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The title says it all... you are sketch. But so is college. Which is why we decided to write about it. Do we have to explain everything?
Posted by John
In case you guys haven't seen this, there's a group on Facebook called &Loyola Marymount Class of 2011.& I'll admit, JV originally found the group with the intention of scoping out the soon-to-be freshman ass that will be pouring onto this campus in August. I, of course, would never stoop so low. (if you're a hot incoming freshman please send an email to ) (computer scientists say if you put things in parentheses no one can read it except the people you want) (stacy i swear the doctor said it would go away in 2 weeks).&
The most entertaining part of this group is the wall, which is currently hovering around 800 posts. A lot of these incoming freshman have a lot of questions about what to expect at LMU, and I've decided to take it upon myself to answer some of them here. The following are real wall posts from this thing.
wheresss my housing packet !? ahhg. Fuck you. Right now we're worrying about passing our finals so that we can hopefully graduate, and you're stressing out about a packet. Gosh I hope you get this figured out. PS did you die at the end of typing this? (my fingers are crossed)
yeah we can test out of math/language at orientationand i think core classes is standard of one for every key subject (but more choices)
Wow are you an English major? Good luck testing out of &language& with writing skills like this. Honest to god I think I saw a show on the Discovery channel where gorillas put together more coherent sentences than whatever you just said. Great job LMU admissions office! I bet this person's application essay was their name in crayon and then a drawing of a rainbow with a unicorn flying above it and a clown with big shoes off to the side juggling stars.
how do you order sweatshirts online?? Ok this one is really complicated... first go to LMU.edu and click on the &Store,& then go to sweatshirts, then click on the link at the bottom that says &are you fucking kidding me.&
Class of 2011 represent! I'm not 100% percent sure if LMU is where I'm going, but I want to make sure I know some people at that school incase my first choice blows me off! Who's hyped for college?? News flash asshole, you're not getting into USC. See you in the fall.
Euro AP isnt that bad. I got a 4. Whoaaaa watch out everybody. Someone is smart! I took Euro AP and the entire class is based on mindless memorization, so congratulations. I personally didn't feel like shoving flash cards up my ass for a week to pass the AP test and ended up writing about the Oregon Trail (the computer game, not the actual trail) for the essay section. But good job dude!
If anyone else is wondering, to get your LMU email address go to to the LMU homepage and click on manegate, its near the top. From there, click first time user. Hey . I wonder where the rest of the class of '11 would be without you. whats the roomate situation? is random a good idea or is anyone looking for a roomate? Roll the dice. You might end up with Sanjay, I heard he somehow used his connections at ASLMU to put himself back in the freshman dorm lottery.
yayy lmu!! does anybody know anything about party life?? This girl has so much to learn its actually kind of cute. Get ready to learn a few words because they will be all you'll be doing for at least the first few weekends: Lacrosse house. Sig ep. Vodka. Actually that's pretty much it. Oh and get ready for the pre-parties that end up never leaving the dorm.
i'm going to LMU for surrrrrre bro. i'm right with ya. hella stoked. norcal represent haha Right on bro. Hey don't forget your NOR*CAL matching sweatshirt and hat so everyone knows you're rad. Oh and one more thing: kill yourself.
I'm really sad i can't make any of t )( anyone else in the same boat. I feel like i'm totally missing out. The make-up one in August is totally not the same i hear... THIS IS A LIE!!!11 THE AUGUST ORIENTATION IS THE BEST EVER... WE HAD TONZ MORE FUN THAN JUNE... AUGUST O'GROUPS REPRESENT!!1111
I want one of the those triple rooms... the size just makes it the party room! Oh shit can you say MTV CRIBS? man you're gonna be ballin it up, I actually heard triple rooms come with jacuzzi's, a sauna and oh yeah... THREE F'ING PEOPLE. But seriously I'll look for the flyers dude.
all i k now is that we better have lmu crackin next yizear ptwon in the house Thank you. I've been waiting three years for someone to finally get LMU crackin and that tizime has finally come. P-twon, I have a cold beer waiting for you. And a hammer.
i just sent in my confirmation!!!!!!!!i'm still kind of in shock at the moment but EXTREMELY excited for next year and to be moving to lmu's campus and to meet tons of new people!!!!!ahhhhhhhh we're almost in college!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! Oh man. Guys, look out for this girl. I've never seen someone so excited to get herpes. Enjoy the foam party!
UPDATE: In response to a comment saying this post is &anti-freshman& and &elitist,& you're absolutely right... that's what makes it funny. It's called satire, and in this case its clearly over-exaggerated. Of course these incoming students don't deserve this. By making fun of these soon to be freshman I'm making fun of what most of us were like before coming here. Who didn't think that their room in Whelan was gonna be &the party room& ? Who didn't want to know what the scene was like? Who wasn't stoked to be the ones that would &get LMU crackin& as soon as you showed up? Coming to LMU as a freshman I was dead set on turning my dorm into a 24/7 MTV Spring Break. Now, I can look back and have a good-natured laugh about it. If this post personally offended you, or you felt it was too mean spirited, please do me a personal favor and delete this site from your bookmarks, close your web browser, turn off your computer, and take a deep breath. Wake up. Feel better?
Posted by Jay
So, there are a lot of things that make us feel awkward. Certain things will take place daily that make us cringe in awkwardness. But there are certain &awkward mainstays& so to speak that never fail to leave us out of breath and searching for a way to &get the fuck out.& Everytime I find myself caught in these awkward situations I cannot help but pray that one day they'll be less awkward... but they never are... Hence, I present to you The Ten Most Consistently Awkward Situations In Life.
10. Falling Down In Public: This just makes me laugh. I mean, how can this not be awkward? The only possible way to explain this is if you are absolutely shitfaced and everyone knows it -- then you kind of have an excuse to fall. Have you ever been working out your legs at the gym and after an intense leg press session, your legs are heavier than you think and you trip a little bit and try to play it off? Even better, have you ever pulled a Nick Rajkovich and fell off a treadmill? Finally, have you ever ran into something... like a pole? I've done all three and let me tell you... awkward. My favorite thing to see in life is when someone tries to push open a door when they are supposed to pull and run into the door... and then act like nothing happened. That is until they see me laughing at them to their face.
9. When You Tell a &Really Funny& Story (and no one laughs): Hahaha, this happens to me all the time. It's a proven fact that human beings tend to exaggerrate how funny they are, but when this happens, there is absolutely no protocol. So you're sitting at dinner with some friends, and a topic comes up that sparks your memory back to a recent &funny& incident that you just have to tell the entire table. You begin your story and people smirk a little, but by the time your story is over, you have the entire table literally staring at you with no emotion. You then undoubtedly say, &Yeah... so that's the story... it was pretty funny...& Then you let out this weird &I-thought-my-story-was-funny-so-I'll-just-laugh-to-myself-out-loud-half-laugh& and someone changes the subject very, very quickly.
8. Falling Asleep In Class: One phrase: The Head Bob. You all know what I'm talking about. You're sitting in your Philosophy class talking about the meaning of life and all you can think about is how you shouldn't have stayed up taking Vodka shots at Mo's. In the matter of a few seconds, you go from being completely awake to the equivalent of watching a silent film on Xanax. You start to do this weird eye-quiver thing and then your head falls to your chest faster than JV's bench press. You throw your head back up and the awkwardness begins when you become convinced that everyone in the classroom has just seen you doze off. The funny part is that hardly anyone ever notices this. But God forbid someone does, that person will in turn tell the rest of the class, and everyone will laugh at you all period long.
7. In an Elevator: Most people are always like, &I don't know why this is so awkward!& What do you mean? You're in a five by eight foot moving contraption touching complete strangers. I always just take out my phone and start fake-texting. Other people try to make conversation like, &Hey man. I see you have that newspaper. Anything new I haven't heard about? Oh really, nothing new. Weird. What is Bush doing these days? Me neither man... What an idiot. (Two minutes pass) Dude, I like that tie, where did you get it? Yeah... It looks good. This is me, I'll see you later.& That's when you run off the fucking elevator and wonder why the fuck you just talked to that guy for three minutes. Good call. I'll stick with fake-texting.
6. Checking Out at the Grocery Store: Case-in-point: What do you do in the checkout line? Almost everyone on Earth analyzes the different packs of gum just so they don't have to look at the other people in line. Speaking of that, why are there so many different kinds of gum? Is one kind of gum really that much better than another? I find myself reading headlines on magazines, even though I don't give a shit what they say. &PARIS GETS A DUI!& So what? Like we couldn't see that one coming... Lastly, do you ever notice that there are always the most random group of people in a checkout line? There's always the soccer mom buying diapers and vodka, the college kid purchasing five thirty packs of Natty Ice, and the weird emo guy buying tweezers.
5. When You Forget Someone's Name: Have you ever had someone come up to you and start a conversation about how fun last night was... and you have no idea who they are? The most annoying people in the world are the one's who ask you, &Do you remember my name?!??& What do you say to that? Just be like, &Wow... I don't even remember my own name after last night...& But there is nothing more awkward and just plain insensitive than forgetting someone's name, especially when they remember your name. I feel like such a jackass. The only way to get out of this situation successfully is to do your best to pretend like you've known them for years and just pray to God they don't call you out.
4. Premature Ejaculation: Imagine this... Sober sex. A long-shot with most college students. But every now and then it happens, and every now and then your worst fears are confirmed. So you lovingly embrace your partner and everything is going great until you encounter an unusually-strong forcefield of a vagina which stresses the very fabric of your genitalia. It goes something like this: Ahh--oOHhh-ahhh-oohh--aaahhhhhhhhh... The response will always be the same, &Are you done already?& Do you apologize? Do you just go back to bed? There is no easy solution to this dilemma. Hence, awkward situation #4. Your best bet: pull out and say the condom broke. Oh, you're not wearing one? Tough luck you over-anxious piece of shit.
3. When You Can't Get Your Dick Up: Okay, now imagine this... You're at Harry O's taking Kamikaze shots to the dome, and even though you haven't gotten ass in three months and you've pretty much written your sex-life off as a sunk cost -- in a sadistic, ironic twist of fate -- some girl wants to bone tonight. Filled with liquid courage, you take her home, the whole time repeating to yourself, &I can do this... Yeah.. I can totally do it. Whatever, it's just sex....... I can do it.& You get home, start grinding, and by the time your thirty-minute dry-hump session is over and you try to penetrate, you're the equivalent of an under-developed goldfish off the reservation trying to finagle your way back into that slippery crevace you really want to be in. The best part is that guys will try for about twenty minutes making it incredibly awkward... and then will give themselves a hard time for three weeks about it. Just hope she doesn't remember.
2. Meeting Your Girlfriend's Dad For the First Time: Maybe this is just me, but this always seems to fuck me. I think it stems back to the fact that I like to date crazy girls... with crazy fathers. I tend to do well with the mothers because I'm good-looking and well-spoken, but the fathers are a completely different story. When I took my date to the Junior Prom, I kept her out past curfew literally &just playing pool and hanging out.& But, when she took me to her prom a week later, I'll never forget her father saying, &Don't think I don't know about last weekend........& Those words haunted me all night, throughout the year, and into college. I know that it's tough fathering a promiscuous girl but at some point I think you just have to cut your losses. I mean, when I'm a father, I'm gonna know if my daughter is whoring herself out because I dated girls like that when I was in high school. So at some point, put the shotgun away and just embrace the fact that your daughter is easy. Life will be a lot easier.
1. The First Time You Fart In Front of Your Girlfriend (or the first time she farts in front of you): This is unexplainable and definitely the most awkward moment ever. I still refuse to believe that girls fart, but apparently according to scientists, it can happen. Farting in public is awkward enough... especially if you're the one who did it. And you can't really do anything about it. Your best bet is to pray you didn't eat chinese food for lunch and just let it ride. When you fart in front of your girlfriend, it's like a mini-tragedy. She knows you did it, and if she has the audacity to call you out, you have to just be proud and claim it's cause you feel &so close to her.& If she farts in front of you, I don't even know what to tell you. Your entire relationship will change. Just hope she didn't eat chinese food.
Posted by Jay
[You know it's finals week when... 1. Jay is so hyped up on adderoll that he takes time out from studying and writing five papers to copy and paste a &you know you're from ___ when....& list on you are sketch. Probably like at least some of you, I'm not from the bay area and naturally do not give a shit about where you and your friends &always used to go to get high bro!!& Honest to god (hah) when I think of the bay area a few things come to mind: drugs, trash, dirty strippers, bridges, used syringes, homeless people, and seagulls. Just thought I'd empathize with everyone left out by this &hella list of places you'll hella recognize& - John]
I don't know who wrote these, but I read this and thought it was hillarious. Since LMU has so many students from the Bay Area, I had to post this. Most of you from the Bay Area will undoubtedly affirm all of these statements. Have fun...
You Know You're From the Bay Area When ...
1. Oakland is close enough so you can root for its teams, but far enough away so that you feel safe.2. You can distinguish between a cryp and a blood at Great America based upon the nuances of their limp.3. Several &parties& you frequent take place inside someone's garage amongst laundry, sitting on crates around a bong.4. You know why 280 south becomes 680 north.5. Your elementary school field trips included the Children's Discovery Museum, Mission Santa Clara, and Happy Hollow.6. You didn't realize that San Jose` had an accent mark until the &San Jose` - the Capital of Silicon Valley& signs went up everywhere.7. You don't understand how you could have functioned before hway 85.8. Nickel City = Awesome.9. You had your hair done at Special FX for prom.10. You or a family member has made a donation to KQED.
[Editor's note: We have another anonymous contribution from &Richard Slimdick.& This one is about fraternity formals and I'd say it makes fun of every frat pretty equally... well, except for Sigma Lambda Beta. Can't win em all.]
Hello girls and welcome back to another edition of LMU Greek Life.& One of the greatest things about joining a frat at LMU, is the beloved &formal& that takes place at the end of every spring semester.& These formals are usually just weekends in which guys try to finger you, (unless you're at Betas), at an exotic location where you will enjoy non stop drinking, shouting really loud, watching people throw up and just partaking in hardcore college thrilled partying till you die action.& If you got invited to any formal, you at least have proven to the rest of the girls that you know how to cock-tease a guy enough to the point where he thinks he'll get some.& It's almost like slutting yourself out without actually touching a penis.& Get used to it.& You'll be doing it a lot later on in life and twice as much if you’re a Delta Gamma.& With all that being said, we hope you enjoy our coverage on what frat formal was the best and enjoy un-tagging all those shitty pictures on facebook when you're done reading this.
Ahhh Catalina.& A small rocky island off the coast of California filled with lush trees, golf carts, old people, and.... frat guys?& Yes, for the past few years, Sig Ep has had their annual formal on Catalina Island which is basically their overrated way of saying to every other frat guy &Fuck you, I’m rich and we can do better than Mexico.&& But can they?& It is still beyond us why raging frat douches would rather go to a nice retirement resort rather than a debauchery filled, drug induced purple hazed Mexico trip.& Nevertheless, many girls still see Catalina has a prized opportunity to show how high their social status has climbed since that one year they opted for a Lambda Chi San Diego chode-fest in 2003.& That being the case, I’m sure every sig ep had a great time at formal but might have started getting antsy near the end due to there being a lack of weight rooms and protein shake blenders on the island.& I’m sure more than a few of them had their fair share of protein on the trip though. Huh?& Don't get it?& Haha!& They blow eachother! Congrats on returning from a successful formal at Fratalina and if you are over the age of 19, you will never get invited to Catalina ever again.
Quick Facts
Location:& Catalina Island
Why you got invited:& You're hot
Sorority You’re Most Likely In:& Alpha Phi
Most Commonly Used Drug on trip:& Hookah and Corona
Wildest Moment: That one time when that club bouncer mad dogged all those sig eps because their muscle shirts were tighter than his.& That was insane!
Fun Fact:& Sig Ep's annual body building contest at formal was disbanded in 1998 due to tanning oil being replaced by anal lube resulting in 15 Sig Eps getting a horrible skin rash (their entire chapter at the time)
”Don’t you ever make fun of my motha fuckin penis!”
Finally a frat formal that actually makes some kinda sense.& Sigma Chi going to Rosarito is a lot like taking a pedophile to a daycare center for a weekend and telling them to &have fun!&.& It's a perfect fit.& This trip was more than likely everything you imagined it would be.& A lot of throwing up, blowing up, snorting up, toking up, Donkey shows, Fat ass hoes, and of course...masturbating.& We guarantee there was at least one make out session on the trip too.& And yeah, we mean make out session between two dudes.& No matter how frat-tastic these guys act at school, it still always seems to come out at formal that they're all really just a bunch of overrated pussies who love smoking pole.& These guys eat more sausage than Ana Nicole Smith in a retirement home.& Oh yeah, she died.& Don't worry, Sigma Chi's rep did too.&
Quick Facts
Location:& Rosarito, MexicoWhy you got invited:& You're &just one of the guys&
Sorority your most likely in: Theta
Most Commonly Used Drug on trip:& Viagra
Fun Fact:& Contrary to popular belief, making out with a Sigma Chi does not give you Herpes, but having unprotected sex with one does.
Unfortunately this cup was never actually used for drinking
BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!& Did you even return from the trip or are you still stuck in Tijuana county lock-up next to your new best friend Senor El Fuego.& This is by far the most dangerously fun formal you can go to and is basically the less overrated version of Sigma Chi make-out fest.& If you're not in an alcohol induced coma by now, I’m sure you had a great time across the border and let us know how it feels to actually wake up next to a naked ADG.
Quick Facts
Location:& Rosarito, Mexico
Why you got invited:& You drink more than Lindsay Lohan at her 14th birthday party.
Sorority your most likely in:& Pi Phi (hahaha)
Most Commonly Used Drug on trip:& Pot Brownies dipped in Clorox with crushed roofies sprinkled on top.
Wildest Moment:& Drinking a handle, giving date a hand-job, throwing up, passing out (mid hand-job), waking up, eating a slim jim, drinking another handle (mid hand-job), passing out again, waking up, and then getting on the bus to go to Mexico.
Fun Fact: ADG used to have their formal at Chuck E Cheese's but were not allowed back when two brothers were caught boning their dates in the ball-pit.
Finally an ADG is able to pass out next to his date.& (The Toilet.)
Lambda ChiIf you're reading this and you actually went to Lambda Chi formal you're more than likely getting ready to graduate... from High School.& First it must be noted that the reason this formal was in the middle of nowhere is because these guys actually got kicked out of San Diego the year before.& You would think with 18 club promoters in their chapter, they could somehow still finagle their way back to San Diego and not have to settle for a white trash Casino Slapdick in palm fucking desert.& Lambda Chi officially gets the prize for worst formal location right behind Sig Ep's Catalina and Kappa Sigma's Hannnon Loft Formal.& I’m sure this formal was everything you expected it to be.& Horrible.& Thank god you'll be invited to Mexico next year right? Uhhhh.... right?Quick Facts:Location:& Cabazon, CAWhy you got invited:& Because you suckSorority your most likely in:& High school’s don’t have sororities.Most Commonly Used Drug on trip:& DickWildest Moment:& Your date took an extra chew of tobacco!& Some other guy wore extra hair gel at the formal!& Someone said &Man if only Sanjay were here, this would be awesome!& and everyone laughed and cheered!Fun Fact: Lambda Chi was pursued by MTV last year film a TRUE LIFE documentary titled &MORONGO:& THE REAL FRAT FORMAL& but footage turned out so god damn boring that filming ended half way through.& PBS plans on airing the footage early next year.
&If only the guys at Harry O’s could see me now!”
Sigma Lambda Beta
Oh Jesus, even I have no idea.& I’m not touchin this one with a 5 foot pole.&
Quick Facts:
Location: N/A
Why you got invited:& N/A
Sorority your most likely in:& N/AMost Commonly Used Drug on trip:& N/A
Wildest Moment:& N/A
Fun Fact: N/A
No caption available
If we were betting people, we'd bet all our money that Beta's formal sucked.& Unfortunately, due to a mishap by their E-board, the formal was supposed to be held at the Las Vegas Hilton where the 22nd annual Star Wars convention was being held.& Ron Burgundy said it best.& Go fuck yourself San Diego.& You have officially housed the biggest nerd convention since Lambda Chi last year.& The only difference is, those guys actually got laid.& Who cares if the girls were still in High School!& &We know this formal was a waste of a weekend but hey, look on the bright side, at least it wasn't Catalina.
Quick Facts
Location:& Sunken Gardens
Why you got invited:& You didn't
Sorority you're most likely in:& Sig Ep
Most Commonly Used Drug on trip:& Pepsi and PizzaWildest Moment:& Watching Problem Child 1 and 2 in your hotel room.
Fun Fact: Beta actually means Boner in Swedish.
It looks like there are no girls in the picture but that’s because they’re just dressed up as storm troopers.
If you're offended by any of this, Go fuck yourself. You're in a frat.
Posted by JV.
Because shows about stupid, rich, spoiled kids never get old. I mean, honestly, is it really that big of a deal that your D-bag of a boyfriend who you probably shouldn't be dating anyway is hooking up with someone else? It'll be ok sweetheart, I'm sure there's about 500,000 other guys in LA alone that wouldn't mind getting into your pants. Why the 14-25 year old demographic is so obsessed with shows that have dialogue as meaningful as toddlers at Toys-R-Us is beyond me. But something tells me that if we were to document our weekends at LMU, we might have a new addition to MTV's outstanding nightly lineup.
Posted by JV.
You know when formals are over, Loyola Marymount '11 Facebook profiles are popping up (not that I'm Advanced Searching for them or anything) and the demand for Adderall rivals the demand for unprotected sex, that the school year is coming to a close. Which for most of us is a blessing and a curse in that, sure, you're not going to have waste brain cells bullshitting how ISQM frameworks are relevant in a company's business model, but at the same time, some of us are going to be separated for a few months or permanently because of graduation.
Seniors, probably better than I, know full well about the beginning of the end. How does one make the transition from Flip Cup tournaments to department vs. department softball tournaments? Trading in shitshow exchanges for company picnics? Man, remember when a 3 hour long class was tough to swallow? Try a 9-5. I would rather listen to my MGMT professor lecture about sexual harassment. So to the seniors, good luck. Hope you enjoy climbing the corporate ladder at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. If you find yourself rotting in a cubicle, feel free to check us out. Or just log onto Facebook and get tortured by how much fun we're all having.
I felt that the title of this article is appropriate with summer quickly approaching. With the entire spring semester already feeling like first semester senior year , this summer shouldn't disappoint. With a good number of us staying down here this summer--fuck going home--, talking to friends who stayed down here last summer, and a combination of incoming college seniors who don't give a fuck, have money to waste, no school, and sunny weather, it's going to be nuts. I mean I could be putting this summer on a pedestal expecting some American Pie 2-esque&summer blackout crazy rager 24/7 drunk fest, but spending a summer with the people I party with regularly beats any 30-minute-drive-to-the-beach/high schoolish drama infested BOR*CAL San Jose summer. I mean I am the type of person that likes to spend nights I can't remember with friends I'll never forget.
While everything seems so far from over, it really isn't. Right seniors? It is a sense of apprehension that has me more scared of post-LMU life than a Catholic celebrating Easter and/or Christmas with John Jorgensen. Everything has just been so structured up to this point in our lives--preschool, kindergarden, elementary school, high school, loss of virginity, college--that it's somewhat unsettling not knowing what lies ahead. Grad students, let's be honest, you're only prolonging the process. It must be nice for those of us who have daddy's business to inherit or mommy's looks to bag a 40 year old entreprenuer who likes to cheat on his wife, but as for me, I have neither. Fucks me.
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
Posted by Jay
First and foremost, our prayers go out to the students of Virgina Tech...
Secondly, what the fuck was the administration thinking? Yes, it is easy for us to call them incompetent considering we have no idea what this could ever be like, but still... how about a little warning to the campus? Chain-of-events: a student gets shot at 7:15 in a dorm room, a two hour gap, and then thirty science and engineering students get shot in a classroom. When that first kid was killed, the campus should have been locked down and all classes should have been canceled immediately. Students weren't notified until 9:25 that a shooting had even taken place. I write YouAreSketch articles in ten minutes and they can't send out a mass email telling kids to get the fuck off campus ASAP? That's just completely unacceptable and even though both shootings have yet to be linked, what are the chances of a coincidence? Some guy comes to campus, kills a kid and then some other guy, completely isolated from the inital shooting, decides he wants to go massacre an entire classroom... at the same university? Do you need the FBI to figure out that one?
Thirdly, god forbid this ever happened at LMU. We are completely unprepared for anything of this magnitude and if the shooter felt like coming onto campus at 12:05 on a Tuesday, he'd have himself a fucking field day. I think P-Safe should take some serious notes from this situation and develop some kind of plan to better defend our campus. Stop giving me parking tickets for being unregistered and huddle together in an office, compile an entire emergency procedure, and buy some automatic weapons just in case. Keep in mind, if thirty people got killed at LMU, that's like half our student population.
If all this turns out to be true, Virginia Tech better do some serious layoffs...}


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