holiday fun yourwhat great funwas(?)(连词成句)

英语练习题My weekend was a busy one 用a busy one 提问 I went to the zoo by bike 用by bike提问 在假期我玩的很愉快 翻译 had fun our we a lot of holiday on 连词成句be home i'll tomorrow back 连词成句left on Shanghai February 1st we piane by 连词成句you any did pictures take 连词成句didn't go fishiny they yesterday 连词成句I sang and danced with my new friends 翻译They fiew the kite no the playground last Tuesday 改为一般疑问句
1 How was your weekend?2 How did you go to the zoo?3 We enjoyed ourselves during the holiday./We had a good time during the holiday.4 I'll be back home tomorrow.5 We left Shanghai by plane on February 1st.6 Did you take any pictures?7 They didn't go fishing yesterday.8 我和我的新朋友又唱又跳.9 Did they fly the kite on the playground last Tuesday?
3)Learning tips: 圈出故事中的动词并读一读
did, called, weren’t ,went, visited, saw, was,
picked, caught, wanted, ate
Step 3 Consolidation
Read after the
Read with the
partners 分角色朗读,和同学们一起评价。
完成P28:Think and
Check the answers
Step 4 Homework
Unit3 Holiday fun
Step 2. Grammar time
1.Reading show time
T:Today we’ll still learn
“Unit4...”&& Ss: “Then and
First, I’d like someone to read the dialogue ,
2.Ask and answer(讨论对话内容,进一步熟悉内容,并引出语法)
Can you ask any questions about Mike and Liu tao?
Eg.& How was Mike’s National Day
S1: Where did Mike go for the
S2: What did Mike do
S3: Did Mike catch a fish?
S4: Where did Liu Tao go?
S5: What did Liu Tao
T:Who can answer
the questions?
Ss: How was Mike’s National Day
S1: It was great fun.
Ss: Where did Mike go for the holiday?
he picked some oranges and went
Ss: Did Mike catch a
S: Yes, he did.
Ss: Where did Liu
Ss: What did Liu Tao
S3: He visited his aunt, he went to the Bund and visited
the Shanghai
T:Oh, they had a good time during the National Day holiday.
Read your book,
page29 and think over.
<img WIDTH="510" HEIGHT="224" V:SHAPES="_x"
TITLE="6A&Unit3&Holiday&fun备课" />
& catch ---- caught
& do ---- did
& eat ---- ate
&& get ----
& didn’t ---- did not
5.Introduce your holiday
Yesterday/last Sunday…. I went to Nanjing, I visited my
grandparents. They cooked a lot of food for me.
Step 3.Fun time
T:It’s your show time. Are you ready?(PPT出示自己的照片,激发学生问)
S1: Where were you?
T:I was in Tian’anmen Square
S2: How was your holiday?
T:It was great fun.
S3: What did you do?
T:I rode a camel.
S4: Did you meet friends?
T:Yes, I did.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. 用行为动词的适当形式填空
Helen _________ (visit) her grandparents this summer.
The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.
We _______ (catch) a bird last weekend.
Nancy ________ (get) up at five yesterday..
e.Mike________ (make) a model ship with Tom
They ________ (play) chess in the classroom last PE
My mother _______ (cook) a nice food last Spring
The girls ________ (sing) and _______ (dance) at the party
last National Day holiday.
Step 5 Homework
预习Cartoon time和Culture time。
Step3. Sound time
Read the page31.
& 让1-2名同学读读,再让学生听听录音,让他们比比自己和录音的差距在哪里,分别说说看法。
<img WIDTH="384" HEIGHT="190" V:SHAPES="_x"
TITLE="6A&Unit3&Holiday&fun备课" />
rhyme 一般词尾要押韵,如
Step4. Culture time
There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are
the Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas
英国中学一年三个大假期:暑假(the summer holiday): 一般从7月底开始(25号左右)到8月底,头尾大约6星期。寒假(圣诞假the Christmas holiday):一般从12月20号左右起到1月初,头尾大约3星期。春假( the Easter holiday): 一般从3月底到4月20号左右,头尾大约20天。
Step5.Cartoon time
1. Watch and
T: Bobby comes home late, why? How was Bobby?
Let’s watch the cartoon and try to find the
2. Learn new
a fashion show
is excited about
wear-- wore a paper T-shirt
go well 举例南京青奥会
T: Why did Bobby come home late?
S1: He had a fashion show.
T: How was Bobby? Was he happy?
S1:No, he was happy at first, but last he was
What did he wear?
S2: He wore a paper T-shirt
How about Sam?
S3: He wore a lot of bottles.
Why was bobby unhappy?
S4:Because there was heavy rain.
3. Read after the
4. 表演对话
Step6. Homework
1. 听读录音并熟读Cartoon time部分内容。
2. 订正默写
catch ---caught&
Step3. Checkout time
PPT出示Checkout time部分
T:示范 第一幅图的内容
<img WIDTH="276" HEIGHT="162" ALIGN="left" HSPACE="12" V:SHAPES="_x"
TITLE="6A&Unit3&Holiday&fun备课" />
Mike and Liu Tao went to the Car Museum. They
________ many cool cars.
Which one is right?
Why? 让学生读读,思考,得出句中用了go 的过去式went& 保持一致,
2.T: Now, please do it by yourself.
3.Check the answers.
Step 4 Consolidation
Ann ____ (be) a pretty girl. Look, she _____ (do) Chinese
2.It _____ (be) rainy yesterday.
3.Mr White ________ (go) to his office by car this
Gao Shan ________ (like) _______(take) photos, He ______(take) many
photos yesterday.
5.They _________ (make) a kite a week ago.a moment
6. What ____(do) you _____(do) for the
I_______( pick)
some apples.
7.Bobby went to watch& a fashion show,He ___(wear)- a paper T-shirt
What ____ you ______ now? I _______ some housework. (do)
I want to ______(pick) apples. But my dad _______ (pick)all of them
last month.
10.The students often _________ (draw) some pictures in the
Step 5 Ticking time
Step 6 Homework
Finish the exercise
Unit3 Holiday fun
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。以holiday fun为题十句话作文大全_百度知道
以holiday fun为题十句话作文大全
My holiday was great this year. I went to a lot of fun places, and I had fun with my family and friends. Some of the places I visited were really beautiful, and I will definitely re-visit them in the future. During this holiday, I also spent time to study for school. I read many books, practiced math problems, and I finished all of my homework. I felt really happy during this holiday. This holiday went by really fast, and I am already looking forward to my next holiday.
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。& “Love, success, happi...”习题详情
Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.Question: Could you introduce yourself first?Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.Q: What are your great memories?A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.Q: How do you get along with your parents?A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤)out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.1.In Misbah’s childhood,&.A.he was free from worryB.he liked living in the countrysideC.he was fond of getting close to natureD.he often spent holidays with his family2.What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?A.A colorful life.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.A beautiful house.C.Peace and freedom.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Money for his family.3.How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?A.By chatting on the Internet.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.By calling them sometimes.C.By paying weekly visits.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.By writing them letters.4.If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents’ view of you?D.What was your hardest experience in the war?&
习题“Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one intervie...”的分析与解答如下所示:
这是对Misbah的采访,她艰苦的童年生活让她很早就学会了自立,童年时期她很喜欢大自然,如果重新选择,她希望自己生活在一个和平安全的地方。她现在与父母分别生活在两个城市,但他们经常联系。 1.细节题,由My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.可知Misbah的童年很喜欢接近大自然。2.细节题,由I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.可知Misbah的童年希望得到安全和自由。3.推理题,由My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it.可知Misbah喜欢与父母交流的方式不是答案ABD,故选C,周末去看望父母。4.推理题,答案ACD在文章中已经提到,故选B,你最大的成功是什么?分析:
Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one int...
“Love, success, happi...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.Question: Could you introduce yourself first?Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.Q: What are your great memories?A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.Q: How do you get along with your parents?A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤)out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.1.In Misbah’s childhood,____.A.he was free from worryB.he liked living in the countrysideC.he was fond of getting close to natureD.he often spent holidays with his family2.What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?A.A colorful life. B.A beautiful house.C.Peace and freedom. D.Money for his family.3.How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?A.By chatting on the Internet. B.By calling them sometimes.C.By paying weekly visits. D.By writing them letters.4.If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents’ view of you?D.What was your hardest experience in the war?”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.Question: Could you introduce yourself first?Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.Q: What are your great memories?A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.Q: How do you get along with your parents?A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤)out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.1.In Misbah’s childhood,____.A.he was free from worryB.he liked living in the countrysideC.he was fond of getting close to natureD.he often spent holidays with his family2.What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?A.A colorful life. B.A beautiful house.C.Peace and freedom. D.Money for his family.3.How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?A.By chatting on the Internet. B.By calling them sometimes.C.By paying weekly visits. D.By writing them letters.4.If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents’ view of you?D.What was your hardest experience in the war?”相似的习题。holiday fun your great was(?)(连词成句)_百度知道
holiday fun your great was(?)(连词成句)
Was your great holiday fun?


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