Maybe in the future. I just think ofthere's no poin

Top 11 Reasons Why Students Drop out of College | The Digital Student Blog @ The Digital Student Blog
& Top 11 Reasons Why Students Drop out of College
Top 11 Reasons Why Students Drop out of College
Friday, Nov. 23rd
What do you think are the reasons why high school students make it — but stop there?
College is a whole four years, but not everyone goes through with it.
What holds them back?
We looked at several sources on the Internet and found that these are the main contributing factors:
Homesickness and feeling that you don’t fit in. It’s a whole new world out there, and you may not be ready to embrace it.
Educational burnout.
While college gives you control and flexibility over your schedule, the hard demanding schedule, challenging courses, and boatload of homework certainly has turned a lot of students away from the desire to continue.
Academic unpreparedness. Sometimes, high school didn’t really prepare students for college.
Other times, students slacked off in high school and paid the price during their post-secondary years.
The high school goal was to pass (so that students could get into college); in college, it is to succeed.
Personal or family issues.
You may have had an unfortunate illness in the family or you yourself just got totally get stressed out from the workload.
Financial constraints.
Tuition costs , and scholarships or grants are not always available.
Additionally, financial situations can change from year to year.
Too much fun — but not enough education.
Some students take advantage of their friendships, which could put them on academic probation due to suffering grades or absence in classes.
The school isn’t a good academic fit for the student.
You’ve selected a great school that is very arts-centric.
However, you realize that you like the sciences better.
Similarly, you may hate the average class size of 100 and prefer much smaller classes for more individualized attention.
Setting sights on the wrong major.
You may have wanted to be a doctor but after taking several science classes, you decided that you’re rather go into marketing.
Does your school have a marketing major?
If not, you’re likely to go elsewhere.
No guidance or mentors.
In high school, teachers and counselors were there to guide you, as high school classes are typically smaller than the entering freshman class.
It’s a lot harder to get the personalized attention that you’ve been used to and that could turn people off quickly.
External demands, particularly within part time or full time employment. Can we say Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook?
When the job puts too many demands on you, you may have to choose, and money usually wins out.
Time to move out. If the cold winter just doesn’t suit you, you may decide to go elsewhere.
You may want to go closer to home or to be closer to a significant other.
Why have your peers dropped out of college?
by The Digital Student |
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