There but for the grace to youof you go I,什么意思

There But for the Grace of God Go I - Kerri Chandler - 单曲 - 网易云音乐
There But for the Grace of God Go I
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S02E05 驱魔人 第2季第05集.The Exorcist.[WEB.1080P]中英文字幕
2017年 美国
类型:剧情 惊悚 恐怖
演员:阿方索·埃雷拉 本·丹尼尔斯 Kurt Egyiawan 李丽君
语言:简体 , 繁体 , 英文
格式:srt , ass
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Note: I just heard about the 2nd teenage suicide within my community in less than one month. Please share this post if you think my story can make a difference in someone's life.
Last night my son’s fire pager went off and like hundreds of times before, the call for a response was made. And like hundreds of times before, knowing that he would be going into service, I listened to the call as I went about my business.
Last night’s call was different than any I had heard before, however, it required my full attention. The call was for a “suicidal woman threatening to harm herself.”
When I heard the dispatcher make that statement, my heart sank and the resounding thought that went through my mind was to pray for her. Pray…pray…pray. Tears began to stream down my face as I asked God to give this woman His strength.
I don’t know why I felt this impulse, this wasn’t anyone with whom I had a personal relationship, but th I knew all too well the decision she was making – to hang on to life or to let go.
We all hear about people that have committed suicide, but to be part of the situation as it unfolded, knowing first-hand what was going through her mind, was gut-wrenching.
When I heard that additional assistance was no longer needed, I realized that she made her decision, but at the time I didn’t know the outcome. It was hours later that I learned “the woman” had passed away and that “the woman” was a teenager.
The loss of any life is tragic, but the loss of a child is devastating. This beautiful soul who had her entire life ahead of her, who had only just begun her journey, was in a darkness so consuming that she couldn’t find a way out. She didn’t see any alternatives. In that moment last night I thought, “There but for the grace of God go I.”
It wasn’t that long ago that I spent much of my time considering methods that would allow me to “go home” and be with my family. After I lost my mother and sister within six months (who joined my father and brother in Heaven), and when, at the same time, my husband of 23 years abandoned me, leaving me a single parent to grieve tremendous loss on my own, I was so broken that I didn’t see any hope for my future.
How would I survive without the love and security of my parents and family? How would I care for two children on my own with no substantial means of financial support? How could I be mother and father to two maturing boys? Why did everyone leave at once? Every day I sobbed because I didn’t want to be alone.
It wasn’t that I wanted to die, somewhere deep in my mind I understood that I had children to care for and that my life was of value, but the notion of surviving and moving forward day after day after day was too hard. I didn’t have the strength. Up until that point I had lived a charmed life with a wonderful family. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone – only remnants remained.
Getting through each day, alone, and in pain, was too much to bear. I was so tired. I just wanted to be with my family and feel safe and loved. I didn’t know how to survive and I didn’t have the desire to learn so I spent my days trying to figure out ways to get out. Ways that would let me off the hook but with minimal damage to my kids (as if such a way existed).
I even prayed to God to spare another woman that was dying (someone with a husband, children, parents, friends and family that would be devastated without her), and to take me in her place.
People close to me knew I was in pain, but very few knew the extent. I was too embarrassed. I was the rock for everyone and the rock never lets anyone see it crumble. So I hid what I was contemplating. Everyone just thought I was sad due to grief. There was only one person that I went to for help, but he didn’t offer any, which only validated my reasoning.
On the darkest day of my life, after I made my choice and was fully ready to take action, I was saved. I don’t know why, in that moment, I opened my eyes, but I did and that day was a turning point in my journey. God offered His grace and I accepted it. I began my healing and have not looked back.
The past six years have not been easy, there have been many ups and downs, but I have learned things about myself and have grown in ways not possible had it not been for the darkness I experienced. I have come to realize that the worst pain will bear fruit when given the chance.
I am not a medical professional, but I have been in the black hole and I know the feelings of despair, hopelessness, and brokenness. With work and faith, I survived that place, emerged stronger, and learned a thing or two. Here is some newly acquired wisdom that I share with you:
o The sun will come up tomorrow and although this may sound cliché, a new day brings new opportunities for change of circumstance. You never know what will happen tomorrow but you must be here to experience it. Do whatever it takes to hang on for another day.
o There is always someone who cares. Even though you may not believe it, there is always someone. Find that person. It may be a friend, counselor, parent, sibling, support group, clergy member, even a stranger on the street. But you have to let the person in. People are kinder than you think.
o A trained expert has the skills and knowledge to guide you through any situation. Don’ seek professional help.
o There is no shame in being sad, depressed, anxious, or afraid. Do not be embarrassed about how you feel. You are not weak, you are human.
o When you love yourself everything else falls into place. Know your value and recognize that it is not d what they think about you or how they treat you. What matters is what you think about you and how you treat yourself.
o Being thankful changes the way you view life. Think of one thing for which you are grateful (no matter how small) and focus on it. Acknowledge a nourishing meal, warm house, pretty flower, or hearing a favorite song … anything … then say, “thank you.” Do this every day.
o Sometimes the best medicine is to be in service to others. Offer a loving hand to someone in need.
o Trust God. Remember, if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Learn the lessons and search for the gifts and blessings in the situation (I promise they are there even if you don’t see them now).
As the music group, REM, so eloquently stated in the song, Everybody Hurts, “When you’re sure you’ve had enough of this life, hang on. Don’t let yourself go… everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.”
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There But For The Grace Of God Go I
Carlos and Carmen Vidal just had a child
A lovely girl with a crooked smile
Now they gotta split 'cause the Bronx ain't fit
For a kid to grow up in
Let's find a place they say, somewhere far away
With no blacks, no Jews and no gays
There but for the grace of God go I
Poppy and the family left the dirty streets
To find a quiet place overseas
And year after year the kid has to hear
The do's, the don'ts and the dears
And when she's ten years old she digs that Rock 'n' Roll
But Poppy bans it from home
There but for the grace of God go I
Baby, she turns out to be a natural freak
Popping pills and smoking weed
And when she's sweet sixteen, she packs her things and leaves
With a man she met on the street
Carmen starts to bawl, bangs her head to the wall
Too much love is worse than none at all
There but for the grace of God go I
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关注虾米:I say there but for the grace of God go I.
“When I drive through Harlem and I drive through the South Side of Chicago and I see young men on the corners,” the president said, “I say there but for the grace of God go I.”有点没看懂,多谢各位指教
“When I drive through Harlem and I drive through the South Side of Chicago and I see young men on the corners,” the president said, “I say there but for the grace of God go I.”
there but for the grace of God go I
解释:I too, like someone seen to have suffered misfortune, might have suffered a similar fate, but for God's mercy.
—— gyuan8
例句:There,but for the grace of God,go I, sth equally bad might have happened to me.
你瞧, 若非天恩眷顾,我也难幸免.
Will they not always be held back by the thought that there, but for the grace of God, go I?
应该是说 要不是上天眷顾,我也会变成那样。
—— cathy妍
There but for the grace of God (go I).
Prov. I would likely have experienced or done the same bad thing if God had not been watching over me.
—— narutonaruto
There but for the grace of God go I 是个谚语,意思是“如果没有上帝的照顾,我也会经历一样的不好的事情,或者做出一样的不好的事情”
—— 牛十九


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