
英语大神快来!why is there an
Chinese ?students studying in Amercia?这两个问题要120字的英语回答...有大神帮忙不.
question 1:This problem of a rising world population is largely the result of improved medical skills,which have lowered the death rate and,at the same time,raised the birth rate by increasing live births and the number of babies who survive early childhood.There is a growing realization that food production cannot keep pace with these increases,the result of which is that in some countries people are already starving to death while many millions more suffer from malnutrition.This problem is further complicated by the fact that in places like America and Europe we obtain by trade and consume far more food and resources like oil than,say,the average Indian,thus leaving even less for the people in the underdeveloped areas to survive on.question 2:it' s my honor to be here to tell you something about the school life in America.Almost all the students go to school on foot or by bus.Hardly do they go to school by bike.Most of the students have luch at school,and they don't have afternoon naps after lunch.The school is over at 3 p.m.After class,students would like to play basketball,play football,swim or choose other kinds of activities to relax themselves.You can see the school life in America is very relaxing.
why is there an increasing number of Chinese student studying in Amercia?1) unique education system in America2)rapid rise of Chinese population3) upturn living standardsI am green hands, answering it just for fun~
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我这有点疑问、2005年考研英语题。我就不写英文了很长直奔主题、(但科...应该不可以。句子当中出现了(然而)一词,从语气上来说,前者更为重要,后者近似于补充。 当然考虑到只是考研非关键性的公共课,可能不会弄这么严格。 至于你说的翻译中单词语法问题。单词量自然是要足够,语法推荐你还是看看相关的参考书。 就...
本着学习不能偷懒的精神我把英文给写下来吧、But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important
policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning
the future consequences of present actions .
我这有点疑问、2005年考研英语题。我就不写英文了很长直奔主题、(但科学的确能给我们提供将来可行的最好的指导。更重要的是,科学家可以对有关现在的行动结果提供最好的评判,而且我们国家和世界的政策应以此最好的判断为基础。)这是书里翻译的句子 、而我翻...
我这有点疑问、2005年考研英语题。我就不写英文了很长直奔主题、(但科...应该不可以。句子当中出现了(然而)一词,从语气上来说,前者更为重要,后者近似于补充。 当然考虑到只是考研非关键性的公共课,可能不会弄这么严格。 至于你说的翻译中单词语法问题。单词量自然是要足够,语法推荐你还是看看相关的参考书。 就...there are fifteen ________ ________(女医生)in the hospital I have...C: 2.How are 3.I am 4.How is 5.It is 6.what is 7.I have D: 2.What's up with you? 3.I'm starting my first class today. 4.What's happening? 5.That's wonderful! 6.How's your family doing? 7.I'll see you later.选词填空。 1.There are a lot of(rain/rainy)in spring. 2.It's often(...生活的赞美诗 快乐和悲伤都不是我们注定的结局或者道路 去行动,每一天都发现自己比昨天更远 加工版 生活不是命中注定的快乐和伤痛 行动吧,为了离目标更近本人大一,马上就要英语口语考试了,我选择了一个题目是,How do you li...women doctors B B *************************************************************************** 如有帮助,请帮忙将我的答案选为【采纳为满意回答】,谢谢支持下星期要用的,快帮我翻译一首歌曲,唐禹哲的“灰色河堤”,中文歌词在这...姐姐十六周岁生日了,邀请了很多客人来吃饭,很是热闹。我想着又可以美餐一顿了,心里可高兴了。 下午四点,我早早地来到姐姐家。原来已经有很多人早来了,他们都围坐在桌子边聊天,准备吃晚饭。我也赶紧找了个座位坐下来,姐姐也来了。我连忙拿...1.There are a lot of(rain)in spring. 2.It's often(rains)in aurumn, 3.It's often(windy)in spring. 补充: LZ,第三题应该是windy ,你的答案中没有 补充: 第二题是rainy 追问: winds为什么不可以呢 回答: wind 是风, 不可数名词 追问:...等等啊!I suppose it is a statement by one person, so you can say like this: University life is different from what we expected before we entered the university because all the teachers in my high school told us that life in university...Ⅰ ⒈B ⒉A ⒊D ⒋C ⒌B ⒍C ⒎B ⒏D ⒐B ⒑B ⒒A ⒓B ⒔D ⒕C ⒖B ⒗D ⒘A ⒙B ⒚B ⒛C Ⅱ ⒈ ①D ②E ③B ④A ⑤C ⒉ ①D ②E ③A ④B ⑤C ⒊ ①D ②C ③E ④A ⑤B ⒋ ①E ②D ③B ④C ⑤A ⒌ ①D ②C ③B ④E ⑤A我刚刚听了好几遍这首歌,所以应该能压得上节奏。。。。 凌晨两点一个人的咖啡店 two o'clock at night, alone at the coffe shop 想念曾经不安分的情绪 the restless emotion that I miss long ago 独自走在灰色河堤 alone at grey river bank ...
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