comeback on, baby什么意思?

英语hope的中文是什么意思  我们除了要掌握英语hope正确的发音,还要知道它详细的中文意思。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文hope具体所指的中文意思吧,欢迎大家阅读!  hope的中文意思  英 [hp] 美 [hop]  名词 希望,期望; 希望的东西; 被寄予希望的`人或事物、情况; 抱***的理由  及物/不及物动词 希望,期望  及物动词 [俚语]相信,认为  不及物动词 希望,盼望,期待  例句  1. We have a slim hope of success.  我们有一线成功的希望。  2. There is much hope of further improvement.  大有进一步改进的希望。  3. You're my last hope.  你是我最后所指望的人。  hope的词典解释  1. (表示礼貌)我希望,但愿  You use 'I hope' in expressions such as 'I hope you don't mind' and 'I hope I'm not disturbing you', when you are being polite and want to make sure that you have not offended someone or disturbed them.  e.g. I hope you don't mind me coming to see you...  希望你不介意我来见你。  e.g. I hope I haven't said anything to upset you.  但愿我没有说过让你不高兴的话。  2. (表示警告他人不要做愚蠢或危险的事)我希望,但愿  You say 'I hope' when you want to warn someone not to do something foolish or dangerous.  e.g. You're not trying to see him, I hope?...  但愿你不是想要去见他吧?  e.g. I hope you won't be too harsh with the girl...  希望你不要对那个女孩太严厉。  3. (表示更加礼貌和委婉)我希望,我想  You add 'I hope' to what you are saying to make it sound more polite and less rude or less definite.  e.g. I'm the best man for the job, I hope...  希望我是那份工作的最佳人选。  e.g. Fraulein Wendel is well, I hope?  我想文德尔**一切都好吧?  4. 怀着(…发生的)希望  If you do one thing in the hope of another thing happening, you do it because you think it might cause or help the other thing to happen, which is what you want.  e.g. He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college...  他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。  e.g. We will be ****ysing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible.  我们将分析她告诉我们的所有事情,希望能找出罪魁祸首。  hope的单语例句  1. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.  2. The Prime Minister expressed the hope that both countries would exchange parliamentary, business and cultural delegations to further strengthen the relations.  3. And I hope people in Seattle are too busy buying season tickets to notice.  4. Some drivers recommend waiting outside busy shopping malls so you can hope into a cab as someone else is getting out.  5. But for Shorty S and other scratch DJs, there is hope.  6. But then you look at the San Antonio Spurs and all hope for the West is not lost.  7. She is a title favorite in the event in London and has an outside medal hope in the 100m butterfly.  8. And they have kindled a gleam of hope for the establishment of a multilateral security system in the region.  9. Let us hope we will not have to wait too long to see changes, or at least for that day when more ordinary citizens think about buying tickets.英语hope的中文是什么意思扩展阅读英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展1)——英语effort的中文是什么意思英语effort的中文是什么意思  虽然英语单词effort只有一种词性,但是它的中文意思就不只有一种了。下面是小编给大家分享英文单词effort的几种中文意思吧,希望能对你有帮助!  effort的中文意思  英 [eft] 美 [efrt]  第三人称复数:efforts  基本解释  名词 工作; 努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作  相关例句  名词  1. He lifted up the rock without effort.  他毫不费力地举起石头。  2. His efforts had no smallest chance of success.  他的努力毫无成功的希望。  3. Finishing the work in one day was a good effort.  一天内完成这项工作是很大的成绩。  4. He made an effort to climb the wall.  他尽力爬上墙。  effort的词典解释  1. 努力;气力;精力  If you make an effort to do something, you try very hard to do it.  e.g. He made no effort to hide his disappointment...  他毫不掩饰失望之情。  e.g. Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.  找到治疗的办法需要大量的时间和精力。  2. 吃力;费力  If you say that someone did something with effort or with an effort, you mean it was difficult for them to do.  e.g. She took a deep breath and sat up slowly and with great effort...  她深吸一口气,费力地慢慢坐起身来。  e.g. With an effort she contained her irritation.  她努力强压住了怒火。  3. (为达到某一目的的)有**的行动,一系列活动  An effort is a particular series of activities that is organized by a group of people in order to achieve something.  e.g. ...a famine relief effort in Angola.  在安哥拉进行的饥荒救济行动  4. 费力的事;困难的事;劳神的事  If you say that something is an effort, you mean that an unusual amount of physical or mental energy is needed to do it.  e.g. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.  在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。  5. 尽力;尝试;勉为其难  If you make the effort to do something, you do it, even though you need extra energy to do it or you do not really want to.  e.g. I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.  我现在不觉得孤独了,因为我尝试着与人交往。  effort的双语例句  1. His experience as an actor led to the creation of some of the most intense character studies in theater at the time, plays that require great effort and skill on the actor's part.  他的经验作为一个演员导致建立了一些最激烈的性质研究战区时,需要发挥很大的努力和技能上的演员的'一部分。  2. If you have good study habits, you can save time and effort.  如果你有良好的学**惯,你就能节省时间和力气。  3. The company`s two previous containment efforts failed, as did its effort to plug the well.  该公司前两次防泄漏努力均以失败告终,封盖也没有成功。  4. Ability and effort are condition of success.  才能和努力是成功的条件。  5. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.  他们说:不*等从人类诞生的第一天就存在,到人类**的最后一天也将存在。  effort的用法例句  1. McGregor's effort was enough to edge Johnson out of the top spot.  麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。  2. He was making a visible effort to control himself.  他明显是在努力**自己的情绪。  3. It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.  我们所有人都必须加倍努力。  4. It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.  给买卖双方牵线可能需要一些时间和工夫。  5. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.  在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。  6. Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.  现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。  7. We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.  我们已有意识地下放职责。  8. These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.  人们认为这些**是为了故意破坏会谈。  9. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.  在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。  10. They've put in time and effort to keep the strike going.  他们花费了很多时间和精力以使*持续下去。  11. My kick wasn't half a bad effort for an old man.  像我这把年纪的人,老腿确实不听使唤了。  12. When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.  你离开时一定要努力和大家搞好关系。  13. A united effort is always more effective than an isolated complaint.  联合行动总是比单个人抱怨更有效。  14. I worry about this big investment of time and effort.  我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。  15. A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.  灭鼠花了大力气。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展2)——英语library的中文是什么意思英语library的中文是什么意思  英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有*特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。以下是小编收集整理的英语library的'中文是什么意思,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!  英语library的中文意思  名词 藏书;图书馆,藏书楼;书屋,书斋;图书出租处  英 [labrri] 美 [labreri]  第三人称复数:libraries  名词  1. I borrowed this novel from the school library.  我从学校的图书馆借来这本小说。  2. Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.  汉特教授约有五千册藏书。  3. I found him working in his library when I called.  我去拜访他时看到他在书房里工作。  英语library的英英释义  noun  1. a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study  Synonym: depository library  2. a room where books are kept  e.g. they had brandy in the library  3. a building that houses a collection of books and other materials  4. (computing) a collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use  Synonym: program librarysubroutine library  5. a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing  英语library的双语例句  1. We welcome everyone to Kitchener Public Library.  我们欢迎大家来基奇纳公共图书馆。  2. Only the most significant ones will be covered here;consult the Library Reference for a complete listing.  这里只显示了最重要的几个,如果要看完整的列表请查阅 Library Refference。  3. I don't want to have the listening class, so I put the big earphone while the volume is zero;I have no desire to have the oral English class, so I must be the one who doesn't preview the task;I can't pay attention to the grammar class, so the most terrible thing for me is that my cellphone battary runs down in the class;I hate the PE class, so I calculate on the teacher to continue his nonsense;I'm afraid of realising my fault, so I keep going to the library to comfort myself.  我不想上听力课,于是戴着**的耳麦,音量永远调到零;我不想上口语课,于是不提前准备的那个人一定是我;我不想上语法课,于是最怕上课的时候手机没电;我不想上体育课,于是指望着老师继续他的废话;我不想面对自己的不乖,于是总去图书馆让自己没那么自责。  4. Furthermore, we design and implement GSML as the medium of resources in digital library instances.  本文中我们定义了GSML语言作为织女星数字图书馆中新型资源的载体。  5. Responsible for the transport of finished formulation and delivery of finished product shipped to plan, manage our customers located in the vicinity of the interim library (library accounts and transit costs).  负责成品的运输,制订成品的发运和交付计划,管理我们设在客户附近的中转库。  6. By investigating the characteristics of Fixture design, a framework of com*r aided Fixture design tool is proposed. It can aid the designer from two aspects. One is for design resources sharing. The thesis developed a standard parts library and a common-used parts library based on Client/Server mode, and the management tools for them. The other is for improving the intelligence of com*r aided Fixture design system, by introducing case-based design method into it.  第一个层面是从共享设计资源角度出发,研究了将客户机/服务器模式的数据库技术应用到飞机发动机叶片夹具的标准件库和通用件库的设计和管理中,并开发出了标准件库和通用件库管理工具;第二个层面是从充分利用已有的设计经验的角度,研究如何将基于实例的推理技术应用到飞机发动机叶片的夹具设计中,以进一步缩短工装设计周期,提高夹具设计质量。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展3)——英语help的中文是什么意思英语help的中文是什么意思  英语help在日常生活中是很常用的,我们务必要知道它实际的中文意思。下文是百分网小编为大家准备了英语单词help具体的中文意思及例句,希望能对大家有所帮助!  help的中文意思  及物/不及物动词 帮助; 有助于, 有利于  及物动词 治疗; 避免; 招待(客人); 给…盛(饭、菜)  名词 帮助; 助手; 补救办法; 有用  不及物动词 (在餐桌旁)招待,侍应,作仆人(或店员、服务员等)  int.[呼救语]救命!  相关词组  1. help out : 帮助(某人), 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事];  2. with the help of : adv. 在...的帮助下;  3. more than one can help : 过份; 太多;  help的词典解释  1. 援救;救命  Help is action taken to rescue a person who is in danger. You shout 'help!' when you are in danger in order to attract someone's attention so that they can come and rescue you.  e.g. He was screaming for help...  他高呼求救。  e.g. 'Help!' I screamed, turning to run.  “救命!”我尖叫道,转身就跑。  2. 帮助(文件)  In computing, help, or the help menu, is a file that gives you information and advice, for example about how to use a particular program.  e.g. If you get stuck, click on Help.  如果碰到疑难,就点击“帮助”。  3. 自助;自取  If you help yourself to something, you serve yourself or you take it for yourself. If someone tells you to help yourself, they are telling you politely to serve yourself anything you want or to take anything you want.  e.g. There's bread on the table. Help yourself...  桌上有面包。你自己拿吧。  e.g. Just help yourself to leaflets.  请自取传单材料。  4. 偷;窃取  If someone helps themselves to something, they steal it.  e.g. Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds?  有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?  5. see also: helping  6. 不禁;忍不住;无法**  If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself .  e.g. I can't help feeling sorry for the poor man...  我不禁为这个可怜的男人感到难过。  e.g. 'Please don't cry.' — 'I can't help it.'...  “别哭了。”——“我忍不住。”  7. (用于委婉地表示观点)不免,禁不住(想)  If you say you can't help thinking something, you are expressing your opinion in an indirect way, often because you think it seems rude.  e.g. I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes...  我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计。  e.g. I could not help but think this is a very queer life.  我忍不住会认为这是一种非常怪异的生活。  help的双语例句  1. She is such a good girl that she can help you.  她是一个如此好心的女孩,因此她会帮助你的。  2. He is glad to help others in trouble.  他是欢快帮助其他有烦琐的人。  3. Shipments from the Home City can also help you correct any mistakes you make in your play.  母城的货物输出也能帮助你弥补一些游戏中的失误。  4. While keen to see the contractual issue resolved one way or another, Aurelio insists his priority at present is to help Liverpool get their faltering season back on track.  然而,希望看到续约的`问题的解决方法只有一种或者其他,奥雷里奥强调现在他首先的选择就是帮助利物浦这个风雨摇摆的赛季回到正常的轨道。  5. He asked me, 'I would really like you to help me get a position with the Celtics.  他问过我,`我非常希望你能够帮我在凯尔特人弄到一个位置。  6. What chorse do you do to help your parents at home?  你帮忙你的父母做甚么样的家事?英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展4)——英语单词made的中文是什么意思英语单词made的中文是什么意思  made是一个重要的英语单词,因此我们要熟悉它的中文意思。下面就让百分网小编给大家分享一下英语单词made所表达的中文意思的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!  中文意思  英 [med] 美 [med]  原级:make第三人称单数:makes现在分词:making  形容词 …制的; (人工)做成的,拼成的; 虚构的; 保证成功的  动词 使(make的过去式和过去分词)  1. be made of : 由...所组成;  形容词  1. Obviously Jack and Jill were made for each other.  杰克和吉尔显然是天生的一对。  2. He is a made man.  他是个成功的人。  3. The wine is made from grapes.  这酒是用葡萄酿制的。  4. That's a well-made toy.  那是一个制作精良的玩具。  5. He is made of money.  他很有钱。  单语例句  1. He made the remarks on Sunday at the World Commercial Forum held by the University of International Business and Economics.  2. It is reported the aquarium made of acrylic glass costs about five million yuan and covers an area of more than 160 square meters.  3. Concrete steps have been made for online game industry and business models of search engine service.  4. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.  5. He made the remarks while touring Shanghai and Beijing last week to review business operations in China and meet government officials to seek further partnerships.  6. The business opportunity made them decide to move to the city and open a flower shop here.  7. With the Cavaliers, he'll ap* the same principles that have made him a business success.  8. The Chinese vice premier also spoke highly of the progress made by the two sides in bilateral business and trade relations in recent years.  情景对话  准点上班  A:I made it!  我赶**!  B:Not quite.  那可未必。  A:I’m on time!  我正点到达了!  生活对话  A:Rose and Herb look cute together.  柔丝和赫伯在一起蛮顺眼的。  B:Have you ever thought...  你有没有想过……  A:...that they're a match made in heaven?  ……他们是天造地设的.一对?  B:Yes, my thoughts exactly!  一点没错,我就是这样觉得!  A:If we work together, they'll be a couple in no time!  假如我们同心协力,他们马上就会在一起了!  生活对话  A:Flowers. Now that's romantic.  花。这才叫浪漫。  B:They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.  它们是塑胶的,永不凋谢。那些花象征永恒的爱。  A:The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.  你们两个真是天造地设的一对。谢天谢地,我不用再牵红线了……现在换你了。  B:What?  换**嘛?  A:Do you have Don's number?  你有唐的电话吗?  拓展:英语单词hug的中文是什么意思  中文意思  英 [hg] 美 [hɡ]  及物/不及物动词 热烈地拥抱,抱住,紧抱  及物动词紧靠…走; 抱有,持有  名词 紧抱,热烈拥抱  不及物动词 缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体)  网络解释  1. 拥抱;紧抱:13.greeting 致敬;问候;(复数)致意;赞词
14.hug 拥抱;紧抱
15.lavish 过分大方的;浪费的`;丰富的  2. 清洗空气系统:HUD 气--气加热器
HUG 清洗空气系统
HUY **和保护设备  相关例句  及物动词  1. They hugged each other for the success.  他们为成功而互相拥抱。  2. The road hugs the side of the mountain.  公路紧挨山边。  3. He hugged his daughter.  他紧紧拥抱他的女儿。  不及物动词  1. The old friends hugged when they met.  老朋友重逢时紧紧拥抱。  名词英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展5)——英语seo的中文是什么意思英语seo的中文是什么意思  英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个*国家的**语言或**语言之一。以下是小编收集整理的英语seo的中文是什么意思,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。  英语单词seo的.中文意思  Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎优化;salvo errorie omissioni (Italian=excepting errors and omissions) 错漏除外;satellite for earth observation 地球观测的卫星;  网络解释  1、seo:senior education officers;高级教育人员  2、seo:seasoned equity offering;多次股权融资  3、seo:search engine optimizer;三是搜索引擎优化  4、seo:senior executive officer;高级行政**  英语单词seo的单语例句  1、Seo had a broken ankle, a gash in his arm that required stitches and shallow scratches across his face.  2、Despite all his hard work Mr Seo is still not able to drive.  3、Seo said she'll probably finish the season on the Korean tour and think about joining the LPGA Tour in the offseason.  4、Mr Seo said he was already preparing for his road test at a driving school in Yeongju City.  5、Seo said he was awakened by screaming and was ejected from a broken window as the bus careened down the hill.  6、Seo received one of the three sponsor's exemptions to get into the tournament, her sixth on the LPGA Tour.  7、Officials at the test centre were just as happy as Mr Seo.  英语单词seo的双语例句  1、If be to make network promotion before you, rely on group of hair to rely on a station group will link, so ask you to look for a true SEO or oneself person learns to fall, do not regard the person that we get SEO as idiocy, if you received fund, SEO is not equal to group of hair, cannot give family place the thing of need again, still withdraw fund to the family, although likely now network company is very hard, it is not easy to make money, always than be being worn by person jab backbone is scolded be close friends  假如你们以前是做网络推广,靠群发靠站群来链接的,那么请你们找个真正的SEO或者自己的人学下,不要把我们搞SEO的人都看成白痴,SEO不等于群发假如你们收了钱,又不能给人家所需要的东西,还是把钱退给人家吧,尽管现在可能网络公司很艰难,赚钱不轻易,总比被人戳着脊梁骨骂要好  2、After reading many articles about SEO respect this, discovered the problem is in, so, when designing a website this, I consider SEO all the time, as a result the GOOGLE after 3 days collected me 45 pages, let me be mad with joy!  这次看了不少关于SEO方面的文章后,发现了问题所在,所以,这次设计网站的时候,我就一直考虑到SEO,结果3天后GOOGLE就收录了我45页,让我欣喜若狂!  3、Want the website that knows a lot of stationmaster were done one year, looked numerous optimized article and experience, maintain the plane with rich and colorful everyday, comprehensive function, the discharge of 10 thousand IP or Yao cannot reach one sky, dan Qiushi is amounted to depend on a page merely can base oneself upon and Baidu transcend the rank with discharge very good keyword, it may be said is to have very strong technical with sound SEO technology.  要知道很多站长做了一年的网站,看了众多优化的文章和经验,保持天天更新和丰富多彩的*面,全面的功能,一天上万IP的流量还是遥不可及,但丘仕达仅**借一个页面就能立足与百度超流量要害词很好的排名,可谓是有很强的技术性和扎实的SEO技术。  4、Qiu Shida: Do the person of SEO actually, do not get on look have sth in mind in the increase and decrease of discharge.  丘仕达:其实做SEO的人,不要把目光着眼在流量的增减上。  5、The essence that SEO explains for everybody by plan below is in  下面论策为大家讲解一下SEO的真谛所在  6、The problem of such, to SEO it is a huger issue.  诸如此类的问题,对于SEO来说是一个比较庞大的问题。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展6)——英语house的中文是什么意思英语house的中文是什么意思  英语house在日常中是很常用的单词,我们应该要掌握它具体的中文意思。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文单词house详细所指的中文意思吧,欢迎大家阅读!  英语house的中文是什么意思  house的中文意思  英 [has] 美 [has]  第三人称单数:houses第三人称复数:houses现在分词:housing过去分词:housed过去式:housed  house 基本解释  名词 房屋; 全家人; (从事某种生意的)公司; (英国)下议院  动词 给…提供住房; 收藏; 安置  例句  1、He is speaker of the House of Representatives.  他是众议院的`议长。  2、The house rose to its feet.  全场起立。  3、The children visited the monkey house at the zoo.  孩子们参观了动物园的猴舍。  house的单语例句  1、Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.  2、The question of how to present bin Laden's death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.  3、Alongside the White House and congressional races, a full roster of propositions and local offices kept voters busy nationwide.  4、Butterfly's only real distinctive feature is a green lizard, which seems completely disinterested in house music and lives in a box downstairs.  5、He described " The Man behind the Courtyard House " as a movie in which a casual choice leads to an unexpected outcome like the butterfly effect.  6、 White House press secretary Dana Perino says Bush is acting now in hopes of spurring Congress to act.  7、 We decided to delay selling our home after we realized what sort of house we could buy in popular school districts with the proceeds now.  8、But many residents argued that the high cost of buying a house and of living in Shanghai has made their incomes seem inadequate.  9、The bill tallies the cost of a marriage from the wedding banquet to buying a house and furnishing it.  house的词典解释  1、房屋;房子;住宅  A house is a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family.  e.g. She has moved to a smaller house.  她已经搬进了一所小一些的房子。  e.g. ...her parents' house in Warwickshire.  她父母位于沃里克郡的住宅  2、 住在一幢房子里的人;一家人  You can refer to all the people who live together in a house as the house .  e.g. If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house...  如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。  e.g. So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house.  因此我从小到大一直认为男人是一家之主。  3、(用于餐饮场所的名称)餐厅,馆,屋  House is used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink.  e.g. ...a steak house.  牛排餐厅  e.g. old Salzburg coffee house.  年代久远的萨尔茨堡咖啡馆  4、(尤用于出版、借贷或服装设计等公司的名称)公司,商行  House is used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes.  e.g. Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses...  这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展7)——英语affect的中文是什么意思英语affect的中文是什么意思  英语affect是一个很重点的单词,我们十分有必要掌握它的中文意思。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文单词affect的几种中文意思吧,欢迎大家阅读!  affect的中文意思  英 [fekt]、美 [fkt]  第三人称单数:affects现在分词:affecting过去分词:affected过去式:affected  及物动词:影响;假装;感动;(疾病)侵袭  名词:感情,情感,心情;[精神病学](表露或觉察到的)情绪反应  例句  1、He affected not to see her.  他假装没看见她。  2、Her kidneys had become affected.  她的肾脏受到了感染。  3、He was dee* affected by my words.  他听了我的话很受感动。  4、She showed an affected interest in our subject.  她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。  affect的词典解释  1、影响;使改变  If something affects a person or thing, it influences them or causes them to change in some way.  e.g.Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries...  尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害。  e.g.More than seven million people have been affected by drought.  已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。  2、(疾病)侵袭,感染  If a disease affects someone, it causes them to become ill.  e.g.Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.  关节炎是一种会危害全人类健康的致残性疾病。  3、(感情上)打动,震动,使悲伤(或怜悯)  If something or someone affects you, they make you feel a strong emotion, especially sadness or pity.  e.g.The divorce affected Jim dee*...  离婚对吉姆打击很大。  e.g.Gregor loved his sister, and her loss clearly still affects him.  格雷戈尔爱他的`姐姐,她的去世显然仍令他悲伤不已。  4、假装;佯装;装出…的样子  If you affect a particular characteristic or way of behaving, you pretend that it is genuine, or natural for you.  e.g.He listened to them, affecting an amused interest...  他装作饶有兴致地听他们说话。  e.g.Ms、Redgrave affects a heavy Italian accent.  雷德格雷夫女士假装带有浓重的意大利口音。  affect的双语例句  1、Physicians should be especially wary of anticholinergics, a class of drugs that affect nerve cells used to treat a wide range of conditions.  医师应该特别小心抗胆碱药物,一类药物影响神经细胞用来治疗各种各样的条件。  2、This may affect their future lives, making them incompetent to survive the cut throat competitions they will be facing in their careers.  这可能影响他们将来的生活,使他们**无力幸存在自己的生涯中所面对的卡脖子的竞争。  3、This test is to assess the affect on the new cylinder and piston, piston ring  此测试是为了评估此类频繁操作会对新的发动机缸套,活塞和活塞环造成什么样的影响  4、Fengning is currently one of the sources of the large dust storms, which often affect Beijing.  该遗址所在的丰宁地区,是影响**沙尘暴的上源地区之一。  5、It can affect people of all ages.  可影响所有年龄的人。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展8)——英语down的中文是什么意思英语down的中文是什么意思  英语down是一个多词性的单词,而它具体的中文意思也是各有不同的。以下是小编为大家整理了关于英语单词down表达的中文意思及例句,一起来看看吧!  英语单词down的中文意思  英 [dan];美 [dan]  第三人称单数:downs第三人称复数:downs现在分词:downing过去分词:downed过去式:downed  副词 向下; (坐、倒、躺)下; (表示范围或顺序的限度)下至  介词 (从高处)向下; (表示位置)在…的下方; (表示方向)沿着…向下; (表示时间)自…以来  形容词 向下的; 沮丧的'; 计算机或计算机系统停机; (以…)落后于对手的  名词 (鸟的)绒羽; 绒毛;软毛;汗毛  及物动词 放下; (尤指大口或快速地)喝下; 使摔倒; 击落(敌机等)  不及物动词 下来; 下降; [常用于祈使句中]下去; 卧倒  英语单词down的词典解释  1. 往…的下端;向…的底部  To go down something such as a slope or a pipe means to go towards the ground or to a lower level.  e.g. We're going down a mountain...  我们正在下山。  e.g. A man came down the stairs to meet them...  一名男子下楼来迎接他们。  2. 在…之下  If you are a particular distance down something, you are that distance below the top or surface of it.  e.g. He managed to cling on to a ledge 40ft down the rock face...  他设法紧紧地攀在了距岩壁顶端 40 英尺的岩礁上。  e.g. The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft.  昨晚****在 400 码深的矿井下举行了彻夜的*活动。  3. 往下;向下;朝下  You use down to say that you are looking or facing in a direction that is towards the ground or towards a lower level.  e.g. She was still looking down at her papers...  她仍低头看着文件。  e.g. She put her head down, her hands over her face...  她低下头,双手掩面。  4. (放)下  If you put something down, you put it onto a surface.  e.g. Danny put down his glass...  丹尼放下了玻璃杯。  e.g. After two rings I put down the phone...  响了两声后,我放下了电话。  5. 沿;循;顺  If you go or look down something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are down a road or river, you are somewhere along it.  e.g. They set off at a jog up one street and down another...  他们开始沿着一条又一条的街道慢跑。  e.g. Karl looked down the street...  卡尔朝街尾看了看。  英语单词down的情景对话  指路  A:Could you tell me where (his office/ the meeting room/ the copy machine) is, please?  你能告诉我(他的办公室/会议室/复印机)在哪里吗?  B:Sure. It’s just down the hall, on the right.  当然。沿着这个厅走过去,在右边。  Swimming-(游泳)  A:How about going swimming?  去游泳怎么样?  B:OK. Where should we go?  好,我们到哪去?  A:Why don't we go down to the pool? It's not too far from here.  去游泳池吧。离这里不是太远  B:Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.  好的,我马上准备去。  生活对话  B:You're kind of down these days.  你最近看起来心情不好。  A:I'm OK.  我还好。  B:Sure? Boy problems?  真的吗?是跟男生有关的事吗?  A:No, I'm fine.  不,我很好。  B:Are you busy on the 30th?  你三十号那天有事吗?  A:No.  没事。  B:Well then, let's go to an outdoor symphony concert. My treat!  那么,我们去一个户外的交响乐演奏会。我请客!英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展9)——英语under的中文是什么意思英语under的中文是什么意思  英语单词under既可以作为介词又可以作副词,不一样的词性会有不同的中文意思。下面就让百分网小编给大家分享英语单词under表示的中文意思及例句吧,希望能对你有帮助!  英语单词under的中文意思  英 [nd(r)] 美 [nd]  介词 在…下面,在表面之下; 在…的假定表面或掩饰下; 少于,小于; 在…情况下  副词 在下面; 少于; 在水下; 在昏迷中  形容词 较低的,下面的  相关例句  副词  1. The ship went under.  船下沉了。  介词  1. There is a new music hall near here under construction.  附近正在建造一座新的音乐大厅。  2. I planned to leave the next day but under the circumstances I decided to stay another night.  我原计划第二天离开的,但在这样的情况下,我决定又住了一夜。  3. What do bats come under?  蝙蝠归属在哪一类?  4. They were playing chess under the tree.  他们在树下下棋。  英语单词under的词典解释  1. 在…下面;在…下方;在…底下  If a person or thing is under something, they are at a lower level than that thing, and may be covered or hidden by it.  e.g. They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.  他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。  e.g. ...swimming in the pool or lying under an umbrella...  在泳池里游泳或躺在阳伞底下  2. 在(水面)之下;在(水)里  In a place such as a sea, river, or swimming pool, if someone or something is under the water, they are fully in the water and covered by it.  e.g. They said he'd been held under the water and drowned...  他们说他被按到水里淹死了。  e.g. Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface.  金鱼聚在一起贴着水面懒洋洋地游着。  3. 经由…的.底下  If you go under something, you move from one side to the other of something that is at a higher level than you.  e.g. He went under a brick arch...  他穿过一个砖砌的拱门。  e.g. A river boat passed under the bridge.  一条内河船从桥下经过。  4. 在(尤指一层衣服)的里面(或底下)  Something that is under a layer of something, especially clothing, is covered by that layer.  e.g. I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket...  我在绿军装里套了两件毛线衫。  e.g. He had no shirt on under his thin jumper...  他在薄套头衫里面没有穿衬衣。  5. 受…影响;经历  You can use under before a noun to indicate that a person or thing is being affected by something or is going through a particular process.  e.g. ...fishermen whose livelihoods are under threat...  生计受到威胁的渔夫  e.g. I'm rarely under pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me...  我很少感受到压力,同事们一直对我很好。  6. 在(…情况或条件)下  If something happens under particular circumstances or conditions, it happens when those circumstances or conditions exist.  e.g. His best friend was killed by police under extremely questionable circumstances...  他最好的朋友在极其可疑的情况下被**打死了。  e.g. Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 per cent of vitamin E is absorbed...  正常情况下,仅有20%到40%的维生素E会被吸收。  英语单词under的情景对话  Get under one’s skin-(使烦躁;(因为爱)使不安)  A:Mary has really gotten under my skin.  玛丽真让我心烦。  B:I know what love is. When I was young, I felt the same way.  我知道爱情是什么。我年轻时,也有这种感觉。  A:It thinks I’m crazy about her.  我快要为她痴狂了。  B:You are, why not ask for a date?  快了。为什么不约她?  秘密  A:I have something to confess.  我有件事要坦白。  B:What is it?  什么事呀?  A:I think she’s pregnant! Just make sure to keep it under your hat.  我觉得她怀孕了!你可要保守秘密啊!  B:Really? Didn’t she know about it?  真的吗?难道她不知道?  A:You can’t tell anyone.  你不能告诉任何人。  B:I promise.  我保证。  求职面试  B:Are you a multi-tasked individual?/ Do you work well under stress or pressure?  你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?/你能承受工作上的压力吗?  A:Yes, I think so.The trait is needed in my current/ previous position and I know I can handle it well.  是的。这种特点就是我目前/先前工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。英语hope的中文是什么意思(扩展10)——英文believe的中文是什么意思英文believe的中文是什么意思  英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有*特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。下面是小编收集英文believe的中文是什么意思,欢迎大家阅读参考。  believe的中文意思  英 [bli:v] 美 [bliv]  第三人称单数:believes  现在分词:believing  过去分词:believed  过去式:believed  动词:信任; 料想; 笃信宗教  及物动词:相信; 信任; 以为,认为; 对…信以为真  相关例句  及物动词  1. I don't believe you.  我不信你说的话。  2. I believe him to be honest.  我认为他是诚实的。  3. We believe Mr.Smith to be innocent.  我们认为史密斯先生是无辜的。  不及物动词  The manager believes in him.  经理信任他。  believe的`词典解释  1. 相信;认为  If you believe that something is true, you think that it is true, but you are not sure.  e.g. Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive...  专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。  e.g. I believe you have something of mine...  我想你拿了我什么东西。  2. 相信(某人或某人的话)  If you believe someone or if you believe what they say or write, you accept that they are telling the truth.  e.g. He did not sound as if he believed her...  他听起来似乎并不相信她。  e.g. Never believe anything a married man says about his wife...  永远不要相信一个已婚男人说的任何有关他妻子的话。  3. 相信有…;认为…存在  If you believe in fairies, ghosts, or miracles, you are sure that they exist or happen. If you believe in a god, you are sure of the existence of that god.  e.g. I don't believe in ghosts...  我不相信有鬼。  e.g. Do you believe in magic?  你相信魔法真的存在吗?  4. 认为…是应该的(或正确的)  If you believe in a way of life or an idea, you are in favour of it because you think it is good or right.  e.g. He believed in marital fidelity.  他认为婚内应该忠诚。  e.g. ...decent candidates who believed in democracy.  信奉****的正派候选人  5. 对…有信心;信任;信赖  If you believe in someone or what they are doing, you have confidence in them and think that they will be successful.  e.g. If you believe in yourself you can succeed.  只要自信,就能成功。  believe的情景对话  保守约定  A:Quit lying to me!  不要对我说谎话。  B:Trust me. / Believe me.  请相信我。  互相介绍  A:I don‘t believe we‘ve met.  我们以前没有见过吧?  B:No, I don‘t think we have.  我想没有。  A:My name is Chen Sung-lim.  我叫陈松林。  B:How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.  您好,我是弗雷德.史蜜斯。  生活对话  A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!  谢谢你带我来,太棒了!  B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.  柔丝,你看到没,赫伯跟唐在那里。  A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.  喔,我真不敢相信!你想撮合我跟赫伯。英语,教育}


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