乐高creatorr 怎么解析域名

02:40:09 UTC
Creator 版本号:1.4.0
目标平台:( iOS / Android / 模拟器)
07:29:19 UTC
解决了吗?Qt Creator下载和安装(详细教程) - DoubleLi - 博客园
Qt是跨平台的图形开发库,目前由Digia全资子公司 Qt Company 独立运营,官方网址:&&也可以访问Qt项目域名:&Qt本身支持众多操作系统。从通用操作系统Linux、Windows,到手机系统Android、iOS、WinPhone,嵌入式系统支持QNX、VxWorks,应用非常广泛。&基于Qt的软件非常多,其中最知名的要数Linux桌面系统KDE(涵盖无数以K打头的应用软件)。国内WPS for Linux版本、360 for Linux也是使用Qt库开发的界面。只要有C++基础,Qt是很容易学的,而且开发跨平台的程序也容易。目前主流使用的Qt库有Qt4和Qt5两个大版本,下面介绍其在Windows系统里的下载和安装。
最后点击 &Get started&按钮后,进入开源版页面:&&&上面大按钮Download Now是下载在线安装版,其实只是一个下载工具,并不是真正的Qt开发库。可以自己下载离线安装包,注意页面的&View All Downloads&,点开之后就能看到离线包。目前看到的全是Qt5.4.0版本的,那Qt4的在哪呢?&把上面页面拖到最下面:&&旧版本包就是最后一个链接:&&打开之后可以看到四个目录:vsaddin是VisualStudio集成插件,qtcreator是Qt官方的集成开发环境,qt就是各种新老版本下载位置,online_installers就是在线安装工具。&在Qt4的时候,Qt开发环境包括3个基本部分:Qt Framework(Qt库)、QtCreator(IDE)和MinGW(编译调试),都要分别下载安装并配置,比较麻烦。进入Qt5之后,Qt公司将三者打包成一个安装文件,比如Qt5.4.0的离线安装包,这样方便许多。这里先讲旧的Qt 4.8.6的开发环境下载安装配置方式。
1、Qt 4.8.6下载
在页面有一些旧版本的qtcreator可以下载,不过有新版还是用新版的好些。&进入刚才的&&,点开&View All Downloads&,找到&
这里面讲的很清楚,Qt5.4.0安装包已经带有QtCreator,如果是装Qt5.4.0就不需要下载。我们装4.8.6的,这里要下载&Qt Creator 3.3.0 for Windows (71 MB)&,&点击下载即可。我们仔细看一下下载链接:&&这个其实用的是国内华中科大的软件镜像,我们可以尝试进入:&&这个与Qt官方软件源一样,可以看到有&
下软件一定不要局限在一个文件链接上面,打开下载链接上层目录可以找到一堆好东西的。自己打开各个子目录看看:&①gdb是针对Android开发的调试器。&②jom可以百度一下,&,是nmake克隆版,支持多条独立命令并行构建软件,加快软件构建速度。&③online_installers是在线安装器。&④Pyside是用于支持Python语言编写Qt程序的。&⑤qbs是Qt Build Suite (QBS) ,,QBS是新创的Qt程序生成工具,因为Qt一般使用qmake来生成项目进行编译,qmake必须根据qt版本变化而变化,不便于管理,qt开发者对qmake又爱又恨,因此创建了不依赖Qt版本的生成工具QBS。&⑥qt,当然是qt库本身了,从4.8到5.4都有。&⑦qt-installer-framework,百度一下是什么,,是专门用于发布开发好的程序用的,生成程序安装器,可以为Linux、Windows、MacOS生成安装器。Qt自己的QtCreator、QtSDK等安装程序就是使用qt-installer-framework打包的。&⑧qtcreator是集成开发环境,从2.5到3.3版本都有。&⑨vsaddin,是针对VisualStudio的Qt开发插件。
上面啰嗦这么多,看起来不着边际的东西,我为什么要讲呢?&现在许多娃子脑子被教死了、教蠢了,下载文件也不看看链接,看了链接也不管是不是有别的资源可以下载利用。等到用的时候就问:旧版Qt 4去哪里下载?主页怎么只有Qt5.4.0,上哪找Qt5.3.1?&这些都是不用脑子的低级问题。能下载到Qt 5.4.0版本,用屁股想一下,Q.5.3.1和Qt 4.8.6能有多远呢?&很多资源都是放在一块的,用心去看看下载链接上级目录、搜一搜就出来的。&请记住:下载文件一定不要局限,学东西一定要有探索和发现的意识!
3、MinGW 4.8.2
为什么是4.8.2?我们下载的qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw482-4.8.6-1.exe 里面的mingw482,就是指这个Qt库使用MinGW 里面g++ 4.8.2版本编译生成的,所以需要同样版本的MinGW来编译程序,避免其他新旧版本兼容之类的问题。&我们尝试运行qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw482-4.8.6-1.exe的时候(先不要装,就看看),这个安装程序自己就会提示去哪里找这个MinGW版本,而且这个MinGW不是官方原版:&
如果C盘空间不够就选别的分区,然后点击Next进入开始菜单设置:&&点击Next进入MinGW选择页面:&&设置正确的MinGW文件夹,如果路径设置出错点击Install时会提示&&这时候选择&否&,重新设置正确的MinGW路径,点击Install之后会开始实际的安装。等待安装结束,取消下面两个复选框再点Finish:&&上面第一个是例子示范,第二个是Qt文档。&在开始菜单里面Qt by Digia v4.8.6 (MinGW 4.8.2 OpenSource)就是Qt库的快捷菜单项:&①Assistant,帮助文档查看&②Designer,图形化编辑ui文件,就是Qt的图形界面设计程序&③Examples and Demos,Qt程序例子&④Linguist,国际化语言翻译工具&⑤Qt 4.8.6 (Build Debug Libraries),创建Debug版本库,这个可以不管。&⑥Qt 4.8.6 Command Prompt,Qt命令行开发环境设置,这个命令行工具会设置好Qt位置和MinGW位置,可以从命令行编译C++和Qt程序。&⑦Qt Readme,自述文件,描述Qt信息&⑧qt.digia.com,Qt官网链接&⑨Uninstall Qt OpenSource 4.8.6,卸载Qt库。&点开Qt 4.8.6 Command Prompt,可以尝试运行命令看看版本信息:&g++ &version&qmake &version
&这个命令行工具对应命令是:&%COMSPEC% /k &C:\Qt\4.8.6\bin\qtvars.bat&&也就是说,如果想自己配置MinGW版本和Qt库,可以学习 qtvars.bat 文件来编写自己的 bat文件比如
@echo off&rem&rem This file is generated&rem
echo Setting up a MinGW/Qt only environment&&echo & QTDIR set to C:\Qt\4.8.6&echo & PATH set to C:\Qt\4.8.6\bin&echo & Adding C:\mingw32\bin to PATH&echo & Adding %SystemRoot%\System32 to PATH&echo & QMAKESPEC set to win32-g++-4.6
set QTDIR=C:\Qt\4.8.6&set PATH=C:\Qt\4.8.6\bin&set PATH=%PATH%;C:\mingw32\bin&set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\System32&set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++-4.6
上面第一段是关闭命令回显,表示执行命令时不打印命令。&第二段是显示想要显示的信息,打印了五行。&第三段是真正的设置环境变量的命令,就是提示的五条:&QTDIR指示Qt 4.8.6根目录,中间三句设置PATH,包括Qt工具bin路径、MinGW bin路径和操作系统的System32路径,QMAKESPEC是指编译Qt程序的目标平台。&%COMSPEC% /k 就是cmd.exe执行命令后继续保持运行的意思。
③Qt Versions
之前配置的三个最后都是为构建套件服务的,需要在这里面选择之前配好的三个:编译器选择&MinGW&、调试器选择&GDB&、Qt版本选择&Qt 4.8.6(4.8.6)&,Qt mkspec可以不用管,因为qmake.exe可以自动定。配置好编译器、调试器和Qt版本之后,点击&Apply&,再点击&OK&。终于配置好了。
然后就可以新建一个项目,选择&Qt Widgets Application&,都用默认的项目设置,一直点击下一步,然后点&完成&,看到代码:
二、Qt 5.4.0 下载和安装
看完上面Qt4开发环境的安装配置,相比之下Qt 5.4.0安装(不需要配置)就特别简单了。就是一个傻瓜包,注意选择组件时把组件全部选中,然后一直点&下一步&就完事了。下面简单介绍一下。
&点开&View All Downloads&,找到&Offline Installers&离线安装包,&有Linux、MacOS和Windows的,关于Windows系统里Qt安装包:
&头两个是VS2013 64位版本的Qt库,有OpenGL版本和非OpenGL版本,OpenGL版本就是指底层绘图用OpenGL驱动,非OpenGL底层是用DirectX驱动来绘图。第三、第四个是VS2013 32位版本,第五个第六个是VS2012和VS2010的Qt库。需要注意的是微软VS2012之后编译的程序默认没法在WindowsXP上面跑(可以打补丁支持XP)。不推荐使用Visual Studio开发Qt程序,因为VS没有Qt Creator好用,VS还总是有莫名其妙的问题出现。&最好的就是下载 Qt 5.4.0 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.1, 852 MB) 。&下载列表第八个是针对Android开发的(比较麻烦,网上有教程)。&第九个是针对Windows RT操作系统(一般用在Windows平板电脑)的Qt库。&下载MinGW版本Qt文件是:&qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw491_opengl-5.4.0.exe&运行后等待exe文件自己启动和解压,这需要的时间可能比较长,因为文件很大。
&点击下一步,&&点击下一步,进入组件选择界面:&&这里要注意要把东西全部勾选上,图里面第一个MinGW 4.9.1是指用采用MinGW编译而成的Qt库,第二个MinGW才是真正的编译调试环境。&全部选择后点击下一步:
&点击下一步:&&点击安装,等待安装好,点击&完成&。&&因为安装包把东西都带齐了,所以可以直接使用QtCreator新建、编译、生成程序。如果本机存在多个Qt构建套件,在新建项目时,Kit Selection:&可以选择多个Qt构建套件,不同套件会生成不同程序。编译时在左下角点开Debug或Release字样,可以选择不同的Qt库生成各自的Debug版程序或Release版程序。&
git clone&
下载完成后,添加Qt静态库的方法参考第一部分的4.(4)QtCreator配置,只需要在QtCreator里面添加新的 Qt Version和新的构建套件(Kit)。&注意上面的只有Release版本Qt库,所以要在使用Qt官方的动态库版开发调试完成之后,最后使用静态Release版Qt库生成独立的exe程序,就可以放到其他机器上跑了。What is Mobirise?
Mobirise is a free
offline app for Window and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes and portfolios, promo sites for apps, events, services and products.
Who is it for?
Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development and for designers who prefer to work as visually as possible, without fighting with code. Also great for pro-coders for fast prototyping and small customers' projects.
Why Mobirise?
Key differences from traditional website builders:* Minimalistic, extremely easy-to-use interface* Mobile-friendliness, latest website blocks and techniques "out-the-box"* Free for commercial and non-profit use
Boost your ranking!
Sites made with Mobirise Website Builder are 100% mobile-friendly according the
and Google loves those websites (). Moreover, if you'd like to try the latest
initiative - Mobirise
Bootstrap builder
are based on Bootstrap 3 and
- most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Trendy website blocks
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, , content slider,
with , , , hamburger , sticky header and more.
Host anywhere
Publish your website to a local drive, FTP or host on Amazon S3, Google Cloud, . Don't be a hostage to just one platform or service provider. Your site is yours - you have total control over it.
Create a responsive, touch-swipe slideshow with Mobirise . Add images, text, buttons to slides, set autoplay, full-screen, full-width or boxed layout.
Easily add subscribe and contact forms without any server-side integration. Just link your email to form and get submissions instantly.
Showcase your pictures in
with mobile-optimized responsive grid. Integrated lightbox expands the thumbnails to the full-browser image slider.
Mobirise horizontal navigation menu collapses on devices to a single-icon , also known as "", for a flawless mobile experience for all visitors.
Help customers find their way to your company location - just drop a Google Map block and type your address.
Grow your audience and improve social media engagement with "Share This Page" and "Follow Us" blocks. Social share counter displays automatically, without any tweaking.
Choose from the list of 800+ Google Fonts and retina-ready
to design a unique look & feel with some typography flair.
Video can be a great addition to a website. Bring your website to life and create an instant connection with an ambient .
"If a website building novice asks me to point them in the direction of a totally free website builder software, Mobirise will now be high on my list of recommendations. I'm that impressed."
" ..which is a diplomatic way of saying “Hallelujah!” for being able to build websites that should require coding without any coding skills."
"Mobirise Website Builder is a refresher on the two solutions for creating websites that load as well on mobile devices as they do on desktops."
"As a Category Pioneer, Mobirise is making the Bootstrap 3 accessible to graphic professionals, hobbyists and web designers without their having to master the code base"
"For me, Mobirise seemed like a Lego project made with a collection or building blocks... Produce sites that shine in a mobile world!"
"Want a responsive, mobile, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript driven site without breaking a sweat? For free? Voila! (You're welcome.)"
"Mobirise releases the first website theme based on latest Bootstrap 4 alpha 2."
"Drag and drop blocks and build websites in mere minutes! Mobirise is definitely one of the easiest software solution for website building."
"Mobirise Free Website Builder looks great, is genuinely easy to use, and allows you to build stylish and attractive websites with no hassles at all."
“its really very amazing free website builder app that makes me finish html page in 3 minutes (that's usually takes more than 1 hours at least from me if i did it from scratch). i hope to have very big library and plugins for this APP thanks again for your nice application”
“First of all hands off to you guys for your effort and nice, super tool. Good work mobirise team. We are expecting the new version soon with advance functionality with full bootstrap theme design. Great effort and super UI experience with easy drag & drop with no time design
in present web design world.”
“At first view, looks like a nice innovative software, i like the great focus and time that was given to the responsive design, i also like the simple and clear drag and drop features. Give me more control over the object's properties and ill be using this free app for more serious projects. Regards.”
"I've been away from web development for a while... but couldn't resist to download and take a look at this. I am amazed. I just wanted to complement you on a beautiful piece of software. I expect there will be lots of web developers will curse it... because it truly hands over the power to the user! I think it's fabulous. Well done."
"Don't have words to say.... it's just awesome I am a professional Web designer for past 20 yrs used scrap Web designing techniques after those days drumbeat page builder software was killed by Macromedia, now I remember those wonderful days... This enables me to create websites in few minutes. Thanks mobirise builder team. Keep going."
"Love it! Good timing, too. Have just been researching for… * Responsive
* Which can publish a site to where I want it …but I -) Mobirise looks like the thing! Nice and simple to use. And feels solid and reliable. Count me in if you need any testers."
"I just installed this web design software. You caught me at a good time as I am redoing my home page to make it better for mobile at my website. I previously used a template based on skel which I was told was more light weight than Bootstrap but I find it to be less functional than it should be so I am trying to develop a Bootstrap version now."
"What a great start! My creative graphic designers mind is already thinking of ways around the limited design options to create the unique looks I want for my clients using the background image option. I'm excited to see where you go with this new project."
"Loving the additions to the new version of Mobirise web dev app. It's a great, cleanly designed, user-friendly, non-bloated web design program. So easy and a pleasure to use. I'm with you all the way with this wonderful project. Keep up the great work on this easy website builder."
"I thinks the world of Web development is becoming easier and easier but it's also making it harder for guys like me to find work because so many people want to use out-of-the-box responsive layout sites that are easy to implement and launch. I personally would much rather make a site from scratch than use a template. The app is quite cool though as it provides a drag and drop interface that can create decent looking and original websites that has a mobile website design as well."
"I am very happy that you guys released this, not only it is a great idea it was executed properly. I will use this to build a basic
for a customer. i looked at the video and demo sites and was very happy with what could be done. I would really like for Mobirise team to add more widgets to your free website design software. I am confident that you will be at the top of the market if you add more functionality without loosing intuitiveness! What makes products like this great is many features but so easy to use Thanks!"
"We needed a simple web site creation tool. We needed to quickly and easily get an attractive web site. We needed to do all of this without having to work through a “developer.” And, since 1995, I and millions of others have been living in frustration, because that tool has never, ever existed. Never. This tool is the holy grail, a flying unicorn… the loch ness monster… rare and amazing, and something nobody has ever actually seen."
"Hallo, Your Mobirise is one of the
I have tried to build a simple but effective websites, everything is fine, I even began to outline our new corporate and multiple product-oriented responsive websites!"
"Grandiose!!!! Excellent free website maker - testing under an hour and hooked me. While it is a great alternative for designers who are with short time and produce things for small customers."
"I had a quick 30 minute look at Mobirise app and liked the way it is so responsive. I especially liked the way you could change the view from mobile through tablet and then desktop. best wishes"
"I just wanted to tell you how much I love your product — after coding sites since 1999 — I can have a world class landing page or simple site up in minutes. I’m having a freaking blast using this product of yours! :-) I am a perfect user for Mobirise , as I am that entrepreneur, the guy needing to frequently put up great web pages and small sites for new ideas, products, events, etc. in the course of running my busy business. Coding dumdums like me all over the world will flock to Mobirise Free Website Builder by the thousands and thousands for such a drag and drop platform for producing gorgeous, responsive, static sites with truly ZERO coding."
"As someone who came to web design from graphic design I work visually & use WYSIWYG web builders with some limited code knowledge - enough to do some minor editing, insert code into head/body etc but that's about it. However the spectre of responsive web design has been weighing on my mind of late, even though I can & do create dedicated mobile pages it is a lot more work, although I do prefer the look of dedicated pages as responsive tend to be quite plain & all the same. But I know having a responsive option would be a good thing to be able to offer if I get clients that want it. Your Mobirise is the first responsive web builder I have seen that is actually easy so importantly - intuitive!! Thanks!"
"I am really impressed with the work put into creating Mobirise. I love the ease with which Websites can be built in a few minutes using this awesome product. I like the intuitive drag and drop process and the mobile-first approach. I love this product, but it seems incapable of creating corporate Websites, because of the simple designs. Generally, I want to commend you for your work. The product is awesome. With more block options, increased flexibility, Mobirise would favorably compete with the top free website builders - wix, weebly, squarespace. I'll be standing by. Your product has great potential. Keep working."&
“Wow! I mean WOW. Stupid easy and brilliant website builder software. How did it take so long for this to be created. I have been out of Web Dev since 2010 so maybe just being away from it all impresses the hell out of me but you guys deserve a GOOD JOB! Award. I will pass on your name to all I know. Best of luck to you and I can not wait to see what is next.”
“Thanks for a great web building program. It is absolutely awesome and easy to use. Darn it......You guys are making it toooo easy to make good looking web sites!!! Keep up the good work.”
“1st downloaded mobirise website creator then thought these guys are not asking me for any money its not possible then thought may be later while publishing they'll ask for money.but its totally free wohooo. expecting something big from you guys . i never write any mail to any developer but you guys created such awesome tool i am bound to reply you.”
"Enormous potential with this product, it's just what I've been looking for. I've looked at all the
and they are mostly monthly subscription or a bit complicated to use and will take me quite some time. Your program Mobirise looks like it will so easy to use. Great work everyone involved in the development of Mobirise page creator, and perfect timing with the new Google Responsive rules in mobile search."
"Just thought I should tell you that we are doing SEO trials on websites designed with your free website building software. We are testing it against our best performers and you are holding up well. There are a lot of website creation programs that are more concerned with design than performance. We are more interested in performance than design. As the saying goes… if you can’t be found on Google, you can’t be found. Keep up the good work!"
"You have a great basic product formula that appeals to entrepreneurs wanting to build their own web sites without any coding. If you continue to refine this basic concept — no code at all — the Mobirise website builder software will gain more and more users - do-it-yourself entrepreneurs - independent, freelance, contract, solo and other non-traditional workers.. If you add more prebuilt blocks to drag and drop into the web pages, that will help growth."


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