
高分求英文翻译成中文,请尽量通俗一点哈,采纳再加50,非常感谢! 经十分流行’←用英语翻译这句
We then proceed to find allbackground points To do this, we pick a point on the boundary of the image(which we know is black due to preprocessing) and find all black pointsconnected to it using a connected component algorithm (Section 9. We can fill all sphereswith white by applying the hole filling algorithm in Section 9.5.2 until allsuch interior black points have been turned into white points.The alert student will realize that if the interior points are alreadyknown. One wayto do this is to erode the white components of the image by one pass of a 3×3 structuring element, effectively creating a blackborder around the spheres, thus “separating” them. This approach works in thiscase because the objects are spherical.5. Recognition of the potential problem bythe student should be sufficient in the context of this problem, which implies that they have smallareas of contact. To handle the case of spheres touching the border of theimage, we simply set all border point to black(b) If the spheres are allowed to touch in arbitrary ways, awaymust be found to separate them because they could create “pockets” of blackpoints surrounded by all white or surrounded by all white and part of theboundary of the image.3). Theseconnected components are labels with a value different from1 or 0. Theremaining black points are interior to the spheres, they can all be turned simply into white points thus filling the sphereswithout having to do region filling as a separate procedure. Note that theerosion of white areas makes the black areas interior to the spheres grow, sothe possibility exists that such an area near the border of a sphere could growinto the background. Thisissue introduces further complications that the student may not have thetools to solve yet. We recommend making the assumption that the interior blackareas are small and near the center.The simplest approach is to separate the spheres by preprocessing
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but the hotel room and no book said warmth, haizi is sea thoughts. They chose to wander about, in another strange but and friendly between cities wandered. I packed simple baggage, took out all his allowance, and sit on the trip to city bus. The air in the room is frightfully quiet in a flash here, the bus stopped. Walk down the doors of the instantaneous meet me, everything is so strange. Strange, no one knows them, so they do most authentic self. All this with my world compared with no longer drab, o.k. town close to home. I surprised himself unexpectedly have so warm home, I upset his innocence and ignorance, enough of the shadow. I seemed to see a are waiting mother, kindly hometown of warmth. I sigh. The air in the room in this moment static terrible, I turned round to shut the door at last. Locked out, is mother the reprimanding sound of wadding, wall heating often unexplained stop suppliesUntouchable warm In countless times after a quarrel, I finally turned and closed the door. Be shut. That book narrowed lies quietly on the desk. The author says. The room air is unprecedented cold, Haizi is the miss of the sea, flying to face, enough to let people stop. I pack the simple luggage. The table that this half matched book quiet lying down, and like to like the mercury coat irrigation, take out one&#39, and her understanding all embrace. Home fire is booming, full-bodied will SouSou pumped are risking with a little bit humidity of milky gas...... let the body becomes good heavy. I tried to imagine the unknown town&#39Untouchable warm In countless times after a quarrel, I finally turned and closed the door. Be shut, wall heating often unexps appearance. Finally. I strolled to the hotel courtyard, sitting in the downstairs has the withering big, no one knows them, so they do most authentic self. All this with my world compared with no longer drab, and her understanding all embrace. Home fire is booming, full-bodied will SouSou pumped are risking with a little bit humidity of milky gases. Orange floor lamp make whole room pervaded the warm the orange light. I still use the final money to buy a ticket to return. The air in the room in this moment static terrible. I packed simple baggage, took out all his allowance, and sit on the trip to city bus. I sigh, also far didn't imagine in a comfortable. The table that this half matched book quiet lying down, enough to make people stop. The authors say: yunnan is the south of the clouds, it is mother&#39, strange street of the ginkgo tree, strange people. Found there the cheapest little hotel, the bus stopped. Walk down the doors of the instantaneous meet me, everything is so strange. Strange. I carefully reclined her head against the window, but the hotel room and no book said warmth, The wind, haizi is sea thoughts. They chose to wander about, in another strange but and friendly between cities wandered, flying to face. The room air is unp......Warmth that can't be reached After the quarrel that many times, I turned round to shut the door at last. Locked out, is mother the reprimanding sound of wadding. The air in the room is frightfully quiet in a flash here. That book narrowed lies quietly on the desk. The author says: Yunnan is the south of a cloud, Haizi is the miss of the sea. They have chosen to roam about, wander up and down among the strange but cordial cities one by one, nobody knows them, they make the truest oneself because of this. Compared with my world all these are no longer dull, enough to let people stop. I pack the simple luggage, take out one's own all pocket money, take the passenger train to small city. I labour contractor rest on by the window carefully, from the wanton rain drops outside the window of car, Wind, irritates to the overcoat as mercury, let the body easy to sink. I go to imagine the look of that unknown small city hard. At last, the car parked. Meet me in twinkling of an eye going down the door, everything is so strange. Strange ginkgo, the strange street, strange crowd. Have found the cheapest small hotel there, but there is no warmth talked about on book in the room in the hotel, it is comfortable in imagination not to have far. Climb the full and red line in the moist floor, the pale sheet is distributing the strong smell of the bleaching powder, the heating by the wall often stops the supply baffledly. The air in the room is the unprecedented col......
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I will remember your best image(形象)
  〖注释〗  篆香:一种印有篆文的熏香.  帘钩:挂帘的钩子.  寂寥:寂静、空旷.  浑似:简直像.  何逊在扬州:何逊,南朝梁诗人.于天监年中年在扬州(今南京)任建安王记室.  韵胜:指梅花的风韵逸群,超出一般.  藉:踏,这里是侵害的意思.  不耐:禁受不了.  笛:指梅笛.  雪:《历代诗余》作“玉”.  疏影:梅花稀疏的影子.  〖赏析〗  此词当为清照南渡前的词作,是首咏梅词.与李清照《孤雁儿》一样,具有自己独特的艺术构思,不同于一般的咏梅词.作者将梅放在人物的生活、活动中加以描写和赞颂,把相思与咏梅结合起来,托物言情,寄意遥深.  这是李清照的咏梅词之一,后人曾补题为“残梅”,借梅花清瘦高雅之趣,写个人情思;堪称咏物词中的佳作.  “小阁藏春”一句“先盘远势”描绘了一个特殊的抒情环境.作者首先写出了她住处的寂寞无聊.“小阁”即小小的闺阁,这是妇女的内寝:“闲窗”即表示内外都是闲静的.“藏”与“锁”互文见义.美好的春光和充满生气的白昼,恰恰被藏锁这狭小而闲静的圈子里.唐宋时富贵之家的内寝往往有厅堂相连结.小阁设画堂里侧.春光和白昼俱藏锁住了,暗示这里并未感到它们的存,因而画堂显得特别深幽.“深幽”极言其堂之狭长、暗淡、静阒.作者已习惯这种环境,似乎还满意于它的深幽.古人爱尚雅洁者都喜焚香.篆香是一种中古时期的高级盘香.它的烧尽,表示整日的时光已经流逝,而日影移上帘箔即说明黄昏将近.  “小阁”、“闲窗”、“画堂”、“篆香”、“帘箔”等一系列的物质景致说明,抒情女主人公生活上层社会,富贵安闲,但环境中也透出一股异样的冷清寂静.“手种江梅渐好”是词意的转折,开始进入咏物.黄昏临近之时女主人公,于室外见到亲手种植的江梅,忽然产生一种欣慰.它的“渐好”能给种树人以安慰;欣赏“手种江梅”,又会有许多往事的联想,因而没有必要再临水登楼赏玩风月了.除了对梅花的特殊情感之外,似乎心情慵倦,于应赏玩的景物都失去了兴致.  接着由赏梅联想到南朝诗人何逊恋梅之事,词意开始向借物抒情方面过渡,渐渐接近作者主旨.何逊,南朝梁著名文学家,其诗情辞宛转,诗意隽美,深为后来的诗人杜甫和黄庭坚等赏识.梁代天监间,他曾为建安王萧伟的水曹行参军兼记室,有咏梅的佳篇《扬州法曹梅花盛开》诗(亦作《咏早梅》).清人江昉刻本《何水部集》于此诗下有注云:“逊为建安王水曹,王刺扬州,逊廨舍有梅花一株,日吟咏其下,赋诗云云.后居洛思之,再请其任,抵扬州,花方盛开,逊对花彷徨,终日不能去.”何逊对梅花的一片痴情是其寂寞苦闷的心情附着所致.按清照的理解,何逊扬州是寂寥的.如今寂寥环境独自面对梅花,清照亦产生了“何逊扬州”般的寂寞与苦闷.  词人联系个人身世之感抒发对残梅命运的深深同情.“从来知韵胜”,是她给予梅花整体的赞语.“韵”是风韵、神韵,是形态与品格美的结合.梅花是当得起“韵胜”的词人肯定了这一点之后,却不再多说,转笔来写它的不幸,发现它零落后别有一番格调意趣.“藉”与“揉”也是互文见义,有践踏摧损之意.梅虽不畏寒冷霜雪,但它毕竟是花,仍具花之娇弱特性,因而也难以禁受风雨的践踏摧损.这是花的命运.  由落梅的命运,作者产生各种联想词意呈现很曲折的状态.由落梅联想到古曲《梅花落》,是虚写,以此表现落梅引起作者个人的感伤情绪,造成一团“浓愁”而难以排解.但作者又试图进行自我排解,词情为之一变.梅花的暗香消失、落花似雪,说明其飘谢凋零,丰韵不存.这本应使人产生春恨,迁恨于春日风雨的无情.但词人以为最好还是“莫恨”,“须信道、扫迹情留.”“扫迹”即踪迹扫尽,难以寻觅.“难言处,良宵淡月,疏影尚风流”是补足“情留”之意.“难言处”是对下阕所表达的复杂情感的概括,似乎还有与作者身世的双关的含意.想象一个美好的夜晚,淡淡的月光,投下梅枝横斜优美的姿影.从这姿影里还显示出梅的俊俏风流,应是它扫迹后留下的一点情意.也许明年它又会重开,并带来春的信息.“良宵淡月,疏影尚风流”突出了梅花格调意趣的高雅,使全词的思想达到了一个新的高度,它赞美了一种饱经苦难折磨之后,仍孤高自傲,对人生存信心的高尚的精神品格.  这首词大约是作者经历了国破家亡的巨变后所作的,具有特别凄凉悲咽的情调.即使这样的咏物词中,也寄寓着作者不幸的身世之感.全词意境相谐,词调低沉,语言轻巧,写尽了词人冷清寂寞的环境中所产生的深切感伤.
诗词,一般是意译,如直译的话,有的句子就太牵强附会了.不过,既然楼主这样要求,还是应楼主的要求翻一下吧.译文:  小小的闺阁,深藏着春天,美好的春光和充满生气的白昼,恰恰被藏锁这狭小而闲静的圈子里,画堂显得特别深幽.篆香已经烧尽了,而日影移上帘箔.在室外见到亲手种植的江梅,忽然产生一种欣慰.又会有许多往事的联想,因而没
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谈王孟诗风的异同 王维、孟浩然是唐开元、天宝年间山水田园诗派的代表.本文就王孟诗风的相同之处和不同之别谈点粗浅的认识. 首先谈王孟诗风的相同之处.说到王孟诗风不能不说王孟的共同生活归宿—— 隐逸.在古人的心目中,孟浩然是天生的隐士.其实不然,王维曾写:“襄阳之状,颀而长,峭而瘦,衣白袍⋯⋯”王士
鹧鸪天·陆游家住苍烟落照间,丝毫尘事不相关.斟残玉瀣行穿竹,卷罢黄庭卧看山.贪啸傲,任衰残,不妨随处一开颜.元知造物心肠别,老却英雄似等闲!刘克庄《后村诗话续集》把陆游的词分为三类: “其激昂慷慨者,稼轩不能过;飘逸高妙者,与陈简斋、朱希真相颉颃;流丽绵密者,欲出晏叔原、贺方回之上.”这首《鹧鸪天》可以算是陆游飘逸高妙
  【诗文解释】  云母屏风上映着幽暗的烛影,银河渐渐疏落,启明星要消失了.嫦娥应该后悔偷吃了灵药,眼望着碧海青天,夜夜心情孤寂.  嫦娥  (唐)李商隐  云母屏风烛影深,长河渐落晓星沉.  嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心.  作者介绍  李商隐(约812年或813年—约858年),汉族,字义山,号玉豀生、樊南生,晚}


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