
& 为了方便玩家更快的了解Mega进化与Mega石获得的方式,所以小编给大家带来这个对照表,大家可以参照了解下。顺便附上地图一张。​
米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此隻神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到
米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(X版) 没有领取此隻神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(X版)
米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予(Y版) 没有领取此隻神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到(Y版)
米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)中跟博士领取的状况下法桐博士给予 没有领取此隻神奇宝贝则可在米亚雷市的Vernal Avenue Stone Emporium(百货公司)买到
反映洞窟(Reflecting Cave) B3F─破关后
薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─有人赠送
闪耀洞窟(Glittering Cave)─破关后
白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(X版)
连理镇(レンリタウン,Couriway Town)─破关后
石苔镇(セキタイタウン,Ambrette Town)─有人赠送
蔚蓝湾(Azure Bay)─有人赠送
冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)的暴雪王的后面─破关后
白檀森林(ハクダンの森,Santalune Forest)─破关后(Y版)
米亚雷市(ミアレシティ,Lumiose City)南方的咖啡馆中,冠军愿意用带有沙奈朵Mega石的拉鲁拉丝跟你的任何一隻神奇宝贝交换。 打倒四天王后的事件。
枯木镇(コボクタウン,Camphrier Town)的休波努城堡(Shabboneau Castle)
薰衣市(クノエシティ,Laverre City)─破关后
空虚之室(Cave of Emptiness)─破关
奇南市(キナンシティ,Kiloude City)─破关─有人赠送
精通塔(Tower of Mastery)获得路卡利欧后(剧情)
冰霜洞穴(Frozen Cavern)─有人赠送 ※从爆炎队(フレア团)救出暴雪王后与暴雪王交谈获得
热门手游推荐a mega city from scratch 平地而起的大都市 经济学人双语Building-六点半class
a mega city from scratch 平地而起的大都市 经济学人双语Building作者:六点半class / 公众号:liudianbanclass发表时间 :点击上方“六点半class”可以订阅哦Building a mega city from scratch平地而起的大都市译者:CarolineXi Jinping has plans for a metropolis that will dwarf New York习近平大都市宏图,令纽约相形见绌Throughout Chinese history, the dawn of new dynasties often involved moving the entire capital, imperial palace and all, to a new city. By those dynastic standards, Xi Jinping’s ambitions are modest. He simply wants to shift some of Beijing an hour’s drive to the south. But by the standards of modern urban development, his vision is grand indeed. All going well, the new area, known as Xiongan, will cover 2,000 square kilometres, nearly three times the size of New York City or Singapore. A “first-class international city”, as the planners put it, will rise from land that is home today to scrubby fields, a large lake and a series of drab towns. 纵观中国历史,大多朝代肇始于迁都,都城宫阙悉数搬离。相较之下,习近平并无雄心壮志,仅将北京南移100公里左右,约一小时车程。但从现代城市发展来看,习近平展开了一幅远大宏图。若规划进行顺利,雄安新区面积将达2000平方千米,规模近乎纽约和新加坡的三倍。根据规划者所言,在这片灌木丛生,湖面宽阔,村庄简陋的土地上,将诞生一座“国际一流城市”。China, which sometimes opts for modesty in unveiling plans lest they fall flat, did not hold back on April 1st when it revealed those for the “Xiongan New Area” in Hebei province. An official statement described Xiongan’s development as a “strategy crucial for the next millennium”. It compared the project to the creation of China’s two most spectacular built-from-scratch urban expanses: Shenzhen, a metropolis next to Hong Kong, and Pudong, Shanghai’s glittering financial district. 有时中国公布规划会保持谨慎谦虚,避免夸大,免得最终失败。4月1日,中国公布河北省“雄安新区”战略规划时却毫不保留。根据官方表述,雄安新区发展是“千年大计,国家大事”,并与深圳和浦东城市扩张相提并论。深圳,一座毗邻香港的大都市;浦东,上海辉煌的金融特区。它们当初都是从零开始,成就了中国最壮观的两次城市扩张。The point of Xiongan is to tame Beijing’s surging population, which has caused gridlock on its streets and exacerbated a chronic shortage of water. The capital has been trying for several years to encourage people to move out of its core districts. To make commuting easier, it has been improving transport links with nearby cities. By the end of 2017 the municipal government is due to relocate from the centre to Tongzhou, a suburb to the east. But Xiongan is the first entirely new city to feature in the effort. It is named after Xiong and Anxin, two counties in Hebei that will form the bulk of its territory along with a third county, Rongcheng—see map. 设立雄安是为了控制北京急剧增长的人口。人口的飙升已经造成北京交通严重堵塞,水资源长期短缺问题不断恶化。几年来,北京鼓励人们搬离城市中心,并发展附近城市路线,试图改善上下班沿线交通。2017年底之前,地方政府将从市中心搬迁到北京东部郊区的通州。但是雄安将成为第一个全新的城市是规划中最重要的部分。雄安取自“雄县、安新县”,这两个河北省的县级市以及容城县形成了雄安新区的主体(如图所示)。Beijing will still serve as the capital. But businesses and universities unrelated to that function will be urged to move to Xiongan. Mr Xi wants the new city to have a “beautiful environment”, with high-tech industries and efficient transport. By the end of its first phase (time unspecified), it will cover 100 square kilometres, almost double the size of Manhattan.北京将仍是中国首都,但是与首都功能不相关的商贸和大学将搬迁到雄安。习主席希望建成一座“环境优美”、发展高科技产业、交通便捷的新城。第一阶段开发结束时(具体时间未定),新区将覆盖100平方千米的土地,规模约为曼哈顿的两倍。In China bedlam often ensues in the rush to build. There has already been a taste of this in Xiongan. Within hours of the announcement about the new city, speculators were flocking to the area’s existing property developments to buy up whatever was available. Highways leading to it were clogged with cars. Its housing prices tripled. To rein in the exuberance, the government ordered a halt to all property transactions in the new area. 在急于建设的过程中,混乱常常接二连三地在中国上演。雄安已经有这种迹象了。在公布雄安新城之后的几个小时,投机商大批涌入当地现存的房地产开发市场,试图买断所有东西。通向新区的高速公路堵满了轿车,房价猛增三倍。为了控制市场热情,政府勒令禁止雄安新区产权交易。Jokes abound on social media about the wealth that Xiongan’s rural residents will soon enjoy (if officials forgo their common practice of seizing land for little compensation). One was a spoof ad, written as if by someone from the countryside whose marriage prospects now look bright: “Male, 53, two acres in Xiongan, seeking woman, 25 or younger, beautiful, preferably with study-abroad experience”.戏谑之言盛行于社交媒体,人们纷纷谈论雄安农村居民将拥有大量财富(如果政府摒弃惯常做法,不再以极低的征地补偿费占用土地)。有一则从农村居民角度撰写的恶搞广告,“男,53岁,在雄安有两亩地,单身,希望女方25岁以下,肤白貌美,有海外留学经历优先。””It would be unwise to bet all on Xiongan’s rise. Over the years China has tried to build numerous new cities, several of which have been costly failures. More than a decade ago the government declared that the Binhai New Area, a vast development in Tianjin, would be north China’s answer to Shenzhen and Pudong. It has never taken off. Another stillborn project was Caofeidian, an “eco-city” in the Bohai Gulf. Internet censors have been deleting any doubts that netizens have been raising about Xiongan. An article asking whether the new city would be the second Shen-zhen or the second Caofeidian disappeared soon after it was published online. 完全指望雄安的崛起是不明智的。多年来,中国多次试图建立新城,有些代价高昂却以失败告终。十年前,政府声称将广泛开发天津,建设滨海新区,试图与深圳和浦东形成南北呼应之势,新区却未曾实现腾飞。渤海湾生态城曹妃甸项目也半路夭折。网络审查员则清除了网上对于雄安的质疑声。其中一篇网络文章质问新城会成为第二个深圳还是第二个曹妃甸,可在发表不久后便消失了。But Xiongan has a big thing going for it: the full backing of Mr Xi. News broadcasts showed the president touring the area and chairing a meeting about its development. So long as Mr Xi remains China’s leader-ie, at least for the next five years— building Xiongan will be a priority. 但是雄安有一个很大的筹码:习主席的全力支持。新闻播报了主席视察新区并主持召开探讨其发展的会议。只要习近平担任中国领导人,至少在接下来5年中,建设雄安将是首要任务。Whether this is a good idea is another question. Taking Beijing as it exists today—a city of more than 20m people with 19 subway lines, dozens of universities, a large cluster of high-tech firms and umpteen road and rail connections to other large cities—and trying to make it work better might be more sensible. Yet given all of the capital’s urban maladies, the temptation to start with a clean slate is hard for planners to resist. 发展雄安新区会是个好主意吗?这也成问题。如今,北京已经拥有2000万人口, 19条地铁线,几十所大学,数家高科技公司和无数通向其他大城市的公路和铁路。改善城市运转情况或许是更明智的选择,但考虑到北京存在种种城市弊病,规划者们实在难以抗拒新建一个城市的诱惑。往期精彩内容推荐口译怎么练(1)六点半class经济学人读译会第20周训练日志六点半class视译班第一周训练日志相关文章猜你喜欢 ABCPT888试客一宁波万科镜玄旅行摄影无为网加拿大安可移民#统计代码您所在位置: &
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As metropolitan regions continued to expand throughout the second half of the 20th century their boundaries began to blur, creating a new scale of geography now known as the megaregion. Interlocking economic systems, shared natural resources and ecosystems, and common transportation systems link these population centers together. As continued population growth and low density settlement patterns place increasing pressure on these systems, there is greater impetus to coordinate policy at this expanded scale.
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Photo: MTA / Kevin Ortiz
The New Haven Line needs such substantial repair work that at the current pace of investment it will take two decades to restore the line to full operating capacity, a
by Regional Plan Association found. An analysis by RPA determined that $3.6 billion will be needed beyond what is currently budgeted to modernize the rail line, the busiest in the U.S.
Infrastructure on the 60-mile stretch of track between New York and Connecticut has been allowed to deteriorate, largely due to decades of underinvestment in critical repairs and upgrades. Delaying the repair work significantly raises the risk of unplanned outages and limits the line&s capacity to accommodate growing ridership.&
The New Haven Line carries 125,000 passengers every day on the Metro-North commuter line and on Amtrak trains between Boston and New York and plays a vital role in the economic life of the Northeast. The line's owners, the states of Connecticut and New York, have made significant progress improving the rail infrastructure they inherited in the 1970s in poor physical condition, despite major funding constraints. But funding shortfalls have forced both states to defer long overdue capital investment necessary to protect the line's operations and passengers.
The age-related problems that plague the line can be felt by passengers nearly every day. Five movable rail bridges, all well beyond their replacement age, get stuck open several times a week, delaying train traffic and causing ripple effects up and down the line. This year, the line suffered two major outages, including a derailment and collision in May that injured 76 people and an electrical outage in September that disrupted service on the line for more than two weeks.
RPA&s study, , documents the key issues affecting the rail line and outlines critical capital investments necessary for the line to function as a reliable, four-track railroad. RPA researchers found that an additional $3.6 billion is needed to repair or replace aging and obsolete infrastructure, beyond the $1 billion already budgeted by the state of Connecticut for this work.
&The New Haven Line supports the biggest and most diverse economy in the country, yet this crucial piece of infrastructure is no longer up to the task,& said RPA President Robert D. Yaro. &If we don&t maintain our vital infrastructure, we will be subjecting a generation of commuters and long-distance travelers to relentless, disruptive repair work and jeopardizing the growth and prosperity of our region,& he said.&
Expediting construction would mean disruptions to service in the short term, but would get the line back to its full, four-track capacity far sooner. This would allow the line to accommodate anticipated population growth and economic development along the New York-to-New Haven corridor. The upgrades also are crucial to accommodating passengers transferring from the region&s branch lines, including from the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield commuter line, which is expected to begin service in 2016.
The study outlines an emergency action plan for the rail line to address major needed improvements, including: upgrades to powe repairs to tracks a and rehabilitation or replacement of the five movable bridges that are a source of continued service disruptions.
The full study can be viewed here:&
Rail freight traffic is expanding throughout North America, particularly to serve ocean ports. Assuring that transportation infrastructure capacity keeps up with demand is important for global trade competitiveness and national economic security.
A key growth area is in the Great Lakes Megaregion, where an industrial heartland route links Montreal, Toronto, Detroit/Windsor and Chicago. About 60% of Port of Montreal container traffic moves inland by rail, mostly to and from markets in Ontario and the U.S. Midwest - a
corridor hampered by a bottleneck at the Detroit River, the world's busiest commercial border crossing. A century-old rail tunnel between Detroit and Windsor handles more than 400,000 rail cars each year. The Port of Montreal is doubling container-handling capacity by 2020. The current tunnel can't handle 9' 6" double-stacked container rail cars or Auto-Max vehicle carriers, the most efficient rail shipping modes.
The Continental Rail Gateway (CRG), formed in June 2010, unites Canadian Pacific the Windsor Port Authority and the Borealis Infrastructure investment firm in a replacement rail tunnel venture. The public-private partnership owns the existing tunnel and rail corridor. Project funding calls for $200 million from the partners and $200 million from government sources in each country.
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure convened in New York City on Friday for a hearing about the importance of the Northeast Corridor. The hearing took place in the Farley Post Office, home of the future Moynihan Station. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), chair of the Railroads Subcommittee, wielded the gavel while Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA), chair of the full committee, participated along with Ranking Member Corrine Brown (D-FL) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY). The witnesses included the President and CEO of Amtrak, Joe B Commissioner of New York State Department of Transportation, Joan McD President of Drexel University, John F and President of Regional Plan Association (RPA) and Chair of the Northeast Alliance for Rail (NEAR), Bob Yaro.The impetus for the hearing is that the current federal rail bill, PRIIA, expires this fall and Congress will begin negotiating the next bill this summer. The next federal rail bill will authorize a five to six years worth of appropriations for the Federal Railroad Administration and Amtrak, and hence capital improvements to the Northeast Corridor (NEC). The FRA's High-Speed & Intercity Passenger Rail Program is a potential source of future funding for NEC improvements. After Florida Governor Rick Scott rejected $2.4 billion in federal high-speed rail funds in 2011, nearly $1 billion was redirected to the Northeast.&Amtrak's federal funding for capital improvements is also largely dedicated to the NEC, where nearly 40% of their capital budget is spent.In his testimony before the Committee, Bob Yaro outlined the main components of an improvement program that can be authorized in the reauthorization of the rail bill. RPA calls this program, "NEC Now."&The NEC Now proposal addresses the corridor's highest-priority infrastructure needs: to remove bottlenecks, increase capacity, improve reliability and reduce travel times along the entire corridor. It also proposes funding for the construction of an Acela Express train optimization program which, along with other NEC Now projects, would cut trip times between New York and Philadelphia to well under an hour.
In the most recent edition of the San Francisco Urban Planning and Research Association's publication, , two articles strengthen the already solid case for high-speed rail in California. The articles were written initially for an America 2050 research seminar sponsored by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Regional Plan Association this spring. Not only can the state afford to fund the project, argues SPUR Regional Planning Director Egon Terplan in "," but two of the state's most influential industries - the Hollywood media and entertainment industry and Silicon Valley technology sector - would be knit more tightly than ever before by a high-speed rail system that would realize "the economic potential of enhanced access and exchange across the state," a benefit discussed detailed in Executive Director Gabriel Metcalf's "."
Conservation needs to be approached at the regional level in order to ensure that wildlife habitat, water supplies and working farms and forests throughout the U.S. Northeast are protected for future generations, a new report by Regional Plan Association and America 2050 concludes.
The research examines how landscape conservation initiatives are working across the Northeast to protect vital natural and cultural resources. The report, makes recommendations for improving conservation efforts that stretch across city and state boundaries, from addressing governance questions and ensuring adequate financial resources to creating tools for measuring the impact of these regional efforts.
| Read the Report
A Business Breakfast Forum
The Hartford Club
46 Prospect Street,
Hartford, Connecticut
Friday, June 3, 2011
8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
will connect Hartford and Springfield to new business, educational, and cultural opportunities along the Knowledge Corridor, and in Southwestern Connecticut and New York City. What are these opportunities, and what should we do to maximize them? We'll hear from local business leaders as well as representatives from other successful rail corridors on how we can best leverage state and federal rail investments for economic growth.
Bob Yaro, President, Regional Plan Association
Patricia Quinn, Northern New England Rail Authority (Downeaster Service, Portland, ME/Boston, MA)
Gene Skoropowski, HNTB (Capitol Corridor Service, Sacramento/San Jose, CA)
Matthew Nemerson, Connecticut Technology Council
Rob Little, Chief Investment Officer, Finance, Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers
There is no charge for attendance but registration is required at: .
Sponsored by:
America 2050 and Regional Plan Association, with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and Surdna Foundation.
Co-sponsored by:
Capitol Region Council of Governments and ULI Boston.
Even in the damp northeastern United States, water is a precious resource. Whether it's to protect human health, sustain wildlife populations, or to support recreational opportunities, more than two thirds of the initiatives in an inventory of landscape conservation initiatives have protecting water resources as a priority.
To help understand how landscape initiatives are addressing water issues in the 13 state Northeast Megaregion, Regional Plan Association and America 2050 have compiled federal, state, and private information about water quality for inclusion in our .
Nature does not respect political boundaries, which is why landscape initiatives working across jurisdictions have been successful at conserving critical habitat. Landscape conservation initiatives protect the health of ecosystems by ensuring that core habitat needs are met, by providing corridors for movement and migration, and by helping to coordinate management. State wildlife action plans and other federal and state policies have stressed the need for landscape-scale planning to implement their recommendations. Pennsylvania's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy underscores the importance of forest landscapes for critical habitats:
Where large areas of contiguous, high-quality forest habitat remain, forest-dependent species may reproduce at high rates, creating a large population surplus on a yearly basis. On the other hand, forest species occupying highly fragmented forests, especially those in an agricultural or developed landscape, may have lower reproductive rates as a result of the effects of predators and nest parasites. Area-sensitive species may not occupy these patches at all (12-25).
To help understand how landscape initiatives are addressing habitat priorities in the 13 state Northeast megaregion, Regional Plan Association and America 2050 have compiled federal, state, and private information about habitat priorities for inclusion in our
America 2050 is a project of
America 2050 is a coalition partner of}


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