
[医] 男病人, 女病人双语例句Lawyers for Michael's mother Katherine Jackson are now trying to get passages of the diary admitted as evidence to back up a wrongful death suit against London concert promoter AEG. 迈克尔的母亲凯瑟琳杰克逊现正尝试从日记获取信息,作为控告杰克逊伦敦演唱会的主办公司AEG致使他异常死亡的证据。But, he added, he had confidence in AEG's ability to keep Jackson focused. 但是,他补充说,他对AEG有信心,相信AEG能够使杰克逊全神贯注在这次演唱会上。Eat lunch while writing e-mails to AEG headquarters and the nine-member board of our joint venture with Oriental Pearl Group. 午餐,同时写邮件给AEG总部和我们与东方明珠集团(OPG)组建的合资企业的董事会,该董事会由9名董事组成。It will include sections recorded in 3-D which AEG had planned to show at the concerts, offering Sony the prospect of being able to charge premium prices for tickets at cinemas with 3-D screens. 影片将包括AEG原计划在演唱会上展现的3D形式的场景,这使索尼有可能对有3D屏幕的电影院门票收取更高的费用。AEG's live entertainment division, AEG LIVE is one of the world's leading concert promotion and touring companies. 分部AEG厂家的直播娱乐部,分部AEG厂家Live是一个世界领先的演唱会宣传及旅游公司。The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London. 案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们将为天王提供医疗设备,并聘请康拉德·莫里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会。Vitali has fought multiple times at events owned by AEG, including twice at Staples Center. 维塔利已经多次战斗在AEG公司拥有的事件,其中包括两次在斯台普斯中心。They want AEG China to design and operate a version of the Staples Center, our arena in Los Angeles. 他们希望aeg中国设计并运营一个中国版的史泰博体育中心(staplescenter),该中心是我们在洛杉矶的场馆。The lawsuit alleged that Jackson's agreement with AEG put him under immense pressure to complete the London concerts. 起诉中还提到杰克逊同AEG之间的协议令他承受了完成伦敦演唱会的巨大压力。It is a completely mystery what has happened to him. ( AEG). 他究竟发生了什么事,这完全是一件神秘的事。With the expertise of NBA China and AEG, the Beijing Olympic Basketball Arena will become a premiere destination for fans after the Olympic Games. “随着专业知识的NBA中国和分部AEG厂家,北京奥运会的篮球舞台上,将成为一个首演目的地后,球迷奥运会”。AEG Turbine factory, Behrens, Berlin, 1909. 贝伦斯的AEG涡轮工厂。With societal development, China girls education will enter new development aeg. 随着社会的发展,我国女童教育将进入一个新的发展时期。This paper presents a new control mode that puts drive system and automatic position control system together with ISA-D system, and shows the hardware configuration. 介绍一种以德国AEG公司可编程数字传动系统ISA-D为核心,把数字传动系统与基础自动化结合为一体的新的控制方式。The stability and reliability of thyristor speed control system in paper machine was discussed in this paper, AEC's drive unit was especially introduced in detail. 对造纸机可控硅速度控制系统的稳定性和可靠性进行了探讨,尤其对AEG公司的传动装置作了详尽阐述。Backgrounds: Recent years, the incidence rate of the adenocarcinoma of esophagogastric junction ( AEG) has been rising around the world. 研究背景:食管胃结合部腺癌近年来在世界范围内发病率呈上升趋势。The AEG type ⅱ and type ⅲ lymph node mainly metastasis in the abdominal cavity. AEGⅡ型和Ⅲ型的淋巴转移以腹腔为主。The mechanical properties of the cured resin from tertiary amine system were better than that of 2E4MZ system. The cured resin possessed excellent integrated performances when AGE content was equal to 20% by weight in the epoxy resin system. 三级胺固化体系的力学性能明显优于2E4MZ固化体系,当AEG的含量为20wt%时,固化物的综合力学性能最好。}
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