qi.yi.zi.xian qi

Classic Formulae of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Classic Formulae of Traditional Chinese Medicine
In this section, the formulae are listed according to their general actions on the body. For each category, a brief introduction about the basic concepts, clinical applications and contradictions are provided. Each formula will have it name given in both English and Chinese, the list of herbal ingredients and indications for use.
1. Exterior-relieving formulae
These formulae treat disharmonies in the superficial portion of the body through the actions of inducing sweating, releasing muscles or promoting eruption. In TCM, the body surface forms the first barrier against the invasion of exogenous pathogens, and is dominated by the
and . When exogenous pathogens first attack the body, a so called "the exterior syndrome" appears which is characterized by chills, fever, headache, generalized aching and a . TCM's strategy is to dispel the pathogens from the exterior and prevent it going deeper into the body.
In the formulae, the main ingredients are pungent-spicy in flavor, which cause sweating and release the exterior. Some of the herbs have additional effects including promoting the 's dispersing function and strengthening water metabolism, thus they can also treat edema, cough, asthma, joint pain, the early stage of measles, skin infections, dysentery and some infectious diseases.
The formulae should be prescribed carefully for the elderly, pregnant women and other weak conditions, as they can easily lead to exhaustion of
2. Purgative formulae
These formulae break down the interior accumulations through vigorous evacuation of the bowels. In TCM, purgation therapy is not only used as laxatives for relieving intestinal stagnancy, but also for removing heat, fire, toxins and even retained fluids. Individuals usually present with fullness, distention and pain in the gastric and abdominal regions, constipation, poor appetite and a thick .
In the formulae, the main ingredients stimulate or lubricate the
to promote bowel movement. With the exception of those moistening and lubricating formulae, they generally have a drastic effect and can easily damage
functioning and drain excessive body fluids. The purgative formulae should be stopped o these cannot be used for long-term consumption and have to be carefully used in the weakened individuals. The formulae should also not be used when there is an . Greasy or foods that difficult to digest should not be eaten while taking these formulae.
3. Digestive formulae
These formulae promote digestion and remove food retention. Improper diet damages the digestive system (in the ) leading to symptoms such as distention and fullness in the gastric and abdominal regions, poor appetite, bad breath, belching, nausea, thick and greasy tongue fur, loose bowels and sometimes diarrhea.
In the formulae, common active ingredients include hawthorn fruit, medicated leaven, malt, sprouted grain, radish seed and chicken gizzard skin. Among them, hawthorn fruit relieves indigestion caused by over-consumption of m medicated leaven, malt and sprouted grain assist in digesting grainy foods such as bread, radish seed and immature bitter orange ease focal ful when food retention is really severe, herbs like pharbitis seed, Chinese rhubarb and areca seed are added to achieve a laxative effect.
4. Harmonizing formulae
These formulae mediate or regulate the physiological functions needed so as to achieve in a new balanced condition, which involve complex processes in different levels of the body. They are usually used in Shao Yang diseases, disharmonies between the
and , and gastrointestinal problems.
refers to conditions due to unrelieved exterior syndromes that have transmitt the pathological changes are neither on the exterior nor in the interior but stays in between. Areas like the liver, , spleen and stomach are affected, with symptoms such as a bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, blurred version, alternating chills and fever, poor appetite, chest fullness and nausea. On examination, a white tongue coating and
is present. TCM believes that there are kind of health problems that cannot be solved by therapies like reducing or tonifying alone, but need to carry out both to smooth the disharmony between the damaged organs or functions, and are therefore indicated for harmonizing formulae
Although the harmonizing formulae have gentle properties that only can mildly expel pathogens as well as rectify deviated functions, they should still be prescribed according to specific indications.
5. Heat-clearing formulae
These formulae treat various heat syndromes through the actions of clearing away heat, draining fire, cooling blood, eliminating the associated toxicity and nourishing the body. TCM believes that heat accumulation can originate both inter factors like , , over exhaustion of
all can contribute to it. Heat syndromes present in wildly different clinical manifestations, physicians will specifically identify its source (exogenous pathogen, toxin or endogenous factor), severity of heat signs (fire, heat or warmth), location (which circulation or organ), and to decide in the specific strategy to be used. Typical heat signs include high fever, profuse sweating, a surging pulse, excessive thirst, bleeding, altered consciousness and ulcerated skin sores.
In these formulae, herbs with cool and cold properties are used as the main ingredients. As they can easily lead to digestive damage, and thus should be used carefully for individuals who already have weakened spleen and stomach systems. Furthermore, preserving yin and body fluids is another important guideline for the treatment of heat syndromes.
6. Interior-warming formulae
These formulae warm the interior and unblock the
to eliminate
inside the body so normal function of
can be resumed. When there is inadequate yang-qi or if cold evils attack, the internal body, the organs and their meridians will lack promotion and warmth, which leads to overall under-functioning. Symptoms include chills, fatigue, gastric discomfort, increased urine output, the pulse is also
Since cold influences affect different parts of the body, warming formulae are designed with different strategies in mind. Generally, cold evils tend to attack the middle burner, so formulae for warming the middle burner (the region usually refers to the spleen and stomach) are frequently used. For relatively superficial conditions such as coldness and pain in the limbs, the TCM strategy is to warm the meridians and disperse the coldness. On the other hand, when the body is seriously depleted in yang-qi, the TCM strategy is to revive yang in the kidney and heart.
For this category of formulae, most of the main ingredients are pungent in flavor and have hot and dry natures. They should therefore be used with caution in cases of
or blood loss.
7. Tonic formulae
These formulae enrich, augment, nourish or replenish the qi, ,
of the body when they are deficient or weak. In TCM, deficient conditions usually result where the body has developed a depletion of fundamental substances or insufficient life force.
are used to overcome a particular deficiency inside the body. As conditions can vary according to the cause, degree of severity, and organs involved, tonic formulae are categorized in five types: tonify the qi, tonify the blood, tonify both qi and blood, tonify yin and tonify yang. It is important to first address the underlying deficiency before applying the appropriate tonic in order to obtain the maximum benefit.
8. Astringent formulae
These formulae arrest abnormal discharge or leakage of fluids and other substances from the body, such as sweat, sputum, blood, urine, stool, sperm and vaginal discharges. In TCM, qi, blood and body fluids are precious substances for normal life activities and excessive draining of the body's
will substantially affect health. If a profound deficiency or weakness inside the body exists, they need immediate intervention. The TCM strategy is to stabilize or tone the weakened processes with an astringent substance. Based on the specific effects of the formulae, they are further divided into: consolidating the exterior (arrest sweating), astringing the lung (stop cough and throat secretions), stabilizing the intestines (stop diarrhea and prevent anal prolapse), stabilizing the kidney (arrest emission and urinary incontinence), and stabilizing the womb (for uterine bleeding and vaginal discharges). In fact, astringent therapy can only provide temporary relief, so tonification therapy alongside astringent therapy is necessary for a complete cure.
It should be noted that astringent formulae are only used for weakened conditions of the body itself. When the discharge processes are forced out by particular pathogens, such as profuse sweating in febrile disease, cough by
retention, diarrhea caused by an improper diet, or excessive menses due to blood heat, then these formulae are contraindicated.
9. Calming formulae
These formulae relieve mental tension and uneasiness and are similar to tranquilizers in Western medicine. TCM believes that disturbances of the spirit are closely related to functional disorders in and among the organs, particularly in the ,
and , thus, the therapeutic strategy for such problems is to regulate the functions of the organs. Generally, there are two kinds of approaches to treatment. For conditions that present with anxiety, forgetfulness, disorientation and insomnia, the formulae will focus on nourishing and en for symptoms such as feeling overstressed, manic behavior, bad temper and agitation, then the formulae will focus on calming the spirit with "heavy" substances. However, disorders of the spirit may also occur in specific circumstances such as in the presence of heat exuberance,
obscuring the
in the head and blood stasis. In such cases, other therapies (heat clearing, tonification or blood regulation) should be used in combination.
It should be noted that psychological factors play an important role in disorders of the spirit and must therefore be considered during treatment. Some of the calming formulae are comprised minerals, metals and stones they are toxic and can easily damage the stomach. These formulae are not suitable for long-term administration, especially for those who have a weak spleen and stomach.
10. Orifice-opening formulae
Loss of consciousness, delirium, epilepsy and convulsions are referred as closed conditions of the sensory orifices. TCM aims at using aromatic substances to re-open the sensory orifices for treatment of these conditions, samples of aromatic substances are musk, borneol, bezoar gall stone and benzoin. The orifice-opening formulae are usually used in conditions associated with heat toxin sinking into the pericardium or turbid phlegm misting the , individuals should have specific manifestations such as unconsciousness, clenched jaw and fists, rigid limbs, rapid respiration and a forceful pulse. These formulae are only used for treating acute symptoms for a short period of time. Long-term administration may lead to exhaustion of . This category of formulae is usually prepared as pills, powders or liquids for injection to facilitate emergency use.
11. Qi-regulating formulae
In TCM theory, qi is the vital substance constituting the body. When pathological change occurs in whatever region,
of the body, it will always initially affect the . This category of formulae treats disorders related to qi flow, which includes moving qi to relieve stagnation, and sending qi downward to treat a .
TCM believes that disorder of qi flow can be seen in a wide range of clinical conditions. Qi stagnation is characterized with fullness, pain that accompanied by a distending sensation, and a preference for belching or breaking wind. For conditions of reverse flow of qi, physicians can identify particular symptoms according to the involved location, such as coughing and shortne gastric pain, belching and abnormal bowel movements in th and menstrual problems in the . The approach of sending qi downwards is usually for treating problems like vomiting, hiccups, belching, and some forms of coughing or wheezing.
The ingredients in these formulae are usually pungent, warm and drying in property, which tends to consume the
and qi when improper use.
12. Blood-regulating formulae
In TCM, blood is viewed simply as the red fluid inside the blood vessels that provides nutrition and lubrication for the body. This category of formulae treats disorders related to blood flow and involve relieving blood stasis and arresting bleeding.
Bleeding problems like nosebleeds, vomiting of blood, blood in the stools, bloody urine, excessive menses, uterine bleeding or traumatic bleeding are associated with injuries, reckless movement of hot blood, blood and qi dysfunctions. Blood stasis refers to general or localized stagnated blood circulation, which are characterized by stabbing pain, cyanosis, swelling, bleeding (dark purplish blood with clotting), dark complexion and a purplish tongue with blood spots. These formulae are prescribed according to organ involved, special pathogenic influences (cold, heat, dampness and deficiency), damaged location, and whether the disorder is acute or chronic.
13. Dampness-dispelling formulae
is a heavy, sluggish pathogen that leads to disorders processing slowly and lingering inside the body. When it invades the body, it leads to sluggishness, tiredness, heavy limbs, a feeling of distention in the head, stiffness and pain in the joints, or limb puffiness. Any bodily discharge will tend to be sticky and turbid and the tongue will have a sticky coat. Entry of the pathogen originates in two ways, one is externally contracted from the living environment and the other is transformed by an impaired spleen caused by an improper diet or emotional upset. Furthermore, disturbances in
can also lead to dampness disorders which cause edema, urinary difficulty and respiratory symptoms.
TCM strategies for dispelling dampness include drying, excreting, facilitating urination and purgation. These formulae are mainly composed of pungent, aromatic, warm substances that dry the dampness or sweat and bland substances that leach out dampness. They should be used carefully in those suffering from body fluid exhaustion, weakness after illness and in pregnant women.
14. Phlegm-resolving formulae
In TCM, a disharmony of body fluids can produce either external visible phlegm, such as sputum secreted by the respiratory tract, or internal invisible phlegm. Internal phlegm is usually formed by dysfunction of the lungs and the spleen, and occasionally by the consumption of body fluids by fire and heat evils. Formation of phlegm causes further pathology, and is responsible for the occurrence and development of a range of disorders, such as coughing, wheezing, nausea, dizziness or vertigo, nodules or lumps, and seizures. TCM strategies for treating phlegm disorders vary in accordance with the nature of its pathogenesis. Besides resolving the phlegm, the formulae also aim at improving the functions of the spleen, kidneys, lung and liver so as to prevent transformation of internal phlegm.
15. Wind-eliminating formulae
Wind evil is considered a yang pathogen and it has influential effects. Characteristic conditions involving wind disharmonies are sudden onset and a lingering and changeable nature. It often combines with other pathogenic factors especially coldness to invade the body. Externally contracted wind disorders often attack the body surface, muscles, bones, tendons, joints and meridians and thus lead to headache, itching, skin rash, numbness, spasms, and movement difficulty in the joints. Wind generated internally is usually attributed to liver and kidney dysfunctions, and the conditions are characterized by dizziness, vertigo, tremors, convulsions, loss of muscle tone, difficulty in speaking, sudden loss of consciousness, facial distortion and paralysis. TCM formulae for treating conditions involving wind are divided into expelling exogenous wind and stopping endogenous wind.
16. Dryness-moistening formulae
The dryness evil tends to consume body fluid and causes fluid loss symptoms such as dry wrinkled or withered skin, dry hair and scalp, dry mouth and cracked lips, dry and hard stools. TCM classifies the symptoms involving dryness into external and internal sources. Externally contracted dryness tends to impair the
and deplete the body fluids and the associated symptoms are headache, cough, throat soreness and secretions, thirst and pant. Internal dryness, which usually involves the lung, spleen, kidneys and large intestine, is due to loss of the organs'
or fluid depletion. TCM strategies involve enhancing the lung to disperse dryness in external cases, while nourishing the yin and enhancing fluid production in internal cases.
These formulae should be used with caution by individuals with a damp constitution.aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop?die
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晋唐 (Shanxi)
金星牌 (Tianjin)
锦州 (Liaoning)
鸡牌 (Shandong)
吉庆牌 (Yunnan)
久康 (Hubei)
九阡 (Guizhou)
九如斋 (Hunan)
九芝堂 (Hunan)
吉祥牌 (Jiangsu)
鹃城牌 (Sichuan)
聚春园 (Fujian)
聚丰德 (Shandong)
菊花牌 (Shanghai)
钜记 (Macau)
聚乐村 (Shandong)
咀香园 (Guangdong)
咀香园 (Macau)
开开牌 (Shanghai)
开鲁 (Innere Mongolei)
凯司令 (Shanghai)
凯旋门 (Hunan)
康乐 (Tianjin)
烤肉季 (Peking)
烤肉宛 (Peking)
崆峒 (Gansu)
孔凤春 (Zhejiang)
孔雀牌 (Yunnan)
口子 (Anhui)
昆湖牌 (Yunnan)
赖 (Sichuan)
来福 (Shanxi)
来今雨轩 (Peking)
赖永初 (Guizhou)
郎牌 (Sichuan)
兰陵 (Shandong)
蓝棠牌, Bobupai 博步牌 (Shanghai)
蓝天 (Peking)
老四川 (Chongqing)
崂百 (Shandong)
老半斋 (Shanghai)
老边 (Liaoning)
老拨云堂牌 (Yunnan)
老城隍庙 (Shanghai)
老大昌 (Zhejiang)
老大同 (Shanghai)
老鼎丰 (Heilongjiang)
老都一处 (Heilongjiang)
老凤祥 (Shanghai)
老亨达利 (Hubei)
老恒和 (Zhejiang)
老介福 (Shanghai)
老精华 (Liaoning)
老龙口 (Liaoning)
老卤 (Fujian)
老美华 (Tianjin)
老庙 (Shanghai)
崂山 (Shandong)
老山合 (Guangdong)
老少乐 (Tianjin)
老鼠窟 (Shanxi)
老天华 (Fujian)
老天祥 (Liaoning)
老同昌 (Jiangsu)
老香村 (Shanxi)
老香山 (Zhejiang)
老谢氏 (Guizhou)
老杨明远 (Hunan)
老正兴 (Shanghai)
乐家老铺 (Jiangsu)
乐仁堂 (Tianjin)
梁义隆 (Jiangxi)
莲香楼 (Guangdong)
李大同 (Zhejiang)
立丰牌 (Shanghai)
礼记饼家 (Macau)
力力 (Peking)
李连贵 (Jilin)
利男居 (Shanghai)
临川 (Jiangxi)
灵源 (Fujian)
临江寺 (Sichuan)
林梓老万和 (Jiangsu)
利群 (Shandong)
利群 (Zhejiang) (Zhejiang)
丽人 (Tianjin)
六百 (Shanghai)
六必居 (Peking)
刘伶 (Hebei)
刘美 (Hebei)
柳泉居 (Peking)
刘万成 (Liaoning)
六味斋 (Shanxi)
丽云阁 (Shanghai)
龙 (Hunan)
龙 (Sichuan)
龙池 (Fujian)
隆福寺小吃店 (Peking)
龙筋 (Shanxi)
龙门 (Peking)
龙牌 (Jiangxi)
龙泉春牌 (Jilin)
龙雀牌 (Fujian)
龙山 (Guangxi)
龙顺成 (Peking)
隆顺榕 (Tianjin)
楼茂记 (Zhejiang)
楼外楼 (Zhejiang)
芦花牌 (Tianjin)
绿柳居 (Jiangsu)
罗锅 (Henan)
罗江 (Sichuan)
绿杨春 (Jiangsu)
绿杨村 (Shanghai)
甪直 (Jiangsu)
泸州老窖 (Sichuan)
马明仁膏药 (Shaanxi)
马百良 (Hongkong)
迈进 (Chongqing)
麦陇香 (Anhui)
马聚源 (Peking)
茂昌 (Shanghai)
懋隆 (Peking)
茅台 (Guizhou)
毛源昌 (Zhejiang)
马祥兴 (Jiangsu)
马应龙 (Hubei)
玫瑰牌 (Chongqing)
梅河 (Jilin)
梅花牌 (Yunnan)
美加净 (Shanghai)
梅兰春 (Jiangsu)
蜜蜂麻糖 (Hebei)
明泉宝 (Shanxi)
民光 (Shanghai)
民生 (Zhejiang)
民天 (Fujian)
民族 (Innere Mongolei)
蜜桃牌 (Jiangsu)
磨齐山 (Liaoning)
莫义记 (Macau)
牡丹江 (Heilongjiang)
南宋哥 (Zhejiang)
南安板鸭 (Jiangxi)
南百 (Guangxi)
南国 (Hainan)
南极 (Heilongjiang)
南来顺 (Peking)
南普陀 (Fujian)
南翔 (Shanghai)
南翔 (Shanghai)
内联升 (Peking)
牛栏山 (Peking)
女儿红 (Zhejiang)
潘高寿 (Guangdong)
盘锦 (Liaoning)
盘飧市 (Sichuan)
泮塘 (Guangdong)
泮溪 (Guangdong)
培丽 (Shanghai)
培罗蒙 (Shanghai)
彭祖 (Sichuan)
便宜坊 (Peking)
片仔癀 (Fujian)
漂亮妈妈 (Shanghai)
品香斋 (Jiangxi)
浦楼 (Jiangsu)
浦五房 (Peking)
千山 (Liaoning)
钱万隆 (Shanghai)
谦祥益 (Peking)
桥 (Sichuan)
乔家栅 (Shanghai)
桥头 (Chongqing)
乔香阁 (Tianjin)
祺昌 (Hongkong)
漆花 (Jiangsu)
岐江桥牌 (Guangdong)
奇美 (Shandong)
秦川 (Shaanxi)
擒雕牌 (Zhejiang)
青岛啤酒 (Shandong)
青红 (Fujian)
清湖 (Zhejiang)
清华婺 (Jiangxi)
清梅居 (Shandong)
清香园 (Sichuan)
庆元亨 (Hebei)
秦洋牌 (Shaanxi)
起士林 (Tianjin)
秋林里道斯 (Heilongjiang)
求正 (Zhejiang)
七一酱园 (Xinjiang)
启元 (Peking)
全聚德 (Peking)
全素斋 (Peking)
全泰 (Shanghai)
全兴 (Sichuan)
劝业场 (Tianjin)
泉字牌 (Shanghai)
群欢 (Zhejiang)
群力 (Shanghai)
群星 (Guangdong)
趣香 (Guangdong)
曲园 (Peking)
仁昌记 (Zhejiang)
仁德 (Shandong)
仁和 (Peking)
人立 (Shanghai)
荣乐园 (Sichuan)
荣宝斋 (Peking)
荣兴 (Fujian)
荣欣堂 (Shanxi)
瑞蚨祥 (Peking)
瑞和泰 (Jiangsu)
瑞兰斋 (Chongqing)
瑞明 (Yunnan)
汝阳刘 (Henan)
三凤桥 (Jiangsu)
三和、四美 (Jiangsu)
三角地 (Shanghai)
三井十里香 (Hebei)
三帽 (Tianjin)
三枪 (Shanghai)
三台 (Xinjiang)
三添 (Shanghai)
三阳盛 (Shanghai)
三园 (Jiangsu)
三珍斋 (Zhejiang)
砂锅居 (Peking)
上海老饭店 (Shanghai)
上卧 (Shanghai)
山外山 (Zhejiang)
绍丰和 (Sichuan)
邵万生 (Shanghai)
邵永丰 (Zhejiang)
沙溪 (Guangdong)
沙洲 (Jiangsu)
盛锡福 (Peking)
升阳泰 (Zhejiang)
石宝寨 (Chongqing)
石蛤蟆 (Shandong)
石家饭店 (Jiangsu)
世魁 (Henan)
世一堂 (Heilongjiang)
石钟山牌 (Jiangxi)
石钟山 (Jiangxi)
寿春堂 (Anhui)
首都玉华台 (Peking)
双沟 (Jiangsu)
双沟 (Jiangsu)
双合成 (Shanxi)
双钱 (Shanghai)
双套 (Jiangsu)
双鱼 (Henan)
水明楼 (Jiangsu)
舒馨 (Shanghai)
丝绸之路 (Jiangsu)
四季春 (Anhui)
四联 (Peking)
四明 (Jiangsu)
松城 (Heilongjiang)
宋河 (Henan)
松鹤楼 (Jiangsu)
松江 (Jilin)
苏稽 (Sichuan)
太白 (Shaanxi)
太仓牌 (Jiangsu)
泰昌饼家 (Hongkong)
台东五金 (Shandong)
泰康 (Shandong)
泰山庙 (Shanxi)
太阳 (Tianjin)
太源井 (Sichuan)
汤长发 (Sichuan)
汤沟 (Jiangsu)
谭家菜 (Peking)
谈炎记 (Hubei)
洮儿河牌 (Jilin)
陶陶居 (Guangdong)
塔牌 (Zhejiang)
腾药 (Yunnan)
天宝楼 (Tianjin)
天车 (Sichuan)
天福号 (Peking)
天沽 (Tianjin)
天官牌 (Zhejiang)
天立 (Tianjin)
天女牌 (Tianjin)
天生园 (Gansu)
天兴居 (Peking)
天鱼 (Shanghai)
天真 (Shandong)
天字牌 (Peking)
铁鸟 (Guangxi)
铁刹山 (Liaoning)
听鹂馆 (Peking)
同春园 (Peking)
通德 (Shandong)
潼冠 (Shaanxi)
通海牌 (Yunnan)
同和居 (Peking)
通化 (Jilin)
同济堂 (Guizhou)
同利 (Fujian)
同庆楼 (Anhui)
同仁堂牌 (Peking)
通三益 (Peking)
同升和 (Peking)
同兴 (Zhejiang)
鸵鸟 (Tianjin)
沱牌 (Sichuan)
图形 (Peking)
图形 (Shanghai)
图形 (Shanghai)
图形 (Shanghai)
图形 (Shanghai)
图形 (Shanghai)
图形 (Shanghai)
汪 (Jiangsu)
王宝和 (Shanghai)
王村 (Shandong)
王开 (Shanghai)
王老吉 (Guangdong)
王麻子 (Peking)
汪瑞裕 (Jiangsu)
王守义 (Henan)
王四酒家 (Jiangsu)
王星记 (Zhejiang)
王致和 (Peking)
万和 (Yunnan)
万和春 (Shandong)
万隆 (Zhejiang)
万通 (Jiangsu)
万香斋 (Shandong)
万有全 (Shanghai)
卫岗 (Jiangsu)
味华 (Zhejiang)
微山湖 (Shandong)
渭水 (Gansu)
惟一斋 (Shandong)
温一百 (Zhejiang)
武定府 (Shandong)
五芳斋 (Hubei)
五芳斋 (Zhejiang)
五环 (Tianjin)
武九 (Gansu)
五粮液 (Sichuan)
吴良材 (Shanghai)
五鹿香 (Hebei)
五味和 (Zhejiang)
五味和 (Zhejiang)
五星 (Shanghai)
五一饭店 (Shaanxi)
吴裕泰 (Peking)
吴招治 (Fujian)
西安饭庄 (Shaanxi)
西安饭庄 (Peking)
祥德斋 (Tianjin)
香港宝和堂制药 (Hongkong)
香港镛記酒家 (Hongkong)
湘山 (Guangxi)
仙鹤 (Jiangsu)
咸亨 (Zhejiang)
咸亨 (Zhejiang)
仙源 (Peking)
小苏州 (Jiangsu)
小肠陈 (Peking)
孝感米酒 (Hubei)
孝感牌 (Hubei)
小绍兴 (Shanghai)
西北眼镱行 (Shaanxi)
西德顺 (Peking)
谢村桥 (Shaanxi)
协大祥 (Shanghai)
谢馥春 (Jiangsu)
协和 (Zhejiang)
协力厚 (Ningxia)
谢利源 (Macau)
谢正安 (Anhui)
西凤 (Shaanxi)
西来顺 (Peking)
西泠印社 (Zhejiang)
新天地秋林 (Heilongjiang)
新 (Guangdong)
新百 (Jiangsu)
新长发 (Shanghai)
信大祥 (Shanghai)
星海 (Peking)
杏花村 (Shanxi)
杏花楼 (Shanghai)
新光 (Shanghai)
新华书店 (Peking)
信利 (Liaoning)
新路春 (Peking)
新世界 (Shanghai)
新兴园 (Jilin)
信源 (Zhejiang)
新中 (Jiangsu)
雄健丰田 (Sichuan)
西塘 (Zhejiang)
宣字 (Yunnan)
雪舫蒋 (Zhejiang)
雪花 (Peking)
雪莲 (Peking)
徐福记国际集团 (Hongkong)
浔阳楼 (Jiangxi)
徐其修 (Guangdong)
叙友 (Shanghai)
宴春 (Jiangsu)
洋河 (Jiangsu)
杨林 (Yunnan)
杨麻子 (Jilin)
羊牌 (Shanghai)
杨裕兴 (Hunan)
杨裕兴 (Hunan)
延虎 (Shanxi)
烟山 (Sichuan)
延寿 (Guizhou)
燕云楼 (Shanghai)
鸭溪 (Guizhou)
亚一 (Shanghai)
亚字 (Shanghai)
叶氏 (Fujian)
葉振華 (Henan)
亿昌 (Hunan)
一得阁 (Peking)
依海 (Fujian)
义聚永记 (Tianjin)
义利 (Peking)
一篓油 (Hebei)
迎宾 (Tianjin)
莺湖 (Jiangsu)
迎驾 (Anhui)
鹦鹉 (Tianjin)
颍州 (Anhui)
尹家 (Liaoning)
银苑 (Hunan)
颐生 (Jiangsu)
颐寿 (Shanxi)
壹条龙 (Peking)
颐香 (Zhejiang)
益源庆 (Shanxi)
颐之时 (Chongqing)
永安堂 (Peking)
永川 (Chongqing)
永丰 (Peking)
永和 (Fujian)
永和园 (Jiangsu)
永青 (Shanghai)
永盛斋 (Shandong)
永叔公 (Jiangxi)
永叔公 (Jiangxi)
又一村 (Hunan)
又一村 (Shandong)
又一顺 (Peking)
园 (Jiangsu)
远 (Shanxi)
元长厚 (Peking)
远东 (Peking)
远航 (Guangdong)
源和堂 (Fujian)
玉川居 (Tianjin)
悦来芳 (Shanghai)
月盛斋 (Peking)
月中桂 (Yunnan)
玉和 (Heilongjiang)
玉和 (Hunan)
裕華國貨公司 (Hongkong)
余良卿号 (Anhui)
玉林 (Guangxi)
玉楼东 (Hunan)
玉露春 (Jiangsu)
云鹿 (Peking)
云门 (Shandong)
云青 (Shanxi)
玉泉 (Heilongjiang)
榆树钱 (Jilin)
玉堂 (Shandong)
玉棠 (Shanghai)
玉兔 (Shandong)
玉缘 (Jiangsu)
造寸 (Peking)
张老五 (Sichuan)
张顺兴号 (Anhui)
张弓 (Henan)
章贡 (Jiangxi)
张记 (Shaanxi)
张力生 (Shanghai)
张同泰 (Zhejiang)
张小泉 (Zhejiang)
张鸭子 (Chongqing)
张一元 (Peking)
张裕 (Shandong)
赵斌 (Shandong)
赵氏四味坊 (Shanxi)
真 (Shanghai)
真不同 (Henan)
真定府 (Hebei)
正隆斋 (Peking)
争荣 (Hebei)
正兴德 (Tianjin)
正阳河 (Heilongjiang)
正阳楼 (Heilongjiang)
真美 (Tianjin)
珍味世家 (Hongkong)
震元堂 (Zhejiang)
震远同 (Zhejiang)
震远同 (Zhejiang)
珍珠 (Guangdong)
痣胡子 (Sichuan)
枝江 (Hubei)
芝兰图 (Zhejiang)
致美斋 (Guangdong)
知味观 (Zhejiang)
致中和 (Zhejiang)
钟 (Sichuan)
中茶 (Peking)
中国照相馆 (Peking)
中和福 (Liaoning)
中华 (Peking)
中华牌 (Tianjin)
钟牌414 (Shanghai)
中央 (Jiangsu)
中一牌 (Guangdong)
中原百 (Tianjin)
周村 (Shandong)
周大福珠寶 (Hongkong)
粥鼎记 (Hongkong)
周生生 (Hongkong)
朱鸿兴 (Jiangsu)
朱鹮 (Shaanxi)
朱养心 (Zhejiang)
紫房子 (Peking)
足赤 (Gansu)
34号 (Peking)
Die folgende ?bersicht ist nach den chinesischen Provinzen usw. untergliedert. Die Zhonghua Laozihao, die ,,Altehrwürdigen Marken Chinas“, werden nach der chinesischen Bezeichnung mit vorangestellter vollst?ndiger chinesischer Firmenbezeichnung und (zus?tzlich) vorangestelltem Pinyin/chin./in originaler Lateinschrift angegeben, falls vorhanden (z. B. Moutai bei Maotai usw.); vgl. auch die chinesischen Bezeichnungen 牌 & 品牌(字号) & 商标. Die Schreibungen sind aus verschiedenen Gründen als vorl?ufig zu betrachten.
Beijing Wuyutai chaye gufen youxian gongsi 北京吴裕泰茶业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Wuyutai 吴裕泰)
Beijing Daoxiangcun shipin youxian zeren gongsi 北京稻香村食品有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Daoxiangcun 稻香村)
Beijing Tongshenghe xiedian 北京同升和鞋店 (registrierte Marke: Tongshenghe 同升和)
Beijing Wangfu jingbaihuo (jituan) gufen youxian gongsi Dong’an shichang 北京王府井百货 (集团)股份有限公司东安市场 (registrierte Marke: Dong’an 东安)
Beijing Shengxifu maoye youxian zeren gongsi 北京盛锡福帽业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Shengxifu 盛锡福)
Beijing Daming yanjing gufen youxian gongsi 北京大明眼镜股份有限公司 (Xingfu dajie Dingyi dian幸福大街精益店, registrierte Marke: Jingyi 精益)
Beijing Laijin yuxuan fanzhuang 北京来今雨轩饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Laijin yuxuan 来今雨轩)
Beijing ming yanjing gufen youxian gongsi 北京大明眼镜股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Daming 大明)
Beijing Zhongguo zhaoxiang guan youxian zeren gongsi北京中国照相馆有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhongguo zhaoxiangguan 中国照相馆)
Zhongguo chaye gufen youxian gongsi 中国茶叶股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhongcha 中茶)
Beijing gongmei jituan youxian zeren gongsi Wangfujing Gongmei dasha 北京工美集团有限责任公司王府井工美大厦 (registrierte Marke: Gongmei 工美)
Beijing Huntunhou canyin youxian zeren gongsi 北京馄饨侯餐饮有限责任公司(registrierte Marke: Huntunhou 馄饨侯)
Beijing Silian meifa meirong youxian zeren gongsi 北京四联美发美容有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Silian 四联)
Beijing Liubiju shipin youxian gongsi 北京六必居食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Liubiju 六必居)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Liuquanju fanzhuang 聚德华天控股有限公司北京柳泉居(registrierte Marke: Liuquanju 柳泉居)
Jude tiankong gu youxian gongsi Beijing Jude kaorou wanfanzhuang 聚德华天控股有限公司北京聚德烤肉宛饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Kaorouwan 烤肉宛)
Beijing Liubiju shipin youxian gongsi 北京六必居食品有限公司(Guixinzhai shipinchang 桂馨斋食品厂, registrierte Marke: Guixinzhai 桂馨斋)
Beijing Tianfuhao shipin youxian gongsi 北京天福号食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tianfuhao 天福号)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Shaguoju fanzhuang 聚德华天控股有限公司北京砂锅居饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Shaguoju 砂锅居)
Beijing Huatian yinshi jituan gongsi 北京华天饮食集团公司 (Tongheju fanzhuang同和居饭庄, registrierte Marke: Tongheju 同和居)
Judetian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Kaorouji fanzhuang聚德华天控股有限公司北京烤肉季饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Kaorouji 烤肉季)
Beijing Hongbinlou canyin youxian zeren gongsi 北京鸿宾楼餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongbinlou 鸿宾楼)
Beijing Liubiju shipin youxian gongsi Tianyuan jiangyuan 北京六必居食品有限公司天源酱园 (registrierte Marke: Tianzipai 天字牌)
Beijing Jinxiang fuxing yiyao gufen youxian gongsi Baitasi yaodian 北京金象复兴医药股份有限公司白塔寺药店 (registrierte Marke: Baitasi yaodian 白塔寺药店)
Beijing Yuanchanghou chaye youxian gongsi 北京元长厚茶叶有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yuanchanghou 元长厚)
Beijing Guixiangcun shipin youxian gongsi 北京桂香村食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guixiangcun 桂香村)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Yuhuatai fanzhuang 聚德华天控股有限公司北京玉华台饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Shoudu yuhuatai 首都玉华台)
Beijing shi Xidan shangchang gufen youxian gongsi北京市西单商场股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: XDSC)
Beijing Tongchunyuan fandian 北京同春园饭店 (registrierte Marke: Tongchunyuan 同春园)
Beijing Chengwenhou zhangbu kapian youxian gongsi 北京成文厚帐簿卡片有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Chengwenhou 成文厚)
Beijing Huatian yanji canting youxian zeren gongsi 北京华天延吉餐厅有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Huatian yanji 华天延吉)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Youyishun fanzhuang 聚德华天控股有限公司北京又一顺饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Youyishun 又一顺)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi Beijing Emei jiujia 聚德华天控股有限公司北京峨嵋酒家 (registrierte Marke: Emei 峨嵋)
Beijing Pianyifang kaoya jituan youxian gongsi 北京便宜坊烤鸭集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Pianyifang 便宜坊)
Zhongguo Beijing Tongrentang (jituan) youxian zeren gongsi 中国北京同仁堂 (集团)有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Tongrentangpai 同仁堂牌)
Beijing Qianmen Duyichu canyin youxian gongsi 北京前门都一处餐饮有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Duyichu 都一处)
Beijing Yueshengzhai qingzhen shipin youxian gongsi 北京月盛斋清真食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yueshengzhai 月盛斋)
Beijing Yitiaolong qingzhen canyin youxian gongsi 北京壹条龙清真餐饮有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yitiaolong 壹条龙)
Beijing Tianxingju Chaogandian 北京天兴居炒肝店 (registrierte Marke: Tianxingju 天兴居)
Beijing Huapeng shipin youxian gongsi 北京华鹏食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tongsanyi 通三益)
Beijing Dabei fuwu youxian zeren gongsi beizhao xiangguan 北京大北服务有限责任公司大北照相馆 (registrierte Marke: Dabei 大北)
Beijing shi Tangye yanjiu gongsi 北京市糖业烟酒公司 (registrierte Marke: Jingtang 京糖)
Beijing shi Falangchang youxian zeren gongsi 北京市珐琅厂有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Jingfapai 京珐牌)
Beijing Wangzhihe shipin jituan youxian gongsi 北京王致和食品集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Wangzhihe 王致和)
Beijing Neiliansheng xieye youxian gongsi 北京内联升鞋业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Neiliansheng 内联升)
Beijing Yidege moye youxian zeren gongsi 北京一得阁墨业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Yidege 一得阁)
Beijing Buyingzhai xiemao youxian zeren gongsi北京步瀛斋鞋帽有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Buyingzhai 步瀛斋)
Zhongguo Quanjude jituan gufen youxian gongsi中国全聚德 (集团)股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Quanjude 全聚德)
Beijing Ruifuxiang choubudian youxian zeren gongsi北京瑞蚨祥绸布店有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Ruifuxiang 瑞蚨祥)
Rongbaozhai 荣宝斋 (registrierte Marke: Rongbaozhai 荣宝斋)
Beijing Zhangyiyuan chaye youxian zeren gongsi北京张一元茶叶有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhangyiyuan 张一元)
Zhongyan Beijing shi yanye gongsi中盐北京市盐业公司 (registrierte Marke: Jingjing 京晶)
Beijing yili shipin gongsi北京义利食品公司 (registrierte Marke: Yili 义利)
Beijing Daiyuexuan hubi huimo youxian zeren gongsi 北京戴月轩湖笔徽墨有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Daiyuexuan 戴月轩)
Beijing shi Fengzeyuan fandian北京市丰泽园饭店 (registrierte Marke: Fengzeyuan 丰泽园)
Beijing Wangzhihe shipin jituan youxian gongsi 北京王致和食品集团有限公司 (Longmen cuye youxian gongsi龙门醋业有限公司, registrierte Marke: Longmen 龙门)
Beijing Wangzhihe shipin jituan youxian gongsi 北京王致和食品集团有限公司 (Jinshi niangzaochang 金狮酿造厂, registrierte Marke: Jinshi 金狮)
Beijing chaye zong gongsi 北京茶叶总公司 (registrierte Marke: TP)
Beijing Caishikou baihuo gufen youxian gongsi 北京菜市口百货股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Caibai 菜百)
Beijing Daoxiangchun shipin youxian gongsi 北京稻香春食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Daoxiangchun 稻香春)
Beijing shi Yiheyuan Tingliguan fanzhuang 北京市颐和园听鹂馆饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Tingliguan 听鹂馆)
Beijing Longhui niangjiu youxian gongsi 北京龙徽酿酒有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhonghua 中华)
Beijing shi Douzhipin erchang 北京市豆制品二厂 (registrierte Marke: Baiyu 白玉)
Beijing Shunxin nongye gufen youxian gongsi Niulanshan jiuchang 北京顺鑫农业股份有限公司牛栏山酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Niulanshan 牛栏山)
Beijing Baihua fengchanpin keji fazhan youxian zeren gongsi 北京百花蜂产品科技发展有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Baihua 百花)
Beijing Hongxing gufen youxian gongsi 北京红星股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongxing 红星)
Beijing Donglaishun jituan youxian zeren gongsi 北京东来顺集团有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Donglaishun 东来顺)
Beijing Qiyuan chaye youxian zeren gongsi Qiyuan chazhuang 北京启元茶叶有限责任公司启元茶庄 (registrierte Marke: Qiyuan 启元)
Beijing Yong’an chaye youxian gongsi 北京永安茶叶有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Fuyu 馥郁)
Beijing chaye zonggongsi 北京茶叶总公司 (registrierte Marke: Jinghua 京华)
Beijing xian yuan shipin niangzao youxian gongsi 北京仙源食品酿造有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Xianyuan 仙源)
Beijing hong luo shipin youxian gongsi 北京红螺食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongluo 红螺)
Beijing Erguotou jiuye gufen youxian gongsi北京二锅头酒业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yongfeng 永丰)
Beijing Zhenglongzhai quansu shipin youxian gongsi 北京正隆斋全素食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhenglongzhai 正隆斋)
Beijing Renhe jiuye youxian zeren gongsi ren北京仁和酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Renhe 仁和)
Beijing Dashunzhai shipin youxian zeren gongsi 北京大顺斋食品有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Dashunzhai 大顺斋)
Beijing shi Quansuzhai shipin gongsi 北京市全素斋食品公司 (registrierte Marke: Quansuzhai 全素斋)
Beijing shi shipin gongying chu 34 hao gongying bu 北京市食品供应处34号供应部 (registrierte Marke: 34 hao 34号)
Beijing shi Puwufang roushi chang北京市浦五房肉食厂 (registrierte Marke: Puwufang 浦五房)
Beijing shi Beijing fandian 北京市北京饭店 (registrierte Marke: Beijing fandian 北京饭店)
Beijing shi Fangshan fanzhuang 北京市仿膳饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Fangshan 仿膳)
Beijing Tanjiacai canyin youxian zeren gongsi 北京谭家菜餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Tanjiacai 谭家菜)
Judehua Huatian konggu youxian gongsi (Huguosi xiaochidian) 聚德华天控股有限公司 (护国寺小吃店) (registrierte Marke: Jingyin huatian xiaochi 京饮华天小吃)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi 聚德华天控股有限公司 (Lao Xi’an fanzhuang老西安饭庄) (registrierte Marke: Xi’an fanzhuang 西安饭庄)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi 聚德华天控股有限公司 (Xinluchun fanzhuang 新路春饭庄) (registrierte Marke: Xinluchun 新路春)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi 聚德华天控股有限公司 (Xisi dadi canting 西四大地餐厅) (registrierte Marke: Huatian dadi 华天大地)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi 聚德华天控股有限公司 (Xilaishun fanzhuang 西来顺饭庄) (registrierte Marke: Xilaishun 西来顺)
Jude Huatian konggu youxian gongsi 聚德华天控股有限公司 (Quyuan jiulou 曲园酒楼) (registrierte Marke: Quyuan 曲园)
Beijing Yitiao longqingzhen canyin youxian gongsi jinfang xiaochidian 北京壹条龙清真餐饮有限公司锦芳小吃店 (registrierte Marke: Jinfang 锦芳)
Beijing Xideshun fanguan 北京西德顺饭馆 (registrierte Marke: Xideshun 西德顺)
Beijing Xiaochangchen canyin youxian zeren gongsi 北京小肠陈餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Xiaochangchen 小肠陈)
Beijing duyichu canyin youxian gongsi Lili douhuazhuang 北京都一处餐饮有限公司力力豆花庄 (registrierte Marke: Lili 力力)
Beijing shi Longfu si xiaochi youxian gongsi 北京市隆福寺小吃有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Longfu si xiaochidian 隆福寺小吃店)
Beijing shi yuandong fandian 北京市远东饭店 (registrierte Marke: Yuandong 远东)
Beijing shi Baodu Feng yinshi fuwu youxian zeren gongsi 北京市爆肚冯饮食服务有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Baodufeng 爆肚冯)
Beijing qingzhen Baikui laohao fanzhuang youxian gongsi 北京清真白魁老号饭庄有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Baikui laohao fanzhuang 白魁老号饭庄)
Beijing Xiangda Nanlaishun fanzhuang youxian gongsi 北京翔达南来顺饭庄有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Nanlaishun 南来顺)
Shangwu yinshuguan 商务印书馆 (registrierte Marke: Tuxing 图形)
Beijing Yong’antang yiyao liansuo youxian zeren gongsi 北京永安堂医药连锁有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Yong’antang 永安堂)
Beijing Heniantang yiyao youxian zeren gongsi 北京鹤年堂医药有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Heniantang 鹤年堂)
Beijing Lichang Wangmazi gongmao youxian gongsi 北京栎昌王麻子工贸有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Wangmazi 王麻子)
Beijing Hongdu jituan gongsi 北京红都集团公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongdu 红都)
Beijing Qianxiangyi sichou youxian zeren gongsi 北京谦祥益丝绸有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Qianxiangyi 谦祥益)
Xinhua shudian zongdian 新华书店总店 (registrierte Marke: Xinhua shudian 新华书店)
Beijing Yijia cangchu youxian zeren gongsi 北京艺嘉仓储有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Maolong 懋隆)
Beijing shi Ditan wuchang 北京市地毯五厂 (registrierte Marke: Yunlu 云鹿)
Beijing Xinghai gangqin jituan youxian gongsi 北京星海钢琴集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Xinghai 星海)
Beijing Donghua fuzhuang youxian zeren gongsi jian hua pi huo fuzhuang fen gongsi 北京东华服装有限责任公司建华皮货服装分公司 (registrierte Marke: Xuehua 雪花)
Beijing Guanghua baoshi xieye youxian gongsi 北京光华宝石鞋业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Baoshi 宝石)
Beijing Deshoutang yiyao youxian gongsi 北京德寿堂医药有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Deshoutang 德寿堂)
Beijing shi Longshuncheng zhongshi jiaju 北京市龙顺成中式家具厂 (registrierte Marke: Longshuncheng 龙顺成)
Beijing Hongdu jituan gongsi 北京红都集团公司 (registrierte Marke: Lantian 蓝天)
Beijing Buyingzhai xiemao youxian zeren gongsi 北京步瀛斋鞋帽有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Majuyuan 马聚源)
Beijing Zaocun fuzhuang fushi youxian gongsi 北京造寸服装服饰有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zaocun 造寸)
Beijing shi Zifangzi hunqing youxian gongsi 北京市紫房子婚庆有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zifangzi 紫房子)
Beijing Huanü neiyi youxian zeren gongsi 北京华女内衣有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Huanü 华女)
Beijing Xuelian yangrong gufen youxian gongsi 北京雪莲羊绒股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Xuelian 雪莲)
Tianjin Goubuli jituan youxian gongsi 天津狗不理集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Goubuli 狗不理)
Tianjinshi Guifaxiang shibajie ma hua zong dian youxian gongsi 天津市桂发祥十八街麻花总店有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guifaxiang shibajie 桂发祥十八街)
Tianjin Quanyechang (jituan) gufen youxian gongsi 天津劝业场 (集团)股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Quanyechang 劝业场)
Tianjin qiao xiangge gongyipin youxian gongsi 天津乔香阁工艺品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Qiaoxiangge 乔香阁)
Tianjin Bohai huagong youxian zeren gongsi Tianjin jianchang 天津渤海化工有限责任公司天津碱厂 (registrierte Marke: Hongsanjiao 红三角)
Tianjin Zhongxin yaoye jituan gufen youxian gongsi Longshunrong zhiyaochang 天津中新药业集团股份有限公司隆顺榕制药厂 (registrierte Marke: Longshunrong 隆顺榕)
Tianjinshi Chunhe tiyu yongpinchang 天津市春合体育用品厂 (registrierte Marke: Zhonghuapai 中华牌)
Tianjinshi Tianli duliu laocu gufen youxian gongsi 天津市天立独流老醋股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tianli 天立)
Tianjin Zhongxin yaoye jituan gufen youxian gongsi Lerentang zhiyaochang 天津中新药业集团股份有限公司乐仁堂制药厂 (registrierte Marke: Lerentang 乐仁堂)
Tianjin Hongrentang yaoye youxian gongsi 天津宏仁堂药业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Honghuapai 红花牌)
Tianjin Tongrentang gufen youxian gongsi 天津同仁堂股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Taiyang 太阳)
Tianjin Erduoyan zhagao canyin youxian zeren gongsi 天津耳朵眼炸糕餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Erduoyan 耳朵眼)
Tianjin shi Dengying lou fanzhuang youxian gongsi 天津市登瀛楼饭庄有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Dengyinglou 登瀛楼)
Tianjin shi Tianbaolou shipin youxian gongsi 天津市天宝楼食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tianbaolou 天宝楼)
Guorenzhang (Tianjin) shipin youxian gongsi 果仁张 (天津)食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guorenzhang 果仁张)
Tianjin shi Bengdouzhang shipin youxian gongsi 天津市崩豆张食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Bengdouzhang 崩豆张)
Tianjin Laomeihua xiedian 天津老美华鞋店 (registrierte Marke: Laomeihua 老美华)
Tianjin Qishilin da fandian 天津起士林大饭店 (registrierte Marke: Qishilin 起士林)
Tianjin shi Feige jituan youxian gongsi 天津市飞鸽集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Feige 飞鸽)
Tianjin shipin jinchukou gufen youxian gongsi 天津食品进出口股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Jinxingpai 金星牌)
Tianjin shi Tuoniao moshui youxian gongsi 天津市鸵鸟墨水有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tuoniao 鸵鸟)
Tianjin Tiannüpai huagong jituan gufen youxian gongsi 天津天女化工集团股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tiannüpai 天女牌)
Tianjin zhongou biaoye jituan youxian gongsi 天津中鸥表业集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hai’ou 海鸥)
Tianjin Changluhan guyanchang youxian zeren gongsi 天津长芦汉沽盐场有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Luhuapai 芦花牌)
Tianjin Zhongfang Diyang fangzhi youxian gongsi 天津中纺抵羊纺织有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Diyangpai 抵羊牌)
Tianjin shi Hongqishun canyin youxian zeren gongsi 天津市鸿起顺餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongqishun 鸿起顺)
Tianjin shi Yuchuanju jiangcaichang 天津市玉川居酱菜厂 (registrierte Marke: Yuchuanju 玉川居)
Tianjin Yingwu yueqi youxian gongsi 天津鹦鹉乐器有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yingwu 鹦鹉)
Tianjin shi Kangle yinliao youxian gongsi 天津市康乐饮料有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Kangle 康乐)
Tianjin shi Sheng xifu maoye gongsi 天津市盛锡福帽业公司 (registrierte Marke: Sanmao 三帽)
Tianjin Zhenmei diansheng qicai youxian zeren gongsi 天津真美电声器材有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhenmei 真美)
Zhongyuan Baihuo jituan gufen youxian gongsi 中原百货集团股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhongyuan Bai 中原百)
Tianjinshi qingzhen Zhengxingde chaye pifa gongsi 天津市清真正兴德茶叶批发公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhengxingde 正兴德)
Tianjinshi chaye gongsi 天津市茶业公司 (registrierte Marke: Chunrui 春蕊)
Tianjinshi de chaye youxian gongsi 天津市正兴德茶叶有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Chengxing 成兴)
Tianjin shi Hualong jindian 天津市华龙金店 (registrierte Marke: Hualong 华龙)
Tianjin daming yanjing zongdian 天津大明眼镜总店 (registrierte Marke: Liren 丽人)
Tianjin jinjiu jituan youxian gongsi 天津津酒集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Jinjiu 津酒)
Tianjin shi zhi guniang jiu chang 天津市直沽酿酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Tiangu 天沽)
Tianjin shi Guishunzhai gaodian shipin erchang 天津市桂顺斋糕点食品二厂 (registrierte Marke: Guishunzhai 桂顺斋)
Tianjin shi roulei lianhe jiagong 天津市肉类联合加工厂 (registrierte Marke: Yingbin 迎宾)
Tianjin shipin jinchukou gufen youxian gongsi 天津食品进出口股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yiju yongji 义聚永记)
Tianjin shi Xiangdezhai gaodian 天津市祥德斋糕点厂 (registrierte Marke: Xiangdezhai 祥德斋)
Tianjin shi Qishilin shipin 天津市起士林食品厂 (registrierte Marke: Wuhuan五环)
Tianjin pi tang zhang fang youxian gongsi 天津皮糖张坊有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laoshaole 老少乐)
Tianjin shi Daoxiangcun shipin gongsi 天津市稻香村食品公司 (registrierte Marke: Daoxiangcun 稻香村)
Shijiazhuang Luoshanqi shipin youxian gongsi 石家庄洛杉奇食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Jinfeng 金凤)
Hebei Baoding Huaimao youxian gongsi 河北保定槐茂有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Huaimao 槐茂)
Hebei Liuling zuijiuchang 河北刘伶醉酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Liuling 刘伶)
Hebei Yufeng shiye gufen youxian gongsi 河北裕丰实业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hengshui laobaigan 衡水老白干)
Chengde Qianlong zuijiuye youxian zeren gongsi 承德乾隆醉酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Bancheng shaoguo 板城烧锅)
Tangshan Hongyan fanzhuang 唐山鸿宴饭庄 (registrierte Marke: Hongyan 鸿宴)
Hebei sheng Liumei shiye youxian gongsi 河北省刘美实业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Liumei 刘美)
Yutian xian Hongyuan jiuye youxian gongsi 玉田县鸿源酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Fengnianpai 丰年牌)
Hebei sanjing niangjiu youxian gongsi 河北三井酿酒有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Sanjing shilixiang 三井十里香)
Shijiazhuang Mashi zhongfa shipin youxian gongsi 石家庄马氏中发食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhendingfu 真定府)
Bazhou shi zhengrong shipin youxian gongsi 霸州市争荣食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhengrong 争荣)
Huai’an xian Chaigoubao xunrou zhipin youxian zeren gongsi 怀安县柴沟堡熏肉制品有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Chaigoubao 柴沟堡)
Daming xian Damingfu xiangyou tiaoweipin youxian gongsi 大名县大名府香油调味品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Damingfu 大名府)
Handan shi yilouyou canyin youxian gongsi 邯郸市一篓油餐饮有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yilouyou 一篓油)
Daming xian Jingfu heizhima xiaomo xiangyou youxian gongsi 大名县京府黑芝麻小磨香油有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Wuluxiang 五鹿香)
Chengde Ganlong zui jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 承德乾隆醉酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Qingyuanheng 庆元亨)
Hebei Nikeng jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 河北泥坑酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Fushengquan 福盛泉)
Tangshan Caoxueqin jiuye youxian gongsi 唐山曹雪芹酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Caoxueqin 曹雪芹)
Tangshan shi Xinxin matang chang 唐山市新新麻糖厂 (registrierte Marke: Mifeng matang 蜜蜂麻糖)
Hebei sheng Qian’an Guantoushan jiu 河北省迁安贯头山酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Guantoushan 贯头山)
Shanxi Laochencu jituan youxian gongsi 山西老陈醋集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Donghu 东湖)
Taiyuan Liuweizhai shiye youxian gongsi 太原六味斋实业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Liuweizhai 六味斋)
Shanxi sheng Pingyao niurou jituan youxian gongsi 山西省平遥牛肉集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guanyun 冠云)
Shanxi Guangyu Yuanguo yao youxian gongsi 山西广誉远国药有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yuan 远)
Taiyuan Shuanghecheng shipin youxian gongsi 太原双合成食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Shuanghecheng 双合成)
Taiyuan shi Ninghua fu Yiyuanqing cuye youxian gongsi 太原市宁化府益源庆醋业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yiyuanqing 益源庆)
Shanxi Taigu Rongxintang shipin youxian gongsi 山西太谷荣欣堂食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Rongxintang 荣欣堂)
Shanxi Yunqing niurou youxian gongsi 山西云青牛肉有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yunqing 云青)
Shanxi sheng Pingyao xian Yanhurou zhipin youxian gongsi 山西省平遥县延虎肉制品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yanhu 延虎)
Taiyuan shi Gudeng tiaowei shipin youxian gongsi 太原市古灯调味食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Gudeng 古灯)
Taiyuan shi guopin chaye fushi zonggongsi 太原市果品茶叶副食总公司 (registrierte Marke: Ganhexiang 乾和祥)
Taiyuan Pude shangmao youxian gongsi 太原普得商贸有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Taishanmiao 泰山庙)
Taiyuan shi tangye yanjiu gongsi Laoxiangcun fushi shangdian 太原市糖业烟酒公司老香村副食商店 (registrierte Marke: Laoxiangcun 老香村)
Shanxi Xinghuacun Fenjiu jituan youxian zeren gongsi 山西杏花村汾酒集团有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Xinghuacun 杏花村)
Shanxi Tangjiu fushi youxian zeren gongsi 山西糖酒副食有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Jintang 晋唐)
Shanxi Laifu Laochencu jituan youxian gongsi 山西来福老陈醋集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laifu 来福)
Yangquan shipin zongchang youxian gongsi 阳泉食品总厂有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yishou 颐寿)
Jishan xian Feikaida shipin youxian gongsi 稷山县飞凯达食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhaoshi siwei fang 赵氏四味坊)
Linfen shi Yaodu qu Wujia Baoxing xunrou zhipin youxian gongsi 临汾市尧都区吴家宝兴熏肉制品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Baoxingshan 宝兴善)
Shanxi Taigu tongbao cuye youxian gongsi 山西太谷通宝醋业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Mingquanbao 明泉宝)
Yuncheng shi Futonghui shipin youxian gongsi 运城市福同惠食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Futonghui 福同惠)
Shanxi Guoshi shipin gongye youxian gongsi 山西郭氏食品工业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guoguofang 郭国芳)
Taiyuan shi Hengyi cheng tian si dian 太原市恒义诚甜食店 (registrierte Marke: Laoshuku 老鼠窟)
Taiyuan shi shipin sanchang 太原市食品三厂 (registrierte Marke: Jin 晋)
Taiyuan jiuchang 太原酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Jinquan 晋泉)
Pingding xian Jinyang fengwei yucai chang 平定县晋阳风味御菜厂 (registrierte Marke: Longjin 龙筋)
Neimenggu Hetao jiuye jituan gufen youxian gongsi 内蒙古河套酒业集团股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hetao 河套)
Neimenggu minzu shangchang youxian zeren gongsi 内蒙古民族商场有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Minzu 民族)
Neimenggu Jinyuan jituan gufen youxian gongsi Huhehaote shi zhijiuchang 内蒙古金元集团股份有限公司呼和浩特市制酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Fengzhou 丰州)
Neimenggu Bainian jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 内蒙古百年酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Kailu 开鲁)
Neimenggu Hengfeng shipin gongye (jituan) gufen youxian gongsi 内蒙古恒丰食品工业 (集团)股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hetao 河套)
Neimenggu Dashengkui shiye youxian gongsi 内蒙古大盛魁实业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Dashengkui 大盛魁)
Neimenggu Hongmao shiye gufen youxian gongsi 内蒙古鸿茅实业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongmao 鸿茅)
Shenyang Cuihua jinyin zhubao zhipin shi ye youxian gongsi 沈阳萃华金银珠宝制品实业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Cuihua 萃华)
Shenyang shi Ganlu jiaoziguan 沈阳市甘露饺子馆 (registrierte Marke: Ganlu 甘露)
Hongxingtai Fushun yinshi wenhua youxian gongsi 鸿兴泰抚顺饮食文化有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongxingtai 鸿兴泰)
Shenyang Laobian jiaoziguan 沈阳老边饺子馆 (registrierte Marke: Laobian 老边)
Dandong shi Laotianxiang dayaofang 丹东市老天祥大药房 (registrierte Marke: Laotianxiang 老天祥)
Huludao shi Gaoqiao Chen cuchang 葫芦岛市高桥陈醋厂 (registrierte Marke: Gaoqiao 高桥)
Shenyang shi Shenhe qu Ma shaomai guan 沈阳市沈河区马烧麦馆 (registrierte Marke: Bainian Ma shaomai 百年马烧麦)
Shenyang shi Baofayuan mingcaiguan 沈阳市宝发园名菜馆 (registrierte Marke: Baofayuan 宝发园)
Anshan shi Shanghai Xinli xunladian 鞍山市上海信利熏腊店 (registrierte Marke: Xinli 信利)
Shenyang shi Zhonghefu chazhuang 沈阳市中和福茶庄 (registrierte Marke: Zhonghefu 中和福)
Anshan shi Laojinghua yanjing youxian gongsi 鞍山市老精华眼睛有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laojinghua 老精华)
Jinzhou xiaocai youxian zeren gongsi 锦州小菜有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Jinzhou 锦州)
Shenyang Tianjiang Laolongkou niangzao youxian gongsi 沈阳天江老龙口酿造有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laolongkou 老龙口)
Huludao shi Gaoqiao xiaocaichang 葫芦岛市高桥小菜厂 (registrierte Marke: Jingang 锦港)
Liaoning Daoguang nianwu jituan Manzu niangjiu youxian zeren gongsi 辽宁道光廿五集团满族酿酒有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Daoguang 道光)
Liaoning sheng Dengta shi huazi jiu 辽宁省灯塔市铧子酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Moqishan 磨齐山)
Liaoning Fengcheng laojiao jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 辽宁凤城老窖酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Fengshan 凤山)
Liaoning Tieshashan jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 辽宁铁刹山酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Tieshashan 铁刹山)
Liaoning Qianshan jiuye jituan youxian gongsi 辽宁千山酒业集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Qianshan 千山)
Panjin shi Panshan jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 盘锦市盘山酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Panjin 盘锦)
Shenyang Daoxiangcun shangye youxian gongsi Daoxiangcun shipin 沈阳稻香村商业有限公司稻香村食品厂 (registrierte Marke: Daofu 稻福)
Beizhen shi Liujia zhuti xunji chang 北镇市刘家猪蹄熏鸡厂 (registrierte Marke: Liuwancheng 刘万成)
Beizhen shi Goubangzi Yinyaru (Yinjia) xunji youxian gongsi 北镇市沟帮子尹亚茹 (尹家)熏鸡有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yinjia 尹家)
Dashang jituan gufen youxian gongsi 大商集团股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Dashang 大商)
Jilin Fuyuanguan shipin jituan youxian gongsi 吉林福源馆食品集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Fuyuanguan 福源馆)
Jilin sheng yangmazi dabing canyin guanli youxian zeren gongsi 吉林省杨麻子大饼餐饮管理有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Yangmazi 杨麻子)
Changchun shi Dingfengzhen shipin youxian gongsi 长春市鼎丰真食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Dingfengzhen 鼎丰真)
Siping shi Liliangui fengwei jiulou四平市李连贵风味大酒楼 (registrierte Marke: Liliangui 李连贵)
Changchun Jidequan niangjiuchang 长春积德泉酿酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Jidequan 积德泉)
Changbaishan jiuye jituan gongsi 长白山酒业集团公司 (registrierte Marke: Changbaishan 长白山)
Songyuan shi Songjiang laocu niangzao youxian gongsi 松原市松江老醋酿造有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Songjiang 松江)
Jilin sheng Daquanyuan jiuye youxian gongsi 吉林省大泉源酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Daquanyuan 大泉源)
Tonghua putaojiu gufen youxian gongsi 通化葡萄酒股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tonghua 通化)
Jilin shi Chunfa shiye youxian zeren gongsi Xinxingyuan jiaoziguan 吉林市春发实业有限责任公司新兴园饺子馆 (registrierte Marke: Xinxingyuan 新兴园)
Jilin sheng Tao’erhe jiuye youxian gongsi 吉林省洮儿河酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Tao’erhepai 洮儿河牌)
Liaoyuan Longquan jiuye gufen youxian gongsi 辽源龙泉酒业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Longquan chunpai 龙泉春牌)
Jilin sheng Meihe jiuye youxian gongsi 吉林省梅河酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Meihe 梅河)
Jilin sheng Bai niangzao youxian gongsi 吉林省百乐酿造有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Baile 百乐)
Changchun Yushu daqu jituan gufen youxian gongsi 长春榆树大曲集团股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Yushu qian 榆树钱)
Jilin niangye jituan youxian gongsi 吉林酿业集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Jiangchengpai 江城牌)
Haerbin Dazhong roulian jituan youxian gongsi 哈尔滨大众肉联集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke:
Haerbin Laodu yichu canyin youxian zeren gongsi 哈尔滨老都一处餐饮有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Laodu yichu 老都一处)
Haerbin Laodingfeng shipin youxian gongsi 哈尔滨老鼎丰食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laodingfeng 老鼎丰)
Hayao jituan Shiyitang zhiyaochang 哈药集团世一堂制药厂 (registrierte Marke: Shiyitang 世一堂)
Haerbin Zhengyanghe tiaowei shipin youxian gongsi 哈尔滨正阳河调味食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhengyanghe 正阳河)
Haerbin Zhengyanglou roulei shipin gongsi 哈尔滨正阳楼肉类食品公司 (registrierte Marke: Zhengyanglou 正阳楼)
Haerbin Lianqiang shangye fazhan youxian gongsi 哈尔滨联强商业发展有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Bazashi 八杂市)
Heilongjiang sheng Shuangcheng Huayuan jiuye youxian gongsi 黑龙江省双城花园酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Huayuan 花园)
Heilongjiang Beidacang jituan youxian gongsi 黑龙江北大仓集团有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Beidacang 北大仓)
Heilongjiang sheng Yuquan jiuye youxian zeren gongsi 黑龙江省玉泉酒业有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Yuquan 玉泉)
Mudanjiang baijiu (chang) youxian gongsi 牡丹江白酒 (厂)有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Mudanjiang 牡丹江)
Haerbin shi Binzhou niangjiuchang 哈尔滨市宾州酿酒厂 (registrierte Marke: Binzhoupai 宾州牌)
Heilongjiang Kedong furu youxian gongsi 黑龙江省克东腐乳有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Erkeshan 二克山)
Heilongjiang sheng fuyu laoyao jiuye youxian gongsi 黑龙江省富裕老窑酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Guihua 桂花)
Kedong xian Renhechun furu youxian zeren gongsi 克东县人和春腐乳有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Yuhe 玉和)
Haerbin shi Nanji lengyin youxian gongsi 哈尔滨市南极冷饮有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Nanji 南极)
Haerbin Zhongyang cheng shipin youxian gongsi 哈尔滨中央城食品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Daluoxin 大罗新)
Mudanjiang shi songcheng tiaoweipin youxian zeren gongsi 牡丹江市松城调味品有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Songcheng 松城)
Heilongjiang beifang tangye gufen youxian gongsi 黑龙江北方糖业股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Hongguang 红光)
Haerbin Qiulin tangguo youxian zeren gongsi 哈尔滨秋林糖果厂有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Qiulin lidaosi 秋林里道斯)
Haerbin qiulin shipin youxian zeren gongsi 哈尔滨秋林食品有限责任公司 (registrierte Marke: Xin tiandi qiulin 新天地秋林)
Haerbin Daxingchang jiuye youxian gongsi 哈尔滨大兴昌酒业有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Daxingchang 大兴昌)
Shanghai Sanyang nanhuo dian 上海三阳南货店 (registrierte Marke: Yangpai 羊牌)
Shanghai Laodatong tiaowei pin youxian gongsi 上海老大同调味品有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Laodatong 老大同)
Shanghai Qunli caoyaodian 上海群力草药店 (registrierte Marke: Qunli 群力)
Shanghai Caitongdetang yaohao 上海蔡同德堂药号 (registrierte Marke: Caitongdetang 蔡同德堂)
Shanghai Wangbaohe jiudian 上海王宝和酒店 (registrierte Marke: Wangbaohe 王宝和)
Shanghai Peiluomeng xifu gongsi 上海培罗蒙西服公司 (registrierte Marke: Peiluomeng 培罗蒙)
Shanghai Baodaxiang qingshaonian ertong gouwu zhongxin 上海宝大祥青少年儿童购物中心 (registrierte Marke: Baodaxiang 宝大祥)
Shanghai Wangkai sheying youxian gongsi 上海王开摄影有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Wangkai 王开)
Xinghualou shipin canyin gufen youxian gongsi 杏花楼食品餐饮股份有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Xinghualou 杏花楼)
Shanghai Xinghualou (jituan) youxian gongsi Laobanzhai jiulou 上海杏花楼 (集团)有限公司老半斋酒楼 (registrierte Marke: Laobanzhai 老半斋)
Shanghai Xinghualou (jituan) youxian gongsi Yanyunlou 上海杏花楼 (集团)有限公司燕云楼 (registrierte Marke: Yanyunlou 燕云楼)
Shanghai Xinghua lou (jituan) youxian gongsi Laozhengxing caiguan 上海杏花楼 (集团)有限公司老正兴菜馆 (registrierte Marke: Laozhengxing 老正兴)
Shanghai Xiaoshaoxing canyin jingying guanli gongsi xiao shao jiudian 上海小绍兴餐饮经营管理公司小绍兴大酒店 (registrierte Marke: Xiaoshaoxing 小绍兴)
Shanghai Gongdelin sushi youxian gongsi 上海功德林素食有限公司 (registrierte Marke: Gongdelin 功德林)
Shanghai quantai fushi xieye zong gongsi 上海全泰服饰鞋业总公司 (registrierte Marke: Quantai 全泰)
Shanghai Laofandian 上海老饭店 (registrierte }


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