
Summer!I like the Scenery of summer!Because There are many butterflies bees,birds and flowers everywhere in summer.and we all know it always rains in summer.After a heaven rain ,we usually can seeRainbow Restaurant.And the air will be very fresh.It sounds very nice .Doesn't it?I like summer ,and you
扫描下载二维码my summer holiday英语作文-英语作文:夏日的农村-The Countryside in Summer
my summer holiday英语作文-英语作文:夏日的农村-The Countryside in Summer
一 : 英语作文:夏日的农村-The Countryside in Summer  【内容提示】  夏日的农村,郁郁葱葱,繁花盛开,莺歌燕舞,一派美景。请你用英语将这样一幅夏日图描写一番。内容要点  ①夏天伴着它那温暖的明媚阳光而来,使我们想起了各种美好的事情:在农村的度假,野餐活动,还有那翻晒干草时节的聚会&&  ②春天到来的时候,乍暧还寒,大地空旷,草木未长;而夏季到来之时,世界成了另一番景象:是一片绿的世界&&绿的树叶,绿的草地,树篱间植物葱郁,鲜花到处盛开。  ③白天长了,夜晚短了;在明媚的六月里,太阳早早起床,很晚才入睡。这是一年里最美好最有生机的一个月。鸟儿从太阳升起一直唱到太阳落山以后才停息。  ④当别的鸟儿静下来之后,传来一阵柔和的叫声;再过一会,声音大了起来,很快,夜莺尽情地唱起它那奇妙的歌。  【作文示范】  the countryside in summer  summer has come, with its warm sunny days, making us thing of all sorts of nice things, such as holidays in the country, picnics and haymaking①parties.  when spring came, she& found the earth cold and& bare, but she& soon changed all that, and by the time summer arrives, the world is a very different place. it is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green& plants crowding in the hedges②, and flowers opening everywhere.  the days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny june. it is one of the best and brightest months in the year. birds sing from sunrise till long after sunset.  as night falls, one after another the birds stop their singing, and after a few last sleepy sounds, put their heads under their wings to rest for an hour or two before beginning again. they do not all sleep, however. when other birds are silent, comes a soft cry, then, after a few moments, another, and soon the nightingale③ pouring out his wonderful song.  not only at night does the nightingale sing. on almost every warm day in early june, the little brown bird sings away in the roads and woods, but, as all the other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not notice his voice so much. it is at night, when he has the field all to himself, that we hear the nightingale at his best.  (选自《英语学习》1984年第7期)  【词语解释】  ①haymaking ['hei?meikir] n.制备干草  ②hedge [hedn] n.(矮树的)树篱  ③nightingale ['naitirgeil] n.夜莺  【写作指要】  1)作者抓住&绿的世界&和&歌的昼夜&从视觉描写到听觉描写给读者描绘了一幅生机勃勃的夏日农村的美景。  2)第二段里&green&一词的多次重复使&绿的世界&深深留在人们的心里。在第三、四、五段里,作者把&歌声&这一概念用不同的词表达出来,如&sing&,&song&,&sounds&,&cry&,&pouring out&,&singing&,&voice&等,如此同义照应,使语义上下连贯,同时也加强和突出了&夜莺歌唱&的主题。  3)作者使用了拟人(personification)手法,文章显得格外生动:第二段spring和summer两个词首字母大写,用&she&指代&spring&;第三段中的&gets up&和&goes to bed&,&birds sing&;第四段中的&sleep&,&cry&;第五段中的&his voice&,&he&和&himself&都是拟人用法。  4)为了使描写生动优美,作者使用了分词短语&making us think of&&,独产主格结构&green leaves on the trees&flowers opening everywhere&,省略句法&then, after a few moments, (comes) another (cry),(which is) louder this time&,以及传神的短语&all to himself&和&at hisbest&等。&二 : 九年级英语作文:My Summer Holiday出国留学网中考频道在考试后及时公布各科中考试题答案和中考作文及试卷专家点评,请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝,不管情愿与否,无论准备与否,我们已走进初三,走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014中考的新初三学员能加倍努力,在2014年中考中也能取得优异的成绩。My Summer HolidayI had a very exciting summer holiday. I visited my grandparents in the countryside.It&s a very beautiful place. There I often went to the beach with my friends.Sometimes I went swimming in the river. I lived there for ten days.After that I was back home, I started to do my homework for some days. After finishing homework, I read some books about history. History is my favorite subject. I like playing ping-pong ball very much. So I often played with my father after dinner.How happy I was this summer holiday !2014中考各科目复习资料汇总语文:阅读 诗歌 名句 综合作文:素材 范文 技巧 中考范文数学:填空 压轴 模拟 解题英语:单选 阅读 易错 综合作文:句型 模板 技巧 热点话题政治:选择 问答 辨析 提纲物理:易错 选择 重点 公式化学:认识 解读 演练 热点难点历史:问答 考点 材料 基础生物:选择 提纲 考点 资料地理:基础 [www.61k.com]提纲 问答 热点材料满分作文汇总2013年部分省市中考试题汇总2013山东中考政治试题汇总2013四川中考政治试题汇总2013山东中考物理试题汇总2013四川中考历史试题汇总2013四川中考化学试题汇总2013山东中考生物试题汇总2013四川中考生物试题汇总2013山东中考地理试题汇总2013江苏中考地理试题汇总2013江苏中考历史试题汇总2013四川中考物理试题汇总2013湖北中考政治试题汇总出国留学网中考频道为您搜集整理三 : 英语作文My Happy Summer Holiday英语作文My Happy Summer HolidayThis is my Summer Holiday plan.I get up on nine o'clock,wash my face and brush my teeths and eat on half past nine,I play the piano for the theree special ops, and eat lunch on one o'clock,and have afternoon nap, do home work on five o'clock.and read English on six o'clock,eat dinner on sever o'clock, Watch TV on eight o'clock, and sleep on eleven o'clock.I have a happy summer holiday!!!四 : my summer holiday英语作文100字导语:一眨眼,暑假已经接近尾声了。你的暑假过的好吗?下面是cnfla儿童网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。[www.61k.com]我的暑假作文_第1篇:Watched half a summer vacation is over, in a month before, every day of your life is very dull, just doing my homework, read a book, watch TV, so the dead circulation, very boring, but no matter how boring, movement is indispensable, just yesterday I still go mom and exercise! But it seems not optimistic!Yesterday afternoon, I came downstairs, jump rope in hand, then immediately jumped up. Started to jump, but then, hum, not good! Tired out of breath, because haven't practiced for a jump rope, but tired also calculate, but don't be careful with rope skipping through his legs, then left red marks on the leg is. I "ouch!" cried. Then my heart to think: this must be a mistake, not can't jump, just try again. And then I will jump a few times, but the result was out of breath, but the difference is that now my arm is more than many of the red line. "Alas, early know jump rope will become like this, it is better to not come down the rope skipping! But also was bitten by a mosquito 4, 5, alas! But is down, then jump in a short while again bai, otherwise bitten by a mosquito bag is white." My in the mind think like this, then carefully, slowly jump rope, I this way, were not skip to themselves. Now I found out, the original rope skipping is not an easy thing!I remember yesterday's movement, but also have the harvest, if not exercising, will I like just skip rope, almost all nearly forgotten how to jump rope, so will say something to play more to remember, learning is no exception!眼看着半个暑假已经过去了,在之前的一个月里,每天的生活都很平淡,只是做作业、看书、看电视,这样的死循环,非常的无聊,但不管再怎么无聊,运动还是必不可少的,就在昨天我还和妈妈一起下去锻炼呢!但情况貌似并不乐观!昨天下午,我手里拿着跳绳来到楼下,接着就立即跳了起来。刚一开始跳的还行,但后来,哼哼,不咋地!累的上气不接下气,因为好久没有练跳绳了,但累也算了,却不小心用跳绳甩到了自己的腿上,紧接着,腿上就留下了一道道红印子。我“哎呦”的叫了起来。于是我心里就想:这次肯定是失误了,不是不会跳,再试一次就行了。然后我就再跳了几次,但结果还是上气不接下气,但不同的是,现在我的胳膊上又多了许多的红印子。“唉,早知道跳绳会变成这个样子,还不如不下来跳绳了呢!而且还被蚊子叮了4、5个包,唉!但是下都下来了,那就再跳一会儿呗,不然蚊子包就白叮了。”我心里这样想着,便小心翼翼的、慢慢的跳着绳,我这样一来,才没有被跳绳甩到自己。我现在才发现,原来跳绳也不是一件容易的事情啊!昨天的运动真让我记忆深刻,但也有所收获,如果不运动,就会我像刚才跳绳一样,几乎都快要忘了怎么跳绳一样,所以说会的东西要多练练才能记得熟,学习也不例外哦!我的暑假作文_第2篇:During the long summer holidays, have unlimited happiness. Now, I speak a summer fun for you.One day, I stayed at home, feel very boring. Suddenly, I'm a brainwave, thought of a good idea. Is the game play with sister put the nose. I told the idea to sister, sister, readily agreed.I first drew on the blackboard without a nose clown doll. While sister found a magnet instead of the nose. Began to stick a nose. Sister cloth first blindfolded my eyes, I slowly to the blackboard and touch on the left, the right touch, find a place to set his nose. At this time, the elder sister laughed. I'm pulling a look, a clown doll instead of a nose, the mouth is long a mole. Sister satisfiedly say: "look at me." Her sister quickly walked to the front of the blackboard, literally to find a place to set a nose. I see, could not help but laugh out loud. Sister hurriedly cloth off a look, and laughed, and the original clown doll have not installed the nose, not only becomes one eyed person. The clown doll seemed very angry.At this time, dad heard laughter, came over and asked: "what's so funny? Let's hear it." My sister and I blinked, go to the father, the father's eyes on, will be "nose" into the father's hands. Dad got meaning, we slowly approached the blackboard and find location under the nose. Have the nose "clown doll!" We cheered.在漫长的暑假里,有无限的快乐。现在,由我为你讲一件暑假趣事。一天,我呆在家里,觉得很无聊。忽然,我灵机一动,想到了一个好主意。就是和姐姐一起玩贴鼻子的游戏。我把想法告诉了姐姐,姐姐爽快地答应了。我先在黑板上画了一个没有鼻子的小丑娃。而姐姐则找了个磁石代替鼻子。开始贴鼻子了。姐姐先用布蒙上我的眼睛,我慢慢地走向黑板,左摸摸,右摸摸,找了个位置把鼻子定下。这时,姐姐哈哈大笑。我扯下布一看,小丑娃不但没有鼻子,嘴角还长了一颗痣。姐姐得意地说:“看我的。”只见姐姐很快地走到黑板跟前,随便找个地方定下鼻子。我看了,忍不住笑出声来。姐姐赶紧揭下布一看,也笑起来,原来小丑娃不但没安上鼻子,倒成了独眼龙。小丑娃好像显得特别生气。这时,爸爸听到了笑声,走过来,问:“什么事这么好笑?说来听听。”我和姐姐眨了眨眼,走到爸爸面前,把爸爸的眼睛蒙上,将“鼻子”塞到爸爸手上。爸爸领会了我们的意思,慢慢地走近黑板,找准位置安下鼻子。“小丑娃有鼻子啦!”我们欢呼起来。
本站推荐的:My favourite season is summer我最喜欢的季节是夏季_初中英语作文_VOA英语网
My favourite season is summer我最喜欢的季节是夏季
My favourite season is summer我最喜欢的季节是夏季
My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. It is often sunny and hot in summer,but sometimes also rainy. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.
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Latest News我的夏天英语作文关于夏天的英语作文范文带翻译:美丽的夏季_英文写作翻译_无忧考网
10:39 来源:网络综合
★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于夏天的英语作文范文带翻译:美丽的夏季》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 The summer arrived, I most like the season was the summer. I like in the summer swimming, I like in the summer eating the cold drink, in the summer although said is very hot, but may hear “the insect sonata” in the evening, heartily the pleasure which feels Ningxia to bring.  译文:夏天到了,我最喜欢的季节就是夏天了。我喜欢在夏天游泳,我喜欢在夏天吃冷饮,夏天虽然说很热,但在晚上可以听到“昆虫奏鸣曲”,尽情的感受宁夏带来的乐趣。}


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