
1 观众朋友们大家好,欢迎收看这期的“致青春”。今天我们有幸请到了两位特殊的嘉宾——闰土和娜娜。欢迎大叔大妈。
2 哎,这不是到了嘛。
3 你看你笨的跟猪似的。
4 这人一老就容易缺钙,上个台阶都不容易。闰土,你腿脚咋一直这么好呢?
5 因为有它。过去我...
1 观众朋友们大家好,欢迎收看这期的“致青春”。今天我们有幸请到了两位特殊的嘉宾——闰土和娜娜。欢迎大叔大妈。 Hello,everyone! Welcome to watch this issue of our program &To Youth&. Today we are luky to have invited two special guests, they are Runtu and Nana. Welcome Uncle and Auntie.2 哎,这不是到了嘛。 Ah,here we are.3 你看你笨的跟猪似的。 You see you are as stupid as a pig.4 这人一老就容易缺钙,上个台阶都不容易。闰土,你腿脚咋一直这么好呢? People, as growing older, are &always easy to lack calcium,if so, it's hard for you to step upstairs.Runtu,why are your legs always in a good condition?5 因为有它。过去我也一直缺,但自从吃了“巨能钙”一口气上五楼,不费劲。“巨能钙”高钙片,一片顶过去五片。 Thanks to taking &it. In the past I was &lack of it,too, but since i began to take&&super energy calcium&,I can go upstairs for a 5- floors-high floor with one breath,and don't feel tired. Super energycalcium tablels,one tablet now is egual to five previous ones.&6 我感觉我充满能量了。I am feeling like that I am full of energy.7 巨能钙,你值得拥有。 Super energy calcium,worth owning.8 大叔大妈历经这么多年感情还是这么好啊。我感觉我像电灯泡。大叔大妈能告诉我们你们是怎么在一起的吗? The feelings of you two uncle and auntie is still so good after so mny years time! I am feeling as ifI was a bulb before you.Uncle and auntie,would you tell me how did you begin ti live together at first?9 那年我十五岁,她也十五岁。 That year I was 15, and so was she.10 今年的西瓜真好啊。看,这有个个大的。How eye-catching the water-melons are this year1Look! A bigger one 's here.11 娜娜,难道你不爱我了吗?难道你真的不爱我了吗? Nana,don't you love me any longer?Don't you really love me any longer?12 禽兽,放开那个女孩。 You,beast! Let go that girl!13 少年,这不管你的事,滚! Guy,None of your business,get out!14 你竟然杀了他。 I'm so sad that you should kill her!翻译时尽量考虑到口语化,风趣性,有符合英语语法规范。希望有所帮助。如果满意,采纳哟……亲!
1 观众朋友们大家好,欢迎收看这期的“致青春”。今天我们有幸请到了两位特殊的嘉宾——闰土和娜娜。欢迎大叔大妈。Hello, everyone, thanks for watching this program called &To youth&.and it's pretty honorable for us to have two special guests here, Runtu and Nana.Let 's give them a big hand.2 哎,这不是到了嘛。Look, here we are.3 你看你笨的跟猪似的。Tell you what, you are as stupid as a pig.4 这人一老就容易缺钙,上个台阶都不容易。闰土,你腿脚咋一直这么好呢?You know, once you grow old, you will be lack of calcium in bones, and cause the difficulty to go up stairs. And for a wonder(说来也怪), Runtu, why can you keep such a flexible moving till now?5 因为有它。过去我也一直缺,但自从吃了“巨能钙”一口气上五楼,不费劲。“巨能钙”高钙片,一片顶过去五片。Just because of it. I was ever lack of it all the time, but it becomes easy for me since my start eating &Super power calcium&, not tough now even cover five floors at a gasp. One tablet of &Super power calcium& equals to five of previous kind.6 我感觉我充满能量了。I feel I'm fully charged.7 巨能钙,你值得拥有。Super power calcium, you deserve having it.8 大叔大妈历经这么多年感情还是这么好啊。我感觉我像电灯泡。大叔大妈能告诉我们你们是怎么在一起的吗?I'm wondering why you can always keep such good affection through thick and thin.I feel I'm just like a third wheel.Could you fill me in about the start of your romance?9 那年我十五岁,她也十五岁。I was fifteen years old at that time, and so was she.10 今年的西瓜真好啊。看,这有个个大的。The watermelons of this year look good.Wow, there's a big one here.11 娜娜,难道你不爱我了吗?难道你真的不爱我了吗?Nana, Don't you love me any more, don't you really love me any more?12 禽兽,放开那个女孩。You bastard, let go that girl.13 少年,这不管你的事,滚!Hi, boy, it's none of your business, take a hike.14 你竟然杀了他。 How could you murder him just like that?
Hello&Ladies and gentlemen &, welcome to this issue of &To the youth.& Today we are fortunate to invited two special guests - RUNTU and Nana. Welcome!hey.we had come to this.see, you stupid pig-like with
Hello everyone, welcome to this episode of 'to youth'. We are very lucky to have 2 special guests with us today- Run Tu and Na Na, welcome!&oh look he is here.&Oh just look at you, can you get any sillier?&It's very common for elder people to be lacking calcium, sometimes it's even a problem to go upstairs. So how come your are still so fit, Run Tu?&Because of this. I use to suffer from calcium shortage too, but sinse I started taking &巨能钙“, I can easily walk up to the fifth floor. One single works as well as 5.&I feel like I am filled with evergy.&巨能钙, you deserve it&So after all these years, the spark between you two are still there. I feel like I am the third wheel here XD Can you tell me how did your relationship start?&I was fifteen then, and her too.&The watermelons have been growing well this year, look at this huge one!&Na Na, don't you love me anymore? Do you really not love me anymore?&Let go of that girl you perverted bastard!&Oh just get lost! This is none of your business little one!&You killed him???!!!&
英语翻译语法别太高级的初中语法即可不要网上翻译拉下来的在小学时我们的数学老师在上课前总喜欢讲笑话但是却一点都不好笑,我们为了不得罪老师,不管他讲什么我们都会“hahahaha”笑一天我们的数学老师一走进教室就说“我的爸爸今天死了” 我也没听直接就“hahahah”接着 全班同学一起“hahahah”有一段时间hahahah成了我们的流行语
In elementary school math teacher in our school likes to tell jokes before but not funny, to not offend our teachers, no matter what we say will be "hahahaha" laughOne day we entered the classroom of math teacher said, "My father died today" I heard directly on the "hahahah"Then her classmates "hahahah"For some time we have become the buzzwords hahahah
由于工作需要,想找一个好的翻译软件,请问什么牌子的版本好一点呀 比较人性化,功能强的,能翻译文章的。
恐怕没有什么软件有这么强的功能把还是找人帮你翻译吧 毕竟软件是死的,人是活的因为已经见识过那些翻译软件闹出的笑话了连最简单一句话都翻得乱七八糟
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Jellyfish is toxic and eels can let out of electricity, but they are miracles of nature as human being.If only we live harmoniously with other creatures of nuture world, the earth can be much better and beautiful.自己凭语感翻译的。感觉原句应该是这样的,读起来很优美很流畅。 把well 改成了harmoniously,比较契合原文的精神。
Although jellyfish is toxic and eels will discharge, they are miracles of nature just like human race. Human and other species should live in harmony in nature. Hence the earth will become a better place
Although jellyfish virulent, although the electric eel can discharge.But they and the humanity equally all are the nature miracles.The human and the nature other living thing need to be together harmoniously.The Earth only then can be happier.  Although poisonous jellyfish, electric eel Although will be discharged. But they are just like human beings and nature is a miracle. People with nature in harmony with other creature. The earth will be better.Jellyfish, although toxic, the eel will discharge. But they are wonders of nature and human. Other organisms to live in harmony between man and nature. The Earth will be better.按语法上来说,都正确。希望能帮助到你。
Although jellyfish is toxic and eels
discharges, they are miracles of nature as human beings. Human and other species should live in harmony in nature. In that case the earth will become
better and better
jellyfish although toxic, electric eels, although it will discharge. But they, like humans are a miracle of nature. Other organisms of man and nature in harmony. Earth will be even better.
A translation of the understanding of the economic 5000 words, on one side to understand the economic and trade at the same time, while browsing kingdomOutside of the trade, and the stock market trading quotas and other aspects of learning. I know the most influence is preliminaryChinese and English translation order should pay attention to in english-chinese translation should pay attention to the order of subject-predicate Penn, sometimes need before the objectBuy, buy, the subject after attributive object, and the measure to reduce the amount of add, word, should combine the context ` ` ` ` `Through the translation of the result I conclude when in translation should be paid attention to in the translation of the time want to pay attention to SiXin, namely, careful, care, enthusiastic attention. To have a zeal is the translation as a boring translation don't of translation, so have certain interest will be easier. To carefully, and in the translation of the time want to pay attention to add and reduce the measure, and point to, and pronouns consult the dictionary. Care, namely a not know much scrutiny, and every three, repeatedly pushed into thinking, of his knowledge. Pay attention, and that is in daily life in the life of the attention of the English vocabulary, oral English, or to read the vocabulary of thinking and expand their vocabulary. At the same time, in the translation should also pay attention to several skills. 1 when you translation longer sentence word as far as possible, and word order to shorten the adjusted for Chinese habit in English is easy to appear clause set of clause the long sentences, the sentence read itself is hard to understand, if the translation or black changes, the translation of the time is read mouthful. I'm here for example it, 2 the vocabulary of diversity and one word that I also be opposite sex have a deep of it, because I personally word is enough, translation of the time can't live without powerword and baidu. In the translation of the time avoid to refer to some of the dictionary. But on the interpretation of the dictionary to provide there is no way to cover the Chinese words of, say, a word dictionary may only provide a very common explanation, use is the most common form of Chinese vocabulary. But if you mean in this translation, may also enter the erroneous zone. Making a word, making the marginal limit accrual, making the total gross income, making the tax officer for personnel market, such as a word again, used as a noun meaning for the market, but used as a verb and now points when word should be translated as &marketing& or &sales&. So when translation must diligent check dictionary, especially professional, and may refer to the dictionary online translation. At the same time, business and trade the use of words according to the occasion, there are formal and informal words of points, mainly used for formal formal legal documents, and in economic and trade informal words are used for news and talks draft, etc. For example: &cancel& a word on formal occasions will use &in Liquidation& and in informal situations it is &cancel&; &End& is a word on formal occasions termination &and is& in informal occasion it is &end&. Often people talk about all the style of the translation, I think this kind of words is the diversity of translation best reflects the style. In translation, should to be always put to feel the novel style of writing, so as to better think should with what kind of Chinese vocabulary to express, and at the right time, can use some allusions and idioms, the light will be many. 3 understanding and proper added on the whole, Chinese environmental protection than English, translated Chinese occupy storage space is general than English small. But some time with just a few words in English, or a prefix, translation into Chinese will explain half a day, and all can not have English that effect. This is the original sentence proper added. 4 translation accuracy. This kind of the article to the accuracy have very high request, even small technical errors, also can cause and original intention had the very big disparity, economic, trade translation of the requirements of the accuracy is high. Such as: lending may literally if the translation is &commercial loan&, and in the commercial habits is for &shall be used for regular loan&, also, is also important is not the &business spending& and should be translated as &regular expenditure&, similar examples are supporting the reform of supporting a counterpart counterpart funds supervision regulation of the financial firms in the translation of 5, according to sex.There are many economic and trade articles in the fixed appellation can't change, or easy to destroy people get used to the understanding, and even cause serious differences. If Shanghai Hong-such as one Corporation (HSBC) cannot be translated into &Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking company&, and shall, in accordance with the habits into &HSBC bank&, I should not be on my account &, and &capital should be translated into& capital project &.给力啊
the fuck........u r genius to put such a long article here. the funny thing is that pple put this article into google and then post the translation here....lol......why dont u put it directly into google translation....and that would be more convenient. Moreover...it is sarcastic. u r writing this article to show how much u have learned through translation and how good u r.....but u dont even know how to write or translate this comments......r u really so good? or u r just kidding.
what the fuck?!
权仁铁 的英文名


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