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英语应用文写作目录第一章 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 书信 书信概论 英文书信格式 私人书信 商务书信第二章 通知 启事 便条 第一节 通知便条类 第二节 启事类第三章 广告 第一节 广告媒介 第二节 怎样写英文广告第四章 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节名片与卡片 请柬 贺卡 便条 留言 英语应用文写作 书一、书信概论书信作为信息的使者、感情的纽带、友谊的桥梁,在日常生活和社会交往中有着不 可忽视的作用。 一封得体的书信, 不仅可以传递信息、 沟通思想, 有助于人们促进交流, 增进了解和加深友谊,而且还有助于人们开展社会交际,节省时间,减少冒犯与不便。 随着对外交流的进一步发展与扩大,英文各类信函的运用范围越来越大。但究竟如 何拟就这些信函,这里边学问很大。它不光要求写信人掌握书信的格式和行文准则,还 要求他们勇于实践并根据具体情况对这些格式和准则加以灵活运用。信(一)英文书信结构(The Structure of an English Letter)正规的英文书信一般由 6 个部分组成:信头、封内地址、称呼、正文、结尾礼词 和签名。 1. 信头(Heading) 信头包括写信人的地址和写信日期。书写信头的目的在于让收信人一看便知该 信来自何处、何日写就,便于收信人复信时参考。 1)信头写法(The Layout of Heading) 分平头式和缩行式两种。信头一般写在信笺的右上角。先写写信人地址,后写 日期。日期与写信人地址之间可空一行。 a. 平头式,每行靠左对齐,行末无标点。例如: 3903 W .-43 Avenue Bonnyville, Alberta Canada, T9N 2k1 August 8,1999 b. 缩行式,每行向右缩进 1-3 个字母。行末用逗号,最后一行用句号。但现代 英语中,已倾向于行末不用标点符号。例如: Admission Office Anhui University No. 1,Longhe Road Hefei, Anhui Province 230039 P. R. of China January 21,1999 2)日期书写(Date Line) 日期一般位于写信人的地址下方。即写在信笺的右下角。若书信格式是完全 平头式,则写在左上角。常见的日期写法有: a. 8th March, 1999 或 8 March ,1999(英式)March 8th,1999 或 March 8,1999(美式) 日期写法宜遵从以下规则: a. 年份必须完全写明,不可用’99 代替 1999; b. 年份需用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即 January (Jan. ), February (Feb.),March (Mar.) ,April (Apr.),May, June, July, August (Aug.), September (Sep.), October (Oct.), November (Nov.), December (Dec.); c. 日期可用序数词(Ordinal Numbers) 。例如:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…, 也可用基数词 (Cardinal Numbers) 。例如:1, 2, 3,4,…。但美式书信大多采用后者; d. 在年份与月日之间必须用逗号隔开; e. 日期不可全部采用如 7.12.1999 或 7/12/1999 的阿拉伯数字书写, 否则回引起误 解。因为英美在这方面的习惯用法不同。按美国人的习惯,上述日期为 1999 年 12 月 7 日,而按英国习惯则是 1999 年 7 月 12 日;写信人的名称、地址,信 中可省略写信者的地址,只需写明写信日期。 2. 封内地址(Inside Address) 封内地址是指收信人地址。 除了发信者使用窗口信封 (Window Envelope) 以外, 一般封内地址靠信笺左边顶格写在写信日期的下方。收信人地址与写信日期之间, 一般空一二格。 封内地址通常包括对收信人的礼节性称呼以及收信人的姓名、 头衔 和地址。例如: 1)July 7,2000 Dr. Peter Mackaye Deputy Director of The International Education Service Washington State University Seattle , W A 96732 USA 2) July 7,2000 Prof. James Brown, Ph. D. President of London Education College London , England ,E. C. 4 3) February 2, 2000 Mr. Wang Zhao Ming Head of Hefei Chemicals Factory Hefei ,Anhui Province 230056 P. R. of China 4) Mr. Michener c/o The Chair of Law Department Anhui University Hefei, P. R. of China 230039 如果收信人是某单位, 一般不写个人名字, 而写该单位负责人的职务名称。 例如: The Manager, The Director, The Chairman 等。 封内地址既可采用平头式也可采用缩行式。 在同一封信中, 封内地址的书写格式应 与写信人地址的书写格式一致。 私人书信一般比较随便,不是很正规,因此有时也可不写封内地址。 3. 称呼(Salutation) 称呼是指写信人对收信人的称呼,通常低于封内地址两行,从两边顶格写起并自 成一行。称呼后面需加标点,英国人习惯于用逗号,而美国人则习惯于用冒号。在非正 式的社交信中,常用逗号。称呼中的每个词的开头一个字母必须大写。 写信者一般根据与收信人的关系程度以及书信的类别,选用称呼用语。如在社交 书信中,普通朋友之间,美国人用 My Dear,而知己朋友之间则用 Dear。与美国人相反, 普通朋友之间,英国人用 Dear,知己朋友之间,则用 My Dear。有时只写收信人的姓, 若对方是一位陌生人,则应用全名。情书中,可用“My Dearest‖或“Dearest‖。一般公 务书信中, 很少用 My Dear, 而是根据对方的职务, 职称, 头衔来选用称呼。 例如: Prof.(教 授),President(校长),Director(主任,处长),Dr.(博士)等。商业书信中,除了在业务往 来比较熟悉的朋友之间可以用 Mr., Mrs.或 Miss 称呼外,一般来说,英国人常用 Dear Sir(s)[Sir(s)不能单独使用,必须与 Dear 或 My Dear 一起使用],Dear Madam(Madam 后 面不能加 s),美国和加拿大常用 Dear Gentlemen 或 Gentlemen(Gentlemen 不能用单数)。 如果信是写给某单位的,可直接写上负责人的职务名称。例如:The Manager, The President 等。 如果不知道收信人的姓名, 则用 Dear Madam(用于对女子的称呼), Dear Sirs 或 Dear Mesdames。 Mr.(Mister)用在人名前,Esq.(Esquire)用在人名后,并用逗号与姓名隔开。两者不 能同时使用。例如:Mr. Wang X Zhang Haihua, Esp.。 常见的收信人的称呼(汉英对照)如下: 收信人 先生(男人) 夫人(以婚) 小姐(未婚) 夫人,小姐统称 夫妇俩人 两位或两位以上男子 两位或两位以上女子(已婚) 两位或两位以上小姐(未婚) 常见的头衔(汉英对照)如下; 教授 博士 医学博士 总统或校长 主席或董事长 副主席或副董事长 副总统或副校长 首相称呼 Mr./Esq. Mrs. Miss Ms Mr. and Mrs. Messrs Mesdames MissesProfessor Doctor(Dr., Ph.D.) Medical Doctor(M.D.) President Chairman Vice Chairman Vice President Prime Minister 总理 Premier 省长或州长 Governor 市长 Mayor 参议员 Senator 大使 Ambassador 秘书长 Secretary General 一秘 First Secretary 二秘 Second Secretary 院长 Director, Dean 副院长 Vice Director 系主任 Dean, Head, Chairman 馆长 Chief Librarian, Curator 阁下 Excellency 神父 Father 其中的“阁下”一词的称呼法如下:直接称阁下,用 Your Excellency;间接称阁下,用 His(Her) Excellency。此外,在市长、议员、大使、法官等姓名前可加上 Honorable,在牧 师姓名前可加 Reverend。 4. 正文(The Body of the Letter) 信的正文是书信的主体,用来表达写信人的思想。信的正文,一般要根据写信者所 要表达的中心思想分段,以使得书信的正文层次清晰,观点明了。各类书信,在正文写 法上大体一致, 只是语气及用词方面略有差异。 通常私人书信, 语气亲切, 用词较随便, 而社交、商务书信,则要求语气婉转,措辞得当。但在现代交际当中,美国人的社交书 信 (也包括商务书信) 的正文已日趋简短、通俗,并带有会话语气。如果信的正文很长, 需两张或数张联页,从第二页开始,最好选用不带信端的信笺,在上端注明页码、收信 人名称以及写信日期。例如: 1) Page 2 The Admission Office, August 9,1999 2) Mr.Hu Jiaoguo --2-- March 8,1999 3) Page 2 Prof. J.W .Laughton May 6,1999 4) Dr.J.W.L. July 14,1999 Page 2(or:P,2) 书信正文的第一句或第一段,通常被称为起首语(The Opening Sentence(s)) 。一般 来说, 英文书信没有固定的起首语。 但人们习惯用一些客套写法来作为书信正文的起语, 即先将对方来信的日期、 主题加以简单描述, 以便使得对方一看便知该信是回答哪一封 信的。如果是第一次给别人写信,也可以用开头语作不要的自我介绍,并表明自己写信 的主要目的。 常用的起首语有: 1)Thank you for your letter dated Oct.23, 1999. 2)Many thanks for your letter of Sep.4, 1999. 3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June.6, 1999. 4)Your kind letter of November 24th arrived this morning. 5)Your letter which arrived today gave me great comfort. 6)In reply to your letter dated 6th July, I want to say… 7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 1 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve. 8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of Mary 5th ! 9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting. 10) First of all I must thank you for your kind assistant and high attention to me. 11) With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that … 12) I was so glad to receive your letter of March 23rd. 13) I am writing to ask about the conference to be held in Beijing next year. 14) I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved. 15) I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering. 16) I am too excited and delighted at your good news. 17) I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations. …… 正文结束前,通常需采用结束语(The Closing Sentence), 以告知对方信的正文部分 已经写完。 常用的结束语有: 1)Awaiting your good news. 2)Looking forward to your early reply. 3)Hoping to hear from you soon. 4)We await your good news. 5)I hope to hear from you very soon. 6)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 7)I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles. 8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 9)Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you. 10) The help you give me is sincerely valued. 11) I hope everything will be well with you. 12) Please let us know if you want more information. 13) I hope you always enjoy yourself. 14) I wish you every success in the coming year. 15) Please remember me to your family. 16) With best regards to your family. 17) All the best. 18) With love and good wishes. …… 在第 1)句中,当采用分词短语时,句末用逗号。逗号后面有时还加上 we are 或 we remain。例如: 1)Awaiting your good news, we are. 2)Hoping to receive your early reply, we remain. 但在现代英语书信中,大多采用完整的句子形式。 5. 结尾礼词(Complimentary Close) 英文书信中的结尾礼词相当于中文书信子中的“敬上”“谨上”“此致敬礼”“敬 、 、 、 启”等。结尾礼词的第一个字母须大写。如果结尾礼词含有两个或两个以上的单词,从 第二个单词开始,所有字母一律小写。礼词后面须加逗号。结尾礼词的位置通常在书信 正文的右下方偏重一至三行处书写。 若采用平头式书信格式, 结尾礼词应从正文下方一 至三行处顶格写起。常用结尾礼词一般写法如下: 1) 社交书信常用: Yours sincerely,(英式;英国人习惯将 Yours 放在前面) Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Sincerely yours. (美式;美国人习惯将 yours 放在后面) 2) 公函常用: Yours respectfully,(英式) Respectfully yours,(美式) 3) 私人书信常用: Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Very sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely, Yours ever, Yours as ever, Yours affectionately, Love, With love from, Yours own, All my love, Your loving son (daughter, cousin, etc.), Your ever son, Your affectionate (or loving) father (mother, sister), 6. 签名(Signature) 写信人的签名通常位于结尾礼词正下方一二行。除非是给很熟悉的人或亲友写信, 签名一般须写出全名。签名常常很潦草,不易辨认,因此在签名的正下方须用打字机打 出全名。例如: 1) Yours faithfully, (签名) Wu Hongqing Managing Director 2)Sincerely yours, (签名) Wu Hongqing Managing Director 写信人如果是女性,并且与收信人素不相识,一般在所打印的署名前用括号注上 Miss, Mrs. 或 Ms.字样,以方便对方回信时选用称呼。例如: Sincerely yours, (签名) (Miss) Maria Mackaye 若是代理署名,一般应在所代理的单位名称前用上“Per Pro”“Per”“P.P.”(拉丁 、 、 文 per procurationem 的缩写)、 “For”“By”字样,以示带签。所代理的单位名称的各 、 词首字母须用大写字母打出。例如: Yours truly, Per Pro( or: P.P. )Yuanfu chemicals Co.Ltd. (签名) Margaret Bush Secretary 另外,不要讲结尾礼词和署名部分单独另写一张纸,否则有失礼貌。至少将正文中 的最后三行挪至下页。因此,写作过程中,写信人应注意整篇信函的布局。例如: -2We guess you will take a very nice trip that seems pretty important to you. Hope it is true. We look forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, (签名) Michael Smith New York 7. 其他事项(Miscellaneous) 书信结构除了上述的 6 大部分以外,有时因实际需要,还包括以下部分: 1) 附件(Enclosure) 书信中的附件,是指随信所附的单位介绍、个人简历、产品说明书,商品目录、宣 传册等材料。附件应标注在签名下方左下角。一般顶格写起,与签名部分至少空一行。 通常采用 Encl.或 Enc.(即英语 Enclosure 的缩写) 。附件 2 件以及 2 件以上,须注明数 目。例如: Enclosure:Catalogue Encl: Personal Data Enc: Invoices 3 2) 再启(Postscript) 在信写完之后,突然想起还需增加一些信息,可在信末即署名下方左边一二行处加 上 P.S.(英文 Postscript 的缩写,类似于汉语中的“又及”“再启”“又启”“附言”), 、 、 、 接着写上补充部分。 在再启之后, 若仍需补充信息, 可在再启的正下方标注 P.P.S(即 Post Postscript),然后增补所要说的话。 一般情况下,最好避免使用附言,尤其是郑重地信函。 3) 抄送(Carbon Copy Notation) 写信人如果需要将所写信件抄送有关单位或个人, 可在信笺的最下端左边写上 C.C. 或 c.c.(英文 Carbon Copy 的缩写)字样,接着写上所需要抄送的单位或个人的名称。 例如: a. C.C.: Anhui Provincial Foreign Affair Office President Wu Hang, Song Jing College Mr. Chen Hongmei b. c.c.:Zhao Youming, General Manager of Changjiang Co.Ltd. Mr. Hao Changchun Miss Zhang Ying 4) 事由(Subject Line or Caption) 事由位于称呼下面两行处,信笺的中间部位。若书信格式采用平头式,则从左边 顶格写起。事由需简要,使人一看便知该信的基本内容或目的。事由下面一般画一横 线。例如: Your Application for Teaching Position Re:Your Application for Teaching Position 5) 经办人姓名(Attention Line) 写信人有时希望所发信笺能够被迅速递交给经办人或经办部门办理, 可在信封内底 至下一行和称呼上一行加上经办人姓名。例如: a. Manual Tools Section Wuhu Machinery Company No.167,Huashan Road Wuhu, Anhui Province P.R.of China Attn: Mr.Hong Shenglin b. Manual Tools Section Wuhu Machinery Company No.167,Huashan Road Wuhu,Anhui Province P.R.of China Attention of Mr.Hong Shenglin c. Wuhu Machinery Company No.167,Huashan Road Wuhu, Anhui Province P.R.of China Attention of Manual Tools Section Mr. Hong Shenglin, Please 二、英文书信格式(The Style of an English Letter) 英文书信格式与汉语书信格式不尽相同,或者说完全不同。英文书信格式大体可以 分为以下 3 种: 1. 平头式(Block Form) 平头式,又被称作“封闭式”“齐头式”“并列式”等。这种格式要求信头、收信 、 、 人地址、日期、称谓、正文(包括每段起始局) 、结尾礼词、署名等各部分均需上下对 齐。 这种形式便于打字, 因此多用于商务书信。 美国人以及加拿大人习惯采用此种格式。 例如: Box 1999 Prince Albert, Sk. Canada S6V 6K1 March 18,1999 Foreign Affairs Office Anhui University No.1,Longhe Rd. Hefei,Anhui Province 230039 People’s Republic of China Dear Sirs, I would like to apply for any positions teaching English as a second language that become Available in the fall semester of 1999.I am a professional artist and have taught at the university level. the last five years I worked as director of a public art gallery. Chinese art is special interest to me, and I took an introductory class in Far Eastern Arts before completing my Master’s degree. I would welcome the opportunity to improve my knowledge of Chinese art and culture in your university. If no positions are available teaching English as a second language, I could contribute by teaching courses in the recent history of Western art. My cross-cultural experience includes participation in the 1999 Thapong International Artists’ Workshop in Botswana, Africa, an experience I enjoyed very much. I enclosed my curriculum vitae, which indicates my teaching experience and my work with people of various backgrounds. I believe that my work skills and personal interest in art and culture of China would help me adapt to working in your university. I would be able to come to China in September of 1999.Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, (签名) Adrian Vinsh, M.A. Encl: curriculum vitae 2. 缩行式(Indented Form) 缩行式,亦称“缩进式”“斜列式”等。这种形式要求信头和收信人地址均较上行 、 缩进一些,一般缩进 2~3 个英文字母,成倒阶梯形状。正文每段开始,一般缩进 5 个 英文字母。段与段之间通常采用双行距。日期写在信笺的右上端,位于信头下一行,封 内地之上一行。 缩行式使用起来不够方便,因而此种形式在现代英文书信中相对少见。例如: Nanchang, Jiangxi Prov. P.R.of China August 31,2000 Director International Programs Columbia University New York,NY,10027 USA Dear Mr. Markham, Thank you for your letter of August 14,1999.I am faxing along with this letter a copy of a short course schedule which you need badly. It does not appear that President Chen Gong and I will be able to go to your university this fall. I regret that I will only be able to see you if our grant is funded. I think it is probably a good idea for Miss Wang Ling to write to the admission office if she intends to study at Washington University. Please give my best regards to Professor Li,et.al. Yours faithfully, (签名) Jiang Ming Encl:a short course schedule 3. 混合式(Modified Form) 混合式又被称为“折衷式”或“改良式” ,它是上述两种形式的混合应用。这种形 式的信头、封内地址、日期以及结束敬语的书写位置大致与缩行式相似,只是不采用字 母缩进的方式。例如: Dept.of Chemistry Southeast China University Nanjing, Jiangsu P.R.of China November 17,1999 Director International Programs San Diego University San Diego, CA
USA Dear Professor Wang, Per your request, enclosed is the first page of the 104 form for Linda Launius Who wants to China to study. The original is being mailed today. I hope this will help her to process her passport and to arrive at JXU for the beginning of the Fall semester, Thank you for your attention and assistance. If there is any further information you require, please let us know. Sincerely yours, (签名) 以上三种格式,目前主要以平头式与混合式较为流行。 (三)信封格式(Superscription) 信封格式是指写信人的姓名地址、 收信人的姓名地址以及信封上所须附注的说明等 在信封上的位置及排列顺序。 写信人的姓名地址通常写在信封左上角, 有时将其写在信封背面中上方。 公函和业 务函的信封左上角一般已印好写信人的地址。收信人的姓名地址位于信封中央或稍后, 上方较下方略为多空一些。行末最好不用标点。 平头式或缩行式均可采用,目前大多采用平头式。无论何种形式均需与信笺上的姓 名地址一致。例如: 1.平头式 Zhao Min Department of Chemistry Anhui University Hefei,P.R.of ChinaStampDr.W.J.Smith Head,Dept.of Education Maryland State University Maryland,MD 21810 USA 2.缩行式 Zhao Min Department of Chemistry Anhui University 230039 Hefei,P.R.of China StampDr.W.J.Smith Head,Dept.of Education Maryland State University Maryland,MD 21810 USA 信封格式,英美两国略有不同。例如: 3.英国式 BY AIR MAIL Stamp Prof.John Wise Chairman,Dept,of Biology Wancouver Education College 100,St.Greenhill Ave. Vancouver 24 Canada London Economics School 56,Wood Street London ,E.C.4,England4.美国式The Bank of America 137 Wall Street New York,NY 10032StampVIA AIR MAIL Messers,Shimamucu & Co.,Ltd 21 Nihoyao,Kochi Japan收信人姓名地址写在信封正面中央,写信人姓名地址写在信封背面中央偏上。例 如: 正面:StampProf. Thomas Hardy Dept. of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto,M5C 2F6 Canada背面:Wu Tangling 15 Huangshan Road Hefei,210031 P.R.of China邮票一般贴在信封的右上角。需用数张邮票时,宜贴在信封背面。 为了使得所发信件投递方便,写信人往往在信封上附注必要的说明,此类说明 通常写在信封正面的左下角, 有时写在左上角, 有时写在左上角写信人的地址下面。 例如: Zhao Min Department of Chemistry Anhui University 230039 Hefei,P.R.of ChinaStampDr.W.J.Smith Head,Dept.of Education Maryland State University Maryland,MD 21810 USA URGENT 常见的附加说明有: Air Mail(By Air Mail,Via Air Mail,Par Avion)航空 Air Mail Registered Sea Mail Registered Double- Registered Express Urgent Immediate Rush Ordinary Printed Matter Special Delivery Book Post Parcel Post Sample Post Sample(s) of no commercial value With Compliments Photo Enclosed Manuscripts Photographs: Please Not Bend Return Postage Guaranteed If unrelieved, please return to … Private Personal Secret Top Secret Confidential To be left till called for To await arrival Please Readdress Care of Postmaster航空挂号 海运 挂号 双挂号 快件 急件 急件 速递 平信(通常不注) 印刷品 特邮快件 图书快件 包裹快件 样品快件 无商品价值快件 赠品 内附照片 稿件 内附照片,请勿折叠 保付退还邮费 如果无法投递,请退…… 亲启 亲收 密件 绝密 机密 留局带领 收信人到后拆信 请转寄 留存邮局若邮寄的材料可能会受到海关货邮政部门的检查,信封就得用透明胶纸封口, 并在封口注明下述字样:Please lift here to inspect content. 如果信件需经第三人收转,则需在收信人的姓名下方写上收转者姓名,并在其 姓名前加上 c/o(care of 的缩写,相当于汉语的“请转交” ,一般采用小写)字样。例 如: Miss Yang Honglan c/o Prof. Zhang Huacheng Department of Physics Anhui University Hefei, P.R.of China 托人转交的信件,一般不写地址,只是在收信人姓名下方注上带信者的姓名即可。 例如: Mr. Zhang Yang Kindness of Dr.Hu Mingdong 类似的书写方式还有: By Politeness …, Per Kindness of …, Per Favor of …, Through the Courtesy of …, Courtesy of …, Forward by …, By Courtesy of …, Forwarded by …, Favored by …, With Favor of …, 这些字样均为“敬请某人转交”之意。 如果无须写出带信人姓名,写上 Please Forward 字样即可。例如: Please Forward 请转交 Miss Chen Huilan 陈惠兰小姐收 要是在收信人姓名前还注明 Attention 字样,意即“请某某主办” 。例如: Attention Mr. Cai Hongguang 如 果 是 介 绍 信 , 可 在 信 封 的 左 下 角 注 明 Introducing Mr. …,To introduce Mrs. …,Recommending Mr. …,To recommend Miss. …字样。例如:Prof. Zhang Henming Introducing Mr. Wang Xiaolong面呈、托人面交、或用送信簿(Chit Book)专人递送的信件,信封上只需写明 收信人姓名,并在其下方写上 Present 字样。例如: Vice-Chancellor John Smith Present若写信人出门在外,写信人又希望收信人予以回复,可在信封上的写信人地址前加 上 As form 字样,意即“按信封上地址回信” 。例如: John Louis As form: Huating Hotel No.152,Caoxi Road Shanghai200059 Mrs. Maria Louis 321 Park Avenue Iowa,IA 52240 USA 注意事项: 1.信封上的写信人姓名前无需加头衔或职称。但收信人姓名前应冠以头衔或职称, 以示礼貌。 2.写给女子的信件,其姓名前宜用 Mrs.或 Miss。如果她本人有职称或头衔,则无 需同时用 Mrs.或 Miss。 3.写给夫妇俩同收的信件,信封上应写成:Mr. and Mrs. Smith。 4.写给丧夫的活已婚女子的信件,信封上要写上她丈夫的姓名,并在前面加上 Mrs.。若收信人是一离婚女子,信封上既可按其离婚前一样称呼去写,也可根据她个 人爱好的称呼去写。 5.如果父子或兄弟同名,儿子或弟弟姓名后须加上 Jr.(英文 Junior 的缩写),指年 幼者;父亲或哥哥姓名后须加 Sr.(英文 Senior 的缩写) ,指年长者。这样字样仅表示 区分父子或兄弟同名的收信人,并非称呼。因此可与 Mr.及 Esq.同时使用。例如: Mr. Mike Jordan, Jr. Mike Jordan, Jr., Esq. 6.若收信人地址中含有邮区代号或编码(Post Code 或 Zip Code) ,务必写上,以 便投递。 7.写国名时,除了美国(USA, the United States of America 的缩写)外,其他国名 一般不缩写。城市名后,无需加上“City” 。 8.信封宜采用国际通用的标准信封。长方形的约 228mm*102mm,短长方形的约 152mm*102mm。除此之外,国外还采用“窗口信封” (Window Envelope)和国际航空 邮筒(Aerogram,Air gram)形式。前者用于帐单、通告、通知书、续订通知、公函等。 因为这些信函或票据均需再写信封地址。后者集信笺、信封、邮票为一纸。一面印有信 封和邮票,另一面则是信笺。写成后折成信封即可投递。 (四)信笺叠法(Letter Folding) 英文书信所采用的信笺应在质量、尺寸以及颜色上与所用的信封协调一致。通常采 用 白 色 无 线 条 的 优 质 纸 张 。 信 笺 大 小 一 般 为 203mm*292mm 。 商 务 信 笺 大 小 为 203mm*254mm 或 203mm*292mm。 信笺折叠得次数取决于信封的大小。一般来说,叠法从简从易,便于展开。若用小 号信封,应将信笺横折为二,折时注意左右对齐,上端略长于下端,以便拆启。而后再 纵折成三等分。若采用大号信封,应将信笺横折成三等分。 二、私人书信(Personal Correspondence) 从广义上讲, 私人书信可分为家信(family letters)和友情信(friendly letters)两类。 也可细分成家信、情书、约会信、求爱信和婉拒信等。 私人书信不同于社交书信和公函,一般不具有一定的“责任”和“义务” ,而是出 于自愿,但它是亲友之间联络感情和互通音讯的需要。 英文私人书信,除了将写信人的地址和写信日期写在信笺的右上角外(也可采用平 头式) ,其余部分像称呼、正文、结束敬语、署名等格式大体与中文书信雷同。信写完 之后,若有什么补充,可在署名的下方接着写。但需要在前面加上 P.S.或小写 p.s.(英 文 Postscript 的缩写) ,相当于汉语中的“又及”或“另外” 。此类书信的封内地址和写 信人地址均可免写。 现代私人书信的语言表达日趋口语化,这样使得收信人感到亲切自然。例如:年轻 人喜欢用“She is a real doll.”代替“She is a lovely girl.” 。 另外,私人书信中常使用撇号(apostrophe,即“’” )的缩略字。例如: I don’t know, I’d love to, I’d like to, We’re pleased, It’s nice, I’m glad to, You’d better, I’ve been, We’ll come to … 偶尔江收信人的名字(通常是 first name 或者是昵称(diminutive) )用在信文中, 可以让收信人有一种知交和亲密的感觉。例如: Tommy, guess what we’re going to do this Christmas Day! 1. 家信(Family Letter) 俗话说: “家书抵万金。 ”当一个人独在异乡为异客时,突然接到家人来信,他会感 到极大的安慰和无比的快乐。 在西方,友情信所使用的一般规则皆使用与家信。只是这种信件是写给家人看的, 因此,信中大多写一些私人的事情。但不能因为是给家人写信,就草率行事。 在家信中,写信人通常传递一些比较愉快的信息,让收信者共同分享。有时写些激 励的话,以激励收信者要求上进。 由于是家人之间的通信,在写信的格式上,有时也显得较为随便。 [例文 1] 致出差在外的丈夫(To a Husband Away on Business) Ed, dear , You left home right a week today, but is seems more than one year to me ! I’ve been feeling lonely without you. However, I’m so glad to hear a nice trip you had a nice trip this time. The order you got in Hong Kong is pretty marvelous ! I guess you must be elated about it too. Are you coming directly home, dear? Or are you going to make some stops on the way? I do hope you’ll be back in time for our son’s birthday party next Friday. He’s now counting the days for his birthday and keeps asking me when you’ll be home. I hope you won’t disappoint him. Everything is well with us and the weather here is nice, too. The day before yesterday I went to see your father. He has recovered from his bad cold and he looks very well now. Everything is also well with your parents. Dear, tell me exactly what day you’ll be back, for Jimmy and I are very lonely for daddy. Love and kisses to you, darling― With love, [例文 2] 致在外就学的女儿(To a daughter Away at school) Dearest Maria, This seems to be a busier week than usual after our 6 weeks away. It was nice of you to have a letter to greet me. Thank you, dear. My hasty note told you of my arrival. Last night I went to see your grandmother and dined with her. She is pretty well now and told me she misses you very much. She hopes you’d better come back and a short stay at home. Yet, I told her you are busy with your lessons. She told me to tell you that you must come back during Christmas holiday. Would that be possible? No more now, dear Maria, Wish everything is well with you. With love, 2. 友情信(Friendly Letter) 友情信是朋友之间加强感情交流、互通音讯的良好渠道。此类书信的写作应尽可能 地达到友好和热情。 [例文 1] 圣诞节致好友(To an Intimate Friend at Christmas) Dear Alice, Here it is Christmas again and you are still in San Francisco, and I am still in Boston but with a whole continent between us! It would take far more than a continent between us to make me forget the many happy Christmas we had together and the many pleasant memories we both share. Do you remember the Christmas party you had when you and Ed got married? That day you had a big tree in the living room and a tiny one right beside it―and everyone wondered why. Then you and Ed began opening the packages just around the little tree and taking out booties, mittens and Teddy bears―and everybody there knew you were going to have a baby! It was a wonderful day. That was eleven years ago, Alice. Your daughter, Linda, must be quite a young lady now. And Tommy was born the year you moved to San Francisco, so he must be seven. I hope I could see them, but I guess it will be a long time. My husband, Peter, is very busy now, in fact, busier than ever. He is so conscientious that he won’t go away for a weekend for fear that he won’t finish his program on Water Pollution on time. Is Ed still with business? How is he doing now? It seems a long time since I heard from you. I do hope you will let us know how you all are. Anyway, Alice, the coming Christmas day makes me think of you and recall al the times we used to have. Peter and I send our love to all the family and the wish that everything will be well with you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Yours ever, [例文 2] 致病中好友(To a Good Friend Who Is Ill) Dear David, I am shocked to hear that you are now in the hospital. It’s hard to believe , for you’ve been pretty strong and healthy. Well, the appendix is just a kind of simple operation. So you’ll be well rid of it. Enclosed you’ll find a small book which I think funny, I hope you’ll find it funny too. I wish you will be entirely recovered for Christmas vacation. I am sure you must be. Three weeks later you would forget you ever had an appendix. I am ready to help you if you have to make up lessons. Take care. Hope to see you soon. Yours ever, 3. 情书(Love Letter) 情书是情侣之间交流思想、 加深了解、 建立感情的重要手段。 它可以驱散寂寞忧愁, 激起爱情的火花。 情书是意中人之间的感情纽带,它的精髓在于真诚。因此,情书的语言表达应该坦 率真挚。 情书没有固定的书写格式,它取决于写信人各自的喜好于习惯。但不能忽视应有的 礼节和风度。 [例文 1] George darling, How sweet of you to write such a charming, heart-thrilling letter to me! You can imagine how I felt when I read it word by word and even could not afford to miss a punctuation mark. Since the arrival of your letter, I have been so excited that I haven’t . stopped talking to mom. She wondered what had made me suddenly become talkative. I just won’t let her know the secret for the present. When I’m apart from you. I go over all the lovely things you said to me when last I saw you , and think of all the loving things I shall say when next I see you .But when we meet, I often forget them all in the sheer delight of being with you. How you’ve made me happy! And my life seems richer than ever, my darling! Your own adoring, [例文 2] Dearest Ted, Next to you , I think the postman is my favorite person , for he brings me your nice letters . And your letters fill my days with sunshine and happiness. Have I told you that I love you , recently? You’re in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dreams every hour of the night. Yesterday in the composition class I almost wrote the wordsD I love you , Ted‖ right in the middle of my essay. Luckily, I discovered it in time and erased them. Right now, having just re-read your letter, I feel as if you were here with me , and I am the happiest girl in the world at the mere thought of you . My classmates often tease me for being absorbed in thinking of you . I like their teases, for you know they mean I have a boy who really adores and loves me . Take good care of yourself. Devotedly, [例文 3] Dearest Joan, It’s June first. That means our wedding is only three weeks away ! I’m so happy , I just can’t think of anything else. Isn’t it marvelous, my sweet, that with all the millions and millions of people in the world , you and I should have met… and fallen in love… and now we’ll soon be married! Or do you think it was all planned that way, long ago―perhaps even before we were born? Anyhow, precious, I think I’m the luckiest man in the world! I’m going to devote my life to making you happy. I promise. Darling, we really should decide between Lake George and Lake Placid right away―otherwise we’re likely to spend our honeymoon in little old New York! I’m enclosing the booklets you asked me to send. Will you look them over right away, and decide which it will be? Then let me know and I’ll wire for reservations. Phone me as soon as you can , pet―we should have attended to this long ago! But there is always my brother’s hunting lodge in Canada, if we can’t get reservations elsewhere. Bob’s been asking me for weeks if we wouldn’t like to use it for our honeymoon. I’ll help you address the announcements this weekend. Don’t try and do them all by yourself. As for the notes of thanks―just write as many as you can ,Sally. The rest can wait until we get back and are in our own home. DOur own home… ‖Doesn’t that sound wonderful, honey! I wonder if you are as happy as I am . I know we’re going to have a marvelous life together, Sally… I love you more than I ever dreamed it would be possible to love anyone! Love me too precious! Don’t ever stop loving me! You are the most important thing in life to me now―you know that, don’t you? A thousand thoughts of love. Your own, 4. 约会信(Date Letter) 约会信通常是指异性朋友之间的邀约通信。异性朋友之间,经过一段时间的交往, 相互之间每每产生好感。 这种好感是否意味着有恋爱的可能呢?有意者则通过约会信的 方式进行试探。 约会信, 因为是异性朋友之间用来试探对方情感的一种通信形式, 一般内容不宜过 长。用词切记婉转,并且需要态度谦逊,保持理智。 [例文 1] My dear Miss Shirley, After I met you , I’m not as what as I used to be , for your behavior has been letting me change myself . You are really a nice girl that I’ve met. The Association for Young Writers will have a get-together party on March 24.Every member of the association, as required, will take a partner with himself or herself to the party . Since I know few girls here, I write you to see if you could go together with me . I hope you won’t disappoint me, will you? Please let me know if it’s possible. Thank you. From, [例文 2] Hello, Susan! How have you been now? There will be an American film DLove Story‖ on Sunday night. I’m not sure whether you are free that time. It’s said it is a great film. If possible, you would go to see it . Here is a ticket. Wish to see you then. Yours ever, 5. 求爱信(Wooer’s Letter) 求爱信又称求婚信, 是异性朋友之间感情发展到一定程度的结果, 它是约会信的升 华。 求爱信的语言要真诚,行文需流畅,语气应婉转。 收信人也应尊重求爱者的感情,无论对对法的看法如何,都应予以礼节性的答复。 [例文 1] Dear Sophie, For a very long time past I’ve wanted to ask you a question of the deepest importance to myself .Can you guess what it is? It is obvious to us what friends we have been for years and how much we have seen of each other. As a matter of fact, the more I’ve seen of you the more certain I’m that all my happiness in the future depends on you. Before meeting you last night I had encouraged myself to ask you to be my wife, but when the moment really came I found my heart beating so fast and couldn’t say a single word. I trust you must have already guessed what my question is . Now I’m venturing to ask it: Will you be my wife? Dear Sophie, I love you more than I can say. But all I can say, from the bottom of my heart, is I love you forever. I’m anxiously awaiting your answer .If it is DYes‖, I shall be happiest man in the world.From, [例文 2] Dear Stan, You can imagine how happy I’ve been since I received your nice letter. I’ll never be able to tell you. I’ve loved you ever since I knew you. Of course, you will see my father and my mother and explain something of your plans for the future. I know they’ll help you as far as they can, and you shall find that I’ll be a dependable mate as well as a loving wife. I can’t write what it is in my heart. There would never be enough words for me to list all the ways I love you. All the best, Ever yours, 6. 婉拒信(Letters of Tactfully Refusing) 婉拒信通常指异性朋友之间拒绝对方的邀约或求爱的复信。 这类信件的语言表达应 力求委婉,以免伤害他人的感情。 [例文 1] Dear friend, Charlie, Your March 8 letter came to me this morning. Thank you. As you told me, you’ll have a get-together party on March 24. And you want to take me to the party. Yet, I feel awfully sorry that on that day I’m going to see an old friend who’s seriously ill. I hope you’ll find another partner. Good-bye! Yours faithfully, [例文 2] Dear Stan, I am very much surprised to get your letter of June 18. The letter told me you encouraged yourself to ask me to be your life mate. It seems a thunder on a sunny day. I am sorry that a man has asked me to be his wife before you did. So all I can say is Dsorry‖ and I sincerely wish you will find your sweetheart soon, and I’m sure you will. Hope everything will be going well with you. Truly yours, 三、商务书信(Commercial English Correspondence) 商务书信通常简称为 Business Correspondence,即交易时的通信。在美国,称为 Business Writing,它包括合同契约、电报、电信及各种票据。 (一)商务书信写作原则 (Principles for Business Letter Writing) 在 书 写 商 务 书 写 时 , 有 以 下 几 条 原 则 , 表 达 既 要 体 贴 (Consideration) 、 简 洁 (Conciseness)、清晰(Clarity)、礼貌(Courtesy)、正确(Correctness),同时,又要做到完整 (Completeness)和具体(Concreteness)。在此主要就“完整”与“具体”的原则予以说明。 1.完整(Completeness) 商务书信应力求包含写信人希望收信人做出反应的所有问题或情况, 或者答复对方 来信中所提出的全部问题或要求。越是重要的信越应注意“完整” 。 比方,询盘和报盘时,应把全部条件阐述清楚,以免引起不必要的纠纷。尤其是接 受对方报盘时, 因为这种信实际上已是成交合同, 对双方具有约束力, 所以一定要完整。 例如: Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of Feb .14,we are pleased to accept your offer of 250 sets of your machine as per your offer sheet No.21080.Please go ahead and apply for your Export License .As soon as we were informed of the number of your Export License ,we’ll open L/C. Yours faithfully. 一封完整的书信更容易带来预期的效果,建立在亲善的关系,并成为很重要的文 件。因此完整(Completeness)是商务书信中至关重要的一条原则。 检查一封书信是否完整,我们可以用5个“W”来测试,所谓五个“W”即指 who, what, when, where and why 或 how。一封包括以上内容或可以回答以上问题的信才 被视为完整的书信。 2.具体(Concreteness) 商务书信中“具体”的原则,是指信要写的具体,明确生动。特别是答复对方要 求的信,应力求具体,报盘或收盘宜避免模糊,抽象和一般。 请看下例: 1) We wish to confirm our telegram yesterday. Better: We confirm our telegram of Marsh 29. 在商务书信中,最好对电报,电传日期,号码交待清楚。例如: 2) We have received with thanks your check .The amount has been placed to your credit. 这两句话交待不清,应该具体说明支票号,款额等。 Better: We have received with thanks check No.23 for US $200 000,in payment of our machines. The amount has been placed to your credit. 当然,所有商务书信应力求做到“具体” ,但有时为了“外交”或“客套” ,却有意 识地避免面面俱到。因此,对“具体”原则的要求,要视具体情况而定,不可一概而论。 (二)商务书信的结构和格式(Structure and Layout of a Business Letter) 与一般信函相比,商务书信的语言风格,形式结构有着自身的特色。 1. 商业信件的文体和语言(Style and Language of a Business Letter) 商业信件有其独特的文体(style)和格式(format),一般说来,商业信件在文体及 语言方面应做到:简洁,有理,明了,准确。 1)简洁(Simplicity) 商业书信要尽可能简洁明了,采用通俗易懂的语言和简明扼要的格式,避免使用陈 旧的套话(cliché )和没有什么实际意义的词语,比较下列两例: [例文 1] Dear Sirs, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 15th of April. Please accept our profuse apologies. We were unable to settle this matter because of the sudden disease of Miss Lund, our accountant. As a result, we were unaware of those accounts which were to be cleared. We now, however have managed to trace all our commitments and take pleasure in enclosing our remittance for $ 1 000 000which we trust will settle our indebtedness. We hope that this unforeseen incident did not in any way inconvenience you, nor lead you to believe that our not clearing balance on the due date was an intention on our part to delay payment. Yours sincerely, [例文 2] Dear Mr. East, I am replying to your letter of April 15 asking us to clear our March balance. I apologize for not settling the accountant sooner, but because of the unfortunate death of our outstanding balance. Please find enclosed the check for $1 000 000 and accept our apologies for any inconvenience. Your sincerely, 以上两封信相比,第二封信简洁明了,不易引起误会,更适用于商务书信。 2)礼貌(Courtesy) 虽然商业信件要求简洁明了,开门见山,但也要保持礼节。为论写何种信函,都 要写得客气而有分寸。在书写拒绝,指责或投诉一类信时,有时在写些较复杂的长句子 或多用被动语态,这样才能避免咄咄逼人,使得语气显得婉转,易于接受。请看: [例文 1] Dear Mr. Douglass, I have already written to you concerning your outstanding debt of $ 600 000.This should have been cleared three months ago. You don’t seem to cooperate in paying us, and therefore we will have to sue you if your debt is not cleared within next month. Yours sincerely, [例文 2] Dear Mr. Douglass, I refer to your previous letter sent on Feb. 28 200 in which you were asked to clear the balance of $600 000 which has been outstanding since January. As you have not replied to the letter, you leave little choice for me but to place the matter in the hands of solicitors. However, I am reluctant to do this and am offering you further month to settle the account. Yours sincerely, 以上两例中,第二封信措辞婉转,比第一封信更易于接受。 3)明了(Clarity) 用词要准确恰当, 避免产生歧义或令对方误解你的意思, 尤其要注意以下几个方面: a. 缩写: 除了少数国际商业界确认的缩写, c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight)(到 如: 岸价),f. o. b. (free on board)(离岸价)外,应尽量避免使用缩写,尤其是机构或 组织名称,最好写出它的全部字母。 b. 数字:不同国家的人对某些数字的表达方式也不一样。例如:英国人和美国 人对“billion”和“million”的理解就不一样,又如 4.255,法国人喜欢写 成 4 255(英国人会以为是四千二百五十五)所以最安全的办法是数字和文字 同时使用。 例如: £10575.90 (ten thousand five hundred and seventy-five pounds, ninety pence) c. 介词:数字前如果用介词则须十分小心。下列三个例句中,因为介词不同, 句子的意思也不同。 (1)The price has been increased to $20. 价格提高到20美元。 (2)The price has been increased by $20. 价格提高了20美元。 (3)The price has been increased from $20. 价格从20美元提高。 4)准确(Accuracy) 一封信能反映公司的面貌。所以在写商业信件时,除了内容要明白无误外,还要 注意准确性。 a. 注意正确书写收信人的职称,姓名和地址(title, name and address) 地址写错,信件不能及时到达收信人手里,会给双方都带来很大的不便,而且 还给对方造成你工作疏忽大意的坏印象。同样,将收信人的职称或姓名写错也是不 礼貌的,也会对方留下不良的印象,所以要格外小心。 你不知道对方的性别,最好写:Dear Sir or Madam。如果你知道对方的性别和姓名, 则最好写:Dear Mr. Baron 或者 Dear Mrs. Baron。如果是给对方回信,最好写清楚 你指的是哪一天的来信。例如:I’m replying to your letter of April 6,2000. b. 注明随信附件(Enclosure) 如果你随信寄去附件的话,一般宜在信中说明。例如:Enclosed please find… (随 信寄...)这时千万别忘了附寄你信中提及的附件,而且注意不要搞错。 .. 2. 英文商务书信的构成(Structure of a Business Letter) 商业书信中必须包含一般正规英文书信的六个组成部分,即: 1) Heading 信头; 2) Inside Address and Date 信内地址与日期; 3) Salutation 称呼; 4) Body of the Letter 正文; 5) Complimentary Close 结束语; 6) Signature 签名。 同样也根据实际情况,酌情增加以下事项: 7) Enclosure 附件,简写成“Encl.”或 “Enc.” ; 8) Postscript 附言,简称“P.S.” ,一般应避免此项; 9) Particular Address or Attention Line 经办人姓名,该项一般位于 “日期”项上方; 10) Letter Subject 书信主题,此项一般置于“日期”项上方; 11) Reference Numbers 查号或编号,此项一般置于“日期”项上方; 12) Carbon Copy Notation 抄送, 简称 DC.C‖.。 此项应位于 “附件” 项下方。 商务书信有时还要采用 b. c. c (blind carbon copy ),这种形式只用在复印件上抄 送某人,除写信人和被抄送人,他人无从知道此信送给谁。请看下例: 1) Anhui Machinery Import & Export Corporation 230 Jinzhai Road Hefei Anhur 230031 Tele:( Telex:( Your Reference: Our Reference: Our Reference: 7810 March 29 2)Douglass Corporation Seattle, Washington USA 3)Dear Sir, 4)Here enclosed is a new price list for US markers, indicating a full range of our products. If you are interested in receiving quotations on any of there items, please inform us. We wait for good news from you. 5)Yours faithfully, 6)Lame Lucia(手写体(签名) ) 7)Encl: Price List 8)C. C. Mr. Hong fei , Hefei, Anhui 3. 英文商业书信的格式(Style of a Business Letter) 常见的商业书信有缩头式,平头式和混合式三种格式。 1) 缩头式(Indented Style) 缩头式又称缩行式,特征是: 封内地址逢换行时,下一行要比上一行往右缩进 1~3 个字母的位置;正文每一段 落的首行,都留有 Margin(空白边缘) ,一般往右缩进 3~8 个字母的位置;两个段落 之间空1行~2行: 使用封闭式标点符号(Close Punctuation)――封内地址每一行末都有 标点,称呼与结尾礼词后也用标点符号。例如: Anhui Machinery Corporation. Hefei, Anhui, 230031. Douglass Corporation. New York, N. Y. March 24, 2000. Dear Sirs, Our price list has been posted to you for two months. We hope you could consider the situation quickly. If you’re interested in some of the items, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are hoping to get good news from you. Yours faithfully, 平头式(Block Style) 平头式又称垂直式,其特点是每一行字,包括日期,封内地址等,都从左边的空白 边缘写起,并使用开放式标点符号(Open Punctuation)――除了非用不可的标点,以及缩 略语中使用的句点外,地址行末不使用标点符号。例如: Anhui Machinery Corporation Hefei, Anhui 230031 March 28, 2000 Mr. Johnny Smith Douglass Company, New York, N. Y. 2) Dear Sirs, Our price list has been posted to you for two months. We hope you could consider the situation quickly. If you are interested in some of the items, please don’t hesitate to inform us. We are hoping to get good news from you. Yours faithfully, 3)混合式(Semi-block Style) 混合式又称折衷式(Modified Block Style),是带有缩行式分段的平头式,即正文每 一行用缩行式,而封内地址等采用平头式,例如: Anhui Machinery Corporation Hefei, Anhui, 230031 March 28, 2000 Mr. John Smith, Douglass Company, New York, N. Y. May 8, 2000 Dear Sirs, We have posted our price list to you for two months. We hope you could consider the situation quickly. If you are interested in some of the items, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are hoping to get good news from you. Yours faithfully, 英文商业书信不管采用什么格式,都要认真,仔细,切忌出错。然而,目前较为流 行的形式则为平头式。 (参看以下实例) 。 (三)商务信函实例(Samples of Commercial Letters) 以上介绍了英文商业书信的基本知识,本节将结合具体的各个贸易环节,阐述各 种贸易书信的写法及特点。1.建立联系(Establishing a Business Relationship)作为贸易开始和发展的基础,业务关系的建立具有至关重要的作用,也是贸易中 艰难的第一步,用于建立贸易关系的信件应当介绍本公司的经营范围,业务现况,并可 寄送商品目录,价格表,样品等,当然也可以进一步询问对方的愿望和要求。 “良好的开端是成功的一半” ,作为交易第一步的联系信件一定要措辞热情诚恳, 非但要谦虚,礼貌,而且要鲜明,有自己的特色,力争给人留有美好,深刻的印象。为 吸引顾客,更好地进行贸易,事先应进行必要市场调查,做到有的放矢,十分重要。只 有在了解市场的情况下,发挥自己的优势,进行业务联系方能拓展业务。 [例文 1] Dear Sirs, Seeing your name and address listed in the national newspaper we’re now writing to you, hoping to open an account with you. Our company is a subsidiary company of the Far East Trading Corporation. Therefore, we’re well financed. Because of our interest in the economic prosperity of Hefei, we would like to cooperate with you. We’re sure that you will be quite satisfied with our service and goods. We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply. Yours faithfully,[例文 2]Dear Sir, We have received your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us in detail the way of cooperation. Your company is one of the largest company in Anhui and certainly well financed. We’d try our best to place ourselves in a position where we can conduct some business relationships of mutual benefit. We are looking forward to receiving your further explanation. Yours faithfully,[例文 3] Self-Introduction Dear Sir, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who has informed us that you are in the market for textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated cooperation, handing both the import and export of textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items available at present. Should any of the items of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with customers of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl: Export List[例文 4]Request for the Establishment of Business Relations Dear Sirs, Having obtained your name and address from Messrs. Anderson & Co., Rotterdam, we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We have been importers of Arts & Crafts for many years. At present, we are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. Yours faithfully,[例文 5]A Reply to the Above Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of the 3rd this month and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogs and pricelist covering our exports. Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. If you find business possible, please cable us for offers. Yours faithfully, 2.询价(Asking for an Offer) 建立业务联系后,在对方介绍和自己调研的情况下,双方对被询的情况有所了解, 这就有了贸易基础。当然每一笔交易的完成,都要经过反复磋商。 交易的磋商(business negotiation)包括询价,报价,询盘,报盘,还盘和接盘等过程, 下面分别介绍通过上述过程进行交易磋商的一些基本步骤。 询价是一般的询问,仅用于买主向卖主了解情况,索要商品目录,价目表,样品等。 一般的询价要以简单,清楚为原则。最好开门见山地询问你想要了解的东西。 询问有首次询价和普通询价两种。以前从未有过生意来往的买卖双方,由买主向卖 主的询价称为首次询价(称DFirst Inquiry‖) ,以后即为普通询价(Regular Inquiry),无论 哪种询价,它们都不是专门地,有目的地针对某一商品进行询问,而是泛泛地了解对方 商品的状况,这是询价有别于询盘之处。下面是两则询价函: 1)首次询价(First Inquiry) Dear Sirs, The Far East Company, Shanghai Office inform us that you are exporters of machines in a great variety of types. Would you please send us details of various ranges, including types, colors and prices, and if possible, also samples of different qualities of material used. We are one of the largest department stores in Los Angles and believe there is a promising market here. When replying, please state payment and discounts you allow on purchases of not less than 10 sets of machine. Yours faithfully, 2)普通询价(Regular Inquiry) Dear Sirs, We have received your circular of Feb. 17,2000 with a list of the Chinese silk skirts enclosed. Since we have much interest in this line of the Chinese goods, we often receive inquiries about them from our friends in Africa. We are able to give you considerable orders if your prices are good. If possible, please send us some samples with the best terms as soon as possible. Waiting for your earliest reply. Yours faithfully, 3.报价(Quotation) 报价用于回复对方的询价,是贸易业务中买卖双方必经的过程。报价时,在注意向 对方报呈价格的准确性的同时,措辞要礼貌,内容要详尽,让对方感觉到你的诚意,并 向对方提出最优惠的条件,为双方良好的贸易合作创造机会。例如: Dear Sirs, In reply to your esteemed letter of Feb. 13, we’re now sending you our latest price list, together with our illustrated catalog. In the above mentioned list, you can see we’re bid you the lowest prices and offered our best goods. We believe that will make you give us give us your valued orders. We are waiting for your immediate reply. Yours, 信中所提的Dprice list‖与Dcatalog‖一定要内容详细,条件清楚,切忌出错。 以上是应对方的要求而报价,以吸引客户,发展业务。例如: Dear Sirs, We are learned that you have recently opened a shop for the sale of Chinese silk skirts and send you our best wishes for success. Our company produces good silk skirts and takes the liberty to send you our quotation sheet for high-quality skirts. We believe that a trial order would let you know the goods we offer are excellent. This is a good opportunity for you to buy good silk skirts at our prices. And we hope you will not miss it. We are looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, 4.询盘(Inquiring) 买卖双方在泛泛地询价与报价之后,即对对方的货物,价格,折扣,买方付款条件 等有了较为全面的了解。在这种情况下,如对卖方的某一种特定的货物较感兴趣,有意 交易,即可进行询盘。 贸易询盘信函专门用于了解此种(特定)商品的价格。汇款条件等情况,它是订货 的前奏,但询盘并无订购的义务。询盘函要热情诚恳,并将自己的要求写准确,清楚, 以便获得全面的信息。 [例文 1] Dear Sirs, We have received the enclosed drawing of two kinds of machines which were sent by you on Feb. 26, 2000). Would you please inform us by return of the price, discounts, terms of payment and the time when you can deliver? If your quotations are suitable and the quality proves good, we’ll be please and your representative can call on us shortly. Yours faithfully, [例文 2] Dear Sirs, In your letter of March 3,2000, we got your enclosed price list and catalog, we found that one of your goods is to our satisfaction, so we are now mailing its picture back to you. On seeing this picture, would you please inform us in detail its price, terms of payment, its quality, because our market is large. If the goods are sold out quickly, we are sure to place orders with you again. If possible, please let us know soon. Yours faithfully, 5.报盘(Offer) 针对买方有目的地对某一产品的询盘,卖方一定要给予热情,礼貌并周全,准确的 报盘,让买方满意,以便促成生意。 [例文 1] Glad to receive your letter of March 28, 2000, and we are giving you our most favorable price for the two sets of machines which you are interested in. Type 243 is made of pure steel, 25 tons, well-designed and good-priced-$2 500. Type 410 is made of iron, 30 tons, with the price of $3 000. Our commonly used payment is in cash. We wish you would be satisfied with the prices and terms of payment. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, [例文 2] Dear Sirs, We’re honored here to enclose the price and further information of the goods you’re interested in. The picture of silk skirt is one of the best-sellers of our factory. It’s made of silk and the quality is perfect. As this is the first time for us to cooperate, we’ll give you our best price-$ 15 each. If you could accept that price, believe we’ll take the best care of your orders. Look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, 6.还盘(Counter-offer) 一般地,卖方收到买方询盘。买方收到报盘后,应及时给予回复,以表示同意对方 报盘的条件,或者修改对方部分条件,称为还盘。例如: Dear Sirs, On receiving your letter, we found the prices of your machines a little bit higher than acceptable. If you could reduce Type 234 to $2 000, white Type 410 to $2 400-$2 500, we will be very happy to place order with you. Please write to us if possible. The dealing is subject to our final confirmation. Yours faithfully, 报盘人若对还盘条件不满,提出新的条件,即还盘作再次还盘,称为“反还盘” 。 在实际交易中,有时会经历反还盘。例如: Dear Sirs, We are really glad to receive your letter of April 14, 2000. But we think the price you offered is too low. Because this is the first time of our cooperation, we’ll cut some of our price. If you could accept Type 243 for $2 700, we’ll be glad to take great care of your orders. Hope to receive your letter soon. Yours faithfully, 7.订货(Initial Order) 订单是交易中为获得货物或服务而进行的一种通信要求。它是上述各种环节的结 果,是双方贸易的书面形式。为确保得到自己所订之货物。订单一定要以信函的方式加 以确认,此种信函应包括: 1) 对收到订单感到高兴; 2) 对所订之货加以有利的说明,并高度重视所收到的订单; 3) 设法使对方对别的产品也感兴趣; 4) 欢迎再次订购。 1)首次订货(Initial Order) Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of Oct. 14, sending us pictures of mechanical equipment. We find the quality and pattern satisfactory and would like to place an order for the following items if they are available and you can offer the following prices. Quantity Pattern No. Price 300 tons 5 40 L P/T 200 tons 52 35 L P/T We hope we can find a good market for these goods and place further orders with you in the future. Our usual terms of payment are cash against documents. Meanwhile, you can make inquiries concerning our financial standing, though the Bank of China, Anhui Branch. Yours faithfully, 以上是首次订货的典型例子。如果双方合作愉快,以后成为经常的生意伙伴,则订 货方式会趋于简捷,明了。但无论何时,所有的订单中要详细地说明货物的数量,价格 及货号,对包装方式,目的港及装运期进行确认,同时还需要确认付款方式。 2)续订货单(Repeat Order) Dear Sir, We have received the shipment of your steel sheets per S. S. Ling Hong and very please to inform you that we find you goods satisfactory. We wish to place with you a repeat order for 300 tons of pattern No. 51. Please arrange early shipment of this order if possible. We’re in urgent need of your goods. We’re looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully 收到贸易伙伴的订货信,必须进行回信,以下是几例要求各异的订货回信。 [例文 1] 告诉对方只能向在订货商所在国的代理商订购,不可以直接向总公司订货。 Dear Mr. Johnson, We’re really grateful on receiving your letter of Nov. 3 in which you showed great interest in our products. Actually, we have an agency in Shanghai, China, though which we sell our products in China. Therefore, we’ve passed your letter on to them, asking them to consider it soon. You’ll surely receive their letter. Thank you very mush for your interest on our products. Hope that can satisfy you. Yours sincerely, C.C.: our agency in Shanghai: 535 Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China P. R. C. 200001 [例文 2] 告诉对方已停止制造所需产品,并趁机推销新产品。 Mr. Black, Thank you very much for your letter of Nov. 4, ordering one of our products: Type 5 Sewing Machine. I’m sorry to say the order for this type of machine has been cancelled because of buyers’ suggestions. Maybe you, as other customers did, will want a substitute for this-Type 6 sewing machine. Here we enclose the brochure of this new type. Please pay attention to the advantage and improvement of this machine. If you’d be interested in this product, we’d be really glad to accept your next order. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Enclosure: 5 brochures [例文 3] 要求对方先付款,然后再接受订货 在收到订单后,有些公司会提出付款问题,要求对方先将自己随信寄去的发票付清 后,即可送货。 Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your ordering letter of May 31 for our No. 23 machines. Here enclosed is the invoice CS 9-001 for $20 000. As soon as you pay that, you can get our delivery. Thank you for giving us your valuable order. Hope we have chance to cooperate again later. Sincerely yours, Enclosure: Invoice 在这类信件中,也可以注明信的主题(Subject), 明确信中涉及的内容。例如:这里 可在 Dear Mr. Smith 后加上一条:Subject: No. 23 Machine. 有的则采用“事由” ,英语里为“Reference” ,简写为“Re:” 。例如: Re: No. 884566 Order 8.推销(Pushing Sales) 在对方未发函进行询价或询盘时,卖方主动介绍自己和产品,以优惠的价格及付款 条件,优良的质量与售后服务来吸引顾客,即称为推销。 推销应是循序渐进地向对方推荐自己的产品。 最初可以寄送一些与企划相关的新闻 报道,接着寄送自己公司的营业介绍,以求满足对方要求,也可邀请参加投资研讨会, 并利用一切可以利用的机会,如致谢或抗议进行推销。 1)随信附上企划的新闻报道 Dear Sir/Madam, Enclosed is a feature article from Oct. 23 China Daily which I thought you might find it interesting. It copes with the problems about Hong Kong market and Singapore market. I also thought it might provide you with some additional information in considering our commodity. We are looking forward to your answer. Best regards. Yours sincerely, 2)对企划的补充与自己公司的营业介绍 Dear Sir & Madam, Enclosed with this letter are some materials we think you may be interested in. These materials will help you get a working knowledge at our program. Also I have enclosed our company’s brochure for your reference. It offers our service and other background information. Along with this, I would be happy to give a more complete explanation with actual materials. Would it be possible for us to meet on some future days? Please don’t hesitate to contact us if there are any possibilities for us to do any thing for you. Sincerely yours, Enclosure: 10 brochures 这种信件通常包括说明寄送的材料,并希望能在其他方面也有所帮助。 3)邀请对方参加讨论会 Dear Mr. Smith, I take great honor to invite you to attend an important seminar on investment held by our overseas investment group. This seminar will introduce briefly our funds, property and our investing method. At the seminar, besides hearing experts’ reporting about investment, there’ll be an opportunity for you to meet Mr. Hong, our specialist from Singapore. He will be there for two days. I really hope you would come to the seminar. Yours sincerely, 作为一种外贸手段推销有灵活性。 它可以穿插在各种目的的来往信函中, 如致谢信, 抗议信,咨询信甚至介绍信中。总之,作为一名优秀的商人,永远别放弃下一次机会。 请看下面一封对友人的介绍信中的推销内容: Dear John, Thank you for your letter of Oct. 24. The weather is also rather bad in Hefei, cold and dry, just like that in your city. I’m writing now to introduce a friend of mine, Li Yan, who is also an exporter. He is a member of Meran Group. He is wondering whether he could cooperate with you in this area. Mr. Li is very interested in introducing his equipment to Hong Kong market. I’ve give him your address and company brochure. I think he may contact you soon. I really hope you can be of some help to each other. Come to visit me if possible. Sincerely, Enclosure: Li Yan’s Resume 推销作为一种营销手段,其方式多种多样,各不相同。但其目的只有一个,即更好 地开展本公司的业务,开拓产品的销路。对于别公司的推销信件,如果感到有兴趣,希 望进一步谈,则牵涉到对推销的回信。即使你不感兴趣,有时也得从礼貌出发,写回信 以示重视。 Dear Miss Lin, Thank you for your letter of Nov. 2 in which you enclosed a piece of newspaper and talked about possible cooperation. We’re always interested in Chinese products especially those of good quality. Your product is our special interest. Please inform us if you hold any seminars or conference. And we really want to know more about your foreign markets and your product lines. We hope to get some information from you. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, 有时也可婉拒合作者。例如: Dear Gentlemen, We unexpectedly received a copy of newspaper and some information about your company. Of course, we had met before and discussed about the possibility of collaboration, but in our memorandum. We haven’t reached any definite agreement yet. Is there any misunderstanding? Here we return your newspaper and brochure to you. We’ll get in touch with you when both of us consider it necessary. Yours sincerely, Enclosure: newspaper and brochure 9.咨询(Detail Inquiry) 国内的外贸企业在与国外一家从未有过交易的企业做生意前, 必须事先了解对方的 资信状况,这种方式称为“咨询” 。 在国际贸易中,资信调查是相互的。买卖双方都应对对方进行调查,其方法多种多 样,最常用的是给银行写信,这样就使得银行成了资信证明人。除此之外,还可以通过 以下渠道进行资信调查:咨询公司,商会或行业公司,我国驻外商务机构或驻华商务机 构等。 资信调查是根据 “3C” 原则进行的, 即品行(Conduct 公司的可靠性), 能力(Capacity 经营技术与力量),及资本(Capital)。例如: As we are going to place considerable order with Douglass Company in New York N. Y. , we should be obliged if you would inform us of their finance. Of course, we’ll treat any information you give us as secret and with no responsibility on your part. Thanks a lot in advance. Yours faithfully, 10.建立信用证(Establishment of L/C) 国际贸易中最常用的付款方式是信用证,即 L/C(Letter of Credit),它是一种安全可 靠的方法, 具体程序为: 由买方开证, 并通知其往来银行开立以卖方为受益人的信用证, 将信用证寄}


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