youcantbuild them herehere的意思

Xash3D Engine
.:Xash3D Engine:.
Custom Gold Source Engine build from a scratch
Unkle Mike (aka G-Cont, aka Дядя Миша) - main developer & forum members - help, support, testing
CortexReaver, nemyax - English translation
Xash3D Engine has been tested for compatibility with many of Gold Source games and MODs. At this moment it should provide you an ability to successfully complete almost any existing singleplayer Half-Life mod without compatibility problems. Some mods can be not totally compatible, if they are too hardly modified or using some very specific or unstable features of Gold Source engine. Also multiplayer part of Xash3D engine is not fully completed yet because of lack of some important information and hidden source codes of Gold Source engine. So in most cases multiplayer mods should work good in a local or a LAN game, but some features can not work or work not exactly as under Gold Source engine. Check a detailed
in "Features" section. A full list of
is also there, plus a guide on how to get work Half-Life and its' mods under Xash3D ( and ).
Since Xash3D is a Half-Life compatible engine, then all the innovations below will be given in comparsion with GoldSrc engine.
Basic limits.
Xash3D limits are not just higher than Half-Life ones, they also can be tuned in gameinfo.txt file.
- MAX_EDICTS is 600 - 4096 (versus 900 in Half-Life).
- MAX_TEMPENTS is 300 - 2048 (vs. 500).
- MAX_PARTICLES is 1024 - 8192 (vs. 4096).
- MAX_BEAMS is 64 - 512 (vs. 64)
Careful limits reduction can save RAM in mods which don't need many edicts. Also MAX_EDICTS parameter is broadcasted from server during a
multiplayer session, it adjusts clients to new conditions automatically.
Other limits.
These limits are engine-hardcoded and can not be tuned by user.
- MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET is 512 entities (256 in Half-Life).
- MAX_MODELS is 2048 unique models (including sprites and bmodels)
- MAX_SOUNDS is 2048
in Half-Life)
- MAX_USER_MESSAGES is 191 (128 in WON Half-Life)
of them can be used for VGUI)
in Half-Life) (quantity of messages in titles.txt)
- Maximum size for indexed textures is
(vs. 512х512 in Half-Life)
- Maximum size for true-color textures is .
Limits for bsp-models.
in half-life)
- MAX_MAP_LEAFS 3 in half-life)
Note: other BSP-model limits are specified by compiler tools and don't depend on the engine.
Realisitic lighting values on server.
Xash3D allows to get more accurate value of current lighting level, because it considers lightstyles and their current values. The player's lighting is taken directly from renderer and considers all lighting types, including entity light and dynamic light.
Improved decal save.
Half-Life supports decal save only on world surfaces and very rare on doors, elevators and other moving models. Xash3D saves decals on every brush model. Decal transition between levels is also maintained (implemented in Half-Life, but doesn't really work).
Entity patch technology support.
This technology allows to load entities from external .ent script file. This script can be produced by the external ripent.exe application or by engine's facilities by typing the entpatch
command. If the command is entered when a map is loaded, a new entity patch will be created.
Various map formats support.
Xash3D supports following BSP-map formats: Quake 1, Half-Life, Half-Life Blue Shift. Besides, Quake 1 external
bmodels are supported (medikit and ammo models). Note: it is recommended to play Quake 1 maps in Deathmatch Classic mod to prevent stuckness of player because of the difference between hull's sizes of Half-Life and Quake.
Hot resource precaching support.
Xash3D allows to precache models "on the fly" that helps to avoid nasty PF_PRECACHE_ERROR. Also Xash3D doesn't crash if a model or sound wasn't found.
Reliable changelevel.
Before switching to a next map Xash3D will analyze its state (without unloading the current map) and decides whether correct changelevel procedure is possible. In case of any error in a next map the engine will signal about it in the developer's console, and the changelevel will be aborted. The error message also contains troubleshoot tips that can make level designer's life easier, because such errors are most difficult to diagnose and fix.
Built-in credits.
To display credits and exit the game after, run the pfnEndSection command with oem_end_credits argument. The credits code is placed in menu.dll and can be changed by user at his discretion.
MOVETYPE_PUSH physics is more stable.
Xash3D entities behave more stable on moving platforms and don't shift away on sharp turns.
New MOVETYPE_COMPOUND physics type.
It allows to tie one entity to another, taking into account movement and
rotation of the former entity. You can see an example in SDK - a
crossbow bolt that correctly attaches itself to func_pushable,
func_rotating, func_tracktrain and other brush models.
Console autocomplete support.
Xash3D has a powerful console autocomplete system that allows not just print command lists,
but also describe all of them during the search. For more comfort you can type "makehelp" in the console, and the engine will generate help.txt that contains the list of all commands and variables with short descriptions. Map, movie, background track, cfg script, save,
weapon (give command), sound (play command), game directory names input
is also assisted by the autocomplete feature.
No parent directory restriction.
Most Quake engines are restricted to the parent directory with specific name, which doesn't matter when you make mod, but very uncomfortable when you make total game
conversion and therefore replace the parent directory. Xash3D doesn't
restricted to specific folder, and the parent directory is defined by
the launcher. This way you can make your own game that doesn't depend on Half-Life.
Dedicated server has the autocomplete feature now, your command history can be saved.
Dedicated server has the autocomplete feature now, your command history can be saved.
Background maps support.
Background map is a map to be displayed as a menu background. You could see them in Half-Life 2. Xash has a simplier background map system - it doesn't depend on
unlocked chapters (because original Half-Life has no chapters system)
and it chooses the background map from the list. This list file must be named as chapterbackgrounds.txt and placed in
scripts directory (if you don't have such directory, then just make it).
Every list's entry is separated by new line. You can use any playable map as the background, but better don't use maps where player starts in a moving train,
because it won't look good.
Lightstyle interpolation.
Turned off by default. Doesn't work with short sequences like switching on and off the light. It smooths light animation very well on long slow sequences like SlowStrobe or SlowPulse. Note: FPS rate may suffer from this option.
luma glowing textures support (Quake-style).
You can see such textures in original quake maps as glowing fields on a texture. Because this feature is caused by the Quake pallet's special features, the engine enables it for textures that have Quake or Quake2 pallet. This pallet is saved well after the simple conversion of wad2 files to wad3.
Improved model and sprite lighting.
Improved model lighting includes per-bone lighting from static and dynamic light sources,
and it also includes correct model lighting on every stage of long
sequence execution, when model goes far enough from its real location.
The best example is forklift.mdl Sprite lighting is a correct lighting
of all sprites that is rendered in additive mode
and had "alphtest" during the compilation. For example, blood decals uses the world lighting and doesn't glow in darkness. Both sprites and models don't just use the world lighting, but also consider lighting of the closest brush model if there is one.
Player model display in the menu.
Instead of a usual player image you can see his 3D model in the menu and track all changes right on-the-spot.
In usual anniversary of Xash3D Unkle Mike has released new beta-version of the engine. Check
section to download it. This release is very close to version 1.0, many things are changed or added, but hereupon they should be carefully tested for proper work. So don't be lazy, please report about any technical issues or unforeseen discrepancies from standard game's behaviour.
Don't forget to install engine's files properly, including extras for "valve" folder. Otherwise some things will not work as intended or will not work at all. Detailed manual is . For questions about mods' support refer to this . Remember that some nowaday mods (or their new versions) which require Steam interfaces are not supported (or have to be patched by old versions of their game dlls to work with Xash3D). Also most of multiplayer mods were not tested thoroughly, but if you have your own experience & found some problems, please report. In most cases, any mods which worked correctly with old WON version of Half-Life, should work correctly with Xash3D too.
As with previous pre-release & experimental builds, the same rule works for build 4097 too: DO NOT USE it with outdated Xash3D games/mods, such as XashXT, Paranoia 2: Savior, Quake Remake. They are not updated yet and will not work with new version of the engine.
Here is a list of changes which were made since previous public build 3887 to current 4097.
Engine: new version of extended BSP30 map format (increased clipnode limits, adjustable lightmap resolution, per-vertex lighting etc)
Engine: BSP31 is obsolete now and removed from the engine (please use bsp31migrate.exe tool to convert your old BSP31 maps into new extended BSP30 format)
Engine: mextrasurf_t reorganized, please check the source code
Engine: event API reorganized, two old functions were removed & one new added
Engine: engine feature ENGINE_FIXED_FRAMERATE is no longer supported
Engine: RenderAPI changed to version 37 and reorganized
Engine: some unused functions from undocumented part of the game and client interface were replaced by stubs
Engine: demos protocol changed to version 3
Engine: implemented "timedemo" command
Engine: fixed very old bug in CheckParm export function (internal version were not bugged)
Engine: new queue system for map changing (not stuck with Cbuf_Execute)
Engine: experimental function CL_ChangeGame removed from the engine
Engine: enabled interpolation for addangle (fixangle = 2)
Engine: added a handle for exception in Q_vsnprintf to prevent engine's crash on the error of formatted args
Engine: new polymorphic BSP loader
Render: mirrors are not supported anymore and have been removed from the engine (but will be kept maintained by such mods as XashXT or P2: Savior)
Render: allowed colors remapping for alias player models (for Quake 1)
Render: tuned up intensity of dynamic lights (affects alias and studio models)
Render: enabled built-in MSAA feature ("gl_enable_msaa" cvar in opengl.cfg)
Render: fixed bug of "sticky bind" on texture's uploading
Render: most of internal procedural textures have been moved out from the engine (kept only those textures which engine is using itself)
Render: fixed VERY old (since Quake 1) bug of R_LightPoint which has contained inaccurate color samples from lightmap and produced invalid results in some cases
Render: added new extension of BSP file format (lightmaps which are based now on luxel per units instead of luxel per texels). Also check P2: Savior compile tools, they allow to use this new feature.
Render: fixed bug of sorting STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE meshes in studio models (old Half-Life bug)
Render: fixed perfomance-killing water subdivision bug on water's rendering
Render: "r_drawentities 7" now shows world position of luxel for lighting
Render: removed all unused GL-extensions
Render: fixed 16-bit color mode and NPOT textures case
Render: now, if video subsystem's initalization is failed, game shows system error instead of switching into dedicated mode
Render: removed rotational sky's support (it just never be used by anybody)
Client: implemented predictable laser spot for RPG weapon
Client: rewritten HudSprite manager to allow the download of missed HUD sprites
Client: rewritten SPR_GetList to prevent memory leak (old Half-Life bug)
Client: getAppID changed to 70
Client: single export for client.dll renamed to GetClientAPI
Client: added mp3 command like in GoldSrc (warning - not tested yet)
Client: cvar value request can now detect mismatches between cvar.string and cvar.value to detect potential cheaters
Client: added built-in resource paths to list downloadable resources
Client: revision of tempents code, fixed some bugs
Client: EF_MUZZLEFLASH can work now for alias models (Quake 1)
Server: fixed problems with russian letters in chat
Server: "decalfrequency" parameter is stored now into config.cfg
Server: implemented instanced baselines (which can be specified by user)
Server: implemented resource consistency check (model CRC and bounds)
Server: first implementation of server's game log
Server: "changelevel" command is not supported anymore (only internal changelevel is possible)
Server: "kill" command moved from server to the client
Server: new save/restore system which supports saved games made with GoldSrc (but old Xash3D saves are not supported from now on, also backward compatibility of new Xash3D saves with GoldSrc is not guaranteed & wasn't tested)
Server: implemented server FPS control called "sv_fps" (use with precaution)
Server: fixed some bugs in unlag system
Network: network connection completely rewritten to allow downloading and uploading of files (missing resources, player logos)
Network: first implementation of player's customization (logos)
Network: network protocol changed to version 49
Network: implemented a sign-on sequence
Network: max size of user messages is increased up to 2048 bytes
Network: IPX protocol is no longer supported and has been removed
Network: new experimenal system to get maximum pack size for UDP (official size is 1200 bytes, but in theory it can be increased up to 64000 bytes)
Network: new generic resource system which includes sounds, models, events, decals and all other types
Network: StudioDecal message moved out from the engine completely
Network: fragmented packets now can be compressed by LZSS algorhytm
Console: mapinfo now shows information about editor and compiler
Console: debug messages system rewritten as in Quake (Con_Printf instead of MsgDev)
Console: fixed ConsolePrint to allow messages to go only into notify buffer
VGUI: CEngineApp class declared as static
VGUI: rewritten Font manager, enabled vertex arrays support
GameUI: import interface updated by two new functions (save file and remove file)
GameUI: fixed old crash of playersetup and changelevel on a background map
Sound: fixed save/restore bug with static sounds
Sound: some minor changes in DirectSound backend code
Memory: fixed bug in Mem_CheckFilename
If you'd like to support Unkle Mike and inspire him for further development of Xash3D, you can donate him some money via:
WebMoney: R
Yandex.Money: 633
So the very new build of Xash3D Engine is released and awaits you in 'Files' section. This pre-release version brings many changes, so if you interested...
First stable and public version of CS16Client -- best Counter-Strike 1.6 Android port.
The list has been updated on December 22nd, 2014. Xash3D Engine was tested for compatibility with most of singleplayer Half-Life mods and maps, and for...
Hello, if you are new with how to use Xash3D Engine to run Half-Life and its' mods, this manual is for you. Just follow the instruction and have fun!
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Welcome to the Skolkovo Research Facility. If you are here by accident, please kill yourself immediately as possible. This complex - top secret and strictly...
You, James Smith (served in SWAT for a decade with no failed operations and now working as a detective), on vacation going to visit your family. Driving...
Fork of Xash3D engine that ported to Android. Allows play Half-Life out-of-box.
You will know a chilling story about misterious incident, which was happened in the middle Russia in 1994. Closed city Sverdlovsk-900 was abandoned and...
The game is a 3d shooter with the elements of the quest
Paranoia 2 Savior — first-person shooter in the style of survival horror, which is unfolding in a secret underground laboratory facility somewhere in...
The development of an entirely new Secret Operation. With the new engine, and a new approach. This project is a large scale, compared with the previous...
This game is in early development and it is a common clone of GTA.
If you would like to help, please contact me -kyp1998.
Добрый-Бобрый, лол. С вами балабер, а это КОТРА: Зубодробительный экшн где вы играете...
BOOM is returned :) Play this game and you узнаете, what is the PAIN! You play the BOOM when Boom plays YOU!
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Just awesome. What you did creating this engine cannot be described with any words.
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Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
Finding World Record Primes Since 1996
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Free Mersenne Prime Search Software
Prime95 Version 29.4 build 7
Version 29.4 build 7 - See the latest
file for a full list of changes.
Highlights of version 29.4 include
GIMPS has a new sub-project -- finding (probable) prime Mersenne cofactors.
Like LL tests, PRP tests now support shift counts to aid in running double-checks.
PRP tests now support a type of low overhead error checking that almost guarantees correct results even on flaky hardware.
Because PRP tests are highly reliable, we now offer the option to do PRP tests instead of Lucas-Lehmer primality tests.
For non-base-2 PRP tests, there is a new option to run each iteration twice and rollback if a mismatch occurs.
Highlights of version 29.3 include
Enhanced error checking for LL tests
Faster step 1 GCD for ECM and P-1 factoring
Any modern personal computer with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or FreeBSD can participate. The
page answers many questions you may have before downloading the software. You must also agree to the GIMPS .
Unix and non-x86 users should check out Ernst Mayer's
for guidance as to which code is best for their platform.
Some software has been written for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. Visit
for more information.
Joining GIMPS is usually as simple as downloading and running the program, answering a few questions, and the program does the rest.
for discovering a new Mersenne prime!
If you have not done so, . It's optional, but required to
and to assign computers to your user ID.
Download the appropriate free program for your OS and proceed to Step 3:
or one of the other special versions listed below.
More details about these programs, plus and a few more versions for other operating systems, are given here:
Operating System
Windows: 64-bit29.4b86.1MBSHA256:00C24E7DD0C0C268CC8DCB46D04B7FCAA391B373B184D6Windows: 32-bit29.4b75.3MBSHA256:896A2F90D198AA4A6D1FFC912FCE10F30A0BBC127F711BEA48B283Linux: 64-bit29.4b86.0MBSHA256:A0C86DBC1F5259DC7FCBB7CD1AC82EEE618AD3AFE60F96BFE36D82A4Linux: 32-bit29.4b75.2MBSHA256:475C3D06E9AB1507AED6DECAA22F8A64AB79CD9564Mac OS X29.4b74.0MBSHA256:2FDC4A7B23A517BEF3C0A86E978EDD48C1E1E7D156E0123FAE372Requires Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or laterMac OS Xcommand line version28.73.5MBSHA256:0BC948DFE379CEEC8DB0483BFFA1CA39DDCCCFCCD079No GUI.
Requires Mac OS X 10.7 or later and an Intel CPU.FreeBSD 11+: 64-bit29.4b76.5MBSHA256:F2A8AB882BF1C66F6D64B0CE86161CDA7B87FFDB098CRequires FreeBSD 11.0Windows Service: 64-bit29.4b75.7MBSHA256:3B04BDA04A8DE5BB9DCE2F6F6AB5BCB8CCThis is for administrators that want the extra security of running a traditional GUI-less service. You will still need to download the standard windows executable to configure the client. This program is for Windows Server experts only.Windows Service: 32-bit29.4b75.0MBSHA256:D7DFEDDA112E0FE49CBDAFC434A5567This is for administrators that want the extra security of running a traditional GUI-less service. You will still need to download the standard windows executable to configure the client. This program is for Windows Server experts only.Source code for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X29.4b745.7MBSHA256:AF2B8F97DC8C5D7A4A679ADAA45Legacy Operating SystemsMac OS Xpre-Mavericks27.95.1MBSHA256:C44E3BDAE50DEFFF47CCFDFF5BDC5D31F669ED5560D8Requires Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.8 and an Intel CPU.FreeBSD 10+: 64-bit28.75.3MBSHA256:0A04BBEDCE501F57E902B3CE9F82CDA0E39AAAE8BFAA1AF95AB416Requires FreeBSD 10.0FreeBSD 8: 64-bit27.94.5MBSHA256:5AB9FEDDEB53FCA9D9684119FAE7AC271DE3D85A4DD3C3F1FD26AB97FF71C05ARequires FreeBSD 8.0.
May work on later versions.FreeBSD 7: 32-bit26.64.0MBSHA256:D4C2C044CFA4C9C989FD6E0CA723505DEA12B2FF1FDRequires FreeBSD 7.0.
May work on later versions.
Create a directory and decompress the file you just downloaded. Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP have built-in unzip features. Other Windows users can choose from a variety of decompression programs. We use . Linux and FreeBSD users should use the standard tar and gzip decompression utilities.
Start the program!
Linux and FreeBSD users should run the program from the command line with a -m switch, i.e. ./mprime -m
Enter your optional userID created on the website in Step 1, and optionally name your computer. We recommend Windows users select Options » Start at Bootup or Start at Logon.
That's all you need to do! The program contacts a central server called PrimeNet to get some work to do. Usually the program and PrimeNet know the best work to assign, but it's up to you!
You can administer your account and computers on your userID's . Once you complete a workunit you can track your standings on the
the server updates every hour (see Top Producers in the menu, left, for more stats). You can monitor each of your
computers' progress, even remote-control the work assignments they request using your userID's !
Linux and FreeBSD versions can also be set up to run every time you restart your computer.
Ask for help at .
Prime95 has been a popular choice for stress / torture testing a CPU since its introduction, especially with overclockers and system builders.
Since the software makes
heavy use of the processor's integer and floating point instructions, it feeds the processor a consistent and verifiable workload to test the stability of the CPU and the L1/L2/L3
processor cache.
Additionally, it uses all of the cores of a multi-CPU / multi-core system to ensure a high-load stress test environment.
From the most recent "" file included in the download:
Today's computers are not perfect.
Even brand new systems from major manufacturers can have hidden flaws.
If any of several key components such
as CPU, memory, cooling, etc. are not up to spec, it can lead to incorrect calculations and/or unexplained system crashes.
Overclocking is the practice of increasing the speed of the CPU and/or memory to make a machine faster at little cost.
Typically, overclocking
involves pushing a machine past its limits and then backing off just a little bit.
For these reasons, both non-overclockers and overclockers need programs that test the stability of their computers.
This is done by running
programs that put a heavy load on the computer.
Though not originally designed for this purpose, this program is one of a few programs that
are excellent at stress testing a computer.
has an excellent overview on using Prime95 to test
your system and ensure it is working properly.
The tips presented there should be helpful regarding how long to run the torture test and provide a solid guideline
on how long to run the Prime95 stress test.
Performing a stress test is simple:
and unzip the files to your desired location.
Run the Prime95 executable and select "Just Stress Testing" when asked.
The default options are sufficient to do a well balanced stress test on the system.
If you are upgrading from version 24, then get
needed to first upgrade to the latest version.
Upgrade Instructions for upgrading from v24 (or older) to current versions
If you have not done so, . Optional, but required to link your v4 account(s)
to keep work credit earned prior to 10/20/2008. You can then
to your new PrimeNet v5 ID. All of your V4 computers will appear as
a single virtual V5 computer, called v4_computers. Each v4 account linked should:
Appear in the list of linked accounts on the v4 migration page
Associate one v4_computers virtual CPU on your v5 account for each v4 account linked.
Note that the v4_computers virtual CPU is initially assigned to ANONYMOUS until you link your v4 account.
Create TWO fat CPU credits, one each for LL and TF, which contain the ENTIRE v4 credit accumulated prior to 10/20/2008.
These two fat credits
should appear on your v5 account summary page.
Your V4 computers will continue to run, receive work assignments, return work results.
We will soon provide a way to distribute V4 shared work credit with other V5 users. Stay tuned!
Some work credits may be applied or corrected after we complete our data reconciliation in late November.
Not linking your v4 and v5 accounts is optional, but your V4 computer(s) will run under the v5 ANONYMOUS user.
Upgrading several computers incrementally over time is OK. There's no hurry.
To see each of your computers individually by name again you will need to upgrade the software.
You can check the .
Upgrade the software. You can upgrade even if you are in the middle of testing an exponent.
Save file and prime.spl formats are different so there is no going back.
First allow the program to sync with PrimeNet to unspool and delete the prime.spl file of unsent results.
Stop and exit the current version of the program.
You should make a backup copy of the entire directory before upgrading.
Upgrading in the middle of P-1 stage 2 will restart stage 2 from scratch.
On dual and quad core machines, all CPUs are now managed by a single program instance.
You must manually merge the worktodo.ini files into the v25 worktodo.txt (note the change in file suffix).
In the instances of Prime95 you will no longer need, uncheck Start at Bootup before you exit the program.
Save files must be copied to the new v25 directory.
for your OS:
, , , , or one of the other ports listed below in the
Upgrade the software. Stop and exit your current version, then install the new version overwriting the previous version. You can upgrade even if you are in the middle of testing an exponent.
Restart the program.
Please consult the
file for possible answers. You can also search for an answer, or ask for help in the
. Otherwise, you will need to address your question to one of the two people who wrote the program.
Networking and server problems should be sent to . Such problems include errors contacting the server,
problems with assignments or userids, and errors on the server's statistics page. All other problems and questions should be sent to
, but please consult the forums first.
See GIMPS . However, please do send bug reports and suggestions for improvements.
If you use GIMPS source code to find Mersenne primes, you must agree to adhere to the .
Other than that restriction, you may use this code as you see fit.
The source code for the program is highly optimized Intel assembly language. There are many more-readable FFT algorithms available on the web and in textbooks.
The program is also completely non-portable. If you are curious anyway, you can
(45.7MB). This file includes all the version 29.4b7 source code for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X. Last updated: .
The GIMPS program is very loosely based on C code written by Richard Crandall. Luke Welsh has started a web page that points to Richard Crandall's program and
that you can use to help search for Mersenne primes.
At this time, Ernst Mayer's
program and Guillermo Ballester Valor's
programs are the best choices for non-Intel architectures. Luke Welsh has a web page that points to
mostly historical interest you can use to help search for Mersenne primes.
Current time:
18:20 UTC - Page rendered in 0.0306s}


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