翻译①taking all that time for the cudaeventelapsedtime's light

You can use take followed by a noun to talk about an action or event, when it would also be possible to use the verb that is related to that noun. For example, you can say 'she took a shower' instead of 'she showered'.
She was too tired to take a shower...
Betty took a photograph of us...
In ordinary spoken or written English, people use take with a range of nouns instead of using a more specific verb. For example people often say 'he took control' or 'she took a positive attitude' instead of 'he assumed control' or 'she adopted a positive attitude'.
The Patriotic Front took power after a three-month civil war...
经过 3 个月内战,爱国阵线夺取了政权。
I felt it was important for women to join and take a leading role...
If you take something, you reach out for it and hold it.
Here, let me take your coat...
Colette took her by the shoulders and shook her...
If you take something with you when you go somewhere, you carry it or have it with you.
Mark often took his books to Bess's house to study...
I'll take these papers home and read them...
If a person, vehicle, or path takes someone somewhere, they transport or lead them there.
She took me to a Mexican restaurant...
The school bus takes them to school and brings them back...
If something such as a job or interest takes you to a place, it is the reason for you going there.
He was a poor student from Madras whose genius took him to Cambridge...
My work takes me abroad a lot.
If you take something such as your problems or your business to someone, you go to that person when you have problems you want to discuss or things you want to buy.
You need to take your problems to a trained counsellor...
In a true market, the customer can take business elsewhere.
If one thing takes another to a particular level, condition, or state, it causes it to reach that level or condition.
A combination of talent, hard work and good looks have taken her to the top...
The managing director had given himself a pay rise of 20%, taking his salary to ?20,000...
经理给自己加了 20%的薪,使他的薪水达到了 2 万英镑。
If you take something from a place, you remove it from there.
He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth...
Opening a drawer, she took out a letter.
If you take something from someone who owns it, you steal it or go away with it without their permission.
He has taken my money, and I have no chance of getting it back...
The burglars took just about anything they could carry.
If an army or political party takes something or someone, they win them from their enemy or opponent.
A Serb army unit took the town...
Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners...
海军陆战队士兵攻了进去,俘获 15 人。
If you take one number or amount from another, you subtract it or deduct it.
Take off the price of the house, that's another hundred thousand.
减去房价,又是 10 万。
If you cannot take something difficult, painful, or annoying, you cannot tolerate it without becoming upset, ill, or angry.
Don't ever ask me to look after those kids again. I just can't take it!...
Harry's rudeness to everyone was becoming hard to take.
If you take something such as damage or loss, you suffer it, especially in war or in a battle.
They have taken heavy casualties.
If something takes a certain amount of time, that amount of time is needed in order to do it.
Since the roads are very bad, the journey took us a long time...
I had heard an appeal could take years...
If something takes a particular quality or thing, that quality or thing is needed in order to do it.
At one time, walking across the room took all her strength...
We want to get married and start a family and all. But that takes money...
If you take something that is given or offered to you, you agree to accept it.
When I took the job I thought I could change the system, but it's hard...
His sons took his advice.
If you take a feeling such as pleasure, pride, or delight in a particular thing or activity, the thing or activity gives you that feeling.
They take great pride in their heritage...
The government will take comfort from the latest opinion poll.
If a shop, restaurant, theatre, or other business takes a certain amount of money, they get that amount from people buying goods or services.
The firm took ?100,000 in bookings.
这家公司在票务预订方面的收入达到 10 万英镑。
You can use take to refer to the amount of money that a business such as a store or theatre gets from selling its goods or tickets during a particular period.
It added another $11.8 million to the take, for a grand total of $43 million.
这就又增加了1,180万美元的收入,总计为 4,300 万美元。
If you take a prize or medal, you win it.
'Poison' took first prize at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival...
《毒药》在 1991 年的圣丹斯电影节上获得一等奖。
Christie took the gold medal in the 100 metres.
克里斯蒂在 100 米赛中夺得金牌。
If you take the blame, responsibility, or credit for something, you agree to accept it.
His brother Raoul did it, but Leonel took the blame and kept his mouth shut...
She's reluctant to take all the credit.
If you take patients or clients, you accept them as your patients or clients.
Some universities would be forced to take more students than they wanted...
They were told that Dr Albright wasn't taking any new patients.
If you take a telephone call, you speak to someone who is telephoning you.
Douglas telephoned Catherine at her office. She refused to take his calls.
If you take something in a particular way, you react in the way mentioned to a situation or to someone's beliefs or behaviour.
Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously...
Her husband had taken the news badly...
You use take when you are discussing or explaining a particular question, in order to introduce an example or to say how the question is being considered.
There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example...
You can attack this problem from many angles, but let's take one thing at a time...
If you take someone's meaning or point, you understand and accept what they are saying.
They've turned sensible, if you take my meaning...
'I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that's what happens.' — 'I take your point.'
If you take someone for something, you believe wrongly that they are that thing.
She had taken him for a journalist...
Do you take me for an idiot?...
If you take something from among a number of things, you choose to have or buy it.
'I'll take the grilled tuna,' Mary Ann told the waiter.
If you take a road or route, you choose to travel along it.
From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town...
He had to take a different route home...
If you take a house or flat, you rent it, usually for only a short time.
My wife and I have taken the cottage for a month.
If you take something such as a newspaper, you buy it or have it delivered to your home on a regular basis.
Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian.
If you take a car, train, bus, or plane, you use it to go from one place to another.
It's the other end of the High Street. We'll take the car, shall we?...
She took the train to New York every weekend...
If you take a subject or course at school or university, you choose to study it.
Students are allowed to take European history and American history.
If you take a test or examination, you do it in order to obtain a qualification.
She took her driving test in Greenford...
She travelled to India after taking her A levels.
If you take someone for a subject, you give them lessons in that subject.
The teacher who took us for economics was Miss Humphrey.
If someone takes drugs, pills, or other medicines, they take them into their body, for example by swallowing them.
She's been taking sleeping pills...
I have never taken illegal drugs.
If you take food or drink, you eat or drink it.
She made a habit of coming in to take tea with Nanny Crabtree...
If you don't take milk, cheese or yoghurt, other sources of calcium are important.
If you take a note or a letter, you write down something you want to remember or the words that someone says.
She sat expressionless, carefully taking notes...
Take a letter, Miss Singleton.
If you take a particular measurement, you use special equipment to find out what something measures.
By drilling, geologists can take measurements at various depths...
If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature.
If a place or container takes a particular amount or number, there is enough space for that amount or number.
The place could just about take 2,000 people.
那地方只能容纳大约 2,000 人。
If you take a particular size in shoes or clothes, that size fits you.
47 per cent of women in the UK take a size 16 or above.
If something such as a drug or a dye takes, it has the effect or result that is intended.
If the cortisone doesn't take, I may have to have surgery.
A take is a short piece of action which is filmed in one continuous process for a cinema or television film.
She couldn't get it right — she never knew the lines and we had to do several takes.
Someone's take on a particular situation or fact is their attitude to it or their interpretation of it.
What's your take on the new government? Do you think it can work?...
That sort of thing gives you a different take on who you are.
You can say 'I take it' to check with someone that what you believe to be the case or what you understand them to mean is in fact the case, or is in fact what they mean.
I take it you're a friend of the Kellings, Mr Burr...
I take it that neither of you reads 'The Times'...
You can say 'take it from me' to tell someone that you are absolutely sure that what you are saying is correct, and that they should believe you.
Take it from me — this is the greatest achievement by any Formula One driver ever.
If you say to someone 'take it or leave it', you are telling them that they can accept something or not accept it, but that you are not prepared to discuss any other alternatives.
A 72-hour week, 12 hours a day, six days a week, take it or leave it.
一星期 6 天,一天 12 小时,总共 72 小时,愿不愿意随你的便。
If someone takes an insult or attack lying down, they accept it without protesting.
The government is not taking such criticism lying down.
If something takes a lot out of you or takes it out of you, it requires a lot of energy or effort and makes you feel very tired and weak afterwards.
He looked tired, as if the argument had taken a lot out of him...
Having loads of children takes it out of you.
If something takes you out of yourself, it makes you feel better and so you forget all your worries and unhappiness.
Donating time and energy to others can take you out of yourself.
休息 5 分钟/休息 10 分钟
If someone tells you to take five or to take ten, they are telling you to have a five or ten minute break from what you are doing.
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各位英语达人 rock爱好者.帮忙翻译一下专辑《Definitely maybe》的歌曲.这是我的翻译,觉得很糟糕请位多多指点
  1.Rock 'n' Roll Star  Live my life in the city  住在这个城市  There's no easy way out  想要放松很难  The day's moving just too fast for me  时间过得太快  Need some time in the sunshine  没空晒太阳  Gotta slow it right down  想放慢脚步  The day's moving just too fast for me  时间过得太快  I live my life for the stars that shine  我的时间都用来数星星  People say it's just a waste of time  人们说这是浪费时间  When they said I should feed my head  他们说我只靠思想活着  That to me was just a day in bed  对我来说只是在床上躺一天  I'll take my car and drive real far  我会开车到远方  To where they're not concerned about the way we are  到他们管不着的地方  Cos in my mind my dreams are real  因为在我心里梦已成真  Are you concerned about the way I feel  不用你关心我怎么想  Tonight I'm a rock n roll star  今晚我就是摇滚明星  2.Shakermaker  I'd like to be somebody else and not know where I've been  我想要另一个身份,离开现在的地方  I'd like to build myself a house out of plasticine  我想用粘土给自己造一栋房  Shake along with me  和我一起跳吧  I've been driving in my car with my friend Mr. Soft  我和朋友 Mr. Soft在一起驾车  Mr. Clean and Mr.Ben are living in my loft  Mr. Clean and Mr.Ben住在我家阁楼  Shake along with me!  和我一起跳吧  I'm sorry but I just don't know  我很抱歉我真的不知道  I know I said I told you so  我知道的都告诉你了  But when you're happy and you're feeling fine  不过当你感觉到快乐  Then you'll know it's the right time  你会醒悟,到时候了  It's the right time  到时候了  To shake along with me!  和我一起跳吧  Mister Sifter sold me songs  Mr.Sifter把歌卖给了我  when I was just sixteen  当我才16岁的时候  Now he stops at traffic lights but only when they're green  现在他喜欢在绿灯时停车  4.Up In The Sky  Hey you ! Up in the sky  你在高空上  Learning to fly  学习飞翔  Tell me how high  告诉我有多高  Do you think you'll go  你觉得你会成功吗  Before you start falling  在你掉下来之前  Hey you! Up in a tree  你在一棵树上  You wanna be me  你想变得和我一样  But that couldn't be  但那是不可能的  Cos the people here they don't hear you calling  因为这里的人根本听不到你的叫喊  How does it feel  感觉怎样  When you're inside me?  当你了解我的时候  Hey you ! wearing the crown  你头顶王冠  Making no sound  一言不发  I heard you feel down  我知道你很沮丧  Well that's too bad  好吧那太糟糕了  Welcome to my world  欢迎来到我的地盘  Hey you! Stealing the light  你挡了我的光  I heard that the shine's  我听到那光在说  Gone out of your life.  滚出我的生活  Well that's just too bad  好吧那太糟糕了  Welcome to my world  欢迎来到我的地盘  You'll need assistance with the things that you have never ever seen  你会需要帮助因为你从来没见过这些  It's just a case of never breathing out Before you've breathed it in  而这些会让你完全着迷  How does it feel  感觉怎样  When you're inside me ?  当你了解我的时候  3.Live Forever  Maybe I don’t really want to know  也许我其实不想知道  How your garden grows  你把花园变成什么样  I just want to fly  我只是想飞  Lately did you ever feel the pain  最近你感觉到难受吗  In the morning rain  因为清晨的雨水  As it soaks it to the bone  湿透身体  Maybe I just want to fly  也许我只是想飞  I want to live I don’t want to die  我想活着不想死  Maybe I just want to breath  也许我只是想呼吸  Maybe I just dont believe  也许我只是不相信  Maybe you are the same as me  也许你和我一样  We see things they will never see  永远超越他们的想象  You and I are gonna live forever  你和我将要永恒  5.Columbia  There we were now here we are  那时在那里这时在这里  All this confusion nothings the same to me  所有的混乱对我来说没有一点相同  There we were now here we are  All this confusion nothings the same to me  But I can't tell you the way I feel  但我没法告诉你我怎么想  Because the way I feel is oh so! new to me  因为我的想法非常新奇  No I can't sell you the way I feel  但我没法把我的想法标价出售  Because the way I feel is oh so! new to me  因为我的想法非常新奇  What I heard is not what I hear  我听到的不是事实  I can see the signs but they're not very clear  我看到的并不清晰  What I heard is not what I hear  I can see the signs but they're not very clear  This is confusion am I confusing you?  这就是混乱,我迷惑你了吗  6.Supersonic  I need to be myself  我要做我自己  I cant be no one else  我不是其他人  I am feeling supersonic  我超越了音速  Give me gin and tonic  给我来点刺激  You can have it all but how much do you want it?  这都是你的,你想要多少  You make me laugh  你让我大笑  Give me your autograph  给我签名吧  Can I ride with you in your BMW ?  我能和你一起驾驶你的宝马吗  You can sail with me in my yellow submarine  你可以和我一起驾我的黄潜艇  You need to find out  你必须自己明白  Cos no one is gonna tell you what I am on about  因为没人会告诉你我要做什么  You need to find a way for what you want to say  你必须找个方法说出来  But before tomorrow  明天之前  Cos my friend said he would take you home  因为我的朋友说他要借我的房子  He sits in a corner all alone  他自己站在角落  He lives under a waterfall  他住在瀑布下  No body can see him  没人能看见他  No body can ever hear him call  没人能听到他  You need to be yourself  你必须做你自己  You cant be no one else  你不会是别人  I know a girl called Elsa  我知道有个女孩叫Elsa  She is into Alka Seltzer  她去Alka Seltzer 了  She sniffs it through a cane on a supersonic train  她在超音速列车上用一根藤条找到了  She made me laugh  她让我大笑  I got her autograph  我拿到了她的签名  She done it with a doctor on a helicopter  她在一架直升飞机上和一个医生做了  She is sniffin in her tissue  她凭自己的力量找到了  Selling the Big Issue  这可是个大发现  7.Bring It On Down  What was that sound ringing around your brain?  你的脑子里什么在响  Today was just a blur, you gotta head like a ghost train  今天一片模糊,你好像上了幽灵列车  What was that sound ringing around your brain?  You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?  你独自在这里你想怪谁  You're the outcast - you're the underclass  你是被驱逐的下等人  But you don't care - because you're living fast  但是你不介意因为你喜欢浪荡  You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end  你这不速之客留到了最后  I know you've got a problem that the devil sends  我知道魔鬼给你出了难题  You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who  你觉得他们在议论你但是你不知道是谁  I'll be scraping your life from the soul of my shoe tonight.  我今晚要把你这污点从我鞋子上彻底抹去  Bring it on down. Bring it down for me  给我把它弄下来  Your head's in a fish tank  你的脑袋在鱼缸里  Your body and your mind can't breath  还有你的身体,你没法呼吸  歌词完全没有逻辑联系= = 翻的乱七八糟。。差不多这样了


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