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《饥饿游戏》读后感.doc 1 / 2《饥饿游戏》读后感《饥饿游戏》读后感最近同学推荐我们读了一本名叫《饥饿游戏》的小说,其中打斗的细节描写与扣人心弦的故事情节看得让人热血沸腾,在享受着一次精神盛宴,但这本小说的的内涵却引人深思。这本书讲述了:北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,在美国原来的废墟上,人们建立了新的国家,但是国家为了巩固政权,而规定管辖下的十二各地区每年都必须进贡一对青年男女,作为公平的二十四人要参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿游戏” ,规则就是把这二十四人放在一个巨大的竞技场中,让他们互相拼杀,最后只有一位可以活下来。这场游戏到了最后,只剩下男女主角了,女主角的技术比男主角高,他本可以杀死男主角,可是她却选择与男主角同时吃下毒浆果,但官方却奇迹般的改变了规则,男女主角都活了下来,回到了家乡。虽然《饥饿游戏》是一本虚幻的科幻小说,可是我在看了诸多关于《饥饿游戏》的评论以后,我感觉这个2 / 2“饥饿游戏”不就是人类社会的缩影吗?人类的历史,不正是一场饥饿游戏吗?人类的历史从古至今,人类一直在做的就只有一件事,就是生存,为了生存不得不去竞争,把对方杀死从而生存,为了财富、资源、能源而竞争,社会纷争不断,战争不断,这样的竞争从古代到现代就已经深深的藏入人们的潜意识中,早已经就成了一种正当的行为,只是不断的在改变形式罢了,这样的竞争可能永远不会消失,因为这需要大家的醒悟。饥饿游戏本身就是一场秀,每一个贡品都会被包装起来,被宣传,被炒作,来满足观众的“娱乐”要求。在女主角进入城市后,作者不停地写了气氛的热烈,鼓掌叫好的观众一直不断的出现,这写出了人们内心的变态和黑暗。我们多么希望,这种“饥饿游戏”会在现实社会中永远的消失,不会在人类社会中再次上演。但是可惜,这可能只是人类心中良知的一个美好梦想罢了。
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A comment on the Hunger Games
The Hunger Games, is written by Suzanne Collins. The central ruling city, named the capitol, holds the hunger games. Every year,the evil Capitol of the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are just a nationally televised event in which &Tributes& must fight with one another until one survivor remains.
To my surprise, Katniss involved in the hunger games, replaces her sister to play. She moves forward with faith, and finally wins both love and the hunger games. By the way, Katniss and Peeta are the tributes from district 12. Finally, they survive to the end and return home.
In my opinion, the Hunger Games is written mainly against domination. In another word, the hunger games are the product of domination. From the growth of Katniss, I deeply impressed that she is not only minute but also representative and aspirant, for the Hunger Game is not only a game itself as a show, but also the game between the Capitol and other 12 districts. This is a game about domination and revolution. In the Hunger Games, there are many moving scenes. While peeta joins the tributes from the richer districts. However, when he has the opportunity to kill Katniss, he instead saves her from the others. But Rue skilled by another tribute, whom Katniss then kills, Katniss sings to Rue until she dies, which encourages the watching people to chase for freedom and be against domination.
Besides this, I also learn something about hope from the story. Katniss moves all the way forward with hope. She tells peeta in the arena,“If we win, we will each get a house in the part of town reserved for Hunger Games’ victors”. She does not give up but does everything she can to increase the possibility of survival. As young adults, we should also have faith in our future. Ups and downs as we may face, none of them is challenging enough compared with the death threat Katniss encounters. Katniss never losed hope. Neither should we.
At the end of Hunger Games, when the couple remain last, the rule changes back. One must kill the other to win. Knowing that the gamemakers would rather have to victors than none, Katniss offer some highly poisonous berries to peeta. Realizing that Katniss and Peeta instead to commit suicide, the gamemakers
announce that they both will be victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Katniss is very mature, brave and wise. She is a strong role model for young girls with her character&#39;s sacrifice, courage, moral grounding in a world that&#39;s lost its own, and will to fight for what&#39;s right, even if it means sacrificing her own life or sparking a revolution.
Although the reality is cruel for almost every character in the fiction, the positive side of humanity and love is always bright.
 饥饿游戏第一册英文读后感_学习总结_总结/汇报_实用文档。英文读后感 附带翻译 The Hunger Games (第一册)书评 The story took place on the North American ...  饥饿游戏 英文读后感_高一英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。读完英文书第一部和电影后的一些想法,可应付英语课作业The hunger game 2. Background In the ruins of ...  饥饿游戏英文读后感_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区。A comment on the Hunger Games The Hunger Games, is written by Suzanne Collins. The central ruling ci ...  饥饿游戏英文读后感(hunger games personal response)_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。A writer and friend at IFC recently saw The Hunger Games . As a diehard ...  饥饿游戏读后感_管理学_高等教育_教育专区。上周我把饥饿游戏的三部小说通读了...饥饿游戏 观后感 2页 免费 饥饿游戏观后感 1页 免费
饥饿游戏 英文读后感 2...  The_Hunger_Games饥饿游戏_英文书评_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区。The_Hunger_Games饥饿游戏_英文书评Reading report ――The Hunger Games 学号: 班级:BW...  饥饿游戏的时间设定在大灾难后的北美洲,一个自废墟建立起的国家&帕纳 姆国&(...饥饿游戏 观后感 2页 免费 饥饿游戏观后感 1页 免费
饥饿游戏 英文读后感 2...  《饥饿游戏》读后感_资格考试/认证_教育专区。《饥饿游戏》读后感 《饥饿游戏》读后感 今天我有幸拜读了饥饿游戏这本书,我想和大家谈谈我的感想。 《饥饿游戏》是...饥饿游戏第一册英文读后感_百度文库
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