
  如果让你用英文表白你会怎么说呢?除了I love
you你还有其他的句子吗?今天小编给大家带来了英文经典表白情话,让大家感受一下英文表白情话的魅力。赶紧来看看英文经典表白情话有哪些吧!  1.You are my today and all of my tomorrows.  你是我的今天和所有的明天。  2.hey tell you in school that it's the lungs that keep you breathing,but
it's your heart.  学校曾教导我们,人要靠肺呼吸存活。事实上,我靠的是你的心。  3.And it's as if I never really even knew love until right now,in this
moment, with you.  在此刻我遇见你之前,我不懂什么是爱。  4.I can't, and won't ever be able to, get enough of you.  我不能,也永远不会,对你感到厌倦。  5.I really don’t know how many love stories I have left in me, but I want
you to be my last.  我真不知道我的人生还会发生多少次感情,但我想你是我的最后一次。  6.I really want to talk to you, but I feel like I’m annoying you.  真的好想跟你讲话,但又很怕你嫌我烦。  7.You make me want to be a better man.  你让我想成为一个更好的人。  8.You had me at hell.  我对你一见钟情。  9.Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make.  你的声音里充斥着我们将要创造的美好回忆。  10.Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.  看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。  11.Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.  有地图么?因为刚才我在你的眼神中迷失了自己。  12.Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my
control.  遇见你是命运的安排,而爱上你是我情不自禁。  13.No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your
cry.  没人值得你为TA流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣。  14. There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and
you。  我早上愿意醒来为两个理由:闹钟和你。  15. You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here
for me.  你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。  16.I like the flowers in spring,the trees in summer,the dusk in autumn,the
sunshine in winter and I like to see you every day.  我喜欢春天的花夏天的树秋天的黄昏冬天的阳光,还有每天的你。  17.I only want to say you are different now in my life,which means I wanna
be with you for the rest of my life.  现在只想说,你对我来说不一样了,余生,请多多指教。  18.The fascinating part I love most is that you only lide me without caring
about others.  我喜欢的就是你那副不爱别人只爱我的样子。  19.Love is hard,but the reason I still persist is you.  爱情很难,因为是你,所有再难我都坚持到最后。  20.For me, the only way to kill time is to be together with you.  对我来说打发时间的方式只有一个:跟你在一起。  21.Next time, could you let your pride go and be crazy about me?  下次可不可以换你褪去一身骄傲喜欢我到疯掉。  22.Thanks for the good luck all in my life,for example, meeting you.  感谢生命力所有幸运,比如,遇见你。  23.I'm so lucky to meet you.  一个宇宙9大行星204个国家809个岛屿7个大洋,我竟如此幸运,可以预见你。  24.There are many ways to be happy, the most direct one is to see you.  快乐的方式有很多种,最直接的就是见到你  25.There are three most important days in the world, the day with you, the
day with me, the day that I became the same as you.  世上有三个最重要的日子,有你的那天,有我的那天,我和你成为我们的那天。  26.I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about
,too, I miss you.  我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。  27.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am
with you.  我自己爱你,不是因为你是1个怎样的.人,而是因为我自己喜欢与你在1起时的.感觉。  28.I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss
you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.  不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。  29.If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.  如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。  30.If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put U and I together.  如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。  以上便是小编给大家带来的关于经典表白情话英文的推荐内容,希望能帮助大家,更多精彩表白情话,敬请关注情话吧!}
每个人都曾试图在平淡的学习、工作和生活中写一篇文章。写作是培养人的观察、联想、想象、思维和记忆的重要手段。写范文的时候需要注意什么呢?有哪些格式需要注意呢?接下来小编就给大家介绍一下优秀的范文该怎么写,我们一起来看一看吧。七上英语答案 七上英语答案仁爱版篇一篇一:七上英语教学计划一、指导思想:坚持“教书育人,为人师表”的教育宗旨,关心每一位学生的发展,爱岗敬业,以身作则。使学生了解英语在当今社会的重要性,增强学生世界观和人生观,使学生初步形成健全合格的中的学生,做一个对社会有用的人。二、学生情况分析:我所教的本届七年级新生基础很差,由于在小学英语课并未受到足够的重视,学生在写的技能方面基本上没有得到过训练,连音标没讲过,甚至有一半的学生26个字母的拼读都没有掌握好。经过上学期我和学生的不懈努力,他们的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。部分学生有了主动学习的动力,但是整体的惰性还是很强,我要积极主动的帮助他们重新建立学习兴趣。另外,学生在学习策略方面还存在很多需要进一步体会掌握的地方。很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识,不愿和其他学生交流,不能共同完成学习任务;大多数同学不能做好课前预习和课后复习,学习没有计划性,完全在老师的指挥棒之下学习,没能力做到总结语言规律和知识的巩固、积累。这些都是我和学生要长期作战艰苦努力才能解决的问题。我会慢慢给学生们信心去完成这些任务的,急是没有用的。让学生们乐于接受我的教学指导,并找到自成体系的办法才是解决问题的关键。三、教材分析:本册书主要介绍了日常生活的交际用语以及一些西方国家的文化背景和风俗习惯,教材通俗易懂,旨在使七年级学生基本能用英语进行简单的交流。本册书由两部分组成,即预备篇(3个单元)和正式篇(9个单元)。本书除提供语言材料外,还配有大量插图和原声录音磁带。四、教学目标:通过努力,力求每一位学生能开口讲英语,能用英语进行简单的会话。通过努力使大部分学生继续保持学英语的兴趣。能保持浓厚的学习英语兴趣和积极主动参与实践,以点带面,力争达学校教学质量的要求。五、教学措施和方法措施:1、培养学习兴趣,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法和策略,提高学习效率;2、发挥学生主体和教师主导作用:3、用良好的师生关系,协调课堂气氛,培养学生开口说英语的勇气和信心;4、引导学生实现语言的迁移,加强日常生活中英语口语的运用;5、鼓励学生自主探索,合用探究,共同提高。6、加强听力训练。方法:任务型教学:教师提出指令,学生规范操作。听说领先,读写跟上。综合训练,扎实双基。六、教学进度:第一周:starterunit1(goodmorning!)第二周:starterunit2(what’sthisinenglish?)第三周:starterunit3(whatcolorisit?)第四周:unit1(myname’sgina。)第五周:国庆节放假。第六周:unit2(thisismysister。)第七周:unit3(isthisyourpencil?)第八周:reviewunit1-3第九周:unit4(where’smyschoolbag?)第十周:unit5(doyouhavesoccerball?)第十一周:复习前半学期所学内容,举行期中考试并进行总结分析。第十二周:unit6(doyoulikebananas?)第十三周:unit7(howmucharethesesocks?)第十四周:reviewunit6-unit7第十五周:unit8(whenisyourbirthday?)第十六周:unit9(myfavoritesubjectisscience。)第十七周:reviewunit8-unit9第十八-十九周:复习本册书内容。第二十周:举行期末考试,进行总结,写好试卷分析。篇二:七上英语教学计划一、本学期的指导思想:在本学期的英语教学中,要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神;目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;采用活动途径,倡导参与,采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下参与和合作等方式,实现目标;注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐。二、学生情况分析及对策:本学期,我担任七年级(1)、(3)两个班的英语教学工作,虽然大部分学生在小学已接触过英语,他们已经认识了部分字母和单词,掌握了英语学习的一些基本方法,但大多数同学只是会说部分单词和句子。尖子生少,学习困难生多,部分学生没有明确的学习目的,缺少学习的热情和主动性,自觉性较差,相应的学习习惯也差。26个英文字母都不会写。针对种种情况,在本学期的英语教学中,一方面应加强基础知识的讲解和基本技能的训练,让学生掌握词汇、语法、句型等基础知识和听、说、读、写等基本技能,为进一步学习英语打下坚实的基础;另一方面,又要采取多种措施,注意培养学生对英语的兴趣;让学生掌握记忆语音、单词、阅读和写作等英语学习技巧,培养良好的学习习惯和自主探索,合作探究能力。充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。教学上采取任务型教学,运用灵活多变的方法,实现学生语言运用能力的迁移和拓展。尊重理解学生,与学生一起分享学习中的苦与乐。使每一位学生都能在学习中取得很大成绩,有所进步。三、教学目标:培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,形成有效的学习策略,有效提高学习效率,发展双基能力,培养听、说、读、写的能力,使学生初步获得运用英语的能力,达到语言运用能力的迁移和拓展。1、钻研新课标,努力提高自己教学水平。2、帮助学生能开口用英语进行简单的交流。3、抓好词汇关,帮助学生掌握好重点单词,掌握适当的拓展单词。4、掌握好关键句型,特别是每个单元的标题。四、教材分析:本套七年级教材以修订后的义教课标为依据作了修订,共分十二个单元,三个预备篇,九个正式篇,分sectiona和sectionb以及selfcheck三部分。各部分内容sectiona:1a呈现本单元的重点单词,语法结构与功能;1b呈现任务型听力练习;1c结对练习核心对话;2a,2b是多种听力练习;2c呈现不同的任务。2d让学生进行实际操练,grammarfocus呈现语法功能重点;3a-3c提供多种课堂活动。sectionb:1a学会扩展;1b新旧知识综合运用,同时在原有基础上有所扩展;1c-1b或2a-2b为听力练习;1e,2c巩固重点句型,3a-3b提供各类练习形式,随着所学内容的加深,逐步扩展成阅读和写作练习。“自我检测”部分(selfcheck),通过一些更有针对性的练习,帮助学生复习单元重点词汇、目标结构等,同时引导学生进行回顾和反思,帮助学生对所学内容进行自我归纳、总结和检测。五、本册语法重、难点内容:1、含有be动词和do动词的一般现在时2、人称代词、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主词、指示代词3、名词的复数、可数名词、不可数名词4、名词所有格5、介词in,on,under等6、连词but和and7、描述性形容词8、肯定句和否定句9、一般疑问句10、特殊疑问句:what,who,where,howmuch,when,why。六、教学措施:七年级是英语学习的基础阶段,也是关键时期。基础打不好,直接影响学生整个初中阶段,乃至高中、大学的英语学习。所以做好七年级英语的教学工作至关重要。对此我制定了以下措施:1、每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。2、每天记10个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“听写、互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。3、认真贯彻晨读制度:规定晨读内容,加强监督,保证晨读效果。4、对英语学习实行量化制度,每日、每周、每月都要给学生检验自己努力成果的机会,让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,感受压力。由此在班里形成浓厚的学习氛围,培养学生健康向上的人格和竞争意识。5、对后进生进行专门辅导,让他们在小进步、小转变中体味学习的快乐,树立学习的自信,尽快成长起来。6、关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。7、实施“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力。8、在教学中根据目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。9、加强对学生学习策略的指导,为他们终身学习奠定基础。10、充分利用现代教育技术,利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。七、质量检测:每二单元一次小测验,每四单元一次综合测试。坚持日测、周测、月测的形成性评价制度:对英语学习实行量化制度,每日、每周、每月都要给学生检验自己努力成果的机会,让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,感受压力。由此在班里形成浓厚的学习氛围,培养学生健康向上的人格和竞争意识。八、培优帮辅:众所周知:对优生、尖子生的辅导特别重要。本次培优工作以年级组为单位组织学生,以教师个别辅导为单位组织教学。1、优生辅导的目的:为全面提高教学质量,出色完成学校制定的培养目标,特选拔学科基础扎实、学业成绩优异、思维敏捷、学习能力超群的学生,进行重点培养,为他们脱颖而出创造条件,从而造就一批实践能力强的人才,为学校增光。2、具体措施:(1)帮助优生认识自己——帮助优生超越某些具体的考试分数和名次,通过和其他杰出青少年的比较,通过对自己求学过程中的经验与失败的冷静分析,正确全面地认识自己,进而有针对性地发展自己。(2)严格要求。对优生把真挚的爱与严格的要求统一起来。当优生出现问题时,既要保护他们的自尊心,又要及时、严肃地指出影响他们进步的原因,以及这些错误的严重后果、改正的方法等。在平时的学习中工作中,要为他们创造发挥能力的机会,也让他们严格约束自己,虚心向大家学习,不搞特殊化。(3)着力培养。对优生要多给予思想上的帮助,使之树立热爱集体、热心为大家服务的思想,鼓励他们大胆工作,并提供发挥他们想象力、创造性的机会,肯定他们的成绩,让他们把科学的学习方法传给大家,达到全体同学共同进步的目的。(4)平等相待。对优生不能因为他们成绩好而一味地“捧”,也不能面对他们的缺点冷嘲热讽,这些都会导致严重的心理障碍。对他们要热情地支持、深情地指导,要让他们成为积极向上、勤奋刻苦、乐于助人的三好学生。(5)进行高难度题型的训练。(6)在对优生、尖子生的辅导的同时,也不忘对困难学生的辅导、帮助,要经常与学困生交流谈心,加强思想教育,特别关注他们的课堂表现,对不足要认真、严肃提出,及时纠正;进步时及时给予表扬和鼓励,培养他们的自信心,进一步巩固和提高学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,提高学习效益。九、课程安排及教学进度:本学期每周4课时,预计十九个教学周。安排如下:第一周:starterunit1goodmorning!(4课时)第二周:starterunit2what'sthisinenglish?(4课时)第三周:starterunit3whatcolorisit?(4课时)检测starterunit1——starterunit3(4课时)第五周:“国庆节”放假。第六周:unit1myname'sgina。(4课时)第七周:unit2thisismysister。(4课时)第八周:unit3isthisyourpencil?(4课时)第九周:unit4where'smyschoolbag?(4课时)第十周:reviewandmid-tests(4课时)第十一周:unit5doyouhaveasoccerball?(4课时)第十二周:unit6doyoulikebananas?(4课时)第十三周:reviewandtestsofunit5——unit6(4课时)第十四周:unit7howmucharethesesocks?(4课时)第十五周:unit8whenisyourbirthday?(4课时)第十六周:reviewandtestsofunit7——unit8(4课时)第十七周:unit9myfavoritesubjectisscience(4课时)第十八周:reviewofunits1——9(4课时)第十九周:finalexam。篇三:七上英语教学计划一、指导思路七年级是英语学习的起始阶段,因此做好教学计划非常重要。作为教师应该加强课堂教学,高效地完成本学科教学目标。积极参加教科研活动,努力使教学水平、业务能力有更大的提高。同时,通过传授与学生生活密切联系的英语知识,训练英语的听说读写能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步运用能力,最终使学生从“学会英语”,向“会用英语”转变。为此,特制定本学期工作计划如下:二、教材分析本学期初一英语使用人教版教材,有两个部分。第一部分是准备部分,有三个单元。重点是音标和简单基础词汇。第二部分是正式课程,分为12个单元。本教材所牵涉的教学内容有:自我介绍,讨论能力,描述家人,谈论最喜爱的东西和日常事务等。本教材所要掌握的语法有1、be动词的用法2、一般现在时3、一般疑问句4、特殊疑问句5、冠词6人称代词6、序数词7、名词变复数8、情态动词can的用法。三、教学任务规划1、激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力形成有效的策略。2、掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能,建立初步的语感,开发智力、培养观察记忆思维,创造和想象能力。四、教学措施1、做好中小学的衔接,培养良好的学习习惯1)培养查字典,使用工具书的习惯;2)培养科学记忆单词的习惯;3)注重课堂和课下衔接,培养书写规范化习惯;4)培养专心听讲,积极思考,大胆参与的习惯;5)提出要求,注意检查落实,培养学生课前预习,课堂做笔记的好习惯。2、认真钻研教材,精炼知识点,提高课堂效率。有交流才有进步和提高。共同研究教法,经常性进行组内互听互评,在不断提升自身业务水平的同时,将以往实效性强的工作经验传授给其他教师。温故知新,灵活运用。在平时的常规课堂教学时,力求教学明确目标,突出重点,抓住关键点和难点,充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学习主动性。3、注意传授知识与及时评价相结合,强化反馈,强化落实。在课堂上力求把每节课的每个知识点,如语音、词汇、语法讲清楚讲透彻。针对有的教师在课堂上讲练多次,但学生仍未掌握的情况,要注意及时把知识传授和评价结合起来,充分利用好课前2分钟,进行教师检测与自检,并及时讲评。4、有效的运用各种教学策略,保持口语课堂交互活动的生命力。口语课运用多种教学策略,使课堂的交互活动始终处在一种“动态”、“积极”、“参与”、“合作”、和“成功”的状态。用一个月时间进行高密度口语专项训练。5、要充分利用现代教育技术,利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。6、抓好单元过关,及时查漏补缺。7、做好后进生的工作,提高英语兴趣,争取获得好成绩。五、教学进度安排课时教学内容1准备部分unit1goodmorning!2准备部分unit2what’sthisinenglish?3准备部分unit3whatcolorisit?4unit1myname’sgina。5习题课:打招呼及自我介绍用语。6unit2isthisyourpencil?7习题课:询问物品及一般疑问句变法。8unit3thisismysister。9习题课:介绍他人。10unit4where’smybackpack?11习题课:特殊疑问句。12unit5doyouhaveasoccerball?13习题课:have变一般疑问句和否定句。14unit6doyoulikebananas?15习题课期中总结unit1-unit616unit7howmucharethispants?17习题课:how的特殊疑问句用法18unit8whenisyourbirthday19习题课:疑问词when的用法。20unit9doyouwanttogotoamovie?21习题课:助动词do的用法。22unit10canyouplaytheguitar?23习题课:can作情态动词的用法。24unit11whattimedoyougotoschool?25习题课:询问时间。26unit12myfavoritesubjectisscience。27习题课期末总结unit1-unit12共计27课时,初一英语是初中英语打基础的关键时期,每一章节都是教学的重点和易错点的集中区域。因此,每一个老师都应该积极准备,不能疏忽大意,结合学生个体的特点,执行最准确的教学行为,相信在老师们的努力下,初一课程一定能为学生所宜授。七上英语答案 七上英语答案仁爱版篇二书面表达:根据王辉的信息,介绍一下他的情况name:wang huiclass:2age:13friend:lucy and lilyfavourite food:fishfavourite colour:red要求:语句通顺连贯;无语法错误;卷面整洁;不少于6句话my name is wang hui.i am from
is my family
is my given name.i am a boy.i am thirteen years old.i am a student of no.1 middle school.i am in class two ,grade
favourite food is
favouritecolour is
and lily are my good
are in the same class.七上英语答案 七上英语答案仁爱版篇三外研版七年级英语上重点句子starter one my teacher and my friend 我的老师和朋友,class.同学们好。 name's miss zhou.我的名字是周老师。 morning,miss zhou 早上好,周老师 e,class 再见,同学们 5.i'm chen zhong 我叫陈忠 morning,mr chen 早上好,陈老师's your name,please?请问你叫什么名字? ?请再说一遍,好吗? you spell it,please? 你能拼写一下吗/
are you ? 你好吗?,thank you.好的,谢谢你。,thanks,lingling.很好,谢谢,玲玲。13.i'm fine too, thanks.我也很好,谢谢。14.i'm tom porter.我叫汤姆 波特
is miss zhou.这是周老师。1's my teacher.她是我的老师。,tony,nice to meet you.你好,托尼,见到你很高兴。's time to go now.现在到走的时间了。 you tomorrow.明天见。starter two my english lesson 我的英语课 sit down.请坐 your book.打开你的书。.听 up your hand.举手 you a new student here?你是这里的一名新学生吗?
class are you in ? 你在哪个班?7.i'm in class 3,mr chen's class.我在三班,陈老师的班。,what's your telephone number? 贝蒂,你的电话号码是什么?'s seven two six, eight one five.是726
old are you? 你多大了? many boys are there?有多少男孩?starter three my english book 我的英语书's this in english?这个用英语怎么说? 's a book.它是一本书。 it on the blackboard,please.请把它写在黑板上。.不,对不起。 do you spell 'pencil'?你怎样拼写'pencil' you help me,please,lingling?请问,你能帮助我一下吗,玲玲?7.i don't know.我不知道 you say that again, please?请再说一遍好吗? 're welcome.不用谢。,of course...好的,当然……
do you want?你想要什么?
colour is it?它是什么颜色?'s red,green and orange.它是红绿橙相间的。starter four my everyday life 我的日常生活 day is it today?今天星期几? it in your book.把它写在你的书上。 day is your favourite day?你最喜欢星期几? 's the weather like in spring?春天天气怎么样? 's warm.它暖和。's your favourite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么? 's play football after school.让我们放学后踢足球吧。's go swimming on wednesday.让我们星期三去游泳吧。module 1 my classmates 我的同班同学 to meet you.很高兴见到你 2.i'm chinese.我是中国人。 are you from?你来自哪儿? ,what about you ?你好,你呢?5.i'm wang lingling and i'm thirteen years old.我叫王玲玲,我十三岁。,everyone.大家好。 hui is my best friend, but he is not in my class.王辉是我的朋友,但他和我不在同一个班里。 is my first name and smith is my last name.托尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。 english, the given name is first and the family name is last.在英语里,名字在前面,姓氏在后面。module 2 my family 我的家庭 this your mum?这是你妈妈吗? is a photo of tony's family.这是托尼的一张家庭照片。 a big family.好大的一个家庭啊! these your grandparents?这些人是你的祖父母和外祖父母吗?
mum's parents are on the left, and my dad's parents are on the right.我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。 woman next to her is my dad's sister,my aunt liz.在她旁边的妇女是我爸爸的姐姐,我姑姑利兹。 are the boy and the girl in front of paul?在保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁? are my parents.这是我的父母。 father is an actor.我爸爸是一名演员。 is a policeman.他是一名警察。 and daming's mother are at the same hospital.她和大明的妈妈在同一家医院。's your father's job?你爸爸做什么工作?module 3 my school 我的学校 are thirty students in my class.我班有30名学生。 there a lot of furniture?有许多家具吗? ,are there any pictures on the classroom walls?噢,在教室的墙上有一些图画吗? e lab 科学实验室 yan’s in front of daming and between zhao feng and li min.高燕在大明的前面,在赵锋和李敏之间。ng is behind zhao feng.玲玲在赵锋的后面。 are six buildings in our school...我们学校有6座建筑物。。 the middle of the school is a big playground.在学校的中央是一个大操场。 front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for science.在餐厅的前面是体育馆,在体育馆前面的那座建筑物是用于科学课的。 most countries around the word ,children must go to school when they are 5 or 6 years old.在世界大部分国家,孩子在5岁或6岁必须上学。module 4 healthy food健康食品 在大多数情况下作不可数名词,但有时也可用作可数名词,要注意区分。 的用法 既是可数名词又是不可数名词,意为“糖果”。 名词,意为“水果”,通常用作集合名词,无复数形式;但表示不同种类。a lot of fruit 的水果时加--s.5....let's go shopping for food and drink....我们去购物买些食物和饮料吧。6....we haven't got any meat.... much chocolate isn't good for
kind of fruit ?什么种类的水果?9....we've got lots of apples.... haven't got any oranges ,so let's get some.我们没有橘子了,所以我们买些橘子吧. about some orange juice?一些橘汁怎么样?
hasn't got any
right..好吧... is bad for y 形容词,意为“健康的”,其反义词为unhealthy,意为“不健康的”.y food and drink for children
and candy are very sweet...可乐和糖果都是很甜的... the right food and be
,cheese and fish are good for your teeth.牛奶,奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有好处.20.a bit tired ? 有点儿劳累吗? is important to remember;eat well, stay healthy ,and don't get fat.记住这些是很重要的;吃好,保持健康, noodles or rice,not hamburgers.吃面条或米饭, a good breakfast every
home my grandma's dinners are delicious...在家中我奶奶做的晚饭是美味的...'s your favourite food and drink ?你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么?
and fish are healthy
5 my school day我的上课日's twelve o''s half past 's twenty to
不可数名词,意为“数学”. ,what are our lessons on monday?贝蒂,星期一我们上什么课?
have chinese at eight o'clock...八点种我们上语文课... you like maths ,tony? 你喜欢数学课吗?托尼?
in the afternoon?那么下午呢?9.i love history and i'm good at 's my favourite subject because it's very interesting.它是我最喜欢的科目,因为它很有趣.11.i can talk with my chinese s begin at
is your geography lesson?你的地理课是什么时候? 14.i go to school on weekdays,but not on saturday and sunday.我工作日去上学,但在周六和周日不去.15.i get up at half past seven in the morning ,and then have breakfast.我在早上7点半起床, school is next to my house.我的学校在我家附近. start work at nine o' eleven o'clock, we have a break in the playground and i talk to my friend.在11点种,我们在操场上休息, have meat and rice with vegetables ,or hamburgers.我们吃带蔬菜的肉和米饭,或者汉堡包。20....we go home at half past three.在3点半我们回家。 the evening ,i watch tv and have dinner with my family.晚上,我和家人一起看电影,吃晚饭。22.i do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock.我做家庭作业,然后在10点种上床睡觉.23.i go to the park on
friday i have a busy day.在周五, i wash my hands and face...然后我洗手洗脸....26....we have break for twenty minutes.... the uk, children have five lessons in the day and finish school at half past three in the afternoon.在英国,小孩自们一天有5节课, 6 a trip to the zoo一次动物园之旅 ,and there are some giraffes.是的,e to beijing
zoo has many kinds of animals ,such as bears,zebras,giraffes and pandas.动物园里有许多种动物,比如熊.斑马, come from many different countries and they eat different food.它们来自许多不同的国家,而且它们吃不同的食物.re are the
at this
she is.看, there a panda called tony...?有叫托尼...的熊猫吗? elephant lives in africa and in
eats plants ,leaves ,bamboo and a little fruit ,but it doesn't eat meat.它吃植物,树叶,和少量水果, black and white animals is the favourite of people all over the
eats plants and leaves ,as well as grass ,but the zebra doesn't eat bamboo.它吃植物和树叶,也吃草,'s a very large animal and usually lives alone.它是个大型动物, ,china
people think it carries water in the bumps on its back ,but it's not true.一些人认为骆驼背上的骆蜂里贮存着水, carries its babies and ,with its strong tail and back legs ,it jumps across the grassland.它携带着它的孩子, 7 computers电脑 i learn ?我能学吗? ,open a new document.首先 , the
do i save the document?我怎样保存这个文件呢?
it in the y, how do i print my document?最后,我怎么打印我的文件呢?
about some paper ?纸怎么办? has a friend in australia ?谁有一个朋友在澳大利亚 ? 9....and my father and i share it...我和爸爸共用它. also goes on the internet to check the times of trains ,make travel llans ,and buy tickets.他也上网查询火车时刻,制定旅行计划并买票.11.i listen to music or watch movies every friday
the internet ,i search for information ,do my homework and check my email.在网上,我搜索信息,做作业并查看我的电子邮件.13.i send email to my friends and play computer
sometimes i play a lot of games...但有时我玩很多游戏... do you want to visit friends or family ?你想看望朋友或家人吗? 16.i write to my friends.我写给我朋友.1 's-----for our holiday.咱们----我们的假期.18.i 'm very big ,about one and a half times the size of a classroom.我很大, 8 choosing presents挑选礼物 ,would you like to come to my birthday party ?嗨,你们愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?2.i always like birthday
my mother never makes a birthday
we sometimes give birthday cards.并且我们有时送生日贺卡.5.a cinema ticket.一张电影票.6.a concert ticket ng birthday presents.挑选生日礼物 every day they get some exercise...所以每天他们...锻炼 9....always buys expensive clothes.... has got 11 silk scarves ,20 shirts and a lot shoes.她有11条丝绸围巾,20件衬衫和许多鞋. spends a lot of
also likes films...她也喜欢电影...13....but they don't go to football matches.... usually watch football on television at weekends.他们通常在周末通过电视看球赛.1 birthday party is at six o'clock on saturday evening at my house.我的生日聚会在周六晚上六点种,'s great to hear from you mike ,but i'm afraid i can't come.迈克 ,收到你的邮件太好了,但是恐怕我不能来参加.17.i always watch my little sister play football on saturday evening.在周六晚上我总是看我的小妹妹踢足球..module 9 people and places 人们和地方 in the
for the
're on a school
about the others?其他人怎么样?,right now tony eating a delicious ice cream.我妈妈在打扫房子并清除坏运气。恩, means good luck.那意味着好运气。 ling is buying a few presents and 's so much delicious food.有如此多的美味佳肴。 the dinner,we usually watch a special programme on
're on sale at the shop.它们正在商店里出售.饭后,我们通常看电视上的特别节目。9.i 'd like a postcard too ,but please take some photos of the great wall and
me about a festival in your
them to me by email.告诉我你们国家的一个节日。我也想要一张明信片,但是请拍一些长城的照片, 're enjoying the school trip a
,it's time to go back to school now.无论如何, off下车 this moment ,in different places of the world ,people are doing different things.此时此刻,世界上不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。 are going the theatre or watching a film.有些人正去歌剧或看电影。 people are seeing friends,calling home or shopping.有些人在看望朋友,在给家里打电话或购物。 you for your postcard from the great wall.谢谢你从长城寄来的明信片。're in front of a cinema in hollywood and i'm writing this postcard to you.我们在好莱坞的一家电影院前面,我在给你写明信片。module 10 spring festival 春节 you getting ready for spring festival?你们在为春节作准备吗? is tony speaking.我是托尼。's happening?在忙什么呢? you getting ready for spring festival?你们在为春节作准备吗? 's still at work.他仍然在工作。's cleaning the house and putting things away.她在打扫房子,并收拾东西。 mother 's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.七上英语答案 七上英语答案仁爱版篇四1.自我介绍范文:hello, my name is ××.i’m a student.i am in yu cai middle school.i’m in class 5, grade
birthday is on may
telephone number is ××.i like english ’s easy and
favorite food is milk.i like blue very much.i am a good boy/
friend(我的朋友)i have a good
name is
is 12 years
telephone number is
birthday is march
likes playing
favorite subject is e he thinks it’s
is a nice
are good friends.3.寻物启事lost:i lost a set of keys, i must find
me at ××.thank you!tim4失物招领found:some keys are in the school
they yours? my phone number is ××.call 5.假设你是李梅,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。hello!i'm li !this is my family
is my
is my
is a
is 36, and my mother is 36, ’s that boy? oh, he is my
is 13 and i am
brother and i are students.6.假设这是tom的房间,请你介绍他的房间。look!this is tom’s
photos are on the
t-shirt is on the
keys are on the
computer is on the desk,
is tom’s baseball? oh, it’s under the
is on the floor? they are tom’s shoes, socks and computer
loves his room.7.写一篇文章介绍你的朋友jim所拥有的体育器材和他喜欢的体育运动。jim has a great sports
has 10 basketballs, 4 soccer balls, 2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9
doesn’t have a ping-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis
all the sports, he likes tennis
likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for
often plays tennis and basketball with his friends after school.8.介绍你的一日三餐。hello, everyone!i don’t like sports, but i like eating very much.i eat a lot of food every
breakfast, i like milk, eggs and
lunch, i like chicken, noodles and
dinner, i like fruits, vegetables and rice.i like healthy food.i don’t want to be fat.9.为自己的服装店写一则广告sale at ×× clothes storecome and buy your clothes at ××!do you like sweaters? we have sweaters for only 20
much are our jackets? only 25
to our store now!邀请你的朋友参加你学校的活动dear ××,do you like sports? do you have a basketball? please come to my school next
have a basketball
is on may
you there!9.以 my favorite…为题,写一篇短文my favorite subject is english.i like it because it is interesting.i have english every day.i can speak a little english.i join the school english club.i can read english books.i think it is useful for me.i want to learn it well.i like english very 七上英语答案 七上英语答案仁爱版篇五七年级英语(上册)参考答案module 1 unit 1 step5一、;are
meet二、 class
old is
you come
do you do?三、 to meet
’t from america./ doesn’t come from america. class three, grade
you english?unit 2 step 4一、(略)二、
’s三、’s your
name is jiang li and she is
is from?
is?四、1)me2)apples3)sheep4)does5)black6)bananas7)teacher8)pear9)underunit 3 学习检测一、1-5 bcccc6-10 aaaca11-15bdcbb二、1-5 ddbbc
6-10 badca三、(a.)ftfft(b)6-10 ccbbb四、(a)(略)(b)
;me五、 from
are girls
is六、 to meet ’s from;is a big city
3.a student;i’m twelve years
chinese;his family;his given
5.在汉语里,姓在前名在后。6.我在七年级三班。7.请向你的同学介绍一下你自己。七、(略)module 2unit1 step 4一、1 a big family
2 a photo of on the left on the rightthis isthat isnext to in front of二、, it
a beautiful flower(this is)! is that ?
are my cousins.七年级英语上册参考答案第 1 页(共 13 页)三、
the left
’s s
unit 2 step 4一、alr二、r
三、 does do ?
s from. does work?
’s name?
your speak?
unit3 学习检测一、1-5 ba c b b6-10 a d c c c11-15d a d b b二、1-5
bbbab6-10 ccabb三、1-5 dccd6-10 abaab四、(a)1 cousin
family parent sisterhusband
6 hospitalhoteldoctor station manager(b)
5 two
6 can’t(c)
s五、 is an old ’t;any
he;does he do;kind of job do
they your parents? yes, they
little boy can speak japanese./the boy can speak little japanese.六、 actor;manager theatre
english teacher
driver.七、(略)module 3unit 1
ccbb step4一、1 teachers
2 photoslibraries potatoespictures buildingssheepwomen policemen二、’t
三、’t a there any
, there isn’t
are there七年级英语上册参考答案第 2 页(共 13 页)unit 2
step4一、1 building
2 library
3 playgroundbetween nearofficemiddle gatehallbehind science
12 lab二、n
四、 is
, there aren’t
some english teachers
there any
is五、 is a book in the bag on the
is a pen and two pencils on the
are not any birds in the
3 step 4一、1-5 abdcb
6-10 caacb二、1-5bacda
6-10 dcbac三、1-5 baaac
6-10 bcbca四、(a)1 library
2 picture nineteen
4 science behind building(b)
s (c)
’t sleep
, will visitming g
’s an

1’t五、 is
;next to
, there aren’t
is next to the science lab.六、1 classroombehingplayground
on the left ofthere is in front of你的在中国的教室是什么样?在教学楼的右侧是餐厅。七、(略)module
4 unit1 i. 1 some bottles of juice
2 some boxes of glasses 七年级英语上册参考答案第 3 页(共 13 页)potatoes
4 tomatoes
5 hamburgers ii. 1-5 b c ca c
iii. unit 2 n
iv. unhealthy
isn’t hasn’t
’t, or v.略
3一、1-5 bbccb6-10 babcd11-15 b a c a b二、完型填空1---5 cddba6---10 bacaa三、阅读理解1---5 acddc四、(一)略(二)1fruit 2healthy 3noodles 4 chicken 5water 6tired 7vegetables五、.matoes /candies 5healthy 6 their 7 has 8any 9chinese 10children六、. isn’t any fish on the table.2 have you got any oranges?
haven’t got any milk or
are some tomatoes on the tables/ oranges healthy food or unhealthy food? , haven’t七、略。八、略。module 5 unit 1 step2c a bc step4 巩固练习1.1 on monday afternoon
2 one’s fvourite
3 too difficult for
4 talk about
5 be good at
6 have maths
6)with 3.1)talk about
school day2)at eight o’clocksciencefive to nine3)what lessons do we have on4)historyam good at 七年级英语上册参考答案第 4 页(共 13 页) bottles
matoes en
of apples o much
bad for
shopping5)my favourite subject
talk with 4.1)what’s your2)half past ten3)four forty-five4)how many5)what timeunit 2 step3b a c 51 get up
2 on weekdays
3 go to bed
4 have breakfat 5 have dinner 6 go to sleep
1)or 2)break 3)dinner 4)nexthouse/home 5)weekdays 6)getsleep 7)break 3.1)goes2)has3)starts4)have 5)doesn’t likeplaying 4.1)from monday to friday;on weekdays 2)do start 3)when do have 4)and play football 5)where’s your 6)and finishunit 3 自主检测一、单项选择1—5 cbcba6---10 aadcc
11---15 accdb二、完形填空1---5cadba
6---10cdcac三、阅读理解(a):1---5cccbc(b):6---10acdcb(c)11 no, there isn’t.12 at 3:30 or 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon.13 they have two hours for lunch and a ten-minutes break after each
have two.15 可自由回答四、略五、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。
e interesting
y ork六、用单词的正确形式填空。 ing ’t go
七、 do your time do finish vegetables 七年级英语上册参考答案第 5 页(共 13 页) day is it today
n’t do his6.1)i can speak english and i can speak it very well.2)he likes playing piano but he can’t play it well.3)they don’t run in the morning or in the afternoon.4)she has two daughters and her daughters are doctors.八、补全对话 n’t
ite九、英汉互译 ’t like mathsphy favourite
nine art half past ten 4.今天是星期几? 5.今天你的课是什么? 6.我看电视并跟家人共进晚餐。十、略module 6unit 1 1.略2.1)guide
5)bamboo3.1)there are in
2)yes, it , it doesn’t3)would you like
4)panda’s favorite bamboo
5)the giraffe eats meat.4.略unit 2 1.略2.略3.略 about leaves around
5.1)wolves eat
2)likes3)doesn’t often drink;does the camel often drink?4)are any
5)does do;she doesn’t do morning exercises every day.6.略 unit 3 自主检测一、单项选择1-5 bcdcc
6-10 cbabd
11-12 cb二、完型填空 cacbc
bbccc三、阅读理解2.a: 1---5cdabcb: 6---10 bcacac: cbcdb四、词形转换1.1)finishes 2)studies 3)unhealthy
3)bamboo 4)asia africa 5)elephants 6)animal 7)zoos六、用所给单词的适当形式填空七年级英语上册参考答案第 6 页(共 13 页)3.1)does
2)doesn't speak
7)to go8)are七、句型转换。4.1)they are
yes, it is.3)how much
4)doesn't do 5)doesn’t come from 6)does
have7)has got
8)no it doesn't
9)does well in
10)what about八、
to school
supper to bed 九、十 略module 7 unit1 step 5 1.1-6 bacbbb2.(1)document(2)print(3)finally(4)connect(5)save 3.(1)doesn’t do her homework(2)what does, do(3)how often does ,play(4)don’t write it
unit2 step5
1.1-6abbbbc 2.(1)check(2)information(3)emails(4)share(5)searching(6)internet(7)games 3.(1)are(2)goes(3)don't use(4)talks(5)sends(6)first(7)finally 4.1)how many emails do
2)make travel plans
3)never play games but
4)what does your brother usually do;usually does his homework 5)can you help me check the times of the trains on the internet? 5.略 unit 3一、d
d 二完形填空:1—5:acbaa
6—10:bbbdc 三阅读理解:(a): 1---5 acbaa(b): 6---10 abcda四、
check t n’t visit ,sends 't go h
es r,customers e ation
六、 many does ’t have any
often does use es do
often does
8 unit 1 step 4一、c d c a d d c b 七年级英语上册参考答案第 7 页(共 13 页)二、y
三、 work
’t go 四、 for her
a birthday partyunit 2
step 5一、b b a b b a b.二、
't read
三、't like or
s hard
a pen
’s read
favorite四、 to concerts with
boxes of chocolates
,money on
to the cinema
, watch the football match unit 3 一.1-5 adcda6-10 cbbdb 二.1-5 bbaca6-10 bcbca 三.cbdda 四.a略b、caabd 五.1.matches 2 send 3 expensive 4 afraid
5 concerts
6 dress
7 magazines
esn't like
put es
g 七.'t like 't
do3.a lot
i don't go matches
you like
the birthday dinner
a birthday cake
birthday presents /keep healthy 5.11 silk scarves
to the cinema
some exercise
to 十一.略module 9 unit 1一、 postcards
in the sun
in a school trip 7.a few
/stand in line二、 talking
singing , doing, am waiting n’t walking, is lying三、1.c 2.d 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.b 7.aunit 2一、g rds rants
yway二、 are doing
getting n’t enjoying esn’t like playing football
5.i’m not三、1.b 2.c 3.c 4.a四、英汉互译七年级英语上册参考答案第 8 页(共 13 页) leaving work
driving home g for ng tv;eating hot dogs
afternoon tea g off
the moment
seeing friends, calling homeunit 3一、1—5 a a c a c
6—10 d d d a b11—15 a c b b c16-20 acdbb21-26 acaccb二、1—5 c b a b c6—10 b a a c b 三. 1—5 dbcda四、 ng g
g g ng ng 1ting 五、
ing六、1.what are you doing?, i’m not.3.isn’t having 4.are starting their lessons
5.doesn’t do his homework
are doing g to
going 七、1.are enjoying singing
3.doesn’t have flying get
running g g
having1 eat 1’t watch, is watching
八、1.standing, calling
2.waiting for, moment
4.having, sleepingmodule 10 unit 1 step 8一、1.get ready for
up 5.做灯笼 6.扫地二、al g
三、 happening
doing g ng四、 are the boys doing in the park?
is something wrong with the car. they watching tv at home?unit 2 step8一、1.clean the room
spring festival ate spring festival
7.a special programme on tv
luck二、1.b 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.c三、 isn’t playing football in the
tom playing football now?
mothers buying clothes? yes, they are./ no, they aren’ are getting ready for lantern
3一、1—5a b b b c
6—10 a c a c b11—17 c a d a d a c二、1-5 bacdd 6-10 abcca三、bcdcd四、
ns g
七年级英语上册参考答案第 9 页(共 13 页)ng, floor al mas ngs五、 shopping
singing , doing, am doing g, dance , swimming, are swimming g ional
ng, am listening
standing 1 having
talking g
singing ’t cook 1六、 do
doing ’t listening 6.i am/we are are doing the moment
1 they waiting for the bus? no, they aren’ girl isn’t listening to the music.1 are the students doing ?
is doing her homework now.七. the same day 2.a few days, sweep away
a look at
shopping, a lot of
to , luck ating, traditional family dinner l programme.七年级英语上册期中检测题(a)一、bdcddcbcbcacbaccabab二、acbac ccaab三、ccddc
4.capital5.scienceoard 7 manager七、1.playing2.is3.them, him 4.girl’, do, workers 6.going
7.helping8.england answer八、1.are, any buses
2.he has got some ice cream.3.what is your favorite food? old is5.i haven’t got two aunts or three uncles.6.who is in america?
7.what many carrots have they got ?
you go to school by bike every day? mother doesn’t do the housework every day.九、略十、 with
man, police station
capital ofes
watches comes 6我家有四口人。我努力学习因为我想当老师。8 让我们去购物买些食物和饮料。9 图书馆紧挨着老师的办公室。10 太多巧克力对你没好处。十一、略七年级英语上册期中自主检测题(b)七年级英语上册参考答案第 10 页(共 13 页)ⅰ.1—5 bbaab6—10 dcacb11—15 bdcab ⅱ.1—10 babac
acaca ⅲ.1—5 babca6—10 bcacb11—15 ccaca ⅳ.语音知识 aabcb
singing ing
, live , am doing
ng 8.vegetables.ⅵ., any friends
many, are there ’t, any ,or
does, do are photos 6 yes, they
day is it
od for, teeth e to ’s, weather like, autumn
much good for y favourite subject interesting
about, school day ⅷ.范文仅供参考,不作为评分依据。there are three people in my family, my father, my mother and
live in middle school street in
father is a
works in a
likes watching football match on
favorite food is noodles and
goes to work every
mother is a
is an english
works very
students love her very
mother likes going shopping on sunday and she likes
parents love me very
look after me very
my family i have some fun.i’m a middle school student.i like english because i have got many american
school i usually play basketball, sometimes i play chess with my friends.i get up early every morning and do morning
favorite food is hamburgers and ice cream.i know they are not healthy food, but i like them.七年级英语上册期末检测题(a)一、1—5 bddbb 6—10 aacac 11—15 dddaa 16—20 abbdb二、1-5 babdb6-10aadbd三、1-5 ddddd
6-10 bdaca
11-15 acbba四、cddab五、
五、’t do
do, do is, doinges have any day
aunt often buys presents for all her family. many classes do
do my
a card to miss wang 七年级英语上册参考答案第 11 页(共 13 页)六、a,1.moment
are doing
buys of3.a
chocolates on
ating traditionalb.答案略.七、i am a junior school
one grade seven is my class.i get up at 6:00 in the
breakfast, i go to school at about 7:s begin at 8: have four classes in the morning and three in the
two classes, we can have a break.i study chinese, english, chinese, history, art and so on.i often have lunch at
4 p.m.i usually go to the playground to play basketball with my classmates.i like basketball very much.i go home at
dinner, i do my homework, i often go to bed at half past nine.七年级英语上册期末自主检测题(b)一、1—5 cbbdc
6—10 acccd11—15 cdabd二、1—5 cabda
6—10bcbdb三、1—4 dcba
5—8 cadb9----13 bdbaa四、a、cbcab b、略 c、略五、rds
yations ,’t go,
, inviting drinking, drinks
s, giraffes
, our 六.’t do
many, have
3.(略) often does
are these, doing 七、 cleaning
away buying, presents, postcards, on sale, makes, for himnds of your homework
a computer八、(略)starter module1—4 初中小学英语知识衔接四、基础知识测试i(笔划顺序略)a e f h iig_ h _i;j_k _l;p_ q _r;t_ u _v
w_ x _y;f_ g _h;p_q _r;i_ j _kiii ㈠ cabbc㈡ dcbdbiv
1--5 cdcbb6--10 bcbad
11--15 dcbba 七年级英语上册参考答案第 12 页(共 13 页)lvessgen
8 swimmingvi
’t want any
does;;weather like
;man;ishow many boys are there in your class?
does your do ?r’s day is on september
apples are falling down from the
1 school
3gets4takes5pe6four7him8healthy9has10films七年级上册语法复习导学案二、基础性练习1.略2.1)----5)cabaa6)-----10)cacbd三、拓展性练习1、1)people2)women3)is singing4)wore5)does, live6)travels7)lives8)was, was
9)went saw
dancing11)are having12)goes13)told14)is drawing
15)took 2、1)aren’t any
2)this is an
3)can ride
make 5)doesn’t do
6)what are doing7)how many apple trees are
8)has got
9)where did go
10)didn’t do yesterday.3、1)there is2)dictionaries have got3)are playing4)can’t speak
for him 七年级英语上册参考答案第 13 页(共 13 页)}


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