleasure. (好:表示乐意为人效劳)1026. plenty (n)丰富;充足;大量plenty of eggs / money / time充裕的鸡蛋/钱/时间He has plenty of humorous stories to tell. 他有许多幽默故事可讲。 --Do we need more milk?我们要不要再来些牛奶?--No, there’s plenty in the fridge.不必了,冰箱里还多。1027. pocket(n)口袋; 袖珍的Take your hands out of your pockets!不要把手插在口袋里I put the note in my pocket.我把纸币装进了口袋。pocket money零花钱 a pocket dictionary袖珍词典1028. poem(n)诗, 韵文He wrote some poems in English.他用英语写了几首诗。1029. point(v, n)【名词】 观点,论点, 重点,要点,小数点, 尖She made several interesting points in the article.她在文章里提出了几个有趣的观点。The point is you shouldn’t have to wait so long to see a doctor.关键是看病不该等那么长时间。two point six 2.6the point of a pencil / knife铅笔尖 / 刀尖【动词】把...指向,把...对准;瞄准 指出It’s rude to point your fingers at people. 用手指指人是很不礼貌的。He pointed out that they were mistaken.他指出他们错了。He pointed at the book he wanted. 他指着他要的那一本书。1030. police(n)警察Get out of of the house or I’ll call the police.滚出这房子,不然我就叫警察了。The police were searching the forest for a thief.1031. policeman = policewoman(n)男警察1032. #policy(n)政策, 方针, 策略; 保险单The government must make new policies to protect the environment.政府必须制定保护环境的新政策。Check the terms of the policy before you sign.仔细阅读保险单的条款后再签字。1033. polite(a.)有礼貌的, 有教养的Please be polite to our guests.礼貌待客。I don’t know how to make polite conversation.我不晓得怎么说应酬话。【补充】politely 有礼貌地Allie asked me politely to put the things away.爱丽很有礼貌地叫我们把东西收起来。1034. pond(n)池塘Most farms have a pond from which cows can drink.大部分农场有池塘供牛喝水。1035. pool(n)水池,水塘,游泳池Does the hotel have a pool? 这家旅馆有没有游泳池?1036. poor(a.)贫穷的; 贫乏的; 可怜的;差的My family used to be poor. 我家过去很穷。That country is poor in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源贫乏。My handwriting is poorer than hers.我的字不如她的。The poor old man had lost both his sons in the war.这位不幸的老人在战争中失去了两个儿子。He’s still in poor health after his illness. 他病后身体仍很虚弱。They provided food for the poor.他们为贫困者提供食物。1037. pop = popular流行的, 普通的, 受大众欢迎的I’m not very popular with my parents at the moment.眼下爸妈对我很不高兴。I like popular music best.我最喜欢流行音乐。1038. population(n)人口, 全体居民What’s the population of your country?你们国家人口多少?China has the largest population in the world.中国在世界上是人口最多的。Muslims make up 55% of the population.穆斯林占人口的55%。1039. pork(n)猪肉1040. position(n)位置,地点,方位 立场;态度,姿势The bed used to be in this position. 床原来是放在这儿的。He has a high position in society. 他社会地位很高。What's your position on this problem? 你对这个问题持什么态度?She has made her position very clear.她明确表示自己的立场。Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position.工作时一定要保持舒适的姿势。What would you do in my position?你要是碰到我这种情况会怎么办?1041. possible(a.)可能的; 有可能的I'll do everything possible to help you. 我将尽一切可能帮助你。 It's possible that he will not accept the invitation. 他有可能不接受邀请。Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her?我可以给她留个话儿吗?If possible如果可能的话。as….. as possible = as … as sb. can 尽可能I’ll return the book to you as soon as possible.我将尽快还你这本书。If you want to learn English well, you must use it as often as possible.你若想学好英语,就必须尽量多用。* possibly (ad.) 可能地,也许1042. post( v, n)邮寄; 公告, 张贴; 邮政. 邮件Do you mind posting a letter for me? 你能帮我寄封信吗?I posted him a letter yesterday.昨天我给他寄去一封信。Post this notice on the wall.把这个通知贴在墙上。He lives in front of the post office.他住在邮局前面。There was a lot of post this morning.今天上午邮件很多。Have you opened your post yet?你拆开你的邮件没有?1043. postcard(n)明信片1044. postman(n)邮递员, 邮差A postman brought me a postcard yesterday.昨天邮递员给我带来一封明信片。1045. potato(n)马铃薯, 土豆;My brother likes potatoes very much, but I don’t care for them.我弟弟喜欢吃土豆,但我不喜欢。【补充】小人物They are small potatoes.他们是些微不足道的人1046. pound(n) (重量单位)磅 ,(货币)英镑What would you do if you won a million pounds?要是你赢了一百万英镑,你会怎么用?They cost two dollars a pound.这些东西每磅两元。1047. practice(n)练习, 实践Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧She’s trying to put her new ideas into practice.她正努力把自己的新想法付诸实践。It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well.拉好小提琴需要多加练习。1048. practise (AmE: practice) 练习, 实习He practises playing the piano every day.他每天练习弹钢琴。1049. praise(n, v)赞扬,称赞He wrote poems in praise of freedom.他写诗讴歌自由。His latest movie has won high praises from the critics.他的最新电影得到了评论家的高度赞扬。The publishers praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。The mayor praised the boy for his courage. 市长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。1050. prepare(v)准备; 筹备The students are preparing for the final exam.学生在准备期末考试。The teachers are preparing the final exam.老师在准备期末考试。He was in the kitchen preparing lunch.他在厨房做午饭。1051. present(n)礼物,赠品He often gave his neighbor's kids little presents. 他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。What can I get him for a birthday present?我给他送点什么生日礼物呢?【补充】(adj. 出席的,到场的)How many of the group are present today?今天该组有多少人到场?(v. 赠与,交给)We presented him a basketball on his birthday.他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。1052. president(n)总统, (大学)校长;董事长,会长1053. pretty(a.)漂亮的;秀丽的;可爱的What a pretty house it is! 多漂亮的一栋房子! She’s so pretty. 她真漂亮。She’s got a pretty voice. 她的声音很悦耳。【补充】(ad.)相当,颇She seemed pretty satisfied with the result.她对结果似乎相当满意。1054. prevent(v)防止,预防 阻止;制止;妨碍Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds. 维生素C被认为能预防感冒。Who prevents their plans from being carried out? 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施?Of course I can't prevent your going. 当然,我不能阻止你去。He is prevented by law from holding a licence.按法律规定他不得持有执照。1055. price(n)价格,价钱 代价Prices keep going up. 物价持续上涨。What’s the price of the MP5? 这MP5多少钱?The price of the bag is very high / low.How much are these? They don’t have a price on them.这些东西多少钱?它们都没有标价。Children over five must pay the full price for the ticket.五岁以上的孩子必须付全票。We want peace at any price.为了和平,我们不惜一切代价。1056. pride(n)骄傲, 自豪, 自尊I take a pride in my work.我为自己的工作感到骄傲。We take great pride in offering the best service in town.我们以能够为全城提供最好的服务而自豪。The Bird’s Nest is the pride of Beijing.鸟巢体育馆是北京的骄傲。1057. primary首要的 初级的 最初的;原始的基本的A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.这门课的主要目的是提高英语会话能力。1058. print(v)印刷, 出版,发行, 铭记Each card is printed with a different message.每张卡片都印着不同的信息。They printed 30 000 copies of the book.这本书他们印了三万册。Their dictionary was printed last month. 他们的字典已于上个月出版发行。The accident printed itself on his memory. 那次事故铭刻在他的记忆中。* printer(n) 打印机 / printing印刷,印刷术1059. prison (n) 监狱, 看守所; 坐牢He was sent to prison for five years.他被关押了5年。Prison Break is the best American TV play that I have watched these years.《越狱》是近几年我所看过的最好的美国电视剧。1060. prisoner(n)囚徒, 俘虏The enemy prisoners were kept in prison camps.敌军俘虏拘禁于战俘集中营。1061. private(a.)个人的,私人的私下的,秘密的The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.这家旅馆有110见客房,各有独立卫生间。That’s my private view. 那是我个人的观点。I wish to have a private talk with you. 我希望私下和你谈谈。1062. prize(n)奖金, 奖品He received his prize with a proud step.他迈着骄矜的步子去领奖。He won the first prize in the competition.--Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the speech competition.妈妈,我演讲比赛得了一等奖--Congratulations !祝贺你!1063. probably(ad.)大概; 很可能--Is he going to be there? --Probably. 大概吧。--Do we need the car? --Probably not.大概不需要吧You are probably right.你可能是对的。* probable (a.) 很可能的1064. problem(n)问题,疑难问题Do you have any problems learning English?你学英语都困难吗?--Can I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡支付吗?--Yes, no problem. 行,没问题【经典试题】They have no problems ____the maths problem.A. to work out B. working out 1065. produce(v)生产,出产;制造The factory produces 1,000 cars a week. 这家工厂每星期生产一千辆轿车。1066. programme(AmE program) 节目, 项目,程序Did you see the programme on India last night?昨晚关于印度的那个节目你看了没有?What’s the programme for tomorrow?明天安排什么活动?1067. progress (n, v)进步,上进;进展,进行They made slow progress towards the mountaintop. 他们向山顶缓慢地前进。The boy has made great progress this year. 这男孩今年进步很大。The boy has progressed in his studies. 这男孩学习方面有进步。The course allows students to progress at their own speed.本课程允许学生按自己的速度学习The weather became colder as the day progressed.那天天色越晚,天气越冷1068. promise(n, v) 承诺,诺言;允诺,答应,保证to make / keep / break a promise.许下/信守/违背诺言She kept her promise to visit her aunt every week.她信守诺言,每周去看望姑妈。He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。 He promised to help us. 他答应要帮助我们。 I can' I've promised it to Susan. 我不能把这本书给你;我已经答应给苏珊了。--Promise not to tell anyone !请保证不要告诉别人!--I promise!我保证I’ll see what I can do but I can’t promise anything.我会去看看能做什么,但不能给予任何承诺。1069. pronounce(v)发音, 读; 宣布The “b” in lamb is not pronounced.单词lamb中的b不发音。She pronounced him the winner of the competition.她宣布他是竞赛的优胜者。1070. pronunciation(n)发音There is more than one pronunciation of “excuse”.Excuse的读音不止一种。Chinese is different from English in pronunciation.汉语和英语在发音上有差异。1071. proper(a.)适合的,恰当的He wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door. 他不知道敲她的门是否恰当。It is the proper time to sleep.是该去睡觉的时间了。* properly (ad.) 适当地The television isn’t working properly. 这台电视机运作不正常。1072. protect(v)保护,防护May God protect you from harm.愿上帝保佑你免受伤害。Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun. 戴墨镜可以保护眼睛不受阳光刺激。* protection (n) 保护1073. proud(a.)骄傲的, 自豪的; 傲慢的He was very proud of himself for not giving up.他为自己没有放弃而豪情满怀。We are proud of our country.我们为我们的国家感到自豪。I feel very proud to be a part of the team.能成为队中的一员我感到非常荣幸。【2007安徽中考试题】Carl felt ___ because he won the first prize in the school singing competition. A. interested B. proud C. angry D. worried1074. prove (v) 证明,证实; 证明是;I’ll prove to the world that he was right. 我将向世人证明他是对的。My advice proved to be wrong.我的意见证明是错的。1075. provide(v)提供装备, 供给On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.星期天他的女房东不但供给早餐还供给晚餐。Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.她总算设法使她的孩子有饭吃有衣穿。We are here to provide the public with a service = We are here to provide a service for the public.我们来这里是为公众服务。1076. public(a, n)公众的;公共的,,众所周知的You mustn't do that in a public place. 你不可在公共场所做那事。Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health.工厂排出废弃物的含量可能危及大众的健康。They made the secret public. 他们公开了这个秘密。* publicly (ad) 当众,公开地1077. pull (v, n ) 拉, 扯, 拔; 划(船)You push and I’ll pull.你推,我拉。He pulled a gun on me.他拔出枪来指着我。1078. punish (v)罚, 处罚, 惩罚; 痛打He was punished for refusing to answer their questions.他拒不回答他们的问题,受到了惩罚。My parents used to punish me by not letting me watching TV. 过去我父母常以不让我看电视来惩罚我。1079. pupil(n)小学生 ,学生,门生,门徒;瞳孔How many pupils does the school have?the pupil of the eye瞳仁1080.# purple(a, n)紫(色)的, 紫衣/袍How beautiful th purple flower is!His hands were purple with cold.他的双手冻紫了。He is in purple.他穿着紫色的衣服。1081. purpose(n) 目的,意图What is the purpose of his visit? 他来访的目的是什么?He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.他返回祖国,意在为祖国人民服务。1082. purse(n)钱包, 女用小提包; Her red purse matches her skirt.她的红手提包和她的裙子很相配。There’s no money left in the purse.钱包里没有钱了。1083. push (n, v) 推动 逼迫;催促,促使He pushed the library door open.他推开了图书馆的门。He tried to kiss her but she pushed him away.他想吻她,但她把他推开了。She pushed her son to learn English.她督促儿子学习英语。No one pushed you to take the job, did they?谁也没推着你接受这份工作,对不对?The car won’t start. Can you give it a push?汽车发动不起来,你推一下好不好?1084. put (put, put) 放, 置;使处于(某种状态)Did you put sugar in my coffee?你在我的咖啡里放糖了没有?Put yourself in my position. What would you have done?你设身处地为我想想,你会怎么办。Put the glass where it was.把杯子放回原处。It was time to put their suggestion into practice.那时就该把他们的建议付诸实施了Could you please help me put away the map on the blackboard? We won’t need it.(put的相关词组见《习惯用语及固定搭配》)【2008安徽中考试题】--Let’s plan a surprise for our class. What’s your idea?--Why not ____ a short play?A. get on B. keep on C. have on D. put on【2007安徽中考试题】--Tom, it’s cold outside. ____ your coat when you go out.--OK, Mom.A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put onQ1085. quarter(n)四分之一, 一刻钟a quarter of mile四分之一英里The programme lasted an hour and a quarter.这节目历时一小时一刻钟。It’s a quarter to four now. I’ll meet you at quarter past.现在是差一刻四点,我会在四点一刻和你见面。Three quarters of the students have left the school.四分之三的学生都离开了学校。1086. queen(n)女王, 王后; 蜂王, 蚁王1087. question(n)问题, 难题, 疑问May I ask you a question?It’s a difficult question to decide.这是个难以决定的问题。【词组辨析】out of question毫无疑问out of the question不可能的Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是绝不可能的。1088. quick(a,ad.)快的,迅速的 敏捷的;急剧的Some children are very quick. 有些孩子很敏捷。 Be quick! 快点!She is quick at learning a foreign language. 她学外语学得快。 1089. quiet(a,)安静的;;沉默的; 宁静的; Be quiet! 安静!Could you keep the kids quiet while I’m on the phone.我在打电话,你让孩子们安静点好吗?They led a quiet life.他们过着平静的生活。She was quiet and shy.她文静而又腼腆。I’ve decided to marry but I’d rather you kept quiet about it.我已决定结婚,但希望你不要声张出去。1090. quite(ad.)完全的, 颇, 相当It’s quite a small house. = The house is quite small. 不能说:It’s a quite small house.R1091. rabbit(n)兔子, 兔子肉1092. race(n)赛跑;比赛 人种;种族Their horse came third in the race last year.他们的马在去年的比赛中获得第三名。a five-kilometre race 五公里赛跑black / white / yellow race 黑/白/黄种人* racial (a.) 种族的1093. radio(n)收音机, 无线电I listen to the radio on the way to work.我在上班得路上听广播。to turn the radio on / off 打开/关上收音机We got in touch with them by radio.我们通过无线电和他们去的联系。1094. railway(n)铁路, 铁道1095. rain(n, v)雨, 下雨There will be rain in all parts tomorrow.Don’t go out in the rain.下雨呢,别外出。I think I felt a drop of rain.我好像感觉到掉雨点了。It hardly rained at all last summer.去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨。We’ll go to the park if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.明天若不下雨,我们将去逛公园。It had been raining hard all night.大雨下了一整夜。* rainbow (n) 虹,彩虹* rainfall (n) 一场雨,降雨量1096. raincoat(n)雨衣He took his neighbor’s raincoats by mistake, so he hung them back outside.他错收了邻居家的雨衣,于是又把它们挂回原处。Take a raincoat with you when you go out.外出时要随身带件雨衣。1097. rainy(a.)下雨的, 多雨的a rainy day阴雨天The rainy season多雨季节1098. raise(v)举起 提高; 提升 筹(款); 饲养He raised his glass and said: “Your health, Carl.” 他举起了杯子说道:“祝你健康,卡尔。”They are going to raise money for the school buildings.他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。They raised their offer to $500.他们将出价抬高到500元。They were both raised in the south.他们都是在南方长大。【补充】与….取得联系;和…通话We managed to raise him on the mobile phone.我们设法打他的移动电话找到了他。1099. rapid(a.)快的, 迅速的rapid change迅速的改变A rapid rise in sales.销售额急剧上升。The disease is spreading at a rapid rate.这种疾病正在迅速蔓延。1100. rat(n)大老鼠;The rats have eaten holes in those bags.大老鼠把那些袋子嗑出了窟窿。1101. rather(ad.)相当,宁可It was a rather difficult question. = It was rather a difficult question.这是个相当难的问题。I’m feeling rather sleepy. 我有点困倦。 He would rather play than work. 他宁可玩,却不愿工作。 --Do you want to come with us?你想跟我们一起来吗--No, I’d rather not. 不,我不想去--Do you mind if I smoke?你介意我抽烟吗?--Well, I’d rather you didn’t.嗯,最好别抽I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffe.= I think I’ll have a cold drink instead of coffee.我要冷饮不要咖啡。1102. reach(v) ,到达; 伸手及到,够到; 与...取得联系When will they reach Los Angeles? 他们什么时候抵达洛杉矶?He reached his hand out for the book I offered him. 他伸出手来接我给他的书。We tried to reach them by radio.我们试着用无线电跟他们联络。Do you know where I can reach him?你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上。1103. read (read, read) (v) 读, 看懂; 标明Some children can read and write before they go to school.一些孩子上学前就会看书写字。I’m trying to read the map.我正看地图呢。The sign read “No Smoking”.告示牌上写着“禁止吸烟”。1104. ready(a.)准备好的,乐意的[He is ready for the trip. 他已准备好去旅行。 Is breakfast ready? 早餐准备好了吗? She will tell you when she gets ready. 她准备好了会告诉你的。 I am always ready to work for you. 我愿意随时为你效劳。He’s always ready to help his friends.他总是乐意帮助朋友。1105. real (a.)真实的,实际存在的,真的 Is this real leather or plastic? 这是真皮的还是塑料的? She never had any real friends at school.在学校她从来没有交过真正的朋友。The TV play was based on real life. 那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。 * reality (n) 现实She refuses to face reality.她不肯面对现实。1106. realise (v) (AmE realize) 认识到,实现I realized what he meant. 我明白了他的意思。 Does he realize his mistake yet? 他意识到他的错误了吗? I don’t think you realize how important this is to her.我认为你没有认识到这对他是多么重要Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized.她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。1107. really(ad.)真正地,到底,确实Tell me what really happened.告诉我究竟发生了什么事。Did she really say that? 她真的那么说了?It's really cold today. 今天很冷。--We’re going to Japan next month?--Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?--She’s passed away.她去世了。--Really? Are you sure? 真的?你肯定吗?(用于疑问句或否定句,期望对方给以否定答复) I don’t really need to go, do I? 我并不一定非要去,对吧?Do you really expect me to believe that?你真以为我会相信吗?1108. reason (n)理由,原因The reason (that) she did it is still a mystery. 或 The reason why she did it is still a mystery. 她为什么做那件事仍是一个谜。I’d like to know the reason why you’re so late.我想知道你为什么迟到那么久。 We have every reason to refuse. 我们完全有理由拒绝。 We have reason to believe that he was lying. 我们有理由相信他是在撒谎。 The reason for her absence was that she was ill. 她之所以缺席是因为她病了。 * reasonable (a.) 合乎情理的1109. receive(v)收到, 接到I like to receive presents on my birthday.我喜欢在生日那天收到生日礼物。I received a letter from a friend of mine 我收到一位朋友的来信。* receipt (n) 收据1110. recent (a.)最近的, 不久前的, 近来的There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。1111.recite(v)背诵; 详述, 列举Each child had to recite a poem to the class.每个孩子都得在班上背诵一首诗。He could recite a list of all the kings and queens.他能一一说出所有的国王和王后的名字。1112. record (n, v)记录,唱片;录制,记录He broke a record in running.他打破了一项赛跑的记录。to play a record播放唱片She holds the world record for the 100 metres.她保持着100米的世界记录。to set a new record刷新记录He recorded everything that happened on his travel. 他把旅途中发生的每件事都记录下来。Her speech was recorded on a tape. 她的演讲录在录音带上。* record holder 记录保持者1113. recorder (n)录音机, 录像机A recorder is often used in our English class.英语课堂上我们经常使用录音机。1114. red (a,n.)红色(的), 红衣服;The lights changed to red before I could get across.我还没来得及通过,红灯又亮了。The girl in red is my cousin.穿红衣服的女孩是我的堂妹。1115. refuse(v)拒绝,推辞He refused my offer to help him.他拒不接受我的帮助。She refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。I politely refused their invitation.我礼貌地回绝了他们的邀请。* refusal (n) 拒绝1116. regard(v)把...看作,把...认为He is regarded as the best doctor in town. 他被公认为城里最好的医生。We all regard him as a hero.我们都把他看做英雄。Bajin, one of the greatest writers in China, is regarded as “People’s Writer”.巴金,中国最著名的作家之一,被誉为“人民作家”。【补充】 regards (n) 问候,致意Please give my regards to him.请代我向他致意。(用于信函的结尾):With kind regards, Yours… 谨此致意,敬上…1117. regret (v. n)遗憾,懊悔If you don’t do it now, you’ll only regret it.你如果现在不做,你以后一定会后悔的。I regret to say that he is badly ill.很遗憾他病得很重。I regret selling the house.我后悔买了房子I regret to have told him the thing.我后悔告诉了他这件事I deeply regret what I said.我后悔说了那些话。To his regret, he couldn’t catch the train. 令他后悔的是,他没能赶上火车。1118. relation(n)关系, 联系, 亲戚/属(关系)We are trying to improve relations between our two countries.我们正努力改进两国间的关系。There is no relation between the two things.这两件事没有联系。They invited all their relations to stay at Christmas.他们邀请所有的亲戚住下来共度圣诞节。* relate (v) 有关,涉及* relationship(n) 关系What’s the probable relationship between them?他们之间可能是什么关系?* relative (n) 亲属,亲戚1119. relax(v)放松, (使)松驰When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.我下班回到家,喜欢喝杯葡萄酒放松放松。Just relax and enjoy the movie.休息休息,看看电影吧。You’ll feel very relaxed if you listen to relaxing music.1120. remain(v)剩下,余留 继续存在保持,仍是A few pears remain on the trees.树上尚留有几颗梨子。This room remains cool all summer. 这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。She remained silent all night.她整个晚上沉默不语。Very little of the house remained after the fire.火灾过后,这座房子所剩无几。When I got back home, he remained listening to the radio.我回家时,他还在听收音机。There were only ten minutes remaining.只剩下十分钟了 (相当于left)There remained one important problem,还有一个非常重要的问题。There remained in the village only women and children.村子里只剩下妇女和儿童了。1121. remember(v)记得, 想起; 记住, 牢记, 代...问好I remember telling you about it once. 我记得这事和你谈过一次。 Do you remember her telephone number? 你记得她的电话号码吗?Remember to write us when you get there. 到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。Remember me to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。1122. repair (n, v) 修理;修补, 补救;纠正, 恢复The house should be repaired soon. 这房子应及早整修。He had his car repaired yesterday. 昨天他把车子送去修好了。It’s almost 15 years old. It isn’t worth having it repaired这东西差不多15年了,不值得送去修了。The car needs repairing.这车子需要修理Tom tried to repair his mistake. 汤姆努力纠正自己的错误。It took a long time for him to repair his health. 他过了好长时间才恢复健康。The road is badly in need of repair.这路急需修理。That building was out of repair.那幢大楼年久失修。The hotel is under repair.这家酒店正在维修。1123. repeat(v)重说,重做,重复,留级The teacher asked him to repeat what he had said. 老师要他重复他所讲的话。Mary could repeat many poems from memory. 玛丽能背诵许多诗歌。Please repeat the following sentence after me. 请跟我朗读下面这句子。This program is to be repeated on the radio next Saturday afternoon. 这档节目将于下星期六下午在电台重播。The boy had to repeat the fifth grade. 这个男孩不得不重读五年级。1124. reply(v, n)回答,答复Reply to a question回答问题He never replied to any of my letters.他从来没给我回过信。She replied that she was happy to accept our invitation. 她回复说她很高兴接受我们的邀请。“I won’t let you down” he replied confidently.他信心十足地答道“我不会让你失望的”。I asked her what her name was but she made no reply.我问她叫什么,但她没有回答1125. report (n, v) 报告, 报道It was reported that several people had been killed in the accident.据报道几个人在事故中丧生。Can you give us a progress report?你能给我们提供进度报告吗?My daughter got a good report last term.我女儿上学期成绩出色。* reporter (n) 记者,新闻通讯员1126. require(v) 需要 要求,Do you require anything else?你还需要什么吗?The house requires repairing. 房子需要修理了The director required that we should work all night. 主任要求我们通宵工作。1127. research (n) 研究, 探究, 探讨Research has shown that women live longer than men.调查表明妇女比男子寿命长。1128. rest (n, v)休息,剩余部分;其余的人;其余Let's take a rest. 我们休息一下吧The rest of the eggs have gone bad. 其余的鸡蛋都变质了。Take what you want and throw the rest away.把你想要的拿走,其余的丢掉。The doctor told me to rest.医生叫我休息。【补充】安息May he rest in peace.愿他安息吧!1129. restaurant(n)饭店, 餐馆We had a meal in a restaurant.We went out to a restaurant to celebrate.我们到一家饭店庆祝了一番。1130. result(n)结果, 后果; 比分, 成绩Success depends on the results of this experiment.成功与否取决于这次试验的效果。When will you get your exam results?你什么时候可以知道考试成绩?This book is the result of 25 years of research.这本书市25年研究的结晶。1131. retell(v)复述Retell the story in English.把这个故事用英语复述一遍。1132. return(v)回,返回;归还,退回When did she return home from the trip?她是什么时候旅行回来的?I had to return to the store to look for my purse.我只好回到商店去找我的钱包。I must return some books to the library.我得把一些书还到图书馆。Don’t forget to return my pen!别忘了把钢笔还给我。【补充】(n)回来,返回;归还,回报He was met by his brother on his return from Italy.他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?感谢你帮助,我请你吃午饭好吗?* reuse (v) 循环使用,重新使用1133. review(v, n)检查, 重新调查,回顾, 复习;复查,复习,评论The government will review the situation later in the year.政府将在今年晚些时候对形势重新加以研究。Have you reviewed what we covered in class yesterday?昨天我们课堂上讲的东西你们复习了吗?Before falling asleep, Helen reviewed the day’s happenings.海伦在入睡以前回想了当天发生的事。He reviews articles in his spare time.他在业余时间写评论文章。The college published a play review.学院出版了一份戏剧评论刊物。* reviewer (n) 评论家,书评家1134. rice(n)稻, 米, 米饭The farmers grow rice.农民种植水稻。1135. rich(a.)有钱的;富于...的,有很多...的She is one of the richest women in the world.她是世界上最富有的女人之一。He came from a rich family.他出身于富裕家庭。Oranges are rich in vitamin C.橙子富含维生素C。The country is rich in coal.这个国家煤炭资源丰富。1136. ride (rode, ridden) (v)乘, 骑, 驾I learnt to ride as a child.我小时候就学会了骑马。The boys were riding their bikes around the streets.男孩子嘛骑着自行车在街上兜风。1137. riddle(n)谜(语), 难题, 难谜He found out the riddle at last.他终于猜出了这个谜语。1138. right(n, a.)右边,权利,正确; 正确(的/地),正当的,右边(的)You have no right to stop me from going in there。你无权阻止我进去。You are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.你已经长大了,能分辨是非了。Take the first street on the right.走右手的第一条街道。--What’s the right time? 现在的准确时间是几点?--10:37Keep on the right side of the road.靠马路的右边走。【补充】(ad.)正确地,完全地,向右Go right home, don’t stop on the way.直接回家,路上别停。I’m right behind you there.我完全支持你。Turn right at the end of the street.在街道尽头向右拐。* right-handed (a.) 惯用右手的* right-wing (n) 右翼1139. ring (rang, rung) (v) 打电话,环绕; (使)响; I’ll ring you up later.我以后再给你打电话。He rang up the police station.他给警察局打了电话。Someone was ringing the doorbell.有人在按门铃。The church bells rang.教堂的钟声响了。He isn’t here now. Could you ring back later?他现在不在这儿你过会儿打电话来行吗?1140. ring(n)戒指; 环状物,钟声,电话a gold ring 金戒指a key ring钥匙环The children sat on the floor in a ring.孩子们围成一圈,坐在地板上。I’ll give you a ring tomorrow.我明天打电话给你。* ring-road (n) 环形公路1141. rise (rose, risen) (v)上涨, 上升, 起床; 增加Smoke was rising from the top of the house.烟从房顶升起。He was used to rising early.他习惯于早起。She rose to her feet.她站起身来。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。The price of oil rose.石油价格上涨了。Her voice rose angrily. 她气得提高了嗓门。【词语辨析】rise与raiseraise后必须接宾语,而rise后不接宾语。raise表示”举起,提起,提升,增加,饲养”:We were forced to raise the price.我们被迫提价。表示人或物从低处向高处上升时用rise: She rose from the chair.她从椅子上站起来;rise也表示数量增加:Costs are always rising.费用总是不断增加。1142. risk(n)危险,风险Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.吸烟会增加得心脏病的危险。He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。He was ready for any risks. 他准备冒一切风险。You are taking a big risk driving so fast.你开车这样快是在冒很大的危险。【补充】(v)冒险,冒…危险He risked his life to save her.他冒着生命危险去救她。Don’t risk your health.不要拿你的健康冒险。We’ve been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions.我们受到忠告,在这样的条件下不要冒险出行。1143. river(n)the river bank河岸 the mouth of the river河口The river is rising after the rain.河水在雨后涨了起来。1144. road(n)路, 道路, 公路Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs.走左边的第一条路,然后循着路标走。1145. robot(n)机器人She works like a robot.她工作起来如同机器人一般。1146. rock(n,v)岩石, 摇滚乐; 使震惊/动A rock band / star摇滚乐队 / 明星He lifted the rock without effort.他毫不费力地举起那块石头。The sign said “Danger:falling rocks” 警示牌上写着“危险:前有滚石”。The boat rockedd from side to side in the waves.小船在波浪中摇荡。He rocked the baby gently in his arms.他抱着孩子轻轻摇晃。She likes rock music.她喜欢摇滚乐。The news rocked the world.这则消息震惊了世界。1147. role(n)角色She played the leading role in the school play. 她在学校的戏里扮演主角。It is one of the greatest roles she has played.这是她所扮演过的最重要的角色之一。1148. room(n) 房间,室; 空间He walked out of the room and shut the door.There isn't enough room for all the furniture. 没有足够的地方放置全部家具。 The table takes up a lot of room. 这张桌子占去很多地方。There is still room for improvement. 还有改进的余地。1149. rope(n)绳索, 粗绳He tied the horse to the tree with a rope.他用绳子把马拴在树上。【补充】rope的复数形式与know, learn, show等动词连用时可做“内情,秘诀”解:When you go to a new school it takes a while to learn the ropes.当你上一所新学校时,你需要花一段时间熟悉内情。1150. rose(n)玫瑰(花), 蔷薇He picked her a rose.他给她采了一朵玫瑰。1151. round (ad. Prep, a. )圆的 环绕地 循环地 围绕,环绕大约在...周围The earth is round. 地球是圆的。He stood there looking all round. 他站在那儿环顾四周。They sat round the table. 他们围桌而坐。The earth moves round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。We set out round 7 o'clock. 我们是七点左右出发的。1152. row (v) 划(船)They rowed across the lake. 他们划船过湖。* row (n) (一)排,(一)行We sat in a row at the back of the room.我们在屋子的后面坐成一排。1153. rubber(n)橡胶aball made of rubber 皮球Rubber will not let water through.水浸不透橡胶.Pencil marks can be erased with a rubber.铅笔的痕迹可以被橡皮擦掉.1154. rubbish(n)垃圾;废物, 废话;无聊的想法Our job is to clear away the rubbish. 我们的工作是清除这些垃圾。The streets were littered with rubbish.街上到处是垃圾.The book is all rubbish. 这本书全是胡扯.Rubbish! You’re not fat.瞎说!你并不胖。1155. rule (n, v)规则,规定,习惯;统治,支配to follow the rules.遵循规则 to break a rule违反规定It’s against the rules of the school to smoke. 吸烟是违反校规的。He’s made it a rule to rise early. 他已养成早起的习惯。He makes it a rule never to borrow money.他的规矩是从不向别人借钱。I go to bed early as a rule.我一贯睡得早。The queen ruled her country for 20 years. 这位女王统治了她的国家二十年。He ruled over the country for ten years. 他统治这个国家十年。The king ruled his people well and wisely.
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