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原标题:特朗普顾问敦促美国共和党高层团结在其身后在媒体互动环节,严介和坦诚地回答了各方记者的提问。在回答记者关于太平洋建设如何以PPP模式精准扶贫湘西时,严介和表示,太平洋建设将根据湘西各个贫困县、市的实际情况,因地制宜、区别对待,并协同华佗论箭组委会五经系统各平台共同助推湘西脱贫攻坚战。太平洋建设将进湘西门,做湘西人,说湘西话,做湘西事,尽湘西责,全力以赴助推湘西脱贫攻坚。据Brand Finance公司统计,每年皇室都会用巨额皇室资金来充盈英国国库。仅2015年一年,英国皇室就贡献了16.4亿美元。而据统计,英国皇室的总资产值可能会超过830亿美元,在市场上也是一个“庞然大物”。2015年8月哈萨克斯坦总检察长办公室曾提议将恋童癖者进行阉割,这种过激提议的出现是由于该国针对未成年人的暴力犯罪事件激增。此外,此前的18人失踪已经被修正为8人失踪。原标题:抗议中国军机南海救人?五角大楼发言人:西方媒体炒作!论坛举办当天,国内首个以“关注个性、尊重个性、保护个性”为主题,以“炼志铸强”为宗旨的“华佗论箭个性奖学金”巡回颁奖典礼2016年首站在湘西隆重举行,200名兼具“个性、聪明、善良、勤奋、健美”的湘西个性学子每人获得1万元个性奖学金。
在本次活动前夕,严介和曾应邀赴株洲市为当地市委、市政府领导班子700余人做“新常态下中部城市如何实现转型发展”主题演讲。严介和深入剖析了国家经济发展新常态的必然性,提出株洲政府要依靠市场发展城镇基础设施建设的全新理念,城镇化重在“镇”而非“城”,鼓励株洲要用工业化助推城市化,以城镇化引领产业化。从湖南的最东部株洲到最西部湘西,太平洋建设正在以自身PPP模式上的比较优势全力助推湖南脱贫攻坚。红网永州站4月22日讯(通讯员 唐胜蓝 唐志明)在冷水滩区建设路,经常有门店出店经营、流动摊担占用人行道、机动车道经营、摩托车维修店占道修车等问题发生,影响该路段正常市容、交通秩序。为恢复该处市容、交通秩序,加强国卫管理和创交模、创文明城市工作,4月20-21日,市城管执法局直属大队、冷水滩区城管执法局梅湾大队联合开展了市容、交通秩序整治专项行动,共出动执法力量40余人次,清理流动摊担10余起,规范门店经营10余家,暂扣占道经营物资20余件,暂扣占道经营三轮摩托车一辆。国际在线专稿:据韩国“纽西斯通讯社”4月22日报道,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩今年依旧被美国《时代周刊》评为“全球一百位最具影响力人物”之一,这已是金正恩连续六年登上《时代周刊》的“百人榜”名单。同时,暖流电影公司将致力于电影院线和影迷文化传播,整合各个城市落地资源,与各地政府和地产开发商合作打造电影生活综合体,建立覆盖全国100多个城市地区的“暖流”影迷俱乐部,结合线上线下资源,传播影评文化,使“暖流”成为第三方服务提供商。国际在线专稿:据英国《金融时报》4月21日报道,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯?科米(James Comey)周四在伦敦出席阿斯本安全论坛时表示,为解锁加州枪击案嫌犯的苹果手机,“FBI支付给第三方机构的费用超过自己剩余任期即7年4个月的工资总和”。留还是不留?由英国《每日邮报》和独立电视台发起的最新民意调查显示,51%的投票者表示支持英国留欧,40%的投票者支持脱欧,还有9%的人尚未决定。留还是不留?由英国《每日邮报》和独立电视台发起的最新民意调查显示,51%的投票者表示支持英国留欧,40%的投票者支持脱欧,还有9%的人尚未决定。
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(责任编辑:养话锗)What is amoebic dysentery?There are several different species of amoebae, but the most dangerous, such as Entamoeba histolytica, live predominantly in tropical areas.These species are able to burrow through the intestinal wall and spread through the bloodstream to infect other organs, such as the liver, lungs and brain.
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Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) is an infection of the intestine (gut) caused by an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica that, among other things, can cause
with blood. But it may cause milder chronic symptoms of: frequent loose stools abdominal pain cramps fatigue intermittent
diarrhoea with abdominal swelling
Amoebae are parasites that are found in contaminated food or drink. They enter the body through the mouth when the contaminated food or drink is swallowed. The amoebae are then able to move through the digestive system and take up residence in the intestine and cause an infection. How do you get amoebic dysentery? Entamoeba histolytica can exist in two forms in contaminated food and drink:
as free amoebae (known as 'trophozoites')
as infective cysts, which are a group of amoebae surrounded by a protective wall, that have been passed (excreted) in the carrier's faeces (human or animal). If you swallow contaminated food that contains the free amoebae (trophozoites), hardly anything is likely to happen because they usually die in the stomach on account of its acidity. On the other hand, cysts are particularly resistant to the acidic contents of the stomach, and food contaminated with cysts represents a genuine risk of infection. When the cysts reach the intestine of another person, the individual amoebae are released from the cysts and are able to cause infection. Amoebic dysentery is passed on by careless or negligent hygiene, where contaminated food and drink is consumed without adequate heat treatment. Salads washed with contaminated water are a common method of spread. What does amoebic dysentery feel like? Amoebic dysentery may not demonstrate any symptoms for long periods of time (months, even years). But infected individuals still excrete cysts and, consequently, infect their surroundings.
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When the amoebae attack, they damage the walls of the large intestine – causing ulceration and subsequent bleeding. The milder symptoms of this are:
stomach cramps (colic) painful passage of stools (tenesmus) bloody, slimy diarrhoea that's often foul smelling.
But the course of the disease can become complicated and alter radically if the amoebae break through the intestinal wall and its lining (peritoneum), causing peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). The amoebae may be transported via the blood to the liver and other organs and usually do NOT give rise to a high temperature (this can be useful ie bloody diarrhoea with a fever suggests a bacterial infection) and a seriously debilitated condition. In the long term, the amoebae can, among other things, form enormous cysts in the liver and other organs, which sometimes may only be discovered on investigation by a doctor for other conditions, such as unexplained weight loss or illness. What can you do to help yourself?In practice, the only way to avoid infection with amoebic cysts is to ensure that everything you eat or drink has been washed or sterilised properly and cooked thoroughly.Drinking
can be made safe in two ways: by boiling it for 10 to 15 minutes (a little longer at high altitudes), and then cooling it rapidly and keeping it covered by adding water-purifying tablets and then leaving the mixture to stand for at least 15 minutes before use by using a filtration device such as Aquapure Traveller (combined ceramic and chemical filters) or&. Chemical methods of sterilisation do not, however, guarantee complete destruction of all possible harmful organisms.
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Foods to avoid include salads, unpeeled fruit and ice cream. Ice cubes may also have been made with contaminated water. So, avoid having drinks that contain ice cubes, unless you're certain that the water used to make them has been sterilised. DiagnosisAnyone who develops bloody diarrhoea should see a doctor as soon as possible and ensure that they tell the doctor they have been travelling in the tropics, as amoebic dysentery doesn't normally occur in the UK. In the presence of the classic symptoms of amoebic dysentery, the diagnosis can often be made by means of a stool analysis. Bloody diarrhoea is seen in many other illnesses, but in tropical areas the diagnosis will typically be either amoebic dysentery or shigellosis (bacillary dysentery which is caused by bacteria and more likely associated with a fever) &– so if you're hot its NOT amoeba).TreatmentAmoebic dysentery is treated with
or . A problem arises in that some of the parasites will not respond to treatment and the medicines required to totally get rid of the disease after the above treatment are not readily available (ie Paromomycin or ). Complications, such as perforation of the intestinal wall or the presence of abscesses within the body's organs, require specialist hospital treatment. In an emergency for instance, if you have bloody diarrhoea and are on holiday in the tropics and cannot get medical help: you can treat yourself with metronidazole, eg two 400mg tablets, three times a day for five days. This is the dose for adults who are neither
nor . It's important to avoid drinking alcohol during treatment. Even if you have to treat yourself, it's important to see a doctor to ensure that the treatment has been truly effective.
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UK General Practitioners are not supposed to provide NHS prescriptions for travellers away for longer than three months. As metronidazole requires a prescription, you could ask your own doctor or travel clinic to write a private prescription in advance if you know that you will be travelling to remote tropical areas where access to a doctor or hospital may be difficult. Such prescriptions need to be issued privately, ie the cost of the drug has to be paid in full to the pharmacist. Based on a text by Kai Tullin, GP Last updated 10.06.2015
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