swimming in english swimming是什么意思思

swimming是什么意思 swimming在线翻译 swimming什么意思 swimming的意思 swimming的翻译 swimming的解释 swimming的发音 swimming的同义词
swimming英 ['sw?m??] 美 ['sw?m??] 原级:第三人称单数:过去分词:过去式:swimming 基本解释swimming的反义词名词游泳; 眩晕动词游泳( swim的现在分词); 漂浮; 浸,泡; 旋转swimming 相关例句名词1. 1. I have a swimming in my head.&&&&我头晕。2. He had some swimming lessons, and now he is good at swimming.&&&&他上了几次游泳课,现在他很擅长游泳了。swimming 情景对话Swimming-(游泳)A:How about going swimming?&&&&&&去游泳怎么样?B:OK. Where should we go?&&&&&&好,我们到哪去?A:Why don&#39;t we go down to the pool? It&#39;s not too far from here.&&&&&&去游泳池吧。离这里不是太远B:Fine. I&#39;ll be ready in a minute.&&&&&&好的,我马上准备去。周末计划A:What are your weekend arrangements?&&&&&&你的周末怎么安排啊?B:There’re many things I can do on weekends.&&&&&&周末我要做很多事。A:What sort of things are you interested in?&&&&&&你对怎么样的事感兴趣?B:I’m keen on taking short trips to nearby scenic spots. More often than not, I go with some of my friends. By the way, what are your favorites?&&&&&&我喜欢到附近的风景点走一走,有时间和一些朋友一起去。顺便问一下,你最喜欢做什么?A:I love swimming and cycling. On Sunday morning I have swimming practice for an hour. In the afternoon, I just ride my bike around the city or along the country roads for almost two hours.&&&&&&我喜欢游泳和骑自行车。在星期天上午,我要游泳锻炼一小时,而下午我还要花两小时骑车在城里转一转,或沿着乡间路骑。B:That’s great! I think they do you a lot of good. Where do you swim?&&&&&&真不错!我想锻炼给了你很多好处。你在哪儿游泳?A:Mostly in the city’s swimming pool. But on occasion, I go to the beach with friends. Well, what do you do at leisure?&&&&&&大多数时候在城里的游泳池,有时候同朋友一起到海边游,真开心!嗯,你在业余时间做什么?B:I’m fond of dancing.&&&&&&我喜欢跳舞。A:Good. You really know how to enjoy yourself.&&&&&&很好,你真会享受生活。B:Thanks. And you, too, I think.&&&&&&谢谢,你也差不多。swimming 网络解释1. 1. 游泳:<> Ⅰ游泳 游泳(swimming) 在发展全面肌肉方面,游泳可以和跑步相媲美. 比起跑步,游泳还有一些优势,水能为身体提供支撑,因此一些跑步者经常受到的伤害和损伤对于游泳者来说都不是问题. 游泳锻炼后,2. 碧水情深:我建议你去水木清华bbs http://www./ 的碧水情深( Swimming )板块,那里有详细的教程和很多高手的经验,希望对你有帮助: 自由泳技术的新观点: 1、幽灵般的滑行 要掌握好两臂的配合时机3. 3. 游泳/游泳:一、项目介绍 游泳 游泳(swimming)是男女老幼都喜欢的体育项目. 游泳运动对人体具有广泛的影响:明显改善心血管功能,水的压力和阻力对心脏和血液的循环起到特殊的刺激作用,可以增强呼吸肌的收缩力,加大肺活量,改善外周血管的弹性;4. 莫非永遠龍游淺水,就像那條座頭鯨:> 成功的燈塔卻遠在天邊未能climbing, | > 莫非永遠龍游淺水,就像那條座頭鯨swimming? | > 想當初百多元買入匯豐當作saving,swimming 双语例句1. 1. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.&&&&王平:不仅来学武术,也有来学其他体育项目的,比如乒乓球、田径、游泳、体操什么的。2. 911查询·英语单词大全2. When eaten, gives a person gills to breathe underwater and gives them webbed hands and feet for swimming.&&&&吃下去之后,能使人拥有可在水中呼吸的鳃和用于游泳的蹼状的手和脚。3. A snow-white swan swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.&&&&一只雪白的天鹅迅速地捕捉在湖中游的很慢的蛇。4. A snow-white swan swiftly to catch the slowly-swimming snake in a lake.&&&&一只雪白的天鹅很快地抓住了一只在湖里面漫游的蛇。5. Beijing Olympic National Swimming Center is one of the primary gymnasiums of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.&&&&国家游泳中心是2008年北京奥运会的主要比赛场馆之一,也是奥林匹克公园内的重要建筑。6. 6. This is great golf/swimming/picnic weather.&&&&这是个打高乐夫球/游泳/野餐的天气7. I like to swim in the swimming pool.&&&&我喜欢在游泳池游泳。8. I like swimming but I don`t like to swim in the pool today.&&&&我喜欢游泳,但是今天我不喜欢在游泳池里游泳。9. It is summer now, we can swim in the swimming pool.&&&&现在是夏天了,我们可以在游泳池里游泳。10. The reason is row frequency in unit time is higher compared to the row frequency in the swimming pool, and twice movement`s connection is more compact, and skeletal muscles has no time to rest.&&&&水槽极限流速的训练强度远远高于游泳池,对肌肉的刺激较大,训练后有酸胀感;原因可能是水槽训练的划频在单位时间内较游泳池划频高,两次动作之间的衔接没有任何宽息的时间所致。11. As he started swimming, more and more salmon joined him.&&&&&&当它开始回游的时候,越来越多的鲑鱼加入它的行列。12. 12. My suggestion: Get rid of synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics and bring in women's boxing.&&&&&&我的建议是:开除花样游泳和艺术体操,加入女子拳击。13. In the second photo, I'm swimming at the pool.&&&&&&在第二张照片中,我在池里游泳。14. You want to go swimming in a pool. The water is a little colder than comfortable.&&&&&&你想在一个游泳池中游泳,但池中的水有点凉。15. My favorite season is spring, summer, spring, although not the fun of swimming, there is no joy in the autumn harvest, nor the beauty of winter snow, but I like the spring.&&&&&&我最喜欢的季节是春天,春天虽然没有夏天游泳的乐趣,没有秋天丰收的喜悦,也没有冬天下雪的美景,但我还是喜欢春天。16. There were many different swimming toys for playing, so you could choose whatever what you liked.&&&&&&那里有各种水上玩具,你可以随意挑选自己喜欢的来玩。17. Do you have to swim 20 laps of the swimming pool just because you think you have to?&&&&&&你有20圈游泳的游泳池因为你认为你有吗?18. At one time I used to go swimming every summer.&&&&&&过去有一段时间,我每年夏天去游泳。19. 19. objective to investigate the anti-fatigue effect of rhodiola rosea extract on swimming rats.&&&&&&目的探讨蔷薇红景天提取物的抗疲劳作用。20. &#x64;&#x61;&#x6E;&#x63;&#x69;&#x2E;&#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x63;&#x68;&#x61;&#x2E;&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;20. As a result of our planning efforts, our residential property developments are of high quality and int they are fully integrated with facilities such as childcare centres and kindergartens, exclusive dining facilities, gym facilities, swimming pools, other sporting facilities and even retail elements.&&&&&&经过本公司规划努力,本公司的住宅开发达到了国际水准,配套设施齐全,包括幼托中心和幼儿园,专用用餐设施,健身设施,游泳池,其它体育设施,甚至包括零售店面。swimming 词典解释1. 游泳;游泳运动&&&&Swimming is the activity of swimming, especially as a sport or for pleasure.&&&&e.g. Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.&&&&&&&&&&&游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。&&&&e.g. ...swimming lessons.&&&&&&&&&&&游泳课swimming 单语例句1. American swimming star Michael Phelps posted his second victory in two days, capturing the men's 100 meter butterfly at the Canada Cup swimming competition on Sunday.2. USA Swimming said Phelps will swim the 200m freestyle, the 100m and 200m butterfly and the 200m individual medley.3. Another Chinese Lu Ying took a silver in women's 100m butterfly on Sunday, adding the fourth Olympic medal to China on the second day swimming.4. The road is expected to be finished by the end of November, laying the groundwork for the construction of the National Stadium and the National Swimming Centre.5. Even victory in the 100m did little to paper over the cracks of a calamitous few days for the erstwhile golden boy of Japanese swimming.6. Customers can watch performances on the ice while swimming in the hot spring pool.7. There is a new place in Beijing that can cool you down this summer better than ice cream shops or swimming pools.8. But China didn't win any events in Montreal and managed only five medals overall, the same number as nontraditional swimming countries South Africa and Canada.9. The Westin Bund Center Shanghai has a heated indoor swimming pool with a unique feature that creates a cascade of water into the outdoor area.10. Swimming suits and lingerie shows always catch the limelight at fashion weeks.swimming是什么意思,swimming在线翻译,swimming什么意思,swimming的意思,swimming的翻译,swimming的解释,swimming的发音,swimming的同义词,swimming的反义词,swimming的例句,swimming的相关词组,swimming意思是什么,swimming怎么翻译,单词swimming是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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我不擅长游泳用英语用do well in
I don't do well in swimming
扫描下载二维码我喜欢游泳 I Like Swimming
keen on swimming, because I find it’s so cool and relaxing. In summer days, it's
always very hot. We can’t do any sports but swim. While swimming, I can
entertain myself. I began to learn swimming when I was eight years old. I was a
quick learner. After three weeks learning, I could swim very well. So I often
went swimming with my friends in my free time. But now I'm tired of swimming
pools. I dream of swimming in the sea.
I'm in Zhuhai, I will go swimming in the sea every day. After swimming, I will
lie on the golden beach and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Sometimes I will also
pick up some sea shells or feel the sea wind. It must be amusing.
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