他能成功吗 用you can hee succeed 还是you can hee be succeed呢

succeed是什么意思 succeed在线翻译 succeed什么意思 succeed的意思 succeed的翻译 succeed的解释 succeed的发音 succeed的同义词 succeed的反义词
succeed英 [s?k'si:d] 美 [s?k'sid] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:succeed 基本解释不及物动词成功; 继承及物动词继承,继任,继位; 随…之后succeed 反义词不及物动词succeed 相关词组1.
: 连任, 留任;911查询·英语单词手机查看succeed的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 succeed 即可succeed 相关例句及物动词1. He had no son to succeed him.&&&&他没有儿子继承他。2. The storm was succeeded by calm.&&&&暴风雨后一片宁静。不及物动词1. He succeeded in getting the job.&&&&他谋得了那份工作。2. succeed2. If you try hard, you will succeed.&&&&如果你努力,就会成功。3. 3. He succeeded in the examination.&&&&他考试及格了。succeed 网络解释1. (获得)成功:给女孩子一个获得成功(succeed)的机会,让她们思考(think) ,感觉(feel)表演(perform),她们就都会有所成就. 台州市双语学校(Taizhou Bilingual School)版权所有 & 2. 继承,继续,成功:secede 脱离,退出 | succeed 继承,继续,成功 | sucess 成功,成功之事物或人3. 成功 接替:recessive 后退的 | succeed 成功 接替 | success 成功succeed 双语例句1. Only through sound matching of required physical properties, coating formulation, application technique and substrate configuration can a coatings system succeed with the minimum of frustration, labor and capital expenditure.&&&&但只有通过完善的搭配性能需求,化工原料,施工方式和底材性质,才能使涂饰系统成功的减少失败,人工,和资本支持。2. The latest report shows that compaired with those children who often frowd when they are taking photos, children with lovely smile will more easily to be succeed in the marriage&&&&最新研究显示,与在家庭拍照时眉头紧锁的孩子相比,笑容最灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率要大三倍多。3. 3. Realize that people want you to succeed.&&&&加入司仪俱乐部你就能学到你需要的经验。4. Such a good student as he will succeed.&&&&像他這樣的好學生一定會成功。5. 5. Roosevelt's experience has taught me that people who do not bow never succeed.&&&&罗斯福的经历告诉我,不会低头的人永远不会成功。6. You will never succeed in your life if you won't change your attitude en behaviour.&&&&你不改变你的态度和方式的话你这辈子都这样7. You need some system in your life if you want to succeed.&&&&如果你想成功,你的生活就需要有些条理。8. Some new people are too anxious, hoping to succeed in a very short period. This is impossible.&&&&希望在很快很短的时间内就成功,这是没可能的。9. 9. I'll give you a lot more money if we succeed in it.&&&&假如我们成功的话,我会给你更多的钱。10. 10. It seems that your efforts to defuse the potential ballots fraud for the benefit of the republican candidate succeed.&&&&你们清除了对共和党候选人有利的潜在投票欺诈,看起来你们所作的努力已经成功了。11. danci.911cha.com11. When a bank has millions of customers, it only takes a fraction of one percent to oblige for the fraud to succeed (according to Websense, around four percent of polled individuals have fallen for a phish at least once, and clicked a link to a fraudulent Web site while at work).&&&&&&当一个银行有上百万的客户,迫使欺骗成功的只占1%的小部分(按照Websense,大约4%被民意测验的个体已经中了phishing至少一次,在工作时点击了到欺骗性网页的链接。12. Zhao Yang with a high stick to the city deep pool, so that's difficult to succeed Moses.&&&&&&赵凭借晋阳高城深池固守,使智氏难以得手。13. You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world.&&&&&&如果你想获得成功,你必须相信自己,相信你所做的一切——在巫术的世界和现实的世界都是如此。14. She has made several attempts to get away, but we succeed in persuading her to stay.&&&&&&她几次三番地要走,可是我们还是说服她留下了。15. Was sorry I am not your fans., but I thought your real performing skill before good are very morethan, can see you very diligently, hoped you succeed!&&&&&&抱歉我不是你的粉絲,但是我覺得你真的演技比以前好很多,看得出你很努力,希望你成功!16. I want you to succeed and I want all your dreams and fantasies to come true.&&&&&&我要让你成功,我要把你所有的梦和幻想都变成现实。17. I had tried to succeed with sheer force of will and energy and financial resources.&&&&&&我尝试用纯意志力、能量、金融资源来成功。18. You will succeed by trial and error.&&&&&&经过反复实验你会成功的。19. 19. Crucially, for the mission to succeed, the South Georgia government will have to agree to kill, or remove, all of the 2000 reindeer living on the Island.&&&&&&至关重要的是,这一计划要想成功的话,南乔治亚政府就得同意可以杀掉或者迁走在岛上生活的2000只驯鹿。20. succeed20. You can try to write the most complete and helpful article ever or build the perfect software all you won`t, but you`ll never succeed, because there`ll always be room for improvement.&&&&&&你可能会试图写一篇最完全的最有价值的文章或编写一个最完美的软件,但你永远不会成功,因为什么事情都有可以再改进的空间。succeed 词典解释1. 达到目的;成功做成;办到&&&&If you succeed in doing something, you manage to do it.&&&&e.g. We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense...&&&&&&&&&&&我们已经成功地与国防部敲定了基本原则。&&&&e.g. Some people will succeed in their efforts to stop smoking...&&&&&&&&&&&一些人经过努力可以成功戒烟。2. 取得预期效果;表现良好&&&&If something succeeds, it works in a satisfactory way or has the result that is intended.&&&&e.g. If marriage is to succeed in the 1990's, then people have to recognise the new pressures it is facing.&&&&&&&&&&&在 20 世纪 90 年代人们要想婚姻美满,那就不得不认识到它所面临的新压力。&&&&e.g. ...a move which would make any future talks even more unlikely to succeed.&&&&&&&&&&&可能使今后的所有对话都更加难以取得什么成果的举动3. 功成名就;有作为&&&&Someone who succeeds gains a high position in what they do, for example in business or politics.&&&&e.g. ...the skills and qualities needed to succeed in small and medium-sized businesses.&&&&&&&&&&&经营好中小企业所需的技能和素质4. 接替;继任&&&&If you succeed another person, you are the next person to have their job or position.&&&&e.g. David Rowland is almost certain to succeed him as chairman on January 1...&&&&&&&&&&&戴维·罗兰将在 1 月 1 日接替他任主席几乎已成定局。&&&&e.g. The present ruler, Prince Rainier III, succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949.&&&&&&&&&&&现任元首,兰尼埃三世亲王于 1949 年 5 月 9 日继位。5. 在…之后;随…其后&&&&If one thing is succeeded by another thing, the other thing happens or comes after it.911查询·英语单词大全&&&&e.g. A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer — and more agonising — period of haggling over the fate of the family.&&&&&&&&&&&闪电式离婚后可能紧接着就是一段在家庭命运上互相纠结的更加漫长、更加痛苦的时期。succeed 单语例句1. Coming from humble roots and struggling to succeed by one's own efforts are common experiences for China's new order of philanthropists.2. " Negotiations are under way and we are still hopeful they will succeed, " he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.3. China does not encourage its enterprises to succeed in the global market simply by increasing export volume.4. Cascade is racing to become the first big foreign company to succeed in the sector.5. And he not only has the experience, but also the political acumen to succeed in his endeavor.6. About half of them succeed in getting a job with the help of the center.7. Management experts say that while his choice of language risks offending people, he may succeed in forcing change.8. We hope this balance will succeed when the 191 UN members review the proposals and pass their resolutions for changing the UN charter in September.9. Chief Operating Officer Joseph " Jay " Hooley will succeed Logue as the company's chief executive.10. Should Chrysler's efforts succeed, the US administration would consider $ 6 billion of additional investment.succeed 英英释义verb1. be the successor (of)&&&&e.g. Carter followed Ford&&&&&&&&&&&Will Charles succeed to the throne?&&&&Synonym: 2. attain success or reach a desired goal&&&&e.g. The enterprise succeeded&&&&&&&&&&&We succeeded in getting tickets to the show&&&&&&&&&&&she struggled to overcome her handicap and won&&&&Synonym: succeed是什么意思,succeed在线翻译,succeed什么意思,succeed的意思,succeed的翻译,succeed的解释,succeed的发音,succeed的同义词,succeed的反义词,succeed的例句,succeed的相关词组,succeed意思是什么,succeed怎么翻译,单词succeed是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Step by Step2000 第二册
Unit 4 All Can Succeed
Unit 4 All Can Succeed
Part 1 Warming up
Key words: imagination, win, opportunity, risk, like, success, other people,
abilities, hard work
Vocabulary: , shed light onto, be blessed with, positive, critically, interact
In this part you are going to hear a passage about how one can achieve success. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
(No one sets out in life to fail.) The reality is that many do. Why do some prosper while others struggle just to exist? There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might shed some light onto this very complex issue.
1. The future is in your imagination
Humans are blessed with the ability to think into the future. We can use our imagination to see possibilities. Use this unique gift in a positive way.( Build a vision of what you want to be. have or do. It is the starting point of all successful activities.)
2. To win, you must expect to win
Once we imagine our future, we must wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to
the vision.
3. We are surrounded by opportunity
As we move through time, opportunities are . All we have to do is recognize them and reach out to grab them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. Are you a risk taker?
4. Like what you do or do something else
Low achievers usually don't like to work or don't like the work they are doing. Those who don't want to work will never prosper. For those who work, it is critically important that their work be a
experience. Match your skills to your job requirements. The closer the match, the more enjoyable the experience.
5. Your success depends on other people
No man is an island. We must interact with and receive the support of others. Build a network of friends. Get to know people of achievement. Listen to their words,watch their actions and apply what works for you.
6. Everyone can succeed
We are all born with enough abilities to experience success. Our task is to discover and develop those abilities. Nothing comes easily. Success demands hard work. Are you willing to work that hard?
Key words:
skills encourage invoivement development school cooperation student performance teachers staff
issue involvement commit enhancement regardless of
bond integrity
Suppose you are an administator on a middle school ,read the following checklist . Supply the mising words to complete the questions below.Answer all the questions by ticking &yes&or &no&.
1.Do you possess good organizational skills?
2.Are you results oriented?
3.Are you open minded on all issues brought before you ?
4.Do you put children first in the decision process?
5.Do you encourage
and citizen involvement?
6.Do you encourage innovation and ?
7.Do you commit to maximize the development of every student?
8.Do you promote school and community cooperation?
9.Do you support to the enhancement of student needs in the school?
10.Can you offer ideas and plans to strengthen the school ?
11.Do you expect high quality performence from terchers?
12.Do you communicate directly and clearly to the teachers in the school?
13.Do you bebieve in continuously professional development of self and the entire staff?
14.Do you deals fairly with all school employees regardless of their backgroud or position?
15. Are you a consensus builder?
16.Do you understand leadership skills?
17.Is your word your bond ?Are you trustworthy?
18.Do you strive to undersdand the position of others staff members?
19.Do you display a high degree of personal integrity?
20.Can you work well with others?
key words:
successful bring up children overcome difficulty deaf headmistress actor self-publicist
pop arthristis headmistress handicap self-publicist
speaker 1:
I think my mum's very successful beacause she's managed to bring up three children - excellently -- in such a horrible society that we live in today.She's taught us to be kind and loving,she taught us to share, she taught us to love our family -- be very family-orientated -- and I think that's relly important.
speaker 2:
The person that I can think of within my life,well,I probably can think of several but the one that instantly came to mind when you popped this question to me was somebody who lives in Harpenden and who has overcome physical difficulty of
remarkabely well,and not allowde it to hold her back any more than is obviously necessary because of her physical disabilities.So I think she's made a very good -- a great success of overcoming a difficulty.
speaker 3:
I think, uhm, Mable Davvies,here who's very successful.She's deaf lady who's now the headmistress and I think that must have been hard, so I 've got a lot of respect for her,because my parents are also deaf so I know how difficult it is to work your way up having a handicap so I've got quite a lot of
speaker 4:
Well,I think in professional terms Kenneth Branagh,the actor,has been very successful and I think the reason for this more than anything else is that he's a very good self-publicist.He is
a very good actor.Er,I 've not seen him on stage,I've seen him on film and he's got an enormous amount of enery and as I say,he's a very good self-publicist.
1. According to the first speaker, the most important thing that mum taught her children is to love the family.
2. When the second speaker was inerviewed,the sucessful person that immediately came to her mind was the one with arthritis.
3. The third has a lot of respect for Mable Davies because she herself is deaf.
4. The fourth speaker thinks that the actor has got an enormous amount of energy as he saw him on stage and on film.
The work of Gordon Parks&&an internationally known African American artist
Key words:
work with a camera
Life magazine
the rich and the poor
Listen to the first part of the material.Complete the paragraph.
Gordonn Parks is an artist who has many skills such as _________________________________________________.However,he is best known for______________________________________________.He saw the camera as _________________________________________.
Gordon Parks was born into _________________________________in ________________.After his mother died when he was only__________,he worked several low-paying jobs to _____________________.He became interested
in_________________at the age of ________.He thought _________-could express___________________.
Now listen to the second part of the material.First complete the chart about Gordon Parks.Then complete the statements about some of Gordon Parks's most successful works.
When:in 1941
Relevant information:taking pictures of the poor living conditions in Chicago
Relevant information:working as a photographer for Life magazine
When:in 1950
Relevant information:__________________________as a European photographer for Life
Relevant information:traveling to the southern U.S.to photograph_____________________
When:in 1961
Relevant information:working on a project about________________
Relevant information:one of the most
photographers of his time finishing a book about growing up in Kansas
When:at the age of 85
Relevant information:still writing_____________________,composing_______________and making___________
Gordon Park's most successful works:
1.Ella Watson-American Gothic
The picture represents____________
2.The Causey Family
The pictures show______________
3.Flavio da Silva
The pictures show__________________
Listen to the following statements you have learned in the previous and previous and present units. Pay special attention to the parts in bold type. Learn to appreciate and use thr language.
1 (to be) by the thought of...
Are you still daunted by the thought of reprogramming your video cassette recorder,let along your digital
one's attention
Ambient commercials will also hijack your attention by using tastes and smells.
3 to give thought to...
Have I given thought to what I would like to be doing 15 to 20 years from now?
Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, what you are good at,and what kind of person you want to be.
4 to bear in mind/to affect the future course of one's life
Bear in mind that the career you choose will affect the future course of your life.
5 to give preference to.../other things being equal
Remember that when
occurs,preference is usually given to educated persons&&other things being equal.
6 a fund of experience
Remember they have a tremendous fund of experience from which you should benefit.
7 to come to mind/to pop a question to...
The one that instantly came to mind when you popped this question to me was somebody who lives in Harpenden.
8 to set out to fail
No one sets out in life to fail.
9 to shed light onto...
There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that minght shed some light onto this very complex issue.
10 to be blessed with...
Humans are blessed with...
Humans are blessed with the ability to think into the future.
11 one's word is one's bond
Is your word your bond?
12 to accept no limits on...
Gorden Parks continues to accept no limits on what he can do.
With her at the wheel,the company began to prosper.有了她当主管,公司开始兴旺起来。
It is my earnest wish that this company will continue to prosper.我真诚希望这家公司会继续兴旺发达。
If you make a promise you should fulfill it.如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言。
This company should be able to fulfill our requirements.这家公司应该能够满足我们的要求。
Oranges abound here all the year round.这里一年到头都有很多橙子。
But problems abound in the management of State-owned companies.但是在国有企业的管理中仍然存在不少问题。
She was joyful of her good result of the scientific experiments.她为自己的科学实验取得好成果而高兴。
They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻。
Can we reach a consensus on this issue?我们能在这个问题上取得一致意见吗?
What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting?下午会议上一致的意见是什么?
He encourages parental involvement in the running of school.他鼓励学生家长参与学校的管理。
Children always revolt against parental disciplines.孩子们总是反抗父母的管束。
His art has reached a high degree of excellence.他的艺术已达到炉火纯青的地步。
My performance is far below excellence.我的表演离优秀还差得远呢。
Rheumatoid arthritis has also been linked with the virus.风湿性关节炎也与这种病毒有关。
He spent three months in the hospital with acute rheumatic arthritis.他患急性风湿性关节炎,在医院住了三个月。
He was lost in admiration of the beauty of the scene.他对风景之美赞不绝口。
We have a great admiration for the gold medalists.我们对金牌获得者极为敬佩。
It is undoubtedly she who has said that.这话明明是她说的。
He is undoubtedly the pride of China.毫无疑问他是中国的骄傲。
They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.他们抱怨受到不公平的对待。
All his life he has been struggling against injustice.他一生都在与不公正现象作斗争。
He said that racism is endemic in this country.他说种族主义在该国很普遍。
Racism causes political instability and violence.种族主义道致政治动荡和暴力事件。
He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
使(某人)气馁,威吓( daunt的过去式和过去分词 )
She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。
He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected. 他被他们对工作的高品质的要求吓倒了。
A versatile person is often good at a number of different things.多才多艺的人通常擅长许多种不同的事情。
He had been one of the game's most versatile athletes.他是这项运动中技术最全面的运动员之一。
Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。
The hijack take place just after the plane take off.劫持是飞机刚起飞后发生的。
The teacher conferred with the principal about Dick's promotion.教师与校长商谈了迪克的升级问题。
The clerk was given a promotion and an increase in salary.那个职员升了级,加了薪。


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