
扑满是什么意思 扑满在线翻译 扑满什么意思 扑满的意思 扑满的翻译 扑满的解释 扑满的发音 扑满的同义词 扑满的反义词 扑满的例句
扑满 基本解释扑满[pū mǎn]词典earthenware money box:扑满。词典:扑满。扑满 汉英大词典扑满[pū mǎn]e piggy bank扑满 网络解释1. piggy bank:更难明的是:凯氏说的储蓄(saving)有储藏(hoarding)之意,有小孩把钱放进扑满(piggy bank)的味道,使无数学子以为看到了皇帝的新衣. 耶鲁大学的费沙与凯恩斯是同期的人,前者的储蓄及投资的理念远为优胜. 这两位大师各走各的路.2. penny bank:扑克牌戏/penny ante | 扑满/penny bank | 铺陈的招待会/rain dance扑满 双语例句1. 书店里的这个标准竹筒扑满,还贴上当地语言辛哈拉文的解说,多亏当地职工的推广。&&&&This standard bamboo coin bank in a book store has a written explanation in Singhalese attached to explain what the box is for.2. 杰克:你会数扑满里的钱吗?&&&&Jack: Do you count the money in your piggy bank?3. 可是我还是有个扑满&&&&But I also have a piggy bank.4. 祖母在我生日的时候,给了我一个小猪扑满。&&&&My grandmother gave me a piggy bank for my birthday.5. 我的扑满里存了许多硬币。&&&&I keep a lot of coins in my piggy-bank.6. 如果有这麼一只扑满,一直没有钱投进来,一直瓦全到今天,他就成了贵重的古董。。。…………………………………………。。&&&&If there is one without any coin, it would probably last until today, and became a valuable antique....7. 7. 如果有这么一只扑满,一直没有钱投进来,一直瓦全到今天,他就成了贵重的古董。。。。。。你愿意做哪一种扑满?!&&&&If there is such a piggy bank, no money has been put into it, until today and it has Which piggy bank, Do you wish to be? !8. 这个扑满有个很不错的方法来不让你碰里面的钱,让你远离存款。&&&&The piggybank has a clever way of keeping you out and guarding your stash of money.9. 我表妹总是从她哥哥的小猪扑满里借钱,她哥哥对此事感到很愤怒。&&&&My cousin always borrows money from her older brother's piggy bank, which drives him crazy.10. 你愿意做哪一种扑满?!&&&&What kind of piggy bank you want to be?11. 你愿意做哪一种扑满?!&&&&&&Which kind of piggy bank you want to be?12. 当大自然送他入世之初,他是强壮有力的,处于兴旺时期,满头的天生好发;如果比作一株有理性的植物,那就是枝叶齐全。但不久酗酒贪色就像一把斧子砍掉了他的青枝绿叶,只留给他一根枯株。他赶紧求助于人工,戴上了头套,以一束扑满香粉但非他头上所长的假发为荣。要是我们这把扫帚也这样登场,由于把一些别的树条收集到身上而得意洋洋,其实这些条上尽是尘土,即使是最高贵的夫人房里的尘土,我们一定会笑它是如何虚荣吧!&&&&&&Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left
he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that ne but now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweepings of the finest lady's chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity.13. 教会储蓄没有一个猪型扑满的儿童时代是不完美的。对那些才3岁的孩子来说,家庭银行能帮他把存钱变成一种游戏。&&&&&&Teach saving no childhood is complete with-out a piggy bank: for children as young as three, home banks help make a game out of saving money.14. 扑满在线翻译14. 扑满里有张纸条:亲爱的妹妹,我希望你能够理解,我的资产现在已被冻结。&&&&&&Inside was this note: Dear sister, I hope you'll understand, but my capital has been frozen.15. 一天,表妹四处寻找,最后竟然在冰箱里发现了扑满。&&&&&&One day, she found the piggy in, of all places, the refrigerator.16. 装了一季又一季的心事也储在月亮的扑满里,等待光阴的造访温习那个时候的心思。&&&&&&Installed a season season concern also to store in moon's piggy bank, waited for the time visited review at that time thoughts.17. 都是梦;梦醒了,扑满里却多了三十几块钱,真的!&&&&&&A yet when he woke up, there'd be thirty more dollars in his till! That was real.18. 因为兔子喜欢挖洞,所以你最好为它准备一个扑满碎纸的大盒子或篮子。&&&&&&Because of their instinct for digging, it is best to provide a large box or basket filled with shredded paper.扑满是什么意思,扑满在线翻译,扑满什么意思,扑满的意思,扑满的翻译,扑满的解释,扑满的发音,扑满的同义词,扑满的反义词,扑满的例句,扑满的相关词组,扑满意思是什么,扑满怎么翻译,单词扑满是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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