我希望什么的作文明天的比赛有一个好的表现。 此句用英语如何翻译更好?

I hope that tomorrow's speaker would be xx.Good luck on his sermon.
我们做了一个,不知道你喜欢不喜欢 P(旁白) R(兔子)M(猴子)B(小熊)T(老虎) ps:我们做的时候,动物名字都是和演员的名字融合到一起的.例如“Rabbit Yang”之类的.你可以把同学的名字加进去,用实际姓名的地方我用省略号表示,如果你们喜欢其他动物,也可以改,这个对话是我们主要演员一起构思的,独一无二!希
I won't be free tomorrow.How about another day?希望采纳
You won’t say no,你从不对我说“No”And you won’t even try你也从不尝试To realize that I尝试理解我Never wanna fall away.我从没想过要离开你My baby’s got my heart,宝贝,你已经占据了我的心so don`t you say请
Carefree life will weaken the will of people
Diligent man who can surmount,efforts to achieve success
I dare not to say that I love you.I have not meet the right person in a right time,so I can do nothing but losing you.
There is no road in the world until more people walking.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I will go to the Great Wall with my classmates.请及时采纳,多谢!
Nobody will ever know the feeling deep down my heart.
xx is designed for YY
Yesterday evening I made a dream,let a person not unhappy dream,I hope this dreams can in real life appeared
I hope we will get along with each other in the coming three years.
I hope I can enrich my part-time life by taking an active part in social practical activities
I hope we can all get along well (with each other) in the next three years.
some people are leaving you while you are pursuiting their love. 再答: 我打错字了,应该是pursuing,不加t
"Dear (加自己的名字),don't miss those who shoudn't be missed."
The earth is round due to God want those being lost come cross again.
Actually on this does not have the road,walks the person have beenmany,turned the road这是 比较 准确 的 ,浪费好多 精力的扫二维码下载作业帮
we will have a better future.
We will have a better tomorrow.
We will have a brigher future.
We'll have a bright future.
We will have a brigher tomorrow.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  每天一篇翻译:  Some of the concerns(涉及到,关系到) surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 member of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded(结束) accession(就职,就任) talks with the EU that could make them full member on January 1st 2007.  Furthermore, the country’s recent economic process has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, “stunning”. GDP in the second quarter of the year was 13.4% higher than a year earlier, a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching. Turkey’s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached an agreement with the IMF on a new three-years, $10 billion economic
programme that will, according to the IMF’s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, “help Turkey…reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy’s resilience”.  Resilience has not his historically been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by just under 5% in 1999. Indeed, throughout(遍及,贯穿) the 1990s growth oscillated(震荡) like an electrocardiogram(心电图) recording a violent(强烈的) heart attack. This irregularity(不规律,无规则) has been one of the main reasons (along with red tape and corruption) why the country has failed dismally(阴暗的、沉闷的) to attract much-needed foreign direct investment(投资). Its stock of such investment (as a percentage of GDP) is lower now than it was in the 1980s, and annual inflows have scarcely ever reached $1 billion (whereas Ireland attracted over $25 billion in 2003, as did Brazil in every year from 1998 to 2000).  One deterrent(威慑) to foreign investors is due to disappear on the January 1st 2005. On that day, Turkey will take away the right of virtually(实事上,实际上) every one of its citizens to call themselves a millionaire. Six noughts(零) will be removed from the face value of the lira, one unit of the local currency will henceforth(从此以后) be worth what 1m is now----ie, about &# ($0.70). goods will have to be priced in both the new and old lira for the whole of the year, but foreign bankers and investors can begin to look forward to a time in Turkey when they will do longer have to juggle mentally(精神上、内心的) with indeterminate(不确定,模糊的) strings(一串,一行) of zeros.  
   翻译如下  12月17日,欧盟首脑委员会就一些涉及到土耳其加入欧盟的申请进行了投票,特别是经济方面和这个国家的贫穷问题。土耳其的人均GDP少于欧盟15个国家2004年平均GDP的三分之一。但是它和日新加入欧盟的十个成员国之一(拉脱维亚)相差不远,它和即将成为欧盟正式成员国的保加利亚和罗马尼亚相差不大,这个星期这两个国家结束了和欧盟的加入谈判,将于2007年一月成为欧盟的正式成员国。  
而且用经济合作与发展组织秘书长的话来说,这个国家最近的经济状况非常的良好。第二个季度的GDP增长比第一个季度高出13.4%,其增长速度没有一个欧盟国家能够比拟。土耳其的通货膨胀率最近降到了个位数,自1972年来。这个星期土耳其和国际货币基金组织达成了一个三年100亿美元的经济计划。国际货币基金组织的执行长官Rodrigo Rato说:“帮助土耳其降低通货膨胀风险到欧盟水平和提高其经济弹性。  
  Some of the concerns(涉及到,关系到) surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty.    12月17日,欧盟首脑委员会就一些涉及到土耳其加入欧盟的申请进行了投票,特别是经济方面和这个国家的贫穷问题。  ---------------------------------------------------    翻譯時不要硬跟英文原文的句子結構,重新安排一下頭兩句怎安排吧,而且你的翻譯裡有部份誤解了原文的意思。    其他的不看了,你先好好想下怎好這一段吧。
  嗯~谢谢,我觉得关键是坚持~  土耳其加入欧盟的申请在12月7日在欧盟首脑委员会上进行表决,特别是这个国家的贫困问题。
  第一句,原句结构是:Some of the concerns are economic. 译文恐怕走样太多。  另外,to be voted 也不是“进行了投票”。  第二句,pre-2004 member of the EU 指的是2004年欧盟扩大之前原有的15个成员国,和GDP是哪年的没有一丁点关系。  for the first time since 1972 译出来就是“……,自1972年来”?  IMF头头讲的话前面那个&that will&哪去了?    后面的就不看了……
  Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty.  ---------------------------------------------------------------    如果把原句分清楚,寫成這樣,你或者會更好的理解和翻譯:    Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. The application is to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th.
  是的,翻译的错误很多~~所以还要请大家多多指教~  to be voted该是“将进行投票”  第二句:它的人均GDP还不到2004年前欧盟15个国家的人均GDP的三分之一。  国际货币基金组织的执行长官Rodrigo Rato说:“这个计划将帮助土耳其降低通货膨胀风险到欧盟水平和提高其经济弹性。
  作者:thoughtfeng 回复日期: 21:50:31 
    土耳其加入欧盟的申请将于12月17号在欧盟首脑会上进行表决,围绕该申请的一些问题将进行集中讨论,特别是该国的贫困问题。      這樣比較好些,而且也把之前日子的錯誤糾正了。  
  我练习了不少长难句~可是翻译并没有那么简单~ 所以还得慢慢来~
  土耳其的通货膨胀率最近降到了个位数,自1972年来。   可以组织一下,如下:   自1972年来,土耳其的通货膨胀率第一次降到了个位数以下。
  It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by just under 5% in 1999.  1994年起下降幅度超过5%,1999年刚好低于5%。
  red tape 该是 官僚作风。。。。我完全不知道这个意思。  Its stock of such investment (as a percentage of GDP) is lower now than it was in the 1980s, and annual inflows have scarcely ever reached $1 billion (whereas Ireland attracted over $25 billion in 2003, as did Brazil in every year from 1998 to 2000).  这个句子基本上算是翻译错误了。
    Charlie Bell became chief executive of McDonald’s in April. Within a month doctors told him that he had colorectal cancer. After stockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm
it would need a third boss in under a year. Yet when the market opened, its share price barely dipped then edged higher. After all, Mcdonald’s had, again, shown how to act swiftly and decisively in appointing a new boss.  Mr Bell himself got the top job when Jim Cantalupo died of heart attack hours before he was due to address a convention of Mcdonald’s franchisees. Mr Cantalupo was a Mcdonald’s veteran brought out of retirement in January 2003 to help remodel the firm after sales began falling because of dirty restaurants, indifferent service and growing concern about junk food. He devised a recovery plan, backed by massive marketing, and promoted Mr Bell to chief operating officer. When Mr cantalupo died, a rapidly convened board confirmed Mr Bell, a 44-year-old Australian already widely seen as his her apparent, in the top job. The convention got its promised chief executive’s address, from the firm’s first non-American leader.  Yet within weeks executive had to think what to do if Mr Bell become too ill to continue. Perhaps Mr Bell had the same thing on his mind: he usually introduced Jim Skinner, the 60-year-old vice-chairman, to visitors as the “steady hand at the wheel”. Now Mr Skinner, an expert on the firm’s overseas operations, becomes chief executive, and Mike Roberts, head of its American operations, joins the board as chief operating officer.  Is Mr Roberts now the new heir apparent? Maybe. Mcdonald’s has brought in supposedly healthier choices such as salads and toasted sandwichs worldwide and, instead of relying for most of its growth on opening new restaurants, has turned to upgrading its 31000 existing ones. America h under Mr Roberts, like-for-like sales there were up by 7.5% in October on a year early.  The new team’s task is to keep the revitalization plan on course, especially overseas, where some American brands(牌子,商标) are said to face political hostility from consumer. This is a big challenge. Is an in-house succession the best way to tackle it? Mr Skinner and Mr Roberts are both company veterans, having joined in the 1970s. Some recent academic studied find that the planed succession of a new boss groomed from within, such as Mr Bell and now (arguably) Mr Roberts, produces better results than looking hastily, or outside, for one. Mcdonald’s smooth handling of its serial misfortunes at the top certainly seems to prove the point. Even so, everyone at Mcdonald’s must be hoping that it will be a long time before the firm faces yet another such emergency(紧急情况,突然事件).  
  翻译:  Charlie Bell 在四月份成为了麦当劳的执行主席。在他接任这个位置后不到一个月,医生就告诉他,他患上了直肠癌。在11月22日股市开盘后不久,麦当劳就宣布了他辞职的消息,这就以为着麦当劳在一年之内需要换第三个老板了。麦当劳再次显示了它如何快速而果断地任命新老板的能力。  
当Jim Cantalupo因为心脏病去世后几个小时,bell先生就迅速的当上了麦当劳的执行主席该归结于麦当劳公司的惯例。Cantalupo是一位已经退休经验丰富的麦当劳经理人,当麦当劳因为餐厅环境脏、服务冷淡以及对于垃圾食品关注程度的上升等因素,业绩下滑的时候,他在2003年一月临危受命,帮助公司从新塑造形象。他进行了一系列改革计划,包括强有力的市场运作,提升bell先生为首席运营主席。当Cantalupo先生去世后,公司迅速召集了44岁的澳大利亚人bell先生,实际上之前他已经被广泛的认为是Cantalupo先生的接班人。会议证实了传统,bell先生被任命为首席执行主席,他是麦当劳的一个非美籍主席。  
然而在数个星期之内就不得不考虑如果bell先生因病而不能继续该怎么办。也许bell先生也在考虑同样的问题:他常常在向来宾介绍60岁的副主席Jim Skinner说:“他是个有利的帮手。”现在,Mr Skinner,公司的海外运营专家,变成了公司的主席,美国运营部的老板Mike Rorberts提升为总公司的主要管理人员之一。  
  After stockmarket hours on November 22nd   这句该是在22日股市下市后不久。  Mr Bell himself got the top job when Jim Cantalupo died of heart attack hours before he was due to address a convention of Mcdonald’s franchisees.  贝尔先生本人是在吉姆先生死于心脏病突发之后得到这一高层职位的。当时吉姆先生正准备几个小时后在麦当劳的特许经销商会议上致词。  When Mr cantalupo died, a rapidly convened board confirmed Mr Bell, a 44-year-old Australian already widely seen as his her apparent, in the top job  cantalupo先生去世后,董事会很快开会确认任命贝尔先生为公司领导人的人选,贝尔先生44岁,澳大利亚人,早就被公认为公司的继承人。  steady hand at the wheel  掌舵能手  has turned to upgrading its 31000 existing ones.  开始关注先用31000家连锁店的经营情况。  America h under Mr Roberts, like-for-like sales there were up by 7.5% in October on a year early.  美国在这方面做得不错,10月份同期增长了7.5%。  (arguably)  (还未最终宣布)  Even so, everyone at Mcdonald’s must be hoping that it will be a long time before the firm faces yet another such emergency  即便如此,麦当劳上下一定还是希望不要在近期又面临这类紧急情况。    
      作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 01:43:01 
    楼主把这一百篇翻完了,英译汉肯定能入门了  呵呵~谢谢鼓励~
  作者:橙色丁丁 回复日期: 22:05:27   
    楼主是哪里找的?  --------------------------------------------------  这些都是2007年考研英语资料上面的文章。
    The annual(一年一次的, 每年的) review of American company board practices by Korn/Ferry, a firm of headhunters, is a useful indicator(指示) of the health of corporate governance. This year’s review, published on November 12th, shows that the Sarbanes-Oxley act, passed in 2002 to try to prevent a repeat of corporate collapses(崩溃) such as Enron’s and WorldCom’s, has had an impact(冲击,影响) on the boardroom-albeit at an average implementation(执行) cost that Korn/Ferry estimates(估计) at $5.1m per firm.  Two years ago, only 41% of American firms said they regularly held meetings of directors without their chief E this year the figure was 93%. But some things have been surprisingly unaffected by the backlash(后座) against corporate scandals(丑闻). For example, despite(虽然,不论) a growing feeling that former chief Executives should not sit on their company’s board, the percentage of American firms where they do has actually edged up, from 23% in 2003 to 25% in 2004.  Also, disappointingly few firm have split the jobs of chairman and chief executive. Another survey of American boards published this week, by A.T.Kearney, a firm of consultants, found that in 2002 14% of the boards of S&P 500 firms had separated the roles, and a further 16% said they planned to do so. But by 2004 only 23% overall had taken the plunge. A survey earlier in the year by consultants at McKinsey found that 70% of American directors and investor supported the idea of splitting the jobs, which is standard practice in Europe.  Another disappointment is the slow progress in abolishing “staggered” boards-ones where only one-third of the directors are up for reelection each year, to three-year terms. Invented as a defence against takeover, such boards, according to a new Harvard Law School study by Lucian Bebchuk and Alma Cohen, are unambiguously “associated with an economically significant reduction in firm value”.  Despite this, the percentage of S&P 500 firms with staggered boards has fallen only slightly-from 63% in 2001 to 60% in 2003, according to the Investor Responsibility Research Centre. And many of those firms that have been forced by shareholders to abolish the system are doing so only slowly. Merck, a pharmaceutical company in trouble over the possible side-effects of its arthritis drug Vioxx, is allowing its directors to run their full them before introducing a system in which they are all reelected (or otherwise) annually. Other companies’ staggered boards are entrenched in their corporate charters, which cannot be amended by a shareholders’ vote. Anyone who expected the scandals of 2001 to bring about rapid change in the balance of power between managers and owners was, at best, naïve.  
  翻译如下:  -------------------------------------------------------------------  Korn/Ferry,一个猎头公司,推出的美国董事会年度回顾总结,对于公司的健康管理是一个有用的指示。11月12日发表的本年度总结显示2002年通过的Sarbanes-Oxley法案对董事会有一定的影响,该法案主要是为了防止像Enron和WorldCom公司突然倒闭这类事件。Korn/Ferry估计这项法案的执行成本平均每个公司510万美元。  
另外一个令人失望的问题是,在废除交错的董事会组成方面进展缓慢,董事的任期是三年,每年只有三分之一的董事改选。根据哈佛大学法学院的Lucian Bebchuk和Alma Cohen最近的研究表明,董事会的轮换对于公司的价值有很大的影响。  
  呵呵,飞过的痕迹说得很好,并且楼主第一篇文章还有很多需要去进一步修改,特别是细小的地方,如relative等词,既然英文里有了,又不是纯粹多余的成分,最好在汉文里也体现出来,才能保持一致,不走样,最后还要注意一下中文的表达习惯,那是翻译较后的步骤了。  一开始多译一点,可能是一件好事。但如果有了几篇译文之后,建议还是少而精得好,把翻译中真正的问题找到并将之克服。否则,错误未改又添新错,得不偿失。    这也是说给我自己的听的。共勉吧。
  作者:lawyerbar 回复日期: 23:54:11   
    呵呵,飞过的痕迹说得很好,并且楼主第一篇文章还有很多需要去进一步修改,特别是细小的地方,如relative等词,既然英文里有了,又不是纯粹多余的成分,最好在汉文里也体现出来,才能保持一致,不走样,最后还要注意一下中文的表达习惯,那是翻译较后的步骤了。    一开始多译一点,可能是一件好事。但如果有了几篇译文之后,建议还是少而精得好,把翻译中真正的问题找到并将之克服。否则,错误未改又添新错,得不偿失。        这也是说给我自己的听的。共勉吧。  --------------------------------------------------------------  谢谢你的建议 ~我会慢慢改正的~ 不过每天的翻译还是得继续~ 呵呵~ 这是个慢慢积累的过程~我们一起努力~~^_^
  But some things have been surprisingly unaffected by the backlash(后座) against corporate scandals(丑闻).  但是,令人惊讶的是,公司丑闻事件并没有什么改变。  标准:不过令人惊讶的是,公司丑闻引起的民众不满情绪并没有改变某些现状。  For example, despite(虽然,不论) a growing feeling that former chief Executives should not sit on their company’s board  例如,虽然越来越多的人认为前任总裁不应该留在董事会里  which is standard practice in Europe.    在欧洲这已经是一个行业标准。   Another disappointment is the slow progress in abolishing “staggered” boards-ones where only one-third of the directors are up for reelection each year, to three-year terms.  另一件令人失望的事情就是在废除“交错董事会任期制”方面进展缓慢--所谓交错董事会任期制,就是每年只改选三分之一的董事,每一届董事的任期是三年。  Invented as a defence against takeover, such boards, according to a new Harvard Law School study by Lucian Bebchuk and Alma Cohen, are unambiguously “associated with an economically significant reduction in firm value”.  依据ucian Bebchuk和Alma Cohen最新的一份哈佛商学院研究,这种为了防止公司权利争夺二发明的董事会制度显然和公司价值的显著下降有关。      
  And many of those firms that have been forced by shareholders to abolish the system are doing so only slowly.  许多公司被董事施压要求放弃这一制度,但是进展缓慢。  Merck, a pharmaceutical company in trouble over the possible side-effects of its arthritis drug Vioxx, is allowing its directors to run their full them before introducing a system in which they are all reelected (or otherwise) annually.  现在开始允许其董事任期直到届满,之后才引入一个每年重选所有董事的制图。
  Other companies’ staggered boards are entrenched in their corporate charters, which cannot be amended by a shareholders’ vote.  其他公司的交错董事任期的董事会是由公司规定的,不能由股东投票改变
    Most economists hate gold. Not, you understand, that they would turn up their noses at a bar or two. But they find ten reverence in which many hold the metal almost irrational. That it was used as money for millennia is irrelevant: it isn’t any more. Modern money takes the form of paper or, more often, electronic data. To economists, gold is now just another commodity.  
So why is its price soaring? Over the past week, this has topped $450 a troy ounce, up by 9% since the beginning of the year and 77% since Aril 2001. Ah, comes the reply, gold transaction are denominated in dollars, and the rise in the price simply reflects the dollar’s fall in terms of other currencies, especially the euro, against which it hit a new low this week. Expressed in euros, the gold price has moved much less. However, there is no iron link, as it were, between the value of the dollar and the value of gold. A rising price of gold, like that of anything else, can reflect an increase in demand as well as a depreciation of its unit of account.  
This is where gold bulls come in. the fall in the dollar is important, but mainly because as a store of value the dollar stinks. With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971. Now it is suffering one of its sharper declines. At the margin, extra demand has come from those who think dollars—indeed any money backed by nothing more than promise to keep inflation low---a decidedly risky investment, mainly because America, with the world’s reserve currency, has been able to create and borrow so many of them. The least painful way of repaying those dollars is to make them worth less.  
The striking exception to this extra demand comes from central banks, which would like to sell some of the gold they already have. As a legacy of the days when their currencies were backed by the metal, central banks still hold one-fifth of the world’s gold. Last month the Bank of France said it would sell 500 tonnes in coming years. But big sales by central banks can cause the price to plunge—as when the bank of England sold 395 tonnes between 1999 and 2002. The result was an agreement between central banks to co-ordinate and limit future sales.  
If the price of gold marches higher, this agreement will presumably be ripped up, although a dollar crisis might make central banks think twice about switching into paper money. Will the overhang of central-bank gold drag the price down again? Not necessarily. As James Grant, gold bug and publisher of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, a newsletter, points out, in recent years the huge glut of government debt has not stopped a sharp rise in its price.  
如果黄金价格持续走高的话,这个协议也许会被取消,虽然美元危机可能会让中央银行从新考虑转换为纸币。在这种情况下,黄金的价格会不会再次下降呢?不必。正如 黄金价格观测和研究者James Grant的一篇通讯里面指出的:最近几年,政府的巨额债务并没有使疯长的黄金价格下降。  
  Open-outcry trading is supposed to be quaint, outdated practice, rapidly being replaced be sleeker, cheaper electronic systems. Try telling that to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world’s largest commodities exchange. On November 1st the NYMEX opened an open-outcry pit in Dublin to handle Brent crude futures, the benchmark contact for pricing two-thirds of the world’s oil.  
The NYMEX is trying to snatch liquidity from London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), which trades the most B the New York exchange has hitherto concentrated on West Texas Intermediate, an American benchmark grade. The new pit is a response to the IPE’s efforts to modernise. On the same day as NYMEX traders started shouting Brent prices in Dublin, the IPE did away with its morning open-outcry session: now such trades must be electronic, or done in the pit after lunch.  
The New York exchange claims that customers, such as hedge funds or energy companies, prefer open-outcry because it allows for more liquidity. Although most other exchanges are handing in the opposite direction, in commodity markets such as the NYMEX, pressure from “local”—self-employed traders—is helping to prop up open-outcry, although some reckon that customers pay up to five times as much as with electronic systems. Even the IPE has no plans to abolish its floor. Only last month it signed a lease, lasting until 2011, for its trading floor in London.  
Dublin’s new bit is “showing promise”, says Rob Laughlin, a trader with Man Financial, despite a few technical glitches. On its first day it handled 5726 lots of Brent (each lot, or contract, is 1000 barrels), over a third of the volume in the IPE’s new morning electronic session. By the year’s end, predicts Mr Laughlin, it should be clear whether the venture will be viable. It would stand a better chance if it moved to London. It may yet: it started in Ireland because regulatory approval could be obtained faster there than in Britain.  
Ultimately, having both exchanges offering similar contracts will be unsustainable. Stealing liquidity from an established market leader, as the NYMEX is trying to do, is a hard task. Eurex, Europe’s largest futures exchange, set up shop in Chicago Board of Trade. It has made little headway. And the NYMEX has dabbled in Brent contracts before, without success.  
Given the importance of liquidity in exchanges, why do the IPE and the NYMEX not band together? There have been merger talks before, and something might yet happen. Some say that the freewheeling NYMEX and the more staid IPE could never mix. For now, in any case, the two exchanges will slug it out—across the Irish Sea as well as across the Atlantic.  
纽约交易所对其顾客宣称,像Hedge funds和能源公司更加喜欢公开叫价交易,因为他们照顾多了更多的流动资金。虽然大部分的交易所正在取消公开叫价交易方式,但是在纽约交易所,公开叫价交易方式得到了自营商的支持,虽然据估计,通过公开叫价方式的交易费用可能是电子系统的五倍。基本是伦敦交易所也没有打算放弃公开叫价交易方式,上个月他们刚刚签订合约,使伦敦的交易所大厅延续到2011年。  
Man financial 交易所的交易员Rob Laughlin说,虽然有一些小的技术故障,但是Dublin的新交易所正在“展露头角”。在其第一天,其Brent交易量达到了5726手(每一手就是一份合约,相当于1000桶),相当于IPE上午电子系统交易量的三分之一。Laughlin先生所,到年底就能知道这次投机能否见到成效。如果搬到伦敦,可能这是一个更好的机会。也会最后会搬到伦敦:最开始在爱尔兰,因为在爱尔兰比在伦敦能够更快的获得批准。  
     Thanks to slumping markets, investment banks are shedding many of their highly-paid trader. When markets recover, the banks might be tempted to replace them with rather cheaper talent. One alternative has been around for a while but has yet to catch on: autonomous trading agents—computers programmed to act like the human version without such pesky costs as holidays, lunch breaks or bonuses. Program trading has, of course, some blamed the 1987 stockmarket crash on computers instructed with simple decision-making rules. But robots can be smarter than that.  
Dave cliff, a researcher at Hewlett-Packed Laboratories in Bristol, England, has been creating trading robots for seven years. In computer simulations he lets them evolve “genetically”, and so allows them to adapt and fit models of real-world financial markets. His experiments have suggested that redesign of some markets could lead to greater efficiency. Last year, a research group at IBM showed that Mr Cliff’s artificial traders could consistently beat the human variety, in various kinds of market. Nearly all take the shape of an auction. One well-known type is the England auction, familiar to patrons of the salesrooms of christie’s and Sotheby’s, where sellers keep mum on their offer price, and buyer increase their bids by stages until one remains.  
At the other extreme is the Dutch auction, familiar 17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds. Here, buyers remain silent, and a seller reduces his price until it is accepted. Most markets for shares, commodities, foreign exchange and derivatives are a hybrid of there two types: buyers and sellers can announce their bid or offer prices at any time, and deals are constantly being closed, a so-called “continuous double auction”.  
Mr cliff’s novel idea was to apply his evolutionary computer programs to marketplaces themselves. Why not, he thought, try and see what types of auction would let traders converge most quickly towards an equilibrium price? The results were surprising. In his models, auctions that let buyers and sellers bid at any time like most of today’s financial exchanges were less efficient than ones that required relatively more bids from either buyers or sellers. These “evolved auctions” also withstood big market shocks, such as crashes and panics, better than today’s real-world versions. Mr Cliff’s most recent results, which will be presented in Sydney, Australia, on December 10th, show that the best type of auction for any market depends crucially on even slight differences in the number of buyers and sellers.  
Banks of America has been investigating these new auctions, along with robotic traders, for possible use in electronic exchanges. The hope is that today’s financial auctions and online marketplaces might work better by becoming more like their English and Dutch forebears. But what to call such multi-ethnic hybrids? Here’s introducing the “Cliffhanger”.  
Dave cliff是英格兰布里斯托尔Hewlett-Packed实验室的研究员,他研究机器交易系统已经七年了,在电脑模拟方面,他是计算机具有类似基因的进化能力,这样可以使电脑能够配合和适应真实世界的财政和金融交易市场。他的实验提出,对一些市场的从新设计能够残生更高的效率。去年,IBM的一个研究团队介绍说,Cliff先生的智能交易员可以打败各种类型的交易员,适应各种各样的市场。几乎所有的形式的拍卖。一种众所周知的形式是英国方式,克利斯蒂拍卖行和索斯比拍卖行的人对此非常熟悉,在那儿不公布他们的价格,买家逐渐增加他们的价格直到剩下最有一个出价者。  
  The Indian finance ministry’s mid-year review, released this week, sees the external sector as a silver lining around the country’s huge fiscal deficit. “buoyant” and “encouraging” are the words used to describe three consecutive quarters of current-account surplus—the first in a quarter-century. Add to that swelling foreign-exchange reserves and a stronger rupee, and some are arguing that it is time for drastic liberalization of India’s foreign-exchange regime. They could be disappointed.  For most of the past decade, the nominal value of the rupee has been allowed to decline gently against the dollar, by about 5% a year, thus staying fairly steady in real terms. This year, however, it ha been appreciating in real terms (and, since June, nominally as well). It would have done so more sharply had the central bank not been buying dollars with gusto. Exporters of manufactured goods, obsessed with price competition from china, are aghast at the rise—and at the prospect held out by some forecasters that a sustained boom in India’s IT exports means it will continue.  The rupee’s recent strength is only partly related to India’s prowess in software and the mushrooming of “business-process outsourcing” in such project as call-centres. The chunky surplus on invisibles owes more to remittances: non-resident Indians, attracted by the stability of the rupee and its higher interest rates, have been moving their offshore deposits back home. Similarly, Indian companies are borrowing more in dollars without selling rupees forward to hedge repayments. The trade deficit, meanwhile, has been shrinking, as imports grow slowly.  The inflows have boosted foreign-exchange reserves by some $20 billion this year, to $66 billion, or 12 month’s-importance of imports. The size of this cushion has triggered some calls for further liberalization of the labyrinthine foreign-exchange controls that India still maintains, despite the move in 1993 towards rupee convertibility for trade purposes. In recent months, some controls have duly been eased. It is now simpler, for example, for individuals to open foreign-currency bank accounts, and for travelers to get hold of foreign exchange. And non-resident Indians have been allowed to take out money acquired through inheritance, or from rents and dividends.  Some commtators have taken all this as a harbinger of full capital-account convertibility. This is not on the cards. The experience of 1991, when India ran out of money, has left the central bank prone to caution—an approach it left was vindicated by the East Asian crisis of 1997-98. With war in irap lomming and a turbulent oil market, some risk aversion is understandable. India’s fiscal deficit—some 10% of GDP and widening—is another reason for moving slowly. Just as one rating agency , Moody’s, is considering upgrading India’s external debt, another, Fitch,has warned that its local-currency rating is under threat. Nor is it certain that opening the capital account would mean a weaker rupee. It might even attract more capital inflows. As India’s exporters are learing, convertibility is a two-way-street.  
The giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto, the troubled car division of the Fiat group. As the early shift trooped home at 2pm on October 9th, the mood was pessimistic. The workers knew that the bosses were meeting union leader later that afternoon in Rome’s to announce 8100 job cuts across the group’s car factories. This is on the top of 3000 job losses announced earlier this year. Workers expect one-third of Mirafiori’s 12000 employee’s to be gone by next July. Fiat says that all but 500 of the total are temporary layoffs, to last about a year. But the morose workers passing through Mirafiori’s gates doubt that the jobs will ever come back, whatever the firm says about new models and future investment.  Fiat Auto will lose around € 1 billion ($987m) this year, wiping out profits in other parts of the group, which makes everything from lorries and tractors to robots. Fiat’s bosses have been in denial for years about the company’s massive overcapacity, the cause of growing losses as sales slumped. Five years ago Fiat Auto made 2.6m cars a year and profits of &#m. Since then it has recorded a loss in every year about one. This year it will produce barely 1.9m cars. Its banks forced a restructuring in May, and the chief executive of its Fiat group parent had to resign a few weeks later.  The pain is bad enough in northern Italy, where unemployment is barely 4%, but it will e felt more elsewhere. The Termini Imerese plant in Sicily is to lay off 1800 workers. Unions say that cuts among suppliers could double the number of people hit. The local official jobless rate is already 18% (though this ignores a lively “informal” economy). This is posing a nasty problem for the government of Silvio Berlusconi, which polled strongly in Sicily but is not inclined to aid troubled firms.  Fiat’s belated willingness to take tough steps to align capacity with demand is down to the group’s new boss, Gabriele Galateri, chosen in June to rescue the firm, which is 30% owned by Agnelli family interests. His aim is to restore credibility, arrest the alarming plunge in the company’s share price and persuade the banks that he is sorting out the Fiat Auto mess, so as to win their support for a further recapitulation.  Closely watching this Italian drama are bosses of General Motors, owners of 20% of Fiat Auto. The Italians have an option to sell the remaining shares to GM from January 2004. GM, which has its own problems in Europe, is desperate for Fiat Auto to sort itself out before it can be forced to take over. Although the Agnelli family patriarch, the ailing 81-year-old Gianni Agnelli, is opposed to such a sale, most analysts expect that Italy’s proudest manufacturing company will end up in American hands.  
  厉害啊  坚持加油啊  我也来学学
这对于意大利北部来说是一件非常痛苦的事情,虽然那里的失业率只有4%,其他的地方可能更严重。在西西里的Termini Tmerese工厂裁员1800人。工会说由于其影响到供应商,也许会使上述两倍的人失业。当地政府的失业率已经18%了。(虽然这忽略了活跃的“非正式”经济)。这给Silvio Berlusconi政府出了一道难题,虽然他在西西里地区的支持率很高,但是他们并没有打算帮助困难公司。  
菲亚特公司迟迟不采取措施来使公司的产需一直,直到六月份,Gabriele Galateri被选为作为公司新老板来拯救公司。Agnelli家族拥有该公司30%的股份。Gabriele Galateri的目标是恢复公司的信誉,防止公司股票令人心惊的下滑趋势,使银行相信他正在扭转菲亚特的混乱局面,以获取银行对将来的改革的支持。  
通用汽车公司也在密切关注意大利的局势,通用拥有菲亚特20%的股份。从2004年一月起,意大利人有一个选择就是把他们保留的股票卖给通用.通用现在在欧洲也有自己的麻烦事了,所以通用非常希望菲亚特能够解决好自己的问题,这样他们就不用被迫去接受。虽然Agnelli家族的族长,81岁的Gianni Agnelli反对将公司卖出去,但是大多数的分析家认为,意大利人引以为豪的制造公司最终将落入美国人之手。  
  作者:执自由1 回复日期: 15:07:10   
    楼主加油!     作者:小鱼mandy 回复日期: 15:48:15   
    踩一脚     作者:小小的偶妮 回复日期: 15:54:11   
    厉害啊    坚持加油啊    我也来学学  ------------------------------------------------------------  谢谢哦~呵呵~大家一起学~~ ^-^
    Richard Evans, a retired lorry driver, and his family were travelling in Spain last summer when their camper van broke down. They left it to be brought back by AA. But customs officers at Dover claimed it was being used for smuggling. They seized the vehicle and all its contents, including 9000 cigarettes and 20 battles of spirits. The van, worth £2), is still impounded. It even took Mr.Evans six months to recover his 90-year-old mother-in-law’s wheelchair.  Under European Union regulations, people may import an unlimited quantity of alcohol and tobacco, so long as it is for their own personal use. Had Mr.Evans been driving his van himself, he would probably have had no trouble. Cases like this are putting Customs and Excise’s considerable powers under scrutiny. A recent stinging High Court judgment about another vehicle seizure said, “the mindset of those determining these policies has not embraced the world of an internal market where excise goods can move freely across internal frontiers.” And , on September 18th, the EU announced that it was giving Britain two months to prove that customs officers were not breaching consumers’ rights to shop freely in Europe. “Cross-border shopping…is a fundamental right under EU law and should not be regarded as a form of tax evasion,” said Frits Bolkestein, the internal market commissioner.  Customs officers have an impossible job. Excise duty and VAT on a pack of premium brand cigarettes account for 79% of the recommended retail selling price of £4.51. An identical pack costs £1.97 in Belgium. One in every five cigarettes smoked in Britain—some 17 billion altogether—has been smuggled. The Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association reckons that 80% of hand-rolling tobacco is smuggled.  The main weapon Customs and Excise has in tacking abuse is to seize cars in which it suspects goods are being smuggled. Guidelines suggest “personal use” can mean only up to 800 cigarettes, for example. Anyone bringing in more can be asked to explain. In the past three years, customs officers have impounded more than 22000 vehicles. Tellingly, only a fifth of seizures are contested, and fewer than 1% of appeals are successful. Officials say the value of cross-channel smuggling has fallen sharply in the past year, from £1.6 billion to £400m.  Some customs officers, though, have clearly been over-zealous. And the recent High Court case ruled that the legislation under which Customs and Excise operates wrongly reverses the burden of proof. The defendant must prove that he is not bringing in tobacco and so forth for a commercial purpose. It also said that customs offers must have “reasonable grounds” for searches: suspicion and instinct are not enough. The government is appealing.  The minister in charge of Customs and Excise, John Healey, accepts that there is an urgent need to respond to questions about the “legitimacy” of the customs regime. But he says the charge that Customs are abusing their powers is wrong: “Customs,” he says, “never stop at random, they never do blanket searches. They always have some ground for stopping people.” Tell that to Mr Evans.  
  Richard Evans是一个退休的卡车司机。去年夏天他和他的家人在西班牙旅游的时候,他们的露营汽车坏了。于是他把车留下让AA公司带回。但是多佛的海关关员们去称其货车被用来走私。他们查封了卡车以及携带的所有货物,包括9000只香烟和20瓶酒。这两价值20000欧元(30800美元)的车现在仍然被扣留着。甚至连拿回Evans先生90岁高龄母亲的专用轮椅都花了他半年的时间。  
按照欧盟的规定,人们可以进口不受限制数量的酒和烟草,如果他们仅仅是用于自己消费的话。如果Evans先生是自己驾驶汽车的话,也许他也不会有这些麻烦。类似的案例使海关税和消费税的强大权利受到人们关注。最近最高法院对另外一起棘手的交通工具扣押案件审理时说:这些政策的制定者们并没有按照欧盟的规据来办事,在欧盟的所有市场里,交了税的货物是可以自由流通的。在12月18日,欧盟通知说:他们将给英国两个月的时间来证明消费税局没有限制消费者在欧盟内可以自由购物的权力。内部市场委员Frits Bolkestein说:跨国购物是欧盟公民的一项基本权力,这项权利不应该被当作逃税行为。  
负责消费税和海关税的部长John Healey同意迫切需要确定海关税局做法的合法性。但是他说对于海关税局的滥用权力的说法是错误的。他说:海关税局绝对不会随便拦截车辆,也绝对不会做地毯式搜查。只有当他们有充足的证据时才会拦停车辆。把这些话去对Evans先生说吧。  
  In the past three years, customs officers have impounded more than 22000 vehicles.   在过去的三年里,海关关员扣押了22000多辆汽车。  PS:这句话怎么没有翻译。。。。
  1.6 billion to £400m  16亿到4亿~   失误~ 。。
    Focus on what you do best. This age-old strategy has worked well for RealNetworks, Microsoft’s main competitor in multimedia software for the internet. Now, the smaller Seattle-based firm is trying a novel way to contain the software giant. On October 29th, it released the underlying recipe, or source-code, of its RealPlayer software and will soon do the same for its other programs—giving away a big chunk of its intellectual property.  This way sound like a desperate echo of 1998, when Netscape, struggling in Microsoft’s chokehold, published the source-code of its web browser (an initiative that yield few real results until this June, when the first serious new version if the open-source browser, Mozilla, was released). Yet RealNetworks is not playing defence. It is trying to encourage the creation of a common multimedia software infrastructure for every kind of file format and device, thus thwarting Microsoft’s ambitions in this promising market.   The firm hopes that others in the industry (volunteer programmers, media firms and hardware makes) will take the code, called Helix DNA, improve it and make it run on new devices, such as mobile phones and home stereos, turning RealNetworks’ software into an industry standard. Clever licensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not splinter and that the firm still makes money.  Individual developers, universities and other non-profit organizations can modify the software as they please, and even redistribute it for free, so long as they also publish the source-code for their changes. This is a sort of payment in kind, for RealNetworks is then allowed to use these contributions. Firms, on the other hand, must pay royalty fees if they distribute more than 1m copies of the code. They also have to make sure that their software works with other Helix DNA products. The software’s development community already has 2000 members. And several hardware makers back the effort. But there are risks. Afraid of piracy, media groups are suspicious of anything that might be related to hackers (although they also do not want to depend on, and pay for, technology controlled by Microsoft). The self-created competition could also hurt RealNetworks if customers decide its commercial products, which will be based on the open source-code but with extra features, are not worth paying extra for.  Realnetworks’ move is another sign that the software industry is going to hybrid. Mixing elements of proprietary software, where the source-code is tightly controlled, with open-source programs enables firms to expand a market, harvest the ideas of others and, they hope, still make money. Even Microsoft is edging this way: it recently announced that partners can now look at—but not modify or reuse—the source-code for Passport, its controversial digital-identity service.  
RealNet公司希望这个行业的其他人(志愿者、媒体公司、硬件制造厂商)能得到这些被称为Helix DNA的源代码,并对这些源代码进行改进,是其能够尽快地在手机、家庭影院等新的设备上运行,是RealNetworks公司的软件能够成为一种工业标准。高明的许可证发放条例应该要能保证这种标准不被分裂,还要保证公司有钱赚。  
个人开发者,学校以及其它非营利组织可以按照他们的喜好任意更改软件,甚至还可以免费发布其更改的软件,只要他们也公开其修改后的源代码。对于RealNetworks来说,这其实是一种实物交换方式,RealNetworks于是就可以使用这些贡献了。另一方面,如果某个公司能够销售100万份以上的源码的话,则必须支付特许经销费。这些公司也不许保证他们开发的软件和其他Helix DNA为源码的软件兼容。软件的开发联盟已经有2000个成员了。有一些硬件厂商也支持这项计划。但是还是有风险。由于担心盗版,媒体方面对任何可能和黑客产生关系的事情持怀疑态度(虽然他们也不想依靠,而且付钱给控制技术的微软)。自行创造也可能伤害RealNetworks,如果消费者想用基于开放的源代码作为商业软件,并且在软件上面附有其他额外的功能,那么其他额外的功能将没有价值.  
  Focus on what you do best.  集中精力做好你最拿手的事情。  On October 29th  在九月二十九号。  The self-created competition could also hurt RealNetworks if customers decide its commercial products, which will be based on the open source-code but with extra features, are not worth paying extra for.  自我制造的竞争也可能伤害RealNetworks,如果客户认为不值得为以开放源代码为基础但具有极佳特点的产品额外付钱的话。
  Realnetworks’ move is another sign that the software industry is going to hybrid  Realnetworks公司的举动表明了另一种迹象,即软件业混合发展模式依然盛行。  Mixing elements of proprietary software, where the source-code is tightly controlled, with open-source programs enables firms to expand a market, harvest the ideas of others and, they hope, still make money.  把那些源代码受到严格控制的专有软件成分与开放源代码程序加以组合能拓展市场,集思广益,并且--他们希望--仍可能赚钱。
  Even Microsoft is edging this way  就连微软也在小心翼翼的尝试这种方法。
    The government is desperate to sell the most troubled of South Korea’s big companies to foreigners. This, ministers believe, is the best way to accelerate the corporate restructuring begun in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, and to clear the way for more sustainable economic growth. This week, after months of no-off talks with foreign suitors, the government’s plans moved a big step forward, and then an equally big step back.  On April 30th General Motors (GM) signed a contract to buy the bankrupt Daewoo Motor. But on the same day, the board of Hynix, a cash-strapped memory-chip giant, shocked the markets by rejecting a proposed takeover by Micron Technology, an American competitor. Micron had offered to pay about $3.4 billion for Hynix’s core memory business, and to take a minority stake in the non-memory arm. Analysts predict that the government will put pressure on creditors to rescue a deal with Micron or seek a new buyer, as liquidation is too risky to contemplate in an election year.  GM’s deal with Daewoo Motor marks the end of an even longer and more painful process. Ford almost brought the car maker two years ago, but pulled out after deciding that Daewoo would be too hard to turn round. GM had been talking with Daewoo for over a year. It has agreed to buy two of the company’s four domestic car plants, a factory in Vietnam, a parts unit in the Netherlands and nine overseassales
arms (all in Europe expect one, in Puerto Rico of all places). Between them, the two domestic factories can churn out a combined 530000 cars and 30000 commercial vehicle a year.  GM has struck a good deal. Together with various undisclosed partners, it will hold a 67% stake in a new company, tentatively named GM-Daewoo. The American car maker will pay $251m for its own stake of 42%, but it will also assume $573m of Daewoo Motor’s debts. The acquisition is a key part of GM’s global expansion. The company has been trying to strength its foothold in Asia for some time. Buying a presence in South Korea was seen as particularly urgent, since import account for only 3% of the 1.5m cars sold in the country each year. GM hopes to use Daewoo’s production lines to make budget cars that will he sold under the Daewoo brand in most markets.  But GM has much work to do to rebuild Daewoo’s damaged brand image and domestic market share, which hovers around 10% after reaching a high of 37% in 1998. GM has to fill holes in product lines by British subsidiary, and chief-executive-designate of GM-Daewoo now that he has sealed the deal. His management team can expect trouble from South Korea’s aggressive unions along the way. In a sign of things to come, the signing ceremony was moved to a secret location after a group of union activists occupied the hotel where it was due to take place.  
  作者:西索梦 回复日期: 22:30:34   
    先顶一个!  ------------------------------------------------------------  谢谢哦~ 呵呵~  希望大家共勉~  
  我的MSN是  最近我准备参加2007年6月的PETS5 也就是WSK考试~呵呵~大家一起学习啊~正常上班时间我基本上都在。  ^6^
  GM has to fill holes in product lines by British subsidiary, and chief-executive-designate of GM-Daewoo now that he has sealed the deal. His management team can expect trouble from South Korea’s aggressive unions along the way.  -----------------------------------  上面这句话打掉了点点。该是如下面的  -----------------------------------  GM has to fill holes in product lines by introducing sport-utility and multi-purpose vehicles, says Nick Reilly, former chief executive of Vauxhall, GM’s British subsidiary, and chief-executive-designate of GM-Daewoo now that he has sealed the deal.
通用收购了Daewoo Motor标志着长时间痛苦的结束。福特汽车两年以前几乎就要买到这家公司,当得出了Daewoo公司很难起死回生这个决定后,他们放弃了。通用和Daewoo的谈判持续了一年。通用同意购买Daewoo四家国内汽车制造厂中的两家,一家在越南的工厂,荷兰地一家组装公司以及几个海外销售公司(除了一个在波多黎各外,它全部在欧洲)。通过这些,两家国内工厂一年可以生产530000两组装车和30000辆商用车。  
  Here’s the scary thing about the identity-theft ring that the feds cracked last week: there was nothing any of its estimated 40000 victims could have done to prevent it from happening. This was an inside job, according to court documents. A lowly help-desk worker at Teledata Communications, a software firm that helps banks access credit reports online, allegedly stole passwords for those reports and sold them to a group of 20 thieves at $60 a pop. That allowed the gang to cherry-pick consumers with good credit and apply for all kinds of accounts in their names. Cost to the victims: $3 million and rising.  Even scarier is that this, the largest identity-theft bust to date, is just a drop in the bit bucket. More than 700000 Americans have their credit hijacked every year. It’s one of crime’s biggest growth markets. A name, address and Social Security number-which can often be found on the Web—is all anybody needs to apply for a bogus line of credit. Credit companies make $1.3 trillion annually and lose less than 2% of that reve}


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