
HDRI Studio Pack灯光渲染预设工具包C4D插件V1.9版
HDRI Studio Pack灯光渲染预设工具包C4D插件V1.9版.jpg (58.6 KB, 下载次数: 21)
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本教程是由greyscalegorilla机构出品的HDRI Studio Pack灯光渲染预设工具包C4D插件V1.9版,GreyscaleGorilla HDRI Studio Pack 1.9 For Cinema 4D R16,大小:690 MB,支持Cinema 4D R16软件,语言:英语。。
更加逼真的灯光,更加快速的渲染。GSG HDRI Studio 1.9包括专门为C4D R16研发的全新静帧和动画预设。用最短的时间渲染出最好的效果。
GreyscaleGorilla HDRI Studio Pack 1.9 For Cinema 4D R16
HDRI Studio Pack 1.9 (R16 compatible)*
*What is HDRI Studio Pack?*
Add perfect Global Illumination lighting and reflections to your scenes with ease with HDRI Studio Pack. Over 70 custom made HDRI studio images and custom HDR rigs were made to light your scenes, animations and products. These HDR Images were captured from Professionally lit 3D product studios so your renders look just like the pros.
*Flicker Free Global Illumination Presets*
In addition to great still renders, you can also get flicker free GI renders using our custom presets for all compatible versions of Cinema 4D including the new R15 renderer. Get great looking Global Illumination animation without slow render times or flickery shadows.
*What’s Included?*
*71 HIGH RESOLUTION HDRI IMAGES* captured from Professionally lit 3D product studios. (6000px x 3000px)
*HDR STUDIO RIG* – Perfect Placement. This custom C4D rig helps you place your HDRI’s into the scene and adjust it’s position and brightness for perfect light and reflections.
*SEAMLESS FLOOR RIG* – Render your objects on a seamless floor with great shadow detail and perfect background.
*SCENE PRESETS* – Custom Presets for every type of render including animation presets for flicker-free animations using these HDRI images. Built so you can worry about making your render look great and not about perfecting settings.
*VIDEO TRAINING* – Comprehensive Video training for the pack including tutorials on how to use Global Illumination.
*The Requirements*
HDRI Studio Pack requires a minimum of Cinema 4D R12. You also need Global Illumination. How do you know if you have Global Illumination? If you have the Advanced Render Module, or R12 Broadcast, Visualization, or Studio bundles, then you are ready to rock! Runs on Mac or PC operating system. NOTE: HDRI Studio Pack is fully compatible with Cinema 4D R16.
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C4D R17可用的X-Particles 2.1破解版,支持MAC/WIN
查看: 20618|
评论: |来自: http://www.c4d.cn/3d-.html
摘要: X-Particles是一个令人难以置信的强大的粒子系统,允许用户创建流体,粒子油漆等等。X-Particles允许精确控制粒子的几乎所有参数使用问题和行动。它不使用标准的CINEMA 4D 粒子发射器或Thinking Particles思维粒子,还 ...
C4D R17可用的X-Particles 2.1破解版,支持MAC/WINC4D超强粒子插件 X-Particles v2.1 WIN/MAC 汉化特别版经过我们检查,在MAC和WIN系统中运行完美,并县支持C4DR14/R15/R16/R17。是无病毒软件,请放心使用。X-Particles是一款运行在Cinema 4D R13和R14平台下的超强粒子插件,我们习惯的称之为C4D超强粒子插件。X-Particles速度极快,功能齐全。在第2版,它有一个全新的核心,没有实际的限制粒子计数。它保留了其基于对象的控制系统等都可以使用,无需任何知识。X-Particles有令人难以置信的强大的粒子系统,允许用户创建流体,粒子油漆等等。X-Particles允许精确控制粒子的几乎所有参数使用问题和行动。它不使用标准的CINEMA 4D 粒子发射器或Thinking Particles思维粒子,还有Xpresso。X-Particles 2.5被提名为2014年3D World CG Awards 2014(三维世界CG大奖),目前最新的X-Particles版本为3.5,但由于版权问题,至今未有发布出来。所以大家只能使用X-Particles 2.1,有能力的同学请去支持正版,X-Particles 3.5的强大功能是2.1版本所不能相比的。C4D超强粒子插件 X-Particles v2新功能特点:新的核心引擎多线程的发射器(专业版)高达10亿颗粒25粒子改性剂的XPRESSO节点(Pro版)新斯金纳对象在线升级C4D超强粒子插件 X-Particles v2.1安装方法:将从C4D之家下载回去的压缩包解压后,复制X-Particles R17目录放到C4D的插件目录即可.然后打开C4D输入注册码就OK了,注册码:AMON-RA-SUN-GOD-1-SPECIAL-RELEASE关于XP 3.5的最新介绍:NEW RELEASE | X-Particles 3.5 from helloluxx | Release Date – 30th NovemberINSYDIUM LTD is thrilled to announce the latest release of the most fully featured, advanced particle simulation and rendering environment for Maxon’s Cinema 4D software, X-Particles 3.5.This latest release, available from November 30th 2015, is completely FREE to existing X-Particles 3 customers, even better you don’t have to do a thing – the update will happen automatically.Also from November 30th 2015, when X-Particles 3.5 goes live, all new licenses purchased will be UNLOCKED. This change means that any new X-Particles 3.5 will now work with any Cinema 4D you want on any computer you want.As with XP3, if you purchase an X-Particles 3.5 licence from helloluxx, you will receive exclusive XP3 training, learn. X-Particles 3 by Tim Clapham at 50% off the full price of buying the training alone. Simply add learn. X-Particles 3 to your cart and enter coupon code learn.xp3 to have the 50% discount automatically applied.The XP3.5 development team have dramatically extended the control and possibilities by implementing heaps of new and exciting features making X-Particles 3.5 the most versatile particle system around, integrating seamlessly into Cinema 4D workflow and interface.This is the first instalment, Illumination based emissions. Use Cinema 4D lights to trigger particle emissions from surfaces.2nd Instalment, Keep it procedural – Cloner Splines in FollowPath. In Insydium’s latest update, the FollowPath Modifier has direct access to the Mograph Cloner Object, giving you even greater control over particle paths. Control like never before!3rd Instalment, Trail Deformer. The new Trail Deformer helps breathe life into your Trails, use formulas or shaders to deform your Trails, add animation for full control over the Trail Object.4th Instalment, xpParticlesFalloff. Now you can use particles as single Falloff Objects. The exciting new xpParticles Falloff will open the door to endless possibilities, from random growth to unique colour changing effects. Let each particle become controller of your modifiers.5th Instalment, Enhanced Group Object, giving you more control over your particle groups. The group object can be used in 3 different modes, from display only to control over particle properties.#XPExtendedControl6th Instalment, xpSound Modifier. Use sound to drive your particles parameters, speed, colour, size and much more. Audio has never been this compelling.If you purchase an X-Particles 3 Locked or Floating Licence from helloluxx, you will receive exclusive XP3 training, learn. X-Particles 3 by Tim Clapham at 50% off the full price of buying the training alone! Simply contact Fleur with your order number to receive your discount code for this training.X-Particles 3X-Particles is a full-featured particle and VFX system for CINEMA 4D. Using a unique system of Questions and Actions you get full control over your particle simulations without the need for Xpresso or Cinema 4D’s native particle system.Particles, fluids and gaseous simulations – all in one place.X-Particles ProfessionalX-Particles 3 is the most fully featured, advanced particle simulation and rendering environment for MAXON’S Cinema 4D software. Using a unique rule system of Questions and Actions giving you complete control over every aspect of your particle VFX pipeline.Amazing FeaturesThe blazing fast particle engine lets you work and render with millions of particles and it’s advanced tool-set gives you full access to everything you need to create the shot you require. If it’s a swarm or Fluid dynamics simulation, you’ll have it covered.X-Particles 3X-Particles 3X-Particles 3 from helloluxxCachingThe X-Particles 3 cache object lets you cache your scene to memory for instant fast play-back, cache to render as your file renders, or simply cache the particle simulation for play-back. You can use the included Partio exporter to send complex particle data to other applications as well.ComponentsX-Particles 3 comes packed with all the components you need to get the job done quickly, with professional results:Nine generator objects including an Emitter, Spline Mesher, Electric Effects, Object Generator, Particle Skinner, Sprites, Particle Trails and an amazing particle painting tool.13 Xpresso Nodes, Python Support.Over 40 particle modifiers including updated versions of Cinema 4D’s modifiers. Set a Turbulence modifier to curl for wispy sims, or maybe you want to switch gears with the Vortex modifier to really stir things up. Whatever you can think of, there is a modifier for it.Nine X-Particles Tags. Link objects, create collision objects, set up caching, and more!Did we mention you can make up to 1 billion particles? Yeah, one BILLION!Take a look at some components here.CompatibilityX-Particles 3 is built seamlessly into Cinema 4D like it is part of the application. XP3 is compatible with the existing particle modifiers, object deformers, Mograph effectors, Hair module, native Thinking Particles and works with the dynamics system in R13 and later. If you don’t have a version of Cinema 4D with dynamics, no worries, we have your back! X-Particles 3 also contains it’s own system for handling collisions. If you know how to use the Mograph module, you already know how to use X-Particles, it’s that easy.Control SystemControlling your particles is essential. X-Particles 3 gives you total control over your particle simulations using a simple and unique system of Questions and Actions, not complex Xpresso set-ups. It works like this, you ask a “Question” of each particle, for example, has the age exceeded a value. If the answer passes (is a yes) then the “Action” is carried out. Another great feature about the Questions and Actions system is it does not depend on keyframes! You can keyframe if you want to, but you don’t have to.Emitter… The powerhouse behind X-Particles 3.The fully threaded particle emitter lets you work with up to a billion particles in one scene. It’s easy, it’s fast, it’s fun.Choose one of the 4 built-in emitter shapes, or use any primitive, polygon object or spline as your emission source. With tons of options and our Questions and Actions control system, the only limit is your imagination.ModifiersParticles don’t do a lot on their own so we have over forty, yes 40, different particle modifiers that you can use on their own, or combined, to create amazing simulations and effects. We have modifiers for particle control, particle motion, sprites, geometry, transformations, liquid and gaseous effects with our FLIP solver, and more.RenderingX-Particles 3 has the most advanced particle rendering solution on the market. With one material you can render particles, splines, iso surfaces, volumetric, and voxels – there is nothing out there like it in one tool.There is a particle shader which can render the particles without using geometry or hair and has a multitude of options to give you the exact look you desire. There is a channel shader for use with the Sprite generator, so any channel with a link for a shader can have effects too. There is a special shader for our Skinner Object, a Wet Map shader, and more.Still want to render with the Hair module? Sure thing. X-Particles 3 is compatible with the Cinema 4D hair module. You need to renderh with geometry? Yup, you can still do that too if you want.DynamicsThe X-Particles Unified Dynamics system includes Particle Based Dynamics [PBD], constraints with options for viscosity, surface tension, and more. FLIP [Fluid Implicit Particles] gives you all the power you need to create amazing Smoke, Fire and liquid effects, SPH [Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics] for yet even more Liquid types.Combined with the array of X-Particles Modifiers and your imagination, the boundaries are endless.* SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS *X-Particles 3 requires Cinema 4D R13, R14, R15 or R16. Any build – Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, or Studio – can be used. Thinking Particles is not required to use X-Particles, unless of course you want to use the X-Particles emitter to emit Thinking Particles (for most purposes this is not required, only if you want to use Pyrocluster or the Hair renderer to render the particles).* 32-bit or 64-bit? *X-Particles 3 will only run on the 64-bit version of CINEMA 4D.* OPERATING SYSTEM *C4D R13: Windows XP or later, or on the Mac OSX 10.5 or later.C4D R14/R15: Windows XP or later, or on the Mac OSX 10.6.8 or later.C4D R16: Windows 7 or later, or on the Mac OSX 10.7.5 or later.Please note: PPC machines are not supported in R14 or later versions.* VERY IMPORTANT *If you are upgrading to a new version of X-Particles, you must remove any existing installation. Check in BOTH the user preferences plugins folder AND in the Cinema 4D application plugins folder and delete any other folders containing X-Particles. If you do not do this, Cinema will try to load the plugin twice and most probably, neither installation will run.If you purchase an individual license, whichever version of Cinema 4D you run the installation on is the version of Cinema 4D that will be locked to X-Particles 3. Once locked, it cannot be changed.Please Note: like for like upgrade pricing refers to upgrading from XP2.5 to XP3 – you must have a valid X-Particles 2.5 license in order to qualify for the X-Particles 3 upgrade pricing.* LICENSING *&#65532;X-Particles 3 has a new serial number system independent of Cinema 4D wherein license management and entry happen directly into X-Particles. This means no more need for serial number updates with new Cinema 4D releases or having to add X-Particles to the MAXON license server. It is very important however that X-Particles 3 have an internet connection at least every 21 days for it’s licensing.&#65532;X-Particles 官网:http://www.x-particles.com&#65532;X-Particles 3.5介绍:http://helloluxx.com/product/x-particles-3-5/&#65532;X-Particles 2.1 WIN/MAC完美运行版下载:&#65532;X-Particles 2.0 / 2.1 WIN/MAC汉化包下载:
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