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出门在外也不愁魔兽世界TCG卡牌最新曝光原画 精美图集(1/10)
魔兽世界TCG卡牌最新曝光原画 精美图集
《魔兽世界》北美官方网站本月更新了部分最新卡牌原画,其中囊括了不少作为《魔兽世界》玩家不太熟悉的人物和技能。 作者:杨乐
||提示:支持键盘翻页 ←左 右→:: WOWTCG卡牌即将停止出版 ::
来自wowtcg官网的最新消息,运营7年之久的wowtcg(魔兽世界集换式卡牌游戏)将在第21版《时光旅行者:烈焰之治》(Timewalkers: Reign of Fire),也是最后一版卡牌发行后,正式走出历史舞台。取而代之的将是《炉石传说》We are very grateful to the incredible community of players that have made the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game such an amazing experience. Timewalkers: Reign of Fire, the 21st installment to the World of Warcraft TCG, will be the last. Reign of Fire has been one of the fastest selling sets of all time and has been overwhelmingly well-received by drafters and deck brewers alike. While we are sad to see the World of Warcraft TCG end, we are proud to see it end on such a high note.We hope that you have enjoyed cracking packs and playing with the most iconic characters in the Warcraft universe as much as we have. From raid and dungeon decks to unique heroes, each with their own deck-defining powers, the World of Warcraft TCG has left an unforgettable mark on the world of trading card games. Darkmoon Faires have long been a place for the most friendly and welcoming gaming community on the planet to come together and share their enthusiasm in a competitive, yet friendly, environment.It has truly been an honor to be a part of such a passionate community that continues to grow year after year. The World of Warcraft TCG holds a special place in our hearts here and we are thankful to Blizzard for allowing us to be part of it.For additional information, Blizzard Entertainment's official announcement can be found here.原文地址:[url]/articles/world-warcraft-trading-game[/url]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wow美服官网也有消息出来了:[url]http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog[/url] ... ard_Game_-8_23_2013World of Warcraft Trading Card Gameby Blizzard Entertainment Aug 23,
PM PDT 52We wanted to take a moment to thank all of you World of Warcraft Trading Card Game players out there for your support of the game for close to seven years.We’ve had a blast working on it, and we knew that Set 21, Timewalkers: Reign of Fire would really grab everyone's attention. In addition to delivering original and fun gameplay mechanics and giving players a new way to explore the story of Warcraft III, it’s stuffed with every single one of the much-sought-after Loot cards from each of the previous sets.Set 21 represents something else as well: it’s the climactic last set for the WoW TCG. We are grateful for being able to collaborate with the artists and everyone else who helped make this game a reality all these years. We're also thankful for all the players and retailers who've participated in the community globally. You made ripping open booster packs, discovering the wonders they held, and then building decks and taking them into battle a truly awesome experience.Thank you all again for your support in making the WoW TCG one of the most epic trading card games of all time.FAQ:Q: What about my loot cards that I haven’t redeemed yet?A: You can still redeem your loot cards on our website (simply follow the instructions there).Q: Will there still be tournaments for the WoW TCG?A: While there will not be official tournaments hosted by Cryptozoic or Blizzard Entertainment, players are able to continue organizing tournaments as long as they follow our tournament guidelines listed here.Q: I’m an artist/ who should I contact if I have any questions?A: Please contact Cryptozoic for any follow-up inquiries.Q: Will you be renewing the contract for the WoW TCG with another partner?A: While we don't have any specific announcements to make at this time, we don't expect to renew the license for the WoW TCG.
这是不是代表着卡牌坐骑和玩具、宝宝啥的要涨价了? [s:37]
[b]Reply to [pid=84540,1]Reply[/pid] Post by 越剑汀寒 ( 16:45)[/b]目前不好说。看暴雪后续怎么善后。谁也说不定暴雪将来会把哪些兑换物引入其它获取方式。但从下面经销商再往下的角度,肯定会抓住时机争取抬价的。结果还是那句话:市场决定。
wow美服官网也有消息出来了:[url]http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog[/url] ... ard_Game_-8_23_2013World of Warcraft Trading Card Gameby Blizzard Entertainment Aug 23,
PM PDT 52We wanted to take a moment to thank all of you World of Warcraft Trading Card Game players out there for your support of the game for close to seven years.We’ve had a blast working on it, and we knew that Set 21, Timewalkers: Reign of Fire would really grab everyone's attention. In addition to delivering original and fun gameplay mechanics and giving players a new way to explore the story of Warcraft III, it’s stuffed with every single one of the much-sought-after Loot cards from each of the previous sets.Set 21 represents something else as well: it’s the climactic last set for the WoW TCG. We are grateful for being able to collaborate with the artists and everyone else who helped make this game a reality all these years. We're also thankful for all the players and retailers who've participated in the community globally. You made ripping open booster packs, discovering the wonders they held, and then building decks and taking them into battle a truly awesome experience.Thank you all again for your support in making the WoW TCG one of the most epic trading card games of all time.FAQ:Q: What about my loot cards that I haven’t redeemed yet?A: You can still redeem your loot cards on our website (simply follow the instructions there).Q: Will there still be tournaments for the WoW TCG?A: While there will not be official tournaments hosted by Cryptozoic or Blizzard Entertainment, players are able to continue organizing tournaments as long as they follow our tournament guidelines listed here.Q: I’m an artist/ who should I contact if I have any questions?A: Please contact Cryptozoic for any follow-up inquiries.Q: Will you be renewing the contract for the WoW TCG with another partner?A: While we don't have any specific announcements to make at this time, we don't expect to renew the license for the WoW TCG.以下是我的渣翻译:上面那篇就不翻译了,是TCG卡牌出版公司发的公告,和这篇大同小异,这篇是暴雪自己发的。我们要感谢所有近7年来一直支持魔兽TCG卡牌的玩家们。我们曾经很享受开发它的过程,我们也知道,《时光旅行者:烈焰之治》(Timewalkers: Reign of Fire):第21版WOWTCG卡牌吸引了所有人的目光。除了给玩家提供原始和趣味性的游戏机制,以及开创了探寻war3故事情节的新玩法外,里面每一套卡牌都包含了之前各版本中最imba的刮刮卡奖励(译者注:据我所知会出现幽灵虎坐骑)第21版卡牌也提供了别的好康奖励:这是TCG卡牌的最辉煌也是最终的篇章。我们对那些这些年来与我们合作过的美工画家以及其他帮助过我们、让TCG得以出版上市的人们心存感激。我们也感谢那些全球范围内参与其中的玩家和零售商们。你们拆开补充包,探索其中的奥妙,然后在摊开卡牌在桌游上展开一次次精彩的战斗体验。再次感谢大家,感谢你们曾经支持过这个有史以来最具史诗感的桌面卡牌游戏。下面是官方问答:(我感觉和中国玩家没多大关系)Q:我的那些还未兑换的刮刮卡怎么办?A:你仍然可以在我们的官方兑换网上上兑换([url]/misc/zh-cn/promotion.html[/url])Q:将来还会有WOWTCG的比赛吗?A:虽然Cryptozoi公司(与暴雪合作出版TCG的公司)和暴雪都不会再举办有关TCG的官方锦标赛,但是玩家们可以在根据我们发布过的竞赛规则自行组织。Q:我是TCG美工/锦标赛获胜者,如果我还有疑问我该去联系谁呢?A:请咨询Cryptozoi公司。Q:你们还会和新的TCG合作者签订合约吗?A:虽然此刻我们没有任何具体的消息公布,但我们今后也不打算为WOWTCG重新发布出版牌照。
这是不是意味着幽灵虎神马的也要进商城了?魔兽世界TCG卡牌 一次摸几张_百度知道
魔兽世界TCG卡牌 一次摸几张
起手抓7张。 如果觉得不好可以再重新抓一次。还是7张


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