()thepay lesss you pay, thepay lesss you will get. 为什么填

the more....,the more...句型点用? - 怎么办? - 怎么治?
dusan 提问:
the more....,the more...句型点用?
请问呢句句型点用 更多: ?麻烦俾埋例子同埋详细解释一下
andreasw 回答:
&The more … the more : 越多… &就越多...①&&&& The more he gets, the more he wants. 他得到的越多,他要的越多。②&&& The more you put your heart into English, the more you'll be interested in it. 你对英语投入越多,你就会越感兴趣。③&&& The more you pay, the more you will gain. 付出越多,收穫就越多。The less… the less: 越少 … 就越少… ①&&&& The less you spend the less you get. 你花得越少,得到的越少。②&&& The less educated, the less intelligent you are. 你学历越低、 智慧越低。③&&& The lesspackaing, the less you'll throw away into our landfills.越少包装、 你会扔掉越少到堆填区。&The less… the more: 越少 … 就越多… ①&&&&& The less routine, the more life. 越少常规、越多生气。②&&& The less violent, the more fruitful. 越少暴力、 越有成效。③&&The lessrestriction, the more powerful will be your motor.越少限制,您的电机越强。
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All Rights Reserved“It’s not what you know but who you know,” the saying goes, suggesting that social connections breed success.
But it seems there’s at least one way that the rich are less socially connected: New research finds that upper class people have more trouble reading others’ emotions.
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In a series of studies, researchers examined how well participants could judge the emotions that other people were feeling, a skill known as “empathic accuracy.” In each study, the researchers (including the GGSC’s Dacher Keltner) compared the empathic accuracy of people of higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES).
In one study, they showed 200 adults photos of faces expressing different emotions, finding that people with just a high school education identified the emotions more accurately than people who had a four-year college degree. (Education is commonly used to indicate socioeconomic status.)
In another study, the researchers had two college students participate in a afterwards, they asked each student to gauge what the other had been feeling during the exchange. Among the 106 students involved, those who had reported that their family was of lower SES (relative to their school’s entire student population) were more likely to read the other person’s emotions correctly.
Describing their results in , the researchers argue that these discrepancies reflect the different ways higher and lower class people solve their problems in life. Because lower-class people can’t draw as much on social power or financial resources, they must instead rely on help from others, making them more sensitive to the social and emotional cues they get from those around them.
“If that’s your strategy,” says Michael Kraus, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, and the lead author of the study, “you need to be better at reading others’ emotions—for instance, by perceiving threats and understanding when others are angry, or by noticing when other people are happy, since that may signal opportunities that are few and far between.”
Indeed, in prior research he conducted with Keltner, Kraus found that people of lower socioeconomic status appeared more engaged in conversations than did people of higher SES—for instance, they were less likely to doodle and more likely to nod their heads or laugh in response to something their partner said. , also co-authored by Kraus and Keltner, shows that people of lower SES are more likely to give money to a stranger as well.
But does their lofty status really cause upper class people to ignore others’ emotions, or are they innately less emotionally intelligent—perhaps they even get further in life because they’re less concerned about other people’s needs?
The researchers addressed this question in a final study described in their Psychological Science paper. They manipulated people’s sense of status, making participants feel higher or lower on the social ladder.
Regardless of their actual SES, people temporarily made to feel lower class were better able to discern others’ people temporarily made to feel upper class showed worse empathic accuracy.
This suggests that there’s something about the experience of high status that impedes our ability to connect with others emotionally. But it also provides hope that, with proper encouragement, even upper class people can become more sensitive to others’ emotions.
“What our research is suggesting is that upper class people don’t have a lower capacity for empathy,” says Kraus. “They just pay less attention. And if you can put them in a situation where you get them to pay more attention, you can get some real empathy from people who are wealthy and affluent.”
About the Author
Jason Marsh
Jason Marsh is the editor in chief of Greater Good.
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The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own
(Goodreads Author)
Joshua Becker and his young family were introduced to minimalism 6 years ago during a short conversation with their neighbor. Since then, Joshua’s story and writing have inspired millions around the world to find more life by owning fewer possessions. Today, based on his thoughtful and intentional approach to minimalism, he is one of the leading voices in the modern simplicity movement reaching ov
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