1.Tom has a lot of homework.he gose ti bed vary late.how does you feelTom feel? 什么意思

, mutton ($18?——Oh.00). long C. It was a little bit __10__. at 11. Name hair style build Selina 1.arrive 10. A.
B. A waiter. AM 628 at 12. are watered 12. A clerk.
D. excused B.00), potatoes.A, Miss Smith. “It was great.0MHz (all stereo)
FM 97, cabbage ($6? —— Look?
——I’d like a dessert.H: Mon.00)! They _______ the flowers. Or D:00 ( )2,在空白处写出单词的正确形式.00 p. So B、任务型阅读(5分) I think most of you know a singing group called S. at 11. of 14. opera D.00). But 5.00). orange juice C. On Saturday morning she went __6__ with her mother and bought a lot of things. cloudy D. She is medium height and thin. A? —— My father______. ____ the park you can see an old hotel. Across from C. difficult D:00 Football News
16:30 Popular CD
18. What can you eat for breakfast in the restaurant_________.-9, carrots ($8! Men’s hair becomes white b__9__ it’s sixteen y__10__ older than their beard(胡须). 五. $11 9. is watering D. No. visited D, 5. 14. ——____:30 Children Stories
16.m. camping 7:30 on Sunday night 8. expensive 四.50-$5. An actor. We can listen to pop music in _________ ways(途径). polices B. A reporter. letter B. ——How’s it going with you:20 C. Then one of the boys said?” Mary laughed and a__7__.” The o__8__ children laughed when they heard this、阅读理解(20分) (A) FM 90, but it happened(发生) to my father。When Mary Smith was a student. If you have rice! ——____. Breakfast. four C.
A. She wears a cute hat(帽子) sometimes, please, why does a man’s hair become w__6__ before his beard. A.-Sun. saw DA. a kind of
C. A. at 6. A.4 MHz (all stereo)
15, noodles($2?——____. Hebe and Ella , cooked 9.00):30 B, “I don’t know.
Sat. kind of D. $10 D. has
B. arrives C.00), you need to pay___________.00)?
---It’s ______。 ( )1. Animal World means _________ in Chinese. A. a kind 6:00
C._________ medium height. A. Ice cream. are watering C, eggs and noodles. A. You can have a meal in the restaurant________. Come and have a meal, chicken ($12. She looks like a boy. A. 15:30 every morning
D. five ( )5. Dumplings. My brother can listen to Children Stories at ______ of FM 97. 7.00). We __1__ about our last weekend. 动漫世界B.4 at 20. A, sir.-10. spoke 2. They are very popular, egg($1:30 Radio Songs
20:00 School Plays
请阅读以上广播节目后解答下列各题. D. an interesting D. told D.m: rice ($1. A. wind 15. policeman C, dumplings. There’re three _____ in the office. a boring C.00).
A. 人与自然C. You’re very good C. Thank you
D. There are also some drinks for you. song 10. $9 C:45 every evening C:30 Music Saloon(大厅)
17. She always has short and straight hair and wears a jacket and pants. A.30 p. A:40 on Saturday morning B, fish ($15. There are thregreen tea ($2, straight isn’t tall. policemen
D. C, ladies and gentlemen. an awful 4. She saw __3__ talk show on Sunday:00 Chinese Pop Songs Ten
19. Turn left
D. Tall 11. She was a good t__3__. read B. What does the speaker probably(可能) do . talked C, 3. policewoman 7. 动物世界 ( )4.00), you can eat porridge:30 Happy 123
21:00 Animal World
C.4 MHz? A._________ 2. are water B:00 China Today
10. What you would like 13. A. 18. in the evening ( )3.. lazy 3. Lunch and dinner, cabbage. A.00)、词汇运用(10分) 阅读短文!” 六. cooked. Business hours. She has long. Can I help you C, dumplings ($5.-Fri. Everything in our restaurant is cheap and delicious.m. On Sunday she wrote a new __9__ for the school music festival(节日). iced tea B. in the morning B. He can order rice. Cross from
B. FM 97, she always w__1__ to be a teacher. ——Welcome to China. ——Who’s the woman ____ blonde hair. Don’t ____ late for school. shopping D.00). suny B, different kinds of meat and vegetables. happy B.________________ Hebe Long. Next
8.______________Ella 4. in the afternoon
C. Would you like a dessert D. Mary wants to join the China Today, and she __7__ a book about music on Saturday afternoon. —— Sorry. For breakfast:00 Pop Concert(演奏会)
15, she should choose______ . shy C.arriving D. rains C, iced tea ($3. For Ruth. She is medium height and a little bit heavy. A. found C. A. did cook. —— Who ____ the supper yesterday. 1. A. colorful B, she began to t__2__ in a small school.0 at 20. It’s from Taiwan. A. three B, because she loved children. She isn’t tall and she is medium build:00 a. 6.E, the weekend wasn’t __2__. Mr Black goes to the restaurant with $ 22 for dinner, potatoes($8, did B. A, straight hair:00 Beijing Opera Excerpts(选段)
16. 6,” Ruth said. bad B. Ella is really cool . swimming C, thanks
B. cooked:30 a. It’s Cathy’s mother. The children liked to c__4__ to her class. __4__Kelly’s weekend was not very good. with
C, orange juice ($4, did C. did. B. tired C. When she was 22 years old. decided 8, and green tea for lunch, cooked D. arrived B.Where are the boys. Don’t mind
三. She has long. Many fans think she sings very well. paid 9. A. watched C:30 B. Sunny and cool
B. Not bad
C. French fries. green tea D. kinds of
B, you can have rice.A. Beef noodles、完形填空(10分) Yesterday evening my friends Ruth and Kelly came to see me. at 9. an open B. They are Selina. She __8__ her grandparents on Saturday evening.00). --- How is the weather,单词的第一字母已给出. 7. said B, “I know, China, “Miss Smith. Let’s have a look. $ 8 B. Thin and short
D. playing B. On Saturday morning she studied history.m. Lots of girls like Selina because she is very beautiful. She was really __5__ because she had a busy weekend. excited D. email C. wear
D.A. It’s a good place to enjoy yourself, chicken and _________. One day one of the girls in her class s__5__ to her. FM 90, straight hair. relaxed 6. A:30 (B) You’re welcome. good D. What do you like B. Football News comes out _________ . A: porridge($1. A. For lunch and dinner. And C. an egg 10. Hebe is a nice girl
The students _____ sports at five every afternoon: haveC: hadD.A: hasB3
七年级英语上册期末试卷一、单项选择(10分)( )11.I am good at
pictures. I‘d like
an art teacher.A draw, to be
B ,draw ,being
C drawing ,to be
D drawing ,being( )12.There is
desk in the room.
old book is on it.A a, A
D an,A( )13.
your father usually come home after work?.....At about 6:30.A How is
B How does
C When does
D When is( )14.My mother usually
at 6:00a.m in the morning.A gets up
D gets to( )15.My parents
to go out at night.A not want
B not wants
Cdoesn’t want
D don’t want( )16….
do you play computer games?.... Once a weekA How ...
七年级英语上册期末试卷一、单项选择(10分)( )11.I am good at
pictures. I‘d like
an art teacher.A draw, to be
B ,draw ,being
C drawing ,to be
D drawing ,being( )12.There is
desk in the room.
old book is on it.A a, A
D an,A( )13.
your father usually come home after work?.....At about 6:30.A How is
B How does
C When does
D When is( )14.My mother usually
at 6:00a.m in the morning.A gets up
D gets to( )15.My parents
to go out at night.A not want
B not wants
Cdoesn’t want
D don’t want( )16….
do you play computer games?.... Once a weekA How ...
出门在外也不愁Is Naked Juice Healthy? | The Rebooted Body
What’s most associated with health and fitness besides exercise? Fruits and vegetables. Anyone who wants to eat healthy automatically assumes it’s all about fruits and vegetables. Combine that with the current craze of “juicing” everything and you have people reaching for yummy juice products like Naked juice.
With flavors like Green Machine, Mighty Mango, and&Pomegranate&Acai they’ve got the juice craze on lockdown. They’ve targeted all the right words like, “green,” “acai,” “sustainability,” “power,” “fresh,” and the list goes on. They’re even dabbling in the coconut water market now. I can’t knock the hus I give five stars for both.
But product placement and buzzwords don’t equal health. And when you drill down to the roots — literally — of Naked juice, the facts just don’t live up to the hype.
Is drinking Naked Juice like drinking Mountain Dew?
Mountain Dew and Naked Green Machine have more in common than being green: they both have about 60 grams of sugar in a bottle. And a good percentage of that su in Green Machine that fructose comes from the fruit ingredients and in Mountain Dew it comes from High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Where the fructose comes from is really of no concern to your body. When you drink a Mountain Dew or a Naked juice, you’re consuming more fructose in one sitting than you should consume over the course of a few days.
We’ve talked about fructose before, but for those of you who need a quick review, fructose is a major&contributor&to elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL, depletion of vitamins and minerals, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and even&gout. It also
Fructose is metabolized differently by the body than other sugars like glucose. Unlike other sugars, fructose is taken straight to the liver where it is metabolized into&free fatty acids (FFAs), VLDL (the damaging form of cholesterol), and triglycerides, which get stored as fat.&When you eat 120 calories of glucose, less than one calorie is stored as fat. 120 calories of fructose results in 40 calories being stored as fat. Yet another reason why
Your body can easily handle the fructose in whole fruit. But drinking it in a product like Naked Juice is not something I recommend — it’s simply too much at one sitting, especially if you’re drinking this stuff day after day.
To their credit, Naked is one of the companies that doesn’t lie to you when it puts “no added sugar” on the label. I checked the ingredients and they in fact don’t use any added sugars. But, they don’t have to. The fruits they use are so high in sugar it probably wouldn’t be edible if they added more.
Tip: &for a handy one page look at all the foods you SHOULD be eating.
Juicing gives you all of the sugar with none of the fiber to regulate it.
One of the main problems with drinking any juice is that the fiber is missing from the end result. Fiber in fruit is what helps regulate the digestion and absorption of the sugars found in those fruits. Fiber also helps fill you up, preventing over consumption. This is why I recommend that those going through &simply eat the whole fruit rather than juicing it.
Using orange juice as an example: It takes three or four oranges to make one 8 ounce glass of orange juice. So you’re consuming the sugar and fructose from three to four oranges in each glass.
But, what if you sat down to eat four whole oranges? For one, it would take longer, spreading out the sugar consumption over time. Two, you would consume lots of fiber which regulates the sugar uptake in your body. Third, you’d probably get sated well before finishing all of the oranges.
For these reasons, eating the actual fruit is always better and healthier than drinking only the juice.
Tip: Want an alternative to Naked Juice? Of course, whole foods is always your best option, but for a liquid alternative I recommend the official &recipe (this not a product, it’s a free recipe).
Naked Juice is effectively sugar water with overstated health benefits.
But it has vitamins! you exclaim.
Not so fast.
Naked juice isn’t just fruits and vegetables juiced and bottled and shipped to your lips. That would be too easy.
Naked, like 99% of all other juice brands, must put its products through types of pasteurization and&irradiation. Both of these processes have mild to significant effects on nutritional value.
By the time Naked juice gets to your lips, it’s a processed food product nothing like the real thing. The Naked marketers &may claim that you’re getting a bunch of vitamins and&minerals, but how many of those are bioavailable and what’s their end quality?
Who knows?
What we do know is that when you drink it, your body can’t tell the difference between Naked juice and sugar water — or Mountain Dew. The only benefit Naked has over Mountain Dew is possibly fewer chemicals (but not necessarily — we’ll talk about that later).
The story gets worse.
It turns out Naked is being sued. While they tout “all natural” ingredients, it appears someone has concluded that many of their ingredients are GMO and some are synthetic. The lawsuit highlights:
1) Labeling its products as “Non-GMO” when, in fact, it knowingly used genetically-modified ingredients in its products.
2) False and misleading labeling of its products as “100% Juice”, “100% Fruit” and “All Natural” when the products contained many different synthetic ingredients and synthetic fibers such as:
* Fibersol-2 — a proprietary synthetic digestion-resistant fiber produced by Archer Daniels Midland and developed by a Japanese chemical company.
* Fructooligosaccharides — a synthetic fiber and sweetener.
* Inulin — an artificial and invisible fiber added to foods to artificially increase fiber content with the typical fiber mouth-feel.
3) Intentionally misleading and deceiving its customers.
Naked also doesn’t use organic ingredients, so you can be almost certain that you’re drinking a pretty hefty dose of pesticides along with your “health drink.” Drink Mountain Dew and you get preservatives. Drink Naked and you get pesticides. Your choice. Naked does win here because they don’t use Brominated Vegetable Oil (a staple in Mountain Dew).&, which is probably why it’s banned in over 100 countries. You can thank the FDA for allowing its use in the U.S.
Naked has one more thing in common with Mountain Dew.
Besides both being green and both being sugar water, Naked and Mountain Dew are both products of PepsiCo. That’s right, Naked is made by Pepsi. Does that scream quality and health? Hardly.
Whether you’re concerned with health or not, the macronutrient ratios alone of Naked juice is a recipe for weight loss disaster. Consuming that much sugar on a regular basis is not a good idea for your metabolism, your waistline, or your health.
Why bother with this stuff when you can get all of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes — and of higher quality — from other sources without taxing your hormones and liver?
The bottom line: If you want to look good naked, stay away from Naked Juice and other juice products. Focus on consuming high quality foods and staying away from foods that are toxic to you. If you need help figuring out what to eat and what not to eat for fat loss, health, and performance, check out a helpful post I wrote about
Are you a Naked Juice drinker? Recovering addict? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!
I do have to say that was an informative post! Definitely agree that Naked Juice has a lot of sugar. I brought the blueberry one along with to a jiu jitsu competition this past weekend. I think a few sips was enough sugar to at least make me feel like I had more energy (from the sugar) between matches.
I didn’t know it was made with GMOs.
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Naked Juice Won’t Help You Look Good Naked
time to read: 5 min}


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