
我的回答是。考研英语模板,英语差的学生更不可以用。你可以参考如下建议,看是否能提高英语写作分数。自己使用“不靠模板靠逻辑”写作法,来写作英语作文的,因此“上手”比较快。理由如下。模板是解决表面的心理的问题,不解决英语写作水平和能力问题。因为写作本身就是开发人的智力、观点思想的过程。每个人的想法是不一样的,这样不能强行用某一个人写的模板语言句段来代替自己的思想写英语。英语模板现在网上网下都是海量的。你背也不容易背下来,即使背下来,老师见了模板英语作文也会给你扣分数、降档次,没商量。你得从英语应用表达的本质上来看待英语语言,英语是逻辑语言,不是模板语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。如用模板,几十万考生写的英语作文,那都是像“千胞胎万胞胎”一样,等于说考生没有开动脑筋写作文(抄同一文章写的)。当然,判卷老师看到这种模板英语作文就会降档次,扣分数,没商量。而用英语逻辑思维写英语,可以开发出每一个考生具有独特思想观点的优势。也就是说英语逻辑思维有四种思维方式帮助你拓展你的思考内容,保证与其他考生思考分析内容的不同。这四种方式是:一因一果;一因多果;多因一果;多因多果。你可以学一个赚一个,不像模板背完之后,还不得分。所以事倍功零。历史和事实对此给予了证明:例如,世界英语文献《圣经》的英语读本,以及中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》及英国《金融时报》和美国《纽约时报》等媒体,都是用逻辑思维写的,从来不会用模板写的。用这种指导思想思考写出的英语作文就有英语逻辑思维之味道了。比如以下英语作文写作。Dear fellows,A country has its own strategy for growing a strong economy in its development, from which companies or enterprises could benefit relatively on a large scale. That may be bound to bring its own environmental problems to arise from polluting water, air, or land. This finds it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous and untreated chemicals, substances that produced as waste by industrial processes. Pollutants are likely to come from such polluters as chemical producer, paper mill, steel manufacturer, electricity generation, etc. Their benefits accrue from production at the cost of environmental pollution, which means that environment protection has been neglected in favor of their interests. As is seen by all, not mentioned, the air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.One’s work together with lives seems to lack the environmental awareness among some people who understand a high level of contamination is none of their business. And the government could be hardly believed to deal effectively with a source of contamination, by chance, pollution event. Media are anxious to play down pollution hype, which is to surprise to all, needing to become more environmentally responsible, yet. This enables the media to make it known to all, not for their own benefit but for public interest, that more people take action to prevent the pollution from spreading rapidly.To protect people from being at risk of a considerable harm to be done to the above-mentioned environment, government is urged to issue anti-pollution regulation or enact law. Tackling pollution polluters are accordingly encouraged to invest funds into their companies to buy the advanced technologies in controlling or reducing pollution, and introduce up-to-date equipment to monitor pollutants.By this, the fine was forced to be for the company's pollution of the air near its plants. Government adds this to that recycling helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps. Special power plants are requested to generate electricity either by disposing rubbish as collected regularly or by using solar energy. Avoiding pollution, environmental assessment is to carry out if a large project is set up in advance. Of course, more environmentally-friendly goods are inspired to produce in future, that are available to consumers, in my belief.In taking an effective measure against contamination, governments at all levels should do more to protect the environment in their guideline. This encourages more people, companies, together with media, who are expected to be environmental well-doers, to persuade people to respect the environment. These could bring the comfortable working and living environment to increase in productivity and improve in quality respectively.写英语,“思维在前句在后”,既可以开发出每一个考生具有独特思想观点的优势,又可以表达出具有英语味道的语言句子。也就是说英语逻辑思维有四种思维方式帮助你拓展你的思考内容,保证与其他考生思考分析内容的不同。这四种方式是:一因一果;一因多果;多因一果;多因多果。当然,在英语逻辑思维写英语容易得高分方面,写出句子结构清晰、词法句法优美以及通过逻辑思维展现出逻辑组句:英语同位语句、感叹句等语法变化句、非谓语短语句。当然,在英语逻辑思维写英语容易得高分方面,如:有具体操作的细节问题;给你修改考研英语作文;就某一个主题写一篇英语作文;还有电子版的考研英语作文集可售等,则可私聊。好,祝你写英语作文有开心喜悦的一天。}


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