finalcutpro7音频波纹 cut pro x 的波纹删除在哪

&&&&&&&&&&&&Final Cut Pro X Effects 内置效果详解教程全集(来自Larry Jordan) | FCPX资源站
Final Cut Pro X 作为苹果电脑上一款出色的剪辑软件,因独特的操作模式备受关注,也受到了后期工作者的喜爱,
新版本的 Final Cut Pro X 10.1 软件,一些新的定义,新的布局,使得软件更加的专业,
此教程将使用Final Cut Pro X 10.1 软件,通过一些实例详细的讲解软件自带的功能和效果特效,
如:视频特效,音频特效,转场,抠像,文字制作,色彩校正,变速操作 等等,
废话:&Final Cut Pro X 仅仅是一款剪辑软件,如果想制作更加丰富和专业的特效,大脸建议还是使用特效合成软件比较稳妥。
Final Cut Pro X v.10.1 is a major new update from Apple. So, we went back to the drawing board and totally redesigned all our video training. All new movies with all new training. More focused. More complete. Yet, with our trademark conversational approach, in-depth coverage and sense of humor.
教程名字:Final Cut Pro X 10.1 & Effects
教程出处:Larry Jordan
教程软件:Final Cut Pro X 10.1(英文版)
1 WELCOME (TRT: 8:00)&& 教程观看
01.01 Training Overview&&&&&& & 教程介绍
01.02 Effects Interface Basics&&& &特效基础知识
2 THEMES AND GENERATORS (TRT: 27:06)&& 主题和发生器
02.01 Chapter Overview&&& 知识概述
02.02 Themes&&&&& FCPX主题(也称模板)介绍
02.03 Generators&&&&& FCPX发生器介绍
02.04 Specific Generator Examples&& 发生器实例讲解
3 TEXT and TITLES (TRT: 48:00)& 文字和标题
03.01 Chapter Overview&&&&& 知识概述
03.02 Add, Modify, and Remove Titles&&& 标题的操作
03.03 Modify Title Text and Styling Using the Inspector&&& 修改标题文本样式
03.04 Modify Title Animation Using the Inspector&& 修改标题动画
03.05 Find and Replace Text in Titles&&&&& 查找和替换文本标题
03.06 Modify Final Cut Titles Using Motion 5&&&& 使用Motion 5修改文本标题
04.01 Chapter Overview&& 知识讲解
04.02 Transform Effects&&& &转场特效讲解
04.03 Animate Using Keyframes&&& 使用关键帧
04.04 Trim and Crop&&&&&& 修剪和裁剪
04.05 Distort an Image&&&&& & 图像扭曲操作
04.06 Stabilize an Image&&&& &视频稳定操作
04.07 Correct for Rolling Shutter&&&&& 正确使用效果
04.08 Opacity and Blend Modes&&&& 透明度和混合模式操作
5 WORKING WITH STILLS (TRT: 42:30) 图像处理效果
05.01 Chapter Overview&&&&& 知识讲解
05.02 Spatial Conform and Rate Conform&&&& 空间讲解
05.03 Create a Picture-in-Picture Effect&&& 创建图片画面特效
05.04 &Ken Burns& Effect&&& 使用Ken Burns特效
05.05 Animate Stills Using Keyframes&&& 制作关键帧动画
05.06 Layered Photoshop Images&&& PS图像的处理
06.01 Chapter Overview&& 知识点概述
06.02 Freeze Frames and Hold Frames&&&& 冻结帧的讲解
06.03 Constant Speed Changes&& 匀速效果制作
06.04 Variable Speed Changes&&&& 变速效果制作
06.05 The Retime Menu & and Other Speed Effects&&& 速度的控制
7 KEYING (TRT: 36:48)& 抠像
07.01 Chapter Overview&&& 知识点概述
07.02 Luma Key&&& 亮度键抠像
07.03 Alpha Channel Key&& 通道抠像
07.04 Chroma Key&& 色度键抠像
07.05 Masks&&&& 自定义区域抠像
8 COLOR CORRECTION (TRT: 1:58:12)& 色彩校正
08.01 Chapter Overview&& 知识点概述
08.02 Create a Mood with Looks&& 创建一个效果
08.03 Automatic Color Analysis and Correction& 色彩分析和校正
08.04 The Video Scopes& 色彩范围讲解
08.05 The Color Board&& 彩色板的认识
08.06 Manual Color Correction&& 手动调色
08.07 Color Correct Faces&& 给面部调色
08.08 Create and Save Color Presets& 制作色彩预设
08.09 Color and Shape Masks& 颜色和局部区域选择
08.10 Keyframe a Shape Mask&& 关键帧动画的形状区域
08.11 Create the &Pleasantville& Effect&& 制作&Pleasantville 效果
08.12 Use Broadcast Safe to Protect White Levels&& 广播级颜色讲解
09.01 Chapter Overview&知识点讲解
09.02 Blur a Background Image&& 模糊效果直走
09.03 Use Generators with Text& 利用发生器制作文字效果
09.04 Hide Someone&s Face& 隐藏特效
09.05 Vignette and Spotlight&&& 聚光灯效果
09.06 Create a &Bad Film& Look&& 老电影效果制作
09.07 Copy/Paste Attributes and Effects&& 复制和粘贴特效属性
09.08 Add and Modify the Drop Shadow Effect&&& 阴影效果制作
09.09 Rotate the &Ken Burns Effect&&&& 旋转的Ken Burns 效果
09.10 Deinterlace a Clip&& 剪辑处理
09.11 Export Video with Transparency&& 视频透明度
09.12 Modify a Transition in Motion 5& 在Motion 5中制作转场效果
10.01 Chapter Overview& 知识点讲解
10.02 Change the Pan of an Audio Clip& 音频的处理
10.03 Match Audio Between Clips&& 音频的剪辑
10.04 Warm a Voice or Add Clarity Using EQ&& 音频特效
10.05 Save and Access Audio Presets&&& 制作音频预设
10.06 Disguise a Voice&& 制作一个失真音频效果
10.07 Create a Telephone Effec& 制作一个电话音频效果
t 10.08 Add &Space& with Reverb 添加音频混响
10.09 Blend Music with Voice using Channel EQ&& 均衡器的使用
1010 Automatically Adjust Levels Using the Limiter Effect&& 自动音频效果
11 THAT&S A WRAP (TRT: 1:39)结束
11.01 Good-bye& 再见
在这期教程中主要讲解介绍 Final Cut Pro X 10.4 软件的新功能和新特性,学习如何加快你的工作流程,以全新颜色校正方式和创建VR全景3...
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你有没有好奇到底Final Cut Pro X能做什么?听说过它独特的编辑模式,它引起了这么大的争议。在这个教程中,Final Cut Pro X专业基础视频教程...新版Final Cut Pro X的优缺点分析!
#设备体验# 这是EOSHD做的一个关于Final Cut Pro X的分析,和大家一起来具体谈谈这个苹果的突破作FCPX。 ps:蹩脚翻译,接受各种拍砖!专有名词太多,请各位多多指教T.T 优势当程序不在运行时,打开一个工程文件,FCPX有256MB的内存的覆盖区域。而Adobe仅Flash播放器的Safari插件就要使用512MB内存,那只是一个的网页广告横幅动画插件。对于FCPX这么一个复杂的软件,这是内存有效利用表现。似乎苹果的年轻工程师们更喜欢研究这些新的技术,而不是对传统FCP 7和XML的延续。在FCPX编辑AVCHD不像在CS5.5上那么方便,但它会被快速转码成H.264,除非该项目是ProRes或XDCAM。这些文件会被存储在硬盘的目录上。你可以共享raw文件。视频输出选项内置于FCPX中,大大简化了FCPX。而更先进的编码功能现在都在Compressor 4上。FCPX目前仍然有许多错误。比如不能从时间线中导出全分辨率的JPEG图像。还有人抱怨“工具栏”中少了素材管理器导致无法整理剪下来的素材到文件夹。当然你可以创建一个新的事件,并拖动素材到里面,并用关键词重新命名,只要你愿意。
如果你不喜欢片段缩略图,需要更多的空间修剪它们后再将它添加时间线,你可以切换到列表视图,让你更广阔的空间剪辑和修整,以及更详细列表形式展现视频信息。 你可以很快地从FCPX的一堆长镜头中找到自己所需要的,更直观,更直接,更快捷了很多。但是一些FCP7的视频操控项现在都没了,一些人应该会想念他们的。 新的时间表有一个窗口以指数形式显示所有的或特定的素材,让你在你的时间线上更快地找到某些素材。点击标题标签筛选,索引标题,点击标题直接跳转到它所在时间轴上,并允许快速进行编辑访问。您还可以通过标记关键字将素材用标签形式在列表中组织起来。 FCPX不具有保存功能——没有Apple & S. 所以不可以拆分项目并保存一个副本,你可以复制项目。但它会为你保存当你Mac崩溃或是失去电源而丢失的项目。 那FCPX到底给了我们一个什么呢?更多对它内在的想象,少些表面文章? 缺点 时间线和用户界面的改进其实并不重要,相反它是相当限制的。时间轴间隙现在看起来像一段一段的,如果你删除一个空隙时间线会填补它,移动整体视频剪辑,而分离的音轨却没有同步。 不支持变形和不兼容AVCHD 1080/60格式,让人不得不买的应用程序。尽管苹果公司在其新闻稿中说FCPX支持解决独立编辑,但事实上你不可能选择一个专门定制的方案去做变形画面的剪辑。 而在整个应用程序中唯一提及宽高比选择的是一个标准DV预设项。您可以选择标准16:9 1080p甚至2K和4K宽高比,解决一些低分辨率的网络素材、不标准的工程文件,但你不能自定义设置变形的宽高比分辨率,像3.55:1(),甚至不能在FCPX里自定义分辨率导出视频(如H.264经过裁切而失去了黑边) 为此,您需要使用Compressor 4。
(图为:Compressor 4) 在这里,你可以看到很多奇怪的编码预设,不属于苹果的或ProRes的编解码器LT,如ProRes 422和422多种代替品。您可以创建自己的自定义预设,然后选择任何你喜欢的视频编解码器。你可得到HTTP直播预置以及VIMEO和YouTube推荐的设置。Compressor也有支持隔拍摄的图像排序功能。由于编码和导出选项FCPX的基础,Compressor 4是几乎每个人都必买,尤其是如果你需要改变视频宽高比。
HX9v与FCPX 影片是他用索尼HX9v以AVCHD格式拍摄的,现在甚至不能在导入媒体窗口显示。虽已经找到了破解可以导入HX9v素材,通过将raw MTS文件复制到GH2 AVCHD MTS目录中。结果它导入了一半,就发送了错误报告!可怜。 HX9v是一款消费级相机,因此它不仅是专业人士恼火的点。Premiere CS5.5做这些则非常快,具备了编辑AVCHD原生素材的能力。 感谢RichST,一个EOSHD读者,他已经找到了迅速改变AVCHD,变成一个老MPEG 4的解决方案。这可能有助于在FCPX中编辑1080/60P 和在Compressor 4中将AVCHD的将素材转换成ProRes。但它仍然不如在Premiere CS5.5中编辑AVCHD简单、快速。 总结: FCPX试图抓住两个明显非常不同的群体:消费者和专业人士。 除了简化,速度快和摄像机导入窗口,苹果还支持4K。也许这是一个暗示,在未来几年4K将会普及。不过,虽然苹果支持4K,但他们没有支持REDcode。当然,它还有很多这样类似的矛盾。 苹果公司已经成功地捕捉了业余爱好者和更大的部分专业用户,并以低得多的价格从而降低了盗版的规模。 问题是,它还丢掉许多优势。
参考翻译:Pros (ironic title huh?)   Whilst running idly with a full project opened, FCPX has a RAM footprint of just 256MB. Adobe’s bloatware Flash Player plugin for Safari was using 512MB. Yes – for a mere webpage plugin for animated ad banners. That is incredibly effective use of RAM by a piece of software as complex as FCPX. It gives signs of what technical achievements have been made under the bonnet and I have a feeling Apple’s young engineers were more enamoured with achieving this than working with pros to implement support for legacy FCP7 projects and XML.
Editing AVCHD in FCPX is not native like in CS5.5 but it transcodes unbelievably quickly to H.264 unless the project is specifically set to ProRes or XDCAM. Those files are stored in a directory on your drive. You can then share the raw files with other editors. In many ways FCPX ‘just works’.
Media export options built into FCPX are vastly simplified over FCPX but again, just work. More advanced encoding features are now all in Compressor 4, which maintains a good level of functionality relative to the last version.
There’s still a lot of mis-information out there. I heard someone saying that you couldn’t export a JPEG still frame in full resolution from your timeline. I heard a lot of complains that ‘bins’ were gone from the media manager and that you can’t organise clips into folders “like having no Finder on Mac OSX just spotlight!”. Yes you can – just create a new event and drag the media into it, and rename the event bin however you like.
I prefer the event library to the old media manager in FCPX. If you dislike the thumbnail view of clips and need more room to trim clips before adding them to the timeline, you can switch to a list view which gives you a wider area to scrub over the clip and trim, as well as more detailed information about your media in list form.
I find it much quicker to locate the shots I need from a ton of footage in FCPX, because scrubbing is more intuitive, more direct and a lot quicker. But some of the video scrubbing controls from FCP7 are now missing. Do I miss them? Not personally but some might.
The new timeline has a clip index window with tabs to show all or specific kinds of media in a index form, allowing you to quicker find certain media in your timeline. This is particularly useful for finding titles. Clicking the titles tab filters all but titles in the index and clicking the title jumps to it on the timeline and allows quicker access for editing it. You can also organise media in this list by tagging media with keywords and showing the results by tag.
FCPX does not have a Save function – no more Apple & S. To branch off a project and maintain a copy, you can do Duplicate Project, but other than that it saves as you go to prevent you from ever losing work if your Mac crashes or you lose power.
So what has FCPX really given us at the end? A lot of fancy under the bonnet stuff, and less on the surface?
I feel that the magnetic timeline and other user interface improvements are in the end not that significant and in fact quite limiting. Gaps on the timeline now behave like clips, and if you delete a gap the timeline collapses to fill it, shifting clips out of sync with a separate audio track.
Anamorphic support and compatibility with the AVCHD 1080/60p of my Sony HX9v does not exist in FCPX and I had to buy the app to find this out. There’s no trial and despite Apple saying on their press release that FCPX supports resolution independent editing, you cannot in fact choose a custom resolution for anamorphic editing.
The only mention of anamorphic aspect ratios in the whole app is for a standard definition DV preset. You can select standard 16:9 1080p and even 2K and 4K aspect ratios and resolutions for the project and some non-standard resolutions for low resolution web-clip editing, but you cannot set custom resolutions for anamorphic aspect ratios like 3.55:1 () or even export video at custom resolutions within FCPX (like a H.264 with a crop to lose the black bands).
For this you need to use Compressor 4.
Compressor 4
Here you get a lot of encoding presets but curiously not Apple Intermediate Codec or Prores LT, just ProRes 422 and it’s 422 Proxy variety. You can create your own custom preset and select whatever video codec you like though.
You get HTTP live streaming presets as well as recommended settings for Vimeo and YouTube.
Compressor 4
Compressor also has the Image Sequence support for timelapses that Apple removed from Quicktime when it went from Pro to X.
Since encoding and export options are so basic in FCPX, Compressor 4 is a must-buy for almost everyone especially if you need the anamorphic aspect ratio support.
HX9v woes in FCPX
Footage shot with my Sony HX9v in AVCHD doesn’t even show media in the import window. I’ve found a hack to import the HX9v footage by copying the raw MTS files into a GH2 AVCHD directory. And then it imported half successfully and delivered an error message on the rest! Pitiful.
The HX9v is a consumer camera, so it’s not only the pros who are going to be annoyed at this. More worryingly for FCPX is that the all singing all dancing performance deserted the app with the 1080/60p footage that I did manage to import from the HX9v. Premiere CS5.5 was quicker with it, and that’s editing AVCHD natively.
Thanks for RichST, an EOSHD reader, he has found a workaround for stripping the AVCHD wrapper off media instantly, turning into good old MPEG 4. I’ll have more this week about this, and it may help 1080/60p editing in FCPX to strip the AVCHD wrapper and convert the footage to ProRes in Compressor 4. But it’s still not as quick or as simple as editing AVCHD in Premiere CS5.5.
Concluding Part II
FCPX attempts to capture two such very distinct different needs, those of the consumer and those of the pro.
Alongside simplification, speed and a camera import window that defaults to your webcam, Apple have 4K support. Maybe it’s a sign that 4K is going consumer, as it undoubtably will do in the coming years. But whilst Apple have 4K support, they don’t have support for REDCode, so who on earth is the 4K support for? You see the contradiction here – and there are many similar ones.
Apple have succeeded in capturing a much larger section of amateurs and prosumers and at a much lower price point that reduces the scale of piracy we’ve seen before in this market.
The problem is, they are going to lose a hell of a lot of pros to Adobe.
Yes FCPX is forward facing, it heralds the future first and Apple did the same with the iPhone, the iPad and iTunes whilst the rest put out Nokias, netbooks and CDs. But that was in the consumer market, where Apple excel. Is the pro video industry really ready to shift to this shiny new editing package when so many crucial things are lacking? No.
Is Apple now firmly a consumer-only company, who have pulled out of the pro software market? It certainly looks that way.
Perhaps Steve should make recapturing the pros a bigger priority than the Turner Family and the Summer Vacation?
17:23:37 Final Cut Pro X用的多吗?
22:23:59 谁用谁倒霉,用过几次直接删了
13:24:25 试着用它剪辑了一个博物馆的宣传片。还没适应。
16:48:12 用fcpx太多不可预测的问题,求助苹果中国客服人家根本不理我。比如添加了7类关键字大概2000个镜头时,有的关键字就会打不开
15:02:52 ======================================
@元气弹 :谁用谁倒霉,用过几次直接删了
有同感,至今搞不明白Final Cut Pro X为什么娇贵的动不动就罢工。剪了3部片子,到后来没一部能完整的、痛快的、利索的完成。都是最后打不开工程文件,可气的是没有任何提示错误在哪里?
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