
英 [hɒp]
美 [hɑp] v. 单足跳跃〔跳行〕vt. 搭乘vi. 双足或齐足跳行n. 蹦跳,跳跃;跳舞;一次飞行的距离n. (Hop)人名;(中)合(广东话·威妥玛)词组短语:hip hop n. 嘻哈文化(由快板歌、涂墙艺术、霹雳舞等构成的亚文化)hop on责骂on the hop到处奔忙;忙碌英文解释及例句:1.V-I If you hop, you move along by jumping on one foot. (人) 单脚跳行例:I hopped down three steps.我单脚跳下3级台阶。2.N-COUNT Hop is also a noun. (人) 单脚跳行例:&This really is a catching rhythm, huh?& he added, with a few little hops.“这节奏可真有感染力,是吧?”他补充说道,单脚小步跳了几下。3.V-I When birds and some small animals hop, they move along by jumping on both or all four feet. (鸟和其他小动物) 齐足跳行例:A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.一只小棕鹿在他们面前蹦跳着穿过了小路。4.N-COUNT Hop is also a noun. (鸟和其他小动物的) 齐足跳行例:The rabbit got up, took four hops and turned around.兔子直起身子,蹦跳了4下,然后转过身。5.V-I If you hop somewhere, you move there quickly or suddenly. 快速移动例:My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.我和妻子是最先到达并跳上车的。6.N-COUNT A hop is a short, quick trip, usually by plane. (通常指乘飞机的) 短途快速旅行例:It is a three-hour drive but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter.这段路程开车需要3个小时,而乘坐私人直升飞机20分钟就可以到达。7.N-COUNT Hops are flowers that are dried and used for making beer. 啤酒花speak
英 [spiːk]
美 [spik] vi. 说话;演讲;表明;陈述vt. 讲话;发言;讲演[ 过去式 spoke 或 spake 过去分词 spoken 或 spoke 现在分词 speaking ]词组短语:generally speakingadv. 一般而言speak english说英语;讲英语speak for oneself发表个人意见;说自己的事;为自己辩护英文解释及例句:1.V-I When you speak, you use your voice in order to say something. 说话例:He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him.他试图说话,但这一次,他已说不出声。I rang the hotel and spoke to Louie.我打电话给宾馆,跟路易通了话。She cried when she spoke of Oliver.她提起奥利弗时哭了。2.ADJ 口头的 spoken例:...a marked decline in the standards of written and spoken English.…书面和口头英语标准的明显下降。3.V-I When someone speaks to a group of people, they make a speech. 演讲; 发言例:When speaking to the seminar Mr. Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad.在研讨会上发言时,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近一次在特立尼达访问时所获得的经验。He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention.他决心在民主党大会上发言。4.V-I If you speak for a group of people, you make their views and demands known, or represent them. 为…说话; 代表…发言例:He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged.他说为弱势群体说话是教会的职责。I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization.我代表我们组织的全体7000名成员发言。5.V-T If you speak a foreign language, you know the language and are able to have a conversation in it. 说 (某种语言)例:He doesn't speak English.他不说英语。6.V-I People sometimes mention something that has been written by saying what the author speaks of. 谈及例:Throughout the book Liu speaks of the abuse of Party power.刘在全书中都谈到党权的滥用。7.V-RECIP If two people are not speaking, they no longer talk to each other because they have argued. (吵架之后) 相互说话例:He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife.他因母亲跟其前妻的友谊而不跟母亲说话了。8.V-I If you say that something speaks for itself, you mean that its meaning or quality is so obvious that it does not need explaining or pointing out. (自己) 会说话; (本身) 能说明问题例:...the figures speak for themselves – bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports.…这些数字本身就能说明问题–国内暗淡的前景和日益糟糕的出口展望。9.PHRASE If a person or thing is spoken for or has been spoken for, someone has claimed them or asked for them, so no one else can have them. 已有人认领的; 已有人请求过的例:She'd probably drop some comment about her &fiancé& into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.她很可能会在交谈中故意提到她的“未婚夫”,这样他就会知道她已名花有主了。10.PHRASE If you speak well of someone or speak highly of someone, you say good things about them. If you speak ill of someone, you criticize them. 说某人好话/坏话例:Both spoke highly of the Russian president.双方都高度评价了那位俄罗斯总统。11.PHRASE You use so to speak to draw attention to the fact that you are describing or referring to something in a way that may be amusing or unusual rather than completely accurate. 可以说例:I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak.我不该告诉你,但我会告诉你,因为说来你也是这个家庭的一员。
hopvi.跳上[下]; 单足蹦跳; 齐足(或双足)跳行; 摘葎草花; vt.跃过; 登上(飞机、汽车、火车等); 在…跳来跳去; 加啤酒花于; n.跳舞; 蹦跳; (棒球等的)弹跳; (非正式)舞会; vt.& vi.换来换去,不断更换; [英][hɒp][美][hɑ:p] speak[英][spi:k][美][spik]vt.& vi.讲,谈; 演说; 从某种观点来说;
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。I hope是什么意思_百度知道
I hope是什么意思
英 [həʊp]
美 [hop] n. 希望;期望;信心vt. 希望;期望vi. 希望;期待;信赖n. (Hope)人名;(印)霍普;(法)奥普;(西)奥佩[ 过去式 hoped 过去分词 hoped 现在分词 hoping ]词组短语:hope for希望,期待in the hope of怀着……的希望in hopes of希望能…;怀着…的希望英文解释及例句:1.V-T/V-I If you hope that something is true, or if you hope for something, you want it to be true or to happen, and you usually believe that it is possible or likely. 希望例:She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray.她已决定自己必须一如既往地过下去,遵循自己的日常生活规律,同时心存希望并祈祷。He hesitates before leaving, almost as though he had been hoping for conversation.他离开前有些犹豫,好像希望跟人说些什么。2.V-T/V-I If you say that you cannot hope for something, or if you talk about the only thing that you can hope to get, you mean that you are in a bad situation, and there is very little chance of improving it. 指望例:Things aren't ideal, but that's the best you can hope for.事情并不理想,但你只能指望这些了。3.N-VAR Hope is also a noun. 指望例:The only hope for underdeveloped countries is to become, as far as possible, self-reliant.欠发达国家的惟一指望就是尽可能地做到自力更生。4.N-UNCOUNT Hope is a feeling of desire and expectation that things will go well in the future. 期望例:Now that he has become president, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system.既然他已成为总统,许多人又一次寄期望于体制的真正改革。But Kevin hasn't given up hope of getting in shape.但是凯文仍没有放弃康复的希望。5.N-COUNT If someone wants something to happen, and considers it likely or possible, you can refer to their hopes of that thing, or to their hope that it will happen. 希望例:They have hopes of increasing trade between the two regions.他们抱有增加两个地区之间贸易的希望。My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.我的希望就是有朝一日我能去那里跟她结婚。6.N-COUNT If you think that the help or success of a particular person or thing will cause you to be successful or to get what you want, you can refer to them as your hope. 被寄予希望的人 (或物)例:Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana.罗默最有可能给路易斯安那州带来务实高效的风气。7.PHRASE If you are in a difficult situation and do something and hope for the best, you hope that everything will happen in the way you want, although you know that it may not. 寄予最大希望 (尤指在困境中)例:Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best.一些公司在削减成本,希望能有转机。8.PHRASE If you tell someone not to get their hopes up, or not to build their hopes up, you are warning them that they should not become too confident of progress or success. 抱太大希望例:There is no reason for people to get their hopes up over this mission.人们没有理由对这次任务抱有太大的希望。9.PHRASE If you say that someone has not got a hope in hell of doing something, you are emphasizing that they will not be able to do it. 毫无希望 (做成某事)例:Everybody knows they haven't got a hope in hell of forming a government anyway.人人皆知他们毫无希望建成一个政府。10.PHRASE If you have high hopes or great hopes that something will happen, you are confident that it will happen. 很大的希望例:I had high hopes that Derek Randall might play an important part.我对德里克·兰德尔发挥重要作用抱有很大希望。11.PHRASE If you hope against hope that something will happen, you hope that it will happen, although it seems impossible. 抱一线希望例:She glanced about the hall, hoping against hope that Richard would be waiting for her.她扫视了一下大厅,抱一线希望理查德在等着她。12.PHRASE You use &I hope& in expressions such as &I hope you don't mind& and &I hope I'm not disturbing you,& when you are being polite and want to make sure that you have not offended someone or disturbed them. 我希望 (后接否定句,表示客气)礼貌例:I hope you don't mind me coming to see you.我希望你不会介意我来看你。13.PHRASE You say &I hope& when you want to warn someone not to do something foolish or dangerous. 但愿 (警告某人不要做愚蠢或危险的事)例:You're not trying to see him, I hope?但愿你不是在想方设法去见他吧?14.PHRASE If you do one thing in the hope of another thing happening, you do it because you think it might cause or help the other thing to happen, which is what you want. 怀着…的希望例:He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.他在学习,希望能被某个工学院录取。15.PHRASE If you live in hope that something will happen, you continue to hope that it will happen, although it seems unlikely, and you realize that you are being foolish. (在不大可能的情况下) 对…继续抱有希望例:I just live in hope that one day she'll talk to me.我只是希望有一天她会和我说话。
n.&file, giant panda, wild, bamboo, adult, weight,
kilogram, population, behaviour, birth, shoulder, menu, fur,
organization, danger
v.&face, weigh
adj.&central, cruel, Asian
I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。
1. behave (名词)_______________________
2. organize (名词)______________________
3. dangerous (名词)_____________________
4. weight (动词)________________________
5. Asia (形容词)________________________
6. B_______ is useful. We can use it to make baskets.
7. A ______can often take good care of their baby animals.
8. It's c ________of you to kill the lovely dog. You shouldn't do
9. In the past, we could see many animals in the w______, but now
we can see them only in zoos.
10. The p_______ of this city is becoming larger and larger because
more people are moving to the city.
11. We can use our_______ (shoulder) to carry heavy things.
12. There is lots of litter in the _______ (centre) part of the
13. These ______ (file) are very important. You'd better put them
14. My little sister's weight is about 25 ______ (kilogram).
15. Do you know how _______ (make) your mother happy on Mother's
16. Tom spends one hour ______ (read) books after school.
1. endangered animal
2. fact file小档案
4. high up in the mountains在深山里
6. on one's own独自
8. give birth to生育
10. show a great love for对……表示出极大的爱
11. nature
12. go missing失踪;走丢
13. in memory of纪念……
in the wild,&& endangered
animal,&& stay
give& birth
to,&& go missing
1. In order to ________, I often eat vegetables and fish.
2. This kind of animals have died out. We can’t find them _______
3. Some travelers _______in the mountain yesterday. Now the rescue
team is looking for them.
4. We should try our best to protect animals, especially
5. The dog at our home_______ five lovely baby dogs last
6. 那个婴儿出生的时候眼睛就很大。
The baby had two big eyes_____ ______.
7. 有将近二十个学生在这次交通事故中受伤。
There are_______ _______ twenty students getting hurt in the
traffic accident.
8. 那个妇女从不独自散步。她常常和她的丈夫一起散步。
The woman never goes walking________ _______ _______.She often does
that with her husband.
9. 我们应该对那些爱我们的人表示出我们极大的爱。
We should______ ______ ______ ______ ______ those who love
10. 一些旅行者买一些明信片纪念他们的旅行。
Some travellers buy some postcards________ _______ _______ their
1. it is + adj.+ of sb. to do
2. sb./sth. can cause problems
to..,&& 某人/某事会给……带来问题
3. sb/sth. be + adj. enough to
4. What should we do
5. Have you ever heard
1. problems, floods, can, cause, here, to, people (.)
2. you, heard, have, ever, of, the, Han Geng, superstar (?)
3. is, problem, it, of, smart, you, to, solve, so, this, quickly
4. should, do, English, we, to, improve, what,
5. big, to, vegetables, hold, in, these, the, all, enough, is, it,
basket (.)
语法一:It is + adj. + for + n/pron. + to + v.
语法二:adj. + enough + to+ v.
语法三:It is + adj. + of + n/pron. + to +v.
& 根据括号中的提示翻译下列句子。
1. 对那个女孩来说,移动那个重包是困难的。 (It is + adj. + for + n/pron. + to+
2. 那个人足够富,可以买下那个大房子。 (adj. + enough + to + v.)
3. 帮我找到那个公园,你太好了。 (It is + adj. + of + n/pron. + to + v.)
4. 对我来说,回答你这个问题太简单了。(It is + adj. + for + n/pron. + to +v.)
5. 风足够大,可以使风筝飞起来。 (adj. + enough + to + v.)
6. 多做运动对我们很重要。 (It is + adj. + for + n / pron. + to + v.)
八年级(下)Unit 5单元小测
(& ) 1. it is cruel to use living animals to do
B. friendly
D. very unkind
(& ) 2. There is a big table in the central part
of this room.
B. right&&
(& ) 3. He only weighed 2 kilos at birth.
&&& A. when he
&&& B. when he
&&& C. when he
went to school
&&& D. when he
left school
(& ) 4. He has collected close to 200 stamps
during his high
B. more than
D. at least
(& ) 5. The population of this city is changing
every year.
&&& A. total
weight of people
&&& B. total
number of people
&&& C. total
height of people
&&& D. total
jobs of people
(& ) 6. --- Where______ you born?
--- I was born ________America.
(& ) 7. --- ________ does the elephant
--- Its weight_________ more than 6 tons.
(& ) 8. --- How long do you spend _______ your
--- I spend two hours ________it every day.
(& ) 9. --- I don't like learning Maths It’s too
difficult me.
--- But Maths is very useful. It's silly ______ you to drop
(& ) 10. --- Can I have the _________ please? I
want to order some dishes
--- Wait a minute. I have to find a pen ______ with.
B. writing
C. file, to
D. to write
(& ) 11. --- Henry did a lot of work to study the
________ of these animals.
--- He is really hard-working enough ______ a good
(& ) 12. --- My friend keeps ________ our room
these days.
--- It is really kind __________ her to do that.
(& ) 13. --- Wow, the river is _______ clean that
I really want to swim in&&
--- But it is ________ for you to swim in.
B. deep enough
D. deep enough
(& ) 14. --- Jerry, I'm doing homework. Please
stop _____ in that loud voice.
--- I feel____ about that. I'll turn it down at once.
(& ) 15. --- What ______ your plan?
--- _______ the work in two weeks.
D. To finish
(& ) 16. --- When _______ the story happen?
--- It happened _______ a Sunday afternoon.
(& ) 17. --- Have you ever _____the song “What
does the fox say”?
--- Never. I don’t like _________ music at all.
A. listening to&&
B. listen to
C. listening to
D. listen to
&(& ) 18. --- Nowadays, many
people kill animals just ________ their fur.
--- Yes. This makes animals _______ their lives.
B. to lose
(& ) 19. --- Her son_______ two days ago. She
couldn't find him anywhere.
---_________, poor she is!
&&& A. went
&&& C. went
(& ) 20. --- Mary, it is dangerous ________ you to
walk in the street alone at night.
--- Got it. ___________
&&& A. I'm
sorry to hear that
&&& B. I'm
sorry to hear that.
won't do that again
won't do that again.
The lion is one of the most fierce (凶猛的) animals in the world.
Lions can be __21__ in Africa and India. Lions in Africa can live
without water for about one month. Lions are also popular animals
in the __22__. Almost every zoo around the world has a few
&&& It is very
__23__ for people to tell male and female lions from each other.
You can judge (判断) simply by their appearance. A male lion has mane
while female lions do not have. Male lion __24__ than female lions.
A male lion usually weighs about 200 kilograms which is always
heavier than a female lion. Both male and female lions have very
__25__ mouths. They can break the backs of other animals __26__ .
Lions feed on other animals and one lion usually kills between ten
and twenty large animals each year for __27__.
&& It's unusual for lions to kill
people. However, in 1898 two lions __28__ and ate over one hundred
people in Kenya before they were shot by a British man named P.J.
Patterson. This __29__ became the subject (主题) of a 1996 Hollywood
movie called The Ghost and the Darkness. Now the Indian lions are
endangered. It’s really necessary for us to __30__ the animals, or
we won’t see them again. Animals are our friends. It is our
obligation to protect them.
(& ) 21. A.
&B. found&
(& ) 22. A.
&D. gardens
(& ) 23. A.
&&D. tiring
(& ) 24. A.
B. smaller& &&C.
&D. shorter
(& ) 25. A.
&&C. weak&
(& ) 26. A.
&&D. luckily
(& ) 27. A.
&&B. food&
&&C. money
(& ) 28. A.
&&B. called
&&C. saved
(& ) 29. A.
&&D. invention
(& ) 30. A. care
&&B. look for&
&&D. play with
Lately, people have entered the forests where chimpanzees (黑猩猩)
live. The chimpanzees have been getting sick because of people's
diseases. In addition, people are hunting chimpanzees. Their number
is becoming smaller and smaller.
&& Chimpanzees live in the plains
and forests of Africa. They eat many kinds of food, from plant
leaves and seeds to insects and even other small animals.
Chimpanzees’ favourite food is fruit.
&&& Chimpanzees
are very clever and they can use tools well. They can catch bugs
using sticks, and break nuts using rocks.
&& The world’s forests are much
smaller than they were before. Roads were built in deep forests, so
people start to enter forests where chimpanzees live. That may lead
to many problems. One problem for chimpanzees is that they can
easily catch people’s diseases and die. Chimpanzees are much closer
to people than monkeys.
&&& As it's
easier for people to enter forests, they hunt more often. Young
chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific researches. The
young ones are taken away from the forests, and the adults are
killed. Chimpanzees are likely to disappear in the future.
(& ) 31. Chimpanzees live in the plains and
forests of ________.&
D. America&
(& ) 32. Chimpanzees may feed on the following
A. insects&
(& ) 33. Chimpanzees can break nuts using
(& ) 34. The underlined word “That” to the fact
&&& A. People
hunt for chimpanzees
Chimpanzees get sick more easily
&&& C. People
enter the forests where chimpanzees live
Chimpanzees are much closer to people than monkeys.
(& ) 35. Which of the following is NOT true
according to the passage?
Chimpanzees can easily catch people's diseases and die.
&&& B. Young
chimpanzees are taken away from the forests.
&&& C. Young
chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific
Chimpanzees have already disappeared.
A: Hi, Jim! What are you doing?
B: Hi, Tom! I'm reading a (36) ________ about the South China
A: How many tigers are there in the south?
B: Guangdong Province has only five left (37) __________ forests
are being destroyed(毁坏).
A: Do you know how many years a tiger can (38) _________?
B: A South China tiger can live up to 20-to 25 years, but many of
them die when they are
(39) _________
A: I'm sorry to hear that.
B: I think we need to do something to (40) ___________ the
A: I think so.
41. Cindy has enough courage __________ (face) the coming
42. The World Wide Fund for Nature is an environmental _________
(organize) that helps the endangered animals.
43. Both China and Japan are _________ (Asia) countries.
44. Canada produces wheat and ________ (fur).
45. The secretary has a lot of ________ (file) to deal with every
46. Some animals protect each other when they face ___________
47. Mary enjoys __________ (sing) in public.
48. You need _________ (call) your mother and tell her your
49. Tom sent a card to his mother ________ (show) his love for
50. Don't believe his words. He is always good at ___________
(tell) lies.
阅读训练营Reading comprehension
Whenever the crow mother heard cuckoo(布谷鸟) kids singing, she felt
sad, because her own kids could not sing.
"Maybe if my babies grow up with cuckoo kids, they may also learn
to sing," the crow thought.
&& It was the time for the crow
to lay eggs. She laid an egg in the cuckoo's nest in a nearby tree.
The egg hatched (孵化) along with cuckoo eggs. Cuckoo kids were also
dark, so the cuckoo mother did not know that the baby was different
and she fed him along with her kids.
& After a few days, the cuckoo mother started
training her kids to sing. When she sang coo-coo, all her children
also sang coo-coo. But the crow s child said caw-caw. All the
cuckoo kids started laughing at the crow baby. Next day, when the
cuckoo mother went out to look for food, the cuckoo babies all beat
the crow baby and pushed him out of the nest.
&& The crow mother, sitting on
the nearby tree, saw her child falling out. She picked him up and
brought him to her nest.
(& ) 1. Why did the crow mother feel sad when she
heard cuckoo kids singing?
&&& A. She could
&&& B. Her crow
kids could not sing.
&&& C. Her crow
kids didn't like her.
&&& D. The
cuckoo kids laughed at her,
(& ) 2. What was the colour of the crow
(& ) 3. What did the cuckoo babies do when the
crow baby said caw-caw?
&&& A. They
helped him.
&&& B. They beat
&&& C. They
laughed at him.
&&& D. They
learnt from him.
(& ) 4. Who looked for food for the cuckoo
&&& A. The
cuckoo father.
&&& B. The
cuckoo mother.
&&& C. The crow
&&& D. The crow
(& ) 5. This story tells us that
&&& A. it is a
bad thing to sing songs
&&& B. we can
change nature's rules
&&& C. we should
learn from the cuckoo
&&& D. we should
be happy with what we have
Some people have a very good memory and can easily learn quite long
poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things
after they have repeated them again and again.
&& A good memory is great help in
learning a foreign language. Everybody learns his own language by
remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some
children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two
languages as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn a
second language because the pupils have little time for learning
it, and they are very busy with other subjects as well.
&&& Man’s mind
is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we
see but also what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a
real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is
finished. It's the same that there is much work to do before we can
keep a picture forever in our minds.
&& Memory is the diary we all
carry about with us. We keep things we have experienced in this
(& ) 6. Why is learning a foreign language hard in
&&& A. Because
the pupils have a little time for learning it.
&&& B. Because
the pupils are very busy with other subjects.
&&& C. Because
the pupils can't go abroad.
&&& D. Because
people don't have good cameras.
(& ) 7. What is the man's mind like?
&&& A. It's like
&&& B. It's like
&&& C. It's like
&&& D. It's like
(& ) 8. What does the underlined word _______
“repeated" mean?
D. strengthened
(& ) 9. Which of the following is TRUE according
to the passage?
&&& A. All
people have a good memory.
&&& B. People
learn their own language by remembering.
&&& C. Learning
two languages is easy.
&&& D. Our minds
can't keep what we see.
&(& ) 10. What's the best title
for the passage?
A. Man's Memory.
C. Good Memory.
D. Memory Camera.
完形小测 Cloze test
One day Mozart, a great musician, saw an old man sitting in a
street corner (角落) with a hat in front of him. The old man could
see __1__ because he was blind(瞎的). He was playing the violin. It
was a beautiful piece __2__ Mozart's music. But the hat was empty
because no money was put into it.
& "Do you often __3__ Mozart's music?" Mozart
&& "Yes, sir," the old man
answered. "Everyone knows Mozart and likes his music."
&& "__4__ do you live with?"
Mozart asked again.
&& "None," sadly the old man
said. "I'm __5__ and I have to make a living by playing the
&&& Mozart __6__
the violin from the old man and he, himself, began to play. He
played so well that all the people passing by stopped __7__ to the
wonder l music and soon the man's hat was full of__8__. The old man
was __ 9__ and asked Mozart, "Who are you, sir?"
&&& "I'm a poor
__10__ like you, Mozart said.
(& ) 1. A.
&&B. nothing
&&D. anything
(& ) 2. A.
(& ) 3. A.
(& ) 4. A.
(& ) 5. A.
(& ) 6. A.
(& ) 7. A. to
&B. listening
&D. playing
(& ) 8. A.
(& ) 9. A.
&B. worried
&D. surprised
(& ) 10. A.
&&B. singer
&&D. dancer
非常解读Read & do
In this week, take the dog for a walk, play a baseball game, read a
book or lie under a tree — do anything but watch TV. That's the
message American TV-Turnoff Network tells you. You might be
wondering: What's so terrible about TV? Some of America's leading
doctors worry that watching TV has replaced children's physical
activities. Children's bodies, minds and personalities (人格) are
actively growing. They need to take healthy activities, such as
exercising, communicating with friends and family, reading and
learning the world around them. Sitting around all day in front of
the TV makes them weak and does great harm to their eyes. It is
also said that most of the food advertised (广告) during many shows
is unhealthy. One study found 202 ads for junk food in four hours
of Saturday morning cartoons. What about you'? Can you get along
without television, stay away all those cartoons and play for a
1. What do some of America's leading doctors worry about?
2. What healthy activities do the growing children need to
3. The underlined word "communicating" may mean ____in
n.&chocolate, reason, responsibility, sofa,
stranger, choice, attention, heart, heart attack
v.&respond, cause, feed, lie, believe
adj.&cute, noisy, common
prep.&according to
I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。
1. sofa (复数) _________________________
2. noise (形容词) _________________________
3. cause (第三人称单数) _________________________
4. feed (过去式) _________________________
5. lie (动名词) _________________________
6. She often tells lies, none of the people around her b________
her words any more.
7. How did your teacher r ______ to your being late? Did he get
very angry?
8. To make your children feel being cared, you need to pay more
a_________ to them.
9. You should give me a r________ to explain why you have made so
many mistakes in your homework.
10. The boy was unable to speak u _______he was five years
11. It is our__________ (responsible) to take care of our parents
when they are old.
12. Tim, you should learn to make a _________ (choose) by
13. The kind lady often offers to help those poor _________
(strange) on the street.
14. You can learn English by _________ (read) and writing
15. It is not a good idea _________ (let) your parents live alone
when they are old.
16. People in this place always use baskets for _________ (carry)
1. hold sth. in one's arms抱住某物
2. care for照顾;照料
3. a small number of 一小部分
4. what's more更有甚者;更为重要的是
5. have no choice but to do除了……别无选择
6. run free (动物)四处自由走动;自由自在
7. lie around无所事事地混日子;懒散度日
8. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止(或防止、阻碍)某人做某事
9. (be) faithful to...对……忠诚的
10. for these reasons出于这些原因
11. die of 死于
12. keep on继续
a small number
1. When my mother is not at home, I often ___________ the little
2. You can learn a lot by traveling. _________, you can know more
3. _________ going forward, and you can see the police station you
are looking for.
4. The tiger lives in the cage, so it can not ____________.
5. Only ___________ students went swimming and most of them went
Many people______ _______hunger in the past.
The girl______ ______ _______ _______ ______ study hard.
If you______ _______, no one will make friends with you.
I think we should_______ _______ _______ our country.
______ ______ _______, I can't leave my home now.
The little dog was so cute that she couldn't help ______it______
______ _______.
1. Is it a good idea to…? ……是一个好主意吗?
2. There are lots of reasons for…&
3. I want to complain about… 我想投诉一下……
4. I'll take care of…right away.& 我会马上处理……
5. I'm sorry to hear…&&
1. idea, is, it, a, good, night, to, shop, at (?)
2. want, I, to, the, complain, service, here, about (.)
3. care, I, will ,take, empty, right, of, boxes, these, away
4. are, reasons, lots, for, missing, of, the, there, game (.)
5. sorry, in, got, I, you, football, am, the, to, match, that,
have, hurt, hear (.)
1. wide __________________
2. cheerful ________________
3. happy __________________
4. fast ________ _______
5. slowly ________ _______
6. bad ________ __________
7. Lily did ________ (well) in her class in the final exam.
8. The boy studies _______ (hard) than his sister, so he often gets
better scores.
9. Peter ran _______ (fast) in the game, so he won first
10. I read the book carefully, but my sister read it _______
11. Jim is the one who gets up ________ (early) in his dormitory
(& ) 1. I feed my dog twice a day.
A. give food
B. get angry with
D. play with
(& ) 2. What a cute cat!
D. friendly
(& ) 3. It took Amy nearly 4 hours to go back home
from her office today.
D. less than
(& ) 4. It is common to see thieves in this
B. difficult
D. wonderful
(& ) 5. We often tell our kids not to speak to
&&& A. the
people who are friendly
&&& B. the
people who we don't know
&&& C. the
people who are lucky
&&& D. the
people who are sad
B.选择填空。(每小题1分,共1 5分)
(& ) 6. --- It is raining __________.
--- We have to stay at home instead of______.
go fishing
going fishing&
going fish
(& ) 7. --- Guo Yue did quite________ at the World
Table Tennis Championship.
--- But Zhang Yining did even_______.&
(& ) 8. --- Many people _______ the
--- But only ______them finished running at the end.
the number
&&& B. took part
a small number of
&&& C. took part
the number of
a small number of
(& ) 9. --- What do you think of john?
--- He studies so_______ that he_______ speaks to us in the
(& ) 10. --- _______ good care of pets can make
children kind-hearted.
--- Yes. It is a good idea_______ pets.
A. T keeping
B. Taking keeping
C. T to keep
D. T to keep
(& ) 11. --- What can we do ________ the
--- We can do it by_______ more trees.
(& ) 12. --- Tom, why do you keep a dog ________
--- Because it will be faithful ________me forever.
(& ) 13. --- In the past, most people died ______
--- And some died _______ natural disasters.
(& ) 14. --- Dogs need fresh air and large open
space where they can ________.
---_______, they are usually kept in small space and don’t have
many chances to do that.
&&& A. lie
&&& B. lie
(& ) 15. --- She is _________smart that she can
learn quickly.
---________. she can remember what she& learned
long long ago.
What's more&&
Thank goodness
&&& C. Thank
goodness &&& D.
What's more
(& ) 16. ---Jack gets sick _______.
--- He cannot do anything except
&&& A. serious,
& &B. slept
& &&D. serious,
(& ) 17. --- ________ was the play last week?
&--- Not all students _________ that.
B. H enjoyed
(& ) 18. --- I don't know ______ to get to the
post office.
--- I can show you the way ________ it.
(& ) 19. ---______!
You can't cross the street_______ the traffic lights turn
&--- Oh, thank you.
B. G until
&&& C. Watch
&D. W while
watch out=look
(& ) 20. --- My bike _______ and I have to walk
A. as stolen I m sorry to hear that.
B. It doesn’t matter.
C. has been stolen, I'm sorry to hear that.
D. It doesn't matter.
Long long ago, a poor farmer had a dog and a cat. The dog and the
cat __21__ for the farmer and they got food from him. One night,
the farmer said, “I will not get enough __22__ for both of you to
live in. If you work __23__than your partner, you will have the
chance to live in the house." Then they __24__ goodnight to each
&& The next morning, the dog and
the cat got up early. The dog went to the f
But the cat climbed up a tree and began to__25__. When the cat woke
up, he went to the field and left a lot of footprints in the
& In the evening, they both went back home. The
dog told the farmer that he finished all the __26__, but the cat
also told the farmer that he finished all the work, The farmer
decided to go and check in the __27__ the next day.
&& What did the farmer __28__?
There were all the cat's footprints in the field
&& From then on, the cat lived in
the __29__ and the dog lived out of it. So the dog
was__30__whenever he met the cat. However, the farmer never knew
(& ) 21. A.
&&C. played
&&&D. made
(& ) 22. A.
&&B. stores&
&&C. rooms
(& ) 23. A.
&B. harder &&C.
more happily&&&
&D. more slowly
(& ) 24. A.
&&C. spoke
&&&D. told
(& ) 25. A.
&&&D. walk
(& ) 26. A.
&&B. homework
&&&D. food
(& ) 27. A.
&&B. village
(& ) 28. A.
(& ) 29. A.
&B. classroom
&&D. store
(& ) 30. A.
&&B. worried
&&D. angry
More and more people like keeping pets, so pet hospitals are
usually very busy. Kind persons who love animals are needed to
provide help in busy pet hospitals. Those vets will teach them how
to take care of the pets.
&&& Scientists
think that pets will probably be much smaller because people in the
future will live in much smaller space. Scientists are now working
on making very small farm animals. The same thing migh8t be done to
make small cats and dogs.
&& It's said that one day you
might own a panther (豹) as a pet. Some scientists believe that they
might have to start turning wild animals into pets since this might
be the only way to save them from dying out.
& What about buying a robot to be a pet? This may
sound silly, buy it could become true. Robot dogs have been made to
sell. They are like real dogs. These pets might become more and
more popular in the future.
&& Lots of people want pets while
they are on holidays. A hotel in Minnesota has solved this problem.
They lend cats to their guests, Many experts (专家) believe that this
idea will become more and more popular. It is very possible that in
the future you will be able to order a pet, as well as room
service, at a hotel.
(& ) 31. People can provide help in busy pet
hospitals as long as they _________.
B are rich
D. are sad
(& ) 32. The scientists want to make the farm
animals smaller because_______.
&&& A. big
animals are dying out
&&& B. robots
will become pets&
&&& C. people
like smaller animals
&&& D. people in
the future may have smaller living space
(& ) 33. What's the fourth paragraph
&&& A. People
may keep smaller pets in the future.
&&& B. Robots
might be popular pets in the future.
&&& C. People
can help animals in the pet hospitals.
&&& D. People
can borrow pets from a hotel.
(& ) 34. According to the fifth paragraph, people
may want pets most________.
&&& A. at the
beginning of the year
&&& B. when they
work busily
&&& D. when they
stay with their family
(& ) 35. Which of the following is NOT true?
&&& A. Pet
hospitals are very busy because more and more people keep
&&& B. The
people who keep pets have to help in busy pet hospitals.
&&& C. The pets
are likely to become smaller and smaller in the future.
&&& D. Wild
animals may become pets in the future.
A. Because it can play with me when I'm lonely.
B. Do you like kangaroos'?
C. For about two years.
D. What's your favourite animal?
E. I'm keeping a dog as a pet.
F. Just sometimes.
G. How about you?
A: Do you like animals?
B: Yes. I think small animals are really cute.
A: think so too. (37) __________
B: Oh, really? How long have you had it?
A: (38) _______________
B: Why do you keep a pet?&
A: (39) _______________
B: Doesn't it make a mess in the house?
A: (40) ________ In most cases, my dog is quiet.
B: I'm afraid I can’t stand it.
41. Our teacher has a high sense of___________ (responsible).
42. There are many cars on the road, so it is very ________
43. She gave her parents much _______ (attend).
44. She is smart and she can always make good __________
45. There are so many _________ (reason) for the accident.
46. We have no choice but _________ (give) it up.
47. You can learn a lot of things from ___________ (help)
48. She waited for the bus _______ (patient) at the bus
49. He studies hard _________ (make) his parents happy.
50. Keep on __________ (try) and you will succeed at last.
现在每个人都喜欢& 一些动物作为宠物。养宠物能给人们带来哪些好处呢?请根据下面
阅读训练营Reading comprehension
Many people think heroes need to be handsome, rich, or very smart.
But as for me, a hero is a person who always helps others. My hero
is Uncle Bill. He is the oldest son of a worker, and he grew up in
a poor family with four younger brothers and two little sisters. He
had to give up school at a young age. He worked and gave all his
money to help his parents. When he was getting older, he found that
he was very interested in fixing things. He collected broken things
which people threw away and fixed them into good ones. In fact, he
could fix almost everything that did not work. He worked hard and
never gave up. Finally, he opened his own repair shop. It took him
about 20 years to become a successful shopkeeper (店主).
&& Now, he is very rich and has
four other shops: But he never forgets the days when he had
nothing. He gives money to poor families, helps poor kids buy books
and offers them free lunches. He also encourages people to recycle
things. He always says, "Make good use of what you have because we
just have one earth." He volunteers (自愿) to clean the environment
in our neighborhood.
(& ) 1. What does Uncle Bill do?
&&& A. He is a
&&& B. He is a
&&& C. He is a
&&& D. He is a
(& ) 2. How many brothers and sisters does Uncle
B. Six.&&&
(& ) 3. Why does the writer think Uncle Bill is a
&&& A. He is
rich and smart.
&&& B. He is a
successful shopkeeper.
&&& C. He always
tries his best to help others.
&&& D. He is
good at fixing broken things.
(& ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according
&&& A. Uncle
Bill cares about people and the environment.
&&& B. Uncle
Bill owns four repair shops,
&&& C. Uncle
Bill forgets the days when he had nothing.
&&& D. Uncle
Bill is not good at fixing things.
(& ) 5. What's the best title for this
Successful Shopkeeper.
&&& B. Uncle
Bill - My Hero.
&&& C. Protect
Our Earth.
&&& D. Let's
Help Each Other.
Before you begin making the candlestick, put some sheets of
newspapers on the floor so that you do not make the floor
&&& The things
1. Plasticine (橡皮泥).
2. Used newspapers.
3. A bowl.
Step l: Use plasticine to make a circle. Cut a perfect circle using
the rim(边沿) of the bowl.
Step 2: Roll some plasticine in a cylindrical (圆柱体的) shape.
Step 3: Place it in the centre of the plasticine base.
Step 4: Make a hole on top of the cylindrical bar to fix the candle
with your finger.
&& To make your candlestick more
attractive, put some flowers on the plasticine base. Then you can
put a candle in the hole of the cylindrical bar. That must be a
perfect candlestick! You can give it to your friend as a present.
Now, let's start to make a candlestick together!
(& ) 6. What does the underlined word
"candlestick" mean?
B. something holds the candle
C. something lits the candle
&&& D. the top
of a kitchen range
(& ) 7. Which of the following is NOT needed to
make a candlestick?
B. Old newspapers.
D. A bowl.
(& ) 8. Which is in the RIGHT order?
A. ④②①③&&
B. ②④③①
C. ②③④①&&&
D. ②④①③
(& ) 9. The writer wrote this passage to
&&& A. ask
people to use candles
&&& B. encourage
people to buy a candle
&&& C. ask
people to buy friends gifts
&&& D. teach
people how to make a candlestick
(& ) 10. Which is the best title for this
&&& A. Let's Use
&&& B. Beautiful
&&& C. Beautiful
&&& D. Let's
Make a Candlestick!
完形小测 Cloze test
The world is becoming smaller because of different modern traffic
and modern communication (交流) ways. Life today is __1__ than that
hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the
biggest problems is __2__. "To pollute" means "to make things
dirty". Pollution comes __3__ many ways. We see it, smell it, drink
it and even hear it. Man has been polluting the earth. The more
people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so
serious because there were not __4__ people. When the land was used
up (用光) or the river was dirty in a place, man moved to __5__
place. But man is now slowly polluting the whole world. Air
pollution is still the most serious. It's bad to all __6__ things
in the world, but there is not only one kind of pollution. __7__
pollution kills fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise
pollution makes us become angry more easily. Many countries are
making __8__ to fight pollution. They stop people __9__ burning
coals in houses and factories in the city, and from blowing dirty
smoke into the air. The earth is our home. We must __10__ it. That
means keeping the land, water and air clean.
(& ) 1. A. much
&&&B. much
&&&D. more
(& ) 2. A.
&&D. traffic
(& ) 3. A.
(& ) 4. A. so
(& ) 5. A.
&&B. the other
(& ) 6. A.
&D. living
(& ) 7. A.
(& ) 8. A.
&&B. pollutions
&&D. noises
(& ) 9. A.
(& ) 10. A. look
&&&B. look
&&&D. look
非常解读Read & do
I am a ten-year-old boy. My favorite book is Treasure Island. And
its author is Mark Twain. This book is easy to read and good for
all ages. I highly recommend this book as a family novel.
& In the novel Treasure Island, first we start out
in Admiral Benbow Inn and then we go on to board the Hispaniola
ship, and it all ends up on Treasure Island at last. At the Inn we
meet Jim Hawkins and his mom who rents a room to Billy Bones. Billy
Bones is a pirate (海盗) with a secret treasure map. Later Jim gets
& Jim shares the map with his trusted friends and
they all decide to buy a ship, hire a crew, and set sail for the
treasure. The crew includes many people. Can you tell who are evil
and who are good? Read the book and you will find the truth.
& With so many people and only one treasure, a
battle between good sailors and bad pirates is about to begin. Who
will win and get the treasure?
1. Who is the author of Treasure Island?
2. Treasure Island is good for _________, according to this
3. Who is Billy Bones?
4. The underlined word "tell" may mean “________”in Chinese.
n.&astronaut, hill, bush, fear, creature, feather,
line, mark, desert, tent, knife
v.&receive, damage, discover, wonder, refuse,
spread, explain
adj.&unknown, loud, quiet, round, frightened,
terrible, pleased
I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。
1. loudly (形容词)____________________
2. spread (过去式) ____________________
3. knife (复数) ____________________
4. please (形容词) ____________________
5. discovery (动词) ____________________
6. He is very happy because he has r________ lots of gifts on
7. I w________ why you are always late for school. Can you tell me
the reasons?
8. Everyone kept q ________and no one said anything during the
9. It is hard for you to find water in the d________.
10. Can you e_________ the problem to us in a simple way?
11. The girl cried when she saw those strange _______
12. The answer to the problem is still _______ (known) because no
one has worked it out.
13. Follow these _______ (mark) and you will find the right
14. The girl was so ________ (frighten) that she could hardly say a
15. He refused _______ (go) fishing with us because he was too
16. They ran very fast _______ (catch) the
17. I don't want ______ (have) lunch because I'm not hungry at
18. I'm happy _______ (hear) the good news.
3. because
4. make a terrible
6. refuse to do
9. landing
10. as soon as
12. disagree
13. weather
power line,&& make a terrible
noise,&& disagree
with,&&& landing
site,&& in fear
1. The tiger was shot by the hunter and _______, which sounded like
being full of anger.
2. I'm sorry that I _______ you because I have a different
3. There are a lot of planes in the new _______.
4. She described what she had seen to me _______.
5. Be careful not to step on these _______, or you may get
6. 当他醒来的时候,他看到他的母亲正在做饭。
When he_______ _______, he found his mother cooking.
7. 听音乐会的时候请保持安静。
Please _______ _______ when you listen to a concert.
8. 由于天气原因我们不得不取消这次旅行。
We have to cancel the trip_______ _______ the weather.
9. 她拒绝去说谎,因此她妈妈很高兴。
She ______ ________ tell a lie, so her mother was pleased with
10. 他同意了我的看法并支持我。
He_______ ________ me and supported me.
11. 请尽快把这些书还给玛丽,她可能需要它们。
Please return the books to Mary______ _______ _______ _______. She
may need them.
3. I think/believe
4. So do I./I agree./I think you're
5. I don't agree,/I think you’re wrong./I
disagree.& 我不这么认为。/我认为你是错的。/我不同意。
1. wonder, always, I, these, sick, days, why, I, get (.)
2. am, it, going, tomorrow, I , rain, is, sure, to (.)
3. believe, your, dream, as, your, come, that, long, you, true,
try, I, best, as, will (.)
(& ) 4. --- Lily will fail the exam, I
---_________She works very hard so she's sure to pass it.
A. I think
C. Neither am
D. I disagree.
(& ) 5. --- We need to read the book at least
twice if we want to understand it.
---_______ It is really hard to understand it.
&&& A. I think
you're right.
&&& B. So do
&&& C. Neither
&&& D. So is
语法二:Because of
(& ) 1. --- Why don't you believe his words,
---________ he always tells lies.
B. Because of
(& ) 2. Jim found it difficult to see the
blackboard clearly_______ his eyesight became worse.
D. although
(& ) 3. _______ the weather is so bad, I decide to
stay at home and watch TV.
(& ) 4. Mary must be ill at home _______ she
didn't come to school today.
B. because of
D. because
(& ) 5. Tina woke up at midnight ________ a loud
B. because of&
&(& ) 6. I will not tell you the
rules_______ I have told you before.
B. because of
八年级(下)Unit 7单元小测
(& ) 1. I have discovered the person who broke the
D. watched
(& ) 2. The thing in the bowl looks terrible, and
I don't want to see it again.
B. exiting
D. interesting
(& ) 3. There is a mark on his back. Do you know
its meaning? "
C. size&&&
(& ) 4. I wonder where he lives, but I am afraid
to ask him.
B. want to know
C. don’t want to know&
D. remember
(& ) 5. She was very pleased when hearing the good
B.选择填空。(每小题1分,共1 5分)
(& ) 6. --- ______ did Mark do yesterday?
--- It is_______. I haven't seen him for a long time.
B. H unknown
D. H known
(& ) 7. --- ______ he was very afraid at that
time, he didn’t show his _______.
--- How brave he was!&
D. B happy
(& ) 8. --- A storm______ many houses here.
--- Yes, many people have lost the place_______ in.
D. to live
(& ) 9. --- Please keep _________. The baby is
--- OK. I will _______the TV.
B. turn off
D. turn on
(& ) 10. --- There are many ______ living in this
--- Really? ________ there pandas here?
(& ) 11. --- Why do you _______ uncomfortable
---________I have a stomachache.
A. Because
B. Because
C. Because
D. Because
(& ) 12. --- ______ you are not satisfied with me,
there is no need for me to work with you.
--- Well, we can improve our work together to make ________
(& ) 13. --- It's spring now. Birds are _________
their wings flying back from the south.
--- Yes. Look, many birds _______ over our heads.
are flying
are flying
(& ) 14. --- We should arrive at school as _______
as possible, or we'll be late.
---Then let's ________ a taxi,
(& ) 15. --- She ______ the invitation _______ she
was very busy
--- She was busy with her exam, so she had no time to go to the
(& ) 16. --- He dreams of being ________
--- I hope his dream will _______.
&&& A. come
B. come over
&&& C. an, come
D. come over
(& ) 17. --- I ______ why she didn't come back
--- I think you should ask her ______.
all the time
&&& D. wonder,
all the time
(& ) 18. --- I _______ you, so I won't go with
--- OK. I believe you can______ a better idea.
A. remind of
B. remind of
C. disagree with, think of
D. think of
(& ) 19. --- Water is very important in
---________you can plant many trees there, the water problem will
be solved.
(& ) 20. ---________ he lost the game, he is
unhappy Let’s cheer him up.
Sounds great.
&&& B. So;
Sounds great.
Never mind.
&&& D. So; Never
The ideal(理想的) teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or
thin. He should know his__21__ very well and like learning
something about other subjects. The ideal teacher must be full of
strong __22__ of wonder or interest. He must never teach __23__ he
himself is not interested in. He should be like a man who can act
and should not be __24__ to show his feelings and tell other people
what he likes and what he doesn't like __25__. He must like his
students and respect them, and he must also respect himself and be
proud of his __26__ . If he doesn't, he cannot respect his students
or __27__ respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an
understanding of his students and be able to get on well with them.
He needs students' understanding too. The ideal teacher should be
kind and __28__ and he should give hope to his students to get
knowledge. The ideal teacher should __29__ his students'
differences so that he can know how to __30__ each of his students
to make progress. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and
makes himself better along with his students. So what about the
teacher around you?
(& ) 21. A.
&&B. subject
&&D. family
(& ) 22. A.
&B. friendships
&&D. sounds
(& ) 23. A.
&&B. everything
&&D. nothing
(& ) 24. A.
&&D. afraid
(& ) 25. A.
&&B. quietly
&&D. cleanly
(& ) 26. A.
&B. family
&&D. action
(& ) 27. A.
(& ) 28. A.
&&B. helpful
&D. hard-working
(& ) 29. A.
(& ) 30. A.
&&B. encourage
&D. believe
We've seen aliens in a vast variety of Hollywood films, but which
is closer to the truth? As our understanding of the universe grows,
scientists are beginning to think what these aliens might look
&&& Opinions can
be certainly different, but scientists are forming their opinions
on the basis of environment and biology rather than science novels.
Does that mean we're closer to the answer? Of course not! Read the
information below to see the different forms of life scientists are
predicting (预言).
&&& Dr Maggie
thinks aliens may be jellyfish (水母). She bases this on how life
began in the ocean here on Earth and draws the conclusion that
creatures in the ocean could interact (相互作用) with water. Some
scientists think aliens may be bugs. Cockroaches (蟑螂) are among our
planet's strongest creatures thanks to their thick exoskeleton
(外骨骼), and they are able to survive in different conditions. This
makes a bug-style life form. Simon, a scientist working at
Cambridge University, thinks that aliens would be "just like
humans," not only in appearance and biology but also in
Have you got any ideas about what aliens might look like?
(& ) 31. People have seen aliens from_______
according to the passage.
D. magazines
(& ) 32. Scientists form their opinions on aliens
environment and novels
&&& B. biology
and novels
environment and biology
environment, biology and novels
(& ) 33. How many kinds of aliens are described in
the passage?
(& ) 34. Which of the following creatures may come
from the sea?
&&& B. Creatures
like humans.
(& ) 35. The passage tells us ________.
&&& A. when
aliens come to Earth
&&& B. what
aliens may look like
&&& C. how
aliens look like humans
&&& D. where
people can find aliens
D. What&&& E.
A: Do you think there are aliens in the universe?
B: I don't think so. Because I have (36) _______ seen them.
A: I think they (37) _______ in the universe.
B: (38) _______ do you have this idea?&
A: Because I like reading this (39) __________ of books and
watching movies about them.
B: It's books and movies that influence you.
A: Yes. (40) _________ about you?
B: Nothing can influence me. I just have my own idea.
A: You only believe yourself.
B: You are right.
41. He refused _________ (do) the housework.
42. She ________ (explanation) the reason for being late.
43. The bird in the cage has beautiful__________ (feather).
44. We need several different _______ (knife) to make paper
45. I'm very pleased _______ (see) you.
46. I am very ________ (frighten) with snakes. Don't let me see
47. The plane landed on the _________ (land) site three hours
48. There is something ________ (write) on this piece of
49. Our teacher asked us not _________ (talk) to each other in
50. I heard a man _______ (speak) outside the house at that time,
but I didn't know who he was.
VI.书面表达。(共1 5分)
Do you find it hard to remember words? Perhaps you think writing
stories or drawing pictures is difficult. Well, try to paint your
room a different color. It may help!
& Scientists have discovered that col}


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