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权益 基本解释权益[quán yì]词典:权益(法律用语)。词典:合法权利。词典:权益。权益 汉英大词典权益[quán yì] inviolable rights:  例:维护合法权益    safeguard lawful     合法经营的权益    the lawful operations and legitimate     制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。    The regulations are made to protect women's and children's rights and interests.手机查看权益的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 权益 即可权益 网络解释1. equity:2)权益(equity)性投资. 权益性投资是指为获取企业的净资产所有权所做的投资,包括普通股、优先股、认股权与认股证等. 权益性证券的持有者一般拥有在股东大会上的表决权和领取股利的权利,但此类证券一般无还本日期,股东若无意继续持有,2. legal interest:与法定权益(legal interest)不同,通常此等权益是属于对人行使的权利,而非对有关物品或资产的权利;相对而言,法定权益是附属于物品或资产上,对任何人均具约束力.3. rights and interests:[摘 要] 在医疗侵权中实行举证责任(onus probandi)倒置,对保护患方的合法权益(rights and interests),具有重要的意义. 实行举证责任倒置,是医疗侵权诉讼双方当事人现实地位和举证能力差异的必然选择,4. right:从资讯策略、专案管理、权益(Right)及服务等层面讨论图书馆的定位与发展. 相关议题例如:图书馆的资讯策略、挑战与服务、远距学习与终身学习、高品质的资讯服务、网路产品与服务的计价策略、电子资讯供应的结构与资金、未来网路资源供应与搜寻引擎的角色、全球研究资源网路等网路资讯与检索技术的创新、出版者与图书馆的角色权益 双语例句1. 并以现代理念重新审视三大传统经济性垄断行为,强调对其规制的标准,即是否有利于促进经济和社会两方面的发展,能否更好地兼顾和统筹好各种需要法律保护的利益,特别是对消费者权益的人文关怀;同时,逐个分析了三大传统经济性垄断行为具体的规制对策。&&&&Moreover, it will re-examine the traditional three monopoly behaviors, stress their regulatory system standards, and discuss whether they are conducive to economic and social development, whether they can co-ordinate better balance between kinds of interests, in particular the human rights and consumer care. At the same time, it will make analysis regulations and countermeasures.2. 外商投资建筑业企业在中华人民共和国境内的合法经营活动及合法权益受中国法律、法规、规章的保护。&&&&The lawful operation of foreign-invested construction enterprises and their legal rights and interests within the territory of the People`s Republic of China shall be protected by Chinese laws, regulations and rules.3. 收会员费,是为了更好地维护消费者权益。&&&&Collect membership fee, it is to safeguard consumer rights and interests better.4. 4. 资金配置模型中,关键的是负债资本和权益资本的配置。&&&&In the model of capital arrangement, the key is the arrangement of debt capital and right-capital.5. 完全保有地产权是一种不定期的土地权益。&&&&A freehold estate is an interest in land that is of uncertain duration.6. 在理论分析和实证研究的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出我国企业并购会计方法的现实选择:大多数企业并购适合采用购买法处理,新设合并、纯粹合并以及实质上全部被控制的被购买公司适宜采用新起点法,而应禁止使用权益结合法。&&&&We also analysis 10 cases of stock-for-stock business combinations in which the Pooling of Interests Method all is applied, and conclude that the Pooling of Interests Mediod is used intended aiming to profit manipulation and therefore it should be forbidden.7. 7. 第三种方法是购并者照样进行交易,接着再从市场买回因购并所发行的股份,如此一来,原本以股换股的交易便转变为以现金换股的交易,买回股份本身是一种修补损害的动作,正常的读者应该能正确的猜到我们宁愿以买回自家股份的方式直接增进原有股东权益,而不只是修补原先的损害,得分的达阵会比弥补失误更令人雀跃,但当失误真的发生了,亡羊补牢还是很重要的,我们衷心建议大家应该以买回自家股份这类弥补错误动作,将一项不好的以股换股交易变为合理的现金换股交易。&&&&The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.8. 第三条 证券公司从事客户资产管理业务,应当遵循公平、公正的原则,维护客户的合法权益,诚实守信,勤勉尽责,避免利益冲突。&&&&Article 3 Securities companies engaging in the customer asset management business shall comply with the principle of fairness and impartiality, maintain the lawful rights and interests of customers, be honest and creditworthy, diligent and duteous, and avoid the conflict of benefits.9. 甲方进一步陈述和保证,该土地不存在任何权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质押、他人权利或限制。&&&&D Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims, charges, easement, encumbranches, lease, convenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge, rights of others, or restrictions.10. 近万人走上街头,希望当局创造长期就业机会;限制雇主滥行解雇;建立各项社会保险制度,保障失业者权益。&&&&Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, calling for more long-term job opportunities, limits on employers'reckless job cuts and the establishment of a social security system to safeguard the rights and interests of the unemployed.11. 中国政府一贯致力于维护台湾同胞在国外的正当的、合法的权益。&&&&&&The Chinese Government has always worked for safeguarding their justified and lawful rights and interests abroad.12. 中国政府保障台湾同胞在国外的一切正当、合法权益。&&&&&&The Chinese Government safeguards all the justified and lawful rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots abroad.13. 13. 除许可协议中授予的权利外,MFG.com 及其许可方保留此类软件的一切知识产权、所有权和权益。&&&&&&Except for rights granted pursuant to such license agreements, MFG. com and its licensors reserve all intellectual property rights, title and interest in such software.14. 楼盘命名的任意性,在某种程度上侵害了消费者的权益,迫切需要相关法律予以有力制约与保护。&&&&&&To name the housing estate discretionarily aggrieves the rights and interests of customers in some degree, which urgently needs correlative laws of restriction and protection to promote its healthy development.15. 权益的解释15. 在股东权益部分里,从库存股票的成本从哪一项扣除&&&&&&In the stockholders` equity section, the cost of treasury stock is deducted from16. 为了保障残疾人的正常生活,国家和社会采取了很多做法和措施,其中我建议:公交车等处设有残疾人专座;车站、码头、机场、广场等处设有残疾人通道如盲道等;成立有关残疾人的组织,如残疾人联合会、残疾人基金会等维护残疾人的合法权益等等。&&&&&&And my suggestions are:seats specially set for the ha the special passage such as typhlosolis should be set in station, wharf, airport, we should founded some organizations intended for the disabled, such as the union of the disabled, foundation of the disabled, which aims at protecting the the lawful rights and interests of disabled.17. 但是,企业侵犯劳动者权益的现象在一定范围内依然存在。&&&&&&However, the infringements of labor rights and interests in enterprises still exist in a certain scope.18. 就损害消费者合法权益的行为,支持受损害的消费者提起诉讼&&&&&&To render support to victims in their legal proceedings against infringement upon the rights and interests of consumers19. 论述了社会主义新农村的含义,阐述了保障新农村建设的有关法律,如农业法,土地管理法,农村土地承包法和农业生产资料法律制度,并建议加快义务教育法的修改和农民权益保障法的制定。&&&&&&At present, mainly there are agricultural law, land management lawed, law of land contract and so on. In addition, it is needed to revise and ensure the enactment of law for peasant's rights and interests such as the law of compulsory education.20. 20. 完善了人民检察院刑事再审抗诉制度,才能更好的维护司法之公正、被告人和被害人之合法权益。&&&&&&Perfect the people check pertaining to crime in the Cha hospital to discuss again an anti- to tell system, then can better maintenance judicatory of fair, accused person and the legal rights of victim.权益是什么意思,权益在线翻译,权益什么意思,权益的意思,权益的翻译,权益的解释,权益的发音,权益的同义词,权益的反义词,权益的例句,权益的相关词组,权益意思是什么,权益怎么翻译,单词权益是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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v. 保证;抵押;给予(pledge的过去式及...
Only the legal feasibility is taken much attention to when the stock right pledge is under way, can the legal rights and interests o…
Mr O'Brien subsequently created a pledge on the Pledgebank website which attracted funding for the group.
O'Connor was surprised when President Ronald Reagan fulfilled a campaign pledge to nominate a woman to the high court and chose her in July 1981 to replace Justice Potter Stewart.
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英文翻译protect legitimate rights and interests&&&& safe ...... &&&&&&lawful
...... &&&&&&safeguard lawful rights and interests... &&&&&& lawful legitimate ri ...... &&&&&&u.s. women' women's legal defense fund... &&&&&&protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers... &&&&&&other lawful right... &&&&&&lawful rights and interests of laborer... &&&&&&to protect lawful incomes, regulate excessively high incomes and ban illegal g ...... &&&&&&protect the legitimate rights and interests of both consumers and producers... &&&&&&only in this way can consumers defend their own legal rights and interests... &&&&&&unlawful interest... &&&&&& right in equity... &&&&&& legitimum... &&&&&& legitimate power... &&&&&&the characteristic of legal right... &&&&&&lawfully entitled... &&&&&&lawful authority... &&&&&&environmental collaboration... &&&&&& waiver of legal rights... &&&&&&just authority... &&&&&&pooling of interest... &&&&&&pooling of interest method... &&&&&&prior equitable interest... &&&&&&legitimate expectation... &&
例句与用法This article through to the justifiable defense system thorough analysis proof , is for the purpose of enable the people to have to the justifiable defense system to be comprehensive but the also clear understanding , and the promotion educational world and the judicial practice further correctly understood and is suitable the justifiable defense , encourages the general citizens correctly exercises the defense power in the legal permission scope and the limit , enable it to have stops the illegal violation , the protection legitimate rights and interests , the stable social order function to obtain fully effectively displays本文通过对正当防卫制度的深入分析论证,旨在使人们对正当防卫制度有个全面而又清晰的认识,并促进学界和司法实践进一步正确理解和适用正当防卫,鼓励广大公民在法律允许的范围和限度内正确行使防卫权,使其具有的制止不法侵害、保护合法权益、稳定社会秩序的功能得到更加充分有效地发挥。 &&
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