Do you shoot em up

One of the hardest things for me to do is to say "goodbye".& I had my retirement lunch Friday for being with the Telecommunications Department for Hamilton County government after a little over 10 years. My last day is this Tuesday, the 24th.&
To some, it doesn't make any difference, but to me, from working on televisions in the 70s, on Oscilloscopes for Tektronics, ...
All of us who marvel at the sound of bagpipes at a funeral realize the majesty that people like piper Scottie Maclellan can lend to any “homecoming” and for years there has been a wonderful tale out of Nova Scotia that leads this week’s parade of The&
&Funnies. Mind you, I do not write these stories, as many who have followed man’s laughter down through the ...
A man who killed four people and injured two others at a Waffle House near Nashville on Sunday morning is still on the loose and has been added to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's ‘Top 10 Most Wanted’ list.
He was identified as Travis Reinking, 29, of Morton, Ill., was arrested last year when he was in a restricted area at the White House in Washington, D.C.
Reinking ...
Hamilton County Sheriff deputies caught up with a Dayton teen who drove off at a high rate of speed on Highway 60 on Sunday afternoon. A passenger in the vehicle was caught with drugs.
At approximately&
, deputies observed a white Chrysler 200 traveling south in the 7800 block of Highway 60 at a high rate of speed. The driver was improperly&passing other vehicles ...
Veteran coach David Conrady will take over as the McCallie Blue Tornado varsity basketball coach for the
season, bringing an experienced leader and motivator to the Ridge to lead the Blue Tornado basketball program, school officials said.
Conrady, who comes to McCallie from Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas, replaces John Shulman, who left McCallie following ...
Jasmine Brown, GPS Class of 2009, has been named the varsity head coach at Girls Preparatory School. Her experience as a GPS student-athlete, NCAA Division I volleyball player, high school coach, K2 Volleyball Club head coach, and Division I college coach gives her a wealth of skill and understanding to help her thrive in her new position, school officials said.
“I am really ...
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What Would You Shoot?
The USGA Course Rating System(TM) is a component of the USGA Handicap System(TM) and ensures that a Handicap Index(R) is portable to other courses around the world. Throughout the 2017 Championship Season, use this tool to calculate a “Target Score” on one of these remarkable courses.
Share Your Target Score With Your Friends & Family
To ensure that the USGA Course Rating System promotes equity, courses are accurately measured and corrected for factors that affect the measured length (called the “Effective Playing Length”), which are roll, elevation changes, dogleg/forced lay ups, wind and altitude. In addition to the effective playing length, 10 obstacles are evaluated. The combination of the effective playing length and the 10 obstacle factors form the USGA Course Rating(TM) and Slope Rating(R). The course rating process is based on expected outcomes from two model golfers, the scratch (USGA Course Rating) and bogey (Bogey Rating) golfer, for men and women, not best- and worst-case scenarios, and the difference between those two values is the Slope Rating.
A Handicap Index can range from the plus side (i.e., extremely good players—e.g., +5.0) to 36.4 (men) or 40.4 (women), and is a portable number that can be converted to a Course Handicap(TM) for any course and any set of tees based on that tee’s Slope Rating. The phrase &Target Score& references the concept of playing to one’s Handicap Index. To calculate a Target Score, add the USGA Course Rating (rounded) to the Course Handicap. The average score, when the Target Score isn’t achieved, will be 2-4 strokes higher than this Target Score. It’s worth noting you’re only expected to play to your handicap about 20% of the time—it’s a number based on potential ability.
Note: This promotion is for illustrative purposes only, and provides the Ratings for the predominant gender of the Championship. For example, the U.S. Open and U.S. Women’s Open Championship Ratings are 78.4/147 (men’s ratings) & 80.4/153 (women’s ratings), respectively. Men and women can use this fun and engaging tool for any example provided but as noted the course rating process is handled differently for men and women. See “” of “T” for further information.
Thanks for your support of USGA Championships, the USGA Members Program, and the USGA Course Rating/Handicap Systems!After You Shoot by Alan Korwin
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convict yourself&
Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what?
The biggest problem in American self defense comes to light.
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Dial 911 and fry.
You&re gasping for air. You&ve just stopped a would-be murderer cold with your sidearm&four rounds to the chest. Do you have the right to remain silent? Then why would you immediately dial 911 and talk into a police voice recorder? How do you make that call and stand on the advice that says, &Don&t say anything&?
After You Shoot, the new book by Alan Korwin answers these life-or-death questions. After you shoot in self defense, you face a possible murder trial. Even if you're completely innocent. And that may be a bigger risk to you than the would-be killer you just stopped.
According to criminal-defense attorneys, half of all convictions for self-defense incidents rely on frantic traumatized 911 tapes. As a bonus, the media will air your voice nationwide for weeks. That can&t be right.
Do you have the right to an attorney during questioning? What about Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination? Can you call 911 and protect yourself?
You cannot. When you call 911 after saving your life with gunfire, you are giving up the crucial life-saving rights you think you have. And that&s wrong.
The dangerous snare of 911 recordings is built right into our American self-defense system&and nobody has looked at it hard&until now.
After You Shoot lights up this overlooked problem and provides common-sense, workable solutions to these horrors&vicious traps that threaten every gun owner and innocent crime victim in America. If you have a gun for self defense, find out how you should protect yourself&After You Shoot.
Order your copy today.
Don't risk having a gun&
and being savaged by the system After You Shoot.
AFTER YOU SHOOT, by Alan Korwin, only $14.95
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Guns and ammo are only half the self-defense formula.
This book is as important as the gun that saves your life.
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Self Defense:
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After You Shoot
is my 13th book, and I think it may be one of my best. It's one thing to take gun laws and describe them in plain English as I've done for more than 20 years now. It's another thing entirely to find a gigantic hole in the self-defense laws -- the part that supposedly protects your rights -- and explain that.
I got chills as I discovered these severe problems and wrote this one.
After you shoot in self defense you're expected to call 911 and literally give up your right to remain silent. Give up your right to have an attorney present prior to and during any questioning. Compromise your protection against self incrimination in the Fifth Amendment.
More than 75 experts spoke with me and wrote to me about this. People like cops, prosecutors, judges, lobbysists, top-level firearm trainers, other authors, attorneys by the dozen. Their reactions are stunning. Many had never considered the problems very deeply -- it never dawned on them! Too many took a statist (government) approach that you should simply call 911 and not worry! Or only say X, Y and Z, so you'd &get off& later, as if you could do that with your blood pressure through the roof and your body shaking from the adrenaline dump. Many said, &Don't say anything!& and then said just call 911, without realizing what they had just told you to do! It was bizarre. After You Shoot had to be written.
The Adnarim Statement
And what about when the second responders -- you are the first responder --
arrive on the scene. Should you babble as most people do? Stand in mute silence? Try to exonerate yourself and &get yourself off&?
Well for one thing, when they (the state) read you your rights, would it be unreasonable for you to read them your rights? The proposed Adnarim (reverse Miranda) statement addresses this head on. It's not uncommon for defense attorneys to put a statement on the backs of their cards for clients to use. This book fires that up a few notches.
Bottom Line -- If you have a gun, you must know what your options are after you shoot. This book will open your eyes like never before, and provide you with options you need to know to stay safe and free, After You Shoot.
AFTER YOU SHOOT, by Alan Korwin, only $14.95
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Self Defense:
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AFTER YOU SHOOT, by Alan Korwin, only $14.95
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Alan Korwin
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Alan is a nationally recognized author of numerous books
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