
2017-09-08 17:39
朱锦明主任说:“作为三级甲等妇幼专科医院,每年接诊的孕产妇数量居全市之首。我们按照国家要求,对于无指证剖宫产手术管理的比较严格,所以临床上对于选择剖宫产还是顺产我们非常谨慎。除非是具备剖宫产的绝对指征,才会行剖宫产术。不需要的则尽量鼓励孕妇自然分娩。” 选择顺产还是剖宫产,关键是要专业医生来判断和评估,哪些有剖宫产的指征,医生会根据具体情况,选择适合孕产妇的分娩方式。

  UNITED NATIONS, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Representatives from UN Security Council members and other countries on Wednesday sent their deep condolences to the Chinese government and people for a strong earthquake that hit the northwestern part of the country and killed at least 589 people.The diplomats from nearly 40 countries and the European Union offered their condolences to China when they were taking the floor at an open Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, which kicked off here Wednesday morning. The representatives were from the only countries which inscribed to speak at the open debate.Representatives from Austria, Bosnia, Brazil, Britain, France, Gabon, Japan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Russia and the United States offered their condolences to the Chinese delegation for the 7.1-magnitude earthquake, which struck northwest China's Qinghai Province early Wednesday.Condolences were also from such countries as Afghanistan, Argentina, Botswana, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Kenya, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia and Venezuela.Earlier, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and president of the UN General Assembly Ali Treki also sent their deep condolences to China over the strong earthquake.At least 589 people have reportedly died and 10,000 others were injured in the wake of the deadly earthquake, local authorities said.
  BEIJING, April 1 (Xinhua) -- Two Chinese vaccine makers Thursday confirmed they have shut down operations after their rabies vaccines were found to be substandard.The State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) announced in December that a total of 215,800 units of rabies vaccines made by Jiangsu Ealong Biotech Co. and Hebei Bioforwell Co. from July to October 2008 had quality problems.The agency had ordered the two companies to halt production and sales.The confirmation came after media reports saying Ealong Biotech had resumed production and seven executives had been detained. Reports said the company had mixed an additive with the vaccine to reduce costs, leaving as many as 1 million people affected nationwide.Some local newspapers even reported that deaths or illness were likely caused by the faulty vaccines.Yan Jiangying, the SFDA spokesman, said the SFDA was yet to release investigation results as the probe was still underway.But Yan said people needed several injections to build up immunity as the 180,000 units of vaccines made by Ealong Biotech were not as effective as required by the drug watchdog.Liu Wu, general manager of Ealong Biotech, said the faulty vaccines may not provide protection against rabies as they were not up to national standards.But Liu said "We have not received any reports on adverse reactions in people receiving rabies vaccine shots."Liu also denied there were 1 million people affected, saying each person should receive five injections, or one unit, rather than receive one injection of each unit.The company had not produced or sold even one dose of rabies vaccine since Nov. 30, Liu told Xinhua.It also halted production of the A/H1N1 flu vaccine in February when the quality permit expired, he said.Liu also denied that seven company executives had been arrested and that they had put an additive in the vaccines.Ealong Biotech is the nation's fourth-largest rabies vaccine maker with a market share of 11 percent. It took orders from the Chinese government for 6.3 million doses of A/H1N1 flu vaccines in 2009, ranking third nationwide.Wang Kejing, deputy director of the food and drug administration in Sanhe city, where Hebei Bioforwell Co. is located, said the company had not sold even one dose of vaccine since April last year.Hebei Bioforwell Co., which only produced rabies vaccines, had been shut down for rectification. It said earlier that all the faulty rabies vaccines had been used, but they had received no reports of adverse reactions.In the northern Shanxi province, almost 100 children had died or fell ill after taking shots of vaccines for encephalitis, hepatitis B and rabies, the Beijing-based China Economic Times reported on March 17.The Ministry of Health has launched an investigation into the case after media exposure.
  BEIJING, June 2 (Xinhua) -- China opposes the U.S. decision to set final duties of up to more than 200 percent on imports of steel gratings from China, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said in a statement Wednesday.This came after the U.S. Commerce Department Tuesday announced final anti-dumping duties of 136.76 to 145.18 percent on the gratings to "offset below-market pricing." It also set a countervailing duty of 62.46 percent.MOC said the United States had acted "discriminatorily" in the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation and made the wrong conclusion, and China is dissatisfied and is opposed to this.Such move could hurt the interests of China, which both Chinese government and enterprises would not accept, the ministry said.China urged the U.S. to take effective measures to correct the mistake, it said.According to the U.S. trade remedy procedure, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) will also make its final injury determination about the product soon.If the ITC makes affirmative final determinations that imports of steel gratings from China materially injure, or threaten material injury to, the domestic industry, the Commerce Department will issue anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties orders.In 2009, the United States imposed a series of trade remedy measures on Chinese products, and the value involved was eight times more than that in 2008, the MOC statement said."Such action not only hurts the interests of China, but also has an adverse impact on bilateral economic and trade ties," it said.China hoped the United States could show restraint in using trade remedy measures and act to fight trade protectionism, it said.
  BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- China encourages foreign experts to help upgrade its technological innovation and the quality of economic growth, Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang said here Sunday."China welcomes foreign experts to offer suggestions on the country's industry development and technological innovation and to help Chinese enterprises solve technological difficulties," Zhang said when meeting a group of Chinese and U.S. engineering experts.More than 270 experts from both countries attended the Eighth Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference on April 11-18, at which they conducted academic exchanges in fields of advanced manufacturing, information technology, biomedicine and environmental protection.Stressing that China was at a crucial stage of transforming the economic growth pattern, Zhang said China will continue to boost international cooperation and attract foreign expertise in science and technology.


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