
Can i help you?啥意思
Can i help you
我能帮你吗? 请给好评
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简明英汉词典help[help]n.帮忙, 补救办法, 助手, 治疗, 佣工vt.帮助, 助长, 接济, 治疗, 款待vi.(1)有用, 救命, 招待(2)[计] 显示命令格式的简短概述基本词义HELP=Helicopter Electronic Landing Path 直升飞机电子着陆系统美国传统词典[双解]helphelpAHD:[hμlp] D.J.[help]K.K.[hWlp]v.(动词)helped,,及物动词)(1)T aid:帮助,援助:给予协助;帮助:I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.我帮她找到了那本书。他帮我穿好大衣(2)To contribute t promote.促进:对…有帮助;促进(3)To give relief to:救助:给予救助:help the needy.救济穷人(4)T relieve:缓解;减轻:medication to help your cold.治疗感冒的药品(5)To c improve:助长:发生好的变化;改进:A fresh coat of paint will help a scarred old table.涂一层新油漆将大大改观这张斑驳的老桌子(6)T avoid or resist. Used with can or cannot : 控制;阻止或抵制。与Can 或 Cannot 连用: couldn't help laughing.忍俊不禁(7)To wait on, as in a store or restaurant.服务:为…服务,如在商店或餐馆中v.intr.(不及物动词)T give assistance.帮助;有帮助n.(名词)(1)The act or an instance of helping.帮助,援助:帮助的行动或实例(2)Aid or assistance.帮助或援助(3)R remedy.补救的办法;治疗药(4)One that helps:助手:You've been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.你是个很得力的帮手。食物加工机对于任务繁重的厨师来说是个有用的帮手(5)A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.佣人,雇工:被雇佣来帮忙的人,尤指农场工人或家庭仆役(6)Such employees considered as a group. Often used with the. 全体雇工(佣人):被看成一个整体的这些雇工或佣人。通常和the 连用 习惯用语help (oneself) to(1)To serve or provide oneself with:自用:用…招待自己或提供…给自己:Help yourself to the cookies.请随便吃点点心吧(2)Informal To take (something) without asking permission:【非正式用语】 偷窃,窃取:没有得到允许而拿取(某物):The thief helped himself to our family silver.小偷窃取了我家的银子语源(1)Middle English helpen 中古英语 helpen (2)from Old English helpan 源自 古英语 helpan 参考词汇(1)help, aid, assist, succor(2)These verbs mean to contribute to the fulfillment of a need, the furtherance of an effort, or the achievement of a purpose or end. 这些动词都表示对一种需要的完成、努力的促进或一个目的或目标的取得起一份作用。(3)Help and aid, the most general, are frequently interchangeable: Help 和aid 表示意义最广泛, 常常可以互换:a medication that helps (or aids ) 有助于(或者用 aids ) 消化的药物; a fine sense of rhythm that helped (or aided ) the student in learning music. [x]Help, however, sometimes conveys a stronger suggestion of effectual action: 有助于(或用 aided )学生学习音乐的良好的节奏感。 但是help 有时所表达的有效行动的意味更为强烈一些: Nothing will help. 一切均无济于事。I'll help you move the piano. 我将帮助你搬动那架钢琴。He helped her out of the car. 他帮她从轿车里出来。(4)Assist usually implies making a secondary contribution or acting as a subordinate: Assist 通常表示的是起第二位作用或者以属下的身份起作用:A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet. 一组厨房学徒协助厨师准备宴会。(5)Succor refers to going to the relief of one in want, difficulty, or distress: Succor 指对穷人,陷入困境的人或者是遭受痛苦的人给予帮助:“Mr. Harding thought . . . of the worn-out, aged men he had succored” (Anthony Trollope).See also Synonyms at improve “哈丁先生想到…那些得到过他救济的穷人和老人” (安东尼?特罗洛普)参见同义词 improve用法(1)A common use of help is exemplified by the sentence 关于help 的一个很常见的用法, 下面这个句子提供了一个很好的例子:Don't change it any more than you can help (that is, “any more than you have to”). 除非万不得已,否则就不要再改变什么了(也就是说,“除非你不得不”)。 (2)Some grammarians condemn this usage on the ground that help in this sense means “avoid” and logically requires a negative. But the expression is a well-established idiom.See Usage Note at cannot 有些语法家对这种用法提出了批评意见,理由是help 在这个句子里表示“避免”的意思, 所以从逻辑上讲应用否定形式。但是这种表达已经成为一种被广泛接受的惯用法了参见 cannot现代英汉词典help[help]vt., vi.(1)帮助,援助I can't lift this box ― will you help me please?我举不动这个箱子,请你帮我一下好吗?I can't push the cart on my own--will somebody help assist me?"我一个人推不动这辆大车,谁能帮我一下?"With the help of the neighbours the fire was at last brought under control."在邻里们的帮助下,火势终于被控制住了。"(2)促进;助长Trade helps the development of industry.贸易促进工业的发展。It won't help you to cry.你哭也没有用。(3)避免;防止;阻止I couldn't help crying.我忍不住哭了。"Between astonishment and joy, she couldn't help bursting into tears.""她惊喜交集,禁不住放声大哭起来。"(4)款待;让人吃喝‘Can I have a drink?’ ‘Help yourself!’“我可以喝一杯吗?”“请随意。”Help yourself to some fish.请自己动手吃点鱼吧。习惯用语more than one can help不必要的事,过分的事词性变化helpn.(1)帮助;救 助;救济Thank you for your kind help.谢谢你好意相助。Your advice was a great help to me.你的建议对我有很大的帮助。(2)帮助者;助手;助力You're a good help to me.你是我的得力帮手。Now the boy is quite a help to his mother.现在这男孩已很能给他妈妈帮点忙了。(3)女用人;仆人The new help left after a week.新来的女用人做了一个星期就走了常用词组help oneself(1)自助(2)(进餐时)自己取用(3)未经允许自取help out救助,协助(渡过难关)现代英汉综合大辞典help[help]vt.(1)帮助; 辅助; 援助(2)救济; 补救(3)治疗(4)促进, 助长(5)[仅用于词组can [can't, couldn't] help]阻止; 避免(6)进食于...(7)分配(食物等)I'll not give you any trouble if I can help it.我要是想得出办法, 就不会来给你添麻烦了。词性变化help[help]vi.(1)帮助; 辅助; 援助(2)开饭上菜H -!救命!Every little help s.[谚]点点滴滴, 全有助益。help[help]n.(1)帮助; 救助; 救济(2)帮手, 助手(3)佣人; 家仆(4)医治lady help侍女mother's help家庭保姆be of help有用的, 有益的, 有帮助的come to one's help来帮某人的忙no help for it没法避免H-Wanted 招聘广告with the help of在...的帮助下, 借助习惯用语be helped up with[口]为...所累(I couldn't run to catch the bus, as I was helped up with a lot of parcels. 我因为拿着许多大包?? 没法跑去赶公共汽车。)be of help to sb.对某人有帮助by the help of得到..的帮助cannot help (doing)不禁, 忍不住, 不得不cannot help but不能不, 不得不(I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾。)cannot help oneself情不自禁; 不能自制come to sb.'s help赶来帮助某人come to sb.'s aid赶来帮助某人come to sb.'s assistance赶来帮助某人give a help ing hand助一臂之力God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。I can't help it.我实在控制不住; 这不能怪我。It can't be helped.[口]无可挽回!more than one can help[用于否定句]过份, 太多Don't spend more money than you can help除非不得己, 不要多化钱。There is no help for it无法可想; 无可挽回。with the help of在...帮助下with a help of在...帮助下help forward促成[进]help along促成[进]help oneself to(1)[口]随意取用[取食](2)擅自取用; 私自占有; 偷help sb. down把某人搀扶下来help sb. off with帮某人脱 去(衣服等)help sb. on with帮某人穿上(衣服等)help out帮助(某人); 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事]help sb. out帮助(某人); 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事]help sb. over帮某人越过[度过]help sb. to(1)给某人添(酒、菜等)(2)帮某人得到[达到, 找到]help sb. up(1)把某人扶起(2)扶某人登上help with帮做(某事)参考词汇help&&&& aid&&&& assist&&&& succor&&&&都含"帮助"、"援助"的意思。(1)help 系常用词, 意义较aid, assist 强, 指"以积极态度给予各方面的帮助", 强调"受助者得到帮助或好处", 并着重"受助者对帮助的需要", 如:Please help me arrange these papers.请帮我整理这些文件。(2)aid 属较正式用语, 强调"帮助受助者脱离困难或危险", 有时意味着"强者援助弱者", 如:They aided flood victims.他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。(3)assist是正式用语, 多指"在提供帮助时, 帮助者起次要或起协助作用", 如:She assisted him in his experiments.她协助他做实验。(4)succor 系文学用语, 指"及时帮助陷入危险或困境的人", 如:succor a besieged city解救被困之城。hinder&&&&基本词义HELP(1)=Helicopter Electronic Landing Path 直升飞机电子着陆系统;(2)High Energy Lightweight Propellant 轻型高能推进剂(火箭燃料)用法词典help中古英语helpen< 古英语helpan参考词汇(1)help,assist,aid这组动词同义词的相应名词分别为 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它们都有“帮助”的意思。(2)help和另外两个词的差别在于,help 含有比较强的“目的”意义。如果你失眠,服安眠药则有助于你入睡,这里包含着目的A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.片刻之前,我妹妹帮我把我的一只旧书橱抬上了楼。May I help you to some more meat?让我再给你一些肉好吗?…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……但是他光忙着捞金刚石,顾不上感到疼痛了。(3)assist从词源学角度讲,是“站在旁边”的意思,它清楚地包含着这种帮助只起着次要的作用He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.他帮助那位教授编了那本词典。The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.接待她的那个店员不喜欢她的打扮。(4)aid含有接受帮助者因为弱小而需要帮助的意思。The Red Cross often aids flood victims.红十字会常常帮助受水灾的难民。英文相关词典helpaid&&&&assist&&&&avail&&&&avoid&&&&benefit&&&&deter&&&&keep from&&&&lend a hand&&&&prevent&&&&relieve&&&&disturb&&&&hinder&&&&interfere&&&&obstruct&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典help救济;援助;协助;救助;帮助[七国语言]英汉信息大词典help帮助, 求助程序英汉双解计算机词典help求助(功能,程序)In computer programming, a facility provided by some software packages which enables a user to obtain information on certain aspects of the package during operation.在计算机编程中,某些软件包提供的一种功能,使用户可在软件运行时就软件包的某些方面获得使用指导信息。美国传统词典helphelpAHD:[hμlp] D.J.[help]K.K.[hWlp]v.helped,, aid:I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.(2)To contribute t promote.(3)To give relief to:help the needy.(4)T relieve:medication to help your cold.(5)To c improve:A fresh coat of paint will help a scarred old table.(6)T avoid or resist. Used with can or cannot : couldn't help laughing.(7)To wait on, as in a store or restaurant.v.intr.T give assistance.n.(1)The act or an instance of helping.(2)Aid or assistance.(3)R remedy.(4)One that helps:You've been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.(5)A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.(6)Such employees considered as a group. Often used with the. 习惯用语help (oneself) to(1)To serve or provide oneself with:Help yourself to the cookies.(2)Informal To take (something) without asking permission:The thief helped himself to our family silver.语源(1)Middle English helpen (2)from Old English helpan 参考词汇(1)help, aid, assist, succor (2)These verbs mean to contribute to the fulfillment of a need, the furtherance of an effort, or the achievement of a purpose or end. (3)Help and aid, the most general, are frequently interchangeable: a medication that helps (or aids ) a fine sense of rhythm that helped (or aided ) the student in learning music. [x]Help, however, sometimes conveys a stronger suggestion of effectual action: Nothing will help. I'll help you move the piano. He helped her out of the car. (4)Assist usually implies making a secondary contribution or acting as a subordinate: A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet. (5)Succor refers to going to the relief of one in want, difficulty, or distress: “Mr. Harding thought . . . of the worn-out, aged men he had succored” (Anthony Trollope).See also Synonyms at improve 用法(1)A common use of help is exemplified by the sentence Don't change it any more than you can help (that is, “any more than you have to”). (2)Some grammarians condemn this usage on the ground that help in this sense means “avoid” and logically requires a negative. But the expression is a well-established idiom.See Usage Note at cannot 朗文英汉综合电脑词典HELP 求助程序(无经验用户工作人员可利用的一种程序);求助说明[系统];= Hybrid Electronic Layout Program,混合电子布局程序 英汉法学大词典help v.协助 ,帮 ,助 ;n.协助 ,援助 英汉航海大词典help n.帮助,佣工 英汉化学大词典help vt.帮助,促进,忍耐;n.帮助,促进 英汉经贸大词典help n.帮助,佣工 英汉计算机大词典help vt.帮助(促进,忍耐);n.帮助(促进) 英汉建筑大词典help n.帮助,资助,促进 英汉农牧林大词典help n.助援程序,辅助程序 航空英语缩写词典HELPHelicopter Electronic Landing Path 直升机电子控制降落线路基本词义HELPHelicopter Emergency Lifetsaver Plan 直升机应急救援计划英汉水利大词典help n.帮助,救济,促进 英汉冶金大词典help n.工人,劳动力;n.求助程序 英汉中医大词典help n.治疗,补救,帮助
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Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.什么是帮助台?
IT用户碰到问题后,可以给企业打电话来获得实时帮助从而解决问题,企业中的这种接听电话来解决问题的部门称为help desk——帮助台。大多数公司中,一个人和一些简单的解决问题的手册就组成了帮助台。大型公司中,是由多组专家和一些有助于问题分析的软件组成帮助台。  
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这个不是我熟悉的地区当前位置: &
help me help you中文是什么意思
中文翻译能医不自医&&&&vt. (helped, 〔古语〕 help ...&&&&pron. 1.〔I 的宾格〕我〔把我,对我,给我等〕。 ...&&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...&&&&你能帮我吗; 你能不能帮我一下&&&&你能帮助我吗&&&&帮我打领带&&&&我来帮助你&&&&你让我明白&&&&你生病&&&&能医不自医 第一季&&&&若你帮我重新开始; 若你能帮我再次出发; 若你愿意帮我再次开始&&&&"先生,能帮帮我么&&&&你愿意帮我写报告吗?&&&&之断肠崖&&&&而你能帮我拿定主意&&&&请你帮我找我的行李好吗?&&&&能帮我从旧的电话簿上找到他啊的电话号码吗&&&&你能扶我上楼梯吗&&&&请你多多帮助&&&&你能帮我挑一条新领带吗&&&&你能帮我准备餐具吗&&&&上帝啊请帮帮我,让我可以活下去; 上帝啊请帮帮我,让我可以继续生存&&&&对...有帮助&&&&得到..的帮助&&&&vt. (helped, 〔古语〕 〔古语〕 holpen ) 1.帮助,援助;救,救济。 2.治疗;补救。 3.促进,助长。
例句与用法Help me ! is there a way you can help me help you help me救救我!有什么办法可以让你帮助我帮助你You got to help me help you . i don ' t see a social security number你要让我帮你,不过你没有社保号码Help me ! is there a way you can help me help you help me . .救救我!有什么办法可以让你帮助我帮助你. . You got to help me help you . i don ' t see a social security number . .你要让我帮你,不过你没有社保号码. . &&
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