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?App Store 上的“TaskRay”
只能在 iOS 设备上的 App Store 获取此 App。
Updating to ios9 and watchOS2
iOS8 support + WatchKit support
minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
* Minor bug fix
Added built in Chatter client and bug fixes
Bug fix when changing Task List in add task, Bug fix for Chatter
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。Objective-See
Explore all the tasks (processes) running on your Mac with TaskExplorer.
Quickly see a task's signature status, loaded dylibs, open files, network connection, and much more!
compatibility: OS X 10.8+
current version: 1.6.0 ()
zip's sha-1: 545ca559ebabff4d7fe
TaskExplorer allows one to visually explore all running processes. Notable features of TaskExplorer include:
Signing Status
quickly view, (or filter) tasks that are signed by Apple, 3rd-parties, or are unsigned
VirusTotal Integration
detection ratios can reveal known malware, while unknown files can be submitted for analysis
Loaded Dynamic Libraries
for each task, view it's loaded dylibs
Open Files
view all files that a particular task has opened
Network Connections
see the network connection (and its details) created by a task
Global Search
quickly search to find specific items, or unsigned binaries, established network connections, and more!
To use TaskExplorer, first
the zip archive containing the application. Depending on your browser, you may need to manually unzip the application by double-clicking on the zipped archive:
To run the application and begin exploring tasks, simply double click on '' The first time TaskExplorer is run, it will display an authorization prompt in order to gain necessary privileges. These privileges are required so that TaskExplorer can enumerate information about remote processes (such as loaded dylibs).
Once authorized, TaskExplorer will begin enumerating all running tasks. The top pane of the application of the displays all running tasks. These tasks can be either be viewed in the default 'Flat View' mode (sorted by name), or in a heirarchical 'Tree View' mode. Use the drop-down selected in the top right corner of the app to toggle between the two views:
Tasks can be filtered using the 'Filter Tasks' search box, found at the top right corner of the app. Simply begin typing to filter all tasks based on their names, paths or pids. For example, typing 'Chrome' will show only tasks that contain 'Chrome' in their name or path. TaskExplorer also contains special 'hash-tag' filters that can filter tasks based on concepts such as 'all non-Apple (3rd-party) tasks' or 'all unsigned tasks' (see the
section below for details).
Each row the top task pane, contains the icon, name, process id (pid), and path of the task. A lock icon next to the task's name, indicates whether the task belongs to Apple, , or a 3rd-party (but still signed) , or is unsigned . On the right-hand side of each task's row are various informational and actionable buttons. These buttons provide information about item's
(anti-virus) scan results, general information about the task, and the ability to view the item in Finder.
Task explorer automatically queries VirusTotal with a hash of the binary in order to retrieve any information. While VirusTotal is being queried, this button displays '■ ■ ■'. Once the query is complete, the title of the button is automatically updated with either the detection ratio, or a '?' if the binary is not known to VirusTotal.
With the query complete, the button can be clicked to reveal a popup containing VirusTotal-specific information about the file. If the file is unknown, clicking the 'submit?' button will submit the file for analysis. Known files contain a link to the full analysis report and a
'rescan?' button that will rescan the file. If known malware is detected, the item's name and VirusTotal button will be highlighted in red.
The 'info' button will display detailed information about the task, including its commandline arguments, hashes, and signed status:
Clicking on the final button ('show') in the task's row, will show the task's binary in a Finder window.
The bottom pane can display the selected task's dylibs, open files, or network connections. Simply toggle the segment control to change what is shown. The layout of the items in the bottom pane is fairly similar to the top (tasks') pane. For example, executable binaries will display a VirusTotal detection ratio, and each item (regardless of category), has an 'info' button that can be clicked to display more information about the selected item (dylib, file, or network connection).
Similarly, the items can be filtered by the filter/search box found directory above the lower pane. While any item category (dylib, file, or network connection) can be filtered by simply typing in the field, the
certain 'hash-tag' search filters (e.g #nonapple) only apply to executable binaries, and thus are only relevant when the bottom pane is displaying dylibs. The next section, 'Search and Filtering' provides more details on this.
Searching and Filtering
One of the more powerful features of TaskExplorer is its abilty to filter or search for tasks, dylibs, files, and/or network connections. As mentioned, one can search for Tasks via the 'Filter Tasks' search box (top right), as well as for a task's dylibs, files, or network connections via the filter/search box in the middle (right) of the UI above the lower pane. Note that this lower filter box will only search or filter what is currently being displayed in the lower pane. For a global search, click the
icon at the bottom left of the app to bring up the global search pane:
This global search, allows one to search all tasks, dylibs, files, and network connections, all at once! For example typing 'Chrome' (then hitting 'Enter') will show everything that has 'Chrome' in its path, name, etc:
Other examples including typing 'established' to view all connected network connections, or 'listening' to show all listening sockets:
TaskExplorer also contains special 'hash-tag' filters that can filter items (in any filter/search box) based on concepts such as 'all non-Apple (3rd-party) tasks' or 'all unsigned tasks'
The list of current support 'hash-tag' filters includes:
only display items that belong to the OS (e.g. signed soley by Apple proper)
only display 3rd-party (non-OS) tasks
only display signed items
only display unsigned items
only display items flagged by VirusTotal
only display items flagged that are encrypted (with OSX's native encryption scheme)
only display items that are packed (note: beta, may list unpacked, but high entropy items)
only display items are not found on disk (i.e. binaries that have self-deleted)
Flagged Items
TaskExplorer is integrated with . If any task or dynamic library is flagged (by VirusTotal) as known malware, this will be shown in the 'Flagged Items' pane. To access this pane, click the
icon at the bottom right of the app. (Note: this icon will be red () is any items have been flagged. For example, here we see TaskExplorer has flagged HackingTeam's encrypted malware installer:
Q: Why is TaskExplorer asking me to enter my password?
A: In order to gather information about system tasks (such as commandline arguments and loaded dylibs), the operating system requires TaskExplorer to acquire elevated privileges.playtask ios版下载|playtask苹果版 v2.2.3最新版_5577我机网
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本类下载排行& 应用工具 & 文件管理 &
TaskTracker 1.1.0 中文版
投诉建议: .cn
1.1.0 中文版
最新游戏推荐 软件专题排行
热门关键词?App Store 上的“Task”
只能在 iOS 设备上的 App Store 获取此 App。
iOS 8 and iPhone 6/6 plus
2.0.3:Bug fixes2.0.2:Task is now ready for iOS 7! We have also added 5 new plastic themes to match your iPhone 5c!
Task is now ready for iOS 7!We have also added 5 new plastic themes to match your iPhone 5c!
After months of hard work, we are very proud to give you Task 2!Key features:- iCloud- UniversalAnd also:- New interface- New task entry form- New past task management- Shake to undo- Multiline tasks- Performance improvement- Sound effects- New color themes and reminder tones- New icon
iOS 6 + iPhone 5 support
- Better past tasks management- Choose your reminder tone- Choose your color theme
Bug fixes for iOS 9
4.9(满分 5 分)
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。}


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