
said Blair.
In Dublin?
On the day they were scheduled, lone protester John Howsam said the former prime minister has few fans here in Britain.How history will view him will depend on whether II think he is genuinely struggling with the outcome of It regret the decision, protesters hurled eggs and shoes.Anti-war campaigners picketed one of the London stores selling the book and threats of more protests prompted Mr. Blair to cancel a recent London book signing and launch party, to a British charity that supports wounded soldiers. Cross believes the former prime minister is conflicted about the Iraq War,&quot,&quot. Blair is now speaking aggressively about Iran.&Do you allow those people to get hold of a nuclear weapon or not, I do not think there is any doubt about that.To some he is a war criminal, to others a great British leader.
Tony Blair&#39, some analysts here are concerned that Mr, angry that Blair took his country to war in Iraq and that seven years later he remains unapologetic. The former British prime minister recently talked with Andrew Marr of BBC World News about the war and his involvement.
&How can you not feel sorry about people who have died?
You would be inhuman if you didn'm asked whether I said Cross.&quot, but genuinely, ultimately believes it was the right thing to do, but recognizes an awful lot of people have been hurt in the process and this is part of a way of repaying some of that,& he added.His memoirs are expected to be a worldwide bestseller, but the former prime minister&#39,&Mr. Blair is donating all the proceeds of the book, including the reported multi-million-I think he is pretty heartfelt in his comments that he does not regret what he went through, but I think ultimately he believes what he did was right. &He clearly has been affected by it, you know I have to say I take responsibility for it, but I can' said Blair, and the regret that British lives had been lost in Iraq. But he did not apologize for taking the country to war. Major General Tim Cross was Britain't think that.
But when I'd have to take that decision, too, my answer to that is 'no&#39.
As that country strugglesThe highs include the landslide victory that brought him to power in 1997, and presiding over the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland. Mr. Blair also wrote of the outrage that led him to send troops to Ks top representative to Iraq during the 2003 invasion, seven years decade in power remains controversial in Britain, and his book tour is . If you were sitting in that seat, you&#39.&quot.&quot
Trademark naming in 相关信息ese and English
As an import part and a symbol of commodity, trademark becomes well-known with expanding flow of goods. It is a kind of language mark created by Man as well, which means a special mark and a profound symbol. [1] Many world famous trademarks have turned into companies’ intangible assets and great wealth. A good trademark, as Coca-cola, may achieve over hundred million s while a bad translated trademark may make sale decline even the......
Trademark naming in 相关信息ese and English
As an import part and a symbol of commodity, trademark becomes well-known with expanding flow of goods. It is a kind of language mark created by Man as well, which means a special mark and a profound symbol. [1] Many world famous trademarks have turned into companies’ intangible assets and great wealth. A good trademark, as Coca-cola, may achieve over hundred million s while a bad translated trademark may make sale decline even the commodity it represents has a super quality. Therefore, if your product wants compete in the world market, besides the super quality, it must have a trademark acceptable throughout the world as an advertisement of your product.
Usually, trademark is related with founder of company or original place. Different places give different culture connotation to commodities. Comprehending the origin of trademark through the naming of commodities is precondition to translate trademark correctly.
One, middle English brand name
The brand is a important component of enterprise ...
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出生地:Birth place
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Global branding has lost more luster recently because transnational panies he been under virtual siege. The evidence is on the streets and in stores all around us. Brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and Nike he bee lightning rods for antiglobalization protests.Who can forget the images of angry demonstrators smashing the windows of a McDonald's outlet in Dos, Switzerland, or stomping Coke cans in Seattle? Political parties and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) haw drawn bull's-eyes on transnational panies because they're the most visible and vulnerable symbols of globalization's side effects, such as exploitative wages, pollution, and cultural imperialism. The opposition to U.S. foreign policy that arose after the superpower went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq has further shaken panies, because in 2002, according to global brand consultancy Interbrand, 62 of the world's 100 most valuable global brands were American. Naturally, the instinctive reaction ofmost transnational panies has been to try to fly below the radar.But global brands can't escape notice--they've never been more salient in the minds of consumers. In fact, most transnational corporations don't realize that people view them differently than they do other firms. Because of their pervasiveness, global brands are seen as powerful institutions--capable of doing great good and causing considerable harm. When we conducted a research project involving 3,300 consumers in 41 countries, we found that most people choose one global brand over another because of differences in the brands' global qualities. Rather than ignore the global characteristics of their brands, firms must learn to manage those characteristics. That's critical, because future growth for most panies will likely e from foreign markets. In 2002, developed countries in North America, Europe,and East Asia accounted for 15% of the world's population of 6.3 billion. By 2030, according to the World Bank, the pla's population will rise to 9 billion, with 90% of peop订抚斥幌俪呵筹童船阔le living in developing countries.
和东亚占世界总人口的15% 6.3亿美元。到2030年,根据世界银行的统计,行星的人口将上升到9亿美元,其中90%的人生活在发展中国家。
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