
一、 立场文件的内容&
为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and
International Security Committee)的英国(United
Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
UNFCCC)以及《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)的相关规定”。
&&& Delegate:
Zhang San, Wang Wu
&&& School:
Beijing No.1 Middle School
&&& Country:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Committee: ECOSOC
&&& Topic:
International Migration
International Migration has become a world focus, for it has close
relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration
is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On
the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems,
inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare,
racial and gender discrimination. As a developed country in west
Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international
migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the
number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the
nation’s population. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has
stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK
international community has long paid attention to the problem of
migration. In 2003, the Global Commission on International
Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN
agencies can work together to address migration issues. The Office
of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also
working on important human rights issue in international migration.
There have also been a number of international documents produced
which affect the treatment of migrants, such as the 1990
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all
Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
&&& The UK
government is always making effort in many aspects to provide
better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration.
UK is always working to constitute better social environment for
legal migrants. For instance, UK put forward the new bill on
migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria
for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.
affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the
issue of international migration. UK would like to utilize the
power of international legislation to standardize migration. UK
would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among
countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues.
Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on
migration issues with third-world countries. In details, UK intends
to establish express gateways to welcome legal migrants and work
with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants. To sum
up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries,
international migration will contribute more to the world and cause
less trouble.
&&& 1、抬头
&&& 2、正文
&&& 作用:
对各国:确定国家间是否具有共同的目标和利益等等,是否有可能进行协商和合作 。&
&&& 注意事项
&&& If the
Security Council can not reach agreement on sanctions against Iran,
the United States will "go it alone", bypassing the United Nations,
Joint their loyal allies, and the specific composition of the
"Union sanctions," to impose sanctions on Iran. However, the United
States temporarily to Iran will not consider a comprehensive
economic sanctions, especially the oil embargo. If Iran daily about
3 million barrels of crude oil exports had been suspended,
international oil prices will be rising dramatically. This will not
only hurt the U.S. economy, also affected other countries, the
sanctions affect their participation in the initiative. Third, the
United States and Israel against Iran's nuclear facilities and
other major targets, surgical operation-style strike. The Bush
administration has not ruled out the right of Iran to take military
action possible. Many hawks in the United States appears, in
addition to military means, the United States is no other solution
to the Iran nuclear issue, is an effective way Senator McCann
claimed, "Only one thing than to take military action even worse,
It is the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran. "With the Iranian
nuclear problem is escalating The United States on Iran the
possibility of a military strike is also increasing. Recently, the
U.S. troops stationed in Iraq from 127,000 people to 140,000
people. The move is sending more troops to deal with Iraq's
continued deterioration of the security situation, would not
exclude the possibility of using force against Iran to prepare.
Furthermore, Israel may also separate the Iranian launch a
pre-emptive strike. Due to geopolitical reasons, Israel than the
United States is worried that Iran's nuclear program. even in 2-3
years Iran could produce nuclear weapons. Therefore, Israel has
been in Iran for the right to take military operations. It has
already been purchased for the United States to attack underground
bunkers target smart bombs, and bought two from Germany to launch a
nuclear attack submarines advanced. According to Western media
reports, Israeli Air Force Commander Eliezer Shakaidi recent
appointment as overall responsibility for the "Iran front," the
commander. A lot of resistance through sanctions to weaken the
sanctions and isolation of Iran, is the established policy of the
United States at this stage. The United States has attempted to
Iran refuses to suspend uranium enrichment as an excuse to build an
anti-Iraq alliance, and get the Security Council to impose
sanctions on Iran. Because Iran is a major energy exporter, with
many large state-owned closer economic relations, including the EU,
Russia, India, among other countries, many countries did not want
sanctions against Iran. Furthermore, the International Atomic
Energy Agency has found that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons
evidence that the imposition of severe sanctions against Iraq less
than legal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on September 15
reiterated that the nuclear issue of Iraq and Russia's position is
that neither ruled out the imposition of sanctions on Iran, does
not rule out veto the sanctions are possible. Russia deal with the
issue of Iran's nuclear trick, first with ambiguous attitude
pressure Iran to compromise put into action in the West when
Layilang one. United States sanctions against Iran, Russia must
cross this hurdle. The EU believed that sanctions would only push
Iran more strongly against the state. European countries in the
economic and trade with Iran in close contact. Germany, France,
Iran, Italy were second, third, fourth largest trading partner.
Europe has several big oil companies in Iran bulk business. If Iran
sanctions, the EU interests will be the first to suffer from
combat. In addition, the EU also believes that the West need not
only on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation cooperation with
Iran, but also in Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and other issues with
it. Iran sanctions will on the issue with the Western disturbance.
Developing countries have traditionally dissatisfied with the
United States in international affairs, particularly in the nuclear
non-proliferation issues, the double standard. Bush has recently
cropped up an "Islamic fascism" was also the subject of some
Islamic countries strongly resent. The United States wants to
persuade the Council of the developing countries expressed support
for sanctions against Iran, it was not easy. Havana in the
just-concluded 14th Non-Aligned Movement summit, the heads of state
issued a joint statement, support for Iran's peaceful use of
nuclear energy, I believe that the Iranian nuclear issue through
peaceful dialogue to be resolved. Venezuelan President Chavez more
clear : "Iran is now facing the threat" ... "We will stand together
with you." Deeply touched by the Nejad simply call themselves and
Richards with the United States fighting "pair of fellow
sufferers." The use of force is not easy to say Iran is different
from Saddam's rule of Iraq, its economic strength, have
considerable military strength, coupled with the complex topography
of Iran nuclear facilities scattered other reasons, the United
States, Israel's military actions against Iran, there is a certain
degree of difficulty. In addition, Iran in the Middle East region
and other countries Shiite radical forces have an important impact.
The United States fully supports Israel in the conflict between
Lebanon and Israel who have suffered setbacks to prove that the
Middle East region Shiite anti-American armed strength can not
belittle. From the energy perspective, Iran is OPEC's second
largest oil exporter, rich oil and gas resources in international
energy markets actor. Iran is also in control of the Persian Gulf
oil transport corridor -- the Strait of Hormuz. Once the war
started, Iran suspended oil exports or blockade the Strait of
Hormuz, the international oil prices will deal a fatal blow. A
recent report said, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld also
to resolve the Iranian nuclear program "military options" expressed
sharp opposition. According to American intelligence estimates that
Iran's nuclear technology development is still at the research
stage, the successful production of nuclear weapons. still 5-10
years. Such as the United States still have enough time to do a
military strike diplomatic preparations. In particular, the United
States midterm Congressional elections approaching, the war in Iraq
to the Republican Party, the negative impact Bush in the
pre-election period will not act rashly. From the United States
military capability, on Iran surgical strikes against no problem,
The key lies in how to deal with military strikes after the
upheaval. Some analysts believe that the midterm Congressional
elections, the United States may, together with Israel against
Iran's nuclear facilities to fight. This may be not much, but can
not be completely ruled out. Negotiation is the only best option
for the United States and Iran, the confrontation is not a wise
choice, whether to use force or the implementation of comprehensive
economic sanctions, the result will be a lose-lose. Negotiations to
resolve the Iranian nuclear issue best interests of all parties.
Currently, negotiations to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue is
still hopeful. Holds the EU's rotating presidency Finnish Foreign
Minister Erkki Tuomioja said explicitly that it is not the
imposition of sanctions on Iran when EU calls for Iran to engage in
serious dialogue, through diplomatic means to resolve the Iranian
nuclear issue. Recently, EU foreign and security policy, Javier
Solana, High Representative of the Iranian nuclear issue and the
chief negotiator at the talks Editorials and have made certain
progress. The United States did not consider the peace talks door
ajar. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on September 11 in Canada
with a reporter's question, said, Iran needs prior to the start of
negotiations to stop its uranium enrichment activities, even a
temporary halt would be acceptable. U.S. ambassador to the
International Atomic Energy Agency representatives suggested
imposition of sanctions side, the side of the diplomatic
negotiations. These stand for peace talks set aside a certain
space. China has always been opposed to all forms of nuclear
proliferation, advocates a political and diplomatic means to solve
the proliferation problem. resolutely opposed to the imposition of
sanctions on Iran. September 13, the Chinese representative to the
IAEA Board of Governors to consider the Iran nuclear issue, said
China hopes Iraq to implement the UN Security Council and the
relevant resolutions of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
continue to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy
Agency, to create conditions for the resumption of talks.
Meanwhile, the Chinese side also hopes other parties concerned to
continue to remain calm and exercise restraint, uphold peace
settlement. It seems the Iranian nuclear issue is still hope for a
peaceful settlement.
&&& 代表:陈卫杰
&&& 学校:向明中学


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