关於上下班通知 英文的英文

美国总统奥巴马关于努力工作的9句名言,中英文对照,快来看看吧美国第44届国家总统奥巴马有很多方面都值得我们学习。作为美国历史上第一位黑人总统,他不仅改变了世界而且造就了传奇历史。在2009年到2017年间,奥巴马一直担任美国总统一职。但很多人都不知道的是,他还是哥伦比亚大学毕业生、哈佛大学法学专业毕业生、芝加哥法律大学教授以及极具影响力的律师和美国国会议员。奥巴马的职业生涯及成就令人惊叹!作为前任美国总统,奥巴马肯定知道一些成功的秘密。下面我们就一起来看看奥巴马关于努力工作的9句名言。原创耿直翻译,欢迎品指正。1. 关于改变(On change)如果只知道指望他人或正等待时机,那么改变永远不会到来。我们一直等待的那个人就是自己。(Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.)2. 关于不屈(On perseverance)在生活中任何有价值的东西都必然不会容易。(Nothing in life that's worth anything si easy.)3. 关于未来(On the future)我们不应该恐惧未来,而应该塑造未来。(We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.)4. 关于赋权(On empowerment)在社会上那些愤世嫉俗的人往往会发出最大声的呐喊——但我可以向你们保证,他们做出的实际行动一定是所有人中最少的。(The cynics may be the loudest voices -- but i promise you, they will accomplish the least.)5. 关于领导力(On leadership)一个声音就能影响一屋的人。(One voice can change a room.)6. 关于协作(On collaboration)我们应该通过协作和努力来塑造一个更好的未来而不是将其视为脱离我们掌控的麻烦。(We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort.)7. 关于心态(On mindset)我们应该追求卓越的信念植根于内心,但事实是,没有多少人真正愿意花时间尝试去变得优秀。(We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.)8. 关于努力工作(On hard work)无论你来自哪里、外貌如何、偶像是谁,只要你努力工作并且肩负责任,就能不断前进。(If you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead, no matter where you come, what you look like or who you love.)9. 关于失败(On failure)在世界上留下你的印记是困难的。如果它很容易,那么每个人都能做到。如果它不容易,那么伴随它的会是耐心、笃定以及不断的失败。
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Work and play do not c in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions.What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing mo vies. Usually I don‘t spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day‘s pressure. On weekends, I‘ll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another week‘s work-load.工作与娱乐并不互相冲突,事实上,它们之间的关系还相辅相成.有句格言说:「整日工作而没有休闲娱乐,会令人变得沉闷乏味.」被工作重担压得喘不过气来的生活,将使你一事无成,因为你将对一成不变的例行公事感到厌烦.由另一方面来说,适度的娱乐活动能提供各种管道,来渲泄你被压抑的情绪,减轻单调生活中的紧张与不悦.放学之后,我最常做的休闲活动,便是慢跑与看电影.通常我并不特地拨出时间来做运动,但是我很重视学校的体育课.在操场上慢跑几圈,无疑地可以减轻一天的压力.在周末时,我都去看早场电影,享受视觉飨宴.如此一来,我将有如再生般的充沛活力,去面对下一星期的工作量.
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扫描下载二维码关于工时制度 About Working Time System (中英文对照,可以学习下英文哈) - 员工关系与劳动法 --
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1About Working Time System
, l7 P; n6 f" v: I+ M0 G: }5 E
&. A" H: v9 ]6 \8 N5 w4 [
Working time system is based on our country’s laws. In general, it refers to the staff &engaged in working time. According to labor laws and related regulations, working time system of our country mainly has several kinds of patterns as follow:
1 `: K3 V, X* R6 Z& d+ T
1Standard working time system
According to , term 36, our country execute the working time system that laborers do not work over 8 hours everyday and do not exceeding 44 hours a week on average. & Regulations of State Council about the staff’s Working Time&in 1995’s, revising the standard working time to “8 hours of everyday, 40 hours of every week”. Majority of the enterprises use this system in our country. Other various working time systems can also take this as standard for calculating.
&% k8 u/ o& K; s
2Piecework time system
Many enterprises are based on the characters of their own producing, arranging laborers do piecework. According to term 37, the employers should assure the labors’ work and the piecework reward standard according to the standard working time system.
2,.& C( i6 b- E2 z4 S+ O* ]
3Shorten time system
Shorten time system means that laborers work less than 8 hours everyday, averagely less than 40 hours a week. If working in the special cases and peculiar conditions, the enterprises can take their factual situations to decide shorten weekly working time that require the staff accomplish the mission working./ |4 f6 t' T5 N8 @; R# H4 ^1 n
&3 Y8 n( g- r- [2 P+ \5 ^5 D
4Peculiar working time system
The peculiar working time system is the general called of other working time systems, fitting for those enterprises that producing and missions at random. They do not use standard working time system or p they also do not ensure their laborers to have one-day rest weekly. There are two peculiar working time systems, namely, uncertain working time system and calculating working time synthetically system. But not only these two kinds exist.& _: y
~! b1 G" m# D: \/ u. P: H- n
4,.$ g) u: M5 h0 [$ K) z6 y
There are many law problems of uncertain working time system that can be supported when handled properly. According to our country laws, it must be through several procedures to examine if enterprises want to use peculiar working time system:
1 Applied by enterprises
Enterprises apply in written form, receiving peculiar examining tables. After finish filling in the tables according to demands then declaring to the labor administration department.- V' N8 g3 i0 h7 u+ P" J
(1),.,,.9 Q3 [7 j: ]3 n
&. q, p6 L# Q+ W. C" ^- }
2 Enterprises examine
The labor administration department will ask the enterprises to introduce fundamental conditions of their own when carrying out examining circumstances on the spot, including management and other relevance information. The enterprises also need to introduce the quantity of staff who are engaged in particular working time system and concrete their work and rest time and so on.
(2),.,,,.8 \: r& T+ r9 v4 K
3 Inspect on the spot. 1 T1 `9 J7 {' R: S) u
The Labor administration department will inspect on the spot to those enterprises that use peculiar working time system as well as inspect different positions, asking staff for some suggestions on the basis of introducing related policies again.
4Arrange and pass.
Once passed by the authorities of working department, enterprises may arrange peculiar working time with laborers in the labor contracts. Meanwhile, they should write down the work and rest system that will be carried out in contracts.5 F) ]
(4),.,,.7 V% x: U5 V6 d
Except showing solicitude for the legal procedures that the uncertain time working system and synthetically calculate working time system, enterprises should pay attention to other entity conditions of this system:5 e8 Z3 W% z7 S6 d: D7 g$ T4 G
,:; s9 D8 G. l, r$ P, S- R8 R
&# L% m& Q- M, e1 t- `
1The carrier restrict of using uncertain time working system. According to the regulation , enterprises can use the uncertain time working system to staff who according to one of the following conditions: A, higher management runners in enterprises, promoters, people who are on duties and other who can not judged by s B, Line-haul personnel in enterprises, the cabbies and the personnel of railways, harbor and storehouse who need work in peculiar time because of t C, others who need to according to the character of the jobs or the scope of official duties. 7 n0 ~* {
(1) .&&,,:A,;B,,,;C,,.
2The carrier restricts of calculating working time synthetically.
Enterprises can use calculating working hour synthetically to the staff who according to one of following conditions: A, The staff engaged in traffic, railways, post and telecommunications, watering carriage, shipping and fishery that need continuous work because of th B, The staff who engaged in geology and resource prospect, mine building and exploiting, building, touring and breeding that are restricted by the season an C, The laborers who engaged in producing tobacco, food and drinking and farm products that are restricted by the sea D, To other staff who fit for calculating working time synthetically.) S
}: p( F- F
(2) .,:A,,;B,,;C,,;D,.8 D2 R& O# o
&' n7 C: r- t, O
How to calculation peculiar working hour is also a very important law problem that will be detailed in the next chapter.
, 6 D+ F( X4 z/ W2 w2 N4 p# z, T
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回复:关于工时制度 About Working Time Sys
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回复:关于工时制度 About Working Time Sys
It&s&an&honor&to&meet&you.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 见到您很荣幸。
I&will&try&my&best&& to&assist&if&you&need&& 如果需要帮忙,我会尽力的。
▲assist&& vt.&协助;支持&& vi.&帮助;参加;出席&& 如:One&should&& be&generous&with&his&time&in&assisting&others.一个人应该尽量协助别人。
I&m&proud&to&be&employed&by&your&firm.&&&& 能被贵公司录用我感到很荣幸。
Allow&me&to&introduce&myself:&Henry.&&&&&&&&& 请允许我作自我介绍:我是亨利。
May&I&ask&& you&something ?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 可以请教您一下吗?
Is&the&manager&in ?&I&come&to&report&to&&& 请问经理在吗?我是来向他报到的。
I &really&love&this&& kind&of&atmosphere.&&&&&&& 我很喜欢这种气氛。
Please&help&me&out&when&you&can.&&&&&&&&&& 请各位多的关照。
I&hope&you&ll&be&happy&working&here.&&&&&&&& 希望你能在这里工作很愉快!
You&will&be&assigned&to&the&overseas &section. 你将被分配到海外部工作。
Intermediate&Expressions &&中级表达
I&was&hired&by&the&Personnel&Section&and&&& 人事部让我到这里报到上班。
It&s&a&great&pleasure&for&me&to&have&this&&& 能有机会在这里工作,我感到很
opportunity&to&work&here.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 高兴。
▲It&s&a&great&pleasure&(&for&sb. ) to&&某人感到很高兴&& 如:It&s&& a&great&& pleasure&for&me&to&do&business&with&you.跟你做生意,我感到很高兴。
Welcome&to&join&us !&I&ll&show&you&around.&& 欢迎你加入我们!我带你四处看看,
Come&with&me&please.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 请跟我来。
I&am&new&to&the&working&world&and&would&& 我没有什么工作经验,请你多指教。
I&don&t&know&how&to&solve&this&problem.&&&&&& 我不知道如何解决这个问题,你能
Will&you &please&help&me ?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 帮我吗?
I&may&bother&you&a&lot&if&there&is&something 我有什么不明白的就要麻烦你了。&I&don&t&understand.
Advanced&Expressions&& 高级表达
Now&, let&me&show&you&around.&This&is&&&&&&&& 现在我带你去熟悉环境,这里是
our&reception&area,&and&our&conference&& room&&& 我们的接待区,我们的会议室就
is&right&& over&there.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 在那边。
I&hope&you&ll&be&happy&working&here,&and&if&&& 希望你再这里过的愉快,如果有
you&have&any&problem,&just&let&me&know.&&&&&& 问题尽管来找我。
time&I&have&come&to&work&in&a&foreign&&&&&&& 作。希望各位在今后的工作中能
enterprise.&I&hope&you&will&help&me&in&the&& work. 多多关照。
Be&sure&to&clock&in&and out&before&and&after&&& 上下班卡。每天上下班记得要打
you&work.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 卡。
▲clock&in&and&out&打卡上下班&& clock在此处作不及物动词,意为&打卡&。
and&& I&& will&do&my&best&to&get&into&the&&&&&我会尽快让自己全身心投身到
working&situation&as&soon&as&possible.&&&&&&&&&&&& 工作当中。
红石板新村:K101, 67, K30, K12, K807, 801, K86, K19
湖墅路沈塘桥:151, K101, K251, 211, K204, K76, 801, K516, K348, 333, K12
新河坝巷:K30, K807, K333, K86, K82, K19
湖墅校区:湖墅南路260号8楼0 &&城北校区:永潮街139号3楼
版权所有:优朗教育&&网站备案号:&& 站点统计:有关工作薪水的英文如何表达
可以用make one's bed
I dare you to help me . 有本事你来帮我.
I dare you to jump from the the roof . 我谅你不敢从屋顶...
问题问的还是有歧义 您这个馋人 是形容词 馋人的 还是 名词
馋人形容词形式:tempting, appetizing, mouth-watering
答: 11月4-5号排卵的姐妹该怎么计算下个月的呢?我一直都太会计算这个时间呢。
答: 会计证的后续教育培训每年都要培训吗?
答: 你去淘宝网上搜索一下,看看有没?
答: 不用单独继续教育会计证教育的时候选初级职称的类别就行


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