
By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies for statistical and advertising purposes, as well as to facilitate information sharing on social networks. To find out more and change your cookie settings, .
information about cookies
What is a cookie?A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone that makes it possible to save and track data about your use of the website. Stores.digital.hermes.com uses cookies to identify you or for statistical purposes, for example. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser.By continuing to use the stores.digital.hermes.com website, you consent to our cookie settings and agree that you understand the terms of our cookies policy.You can edit your preferences at any time by going to the &Manage your cookie preferences& section under the heading &Information about cookies&.What cookies do we use?There are two types of cookies on our website:
1/ Cookies strictly necessary for the websiteto functionThese cookies allow you to use the main features of the stores.digital.hermes.com website. These cookies are necessary for navigation on the website.
2/ Third-party cookiesThese are particularly statistical analysis cookies that collect information about navigation on our website, there by enabling us to improve your user experience and tailor the services to your preferences. There are also advertising cookies that aim to personalise and/or improve the content and browsing experience by providing you with interest-based services on other websites. All of the information collected is anonymous.You can edit your preferences at any time by going to the &Manage your cookie preferences& section under the heading &Information about cookies&.To access the detailed list of the cookies that we use, please refer to the&What cookies do we use?& section&under the heading &Information about cookies&. &Managing your cookie preferences&You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet or mobile phone by managing your browser settings.We recommend that you do not disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function (cookie described as &essential& in the &What cookies do we use?& table under the heading &Information about cookies&) because this would prevent you from enjoying the services of the stores.digital.hermes.com website.To consult the instructions about managing and deleting cookies, please refer to the heading &Information about cookies&.Which cookies do we use on our website?We use the following cookies on our website:
Cookie placed by
Cookie name
Cookie purpose
Google Analytics
Counts the number of visits to the website by a user, the dates of the user's first visit and last visit
Google Analytics
Stores information on the duration of the site visit, records the time at which the user arrives at the site
Google Analytics
Works with __utmb, to calculate the duration of the visit, records the time at which the user leaves the site
Google Analytics
Manages information from the user: the page from which the user accessed the site, the search engine that he/she used to access it or the link that he/she clicked, the keyword(s) used for the search and the country from which the user logged in
Script PHP
User session ID in order to customise the interface.
AT Internet / Xiti
Measures identified users (Numerical ID).
AT Internet / Xiti
Used by AT Internet for statistical calculations.
AT Internet / Xiti
Used by AT Internet for statistical calculations.
AT Internet / Xiti
Determines if a visitor is coming to the website for the first time.
Managing your cookie preferences&You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet or mobile phone by managing your browser settings.We recommend that you do not disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function (cookie described as&essential& in the &What cookies do we use?& table under the heading &Information about cookies&) because this would prevent you from enjoying the services of the stores.digital.hermes.com.In order to manage cookies to best suit your needs, please bear in mind the purpose of cookies when setting your browser.Please find below instructions about managingand disabling cookies, depending on your browser:
Internet Explorer
Go to the &Tools& menu, then &Internet Options&.Click on &Confidentiality&, then click on &Advanced&.In the &Cookies& window, select your preferences.
Google Chrome
Click the&Chrome menu, the upper right button.Select &Settings& then click on &Show advanced settings&.In the &Privacy& section, click the &Content settings& button.Select your preferred option(s) in the &Cookies& section.
Mozilla Firefox
Go to the &Tools& then &Options& menu (for Windows) and &Preferences& (for Mac).Click on the &Privacy& settings.Select &Use custom settings for history&.Select your preferred option(s) on the &Accept cookies from sites& section.
Click on &Safari&, then &Preferences&.Click on the &Privacy tab&.
monday to sunday :
10:00am to 10:00pm&&&
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1.& 网站创建商&本专卖店定位器由爱马仕国际创建。爱马仕国际为两合股份有限公司,注册资本欧元,巴黎工商注册号 572 076 396,总部地址 : 法国巴黎第八区 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-HonoréSIRET : 572 076 396 00017欧盟增值税号码:FR 52 572 076 396电话:+33 (0)1 40 17 49 20本网站的各种功能和平面设计模型由AM / PM (Muriel Abecassis, Philippe Moyen) 设计。&2. 广告部广告部总监:Axel Dumas, Emile Hermès Sarl编辑部负责人:Wilfried Guerrand艺术总监:Pierre-Alexis Dumas - Muriel Abecassis 和 Philippe Moyen (AM / PM)开发和一体化:Kaliop3. 网络空间爱马仕国际网站由OXALIDE公司负责托管,公司地址位于巴黎Boulevard de Strasbourg 大街25号,邮编:75010。电话:+33 (0)1 75 771 666&4. Cookie4.1 在爱马仕国际网站上使用的cookie爱马仕国际有权根据现行法律和法规所规定的义务,在征得使用者同意后,在专卖店定位器上使用连接显示 (cookie) 或同类系统,以改善网站的浏览并对进行信息做个性化处理。爱马仕国际保留为了统计或安全目的而使用此类系统收集专卖店定位器用户IP地址、浏览网站类型、应用系统、访问网页等信息的权利。爱马仕国际将所收集到的信息用于网站的控制和改进。4.2 为统计目的使用时域内的cookie为履行现行法律和法规的义务,在征得用户同意后,本网站可能基于供应商所提供的科技,根据时域内的cookie计算网站浏览量。不过读者可自行关闭浏览器上cookie的功能。本网站使用AT INTERNET. XITI公司提供的XITI程序,对网上的cookie进行分析。cookie是您计算机存储文件,用于帮助网站分析用户使用网站的情况。同您使用的网站(包括IP地址)相关的cookie信息将由XITI转发并储存在位于法国境内的服务器内。为履行法律义务,XITI可将这些数据提交给第三方或XITI数据处理商,特别是本网站的编辑部。XITI不会把您的IP地址同其他任何数据进行比对。您也可在浏览器上取消cookie的功能。不过这样做可能会影响本网站的功能,造成信息损失。在使用本网站时,您已明确同意XITI可根据上述条件和目的来处理您的数据。4.3 清除您计算机上的cookie大多数浏览器能自动接受连接显示(cookie),但用户也可通过设定的方式拒绝或指出发送的连接显示(cookie)。我们建议不要取消这一功能,因为这样将造成自由翻页困难,使用户无法享受专卖店定位器的特色。然而,您可以按以下网址描述的方式清除自己计算机内存储的cookie:http://www.cnil.fr&5. 知识产权5.1 网站引擎和模式专卖店定位器使用的结构或模式符合现行法律并受到版权保护,爱马仕国际对其拥有排他性的所有权。5.2 内容所有专卖店定位器内的档案和内容,特别是文件、照片、画面、音频、标识、品牌等均属知识产权法典第 L 112-1条所保护的作品范畴,爱马仕国际对其享有排他性的所有权。&爱马仕国际对其域名&& &Hermes.com& 享有排他性的所有权。无论出于何种动机,在未获得爱马仕国际事先特别许可的情况下,禁止全部或部分,完整或分散地以任何方式、载体,或为达到任何目的而复制、使用、销售、出版、转让、修改或出售专卖店定位器上的内容。禁止删除版权、商标权和其他专卖店定位器排他性性权利的法律须知或内容。注意,为尊重版权,本网站保留所有受保护作品的复制或传播权。除个人的阅览或复制外,未经许可,禁止一切作品的使用。&6. 超级链接6.1& 建立同本网站网页的链接爱马仕国际允许其他网站为非商业或广告目的自由链接其主页或其他网页,但链接者应在链接处或与之相邻处标明爱马仕 <>字样或其它相同或更确切的说明,并事先告知爱马仕国际。该许可不适用于传播非法、暴力、争议、淫秽或有损大众感情信息的网站。&7. 违法数据根据日的数字经济信任法,爱马仕国际允许所有个人及访问者举报各种涉嫌违反日法令第24条第5款和第8款有关报刊自由的法令和违法刑事法典第227-23条和第 227-24条的行为。为了完成告知,请通过lesailes. 同我们联系,并提供您认为非法内容的链接。&8. 责任爱马仕国际对其店铺定位器发布的错误或遗漏信息,技术故障,其他链接网站所发布的信息、解释,以及使用这些信息所造成的后果概不负责。爱马仕国际无法左右个人数据的管理或第三方的行为,本网站无法对第三方使用或传播的数据提供担保。爱马仕国际在任何情况下,即便已获得事先通知,都不对任何直接、间接、特殊或附带的损失承责-其中主要(未一一罗列)指各种使用或无法使用专卖店定位器所造成的直接利润损失或间接损失。&9.& 寄发 V卡的普通规定您是寄发V卡时随附信息的唯一责任人。爱马仕国际对上述信息没有任何控制权。为此,您担保不以任何形式提供任何种类有下倾向的资讯和信息:&- 有悖公共秩序或道德良俗的信息&-& 污蔑、诽谤、种族歧视、排外、歧视同性恋、淫秽或恋童信息;&- 煽动对任何第三方的歧视和仇恨,或鼓励自杀的信息;&- 威胁个人或团体的信息;&- 鼓励或赞颂各种犯罪行为或恐怖主义的信息。&您承诺尊重他人权利,特别是:&-& 版权和同类权利&- 人身权和财产权&此外,您承诺尊重爱马仕国际及其所有直接或间接控股的公司的形象和声誉,和/或不做会对其形象和声誉造成直接或间接损害的声明。此外,在向联系人在寄发V卡时,您还需确认其电子信箱的有效性。&10. 不负担保责任爱马仕国际无法确保其专卖店定位器不含病毒、信息覆盖软件、木马或其它毁坏工具。专卖店定位器可能有技术上或其它方面的模糊或缺陷。专卖店定位器及其内容按“现有状态”提供,爱马仕国际不做任何明示或默许担保,特别是不承担(不详尽列举)内容或质量符合普通或特殊用途的内在担保。&11. 同仿冒做斗争爱马仕产品只在其专卖店、授权商场和Hermes.com官方网站上出售。只有通过上述销售渠道才能保证产品的真实性和质量。否则,您买到的可能是赝品或处理品。&12.& 准据法 - 纠纷本法律须知及解释受法国法律管辖,而不考虑法律冲突原则。为维护其权利,根据本条款,爱马仕国际保留要求强制执行或申请法院裁决的权利。
information about cookies
What is a cookie?A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone that makes it possible to save and track data about your use of the website. Stores.digital.hermes.com uses cookies to identify you or for statistical purposes, for example. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser.By continuing to use the stores.digital.hermes.com website, you consent to our cookie settings and agree that you understand the terms of our cookies policy.You can edit your preferences at any time by going to the &Manage your cookie preferences& section under the heading &Information about cookies&.What cookies do we use?There are two types of cookies on our website:
1/ Cookies strictly necessary for the websiteto functionThese cookies allow you to use the main features of the stores.digital.hermes.com website. These cookies are necessary for navigation on the website.
2/ Third-party cookiesThese are particularly statistical analysis cookies that collect information about navigation on our website, there by enabling us to improve your user experience and tailor the services to your preferences. There are also advertising cookies that aim to personalise and/or improve the content and browsing experience by providing you with interest-based services on other websites. All of the information collected is anonymous.You can edit your preferences at any time by going to the &Manage your cookie preferences& section under the heading &Information about cookies&.To access the detailed list of the cookies that we use, please refer to the&What cookies do we use?& section&under the heading &Information about cookies&. &Managing your cookie preferences&You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet or mobile phone by managing your browser settings.We recommend that you do not disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function (cookie described as &essential& in the &What cookies do we use?& table under the heading &Information about cookies&) because this would prevent you from enjoying the services of the stores.digital.hermes.com website.To consult the instructions about managing and deleting cookies, please refer to the heading &Information about cookies&.Which cookies do we use on our website?We use the following cookies on our website:
Cookie placed by
Cookie name
Cookie purpose
Google Analytics
Counts the number of visits to the website by a user, the dates of the user's first visit and last visit
Google Analytics
Stores information on the duration of the site visit, records the time at which the user arrives at the site
Google Analytics
Works with __utmb, to calculate the duration of the visit, records the time at which the user leaves the site
Google Analytics
Manages information from the user: the page from which the user accessed the site, the search engine that he/she used to access it or the link that he/she clicked, the keyword(s) used for the search and the country from which the user logged in
Script PHP
User session ID in order to customise the interface.
AT Internet / Xiti
Measures identified users (Numerical ID).
AT Internet / Xiti
Used by AT Internet for statistical calculations.
AT Internet / Xiti
Used by AT Internet for statistical calculations.
AT Internet / Xiti
Determines if a visitor is coming to the website for the first time.
Managing your cookie preferences&You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet or mobile phone by managing your browser settings.We recommend that you do not disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function (cookie described as&essential& in the &What cookies do we use?& table under the heading &Information about cookies&) because this would prevent you from enjoying the services of the stores.digital.hermes.com.In order to manage cookies to best suit your needs, please bear in mind the purpose of cookies when setting your browser.Please find below instructions about managingand disabling cookies, depending on your browser:
Internet Explorer
Go to the &Tools& menu, then &Internet Options&.Click on &Confidentiality&, then click on &Advanced&.In the &Cookies& window, select your preferences.
Google Chrome
Click the&Chrome menu, the upper right button.Select &Settings& then click on &Show advanced settings&.In the &Privacy& section, click the &Content settings& button.Select your preferred option(s) in the &Cookies& section.
Mozilla Firefox
Go to the &Tools& then &Options& menu (for Windows) and &Preferences& (for Mac).Click on the &Privacy& settings.Select &Use custom settings for history&.Select your preferred option(s) on the &Accept cookies from sites& section.
Click on &Safari&, then &Preferences&.Click on the &Privacy tab&.北京地区爱马仕表维修售后中心电话地址统计一览!北京地区爱马仕表维修售后中心电话地址统计一览!努力七夜百家号北京是我们的首都,皇城,这里戴世界名表爱马仕手表的人很多,同时爱马仕的维修售后中心也有很多,这些地方可以为使用爱马仕手表顾客提供维修、保养等服务。今天小编将北京爱马仕的维修售后中心的地址及电话等信息整理如下,以便当地的爱马仕佩戴者快速的查询到最近的维修点。爱马仕维修售后中心(北京店)电话:010-地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街甲6号中环世贸D座1102室爱马仕维修售后中心(万达店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(西单店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(国贸店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(大兴店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(中关村店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(王府井店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(三里屯店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(西城店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(东城店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(朝阳店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(通州店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(昌平店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(丰台店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(顺义店)电话:010-爱马仕维修售后中心(石景山店)电话:010-本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。努力七夜百家号最近更新:简介:大道为公,义行天下!作者最新文章相关文章上海亨时达名表维修中心
上海市-市辖区-浦东新区 上海浦东新区浦东南路
浦东店:免费热线:<FONT color=#ff-5210
上海浦西店:免费咨询热线:<FONT color=#ff70121
北京店: 免费咨询热线:<FONT color=#ff11211 企业QQ:<FONT color=#ff210
【服务电话】400-990-5210 【维修地址】上海市浦东南路1118号鄂尔多斯国际大厦20层【营业时间】AM 9:00-PM 18:30【乘坐地铁】乘坐2号线东昌路站4号出口& 乘坐9号线商城路站3号出口
【服务电话】021- 【维修地址】上海市静安区南京西路1038号梅陇镇广场12层 【营业时间】周一至周日9:00-18:30【乘坐地铁】乘坐2号线南京西路4号出口
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