He has a badflu cold 英语阅读. He has flu.请问这句中flu前不用加冠词吗?请指点

这要根据句子的需要,不一定要加 the.例子:Flu is an illness which is similar to a bad cold but more seriousShe was off work with a touch of fluI was in bed with flu.【英语牛人团】
不一定啊~catch a flu就是患流感的意思~希望可以帮到你~
不一定,要根据情景在做决定。一般来讲,第一次提及时,无需加the,以后再出现的话,就需加the. 比如,I got a flu last night from the party. The flu made me sleep all day today.
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新概念英语第一册lesson 61 A bad cold
  lesson 61 A bad cold
  What is good news for Jimmy?
MR WILLIANMS:&&&&&&& Where's Jimmy?
MRS WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&& He's in bed.
MR WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What's the matter with him?
MRS WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&& He feels ill.
MR WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&& He looks ill.
MRS WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&& We must call the doctor.
MR WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yes, we must.
MR WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&& Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
MRS WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&& Yes. It's 09754.
DOCTOR:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Open your mouth,&&&&&& Jimmy.&&&&&& Show me your tongue. Say, 'Ah'.
MR WILLIMAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&& What's the matter with him, doctor?
DOCTOR:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& He has a bad cold,&&&&& Mr Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.
MRS WILLIAMS:&&&&&&& That's good news for Jimmy.
DOCTOR:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Good news? Why?
MR WILLIAMS:&&&&&&&&&&&&& Because he doesn't like school!
New Word and expressions 生词和短语
v. 看(起来)
modal verb 必须
v. 记得,记住
adj. 坏的,严重的
医 生:把嘴张开,吉米。让我们
医 生:他得了重感冒,威廉斯先生,
医 生:好消息?为什么?
1.fell ill, 感觉病了;look ill, 看起来有病。
2.&so he must stay in bed for a week.&&因此他必须卧床休息一周。
for two hours each day 每天两小时
3.That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。
句中的news是不可数名词,不是复数形式。在英语中,有些以-s 结尾的名词可作单数使用,又如:(腮腺炎), (麻疹)。
4.She has a headache. 她头疼。
根据现代英语习惯,headache前常用不定冠词a。其他ache型的复合词也多用不定冠词,如:an (耳疼),a toothache (牙疼),a stomach ache(胃疼)。
5.take/have an , 服/吃一片阿司匹林。
6.have a temperature, 发烧。
  语法& Grammar in use
1.完全动词 have(2)
have(和 have got)常与表示疼痛和疾病的名词连用。关于与这种名词连用的不定冠词a/an的用法可有几种情况:
(1)必须用不定冠词,如 a cold(感冒),a headache(头疼),a sore throat(嗓子疼):
I have a headache/cold
(2)不定冠词可用可不用,如 catch(a)cold(患感冒),have(a)backache/stomach ache/toothache(患背痛/胃痛/牙疼等):
I've had(a) toothache all night.
(3)复数形式的疾病名称前面不用冠词。如 measles(麻疹),mumps(流行性腮腺炎),shingles(带状疱疹):
Most children are in bed with mumps.
I was in bed with flu for ten days.
the也可以与 flu,measles和 mumps等词连用,如:
He's got the flu/the measles/the mumps
must是情态助动词(如can一样),它本身没有时态、性或数的变化,也不能单独作谓语动词(简短回答除外)。must表示&必要性&,即某人必须做某事。(请参见 Lessons 29~30语法部分。)
  词汇学习& Word study
1.feel& v.
I could feel rain on my face.
He's feeling a little better today.
He felt his pockets and then took out a small box.
The silk feels very smooth.
I feel that he has made a mistake.
I feel it unnecessary to do so.
2.remember& v.
Can Mrs. Williams remember the doctor's telephone number?
I remember he used to dress in a blue suit.
I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.
Remember your appointment with the dentist.
  练习答案& Key to written exercises
1& He has a cold.
2& He can't go to work.
3& He is not well.
4& He feels ill.
5& He must see a doctor.
6& He does not like doctors.
1& What's the matter with Elizabeth?
Does she have an earache?
No, she doesn't have an earache.
She has a headache.
So she must take an aspirin.
2& What's the matter with George?
Does he have a headache?
No, he doesn't have a headache.
He has an earache.
So he must see a doctor.
3& What's she matter with Jim?
Does he have a stomach ache?
No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.
He has a toothache.
So he must see a dentist.
4& What's the matter with Jane?
Does she have a toothache?
No, she doesn't have a toothache.
She has a stomach ache.
So she must take some medicine.
5& What's the matter with Sam?
Does he have a stomach ache?
No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.
He has a temperature.
So he must go to bed.
6& What's the matter with Dave?
Does he have a headache?
No, he doesn't have a headache.
He has flu.
So he must stay in bed.
7& What's the matter with Jimmy?
Does he have a headache?
No, he doesn't have a headache.
He has measles.
So we must call the doctor.
8& What's the matter with Susan?
Does she have an earache?
No, she doesn't have an earache.
She has mumps.
So we must call the doctor.
Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒
Health is a kind of freedom and comes first of all.
feel v. 感觉
look v. 看(起来)
must modal verb 必须
call v. 叫,请
doctor n. 医生
telephone n. 电话
remember v. 记得,记住
mouth n. 嘴 open your mouth
tongue n. 舌头 show me your tongue
bad adj. 坏的,严重的 bad cold
cold n. 感冒
news n. 消息 [nju:z] [nu:z] good news
They are looking at the blackboard.
1 主语+不及物动词
2 主系表结构,其中系动词(link-verb)包括be动词和感官动词。
I feel happy.
The food smells terrible.
She looks sad.
This tastes good.
I feel ill.
She feels ill.
Do you feel ill?
How do you feel?
How does she feel?
How does Jimmy feel?
Jimmy looks ill. Jimmy is in bed. He feels ill. He doesn't feel ill. Does he feel ill? How does he feel? He looks ill.
feel funny/ feel like (doing) sth./feel free to do sth.
look at the blackboard
look 表示看的动作/ see 表示看的内容、结果/ watch 观看移动的东西/ observe 表示观察/ spot /sight/view 察看
lose oneself at the first sight
I lost myself at the first sight of my wife.
sightsee/ scan/
瞥一眼/ glance 匆匆看一眼/ stare/ notice/ note 看到并记住
look for 寻找/ look after照顾/ look forward to 希望/ look down on(upon)
call(s) a doctor
doctor/ Dr./quack 江湖郎中/
大夫/dentist 牙医/physician 内科医生/ surgeon 外科医生
see a doctor/ see the dentist
send for a doctor/ ask the doctor
Jimmy feels ill today. He looks ill. You must see/call a doctor.
Mrs. Williams must call a doctor.
at the butcher's/at the doctor's
middle school
Jimmy is a middle school student. He is in bed now. He feels ill. He looks ill. Mrs. Williams is his mother. They must call the doctor. Now Jimmy is at the doctor's.
retell/ recite/ repeat
remember/ / / remind 使想起/ review 复习
When I recall sth. happened last year, &
I like stamps collecting.
I can't recollect what happened in past year.
remember + 名词或代词
I remember you.
the doctor's telephone number
I can remember the doctor's telephone number.
Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?
remember to do sth. 记得去做某事
remember doing sth. 记得做了某事
When you go by the post office, remember to post the letter.
I remember posting the letter.
remember sth.
mouth [mauW]
month [mQnW] n. 月
mouse [maus] n.鼠,耗子
tongue twister [5twistE] n. 绕口令/ mother tongue
open your mouth/ show me your tongue /show your tongue to me
cold adj. 寒冷的 It is cold.
n. 感冒 have/ catch/ get a bad cold.
其否定形式是用 don't 和 doesn't, 用do 和 does 构成疑问句
I have a cold today. I don't have a cold today. Do you have a cold today? Jimmy has a cold today. Jimmy doesn't have a cold today. Does Jimmy have a cold today?
a piece of news
That is good news for me!
That is good news for Jimmy!
No news is the good news.
Sarah got mumps from her brother.萨拉的弟弟患腮腺炎,传染给她了。
I was told not go near Charles. He is sickening for mumps.别人告诉我不要走近查尔斯, 他染上了流行性腮腺炎。
The doctor is quite definite about Tom having measles.医生十分肯定汤姆得了麻疹。
The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状。
I have been having an earache for about a week.我的耳朵已经痛了一个星期了。
I've had an earache for the past few days.我耳痛好几天了。
The aspirin seems to quiet the headache.阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。
She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。
One glimpse at himself in the mirror was enough.让他照着镜子看自己一眼就够了。
She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance.她一眼就瞥见了远处的汽车。
Time may be a great healer , but it's a poor beautician . 时间也许是个高明的医师,但却是个蹩脚的美容师。 来自辞典例句
As a healer of bodies I had scant success. 作为治疗肌体的医生,我的成就甚微。 来自辞典例句
As you may recall, he was in the army then.你可能记得当时他正在从军。
We demand that you recall your army from our border.我们要求你们撤回在我们边境的部队。
He tried to recollect things and drown himself in them.他极力回想过去的事情而沉浸于回忆之中。
She could not recollect being there.她回想不起曾经到过那儿。
We pray to God to deliver us from evil.我们祈求上帝把我们从罪恶中拯救出来。
Love of money is the root of all evil.爱钱是邪恶的根源。
------分隔线----------------------------外研版| 必修一重点短语、句型、语法汇总!准高一暑期必备!
academic [,aek?'demik] adj. 学术的
province ['pr?vins] n. 省
enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'aestik] adj.热心的,
amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消息
website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址
brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好的
comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n. 理解,领悟
instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明
method ['meθ?d] n. 方法
bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的
embarrassed [im'baer?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的
attitude ['aetitju:d] n. 态度
behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为; 举动
previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的;从前的
deion [di'skrip??n] n.记述; 描述
amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的
embarrassing [im'baer?si?] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的
technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技术
impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻
correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正;纠正
encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n. 鼓励;激励
enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享受;乐趣
fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅
misunderstanding [,mis?nd?'staendi?] n. 误解
disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj. 失望的
disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj.令人失望的
system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系;系统
teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年
disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi. 消失
move [mu:v] adj.搬家
assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手, 助理
cover ['k?v?] vt.包含
diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 文凭, 毕业证书
in other words 换句话说
look forward to 期待;盼望
at the start of 在……开始的时候
at the end of 在……结束的时候
go to college 上大学
be divided into 被(划)分成……
take part in 参加
1.表示经常性、习惯性的动作。句中常出现often, usually, sometimes, always, every day等状语。
? He goes to school at seven o'clock every day. 他每天七点去上学。
? She always takes a walk in the evening. 她常在晚间散步。
? We always care about and help each other. 我们总是互相关心、互相帮助。
? Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。
? Actions speak louder than words. 行动比言语更为响亮。
? When I graduate, I'll go back to the countryside. 我毕业后将回农村。
? They won't come to see us if it rains next Sunday. 如果下周日下雨,他们就不会来看我们了。
4.表示按规定或时刻表将要发生的动作,仅限于少数动词,如begin, leave, go, arrive, start等。
? The meeting begins at eight. 会议八点开始。
? The train starts at nine in the morning. 火车早上九点出发。
? This job calls for great patience. 这项工作需要极大的耐心。
? I feel very cold. 我感觉很冷。
1.表示说话时正在进行的动作。常与时间状语 now, at the moment等连用。
? I am writing a letter. Will you please turn down the radio? 我正在写信,请把收音机的音量调小一点儿,好吗?
? Some of the passengers are looking out of the windows at the moment. 此刻一些旅客正望着窗外。
2.表示现阶段正在进行而此刻不一定正在进行的动作。常与时间状语 these days等连用。
? She is studying law while her elder brother is studying medicine. 她学法律而她哥哥学医。
? I don' I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives. 我真的不在这儿工作,我只是在新秘书来之前帮帮忙罢了。
3.表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作。有此用法的动词有go, come, leave, arrive, take, return, meet等。
? Mr White is leaving for Shanghai in a few days. 几天后,怀特先生将动身去上海。
? We are meeting him after the performance. 我们将在表演结束后去见他。
4.表示反复发生或习惯性的动作,通常表达某种强烈的感情,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌、不满等。常与 always, continually, constantly, forever等副词连用。
? He is always asking such simple questions. 他老是问这种简单的问题。
? He is always thinking more of others than of himself. 他总是为别人考虑得多,为自己考虑得少。
hope, want, wonder等少数动词用现在进行时表达的语气比用一般现在时更委婉。
? I'm wondering whether you like it. 我不知道你是否喜欢它。
? The interesting book attracts me. 那本有趣的书吸引了我。
? The flowers on the hill are pleasing. 山上的花赏心悦目。
? When he heard the news, he was very surprised. 当他听到这个消息时,他感到很吃惊。
? The film was very amusing. 这部电影很好笑。
? Smith is the most experienced doctor in the hospital. 史密斯是这家医院里最有经验的医生。
? She is very interested in English. 她对英语很感兴趣。
amusing [?'mju:zi?] adj. 有趣的; 可笑的
energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 精力充沛的
intelligent [in'telid??nt] adj. 聪明的
nervous ['n?:v?s] adj.紧张的;焦虑的
organized ['?:g?naizd] adj.有组织的;有系统的
patient ['pei??nt] adj.耐心的
serious ['si?ri?s] adj. 严肃的
shy [?ai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的
strict [strikt] a. 严格的;严厉的
impression [im'pre??n] n. 印象
avoid [?'v?id] vt.(故意)避开
hate [heit] vt.讨厌;不喜欢
incorrectly [,ink?'rektli] adv.不正确地
completely [k?m'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地
immediately [i'mi:di?tli] adv.立即;即刻
appreciate [?'pri:?ieit] vt.感激
admit [?d'mit] vt. 承认
scientific [,sai?n'tifik] adj. 科学的
literature ['lit?r?t??] n. 文学
loudly ['laudli] adv. 大声地
wave [weiv] vt.挥(手);招(手)
joke [d??uk] n. 玩笑;笑话
summary ['s?m?ri] n.总结;摘要;提要
respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重
grade [greid] n.(美)成绩;分数
headmaster ['hed'mɑ:st?] n.校长
headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校长
period ['pi?ri?d] n.一段时间
revision [ri'vi??n] n.复习
translation [traens'lei??n] n. 翻译
timetable ['taimteibl] n. 时间表
topic ['t?pik] n.话题;题目
vacation [vei'kei??n] n. 假期
revise [ri'vaiz] vt.温习(功课)
discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律
relationship [ri'lei??n?ip] n. 关系
formal ['f?:m?l] adj. 正式的
relaxed [ri'laekst] adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的
similarly ['simil?li] adv.同样地,类似地
make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚
so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此
make progress 取得进步
as a result 结果
in fact 事实上
fall asleep 睡着
tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑
● 建议考虑坚持练
(suggest, advise, consider, insist on, practise)
● 允许想象弃冒险
(permit, allow, imagine, give up, risk)
● 阻止抵抗否逃脱
(forbid, resist, deny, escape)
● 不禁介意保持完
(can't help, mind, keep, finish)
● 耽误推迟求原谅
(delay, put off, require, forgive, excuse)
● 承认错过欣喜欢
(admit, miss, appreciate, enjoy)
? I really enjo they are very friendly. 我真的很喜欢和他们聊天,他们很友好。
? Mary is considering changing her car. 玛丽在考虑换辆汽车。
? Would you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗?
? I suggest going out for a moment to have a rest after studying for one hour. 我建议在学习一小时之后出去一会儿,休息一下。
be good at 擅长 dream of 梦想
be used to 习惯于 object to 反对
look forward to 盼望 be accustomed to 习惯于
get down to 开始做 take advantage of 利用
? I have been looking forward to hearing from you. 我一直盼望着收到你的来信。
? I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime. 我不习惯午饭吃那么多。
? I get down to thinking about that essay. 我开始思考那篇文章。
? go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事
go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事
? forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事
forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事
? try doing sth. 试着做某事
try to do sth. 尽力做某事
? remember doing sth. 记得做过某事
remember to do sth. 记得要做某事
? mean to do sth. 打算做某事
mean doing sth. 意味着做某事
? —The light in the office is still on. 办公室的灯仍亮着。
—Oh, I forgot to turn it off. 哦,我忘记关了。
2. want, need, require后跟动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于其后跟动词不定式的被动式。
? The roof needs repairing(= needs to be repaired). 屋顶需要修理了。
3. begin和start后既可接动名词又可接动词不定式作宾语,意义差别不大,但在以下三种情况下,其后只接动词不定式作宾语:
③begin和start后接表示心理状态或精神活动的动词(如think, realize, understand等)时。
? Hearing what you have said, I am beginning to feel better. 听了你的话,我渐渐觉得好些了。
4. like, love, hate等动词后接动名词时,表示一种习惯或倾向;接不定式时,表示一次特定的或具体的动作。
? I love traveling, and I love to visit Brazil. 我喜欢旅行,我喜欢去巴西旅游。
helicopter ['helik?pt?] n.直升飞机
motorbike ['m?ut?, baik] n.摩托车
tram [traem] n.电车
distance ['dist?ns] n. 距离
abandoned [?'baend?nd] adj.被遗弃的
camel ['kaeml] n. 骆驼
cassette [kae'set] n.录音带
desert ['dez?t] n. 沙漠
diamond ['dai?m?nd] n. 钻石
expert ['eksp?:t] n. 专家
midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜
product ['pr?d?kt] n. 产品
scenery ['si:n?ri] n. 风景; 景色
shoot [?u:t] vt.(shot,shot)射杀
soil [s?il] n. 土壤
journey ['d??:ni] n. 旅程
train [trein] vt. 训练
circus ['s?:k?s] n. 马戏团
seaside ['si:said] n. 海滨
stadium ['steidi?m] n. 运动场;体育场
eagle ['i:gl] n. 鹰
frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃惊;惊吓
kindergarten ['kind?,gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园
apartment [?'pɑ:tm?nt] n.(美)公寓;单元住宅
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫画
interview ['int?vju:] n.面试;面谈
interviewer ['int?vju:?] n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者
event [i'vent] n. 事件
exhausted [ig'z?:stid] adj.疲惫不堪的
downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商业区的;市中心的
vacuum [`'vaekju?m] n. 真空; 空白
rail [reil] n.铁轨
ceremony ['serim?ni] n.仪式
track [traek] n. 轨道
souvenir [,su:v?'ni?] n. 纪念品
get on 上(车、船等)
get off 下(车、船等)
get into 上(车)
get out of 下(车)
take off(飞机)起飞
be short for 是……的缩写/简称
not …any more 不再
our of date 过时
refer to 指的是
? the developed countries 发达国家
? We only sell used books. 我们只卖二手书。
? Don't use words or expressions known only to people with specific knowledge. 不要使用拥有特殊知识的人才能懂的单词或词组。
? the color TV produced last year = the color TV which/that was produced last year 去年生产的彩色电视机
? a letter written to me by my daughter = a letter which/that was written to me by my daughter 一封我女儿写给我的信
? the question discussed yesterday 昨天讨论的问题
? the person killed last year 去年被杀的人
? He was then a teacher respected by all the students. 那时他是一位受所有学生尊敬的老师。
? fallen leaves 落叶
? faded flowers 凋谢的花
? China is a developing country, not a developed country. 中国是一个发展中国家,而不是一个发达国家。
? He is a pleasant fellow to work with. 他是个很好共事的人。
? The man to come to our assistance is Mike. 要来帮助我们的人是Mike。
1.一般过去时表示过去的某一时刻或者某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态时,常与yesterday, the day before yesterday, at one time, in 2014, in the past, last night, last year, last week, just now, when…等表示时间点/段的状语(从句)连用。
? Last night we went to enjoy a good performance. 昨天晚上我们去看了一场不错的演出。
? We went to New York last year. 去年我们去了纽约。
? He left the classroom just now. 他刚才离开了教室。
? He smoked a lot five years ago. 五年前他吸烟很厉害。
? We went to school together when we were children and so we saw each other every day. 我们小时候一起上学,因此我们每天都见面。
? I didn't know you were in Paris. 我不知道你在巴黎。
? I thought you were ill. 我以为你生病了。
survey [s?'vei] n. 调查
neighbourhood n.四邻
local ['l?uk?l] adj.地方的;局部的
suburb ['s?b?:b] n.城郊;郊区
hometown [h?um'taun] n.家乡
attractive [?'traektiv] adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的
fortunate ['f?:t??nit] adj.幸运的;吉祥的
pretty ['priti] adv.很;相当
sound [saund] vi.听起来
tourist ['tu?rist]n.旅游者;观光客
bother ['b???] vt.打扰;烦扰;麻烦
nuisance ['nju:sns] n.令人讨厌的人或事
rent [rent] n. 租金
district ['distrikt] n.地域;区域;行政区
approach [?'pr?ut?] vt. 接近
harbour n.海港
gorgeous ['g?:d??s] adj.美丽的;宜人的
architecture ['ɑ:kitekt??] n. 建筑
starve [stɑ:v] vi.饿死
park [pɑ:k] vt. 停车
traffic ['traefik] n. 交通
committee [k?'miti] n. 委员会
organization ['?:g?nai'z??n] n.组织
unemployed [,?nim'pl?id] adj.失业的;没有工作的
household ['haush?uld] n.家属;家人
occupation [,?kju'pei??n] n. 职业
professional [pr?'fe??nl] adj.专业的
manual ['maenju?l] adj.用手的;手的
employment [im'pl?im?nt] n.就业;工作;职业
gallery ['gael?ri] n.美术馆;画廊
exchange [iks't?eind?] vt. 交换
fascinating ['faesineiti?] adj. 迷人的, 吸引人的
afford [?'f?:d] vt. 买得起;有能力支付
survive [s?'vaiv] vi.死里逃生;大难不死
contact ['k?ntaekt] vt.联络;联系(某人)
put up 修建
so far 到目前为止
up to now 到目前为止
till now 到目前为止
get away from 摆脱
go up 上升
a great many 许多;大量
a number of 许多;大量(谓语动词要用复数)
the number of ……的数量(谓语动词要用单数)
have/has +过去分词
(1)现在完成时表示过去发生或完成的某个动作对现在产生的影响或造成的结果,强调的是这个影响或结果,常同yet, already, just, before, lately等时间状语连用。
? I have just turned off the light. 我刚刚把灯关上。(结果是灯已经被关上了)
? I have already read the book. 我已读过这本书了。(结果是我已知道这本书的内容了)
(2)表示开始于过去、持续到现在并可能持续下去的动作或状态,常同these days, recently, so far, "for+时间段"和"since+时间点"连用。
? It has rained a lot these days. 这些天多雨。
? She has taught in the school for ten years. 她在这所学校教书已经10年了。
? I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. 我从早餐时间到现在一直没有吃东西。
? Don't get off the bus until it has stopped. 直到公交车停下才能下车。
? He will come as soon as he has finished his work. 他一做完工作就会来。
(1)在"That/This/It is the first/second/third/...time (that)从句"句型中,从句要用现在完成时。
? It's the second time that I have met her today. 这是我今天第二次遇见她了。
? It is/has been six years since I came here. 我来这儿已经六年了。
(1)现在完成时不能与过去某一具体的时间连用,如yesterday, last+时间名词,时间名词+ago等。
(2)现在完成时通常和过去不明确的时间副词连用,如already, often, never, ever, always, so far, up to now, till now等。
? She has lived in Paris for twenty years. 她在巴黎住了20年了。(可能刚搬走,也可能继续住下去)
? She lived in Paris for twenty years. 她在巴黎住了20年。(现在已经不在那里住了)
liquid ['likwid] n. 液体
expand [ik'spaend] vi.膨胀
contract ['k?ntraekt] vi.收缩
substance ['s?bst?ns] n. 物质
mixture ['mikst??] n.混合物
oxygen ['?ks?d??n] n. 氧气
electricity [,ilek'trisiti] n. 电
stage [steid?] n. 阶段;时期
conclusion [k?n'klu:??n] n. 结论
aim [eim] n. 目标;目的
reaction [ri'aek??n] n. 反应
electrical [i'lektrik?l] adj.与电有关的;用电的
equipment [i'kwipm?nt] n. 设备;装备
react [ri'aekt] vi.(化学)反应
potassium n. 钾
sodium ['s?udi?m] n. 钠
calcium ['kaelsi?m] n. 钙
magnesium [maeg'ni:zi?m] n. 镁
aluminium [,aelju'mini?m] n. 铝
zinc [zi?k] n. 锌
partial ['pɑ:??l] adj.部分的;局部的
copper ['k?p?] n. 铜
oxide ['?ksaid] n. 氧化物
rust [r?st] vi. 生锈
boil [b?il] vt.生锈
ordinary ['?:din?ri] adj. 普通的;平常的
steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽;水气
float [fl?ut] vi.漂浮
form [f?:m] vi.形成
dissolve [di'z?lv] vt. 溶解;分解;分离
balance ['bael?ns] n.天平
crucible ['kru:sibl] n. 坩锅
tongs [t??z] (复)夹子;小钳子
flame [fleim] n. 火焰
facility [f?'siliti] n.(常作复数)设备;工具
lecture ['lekt??] n. 演讲
department [di'pɑ:tm?nt] n.(大学的)科、系
astonished [?'st?ni?t] adj.吃惊的;惊愕的
add…to… 往……加入……
used to 过去(常常)……
in the area of 在……领域
be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪
be supposed to 应当;理应
? Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。
? The dining room is twice as big as the kitchen. 餐厅是厨房的两倍大。
? Our school is twice bigger than yours. 我们学校是你们学校的两倍大。
? The new building is three times the height of the old one. 这座新楼是那座旧楼的三倍高。
? This stone bridge is twice the length of the wood one. 这座石桥是那座木桥的两倍长。
4.倍数+as many/much+名词+as…
? He has got three times as many books as his younger sister. 他的书比他妹妹的多两倍。
? The price of the house this year is twice what it was last year. 今年的房价是去年房价的两倍。
6. increase/fall等增减性动词+by+倍数
? Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times. 与去年相比,我们的煤产量增长了三倍。
7.倍数+compared with+被比较对象
? The number of the students in our school has increased by four times compared with 1980. 我们学校的学生人数比 1980 年增加了四倍。
(1)"as+形容词/副词原级+as"表示"和……一样……",其否定形式为"not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as"。
? He runs as fast as I. 他跑得和我一样快。
? Li Hua doesn't draw as/so well as Liu Fang. 李华画画不如刘芳好。
? I have as many books as Tom. 我有和汤姆一样多的书。
? Sam drank as much coffee as Mary. 萨姆跟玛丽喝的咖啡一样多。
? Yao Ming is taller than Michael Jordan. 姚明比迈克尔·乔丹高。
? She speaks louder than her mother. 她比她妈妈说话声音大。
形容词和副词的比较级可以用程度副词来修饰,常见的此类副词(词组)有a bit, a little, far, much, a lot, a great deal, any, still, even等。
? The girl has made far greater progress than her classmates. 这个女孩的进步比她同学的大得多。
? Are you feeling any better today? 你今天感觉好点儿了吗?
1."比较级+and+比较级"/"more and more+原级"表示"越来越……"。
? It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes. 春天来了,天气越来越暖和了。
? Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校越来越美丽了。
2. "the+比较级(+主语+谓语), the+比较级(+主语+谓语)"表示"越……,越……"。
? The sooner, the better. 越快越好。
3. "the+比较级+of the two …"表示"两者中较……的那一个"。
? She is the taller of the two sisters. 她是姐妹俩中较高的那一个。
4. "否定词+比较级"表示最高级含义。
? I have never seen a stranger bird. 这是我见过的最奇怪的鸟。
5. "more than+从句"表示"超出……的范围"。
? The noise is more than I can put up with. 这种噪音我忍受不了。
contain [k?n'tein] vt. 包含;包括
access ['aekses] n.接近;通路
crash [krae?] vi.(计算机)崩溃
keyword ['ki: , w?:d] n.密码;口令
log [l?g] vt.记录;登录
software ['s?ftw??] n. 软件
breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障
source [s?:s] n.来源;出处
accessible [?k'ses?bl] adj.可进入的; 可使用的
data ['deit?] n.(复)数据
defence [di'fens] n.保护;防卫
create [kri:'eit] vt. 创造;发明
network ['netw?:k] n. 网络
via [vai?] prep.途径;经由
percentage [p?'sentid?] n.百分数;百分率
design [di'zain] vt. 设计
document ['d?kjum?nt] n. 文件
invention [in'ven??n] n. 发明
permission [p?'mi??n] n. 许可
military ['milit?ri] adj.军事的;军队的
concentrate ['k?ns?ntreit] vi.集中(注意力、思想等)
definite ['definit] adj. 明确的
fantastic [faen'taestik] adj.极好的;美妙的
independent [,indi'pend?nt] adj.独立的
essay ['esei] n.文章
pass [paes] vt.超过
frequently ['fri:kw?ntli] adv.时常;经常
disadvantage [,dis?d'vɑ:ntid?] n.弊端;缺点
average ['aev?rid?] adj.平均的
statistics [st?'tistiks] n.(复)统计数字
shorten ['??:tn] vt.缩短
sideways ['saidweiz] adv.横着地;斜着地
Cincinnati n. 辛辛那提(美国城市)
search n. vt. & vi. 搜寻;寻找
in search of 寻找;追求
geography n. 地理书
salesman n. 售货员,店员
lad n. 少年;小伙子
request n. & vt. 请求;要求
store n. 商店
disappointment n. 失望;沮丧
bookseller n. 书商
ahead of 在…前面;优于
sailor n. 海员,水手;水兵
add vt. 又说,补充说
eyebrow n. 眉毛
remainder n. 剩余物
consist of 由 ……组成
as well 也
become known as … 作为……而出名;被称为……;叫作……
go down 下降
come up with 提出
from that moment on 从那时起
concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想
compared with 与……相比
? Sightseeing took up the whole morning. 观光花了一上午时间。
? Smoking is not allowed during take-off. 飞机起飞时不允许吸烟。
● 名词+名词
? football 足球 self-respect 自尊
● 动词+副词
? breakout 越狱 take-off 起飞
● 副词+动词
? outbreak 崩溃 income 收入
● -ing+名词
? sleeping-pill 安眠药 dining-car 餐车
● 形容词+名词
? blackboard 黑板 double-dealer 两面派
? He can speak a lot of everyday English. 他会说很多日常英语。
? She is very outgoing. 她很外向。
● 数词+名词(+形容词)
? eight-year-old 八岁的 three-metre(-long)三米(长)的
● 形容词/副词+现在分词
? hard-working 勤劳的 easy-going 随和的
● 名词+现在分词
? mouth-watering 令人垂涎的 peace-loving 热爱和平的
● 形容词/副词+过去分词
? ready-made 现成的 well-known 著名的
● 名词+介词+名词
? face-to-face 面对面的 shoulder-to-shoulder 肩并肩的
● 名词+过去分词
? man-made 人造的 self-educated 自学的
● 数词/形容词+名词-ed形式
? four-legged 四条腿的 warm-hearted 热心肠的
● 形容词+名词
? high-class 高级的 large-scale 大规模的
● 名词+形容词
? snow-white 雪白的 colour-blind 色盲的
● 名词+动词
? sleepwalk 梦游 sightsee 观光
? overthrow 推翻 undergo 经历
● 形容词+动词
? whitewash 粉刷 safeguard 捍卫
● 副词/介词+名词
? underline 在(……下)画线 overpower 制胜,压倒
? I have a bike. It's made in Shanghai. 我有一辆自行车,它产于上海。
? A bird has wings. 鸟有翅膀。
? A teacher shouldn't talk like that. 教师不应当那样讲话。
(3)用来表示不确定的某一个,相当于a certain,some。
? A Mr Wang came to see you this morning. 今天早上一位王先生来找过你。
? The car can run 200 kilometres an hour. 这种车每小时能行驶200千米。
? There is a park on the corner of the street. 在这条街的拐角处有个公园。
? They were caught in a heavy rain. 他们遇上了一场大雨。
? I'd like to have an ice cream. 我想来一份冰激凌。
(7)knowledge, collection, understanding等名词后加of...时,其前或其修饰语前常用不定冠词a/an。
? Her new book is a collection of short stories. 她的新书是一部短篇小说集。
? He has a good knowledge of French. 他精通法语。
? have a look/walk/break/try 看一看/散步/休息/试一试
? as a result 因此 as a rule 通常
? as a whole 总体上 as a matter of fact 事实上
? at a loss 不知所措 in a hurry 匆忙
? in a word 总之 in a sense 在某种意义上
(1)不定冠词可以用于某些具体化的抽象名词前,可以具体化的抽象名词有shame, surprise, pleasure, honour, success, help, beauty, failure等。
? It's a pleasure for me to work with you. 和你一起工作我非常高兴。
? She was a famous beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个有名的美人。
? the world, the moon, a bright moon
? Can you give me a second chance, please? 你能再给我一次机会吗?
? I had a wonderful supper yesterday. 昨晚我吃了一顿美味佳肴。
(5)"a most+形容词"表示"很……",most在此不表示最高级含义,而是"很,非常"的意思,相当于"the +most+多音节形容词"为多音节形容词的最高级形式,表示"最……"。
? This is a most interesting film. 这是一部非常有趣的电影。
(6)用在"be+of+a(n)+n."结构中,表示"相同的",相当于the same。
? They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。
? His father is a teacher and poet. 他父亲是位教师兼诗人。
? She is now a different China from what she was twenty years ago. 现在的中国是一个与二十年前不同的国家了。
? He bought a house. I've been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。
? The rose is my favourite flower. 玫瑰花是我最喜爱的花。
? The young man is the student who I taught 10 years ago. 这个年轻人是我十年前教过的学生。
The earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。
? Is this the first time you have visited Beijing? 这是你第一次游览北京吗?
? He runs the fastest in his class. 他是他们班跑得最快的。
? The Greens are on holiday now. 格林一家(夫妇)现在正在度假。
? in the east/south/west/north在东/南/西/北方
? on the right/left在右/左边
? the Pacific (Ocean)太平洋 the Persian Gulf 波斯湾
? the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉
? make the most/best of 充分利用
? in the end 最后
? by the way 顺便说一下 in the distance 在远处
? in the 1990's 在20世纪90年代;the Qing Dynasty 清朝
(2)在 "动词(take/catch/pat/hit/...)+sb.+介词(by/in/on)+the+名词(身体某一部位)"结构中,名词前要用定冠词the,而不用物主代词。
? He took her by the hand. 他拉住了她的手。
(3)用在表示度量单位的名词前,如by the hour/day/week/month/year/dozen/yard/ton/kilo,但是size/weight/time这类名词跟by连用时不加冠词。
? I hired the car by the hour. 我按小时租了这辆车。
(4)用于句型 "the+比较级...,the+比较级... ",该句型表示"越……越……"。
? The more we get together, the happier we'll be. 我们相处的时间越多,就越幸福。
? The rich should help the poor. 富人应当救助穷人。
? The learned are very modest. 有学问的人很谦逊。
? Man needs air and water. 人类需要空气和水。
? Lei Feng 雷锋 Beijing 北京 the United States 美国
? On weekends,shopping malls are always crowded with people. 周末,商场里总是挤满了人。
? Chang'an Street 长安街 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 Beihai Park 北海公园 Tsinghua University 清华大学
? I am very interested in English. 我对英语很感兴趣。
? have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭
? have a wonderful supper 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐
? We like to go swimming in summer. 我们夏季喜欢去游泳。
? My pen is much more expensive than yours. 我的钢笔比你的昂贵多了。
? Mandela, president of South Africa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. 南非总统曼德拉于1997年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。
(1)turn (变成) 后的单数名词作表语其前不用冠词。
? His brother has turned writer. 他弟弟已成为一名作家。
(2)在"表示类型的名词+of... "这一结构中of后的可数名词单数前不用冠词。
? These kinds of questions often appear in the exam. 此类问题在考试中经常出现。
? Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings. 尽管他是个英雄,他也有一些缺点。
(4)与by 连用的表示交通工具和通讯工具的名词之前不用冠词。
? It's quicker by air than by sea. 乘飞机比乘船快。
? at school 在上学
at the school 在学校里
? at table 在吃饭
at the table 在桌子旁
? in hospital 住院
in the hospital 在医院里
? in prison 在坐牢
in the prison 在监狱里
? by sea 乘船
by the sea 在海滨
? in front of 在……的前面
in the front of 在……(内部)的前面
? on earth 究竟,在世界上
on the earth 在地球上
? out of question 毫无疑问
out of the question 不可能


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