
& && && && & 公司有两台DC,主域,辅域
& && && && & 平时没有动它,现在主域创建不了用户了,活动目录其它操作也做不了
& && && && & 主域的DNS也没有问题,都可以解析到
NTDS Replication
本地域控制器最近没有收到来自一系列域控制器的复制信息。 显示了域控制器的数量,分成如下时间间隔。
超过 24 小时:
超过 tombstone 生存时间:
Tombstone 生存时间(天):
没有及时复制的域控制器可能遇到错误。它可能丢失密码 更改并且无法通过身份验证。没有在 tombstone 生存时间内 复制的 DC 可能丢失一些对象的删除,因此可能在将来的复制 中自动被阻塞,直到它重新协调。
要用名称识别域控制器,请安装 installation CD 上包含 的支持工具并运行 dcdiag.exe。
您也可以用支持工具 repadmin.exe 来显示林内域控制器的 复制延迟。命令是 &repadmin /showvector /latency &partition-dn&&。
NTDS Replication
此服务器是下列 FSMO 角色的所有者,但认为其无效。 对于包含 FSMO 的分区,此服务器自重新启动后尚未 成功地与其伙伴中的任何一个复制。复制错误阻止验证 此角色。
在此情况被更正之前,需要与 FSMO 操作主机联系的操作 将失败。
FSMO 角色: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
1. 初始同步是系统启动后由系统执行的第一次复制。初始同步故障可能说明 FSMO 角色无法被验证的原因。KB 文章 305476 解释了这一过程。
2. 此服务器拥有一个或多个复制伙伴,而且与所有这些伙伴的复制都失败。 请使用命令 repadmin /showrepl 显示复制错误。请更正有疑问的错误。 例如,IP 连接、DNS 名称解析或安全身份验证可能存在问题, 这些问题将导致复制失败。
3. 在最罕见的情况下,所有复制伙伴都没有联机,这可能发生,可能的原因包括维护和灾难恢复,您可以强制验证该角色。可以通过使用 NTDSUTIL.EXE 获取同一服务器的角色来完成。也可以使用
上 KB 文章 255504 和 324801 中提供的步骤来完成。
架构: 您不再能够修改此林的架构。
域命名: 您将不再能够向此林添加域或从此林删除域。
PDC: 您将不再能够执行主域控制器操作,如组策略更新和重置非 Active Directory 帐户的密码。
RID: 您将不能够为新用户帐户、计算机帐户和安全组分配新安全标识符。
结构: 跨域名称引用(如通用组成员)在其目标对象被移动或重命名后将不再正确更新。
(13.99 KB)
引用:原帖由 刘淑琴 于
14:49 发表
& && && && & 公司有两台DC,主域,辅域
& && && && & 平时没有动它,现在主域创建不了用户了,活动目录其它操作也做不了
& && && && & 主域的DNS也没有问题,都可以解析到
创建用户,打开A ... 有做DC备份没有?
Windows Server\Exchange\VMware技术支持QQ:!
引用:原帖由 刘淑琴 于
14:49 发表
& && && && & 公司有两台DC,主域,辅域
& && && && & 平时没有动它,现在主域创建不了用户了,活动目录其它操作也做不了
& && && && & 主域的DNS也没有问题,都可以解析到
创建用户,打开A ... 运行dcdiag
repadmin /showrepl
repadmiin /replsummary
Windows Server\Exchange\VMware技术支持QQ:!
引用:原帖由 kangl 于
16:25 发表
有做DC备份没有? 有一台辅助DC啊,但那台也很不稳定,经常出问题
引用:原帖由 kangl 于
16:46 发表
repadmin /showrepl
repadmiin /replsummary 运行dcdiag结果如下:
Domain Controller Diagnosis
Performing initial setup:
& &* Verifying that the local machine dc01, is a DC.
& &* Connecting to directory service on server dc01.
& &* Collecting site info.
& &* Identifying all servers.
& &* Identifying all NC cross-refs.
& &* Found 2 DC(s). Testing 1 of them.
& &Done gathering initial info.
Doing initial required tests
& &Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\DC01
& && &Starting test: Connectivity
& && && &* Active Directory LDAP Services Check
& && && &* Active Directory RPC Services Check
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test Connectivity
Doing primary tests
& &Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\DC01
& && &Starting test: Replications
& && && &* Replications Check
& && && &[Replications Check,DC01] A recent replication attempt failed:
& && && && &From DC02 to DC01
& && && && &Naming Context: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &The replication generated an error (1753):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && && && &The failure occurred at
& && && && &The last success occurred at
& && && && &18884 failures have occurred since the last success.
& && && && &The directory on DC02 is in the process.
& && && && &of starting up or shutting down, and is not available.
& && && && &Verify machine is not hung during boot.
& && && &[DC02] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 1722,
& && && &RPC 服务器不可用。.
& && && &Printing RPC Extended Error Info:
& && && &Error Record 1, ProcessID is 5696 (DcDiag)& && && &
& && && && &System Time is: 3/1/:30:515
& && && && &Generating component is 8 (winsock)
& && && && &Status is 1722: RPC 服务器不可用。
& && && && &Detection location is 323
& && && &Error Record 2, ProcessID is 5696 (DcDiag)& && && &
& && && && &System Time is: 3/1/:30:515
& && && && &Generating component is 8 (winsock)
& && && && &Status is 1237: 操作无法完成。应该重试。
& && && && &Detection location is 313
& && && &Error Record 3, ProcessID is 5696 (DcDiag)& && && &
& && && && &System Time is: 3/1/:30:515
& && && && &Generating component is 8 (winsock)
& && && && &Status is 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。
& && && && &Detection location is 311
& && && && &NumberOfParameters is 3
& && && && &Long val: 135
& && && && &Pointer val: 0
& && && && &Pointer val: 0
& && && &Error Record 4, ProcessID is 5696 (DcDiag)& && && &
& && && && &System Time is: 3/1/:30:515
& && && && &Generating component is 8 (winsock)
& && && && &Status is 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。
& && && && &Detection location is 318
& && && &[Replications Check,DC01] A recent replication attempt failed:
& && && && &From DC02 to DC01
& && && && &Naming Context: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &The replication generated an error (1753):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && && && &The failure occurred at
& && && && &The last success occurred at
& && && && &22213 failures have occurred since the last success.
& && && && &The directory on DC02 is in the process.
& && && && &of starting up or shutting down, and is not available.
& && && && &Verify machine is not hung during boot.
& && && &[Replications Check,DC01] A recent replication attempt failed:
& && && && &From DC02 to DC01
& && && && &Naming Context: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &The replication generated an error (1753):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && && && &The failure occurred at
& && && && &The last success occurred at
& && && && &18180 failures have occurred since the last success.
& && && && &The directory on DC02 is in the process.
& && && && &of starting up or shutting down, and is not available.
& && && && &Verify machine is not hung during boot.
& && && &[Replications Check,DC01] A recent replication attempt failed:
& && && && &From DC02 to DC01
& && && && &Naming Context: CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &The replication generated an error (1753):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && && && &The failure occurred at
& && && && &The last success occurred at
& && && && &6818 failures have occurred since the last success.
& && && && &The directory on DC02 is in the process.
& && && && &of starting up or shutting down, and is not available.
& && && && &Verify machine is not hung during boot.
& && && &[Replications Check,DC01] A recent replication attempt failed:
& && && && &From DC02 to DC01
& && && && &Naming Context: DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &The replication generated an error (1753):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && && && &The failure occurred at
& && && && &The last success occurred at
& && && && &676647 failures have occurred since the last success.
& && && && &The directory on DC02 is in the process.
& && && && &of starting up or shutting down, and is not available.
& && && && &Verify machine is not hung during boot.
& && && &* Replication Latency Check
& && && &DC01:&&Current time is
& && && && &DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && && &Last replication recieved from DC02 at
& && && && && &WARNING:&&This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 7 days!
& && && && &DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && && &Last replication recieved from DC02 at
& && && && && &WARNING:&&This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 7 days!
& && && && &CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && && &Last replication recieved from DC02 at
& && && && && &WARNING:&&This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 7 days!
& && && && &CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && && &Last replication recieved from DC02 at
& && && && && &WARNING:&&This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 7 days!
& && && && &DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && && &Last replication recieved from DC02 at
& && && && && &WARNING:&&This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 7 days!
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test Replications
& && &Test omitted by user request: Topology
& && &Test omitted by user request: CutoffServers
& && &Starting test: NCSecDesc
& && && &* Security Permissions check for all NC's on DC DC01.
& && && &* Security Permissions Check for
& && && &&&DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &(NDNC,Version 2)
& && && &* Security Permissions Check for
& && && &&&DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &(NDNC,Version 2)
& && && &* Security Permissions Check for
& && && &&&CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &(Schema,Version 2)
& && && &* Security Permissions Check for
& && && &&&CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &(Configuration,Version 2)
& && && &* Security Permissions Check for
& && && &&&DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && && &(Domain,Version 2)
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test NCSecDesc
& && &Starting test: NetLogons
& && && &* Network Logons Privileges Check
& && && &Verified share \\DC01\netlogon
& && && &Verified share \\DC01\sysvol
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test NetLogons
& && &Starting test: Advertising
& && && &Fatal Error:DsGetDcName (DC01) call failed, error 1355
& && && &The Locator could not find the server.
& && && &......................... DC01 failed test Advertising
& && &Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
& && && &Role Schema Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &Role Domain Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &Role PDC Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &Role Rid Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &Role Infrastructure Update Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
& && &Starting test: RidManager
& && && &* Available RID Pool for the Domain is 2103 to
& && && &* dc01.ample.corp is the RID Master
& && && &* DsBind with RID Master was successful
& && && &* rIDAllocationPool is 1103 to 1602
& && && &* rIDPreviousAllocationPool is 1103 to 1602
& && && &* rIDNextRID: 1602
& && && &* Warning :Next rid pool not allocated
& && && &* Warning :There is less than 0% available RIDs in the current pool
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test RidManager
& && &Starting test: MachineAccount
& && && &Checking machine account for DC DC01 on DC DC01.
& && && &* SPN found :LDAP/dc01.ample.corp/ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :LDAP/dc01.ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :LDAP/DC01
& && && &* SPN found :LDAP/dc01.ample.corp/AMPLE
& && && &* SPN found :LDAP/6e5fabfe-c8e3-d80c63946c2._msdcs.ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :EB06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/6e5fabfe-c8e3-d80c63946c2/ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :HOST/dc01.ample.corp/ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :HOST/dc01.ample.corp
& && && &* SPN found :HOST/DC01
& && && &* SPN found :HOST/dc01.ample.corp/AMPLE
& && && &* SPN found :GC/dc01.ample.corp/ample.corp
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test MachineAccount
& && &Starting test: Services
& && && &* Checking Service: Dnscache
& && && &* Checking Service: NtFrs
& && && &* Checking Service: IsmServ
& && && &* Checking Service: kdc
& && && &* Checking Service: SamSs
& && && &* Checking Service: LanmanServer
& && && &* Checking Service: LanmanWorkstation
& && && &* Checking Service: RpcSs
& && && &* Checking Service: w32time
& && && &* Checking Service: NETLOGON
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test Services
& && &Test omitted by user request: OutboundSecureChannels
& && &Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
& && && &DC01 is in domain DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &Checking for CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ample,DC=corp in domain DC=ample,DC=corp on 1 servers
& && && && &Object is up-to-date on all servers.
& && && &Checking for CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp in domain CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp on 1 servers
& && && && &Object is up-to-date on all servers.
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test ObjectsReplicated
& && &Starting test: frssysvol
& && && &* The File Replication Service SYSVOL ready test
& && && &File Replication Service's SYSVOL is ready
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test frssysvol
& && &Starting test: frsevent
& && && &* The File Replication Service Event log test
& && && &There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the
& && && &SYSVOL has been shared.&&Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause
& && && &Group Policy problems.
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0xC0003500
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:52:15
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &......................... DC01 failed test frsevent
& && &Starting test: kccevent
& && && &* The KCC Event log test
& && && &Found no KCC errors in Directory Service Event log in the last 15 minutes.
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test kccevent
& && &Starting test: systemlog
& && && &* The System Event log test
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0x
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:47:44
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0x
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:47:54
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0xC00010E1
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:51:35
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0x0000166D
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:51:35
& && && && &Event String: Netlogon could not register the AMPLE&1B& name
for the following reason:
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0x
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:51:50
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0x0000410B
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:51:50
& && && && &(Event String could not be retrieved)
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0xC0000002
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &14:52:42
& && && && &Event String: A network interface has failed. An Ethernet adapter's status changed from OK to Error, or an Ethernet team's status changed to Error from another state.
User Action
Check the network cables, switches, and hubs for the cause of the failure.
WBEM Indication Properties
AlertingElementFormat: 2 0x2 (CIMObjectPath)
AlertingManagedElement: &\\DC01\ROOT\HPQ:HP_WinEthernetPort.DeviceID=&{FD-40D5-94EA-}&,CreationClassName=&HP_WinEthernetPort&,SystemCreationClassName=&HP_WinComputerSystem&,SystemName=&dc01.ample.corp&&
AlertType: 2 0x2 (Communications Alert)
Description: &A network interface has failed. An Ethernet adapter's status changed from OK to Error, or an Ethernet team's status changed to Error from another state.&
EventCategory: 9 0x9 (Network Device)
EventID: &2&
EventSubCategory: 11 0xb (Ethernet Port)
ImpactedDomain: 4 0x4 (System)
IndicationIdentifier: &{947E1BFA-678B-4807-BF57-9B50C1EAD3C4}&
IndicationTime: &40.&
NetworkAddresses[0]: &
OSType: 69 0x45 (Microsoft Windows Server 2003)
OSVersion: &5.2.3790&
PerceivedSeverity: 6 0x6 (Critical)
ProbableCause: 7 0x7 (Communications Subsystem Failure)
ProbableCauseDescription: &Network Interface Lost Connectivity&
ProviderName: &HP Ethernet&
ProviderVersion: &
RecommendedActions[0]: &Check the network cables, switches, and hubs for the cause of the failure.&
Summary: &Network interface lost connectivity&
SystemCreationClassName: &HP_WinComputerSystem&
SystemFirmwareVersion[0]: &&
SystemGUID: &8145CBE7-8DFE-D511-93F5-984BE1600FB0&
SystemModel: &ProLiant DL160 G6&
SystemName: &dc01.ample.corp&
SystemProductID: &QP661A&
SystemSerialNumber: &CN71250GZP&
For more information, please contact HP Support.
& && && &An Error Event occured.&&EventID: 0xC0000002
& && && && &Time Generated: 03/01/2016& &15:27:32
& && && && &Event String: A network interface has failed. An Ethernet adapter's status changed from OK to Error, or an Ethernet team's status changed to Error from another state.
User Action
Check the network cables, switches, and hubs for the cause of the failure.
WBEM Indication Properties
AlertingElementFormat: 2 0x2 (CIMObjectPath)
AlertingManagedElement: &\\DC01\ROOT\HPQ:HP_WinEthernetPort.DeviceID=&{8A5D2D96-754F-}&,CreationClassName=&HP_WinEthernetPort&,SystemCreationClassName=&HP_WinComputerSystem&,SystemName=&dc01.ample.corp&&
AlertType: 2 0x2 (Communications Alert)
Description: &A network interface has failed. An Ethernet adapter's status changed from OK to Error, or an Ethernet team's status changed to Error from another state.&
EventCategory: 9 0x9 (Network Device)
EventID: &2&
EventSubCategory: 11 0xb (Ethernet Port)
ImpactedDomain: 4 0x4 (System)
IndicationIdentifier: &{074B2D3E-2B8E-4CBD-B316-}&
IndicationTime: &31.&
OSType: 69 0x45 (Microsoft Windows Server 2003)
OSVersion: &5.2.3790&
PerceivedSeverity: 6 0x6 (Critical)
ProbableCause: 7 0x7 (Communications Subsystem Failure)
ProbableCauseDescription: &Network Interface Lost Connectivity&
ProviderName: &HP Ethernet&
ProviderVersion: &
RecommendedActions[0]: &Check the network cables, switches, and hubs for the cause of the failure.&
Summary: &Network interface lost connectivity&
SystemCreationClassName: &HP_WinComputerSystem&
SystemFirmwareVersion[0]: &&
SystemGUID: &8145CBE7-8DFE-D511-93F5-984BE1600FB0&
SystemModel: &ProLiant DL160 G6&
SystemName: &dc01.ample.corp&
SystemProductID: &QP661A&
SystemSerialNumber: &CN71250GZP&
For more information, please contact HP Support.
& && && &......................... DC01 failed test systemlog
& && &Test omitted by user request: VerifyReplicas
& && &Starting test: VerifyReferences
& && && &The system object reference (serverReference)
& && && &CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ample,DC=corp and backlink on
& && && &CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &are correct.
& && && &The system object reference (frsComputerReferenceBL)
& && && &CN=DC01,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &and backlink on CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ample,DC=corp are
& && && &correct.
& && && &The system object reference (serverReferenceBL)
& && && &CN=DC01,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &and backlink on
& && && &CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ample,DC=corp
& && && &are correct.
& && && &......................... DC01 passed test VerifyReferences
& && &Test omitted by user request: VerifyEnterpriseReferences
& && &Test omitted by user request: CheckSecurityError
& &Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
& && &Starting test: CrossRefValidation
& && && &......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
& && &Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
& && && &......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
& &Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
& && &Starting test: CrossRefValidation
& && && &......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
& && &Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
& && && &......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
& &Running partition tests on : Schema
& && &Starting test: CrossRefValidation
& && && &......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
& && &Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
& && && &......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
& &Running partition tests on : Configuration
& && &Starting test: CrossRefValidation
& && && &......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
& && &Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
& && && &......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
& &Running partition tests on : ample
& && &Starting test: CrossRefValidation
& && && &......................... ample passed test CrossRefValidation
& && &Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
& && && &......................... ample passed test CheckSDRefDom
& &Running enterprise tests on : ample.corp
& && &Starting test: Intersite
& && && &Skipping site Default-First-Site-Name, this site is outside the scope
& && && &provided by the command line arguments provided.
& && && &......................... ample.corp passed test Intersite
& && &Starting test: FsmoCheck
& && && &Warning: DcGetDcName(GC_SERVER_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355
& && && &A Global Catalog Server could not be located - All GC's are down.
& && && &Warning: DcGetDcName(PDC_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355
& && && &A Primary Domain Controller could not be located.
& && && &The server holding the PDC role is down.
& && && &Warning: DcGetDcName(TIME_SERVER) call failed, error 1355
& && && &A Time Server could not be located.
& && && &The server holding the PDC role is down.
& && && &Preferred Time Server Name: \\dc01.ample.corp
& && && &Locator Flags: 0xe00003e5
& && && &Warning: DcGetDcName(KDC_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355
& && && &A KDC could not be located - All the KDCs are down.
& && && &......................... ample.corp failed test FsmoCheck
& && &Test omitted by user request: DNS
& && &Test omitted by user request: DNS
引用:原帖由 kangl 于
16:46 发表
repadmin /showrepl
repadmiin /replsummary 运行repadmin /showrepl结果如下:
repadmin running command /showrepl against server localhost
DC Options: IS_GC
Site Options: (none)
DC object GUID: 6e5fabfe-c8e3-d80c63946c2
DC invocationID: 6e5fabfe-c8e3-d80c63946c2
==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ======================================
& & Default-First-Site-Name\DC02 via RPC
& && &&&DC object GUID: 8c36bfc3-8da0-4513-adc1-3c
& && &&&Last attempt @
14:51:30 failed, result d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && &&&676647 consecutive failure(s).
& && &&&Last success @
& & Default-First-Site-Name\DC02 via RPC
& && &&&DC object GUID: 8c36bfc3-8da0-4513-adc1-3c
& && &&&Last attempt @
14:51:30 failed, result d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && &&&6818 consecutive failure(s).
& && &&&Last success @
& & Default-First-Site-Name\DC02 via RPC
& && &&&DC object GUID: 8c36bfc3-8da0-4513-adc1-3c
& && &&&Last attempt @
14:51:30 failed, result d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && &&&18180 consecutive failure(s).
& && &&&Last success @
& & Default-First-Site-Name\DC02 via RPC
& && &&&DC object GUID: 8c36bfc3-8da0-4513-adc1-3c
& && &&&Last attempt @
14:51:30 failed, result d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && &&&22213 consecutive failure(s).
& && &&&Last success @
& & Default-First-Site-Name\DC02 via RPC
& && &&&DC object GUID: 8c36bfc3-8da0-4513-adc1-3c
& && &&&Last attempt @
14:51:30 failed, result d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
& && &&&18884 consecutive failure(s).
& && &&&Last success @
Source: Default-First-Site-Name\DC02
******* 676647 CONSECUTIVE FAILURES since
Last error: d9):
& && && && &终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
引用:原帖由 kangl 于
16:46 发表
repadmin /showrepl
repadmiin /replsummary 我的DC是不是没救了? 现在勉强还能正常使用,我怕哪天所有用户都登录不上域了,那就麻烦了
记得点“引用/回复” 我才能跟踪你的问题与反馈。
引用:原帖由 刘淑琴 于
18:06 发表
我的DC是不是没救了? 现在勉强还能正常使用,我怕哪天所有用户都登录不上域了,那就麻烦了 还能用的,只是需要强制同步,可能现在的数据都在BDC上,可以尝试转移FSMO角色,再把主DC降级再加入!
Windows Server\Exchange\VMware技术支持QQ:!
在线云服务-您身边的IT专家团 ...
然后选择可以建立用户以及服务比较少的 直接seize五大角色,在清除另外一台DC,重新制作加入域在提升!
引用:原帖由 IT之梦 于
16:09 发表
然后选择可以建立用户以及服务比较少的 直接seize五大角色,在清除另外一台DC,重新制作加入域在提升! ... 正解!!!!!!
引用:原帖由 IT之梦 于
16:09 发表
然后选择可以建立用户以及服务比较少的 直接seize五大角色,在清除另外一台DC,重新制作加入域在提升! ... 你又出现了
在线云服务-您身边的IT专家团 ...
引用:原帖由 wanxiaoyong 于
09:48 发表
你又出现了 尼玛!不乐意啊!!!不然明年的MVP怎么弄?没有了还怎么装B


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