
& &温馨提示!如果您担心买到假冒的『美国辛科』,还在纠结『美国辛科官网』怎么样?如果您正打算购买『美国辛科胶囊』,那么您不妨花5分钟时间认真看完本篇报道!!
& &相信很多的朋友在选择产品前,都有这样的疑问:
& &1、美国辛科效果怎么样?真有宣传的那么好吗?
& &2、美国辛科有没有什么副作用?
& &3、美国辛科价格多少钱?在哪里可以购买到正品?
& &美国辛科中国区官网:
& &如果你有以上疑问,请继续往下看,你的疑问将一一解答.......
& &脂肪肝分为轻度、中度、重度,轻度脂肪肝问题不大,但是中度、重度脂肪肝就要非常的留神。脂肪肝到了中度和重度的情况下,就会伴随着转氨酶增高,这时肝细胞大量破裂和坏死,这个现象同肝炎完全一样,对肝脏的危害非常大。
& &脂肪肝还会致使肝硬化和肝癌,这是为何呢?
& &脂肪在肝脏中贮存时,会把肝细胞包裹住,肝细胞每日也需要许多的营养,也排泄许多的废物和垃圾。它一旦被脂肪包裹后,外来的养料就无法吸收,排出的废物就堆在了身边,就相当于生活在垃圾中并且没有食物,这样一来,许多的肝细胞就会饿死,肝细胞死亡后会破裂并释放出许多转氨酶。转氨酶增高是发生肝硬化的迹象。
& &脂肪肝是典型的现代文明病之一,容易引起肝硬化和肝癌,要谨慎防范。
& &脂肪肝是有很多种原因引起的,肝细胞内脂肪堆积过多的病变,脂肪性肝病严重威胁着人类的健康,威胁仅次于病毒性肝炎。脂肪肝的出现初期没有什么明显的症状,若是严重的话,也是非常危险的。因此对于脂肪肝患者来说应争取早发现、早治疗,这样才能及早康复。
& &目前医学上没有治疗脂肪肝的特效方法,常见的治疗药物有血脂调节药、胰岛素增敏剂、抗氧化剂、抗内毒素治疗、中药等,只能运走脂肪,但是肝细胞已经遭受脂肪侵蚀,发生变性坏死,必须要完全清除、修复,否则将给肝脏埋下定时炸弹。同时药物本身的毒性需要肝脏分解,未修复先伤害,双重损伤下肝脏寿命必定越来越短。所以,合理的自然调理,安全解毒+完全修复才是扭转脂肪肝的王道。
& &为了解决脂肪肝这一世界难题,国际脂肪肝专家桑德拉·卡博特博士经过38年临床经验的研发出一款专门治疗脂肪肝的产品--美国辛科Livatone Plus,其专利配方经美国FDA收录认证,产品一上市就获得了众专家的好评,在美国当地具有良好的口碑和声望。
& &近日,中国大陆市场上出现了一款销售非常火爆的治疗脂肪肝产品——美国辛科Livatone Plus,产品一上线就受到广泛关注,官方显示数据上线首日即热销2万瓶。
& &美国辛科是美国原瓶原装进口的,国际脂肪肝专家桑德拉·卡博特博士研制,纯天然植物制剂,具有专利配方,并取得了美国FDA认证。美国辛科采用“纯自然疗法”,是经过卡博特博士38年临床经验研发的,多种纯天然成分经过科学配比,上市销售20年以来已经治愈了千千万万的脂肪肝患者,在国外的口碑非常好。肝脏是人体重要的解毒、排毒器官,任何的药物对它而言都是伤害,美国辛科是纯植物萃取,连胶囊外壳都是蔬菜的,易于人体吸收,安全无毒副作用。
& &记者查阅相关资料了解到,2004年卡博特博士提出的脂肪肝“自然疗法”理论在国际肝胆研究学术大会中震惊四座,被推崇为高境界的脂肪肝修复理念,也是跨越东西方文化、融合中西医精髓的医学流派。其核心在于,深信机体的自愈能力,主张在医疗过程中尽量避免使用任何削弱机体自愈能力的医疗手段,禁止用任何方式取代机体的自愈能力。
& &美国辛科是专门针对脂肪肝的纯植物制剂,以水飞蓟提取物为基础,结合卵磷脂、多种特殊氨基酸类、维生素等绿色营养物质,采用国际先进技术纯植物提取,科学配比而成,安全无副作用,能够有效消除肝脏内堆积的脂肪,修复受损肝细胞,给肝脏补充所需营养,增强肝脏功能,快速彻底扭转脂肪肝。
& &美国辛科采用国际专利成分配比,提供肝脏所需的多种营养物质,帮助肝脏自我修复改善,恢复正常肝脏功能,是目前消除脂肪肝的完美解决方案,其研发成果发表于具有国际影响力的多家媒体和科学期刊中,获得全球医学界的广泛称赞,被誉为“脂肪肝人群的保护神”。
& &美国辛科致力于人类的肝脏健康,希望为千千万万的脂肪肝患者谋福祉,早日摆脱脂肪肝的困扰,早日攻克脂肪肝这一世界性难题。
& &美国辛科上市以来,为千千万万的脂肪肝患者恢复健康,取得了非常瞩目的成就。但是我们也发现,一些不法之徒,打着美国辛科官网的旗号销售假冒产品, 这些假冒产品不但不会对脂肪肝疾病的治疗没有任何的作用,还可能因为假冒产品含有的副作用成分危害健康。在这里我们提醒广大消费者,美国辛科唯一正品销售渠道是官方网站,从未授权任何其它网站销售。购买正品美国辛科一定要选择官方网站,这样您的合法权益才能得到保护。
& & 郑重声明:美国辛科从未授权过任何公司(单位)和个人在互联网上发布销售和招商信息,如在其它网站购买,一律不享受任何售后和服务,出现产品质量问题与我公司无关!美国辛科中国区唯一正品官方网站地址是:【】其它网站均为假冒,在此提醒广大消费者请到美国辛科唯一正品官方网站订购!
& &同时也提醒大家,根据【315打假部门联合中国网络购物管理中心提示】,为贯彻落实“打击 假冒,净化网络购物环境,维护消费者合法权益”的精神,切实保障消费者自身合法权益,远离假货危害,体验到美国辛科神奇的效果,请消费者购买时认准 315权威认证美国辛科唯一正品官方网站。如在其他任何未经过认证的不明渠道购买,本中心不保证产品真伪,出现任何问题与本中心无关!(新闻中心权威发布)
The cries of “Silence” by the constables were some time in being of effect,
so anxious were the people without to get in. The efforts of those inside to
secure places of vantage was also the cause of some confusion and noise, but, at
length, order was obtained. The learned looking judges, with their wigs and
gowns, whispered to each other, and then to the clerk. There was some passing of
papers back and forth among them, and then Clark Sewall, clearing his voice
importantly, read from a parchment he held:
“Indictment of Tituba, the Indian, and of Marie de Guilfort. The jurors for
our Sovereign Lord and Lady, King William and Queen Mary, do present that you,
Tituba, the Indian, and Marie de Guilfort, in the county of Essex, upon the 26th
day of February, in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lieges,
rulers, by the grace of God, over England, Ireland, Scotland and France, King
and Queen, de divers other days and times, as well as
before and after, certain detestable arts called witchcraft and sorceries,
wickedly and feloniously, 33hath used, preached, exercised, at and within the
township of Salem aforesaid, in and upon and against Elizabeth Parris and
Abigaile Williams. By which said wicked arts the said children are hurt and
tortured, afflicted, pined, consumed, wasted and tormented. And also for sundry
acts of witchcraft, by the said Tituba and Marie committed and done before and
since that time, against the peace of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, their Crown
and dignity, and against the forms of statutes in that case made and
All this the clerk read, scarce pausing for breath, and, when he had
finished, a sound like a great sigh went up from the people.
“Terrible! Oh, most terrible!” whispered Willis.
“Out upon you,” I exclaimed. “’Tis naught but a lot of high sounding law
terms. Master Sewall has a pretty trick of rolling them off his tongue.”
I glanced at the prisoners, who had been led to chairs on the high platform
near the judges’ desks. She, who was called Marie, looked straight over the
heads of the crowd, right down to where I sat. Her eyes roved on past me to the
shrinking form of the maiden at my right. The latter raised her head, her eyes
dim with tears.
While I watched her lips moved, as if in prayer, and she stretched out her
arms to the beautiful girl on the stand.
“Who is the maid at our right?” I asked of Willis.
34“’Tis Lucille, the cousin of Marie,” he answered.
Just then Lucille turned her head, and her eyes met mine. Full half a
minute we gazed at each other, and though I know not the import of the message
that came from her eyes, it was like one that would make me do her bidding, even
though death stood in the way.
The indictment having been read the witnesses against the accused were
called. The mother of Elizabeth mounted the stand, and began giving her
testimony in a dull, monotonous tone.
She told how the two children were of a sudden stricken into fits one day,
which illness Dr. Clarke was not able to allay. Then the children cried out that
some one was thrusting pins in them. Dr. Jacobs related how he had been called
in, and, finding no evident cause for the ailments, had concluded, with Dr.
Clarke, that the girls were possessed by witches. How the learned men arrived at
this conclusion they said not.
Then came strange testimony. Dr. Jacobs told how he had cautioned Mistress
Parris to hang the children’s blankets near the fireplace at night, burning
whatever fell therefrom. A great toad dropped out, the woman said, and a boy
caught the reptile up with the tongs, and threw it in the fire. It exploded with
a noise like gun powder, and the next day Tituba was found to be burned on the
left cheek, which made it plain that she had changed herself into a toad for the
purpose of tormenting 35the children. What further proof was wanting? If there
was it would seem to have been furnished by the girls themselves.
They were brought into court, trembling and shrinking back. And then,
suddenly, with mine own eyes, I saw them fall down in strange fits, the like of
which I had never seen before. They cried that pins and knives were being stuck
into them by Marie and Tituba. Though how that could be I fathomed not, for the
hapless women never moved from their seats. But a murmer went around, and the
judges, nodding their heads, looked grave.
Next Farmer John Sloan related how he was removing his hay from the meadow,
using three carts.
“And, your Honors,” he said, “when I passed Tituba’s house one of the
wheels touched her gate post, and she muttered an evil spell against me. After
that the cart was overturned, though the road was without ruts. Coming from the
field on the next trip the cart did somehow fasten itself between two gate
posts, so that they had to be cut away ere the cart could be drawn through. Yet
neither the wheels nor the sides nor any part of the cart did touch the
“’Tis enough,” broke in Judge Corwin. “Do you question the prisoners, Judge
Hathorne. Let not the day of judgment be stayed. A great evil is upon the land,
and must be purged away.”
36Judge Hathorne asked Tituba what evil spirit she had familiarity with,
and whether she had ever seen the Devil.
Then of a sudden she rose in her chair. She let her eyes rove over the
room, while the whole assemblage, judges, jurors, and all save myself, cowered
in their seats.
“Aye,” she shrieked, “aye, I have seen him. He came to me in his chariot of
fire, and bade me serve him. I dared not say him nay. Also have I seen two rats,
a red one and a white one. And they did command that I pinch the children. Aye,
the rats did carry me to them like a spirit of the air, and I pinched them and
thrust sharp pins in them. Aye, the Devil! the Devil! the Devil!”& &温馨提示!如果您担心买到假冒的『美国辛科』,还在纠结『美国辛科官网』怎么样?如果您正打算购买『美国辛科胶囊』,那么您不妨花5分钟时间认真看完本篇报道!!
& &相信很多的朋友在选择产品前,都有这样的疑问:
& &1、美国森孚效果怎么样?真有宣传的那么好吗?
& &2、美国辛科有没有什么副作用?
& &3、美国辛科价格多少钱?在哪里可以购买到正品?
& &美国辛科中国区官网:
& &如果你有以上疑问,请继续往下看,你的疑问将一一解答.......
& &脂肪肝分为轻度、中度、重度,轻度脂肪肝问题不大,但是中度、重度脂肪肝就要非常的留神。脂肪肝到了中度和重度的情况下,就会伴随着转氨酶增高,这时肝细胞大量破裂和坏死,这个现象同肝炎完全一样,对肝脏的危害非常大。
& &脂肪肝还会致使肝硬化和肝癌,这是为何呢?
& &脂肪在肝脏中贮存时,会把肝细胞包裹住,肝细胞每日也需要许多的营养,也排泄许多的废物和垃圾。它一旦被脂肪包裹后,外来的养料就无法吸收,排出的废物就堆在了身边,就相当于生活在垃圾中并且没有食物,这样一来,许多的肝细胞就会饿死,肝细胞死亡后会破裂并释放出许多转氨酶。转氨酶增高是发生肝硬化的迹象。
& &脂肪肝是典型的现代文明病之一,容易引起肝硬化和肝癌,要谨慎防范。
& &脂肪肝是有很多种原因引起的,肝细胞内脂肪堆积过多的病变,脂肪性肝病严重威胁着人类的健康,威胁仅次于病毒性肝炎。脂肪肝的出现初期没有什么明显的症状,若是严重的话,也是非常危险的。因此对于脂肪肝患者来说应争取早发现、早治疗,这样才能及早康复。
& &目前医学上没有治疗脂肪肝的特效方法,常见的治疗药物有血脂调节药、胰岛素增敏剂、抗氧化剂、抗内毒素治疗、中药等,只能运走脂肪,但是肝细胞已经遭受脂肪侵蚀,发生变性坏死,必须要完全清除、修复,否则将给肝脏埋下定时炸弹。同时药物本身的毒性需要肝脏分解,未修复先伤害,双重损伤下肝脏寿命必定越来越短。所以,合理的自然调理,安全解毒+完全修复才是扭转脂肪肝的王道。
& &为了解决脂肪肝这一世界难题,国际脂肪肝专家桑德拉·卡博特博士经过38年临床经验的研发出一款专门治疗脂肪肝的产品--美国辛科Livatone Plus,其专利配方经美国FDA收录认证,产品一上市就获得了众专家的好评,在美国当地具有良好的口碑和声望。
& &近日,中国大陆市场上出现了一款销售非常火爆的治疗脂肪肝产品——美国辛科Livatone Plus,产品一上线就受到广泛关注,官方显示数据上线首日即热销2万瓶。
& &美国辛科是美国原瓶原装进口的,国际脂肪肝专家桑德拉·卡博特博士研制,纯天然植物制剂,具有专利配方,并取得了美国FDA认证。美国辛科采用“纯自然疗法”,是经过卡博特博士38年临床经验研发的,多种纯天然成分经过科学配比,上市销售20年以来已经治愈了千千万万的脂肪肝患者,在国外的口碑非常好。肝脏是人体重要的解毒、排毒器官,任何的药物对它而言都是伤害,美国辛科是纯植物萃取,连胶囊外壳都是蔬菜的,易于人体吸收,安全无毒副作用。
& &记者查阅相关资料了解到,2004年卡博特博士提出的脂肪肝“自然疗法”理论在国际肝胆研究学术大会中震惊四座,被推崇为高境界的脂肪肝修复理念,也是跨越东西方文化、融合中西医精髓的医学流派。其核心在于,深信机体的自愈能力,主张在医疗过程中尽量避免使用任何削弱机体自愈能力的医疗手段,禁止用任何方式取代机体的自愈能力。
& &美国辛科是专门针对脂肪肝的纯植物制剂,以水飞蓟提取物为基础,结合卵磷脂、多种特殊氨基酸类、维生素等绿色营养物质,采用国际先进技术纯植物提取,科学配比而成,安全无副作用,能够有效消除肝脏内堆积的脂肪,修复受损肝细胞,给肝脏补充所需营养,增强肝脏功能,快速彻底扭转脂肪肝。
& &美国辛科采用国际专利成分配比,提供肝脏所需的多种营养物质,帮助肝脏自我修复改善,恢复正常肝脏功能,是目前消除脂肪肝的完美解决方案,其研发成果发表于具有国际影响力的多家媒体和科学期刊中,获得全球医学界的广泛称赞,被誉为“脂肪肝人群的保护神”。
& &美国辛科致力于人类的肝脏健康,希望为千千万万的脂肪肝患者谋福祉,早日摆脱脂肪肝的困扰,早日攻克脂肪肝这一世界性难题。
& &美国辛科上市以来,为千千万万的脂肪肝患者恢复健康,取得了非常瞩目的成就。但是我们也发现,一些不法之徒,打着美国辛科官网的旗号销售假冒产品, 这些假冒产品不但不会对脂肪肝疾病的治疗没有任何的作用,还可能因为假冒产品含有的副作用成分危害健康。在这里我们提醒广大消费者,美国辛科唯一正品销售渠道是官方网站,从未授权任何其它网站销售。购买正品美国辛科一定要选择官方网站,这样您的合法权益才能得到保护。
& & 郑重声明:美国辛科从未授权过任何公司(单位)和个人在互联网上发布销售和招商信息,如在其它网站购买,一律不享受任何售后和服务,出现产品质量问题与我公司无关!美国辛科中国区唯一正品官方网站地址是:【】其它网站均为假冒,在此提醒广大消费者请到美国辛科唯一正品官方网站订购!
& &同时也提醒大家,根据【315打假部门联合中国网络购物管理中心提示】,为贯彻落实“打击 假冒,净化网络购物环境,维护消费者合法权益”的精神,切实保障消费者自身合法权益,远离假货危害,体验到美国辛科神奇的效果,请消费者购买时认准 315权威认证美国辛科唯一正品官方网站。如在其他任何未经过认证的不明渠道购买,本中心不保证产品真伪,出现任何问题与本中心无关!(新闻中心权威发布)
As soon as I saw that I knew the boat was leaking, and that they were
baling to keep her afloat. That was why they had headed in shore, for no other
cause would have made them approach such a dangerous coast.
The craft was now so near that I could plainly see one man baling while the
other ran to the tiller, which was lashed, and cast off the ropes. Then he
headed the boat up the coast, searching for a favorable place to put in. He saw
none, after holding on that course for a time, and so came about and sailed
down. Long and anxiously did he scan the shore and the line of breakers. So
occupied 208was he that he did not seem to see me, though I was in bold relief
against the western sky.
Twice did the helmsman beat up and down for a quarter of a mile each way.
But all along was heavy surf, while at some places black and jagged rocks just
showed their ugly heads above the water that washed over them.
The second man had ceased baling now, and came to the aid of the steersman,
who had evidently decided to make a landing in the best place he could. The man
who had been at the tiller ran to the bow, leaped on the rail, and peered ahead,
while his companion kept her prow to the waves. I gave one look at the man in
the bow. I trembled lest I should be mistaken. No, it was he.
There, like a carved figurehead on a ship stood my enemy! Sir George Keith!
My journey was ended.
I could have shouted in gladness, was I not fearful that the sea might
snatch him from me ere I had my revenge. For the time I forgot the danger that
encompassed Lucille. My hate had overwhelmed my love.
I dismounted and led Kit back into some low bushes that grew on top of the
hill. Then I went forward quickly to watch the progress of the boat.
Sir George was again at the helm. He had made up his mind where to land.
And it was near time. The little craft was settling low in the water.
On she came, lifting her bow to the waves, and then dipping deep into the
froth of green liquid that hissed on 209either side. Nearer and nearer. They
were almost in now. And then, while I stood there, watching like a sentinel
guarding the land, I saw that which gripped my heart as if an icy hand had
grasped it.
Directly in the course of the Eagle, and so close to her now that avoidance
was impossible, was a pinnacle of rock. I had not seen it before, nor had Sir
George, for he steered for it as if by card and compass.
“’Ware the rock!” I cried, and he heard me.
He looked up, and by the shout he gave, I knew he recognized me. He was
like one who sees a spirit. He lost his hold of the helm and ran to the stern.
But the boat did not fall off. Instead she came on like a race horse straight
for the rock. The waves lifted her high up, water logged though she was, until
she showed part of her keel. Then, and I closed my eyes, the waters dashed the
frail vessel down on that point of stone, as a man is impaled on a spear. The
rock struck right through her bottom.
The crash that followed found echo in my own heart, and the wild shouts of
Sir George and Simon mingled with the screams of Lucille coming clear over the
thunder of the surf.
It was no time to stand idle. It was a steep path to the beach, but I got
down somehow. The boat was still spitted on the rock, but the waters were
dashing over it, 210threatening every moment to break it in pieces and toss the
occupants into the sea.
I had kept hold of my flint-lock, but now I laid it down on the sand, at
the same time casting off my sword belt. As I discarded my jacket and boots, the
boat gave a lurch to one side, and I heard Lucille scream. I took one look, so I
might know in which direction to swim, and I saw the sailor Simon as he leaped
overboard and struck out for the beach. Then I plunged into the surf.
I waded out as far as I had my depth, and I saw Simon’s head bobbing up and
down. I marked Sir George tearing away at some of the deck boards, which had
split, and I guessed he was trying to form a raft. Lucille, for I saw her face
clearly now, was clinging to the mast, her dark hair blowing about her face,
while the salt spray dashed over her until she was drenched.
I had found Lucille, but in what a sorry plight. She was mine no more. My
enemy had won her. All I might hav a poor exchange.
Sir George gave one glance in my direction, and then worked with great
haste to tear up the planks. Perhaps he feared my vengeance would strike him in
the waters, though I had other plans. Mayhap he grudged me any share in the
rescue of Lucille, which both of us were striving for now. Noting all this in
one brief glance I found the water above my head now, so I plunged forward, and
was soon swimming amid the breakers.
211It was hard work, indeed, to buffet those waves, and to avoid being cast
against the rocks which abounded. How I did it, and came out scathless, I cannot
tell. I know I managed to get near enough to the stern of the boat to grasp the
rudder chains and pull myself aboard.
Slowly, for I was weary, I got over the rail, and found myself on the
sloping deck, that every now and again was washed by the waves. Before the mast
Sir George was lashing the planks he had torn up into the form of a rude
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Critics, if they ever trouble themselves with these pages, will, of course,
say that in what I have now said I have ignored altogether the one great evil of
rapid production — namely, that of inferior work. And of course if the work was
inferior because of the too great rapidity of production, the critics would be
right. Giving to the subject the best of my critical abilities, and judging of
my own work as nearly as possible as I would that of another, I believe that the
work which has been done quickest has been done the best. I have composed better
stories — that is, have created better plots — than those of The Small House at
Allington and Can You Forgive Her? and I have portrayed two or three better
characters than are to be found in the pag but taking these
books all through, I do not think that I have ever done better work. Nor would
these have been improved by any effort in the art of story telling, had each of
these been the isolated labour of a couple of years. How short is the time
devoted to the manipulation of a plot can be known only to those who have
writ I may say also, how very little time the brain is able
to devote to such wearing work. There are usually some hours of agonising doubt,
almost of despair — so at least it has been with me — or perhaps some days. And
then, with nothing settled in my brain as to the final development of events
It was in 1865 that the Pall Mall Gazette was commenced, the name having
been taken from a fictitious periodical, which was the offspring of Thackeray’s
brain. It was set on foot by the unassisted energy and resources of George
Smith, who had succeeded by means of his magazine and his publishing connection
in getting around him a society of literary men who sufficed, as far as literary
ability went, to float the paper at one under favourable auspices. His two
strongest staffs probably were “Jacob Omnium,” whom I regard as the most
forcible newspaper writer of my days, and Fitz-James Stephen, the most
conscientious and industrious. To them the Pall Mall Gazette owed very much of
its early success — and to the untiring energy and general ability of its
proprietor. Among its other contributors were George Lewes, Hannay — who, I
think, came up from Edinburgh for employment on its columns — Lord Houghton,
Lord Strangford, Charles Merivale, Greenwood the present editor, Greg, myself,
and very many others — so many others, that I have met at a Pall Mall dinner a
crowd of guests who would have filled the House of Commons more respectably than
I have seen it filled even on important occasions. There are many who now
remember — and no doubt when this is published there will be left some to
remember — the great stroke of business which was done by the revelations of a
visitor to one of the casual wards in London. A person had to be selected who
would undergo the misery of a night among the usual occupants of a casual ward
in a London poorhouse, and who should at the same time be able to record what he
felt and saw. The choice fell upon Mr.
No man can work long at any trade without being brought to consider much,
whether that which he is daily doing tends to evil or to good. I have written
many novels, and have known many writers of novels, and I can assert that such
thoughts have been strong with them and with myself. But in acknowledging that
these writers have received from the public a full measure of credit for such
genius, ingenuity, or perseverance as each may have displayed, I feel that there
is still wanting to them a just appreciation of the excellence of their calling,
and a general understanding of the high nature of the work which they
By the common consent of all mankind who have read, poetry takes the
highest place in literature. That nobility of expression, and all but divine
grace of words, which she is bound to attain before she can make her footing
good, is not compatible with prose. Indeed it is that which turns prose into
poetry. When that has been in truth achieved, the reader knows that the writer
has soared above the earth, and can teach his lessons somewhat as a god might
teach. He who sits down to write his tale in prose makes no such attempt, nor
does he dream that the poet’s honour is within his reach — but his teaching is
of the same nature, and his lessons all tend to the same end. By either, false
sentim false notions of humani false
honour, false love, false wo by either, vice instead of
virtue may be taught. But by each, equally, may true honour, true
worship, and true hu and that will be the greatest teacher
who will spread such truth the widest. But at present, much as novels, as
novels, are bought and read, there exists still an idea, a feeling which is very
prevalent, that novels at their best are but innocent. Young men and women — and
old men and women too — read more of them than of poetry, because such reading
is easier than t but they read them — as men eat pastry
after dinner — not without some inward conviction that the taste is vain if not
vicious. I take upon myself to say that it is neither vicious nor vain.
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