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| For Toddlers...  ~ A gathering place for moms who have young children ages baby-48 months.~ The #1 read post on my blog! ~ Links to our Tot School posts sorted by ages. ~ Montessori inspired activity trays for tots.~ Free themed printables for toddlers {and preschoolers} ~ A 26 unit printable program for toddlers.~ Another A-Z printable program for toddlers {or preschoolers} based around animals.For Preschoolers...     ~ I developed this Bible based printable preschool program for my son and now share it with others!  The base program is free, I offer a , and additional
that go along with the units in the Members Only PowerPoint section. ~ Here you will find
based around fun themes. ~  Here you find free printables for preschoolers that are focused on specific skills, such as ABCs, 123s, Colors, and Shapes.For Kindergartners... ~ This is the extension of
but focuses on skills for the Kindergarten child.  It is a free printable Bible based program for Kindergarten. ~ This is a printable sight word program, focused on pre-primer and primer Dolch Sight Words.  You can download most of the units for free, or in a bundle.  ~ Here you will find free printables for Kindergartners focused around fun themes.  Many of the
are also appropriate for Kindergartners also. ~ A collection of fun and active ideas all centered on learning to read!For Older Children... ~ posts about 3rd grade and beyond {which it out of my early childhood comfort zone} ~ Our collection of Lapbooks we have done, and Lapbooking printables I have created.~ Printables for your calendar with a specific theme.  Target grade 3-6.For Christian Families... ~ Ideas for putting together your own family Bible time at home. Links, resources, and blog posts showing what we did! ~ Free printables to use with your family to reinforce the Bible verses from the AWESOME .Looking for Seasonal or Theme Ideas?~ A collection of blog posts highlighting specific printables and ideas I have shared within a theme. {, , , , , , etc.}~ A collection of crafts and other special activities we have done. ~ I have TONS of theme boards on Pinterest!Looking for Gift Ideas or Learning Toys? ~ A general collection of toys and items we love! ~ Birthday and Christmas gift ideas for toddlers. ~ Birthday and Christmas gift ideas for preschoolers. ~ Birthday and Christmas gift ideas for school age boys.~ Birthday and Christmas gift ideas for moms. ~ A blog where I share links to many of our own personal school toys and tools.... Animal ABC Bundle, RRSP Bundle, You Can Read Bundle, Members Only PowerPoints, and .  A HUGE majority of what I offer is totally free, This post explains the few things I offer for sale! ~ A list of posts I have done about specific areas....the #1 questions I receive!  It is 99.9% on the end of the user and everyone I know has solved their issue with tips in this post! ~ A detailed list of everything we are currently using.    
   Visit the
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to receive free email updates.  Printable files I offer are hosted here on the website.  Use the navigation bar over on the right to see different categories!Looking for something?  Try searching below with keywords, if this search box doesn't help you, try the search box on the .  It searches the blog specifically!}


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