如果要街头索吻达人给钱看胸的话,用Smooch me好一些还是Kiss me好一些?

smooch是什么意思 smooch在线翻译 smooch什么意思 smooch的意思 smooch的翻译 smooch的解释 smooch的发音 smooch的同义词 smooch的反义词 smooch的例句
smooch英 [smu:t?] 美 [smut?] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:smooch 基本解释动词接吻; 弄脏名词接吻; 污迹smooch 相关例句不及物动词1. Young couples were smooching all over campus after finishing finals.&&&&期末考结束后,年轻爱侣在校园各处热烈拥吻。smooch 网络解释1. 热吻:pickle head:字面是自以为很酷(cool)的人;也是指满头酸黄瓜的人,爱称. smoochie:字面是你经常热吻(smooch)的人. zany/zani:字面是小丑(clown)或搞笑的人(jester). doobie:好像和大麻(marijuana)有关.2. 接吻:smolt 小鲑鱼 | smooch 接吻 | smooth down 消除3. 拥吻著:slap 啪啪的巴了 一顿耳光 | smooch 拥吻著 | snicker 嘿嘿嘿..的对 窃笑4. 唧:45. 我深深地爱着罗丝.
I'm deeply in love with Rose. | 46. 唧! Smooch! | 1. 愿意和我结婚吗? Will you marry me?smooch 双语例句1. Gonna make me scream Wanna cause a riot Make a lot of noise I don''t wanna be quiet When it get''s real loud I get even louder Gotta turn me on Gotta make me holla You gotta know what to do If you wanna get down So don''t role of your smooch Now your running out of time Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Can you make me hot Make me touch the ceiling Can you read my mind Can you give me that feeling When I loose my clothes You like that don''t ya Let''s get exposed''Cause you know you want to You gotta know what to do If you wanna get down So don''t role of your smooch Now your running out of time Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Don''t play around Let''s get it started now We can get it started Don''t be scared to party Get on move ya body It''s time to party You gotta know what to do If you wanna get down So don''t role of your smooch Now your running out of time Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Make me loose my mind Turn it up Gonna make me scream Wanna cause a riot Make a lot of noise I don''t wanna be quiet When it get''s real loud I get even louder Gotta turn me on Gotta make me holla You gotta know what to do If you wanna get down So don''t role of your smooch Now your running out of time Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Aw don''t be afraid to turn it up Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up Aw don''t be afraid to turn it up Aw don''t be afraid to turn it up Aw don''t be afraid to turn it up Scott Storch&&&&第二天,使我想引起暴动尖叫广交噪音don''t我想安静时get'的真实声音更加响亮,我把我介绍gottagottagotta使我holla你知道你要想放下你的角色等don''tsmooch你现在剩下的时间把它放转起来,转起来,转起来转起来,转起来,把它放你使我又热起来,使我能触摸上限你可以看到你给我,我心中的感觉,当我喜欢你的衣服,我松don''t雅let'的事业得到揭露'你知道你想知道什么你gotta你要想放下你的角色等don''tsmooch你现在剩下的时间把它放转起来,转起来,转起来转起来,转起来,把它放 don''t轻举妄动let'转起来的,现在我们可以开始获得开始就得到党don''t胆谨雅it'身体的时候,你党gotta知道如何是好如果你想放下等don''t作用smooch现在你把你的时间不多了,转起来,转起来,转起来转起来,把它放它使我又活了起来,把我心中使我尖叫第二天想引起骚乱广交噪音don''t我想安静时get'的真实声音更加响亮,我把我介绍gottagottagotta使我holla你知道你要想放下你的角色等don''tsmooch你现在剩下的时间把它放转起来,使之上升仙don''t怕把它转起来了,把它放仙don''t怕把它转起来仙don''t怕把它仙don''t怕把它斯科特storch2. Just a little pack, smooch like a kiss... I said kiss it!&&&&小小的亲而已,蜻蜓点水那种,我说亲而已!3. Bend a little now and your whole month will be that much more romantic. The 2nd and 3rd are already smoother days, smooching-, winking- and flirting-wise. So smooch, wink and flirt!&&&&稍做屈服会让你的整个月份变得更加浪漫。2号和3号是令人窒息的日子,拥抱亲吻吧,抛媚眼吧,卖弄风骚吧,拥吻,媚眼和骚情!4. The customers smooch and chat.&&&&客人们拥抱亲吻,亲热地闲聊着。5. Tony Stark: Okay, give me a smooch for good luck, I might not make it back!&&&&托尼。斯塔克:好吧,给我一个好运得吻别,我可能不会回来了!6. He's gonna smooch with the donkey.&&&&他要亲那个笨蛋了。7. 7. We had yet another long smooch during the film.&&&&在放电影的时候我们又亲热了好半天。8. danci.911cha.com8. Wear your sneakers wherever you go, even a smooch in the drive-in show&&&&穿上你的运动鞋去任何你想去的地方,甚至在汽车电影院里接吻的时候9. Smooch patrol these are not empty threats!&&&&亲吻巡逻兵这些都不是无中生有的威胁!10. A young couple with a box of condoms proceeded to do the wild thing. Others get a tad carried away and are doused with a bucket of water to stop a particularly long smooch.&&&&一对年轻情侣拿著一盒保险套准备疯狂的翻云覆雨。对于那些接吻时间过长的情侣,人们会用一桶水将他们浇成落汤鸡。11. Sure, we've seen it before in the " Harry Potter " franchise, Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson reeling in one of their co-stars for a smooch.&&&&&&虽说在《哈利波特》系列之前的剧情中也有见过,丹尼尔·雷德克里夫、艾玛·沃森分别同其他演员有过一些小亲密戏。12. Leonardo DiCaprio was photographed on the set of his new movie in Brooklyn on Tuesday, sharing a smooch with a woman nearly three decades his senior.&&&&&&周二,莱昂纳·迪卡普里奥在新片布鲁克林的片场被拍到,他正在跟一位年龄差不多大他三十多岁的女人深情拥吻。13. Elsewhere, Elaine is particularly cranky? Especially when it comes to watching ally and Larry smooch in the office.&&&&&&在另处,依连暴躁起来,尤其是当她看见爱莉和保罗在办公室亲吻。14. Others get a tad carried away and are doused with a bucket of water to stop a particularly long smooch.&&&&&&对于那些接吻时间过长的情侣,人们会用一桶水将他们浇成落汤鸡。15. I didn't smooch that girl last night.&&&&&&我昨晚没亲那个女孩。16. I saw you smooch ing that girl just outside my window.&&&&&&我看到你在我的窗外亲那个女孩喔。17. I couldn't really give it a name - it was more of a smooch.&&&&&&我不能确切地给出一个名字——它更像是两人搂着跳的那种。18. If you could steal a smooch from any guy in hollywood, who would i&&&&&&如果你可以和好莱坞的所有人中的一个接吻,会是。。。?19. He planted a big smooch on her.&&&&&&他深深地吻了她。smooch 词典解释1. 拥吻;搂抱亲吻&&&&If two people smooch, they kiss and hold each other closely. People sometimes smooch while they are dancing.&&&&e.g. I smooched with him on the dance floor...&&&&&&&&&&&我和他在舞池里拥吻。&&&&e.g. The customers smooch and chat.&&&&&&&&&&&客人们拥抱亲吻,亲热地闲聊着。smooch 单语例句smooch什么意思1. Public displays of affection are officially banned, but the boundaries are unclear between a friendly kiss and romantic smooch.2. The smooch stemmed from a contest between employees at Davis County and the Davis Hospital and Medical Center.3. A couple of lovers smooch under a silk scarf at the party.smooch 英英释义noun1. an enthusiastic kiss&&&&Synonym: danci.911cha.comverb1. snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others&&&&Synonym: smooch是什么意思,smooch在线翻译,smooch什么意思,smooch的意思,smooch的翻译,smooch的解释,smooch的发音,smooch的同义词,smooch的反义词,smooch的例句,smooch的相关词组,smooch意思是什么,smooch怎么翻译,单词smooch是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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泡妞新技能get!!!外国男子在街头拿着牌子,写着“kiss me I’m lonely”,就能成功索到N个漂亮美眉的吻!!!男的也照亲不误!!但前提是你要长得帅好吗!!人艰不拆呀尼玛!


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