dove represented peace in world ll中文同义句在线转换器

The doveis the of peace. [ ] A.sign B.symptom C.emblem D.mark 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
The dove(鸽子)is the ____ of peace. [  ]
A.sign  B.symptom
&  C.emblem  D.mark
Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
  There was a tradition in Europe that   1   a dove(鸽)flew around a house where someone was dying, then his soul would be at peace.And there are legends which say that Satan(撒旦)can turn himself into any bird except for a dove.But it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove a modern symbol of peace when   2   used it on a poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949.
  The rainbow is   3   ancient and universal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings and their gods.In Greek mythology it was associated with Iris, the goddess   4   brought messages from the gods on Mount Olympus.In Scandinavian mythology(神话)the rainbow was a bridge   5   the gods and the earth.In   6   Bible a rainbow showed Noah that the Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his people.In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is often taken as a common symbol for marriage.
  Nowadays the rainbow   7   widely used by many popular movements for peace and the environment, representing the possibility of a better world in the future   8   promising sunshine after the rain.
&SectionC Directions:Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context.Therewas a tradition in Europe that if a dove(鸽)flew around a housewhere someone was dying, then his soul would be at peace. And there are legendswhich say that Satan (撒旦) _48__ turn himselfinto any bird except for a dove. But it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove amodern symbol of peace when&& 49& used it on a poster for theWorld Peace Congress in 1949.&&The rainbow is another ancient and universal symbol, often representing theconnection between human beings and their gods. In Greek mythology it wasassociated with Iris, the goddess& 50& brought messages from the godson Mount Olympus. In Scandinavian mythology(神话)the rainbow was a bridge& 51 the gods and the earth.In&&&&& 52&& Bible a rainbow showed Noahthat the Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his people.In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is often taken&& 53& acommon symbol for marriage.&&Nowadays the rainbow is& 54& used by many popular movements for peaceand the environment, representing the possibility of a better world in thefuture&& 55 __promising sunshine after the rain.&
Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context. There was a tradition in Europe that if a dove(鸽)flew around a house where someone was dying, then his soul would be at peace. And there are legends which say that Satan (撒旦) _48__ turn himself into any bird except for a dove. But it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove a modern symbol of peace when&& 49& used it on a poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949. && The rainbow is another ancient and universal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings and their gods. In Greek mythology it was associated with Iris, the goddess& 50& brought messages from the gods on Mount Olympus. In Scandinavian mythology(神话) the rainbow was a bridge& 51 the gods and the earth. In&&&&& 52&& Bible a rainbow showed Noah that the Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his people. In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is often taken&& 53& a common symbol for marriage. && Nowadays the rainbow is& 54& used by many popular movements for peace and the environment, representing the possibility of a better world in the future&& 55 __promising sunshine after the rain.
&&&&&&& Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that bestfits the context.&&&&&& Therewas a tradition in Europe that& 1.adove(鸽)flew arounda house where someone was dying, then his soul would be at peace.And there are legends which saythat Satan (撒旦)canturn himself into any bird except for a dove.But it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove amodern symbol of peace when &&2.usedit on a poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949.&&&&&& Therainbow is& 3.ancient anduniversal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings andtheir gods.In Greekmythology it was associated with Iris, the goddess& 4.brought messages from the gods on MountOlympus.InScandinavian mythology(神话) the rainbow was a bridge& 5.thegods and the earth.In&6.Bible a rainbow showed Noah thatthe Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his people.In the Chinese tradition, therainbow is often taken as a common symbol for marriage.Nowadays the rainbow is& 7.usedby many popular movements for peace and the environment, representing the possibilityof a better world in the future &&8.promisingsunshine after the rain.&
&&&&China celebrated the opening of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai with an evening of fireworks (烟火) and music on April 30.&&&& Just like 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo has given China a chance to show its great progress.
&&&& The theme (主题) of Exp0 2010, "Better City, Better Life," represents the common wish of the whole mankind for a better living in the future.
&&&& The emblem (象徽) stands for the big family of mankind, like three people-you, me, him/her holding hands together, in the shape of the Chinese character "世" (the world).
&&&& The mascot (吉祥物) of Expo 2010, Haibao, is a cartoon figure in the shape of the Chinese character "人" (people).
&&&& Volunteer logo (标志) includes the Chinese character "心" for heart, the letter "V" and a dove (鸽) of peace carrying an olive branch (橄榄枝). &&&& The volunteer slogan (口号) for Shanghai World Expo is "At Your Service At Expo". It has three sub-slogans(副口号)-"My Will, My Help, My Pleasure" "2010, We're Together As One" and "Our City, Your Joy."
1. The opening of the 2010 World Expo was celebrated in _____&on the _____&of April 30.
A. B morning B. S morning C. B evening D. S evening
&2. The theme of Expo 2010 is "_____".
A. Better City, Better Life B. Our City, Your Joy C. My Will, My Help, My Pleasure D. 2010, We're Together As One
3. The Expo emblem is in the shape of the Chinese Character "_____".
A. 世 B. 人 C. 心 D. 鸽
4. The volunteer slogan for the Expo is "At Your Service At Expo" with _____ sub-slogans.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
请输入手机号I watched this documentary today, and all I can say is that it is definitely Chilling. I am so glad we do not have nuclear weapons in Australia. These nuclear weapons are capable of catastrophic destruction, and the sequence of events which unfolds in this real life documentary are disturbing to say the least. A nuclear weapon is a machine, and all machines fail at some point, it is only a matter of when. The fact that we have averted a major catastrophe so far is just sheer luck. The most disturbing part of the documentary is when they talk about the first atomic bomb ever detonated. They said they just did not know what would happen, they said there was a risk that the atmosphere could have caught on fire and in some sort of chain reaction destroyed all life on earth, and yet knowing this was a possibility, they went ahead and detonated it anyway.
Something has to change, this madness can simply no longer continue.
I have added the trailer below, I watched the documentary on Netflix, but it is also available on youtube, if you do a search, I highly recommend that you watch it.
I sense these are very dangerous times, I wish all parties could just agree to take a one month breather where all parties would say no further aggression or missile tests until some diplomatic negotiations can take place.
Donald Trump is not a diplomat, he is ego driven, he has no tact or diplomacy and has proven that so far.
Missile strikes in Syria, where the Russians have had a strong presence.
Dropping a MOAB Mother of All Bombs in Afghanistan
Now look at some of his tweets on North Korea
I have great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea. If they are unable to do so, the U.S., with its allies, will! U.S.A.
Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!
Seriously, how can he have access to his own twitter account to post seriously inflammatory material like that which could potentially set the entire world at war. He needs to have a press team or advisors which censor the material he is putting out. Then again, his ego is so big, I think he has probably surrounded himself with yes men and women who would be too scared to go against anything he says.
My problem is this. After seeing all the horrors of World War 2, the United Nations was formed in the hope of preventing any atrocities like that ever happening again. World War 3 will mean game over for a large percentage of the human population. Now America does not control the world, like Donald Trump would like to think. As far as I am concerned, if he has committed the country to those actions without the approval of the United Nations, then on the global scale, as a world citizen, I would consider those war crimes.
I am not saying nothing should be done about North Korea, but I am saying that all of the countries must get together and decide what action should or should not be taken collectively. We MUST learn from the mistakes of the past, that is why the United Nations was formed.
I am not saying President Trump is a bad person, if countries harbour terrorists I agree with him not allowing those people visiting America, I agree with tougher border control to protect the American citizens, but he is letting his personal ego put the entire world at danger and that has to stop. It is ridiculous to hear him say oh well I let my military advisors do what they think is best and use the MOAB. People did not vote for his military advisors, they voted for him, he is meant to listen to their opinions and make the decision for himself, not let them run amok.
After looking at what George Bush Jnr did with the second Iraq war, then the period of relative peace with Barack Obama, and now seeing Donald Trump take this reckless military action and speak so carelessly, as an outsider, I am starting to view the republican party as a corporate party who amongst other things are warmongers.
This matter is now urgent in my opinion, I strongly advise anybody reading this to please take the time to write to the president and ask him to not take any military offensive action that is not sanctioned by the United Nations.
Details on how to contact the white house can be found here
Please also take a few seconds to join our World Peace Group, membership is free, and together we can make a difference.
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I just wanted to post a quick update. While I have not posted in a while, this site is a big part of me and what I want to do in life. So while it may appear as though no progress is
being made, each day I am learning.
I do read every single post, one post requested a forum to be added to the site. I did have a forum on the website in the past and it was 99% spam, it was eventually removed. I do have experience running forums and building communities,
I started a forum which is not related to world peace, but has over 50,000 members, so when I am ready, a forum will definitely be added to the site.
A fair criticism was that the site was just a founders blog. That is a fair comment, but there have been so many sites and groups about world peace, and none of them have made much of a difference, the world still continues to go to war with each other. It is not about looking at these conflicts, or protesting about these conflicts, my steadfast goal is that the site should be about helping people achieve peace in their life, and helping them unite in friendship, nothing more. I believe if done on a large enough scale over a long enough time, world peace will be a natural result. Of course, uniting people will require a forum at some point in the future. However my main goal is to finish my book and lay down the foundation for the future of the group. Is that me being selfish, perhaps, but I am determined for the site to be different from what has been done in the past.
I am under no illusions of bringing about world peace in my lifetime, but I do want to plant the seeds of peace and start a small group. This is not possible unless I write the book which clearly details the mission and purpose of the site, so that people can decide for themselves if it is something they want to be a part of.
I want to help people towards self realisation and understanding who they really are. I want to help lift the veil of delusion and conditioning. The same delusion that has lead to so many wars. I want to bring people together in friendship.
Protesting, petitions, all those things, they have been done so many times in the past, perhaps it is time for a different approach. So to all my dear friends who may have been frustrated by the lack of progress, but have stayed with me nonetheless, I thank you. If you would like to be my friend or even just to say nothing more than hello, please use the
and send me an email. I will reply.
“I think there may be some symbolism here, I know it doesn’t look like it, but that bird is really a dove asking us for world peace, No More Wars!”
I posted a week ago, how I supported Bernie Sanders, despite not wanting this site to be political. I don’t think I have felt this strong about wanting to see a US presidential candidate win. I have viewed them all as bought and paid for by big business, and yes that includes Hilary Clinton. While yes, it would be good to see a female president, I think what Bernie Sanders represents is a far far bigger revolution. I think he represents a step in the right direction of taking back control of America from big business and putting it in the hands of the people.
I dont think that bird would have come so close to him if it sensed rage or hostility. Bernie Sanders is a man of peace. If you look at the which dates all the way back to 1985, at the 5:00 minute mark,
they mention how he is anti nuclear, before they focus on his mug, with the world peace sign on it. He is the real deal, so if you haven’t already voted, please go out and vote and encourage the support of your friends.
In the “About” page for this site, I did mention that this community would not be political. I had intended to steer away from politics, but I believe it is an important aspect for world peace. For years, I have seen how America, has been controlled by Corporate America. Wars have been fought, and weapons companies, infrastructure companies, oil companies have all profited immensely from these wars. For the first time in American politics, that I can recall during my life, it seems America has an honest politician who genuinely cares about people. Bernie Sanders is not receiving millions of dollars from big corporations, in the way most of the other candidates are.
I would encourage everyone in America to go out and vote. If Bernie Sanders does not win as leader of the Democratic party, Hilary Clinton would be a far better option than any of the republican candidates. Whilst I think some media are right to compare Trump Rallies to Hitler and Nazi Germany, I don’t think he is the worst candidate, I think the worst candidate of any of them is Ted Cruz.
I just watched this beautiful music video by India Arie and wanted to share it with everyone.
As previously mentioned, I am not associated with the global meditation for Syria, but I will be joining in on the meditation with many others. A number of people have contacted me requesting the time of the meditation in their country. I thought I would post some timings for a few countries that are popular on this site. It is meant to last ten to fifteen minutes according to the organiser James Twyman.
Australia (Sydney)
February 2 at 2:00am
Australia (Perth) February 1 at 11:00pm
February 1 at 4:00pm
Canada (Ontario) February 1 at 10:00am
Germany February 1 at 4:00pm
India February 1 at 8:30pm
February 1 at 4:00pm
Spain February 1 at 4:00pm
Sweden February 1 at 4:00pm
Switzerland February 1 at 4:00pm
United Kingdom February 1 at 3:00ppm
USA (California) February 1 at 7:00am
USA (New York) February 1 at 10:00am
A few people have contacted me about the global meditation for Syria on 1st February 2016. While I am a strong supporter of global meditation and have mentioned a desire to one day develop an app which enables peace loving people from all across the world to unite in , I am not in any way associated with the global. Meditation for Syria on Feb 1st. I am simply not a supporter of faith based religions
I am for religion, but it must be based in truth and knowing, sadly many of the world’s religions are based on fairytale and superstition.
A lot of bad things have been said about ISIS in the media and there are terrible things being done,
I am not in disagreeance with that and in no way condoning what is happening there. But
I would encourage you to look inwards at what is happening in your own country. There is a silent evil in the form of oil and gas companies who pay our politicians to keep us dependant on oil, and in my opinion must be encouraging these politicians to interfere in the middle east region.
America has turned a blind eye to atrocities in other parts of the world,
where oil was not involved. It has been interfering with these countries and trying to control their leaders and the oil for a long time. Most people have been oblivious to that fact, but now that we are seeing Russia and also China getting involved in Syria, many might sense that their motives are not noble and in the interests of peace. We can see that it may be a case of some rich and powerful corporations wanting to profit from the oil in that region. We now get a clearer understanding of what the motivation for America’s involvement in this region has been all along.
All we need is for some military accident to happen in Syria between USA, Russia or China, and we could potentially have a nuclear catastrophe on our hands. While all the focus is on the danger of ISIS, few fully understand what this conflict could escalate in to, it could turn in to a battle between nuclear superpowers to control the oil. That is the way war started in the 1984 British movie “Threads”
And for what purpose, the sun gives us far more energy than we could possibly need. President Obama is doing good things to try and see us switch to renewable energy, and meanwhile the , are strongly denying the cold hard scientific facts of climate change, and just like under President George Bush’s rule, I sense they would go to war in an instant over oil. I initially promised not to get involved in politics when I launched this site, but there is a stark contrast between the democrats and the republicans. And the Republican party in my opinion would spell disaster for peace around the world.
I hope this does work. I think it is possible that global meditation can make a difference in the world, however I also think you cannot solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created the problem, that is, I don’t think you can use religion to solve a problem created by religion. The path to peace will not be a quick or easy one, and I think the best way for world peace to one day be achieved is for a small group of people to unite and plant the seeds of peace by simply creating a better way to live, to show the world by example rather than endless words on how peace and love and harmony can be created on a small scale. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please take a minute to
One of the posts today requested me to help spread the word on the music video,
“All we need is peace’ by Steve Benjamin. I must say I was very pleasantly surprised.
Well done Steve,
and thanks for creating an inspiring piece of music to share with the world! Please take a few moments to also like and share the video, we all should do our little bit to support others within the peace community.
I am a bit late in making this post, and I was almost going to title it Happy New Year, and then I thought to myself, I really should be wishing people a peaceful new year. In my personal experience peace is far more wonderful than happiness. Happiness is fleeting, it comes and goes, but peace is a much richer deeper experience and it can be more lasting.
The start of a new year for most comes with the idea of becoming something, thinner, richer, smarter, more successful. It is a concept which I think needs to be dropped, rather than trying to “BECOME” something, why not just “BE” your authentic self.
The following song “FLOAT ON” by Modest Mouse is a song which must have been released around 2009, but I only heard it last year and it has become my official anthem song for 2016. In life from a young age, we are like fish constantly trying to swim upstream and against the tide, and the inevitable result is that we eventually weaken and the unrelenting tide eventually pushes us back. Don’t swim, let go and float. Try it, even if its for a few minutes, for an hour or more, just let go and float on with the natural flow of life.
I have a google music subscription and listen to the song on my headphones, and wow, the lyrics and beat is so powerful and you really become immersed in the message of the song. “Alright, don’t worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we’ll all float on alright”
Finally I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to
to the group, I truly appreciate it.


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