
Appeal to... The eyes of
Studies such as Rahmstorf's gain a lot of publicity. However, most models find results within the IPCC range of a sea-level increase of 18cm to 59cm this century.
Having pierced 1,130 three times in the last three months, the level is garnering attention even from investors who are more focused on fundamentals than technical analysis.
In the meantime, two events -- one big and one small -- should focus the attention of investors in the coming week as they head in to September, a month when risk asset losses can be large.
And drew attention to them.
- 来自原声例句
Maria's eyes filled with tears.
If you eye someone or something in a particular way, you look at them carefully in that way.
Sally eyed Claire with interest...
We eyed each other thoughtfully...
You use eye when you are talking about a person's ability to judge things or about the way in which they are considering or dealing with things.
William was a man of discernment, with an eye for quality...
Their chief negotiator turned his critical eye on the United States...
An electric eye or infrared eye is a device which can recognize the presence of people or objects by detecting the light or heat coming from them.
An infra-red eye is said to detect the movement of any animal within an angle of 110 degrees at up to 10 metres.
People sometimes talk about the eye of the camera when they are talking about something being filmed or photographed, or the way something appears in a photograph or film.
I was again using the cold, unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society.
An eye on a potato is one of the dark spots from which new stems grow.
An eye is a small metal loop which a hook fits into, as a fastening on a piece of clothing.
The eye of a needle is the small hole at one end which the thread passes through.
The eye of a storm, tornado, or hurricane is the centre of it.
The eye of the hurricane hit Florida just south of Miami.
If you say that something happens before your eyes ,in front of your eyes, or under your eyes, you are emphasizing that it happens where you can see it clearly and often implying that it is surprising or unpleasant.
A lot of them died in front of our eyes...
We are under the eyes of both sides all the time.
If you cast your eye or run your eye over something, you look at it or read it quickly.
I would be grateful if he could cast an expert eye over it and tell me what he thought of it...
If you run your eye up and down these columns you will see that the value of some of them declined.
If something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it.
As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.
If you catch someone's eye, you do something to attract their attention, so that you can speak to them.
I tried to catch Chrissie's eye to find out what she was playing at.
To clap eyes on someone or something, or set or lay eyes on them, means to see them.
That's probably the most bare and bleak island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on...
What was he doing when you last set eyes on him?
If you make eye contact with someone, you look at them at the same time as they look at you, so that you are both aware that you are looking at each other. If you avoid eye contact with someone, you deliberately do not look straight at them because you feel awkward or embarrassed.
She was looking at me across the room, and we made eye contact several times...
I spent a fruitless ten minutes walking up and down the high street, desperately avoiding eye contact with passers-by.
If you close your eyes to something bad or if you shut your eyes to it, you ignore it.
Most governments must simply be shutting their eyes to the problem.
If you cry your eyes out, you cry very hard.
You say 'an eye for an eye' or 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' to refer to the idea that people should be punished according to the way in which they offended, for example if they hurt someone, they should be hurt equally badly in return.
...a very simple punishment code based on an-eye-for-an-eye.
If there is something as far as the eye can see, there is a lot of it and you cannot see anything else beyond it.
Here, massive dunes stretched in every direction as far as the eye could see...
There are pine trees as far as the eye can see.
If you say that someone has an eye for something, you mean that they are good at noticing it or making judgments about it.
Susan has a keen eye for detail, so each dress is beautifully finished off.
You use expressions such as in his eyes or to her eyes to indicate that you are reporting someone's opinion and that other people might think differently.
The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism...
Richard Dorrington was, in their eyes, a very sensible and reliable man...
If you keep your eyes open or keep an eye out for someone or something, you watch for them carefully.
I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open...
You and your friends keep an eye out—if there's any trouble we'll make a break for it.
If you tell someone to keep their eyes peeled for something, you are telling them to watch very carefully for it.
If you keep an eye on something or someone, you watch them carefully, for example to make sure that they are satisfactory or safe, or not causing trouble.
I'm sure you will appreciate that we must keep a careful eye on all our running costs...
I went for a run there, keeping an eye on the children the whole time...
If you make eyes at someone, you look at them in a way which shows that you find them attractive and which is intended to get their attention.
You say 'there's more to this than meets the eye' when you think a situation is not as simple as it seems to be.
This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.
If something, especially something surprising or impressive, meets your eyes, you see it.
The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.
If you say that all eyes are on something or that the eyes of the world are on something, you mean that everyone is paying careful attention to it and what will happen.
All eyes will be on tomorrow's vote...
The eyes of the world were now on the police.
If someone has their eye on you, they are watching you carefully to see what you do.
As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.
If you have your eye on something, you want to have it.
...if you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on.
If you say that you did something with your eyes open or with your eyes wide open, you mean that you knew about the problems and difficulties that you were likely to have.
We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open.
If something opens your eyes, it makes you aware that something is different from the way that you thought it was.
Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten.
If you see eye to eye with someone, you agree with them and have the same opinions and views.
Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production...
We've never seen eye to eye.
If you say that someone or something is at the eye of the storm, you mean they are the main subject of a public disagreement.
The bowlers at the eye of the storm were nowhere in evidence.
...the minister in the eye of the storm.
When you take your eyes off the thing you have been watching or looking at, you stop looking at it.
She took her eyes off the road to glance at me...
Nina couldn't take her eyes off Philip.
If someone sees or considers something through your eyes, they consider it in the way that you do, from your point of view.
She tried to see things through his eyes...
The story is told through the eyes of Inspector Simon Potter.
If you say that you are up to your eyes in something, you are emphasizing that you have a lot of it to deal with, and often that you are very busy.
I am up to my eyes in work...
The women are just up to their eyes in debt.
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英文翻译1.(眼光) view 短语和例子目光锐利 sharp- sharp- with eye 目光远大 take long views2.(眼睛的神采) look 短语和例子目光无神 with ey 有敏锐的目光 h 用敌视的目光看着某人 look daggers at sb&&&&eyebeam... &&&&&&eyelight... &&&&&& sicht, die... &&&&&&eyes like burning torches -- eyes
lo ...... &&&&&&fiendish glare... &&&&&&fond eyes... &&&&&&glassy stare... &&&&&&dog eye... &&&&&&a look of hate... &&&&&&a glint of anger... &&&&&&an evil eye... &&&&&&sharp eyes... &&&&&&far-sighted long-sighted... &&&&&&one's eyesight is restrained.; dull- with a dull look in one' w ...... &&&&&& glassyeyedd... &&&&&&eyes met... &&&&&&be shortsighted [nearsighted]; a narrow vision... &&&&&&short-sighted near- shortsighted... &&&&&& tender-eyed... &&&&&&dull eyes... &&&&&&visual test... &&&&&& visual evaluation... &&&&&&eye contact... &&&&&&look at ...
stare in surprise... &&&&&&menukiya... &&&&&&menuki... &&
例句与用法The president's look was cold and penetrating .总统的目光冷峻刺人。She gradually withdrew her eyes from me .她逐渐把目光从我身上移开。She shot an admonitory glance at her son .她向儿子投去责备的目光。He lifted his eyes to her entreatingly .他抬起头用哀求的目光望着她。His eyes looked dull, almost vacuous .他看上去目光呆滞,茫然若失。I glare romilayu a dark, angry look .我朝罗米拉尤投去冷冷的愤怒目光。His eyes were as hard as chilled steel .他的目光就象冰冷的钢铁般冷酷。Glances darted among the four men .四个人的目光相互对射了一下。The snake fascinated its prey .蛇(用目光)吓住它要捕食的动物。Her angry glance said everything .她愤怒的目光足以说明了一切。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
其他语种:名coup d'vision~远大vue cl...:眼光.眼力.視線.目光炯炯 jiǒngjiǒng /眼光が炯々[けいけい]と...:[??](1)??. ??.目光远大;??? ????(2)??. ??. ...:[mùguāng] взор; взгляд:mùguāng①指视线:大家的~都投向发言者。②眼睛的神采:~炯炯。③眼光;...
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  Text A&&& Animals at Risk:Who Cares?
  1.Species n.(单复数同形)种,类
  1)There are more than 250 species of shark in the world.(世界上有250多种鲨鱼。)
  2)Darwin wrote &The Origin of Species.& (达尔文写了《物种起源》。)
  3)She feels a species of nervousness.(她有一种紧张的感觉。)
  2.Extinct adj. dead, wiped out, no longer existing(火熄灭了;消亡了的;灭绝了的)
  extinction n.
  1)Please make sure that the fire is extinct before you leave.(在你离开前,请确保炉火已灭。)
  2)All hope was extinct.(所有的希望都落空了。)
  3)This species will be extinct in a few decades.(几十年后这个物种将会灭绝。)
  4)Pandas are in danger of extinction.(大熊猫正面临灭绝的危险。)
  5)The sudden extinction of lights in the room frightened the children.(室内灯光突然熄灭把孩子们吓坏了。)
  The total extinction of this species is inevitable.
  3.Pace n. 步速;速度;节奏;步    v. 踱步;用步量
  1)The tree is ten paces from the house.(树与房屋相距十步。)
  2)He quickened his pace when he found he was lagging behind.(发现自己落了后他便加快了步伐。)
  3)They had to slow down the pace of new product development because of lack of fund.(由于缺少资金他们不得不放慢新产品开发的速度。)
  4)The pace he set was too fast for the others.(他定的步速对其他人来说太快了。)
  5)He is trying hard to keep pace with his classmates.(他正努力跟上他的同学。)
  6)Many people complain of the rapid pace of modern life.(许多人抱怨现代生活节奏太快。)
  7)He paced slowly around the room.(他慢悠地在房间里踱着步。)
  8)He paced out the distance between the two trees.(他用步子测出两棵树之间的距离。)
  At a snail's pace(非常缓慢地)
  At one's own pace(以轻松自在的速度)
  Set the pace(定步速,起带头作用)
  Pace car(赛车开始时在跑道上领驶一圈但本身不参赛的领驶车)
  4.Compete v. 竞争,比赛
  competition n. 竞争,比赛
  competitive adj. 竞争的
  1)He would compete with three others for a trip to Korea&&(他将和另三个人竞争以得到去韩国旅游的机会。)
  2)I am going to compete in two items&&100 meter dash and broad jump.(我将参加两个项目的比赛:100米短跑和跳远。)分页标题#e#
  3)Young people should be prepared for the fierce competition in the future job market.(年轻人应为今后就业市场的激烈竞争做好准备。)
  4)There is a lot of competition for this job.(有许多人争夺这工作。)
  5)He is no competition for Mike.(他不是迈克的对手。)
  6)He doesn't like competitive sports.(他不喜欢竞技性体育项目。)
  7)How can we adapt ourselves to the highly competitive society?(我们怎样才能适应这个高度竞争的社会?)
  8)He holds that women are not as competitive as men.(他认为女性不像男性那样有竞争力。)
  5.Likelihood n. 可能性;有希望的事
  likely adj. 有可能的;可信的;恰当的
  1)Is there any likelihood of his coming?(他有可能来吗?)
  2)There is every likelihood that the performance will be a success.(演出极有可能获得成功。)
  3)In all likelihood it will be a sunny day to morrow.(十之八九,明天是个大晴天。)
  4)It is likely that they will agree with us.(他有可能会同意我们的意见。)
  5)He is not likely to be elected.(他不可能当选。)
  6)Her story doesn't sound likely.(她的说法不太可信。)
  7)They are looking out for a likely place to build the school.(他们正在找寻建这所学校的合适地点。)
  6.Clearance n. 清除,清理;余地
  clear v. 清除;越过;不触及地通过
  1)The clearance of the old furniture made the room more spacious.(清理了旧家俱,屋里更宽敞了。)
  2)He was responsible for the clearance of the theatre when the fire broke out.(着火时,由他负责出清剧院的观众。)
  3)The bridge has a clearance of three metres above water.(该桥桥下净空有3米。)
  4)Clearance sale(清仓削价销售)
  Take-off clearance(起飞许可)
  Foreign exchange clearance(国际汇兑清算)
  Clearance order(清拆命令)
  5)He is clearing the table.(他正在收拾桌子。)
  6)The athlete cleared the bar easily.(那位运动员轻松越过横杆。)
  7)The truck cleared the tunnel.(卡车通过了隧道。)
  7.Vegetation n.(总称)植物,植被
  vegetate. v.(植物)生长
  vegetable n. 蔬菜的;植物的
  1)He was amazed by the colorful vegetation of the tropical forest.(热带森林中奇异多彩的植物令他惊奇。)
  2)It is essential that the vegetation of this area should be preserved.(保护这一地区的植被是很必要的。)分页标题#e#
  3)He had some green vegetables for dinner.(他晚餐吃了些蔬菜。)
  4)The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.(园子里的植物在茁壮成长。)
  8.Ignore v. 不顾,不理,忽视
  ignorance n. 无知
  ignorant adj. 无知的
  1)He was fined for ignoring a red light.(他因为闯红灯而被罚款。)
  2)The teacher ignored the question raised by one of the students.(那位老师对学生提出的问题没加理会。)
  3)Some species become extinct because of people's ignorance.(有些物种由于人们的无和而灭绝。)
  4)Ignorance of this law is no excuse if you break the law.(不懂法不能作为违法的借口。)
  5)They demanded to know why they had been kept in ignorance of the truth.(他们要求知道不让他们了解除事情的真相的原因。)
  6)He was kept ignorant of the fact that his son failed the exam.(他对儿子考试不及格这件事一无所知。)
  7)I am ignorant about /of what has happened.(对所发生的事情我全然不知。)
  9.Threat n. 威胁;凶兆
  threaten v. 威胁
  1)The survival of civilization is under threat.(人类文明的生存在受到威胁。)
  2)This might be a threat to national security.(这可能对国家安全构成威胁。)
  3)The boy threatened that he would leave home if his parents beat again.(那男孩威胁说如果父母再揍他,他就离家出走。)
  4)They were threatened with starvation when flood drowned their village.(洪水淹没他们村子时他们受到了饥饿的威胁。)
  10.Ornament n. 装饰;装饰品      v. 装饰,美化
  1)They bought a lot of ornaments and hung them on the Christmas tree.(他们买了许多装饰品并把它们挂在圣诞树上。)
  2)She wouldn't buy it as it is more for ornament than for use.(她不原意买那个东西,因为它主要供装饰而不实用。)
  3)They ornament the hall with oil paintings.(他们用油画装点大厅。)
  4)They found themselves entering a manificently ornamented house.(他们发现自己进入了一座装饰华美的屋子。)
  11.Tourist n. 旅游者,观光者    adj. 游览的
  tourism n. 旅游业
  tour n. 旅行;参观
  v. 旅行;参观
  1)She showed a group of tourists round the museum.(如领着一群游客参观博物馆。)
  2)The Great wall is one of the chief tourist attractions in Beijing.(长城是北京的主要旅游点之一。)
  3)Tourism is a big industry in this country.(旅游业在这个国家是一个庞大的行业。)
  4)His dream is to make a round-the-world tour.(他的梦想是作环球旅行。)
  5)We are going to tour north-west China this summer.(今夏我们打算游历中国西北地区。)分页标题#e#
  6)He toured music halls in Germany.(他在德国的音乐厅作巡回演出。)
  12.Variation n. 变化
  variable adj. 易变的
  vary v. 变化
  1)He always told us the same story with no variations.(他总是给我们讲那个没有任何变化的故事。)
  2)Weather conditions may cause variations in blood pressure.(天气状况可能引起血压的变化。)
  3)The variable weather gave us a lot of trouble.(多变的天气给我们带来不少麻烦。)
  4)He is hard to get along with as he has a variable temper.(他的脾气反复无常很难相处。)
  5)Opinions vary on this point.(对这一点看法各异。)
  6)He doesn't want to vary his habit.(他不想改变自己的习惯。)
  12.Trophy n. 战利品;奖品
  1)He was going to hang the horns of the antler on the wall as a trophy.(他将把鹿角挂在墙上作为纪念品。)
  2)She got a gold trophy for badminton.(她获得了羽毛球比赛的金杯。)
  13.Magnificent adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的;极美的
  1)The king lived in this magnificent palace.(国王住在这座宏伟的宫殿里。)
  2)The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists.(壮丽的景色使游客的眼花缭乱。)
  3)Their magnificent performance gripped the audience.(他们动人的表演牢牢地抓住了观众。)
  14.Survive v. 幸存;比活得长
  survival n. 幸存
  survivor n. 幸存者
  1)Eight people survived the fire.(八人在大火中幸免于死。)
  2)The old woman survived her husband by 10 years.(那位老妇人比她丈夫多活十年。)
  3)Survival was unlikely since the river water was so deep and cold.(河水既深又冷清活无望。)
  4)He was the only survivor of the massacre.(他是大屠杀的唯一幸存者。)
  15.Seal n. 海豹;印章  v. 封口
  1)Many Canadian seals wore killed to reduce the numbers to help the species to survive.
  2)The document bore an official seal.(这件上盖有官方大印。)
  3)She sealed the envelope and put it in the postbox.(她封上信封后把信放入邮筒。)
  16.By-product n. 副产品
  17.Conservation n. 保存;保护
  conserve v. save, preserve(保存,保护)
  1)People are paying more and more attention to the conservation of wildlife.(人们越来越重视野生动物的保护。)
  2)Conservation of water is of great importance.(节约用水非常重要。)分页标题#e#
  3)He leaned against the tree quietly to conserve strength.(他静静地靠在树上以节省体力。)
  4) It is known to all that we should conserve natural resources.(众所周知,我们应该保护自然资源。)
  18.Reserve v. 保留;预计  n. 保留;储备物
  1)These seats are reserved for special quests.(这些座位是保留给特别的客人的。)
  2)We will reserve the plane ticket for you until tomorrow afternoon.(机票给你保留到明天下午。)
  3)I reserve the right to respond later.(我保留稍后作出回应的权利。)
  4)He reserved two tickets for tomorrows show.(他定了两张明天的演出票。)
  5)A bright future is reserved for you.(光明的前程正等待着你。)
  6)During the war, she always kept a reserve of tinned food in the house.(战争期间,她总是在家里储备听装食品。)
  7)Many animals use their fat reserves in their body to pull through the winter.(许多动物用体内储备的指肪熬过冬天。)
  8)The bank's cash reserves couldn&t meet the demand.(这家银行的现金储备满足不了需要。)
  19.Breed v. 繁殖;饲养;养育  n. 品种,种类
  1)Some animals will not breed when caged.(有些动物关在笼内就不产仔。)
  2)He was bred to be a gentleman.(他被作为绅士养育成人。)
  3)They are of the same breed.(他们是同一类人。)
  4)They raise many breeds of dog.(他们养着许多不同种的狗。)
  20.Provided conj. if (假如,若是)
  1)We will be there before 10, provided we don't waste time.(如果我们不浪费时间,我们就能在10点之前到那儿。)
  2)We will go provided that the weather is fine.(假如天晴,我们就去。)
  3)Provided that no objection is raised, we will set back the program.(如果没人反对,我们就把这个项目推迟。)
  请注意:provided不是过去分词,而是连词,作&假如,只要&解,在口语中常用providing. Provided that与if的不同在于:provided that所表示的&如果&,含有希望该条件实现的含义。
  21.Determination n. 决心,决定;结论
  determine v. 决定,决定
  1)He is a man of determination.(他是一个有决断力的人。)
  2)This strengthened his determination not to give in.(这更坚定了他不屈服的决心。)
  3)The doctor's determination was made after the blood test.(医生的结论是在验血之后作出的。)
  4)We haven't determined a date for the meeting.(我们还没有确定会议的日期。)
  5)He determined to study harder.(他决心更努力地学习。)
  6)They are determined to carry out the plan.(他们决心实施这一计划。)分页标题#e#
  22.Clash n. 冲突    v. 发生冲突
  1)Thousands of demonstrators clashed with the police.(数千名示威者与警察发生了冲突。)
  2)They wanted to visit both places, but the dates clashed.(他们两个地方都想去,但日程有冲突。)
  3)They got into a verbal clash because of a misunderstanding.(由于误解他们产生了口角。)
  4)An armed clash is unavoidable.(武装冲突不可避免。)
  Crash指因坠下或猛冲而砰地碰撞,如plane crash(坠机);crush指压碎,压坏,如crush a plot(粉碎阴谋);crush grapes(榨葡萄)
  当一个物种的死亡率高于出生率时,久而久之这个物种就会灭绝。自生命产生起的数百万年间,已有多个物种 灭绝。无法适应环境变化的生物,难以与适应性更好、更强壮的生物相抗衡的生物,其最后的命运都将是消亡。在过去的几十年中,人为地猎杀动物或是改变其生息 的自然环境已使得其些物种灭绝。如此事便不胜枚举。亚马逊地区自然环境的改变、植被的毁坏将使多个物种灭绝。盲目无度地猎杀动物使得北美的水牛几近灭绝。
  1.An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death&&rate.
  本句中become是连系动物, extinct是形容词,extinct 通常指动、植物的种灭绝,不再存在。句子中的it代指 (the) animal species.
  fail to do sth. 意思是&没能做到&&如:
  1) He failed to realize his dream of flying round the world.(他没能实现飞行世界的梦想。)
  2) I failed to persuade him to give up smoking.(我没能劝说他把烟戒掉。)
  3) Don't fail to live up to what your parents expect of you.(别辜负父母对你的期望。)
  4) Don't fail to wake me up.(不要忘记叫醒我。)
  Keep pace with 是一个常用词组,意思是&跟上&,如:
  1)He was too old to keep pace with the modern ideas of life.(他年纪大了,跟不上现代生活观念。)
  2)Earnings have not kept pace with inflation.(收入还没有与通货膨胀的速度保持同步。)
  2.We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species become extinct over the million of years since life began.
  1)Can you tell her from her twin sister?(你能分得出她和她的孪生姐妹吗?)
  2)Can you tell which is right?(你能断定哪一人是对的吗?)
  1)He had had a bad cold over Christmas.(他在圣诞节期间得了重伤风。)
  2)They read a lot of books over the vacation.(假期里他们看了不少书。)
  3.&& extinction is the fate of any animal that has specialized too far to change when its environment changes, or has to compete with a better-adapted and more powerful animal.
  specialize 通常指&专门研究,专门从事&,如:
  1) He specializes in medicine. (他专攻医科。)
  2) This shop specializes in cooking utensils.(这家商店专门经销饮具。)
  Animals and plants are specialized to fit their surroundings. (动植物是按照特殊方式演化以适应各自的环境的。)
  1) I was too disappointed to try again.(我太失望,不想再尝试。)
  2) He is too young to take care of himself.(他太年幼,照顾不了自己。)
  compete with 意思是&与&竞争&,也可用compete against.
  1)He didn't want to compete with others for this position.(他不想与别人竞争这个职位。)
  2)Sometimes animals have to compete against each other for the chance to survive.(有时,动物为了生存不能相互竞争。)
  better adapted意思是&适应得更好的&。better是副词well 的比较级形式,adapted 是过去分词做形容词用。这类表达形式在英语中十分常见,如:well-known,poorly-dressed,better-prepared等等。
  4.A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environment are being rapidly changed&&
  a number of 意思是&许多&,如:
  1)A number of proposals had been put forward at the meeting. (会上提出了许多建议。)
  2)A number of students have passed the exam.(已有许多学生通过了考试。)
  1) They were not told of this new policy. (关于此项政策,他们没有被告知。)
  2) They wanted to know every detail of what had happened.(对于已发生的事,他们想知道每一个细节。)
  5.There is every likelihood that many species of animals will be made extinct because of these and similar clearances of natural vegetation.
  Likelihood是一个名词,意思是&可能&,相当于 possibility,that在本句中引导同位语从句,对 likelihood作进一步的补充说明。如:There is no doubt that he is a reliable person.(毫无疑问,他是一个可信赖的人。)分页标题#e#
  Clearance 在本句中的意思是&(植被)砍伐殆尽;清除。&
  Clearances of vegetation will lead to the loss of water and soil.(砍伐植被会引起水土流失。)
  6.The North American buffalo is a case of the near-extinction of a species through hunting.
  a case of 在本句中的意思是&一个例子,&相当于&an example of & 如:
  1) This is a case of students cheating on exams. (这就是学生作弊的一个例子。)
  2) It is a typical case of misunderstanding.(这就是误解的典解例子。)
  在第九单元中我们已经学过case这个词,请注意掌握与case 有关的几个短语:
  in any case (无论如何,总之)
  in case (假如;以免)
  in the case of (就&来说,至于&)
  in this case (既然是这样)
  through在句中的意思是&由于,因为&, 相当于because.
  1) The mistakes were made through carelessness.(这些错误是由于粗心大意造成的。)
  2) Many people are hard of hearing through old age.(许多人因年老而听觉不灵。)
  7.But even when the danger is widely publicized, the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to ignore the threat to the species.
  financial rewards 意思是&赏金&。reward 在本句中作名词,有时也可作动词用,如:
  1) He offered a reward of 1000 yuan for the finder of his pet dog.(他给拾得他的宠物狗的人酬谢1000元。)
  2) His efforts were rewarded by success.(他的努力获得了成功。)
  1)He chose to stay there for another week. (他决意在那儿再住一周。)
  2)I chose to say nothing about it.(我决意对那件事闭口不谈。)
  The clearance of vegetation will be a great threat to the wildlife.(把植被砍伐殆尽对野生动物将是极大的威胁。)
  8.And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive.
  out of 在本句中以及前一个几句子中的意思是&出于&,如:
  1)He was silent out of embarrassment.(他由于窘迫而沉默。)
  2)She opened the mail out of curiosity. (她出于好奇打开了邮件。)
  句子中前一个动词不定式to reduce number&在句子中作定语,修饰名词wish.如:
  1) They failed in their attempt to land on the island.(他们在岛上登陆的企图失败了。)分页标题#e#
  2) I have no confidence in my ability to fulfil the task.(我对自己完成这项任务的能力没有信心。)
  句子中的第二个动词不定式to help the species to survive做目的状语,相当于so as to或in order to help the species&。如:
  1)He worked harder (so as) to catch up with the others.(他更努力地学习以赶上别人。)
  2)To achieve the aim, we must learn from others. (为了实现这个目标,我们必须向他人学习。)
  9.The killing of the Canadian seals is claimed to be for this purpose, and the use of their skins for furs is only a by-product.
  be claimed to 在本句中的意思是&据说&。如:
  He is claimed to have inherited a lot of money.(据说他继承了一大笔钱。)
  for this purpose 意思是&为这个目的&。如:
  1)They decided to have a talk for military purpose. (为了军事目的,他们决定进行一次会谈。)
  2)For this purpose, I gave him all the necessary materials. (为了这个目的,我把所需的材料都给了他。)
  请注意掌握与 purpose有关的一些短语:
  on purpose (为了;故意地)
  to the purpose (中肯的;合适的)
  10.There is always the chance that enough off-spring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment-provided it still exists, and that hunters don't kill them again!
  1)I will give you the money provided you tell me the truth. (如果你说实话,我会给你钱。)
  2)He will come to the party provided he has time.(如果有时间他会来参加聚会。)
  11.But the parks are large, the wardens few and the determination of hunters very great.
  本句中,形容词few和great的前面省去了be 动词(few 前省去了are ,great 前省去了is),作者是要告诉读者,公园太大,管理人太少,猎人们的决心太过坚定,因而野生动物的保护问题仍然难得解决。
  12.The hunters were armed with modern weapons and several people were killed.
  arm在本句中用作动词,意思是&武装,装备&,be armed with意思是&以&装备起来的&。
  1) They believed they would win as they were armed with modern weapons.(他们坚信自己会赢,因为他们有现代化的武器装备。)
  2) Armed with secretarial skills she will find a job easily.(具备了秘书的技能,她会很容易地找到一份工作。)
  13.& and tourism can add to the income of countries.
  add to的意思是&增加&,如:分页标题#e#
  1)The newly built squares add to the beauty of this city.(新建的广场增加了这座城市的美观。)
  2)Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit.(有你的陪同,我们这次访问更加愉快了。)
  3)I hope my arrival would not add to your difficulties. (希望我的到来不能增添你们的困难。)
  1.keep pace with
  2.compete with
  3.because of
  4.at such a rate
  5.at surprising speed
  6.a case of
  7.choose to
  8.lead to
  9.such as
  10.out of existence
  11.out of fear
  12.be claimed to
  13.for this purpose
  14.be concerned about
  15.under threat of
  16.be armed with
  17.add to
  18.look after
  19.in a different form
  Text B&&& The Killer Smogs
  1.be filled with
  Her eyes were filled with tears when she told us the story.
  The room is filled with boxes of all sizes.
  2.wash away
  The rich soil was washed away as there were no trees and grass to hold it.
  It took her quite a while to wash away the stains on her coat.
  3.be caused by
  Lung cancer might be caused by excessive smoking.
  The accident was caused by the driver's carelessness.
  4.be known for
  He is known for his wide scope of knowledge.
  Scotland is known for its beautiful countryside.
  5.combine with
  It is necessary to combine theory with practice.
  See what will happen if you combine hydrogen with oxygen.
  6.prevent from
  Bad weather prevented them from going camping.
  The terrible noise prevented me from getting a good sleep.
  7.pile up
  Pile up the books on the table, please.
  Don't wait until problems pile up.
  8.due to
  The train was late due to heavy fog.
  Our achievements are due to their help.
  9.add to
  His explanation added to her annoyance.
  More happiness will be added to people's life if you are generous enough to give praise.
  Text A How to be a successful language learner?
  1.successful adj. 成功的He is a successful writer. (他是一个有成就的作家。)
  He hopes he will be successful this time. (他希望他这次能够成功。)
  success n. 成功Their film is a great success.(他们的影片很成功。)
  We are sure of success. (我们一定能成功。)
  succeed v. 成功I succeeded in getting the joB.(我成功地得到了这份工作。)
  She succeeded in passing the exam. (她考试及格了。)
  2.adult adj. & n. 成年的,成熟的;成年人These adult films are not suitable for children.(这些成人电影,儿童不宜观看。)分页标题#e#
  Don't worry too much about him, he is an adult now.(别为他过分担心,他是成年人了。)
  3.disagree vi. 有分歧,不同意;不符,不一致agree vi. 同意I disagree with you about this.〔对于这件事,我跟你的意见不同。〕These figures disagree with last week's results.(这些数据与上周的结果不符。)
  I agree with what you said.(我同意你所说的。)
  She agreed to the plan.(她赞成这个计划。)
  We haven't agreed on the date of the meeting.(我们还没商定会议的日期。)
  agreement n. 同意;协议disagreement n. 不同意We haven't reached an agreement yet.(我们还没达成协议。)
  There was no disagreement, and the proposal was accepted.(没有不同意见,这个建议被接受了。)
  (请注意:前缀dis-通常可以加在动词,名词,形容词前面,构成反意词。例如:dissatisfy,disorder,disable. 后缀-ment加在动词的后面,构成名词。例如:arrangement,argument 等。)
  4.statement n. 声明,陈述 (由动词state 加名词后缀-ment构成)
  Very soon he made his first public statement about the affair. (他很快就此事件首次发表公开声明。)
  Do you believe the witness's statement? (你相信证人的陈述吗?)
  (请注意动词与名词的搭配:issue a statement, make a statement)
  5.guarantee n. & v. 保证,担保,保修He gave his guarantee that he would repay the money as soon as he could.(他保证他会尽快还钱。)
  The washing machine is guaranteed for five years.(这台洗衣机保用5年。)
  (请注意guarantee做动词的用法:guarantee sth.,guarantee that, guarantee against/from )
  6.intelligent adj. 聪明的,明智的He made an intelligent decision.(他做出了明智的决定。)
  Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.(人类远比动物聪明。)
  Intelligence n. 聪明,智力She prided herself on her intelligence.(她为自己的聪明感到自豪。)
  Intelligently adv. 聪明地,明智地They dealt with the problem intelligently.(他们明智地处理了这个问题。)
  7.conversely adv. 相反地Some are wealthy but unhappy;conversely,others are happy but not wealthy.
  converse adj. 相反的I hold the converse opinion.(我的观点相反。)
  converse v. 交谈,谈话He felt it difficult to converse with Helen in English.(他觉得跟海伦用英语交谈很困难。)
  8.similar adj. 相似的,类似的The two animals are similar to each other in appearance.(这两只动物外表很相似。)
  similarity n. 相似,类似Their differences are more noticeable than their similarities.(他们的不同之处比相同之处更明显。)分页标题#e#
  9.independent adj. 独立的,自主的(这个词的词根是depend,在depend的后面加上后缀 -ent可以构成形容词,加上 -ence则可以构成名词;在dependent,dependence前面加上前缀 in- 又可以构成反义词。)
  depend v. 依靠,依赖dependence n. 依靠,依赖dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的independence n. 独立,自主India won its independence in 1947.(印度于1947年赢得了独立。)
  10.clue n. 线索,提示The police searched all the houses but found no clues.(警察搜索了所有的房屋,但是没有发现任何线索。)
  (注意用法:find/give a clue to sth.)
  11.conclusion n. 结论,推论conclude v. 断定,决定(注意用法:come to a conclusion,jump at a conclusion,draw a conclusion,reach a conclusion)
  What conclusions did you come to?(你得出了什么结论?)
  12.communicate v. 交流,交际,通讯communication n. 交流,通讯communicative adj. 爱说话的To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person.(他是一个不爱说话的人,与他交流可不容易。)
  Speech and writing are man's most important methods of communication.(说和写是人类最重要的交流方式。)
  13.inexact adj. 不正确的,不精确的与independent一样,该词是由形容词 exact加前缀in- 构成的。
  14.incomplete adj. 不完整的complete adj.& v. 完整的;完成This is an incomplete sentence, please add the omitted part and make it complete.
  〔这是一个不完整的句子,请加上省略的成分使其完整。〕I don't think I can complete the work in 2 hours. 〔我想我在两小时内干不完这活。〕
  15.purpose n. 目的,意图,用途purposeful adj. 有目的的,有意图的purposefully adv. 有目的地,蓄意地The purpose of the meeting was to discuss his proposal.〔会议的目的是讨论他的建议。〕He let out the information purposefully to you.〔他有意向你透露了这个消息。〕
  16.regularly adv. 经常地,定期地regular adj. 经常的,定期的irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的If you review your lessons regularly, you will do well on tests.
  17.technique n. 技术,技巧,手艺Good study techniques help him to be one of the straight A students in his class.
  18.outline v.& n. 概括;大纲,提纲;轮廓He listened carefully as I outlined my reasons.〔在我简述我的原因时,他认真地听着。〕The English teacher asked us to write a brief outline of the story.
  〔英语老师让我们写这篇故事的概要。〕He saw the outline of the house in the moonlight.(在月光下,他看到了那座屋子的轮廓。)
  1.名词后缀 -ment agreement, statement 2.名词后缀 -ation, -ion, -sion communication, completion, conclusion 3.名词后缀 -ity similarity, regularity 4.名词后缀 -ence intelligence, independence 5.形容词后缀 -ful successful, purposeful 6.副词后缀 -ly conversely, regularly, purposefully 7.反义词前缀 in inexact, incomplete, independent 8.反义词前缀 dis disagree, discover本课简介How to Be a Successful Language Learner 是一篇典型的说明文。此类文章通常以逻辑顺序安排材料,作者要回答HOW或WHY方面的问题。在说明文的阅读与写作中,要注意抓主题句以及使文章内容启承转合的常用词句。
  1.Learning a language is easy.
  这是一个 主语+动词+表语 (SVP)句型。句中learning a language为动名词短语,在句子中做主语。再如:
  Forgetting the past means betrayal.(忘记过去就意味着背叛。)
  1)阅读英语比讲英语容易。(Reading English is easier than speaking it.)
  2)集邮是我弟弟的爱好。(Collecting stamps is my little brother's hobby.)
  2.Even a child can do it.
  even在句中作副词用,加强语气,表示&甚至(&也),连(&都)&。如:He even didn't trust his best friend.(他甚至不信任他最好的朋友。)
  请注意even与 even if/though的区别并翻译下面的句子:
  1)这个我连听都没听过。(I haven't even heard of it.)
  2)即使花了数天时间复习,他也没能考好。(He didn't do well in the exam even though he spent days reviewing.)
  3.Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.
  句中who are learning a second language为定语从句,修饰先行词most adults,再如:
  The man who wrote this book is a teacher.(写这本书的人是一位教师。)
  (The boy who is in a blue jacket is our monitor.)
  (The book that you lent me yesterday is very interesting.)
  A picnic without you wouldn't be fun.(野餐没你参加会很没意思。)
  1)表示过去将来时:I felt confident that everything would be all right.
  2)表示意愿:I asked him not to do it,but he wouldn't listen to me.分页标题#e#
  3)表示习惯性:Every evening, we would go for a walk along the river.
  4)表示虚拟,假设,条件:If you had come earlier,you would have seen him.
  5)表示婉转地请求或建议:Would you look after my cat while I am away?
  Unit14.They need hundreds of hours of study and practice,and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner.
  注意句中hundreds of hours的用法,阅读课本第六页注解2.
  1)十个学生 ten students数十个学生 tens of students 2)五百年 five hundred years数百年 hundreds of years 3)两千年 two thousand years数千年 thousands of years 4)三百万美元 three million dollars数百万美元 millions of dollars 5.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.
  句中be different from 意为&与&不同&,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的观点与你的观点不同。)
  Man is different from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.
  Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.
  The greatest difference between man and all the other animals is his ability to learn and use a language.
  从上面的句子中可以看出differ是动词,different 是形容词,difference是名词。
  6.& find it difficult to succeed in language learning.
  & find it difficult to succeed in other fields.
  句中的it是形式宾语(formal object),真正的宾语(real object)是不定式to succeed in language learning,此类用法在英语中很常见,请注意掌握。如:At first I found it difficult to remember all these new words.(开始我感到记住这些单词很难。)
  (The noise outside made it difficult for me to go on with my work.)
  (They consider it a waste of time to argue any further.)
  (She thought it right to tell Xiao Wang the truth.)
  7.Language teachers often offer advice to language learners.
  1)He offered me a cup of tea after I sat down.(我坐下后他给我端来一杯茶。)
  2)What suggestions would you like to offer to those young teachers?(对这些新教师你有什么建议要提吗?)
  3)This shop offers all kinds of stationery.(这家商店供应各种文具。)
  4)The old man offered me 100 yuan for the used bike.
  5)She offered to help me with my English.(她表示愿意帮我学英语。)分页标题#e#
  句中的advice为不可数名词,其后不加s,正如课本第六页注解3所说,有许多东西在汉语中是可数的,在英语中却是不可数的。如news,information,paper 等,若要表示&一个&这类概念,就必须加a piece of这类定语,例如:
  a piece of news a piece of advice a sum of money a piece of bread
  8.Read as much as you can.
  句中的much 是副词,用副词作同等比较时,可以用as & as和so & as 这种结构,如:
  1)Read as much as you can and your vocabulary will be enlarged.(尽量多阅读,你的词汇量就会扩大。)
  2)We must arrange everything as well as we can.(我们要把一切尽可能地安排好。)
  3)Please give me a call as soon as possible.(请尽早给我打电话。)
  4)I don't speak English so well as you.(我英语讲得没你好。)
  9.Practice speaking the language every day.
  practice 在美国英语中可以做动词也可以做名词,而在英国英语中,practice是名词,动词的拼写则是practise.
  作动词用时,其后只能跟动名词,不能跟不定式。如:It is really no fun to practice running in such hot weather.(在这样炎热的天气里练跑步可真不是好玩的。)
  10.Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.
  that successful language learners are similar in many ways 是宾语从句。在非正式场合下that引导宾语从句时可省略。如:I think (that) you are right.
  (The little boy admitted that he broke the window.)
  2)大量证据表明他是有罪的。(Plenty of evidence shows that he is guilty.)
  3)我保证将会给他更多的帮助。(I promised that I would give him more help.)
  11.& they discover their own way to learn the language. to learn the language不定式做定语,例如:Is it the best way to solve the problem?(这是解决问题的最好方法吗?)
  1)他没有勇气承认自己是无知的。(He has no courage to say that he is ignorant.)
  2)这将是一个交流思想的好机会。(This will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas.)
  3)他们在会上没有发言权。(They had no right to speak at the meeting.)
  12.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and rules for themselves.
  动词不定式to explain和名词 teacher构成复合结构,作wait for的宾语,称为复合宾语。此类用法在英语中很常见,例如:
  1)I'll get someone to repair the bike for you.(我去找人来帮你修自行车。)
  2)He wants you to call him in the afternoon.(他要你下午给他打电话。)分页标题#e#
  3)The teacher is waiting for the students to answer the questions.(老师在等学生们回答问题。)
  4)You can count on him to give you full support.(你放心,他会给你全力支持。)
  请注意 instead of 与 instead 的区别:
  1)Instead of staying at home watching TV, he went out for a walk.
  He didn't stay at home watching TV, instead he went out for a walk.
  2)Instead of having milk for breakfast, he had a cup of coffee.
  He didn't have milk for breakfast, instead he had a cup of coffee.
  13.When they guess wrong, they guess again.
  1)He was annoyed that he had been given some wrong information.(wrong adj.错误的)
  2)I knew I had wronged her terribly when I gave her all the complaints.(wrong v. 冤枉)
  3)The whole class burst into laughter when the teacher pronounced her name wrong.(wrong adv.错,不对)
  14.& they look for such a chance.
  1)I&ve never seen such beautiful scenery.(我从没见过这样美丽的景色。)
  2)He didn't expect that the audience would give him such a response.(他没料想到观众们会给予如此反应。)
  3)She didn't feel like going out on such a cold day.(她不想在如此寒冷的日子里出门。)
  1)The question was so difficult that nobody could answer it.
  2)His eyesight was so poor that he couldn't see anything clearly.
  3)He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.
  15.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.
  不定式短语to learn to think in the language是句子的真正主语。it常常被用来代替不定式,在句子中充当形式主语,而把真正的主语移到句子后面去,这样使句子显得比较平稳。为了说明 不定式表示的动作是谁做的,便在不定式前加for引起的短语。又如:
  1)It is not at all difficult for him to understand the poem.
  2)It is necessary for us to lend him a helping hand at this time.
  more important than是形容词比较级形式,请翻译下面的句子:
  1)汤姆的年龄比玛丽大。(Tom is older than Mary.)
  2)这本书比那本书更有趣。(This book is more interesting than that one.)
  3)我们班的学生人数比他们班的多。(There are more students in our class than in theirs.)分页标题#e#
  16.& you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.
  1)He has been working for a whole day.
  2)They have been watching TV for two hours.
  1)老李已经在南京生活了二十年。(Lao Li has been living in Nanjing for 20 years.)
  2)雨下多久了?(How long has it been raining?)
  3)我等了他一个多小时了。(I have been waiting for him for more than an hour.)
  17.& if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.
  less than用在形容词的前面是为了给所要表述的内容增加否定意味。又如:It would be less than fair to put all the blame on him.(把所有的责任都加在他身上是不太公平的。)
  1)父亲对他的成绩不太满意。(Father was less than satisfied with his performance.)
  2)这个计划远不够完美。(The plan was a good deal less than perfect.)
  do well to do sth. 的意思是&最好&做&,如:She would do well to go away from these dishonest people.(她最好远离这些不诚实的人。)
  本课主要词组1.disagree with 2.be different from 3.succeed in 4.offer sth. to sb.5.as much as 6.practice doing sth.7.be similar to 8.first of all 9.depend on 10.instead of 11.wait for 12.look for 13.learn from 14.communicate with 15.be willing to 16.be interested in 17.in order to 18.on the other hand 19.less than 20. do well to do sth.
  1)Learning a language is easy.
  2)Learning a language is a very difficult task.
  1)Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.
  2)Some people who are intelligent and successful in their fields&
  3)They are good guessers who find clues and form their own conclusions.
  4)They find people who speak the language&
  5)&they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.
  C.it 做形式宾语1)&some people&find it difficult to succeed in&
  2)They find it easy to practice using the language regularly&
  D.it 做形式主语1)It is more important for them to learn to think&
  2)It is necessary for them to learn the language&
  Text B Language
  1.not only&but also (不但&&而且)
  例:To some people language learning is not only time-consuming, but also difficult.
  You can find the place not only with the help of a map, but also by asking the way.分页标题#e#
  2.up and down (上上下下,前前后后)
  例:His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for the escaped prisoner.
  He walked up and down the street, not knowing what decision he should make.
  3.neither&nor (既不&&也不)
  例:Neither you nor I should be responsible for this accident.
  This book is neither interesting nor instructive.
  4.mean to do sth.(打算做某事,想要做某事)
  例:I meant to say &sorry& to him, but he didn&t want to listen.
  He didn't mean to hurt you.
  5.not at all(一点也不)
  例:I am not at all tired.
  He was not at all frightened by the strange noise.
  6.consist of(由&&组成)
  例:Our class consists of 20 boys and 26 girls.
  The medical team consists of 3 doctors and two nurses.
  Text A&& Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes
  1.tax n. & v. 税(款);对&征税The government plans to increase taxes by 3 percent.
  In Britain, tobacco and alcoholic drinks are heavily taxed.
  income tax(所得税) sales tax(销售税)
  import tax(进口税) housing and land tax(房地产税)
  VAT (value-added tax)(增值税) poll tax(人头税)
  tax-collector(税务员) tax-payer(纳税人)
  dodge tax(逃税,漏税) tax-free(免税的)
  2.type n. 类型,种类,品种v. 打字No one knows why he doesn't like this type of work.(没有人知道他为什么不喜欢这种工作。)
  The manager asked Mary to type the letter again.(经理要玛丽把信重打一遍。)
  typewriter(打字机)      typist(打字员)
  3.salary n. 工资     v. (常用被动语态)给&发薪salaried adj. 拿薪水的,领工资的She was happy to know that she would get a promotion and an increase in salary.(得知她将得到提级和加薪,她很开心。)
  Don't worry about him, he will be salaried by a big company.(别为他担心,一家大公司会给他发薪水。)
  With his knowledge and experience he was bound to get a high-salaried post.(凭借他的知识和经验,他一定能找到一份高薪的工作。)
  salary和 wage的区别在于:salary是指为从事非体力劳动的人按月支付的薪水,wage则通常指为从事体力劳动的人按周支付的薪水。
  4.earn v. 挣得;赢得,获得He worked 14 hours a day in order that he could earn enough to support the family.(为了能挣足够的钱养家,他每天工作十四小时。)
  His sincerity earns him friends wherever he goes.(无论走到哪,他的真诚都能赢得朋友。)
  5.percentage n. 百分比,百分率;比例,部分percent/per cent n. 每百中,百分之&
  The percentage of university enrollment will be greatly increased this year.(今年,大学录取的百分比将大大提高。)
  About 70 percent of high school graduates in Nanjing will be enrolled by universities this year.(今年,南京的高中毕业生将有百分之七十被高校录取。)
  6.vary vi. 变化,有不同vt. 改变,使不同Prices of fish vary from 70 cents a pound to one dollar a pound.(鱼的价格从七十美分到一美元一磅不等。)
  The weather in this area varies from hour to hour.(这儿的天气时刻有变化。)
  I didn't vary my plan at the last moment.(我在最后一刻没有改变我的计划。)
  7.graduated adj.(税)累进的;刻度的graduate v. & n. 毕业;毕业生graduation n. 毕业As the federal government has a graduated income tax, the more you earn, the higher tax you have to pay. 因为联邦政府实行累进所得税,所以,你挣的越多,缴的所得税就越高。
  A graduated glass will enable you to know how much water you have put into the vessel.(量杯能够使你知道你在容器里放了多少水。)
  He graduated from high school last year. But it was difficult for a high school graduate to find a satisfactory job.
  After graduation she went to work in a hospital as a nurse. (毕业后,她去医院做了一名护士。)
  8.sale n. 出售,卖;廉价出售sell v. 卖Mr. Smith is now interested in my car and I hope I can make the sale today.(史密斯先生现在对我的汽车感兴趣,我希望今天就能卖成。)
  He sold his bike to Tom.(他把自行车卖给了汤姆。)
  for sale(待售) on sale(上市的)
  a clearance sale(清仓拍卖) sales department(营业部)
  sales promotion(促销活动) sales manager(销售经理)
  9.charge v. 索价;指控;使充满n. 价钱;指控;负责He charged me 10 yuan for a bowl of plain rice.(一碗白米饭,他要了我十块钱。)
  The young man was charged with stealing.(那个年轻人被指控犯了盗窃罪。)
  Charge your glasses and drink to our friendship.(斟满杯,为我们的友谊干杯。)
  The charge for a front-row seat is 250 yuan.(前排座位票价250元。)
  The police arrested him on a charge of murder.(警察以谋杀罪拘捕了他。)
  Who will be in charge of our class when the teacher is away?(老师不在的时候,谁管我们班?)
  10.figure n. 数字;人物;外形v. 想出;算出;估计He has a good head for figures.(他的数字概念很强。)分页标题#e#
  No one had expected that his savings could reach 5 figures in such a short time.(谁也没料到在这么短的时间里,他的存款能达到五位数。)
  He was an important figure in American history.(他是美国历史上的重要人物。)
  She was always worrying about her figure as she couldn't resist the temptation of chocolates. (她抵御不了巧克力的诱惑,所以总是担心自己的体形。)
  We are trying to figure out a way to help them.(我们正在想办法帮助他们。)
  Figure out the expenses and see if we have enough money.(算一算费用,看看我们的钱是否够。)
  She brought an umbrella as she figured they might need it.(她带了一把伞,因为她估计他们会需要。)
  11.add v. 增加,增添addition n. 加 (in addition to除&之外)
  additional adj. 附加的,另外的The fire is going out, add more wood to it. (火要灭了,再加些木柴。)
  His explanation adds to my confusion.(他的解释使我更加糊涂。)
  In addition to leaves, these animals eat a great deal of fruit.(除了树叶之外,这些动物还吃大量的水果。)
  It will take an additional two days to finish the work.(还要再花两天时间才能完成这项工作。)
  12.revenue n. 收入,收益;税收The manager is worrying about the drop in advertising revenue.(经理正为广告收入的下降着急。)
  The loss of tax revenue in many areas is getting higher.(许多地区的税收流失越来越严重。)
  the Public Revenue(财政收入,国库收入)
  Inland Revenue(国内税收)&&&& revenue department(税务部门)
  13.diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的diversity n. 多样性;差异He is a man of diverse talent.(他是一个有多种才能的人。)
  They offered us diverse suggestions at the meeting.(他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。)
  His writing displays the diversities of human behavior.(他的作品展示了人类行为的多样性。)
  A great diversity of methods has been tried in doing this experiment.(实验中尝试过各种各样的方法。)
  14.confuse v. 使混乱,混淆confusion n. 混乱,慌乱What he said just now confuses all of us.(他刚才说的话把我们都弄糊涂了。)
  Her answers have only added to his confusion.(她的回答只使他更加糊涂。)
  15.property n. 财产,资产;(房)地产;特性,性质That car is my property, you cannot use it without my permission.(那辆车是我的财产,没我的允许,你不能动用。)
  The city is growing and property in the center is becoming more valuable.(城市在发展,市中心的房地产越来越有价值了。)
  Many plants have medicinal properties.(许多植物有药用特性。)分页标题#e#
  state property (国家财产) personal property(动产)
  real property/estate(不动产) intellectual property(知识产权)
  16.excise n. 国产税,本国消费税exercise n.& v. 行使,运用;锻炼;练习customs n. 关税  (Customs 海关)
  17.fund n. 基金,专款;储备,贮存v. 提供资金,供以款项We would set up a fund to help those children whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school.(我们将设立一项基金,帮助那些父母供不起他们读书的孩子。)
  They have a fund of knowledge and experience to draw on.(他们有丰富的知识和经验可利用。)
  This research is funded by the government.(这项研究由政府提供资金。)
  18.department n. 部,部门;系科the State Department (美国)国务院  the Department of Education 教育部department store 百货商店     the department of physics 物理系
  19.municipal adj. 市的,市政的the municipal government  市政府municipal administration   市政管理a municipal university    市立大学
  20.complain v. 抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚,诉苦complaint n. 抱怨,诉说He complained to the manager about/of the poor after-service.(他对经理抱怨说售后服务太差。)
  She complained about/of her husband's carelessness.(她抱怨说她丈夫太粗心。)
  The teacher complained that the students didn't work hard enough.(老师抱怨学生学习不够努力。)
  It is a common complaint that today's children lack the sense of cooperation.(人们常常抱怨今天的孩子缺少合作意识。)
  21.impractical adj. 不切实际的,不能实行的practical adj. 实际的,可行的His suggestion sounds good, but it is really impractical.(他的建议听起来不错,但是的确不切实际。)
  How long will it be before this theory can be put into practical use? (这一理论还要多久才能被实际运用?)
  22.program n. 计划;(电视)节目;程序v. 使按预定步骤工作;编程They are drawing up a program of water purification.(他们正在制定一个净水计划。)
  Tonight's TV programs will be very interesting.(今晚的电视节目会非常有趣。)
  I know nothing about computer programs.(我对电脑编程一窍不通。)
  You can program it to do different tasks at specific times.(你可以使它在特定的时间按计划完成各项不同的任务。)
  23.view n. 看法,观点;视野,眼界;景色,风景v. 看待,考虑He was unwilling to express his views on what had happened.(他不愿意就所发生的一切发表自己的观点。)
  When we stood on the top of the mountain, the whole city came into our view.(我们站在山顶时,整个城市尽收眼底。)
  Looking out of the window, he had a fine view of the Slender West Lake.(朝窗外望去,他看到了瘦西湖的美景。)分页标题#e#
  Several possible buyers have come to view your car.(几个想买车的人来看过你的车了。)
  If you stand in his shoes to view the problem, you will come to a totally different conclusion. (如果你站在他的立场上来考虑这个问题,你会得出完全不同的结论。)
  24.issue n. 问题,争论点;发行v. 出版,发行}


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