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VRay Adv 3.40.01 for 3dsMax(Design)2014_64bit(高级渲染器)中英文切换加强版
TA的每日心情开心昨天&11:41签到天数: 253 天[LV.8]以坛为家I
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V-Ray for 3dsMax 是 3dsMax 的高级全局照明渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司 Chaos Software 公司设计完成的拥有“光线跟踪”和“全局照明”渲染器,用来代替 Max 原有的“线性扫描渲染器”,VRay 还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的“三维运动模煳”、“微三角形置换”、“焦散”、通过 VRay 材质的调节完成“次曲面散布”的 SSS 效果、和“网络分布式渲染”等等。
& && & 目前世界上出色的渲染器却为数不多,如:Chaos Software 公司的 VRay, SplutterFish 公司的 Brail,Cebas 公司的 FinalRender,Autodesk 公司的 Lightcape,还有运行在 Maya 上的 Renderman 等。这几款渲染器各有所长,但 VRay 的灵活性、易用性更见长,并且 VRay 还有焦散之王的美誉。
本版支持 3ds Max(Design)2014的 64 位版本:
从 VRay 3.30.05 版本后的更改功能以及修复如下:
内部版本 3.40.01(官方)(日)
(*) V-Ray:新增支持 3ds Max 2017 包含:
& && &&&- 新物理材质初始支持;
& && &&&- 在 V-Ray RT 支持 MultiTile(多个平铺);
& && &&&- 在 V-Ray RT 支持 ColorMap(颜色贴图);
& && &&&- VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):初始 HiDPI 缩放支持;
(*) VRayDenoiser(VR-降噪):实现一个新的渲染元素包含图像的降噪版本:
& && &&&- 降噪可以利用硬件加速;
& && &&&- 可以在渲染完成后调整降噪结果;
& && &&&- 在渐进渲染期间定时更新降噪结果;
& && &&&- 按降噪所需自动添加渲染元素;
(*) vdenoise.exe:一种新的降噪静止图像以及动画帧混合的命令行工具;
(*) V-Ray:默认情况下启用全局照明(GI);
(*) V-Ray:添加另一个深输出分段合并模式,“无”,其中分段不合并在所有;
(*) V-Ray:添加“层”类型来覆盖材质排除列表;
(*) V-Ray:添加折射过滤烘焙元素;
(*) V-Ray:将细分率低且超出视图的毛发和置换/细分几何体保存在大场景内存中;
(*) V-Ray:从材质编辑器的界面移动 VRayHDRI 的平铺纹理选项到 V-Ray 的设置选项卡;
(*) V-Ray:如果“仅显示全局照明(GI)”已启用,就打印一个警告;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:添加正交摄影机的支持;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:添加程序澡波纹理图凹凸的支持;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:打印在虚拟帧缓冲区(VFB)统计的内存使用情况;
(*) VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):添加选项,如果渲染正常完成(即不中止),启用自动保存(自存)到历史;
(*) VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):添加选项可保持虚拟帧缓冲区历史文件夹相对于当前的项目路径;
(*) VRayAerialPerspective(VR-空气透视):添加“过滤颜色”参数;
(*) VRayIES:添加一个选项来选择发光强度,单位:坎德拉(cd);
(*) VRayInstancer(VR-实例):添加选项来覆盖源对象的节点属性;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl(VR-随机雪花材质):添加支持纹理雪花;
(*) VRayStereoscopic(VR-立体):添加对垂直放置左/右视图的支持,并排除外;
(*) VRayTriplanarTex(VR-三角平面纹理):添加随机模式:“按粒子 ID”/“按实例 ID”;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid(VR-体积栅格):实现了弹出并放大渲染图表的能力;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid(VR-体积栅格):在渲染图表中实现每个点不同的插值类型;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid(VR-体积栅格):按非网格模式的切割几何体来实现运动模糊剪切;
(*) .vrscene exporter(V-Ray 场景文件导出器):在导出到 .vrscene(V-Ray 场景文件)的过程中显示进度条,而不是“没有响应”;
(*) V-Ray scene converter(V-Ray 场景转换器):将没有光域网(Web)的矩形/球体/圆盘光度学灯光转换为相应的 V-Ray 灯光;
(*) ply2vrmesh.exe:存储使用 OBJ 文件的纹理名称到用户属性;
(*) vrayspawner.exe:使它有可能从远程位置来运行 V-Ray;
(*) V-Ray:更快的渲染灯光缓存;
(*) V-Ray:将“固定”和“自适应”采样器用户界面(UI)混合到“渲染块”图像采样器;
(*) V-Ray:启用处理器组,并且在默认情况下支持超过 64 个 CPU 内核;
(*) V-Ray:将“颜色阈值”重命名为自适应图像采样器中的“噪波阈值”;
(*) V-Ray:与自动生成用户界面(UI)插件旁边添加颜色纹理图快捷按钮
(*) V-Ray:添加用户界面(UI)模式视图切换为图像采样器卷展栏;
(*) V-Ray:使 DR 设置窗口可保存大小;
(*) V-Ray:从用户界面(UI)移除“自适应细分”采样器;
(*) V-Ray:慢速渲染在玻璃的多个窗格之后的可见对象;
(*) V-Ray:日志消息窗口文本和背景匹配 3ds Max 的配色方案;
(*) VRayLight(VR-灯光):精简用户界面(UI)卷展栏;
(*) VRayLight(VR-灯光):当通过用户界面(UI)分配新的 VRayHDRI 或位图纹理,自动浏览文件并将贴图设置到球形环境;
(*) V-Ray RT:将关于当前噪波阈值添加到渲染统计;
(*) V-Ray RT:启用区域更改,无需重新启动 RT 渲染;
(*) V-Ray RT:默认情况下启用代理,外部参照,粒子系统,置换和运动模糊的渲染;
(*) V-Ray RT:使产品级和 ActiveShade(实时渲染)渲染器独立覆盖材质;
(*) V-Ray RT:优化导出有许多面、并且有许多实例几何体的场景;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:添加 VRayDirt(VR-污垢)“偏移”微调器的支持;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:改进自动调整纹理大小,从而导致减少内存的使用量和更好的质量;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:优化 VRayBlendMaterial(VR-混合材质)的渲染;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:加速加载已调整大小的纹理到 GPU;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU:警告那些将所有的 GPU 都用于渲染的用户;
(*) VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):添加一个打开 V-Ray 消息窗口的按钮;
(*) VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):当图像无法保存在历史上时,显示警告;
(*) VFB(虚拟帧缓冲区):MAXScript 命令“vfbcontrol # clearimage”不应触发确认对话框;
(*) VRayDisplacementMod(VR-置换模式):自动计算 2D 置换模式中的“精度”参数;
(*) VRayDisplacementMod(VR-置换模式):在默认情况下启用“静态几何体”选项;
(*) VRayExposureControl(VR-曝光控制):恢复 3ds Max 2016 和更高版本;
(*) VRayFur(VR-毛皮):更快的发束生成;
(*) VRayHDRI:从“窗口管理器”到“文件编辑字段”实现纹理文件的拖放;
(*) VRayMtl(VR-材质):改进 GGX/GTR 采样,以减少萤火虫;
(*) VRayMtl(VR-材质):“各向异性”微调器有一个较低的步骤;
(*) VRayProxy(VR-代理):优化渲染;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl(VR-随机雪花材质):改进重要性采样算法,去掉“纹理细分”参数;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl(VR-随机雪花材质):将“雪花量”视为雪花数量的平方根;
(*) VRaySun/VRaySky(VR-太阳/VR-天空):添加“混合角度”和“地平线偏移”选项到用户界面;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid(VR-体积栅格):添加更改网格预览颜色的选项;
(*) V-Ray 场景转换器:将 3ds Max 的法线凹凸贴图转换为 VRayNormalM(VR-法线贴图);
关注拓者 开眼界!奖励66金币!
TA的每日心情开心昨天&11:41签到天数: 253 天[LV.8]以坛为家I
中国汉化账户充值用户可用完全汉化增强版,如果没有账户或者尚未充值的可安装普通版,普通版就是尚未全部汉化,个人觉得普通版也可以啦,因为常用的大部分是汉化的。1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区(语言):&大陆,保加利亚(简体中文,英文) 发行时间:&2011年
制作发行:&原发行公司:Chaos Group汉化及双语制作:Ma5 顶渲
[软件简介] V-Ray 顶渲中英文双语切换版,是学习及掌握V-Ray的最佳选择,在使用时,可进行中英文自由切换,从而对软件的每个参数进行透彻领悟,是从入...
收藏人数: 1543
中文名:&VRay渲染器2.0(更新Vray2.0 For MAYA X86&X64)英文名:&Vray ADV.Render V2.0资源格式:&压缩包版本:&2.0制作发行:&地区:&语言:&简介:&
V-Ray for 3dmax介绍 .V-Ray for 3dmax是3dmax的超级渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司Chaos Software公司设计完成的拥有Raytracing(光线跟踪)和Global Illumination(全局照明)渲染器,用来代替Max原有的Scanline render(线性扫描渲染器),VRay还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的3d Motion Blur(三维运动模糊)、Micro Triangle Displacement(级细三角面置换)、Caustic(焦散)、通过VRay材质的调节完成Sub-suface scattering(次表面散射)的sss效果、和Network Distributed Rendering(网络分布式渲染)等等。目前世界上出色的渲染器却为数不多,如:Chaos Software公司的vray, SplutterFish公司的brail,Cebas公司的Finalrender,Autodesk公司的Lightcape,还有运行在Maya上的Renderman等。这几款渲染器各有所长,但VRay的灵活性、易用性更见长,并且VRay还有焦散之王的美誉。V-Ray 2.0 版本更新的部分功能:.V-Ray RT 和 V-Ray RT GPU 交互式渲染模式直接集成在该版本(此功能是核心,主流的渲染器都在GPU化)VRayCarPaintMtl (VRay车漆材质)可以准确的模拟出车漆碎片颗粒(渲染更加便捷)VRayDistanceTex 纹理可以计算任意网格的对象VRayLightSelect 可以提取任意特定光源的渲染元素VRayLensEffects 支持obstacle images 和 diffraction 的辉光和强光的渲染效果(实现了mr中的辉光特效)…….修改列表.1、提高了渲染速度。2、更新32和64位的VRAY硬件安装驱动程序。3、VRAYSUN和MAX里的DAYLIGHT可以兼容了。4、VRAY置换里的2D landscape 模式 可以支持 HDR贴图了。5、VR物理相机支持水平线显示功能,支持试图裁减和环境远近范围。6、VRAY的 分布式渲染可以和MAX里的BACKBURNER 配合使用了。7、 在全局替换材质里新加了一个排除物体使用全局材质功能。8、 Vraycolor 贴图增加了一个显示应用GAMMA纠正以后的色彩功能。9、在color mapping 里增加了一个“不影响色彩”选项,当你只想完成样本的优化的时候,就非常有用。10、当场景中有很多微弱而不重要的灯光的时候,可以使用VRAYLIGHT里的“CUTOFF”直的参数来控制他们,以减少渲染时间。11、为了控制不同材质之间的益色,VRAYMTL 里增加了 “优化环境”选项。12、在VR 的VFB里增加了直接控制 region, crop 等 渲染模式。13、 在VR包裹材质里增加了2个参数“NO GI ON other mattes”和“GI surface ID” 14、钩选MATTE 物体 里的“阴影”选项,可以把它在VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow 分层渲染里显示出来。15、如果把“检查文件丢失”选项选上。那么在很多贴图找不到,被替代或者渲染出错误的块的情况下,VR的分布渲染将失败,16、如果场景里有很多个VRAYSUN,VRAYSKY只匹配第1个VRAYSUN。17、当VRAY在渲染的时候,它会强制使用多线程,不关MAX里的多线程选项开没有开。18、当使用渲染到纹理功能的时候,将使用MAX的VFB,不管是不是打开了VR的VFB。19、irradiance map 浏览工具,可以显示多个irradiance maps在一起的结果。20、在渲染动画时,每一帧都可以自动保存光子文件名字。包括irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics 光子文件。21、irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics 光子文件 现在是边计算边保持,而不是以前的要当光子文件计算完才能保存。22、去掉了“每帧都保持光子”的选项。23、VR代理物体现在每帧都可以Re-link .vrmesh 文件。比以前的只在渲染开始时Re-link好多拉。24、VR 会直接在硬盘里写一个tiled openexr文件,如果RAW 文件的后缀为.EXR那么它和以前RAW 文件比较相似。25、在VR材质里新增加了一个“hybrid”SSS模式。26、在全局材质里增加了一个排除物体使用全局材质功能27、卸载VR以后,再装VR就不需要在注册VR.28、在VRaySphereFade里增加了一个affect alpha选项.29、在计算动画里的运动模糊,VR灯光能产生精确的结果。30、VR毛发现在在计算运动模糊的时候,采样比以前更多了。31、能通过全局选项,把灯光单位改成和MAX里的光学单位一样。32、更改了VR灯光里的光学单位的亮度。33、纠正了VRSUN和VRSKY的光学单位的亮度,但是也可以使用“Legacy model” 选项来控制是不是使用以前老版本的灯光单位。34、纠正了VR物理相机的ISO 暴光参数,但是也可以使用“Legacy model” 选项来控制是不是使用以前老版本的灯光单位。35、当计算动画的时候,VR代理物体可以产生运动模糊36、重写了VR的SSS材质内部结构,使用irradiance map 的插直计算会得到更快更光滑的结果。37、在VR灯光里添加“影响反射”选项,这样的话,在反射物体表面就不会显示出VR灯光。和以前必须把灯光高光去掉方便了很多。whats new.The V-Ray rendering system has a rich set of features and we have listed some of the major ones below. Please be aware that every feature is a subject to change without advanced notice. To read the full list of features and capabilities visit the V-Ray documentation. .Core architecture
Multi-platform object-oriented API
Fully multithreaded core
Unified sampling system based on Schlick sampling
Distributed rendering
Efficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracing
Modular architecture - many components of the system can be replaced with custom ones.Geometry
Efficient geometry handling
True instance rendering
On-demand dynamic geometry creation
On-demand geometry loading from disk files
Displacement mapping
Catmull-Clark and Loop subdivision surfaces
Extensible with custom geometric primitives through the V-Ray SDK.Image sampling
Three different image sampling methods
Full-scene antialiasing
Progressive path tracing
Support for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc)
Advanced color (tone) mapping controls
Extensible with custom image samplers through the V-Ray SDK.Illumination
Physically accurate full global illumination solutions
Different GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cache
Reusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic. Objects
Physically accurate area lights
Efficient illumination from HDR environments
Procedural sun & sky models
Extensible with custom lights through the V-Ray SDK
IES photometric lights.Shaders
Physically plausible materials
Blurry reflections/refractions
Accurate hilights
Sub-surface scattering
Support for efficient material layering
Extensible with custom shaders through the V-Ray SDK.Camera effects
Depth-of-field with bokeh effects
Accurate motion blur
Physical camera model
Extensible with custom cameras through the V-Ray SDK.Extras
Toon effect
Fur generator/raytracer
Extended matte/shadow capabilities
Support for Render-to-Texture mode of 3ds Max
VRaySphereFade to isolate only specific portions of the scene for compositing.Frame buffer
V-Ray specific frame buffer with integrated color corrections and display of multiple rendering elements
Direct rendering to disk for extremely large images, either as OpenEXR files or as .vrimg files.感谢以下人员的努力- Craizyman from Turkia
(来自土耳其的Craizyman)- Oblique/russian hacker in RT old crack
(来自俄罗斯的Oblique,提供的rt的以前的破解)- Wei2008 from China
(来自中国,wei2008的demo破解文件帮助gfxteam解决了摄像机抖动和动画曝光的问题)- esanti crack promoter from Venezuela
(来自委内瑞拉的esanti ,破解发起人)- DVD Play Boy- betatester from Argentina/Spain/India...
各地的测试者- Dear donors
还有无私的安装包捐赠者引用VRay 2.0 SP1(Build 2.10.01) for 3DSMAX2010 64Bit。前面包里的压缩包有问题,无法解压。现把重新整理好的For 3DSMAX2010 64Bit的VRay2.0SP1再次发布。好在不是很大,呵呵,对不住了各位。引用VRAY V1.2.5.5 FOR CINEMA4D引用VRaySP1(。3DSMAX9~2012的32位版本及2010的32bit&64bit。引用VRay最近更新比较快啊,这是最新的VRay2.0.10.01。压缩包里包括了支持3DSMAX9~2012的各个版本,不过2010的64位因为chaosgroup内部的某些原因并没有放出安装包 所以暂时没有2010的破解(Chaosgroup decided not to release the 2010 installers yet for some reason。)。另外目前破解的只有64BIT版,破解的人要出差一段时间,所以用32BIT的童鞋们估计还要等一下了。Build 2.10.01 official.New features新功能:Separate VRayFlakesMtl material with just the flakes from the VRayCarPaintMAdded VRayGLSL material for direct rendering of GLSL shaders with V-R.Modified features改进的功能:The V-Ray RT render server prints out some more information in GPU mode (useful for troubleshooting);Added access to the V-Ray material override exclude list from MaxSSupport for the four FumeFXAbility to call the “Calculate” and “Save to CSV file” operations on the VRayLightMeter from MaxSThe “Browse” button for the “Split channels” file name now opens the folder with the currently selected name (if any);Added an environment override slot for VRayCarPaintMAdded bump slot for the base layer of VRayCarPaintMAbility to turn off “trace reflections” for separately for each layer of the VRayCarPaintMAdded MaxScript function, vrayEditDRSettings(), to open the DRAdded possibility to specify user command-line options to 3dsmax.exe when started from the V-Ray DRVRayMtlID and VRayObjectID render elements now have an option to generate colors instead of integers forXML output for the VRayRenderIDMaxScript-only option “dome_visibleOriginal” for dome lights to control filtering of the light texAdded an option to VRayToon to compensateAbility to map the radius in VRayDistanceTOption in VRayDistanceTex for Custom V-Ray materials now work in the Hair&FHair&Fur now produces the same object ID aThe V-Ray bitmap to VRayHDRI converter script did not take into account the inpCrash with particular pre-render script that turns off V-Ray ligVRayBlendMtl material blocks the material IDs of its sub-V-Ray RT: Added support for RPM.Bug fixes问题修复:Noise with “Clamp output” option enabled prHilights from the base reflection layer of VRayCarPaintMtl material were darkerSlow rendering with many overlapping VRayPRandomly missing gizmos when rendering VRayEnvironmentFVRayLights that exclude an object could still affect that object through GI;Rendering with GI may use more detailed texture mip-map lVRayHDRI may not respect the specified memory limiCrashes with particle systems with 3d displacement andSpikes with 3d displacement with “Keep continuity” enabled and parIncorrect velocity element with VRayFImage copied from VFB to clipboard had the first column of pixels swapLoading an image in the V-Ray VFB with a different resolution diimg2tiledexr used wrong formula when converting images from sRGBvrim2exr did not preserve the pixel aspect information in the resulting .ply2vrmesh can convert RealFlow .bin files to .VRayExposureControl was not accessible from MaxSScript error when there is a VRayPlaneVRayPhysicalCamera in “Movie” mode was noMesh lights were not exported with the .vrsFringes on the edges of flakes in VRayCarPaintMCrash with VRayCarPaintMtl material when rendering of texture maps Warning about “Retrace threshold” and “Use light cache for glossy rays” was printed even when not uException after rendering when the “V-Ray raw image file” is chosen and the V-Ray VFBThe V-Ray presets did not load if they were saved on a system where the decimal symbol is “,”;The file save dialog for .vrimg/.exr filThe VRayFastSSS2 material was not exported by the .vrscene MaxSThe VRayLightSelect element allowed the user to pick meshes inIncorrect velocity element when rendering Hair&FThe .dra file exported from the Hair&Fur plugin is now moved to the temporary 3ds Max folder insWrong spelling for “affect specular” option in VRaySSlow rendering of VRayEnvironmentFog with animated NV-Ray RT: Objects could diV-Ray RT: When used as production renderer, animation of deformingV-Ray RT: Wrong exposure when physical camera type was “Move cam” or “Video cam”;V-Ray RT: VRayEdgesTex was listed as incompatible with V-Ray RT;V-Ray RT: 3ds Max froze if V-Ray RT was working as an ActiveShade renderer and the user attempted to run V-Ray RT asV-Ray RT: .vrscene export was not correct if the system decimal symbol was “,”;V-Ray RT: When V-Ray RT was used as production renderer and max. paths per pixel was 0, it was always reset to 64;V-Ray RT: ActiveShade rendering is now paused when doing normal V-Ray RT: Render restarted when changing a perspective view, even if the ActiveShade window was locked to V-Ray RT: Scene was empty if motV-Ray RT: Problem with canceling batch V-Ray RT: Adding new objects/lights is not reflected in the ActiveShade window in 3ds Max 2012;V-Ray RT: Standard camera FOV animaV-Ray RT: Support for the “Camera map per pixel”V-Ray RT: ParticleFlow systems did not update when an animation with V-Ray RT asV-Ray RT: Camera target distance was not updated correctly when rendering through BV-Ray RT: Issue with VRayLightMtl material inside a VRayBlendMV-Ray RT GPU: Textures for the color of VRayLightMtl material did not work。引用3DSMAX2012已经出来了,VRay当然要跟上,这是最新的支持.03版VRay,包括32bit&64bit。不过刚下载,还没有试过,大家可以先测试下。Vray不用多介绍了,这是最新的2.0版,刚刚放出,大家尝尝鲜。一个三个版本六个软件包,分别是For 11的32/64Bit。会逐一放出,大家稍安勿躁。引用引用十二月十七日更新说明目前2.00.02版的有两个破解组各自放出自己的破解版,具体区别就是GFX的破解需要替换2个文件加一个文件夹,CGP的破解只需替换两个文件,究竟哪个是完美破解我也不好说,欢迎大家测试反馈!这次更新的是CGP版的,GFX的正在下载,晚点会放出。问到哪个是完美的,我也刚拿到手,所以只能靠大家自己测试了。PS :貌似软件版只允许3次更新/月,上次就被人举报了。所以... ...再PS:2.00.01还差一个2010版的32位包,因为2.00.02已经出来了,就不更新了。再再PS:这次打包的是从MAX9到MAX2011的所有文件,图省事,就不分开发布了。再再再PS:呃,算了,(*^__^*) 引用一点更新说明官方在9号更新了一个新的版本,修复了一些bug,具体如下,因为新版中的代码发生了改变,的需要等一下,上面发布的版本均为2.00.0.1.Bug fixes:(*) VRayLights could render differently (brighter) from V-Ray 1.5(*) V-Ray RT: Right-clicking in the ActiveShade window to bring the quad menu could crash 3ds M(*) img2tiledexr would crash if it could not write the resul(*) Fixed noise with VRayBPT(*) Crash with VRayIES lights and VRayBPTThe VRayLights bug required the update, as it was quite a major thing.Vlado.然后我想说的是这个破解肯定不是完美的,还需要完善,因为发布的很匆忙,所以难免会有一些问题,比如aa的参数值不能保存,还有有些用户的rt不能加载rt引擎等等,我相信在下一个版本会解决这些问题的,在国外论坛上很多人说这个破解是demo的破解,不是adv正式版的,然后就对破解者发动了人身攻击,说别人是骗子,这个破解只是一个笑话等等,我想告诉大家我了解的一些情况,这个破解最开始99%的工作都是在adv上进行的,所有的文件也都来自adv。然后遇到了摄像机抖动和动画曝光问题,一直没有进展,后面是wei2008的demo破解解决了这个问题,在参考了wei2008的破解之后从demo版上提取的补丁来解决了这个摄像机抖动和动画曝光问题.然后完成了现在已经发布的破解. .大家各取所需吧,想等待真正的所有文件都来自adv的完美破解的可以继续等待。 .还有一点我想说的是关于rt的正确破解方法和使用gpu的方法:首先破解rt需要将cgauth.dll 复制到以下两个地方1. C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2011 for x64\bin\
2. C:\program files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011具体的max版本按你自己的来然后是gpu的选择打开开始菜单里面的&chaosgroup&文件夹 找到&Select OpenCL devices&,然后右键以管理员模式运行,就会出现一个opencl兼容设备列表&compatible OpenCL devices&,然后你就可以选择你需要的了.在rt的设置面板你把模式设置为opencl就行了,如下图所示:引用V-ray 2.00.04 for MAYA V-Ray for Maya is one of the latest developments by Chaos Group. Developed to meet the needs of the most demanding VFX & Film studios around the world, the rendering engine delivers uncompromised stability, interactivity, ease of use and unprecedented speed.Now, V-Ray for Maya enables the rendering of even larger scenes with greater complexity and artists can rely on a faster rendering process. The comprehensive list of features provided by V-Ray for Maya includes CarPaint Material, V-Ray Light Select Render Element, PText texture, true 3D Motion Blur, Sun & Sky procedural lighting system, Physical camera for matching live footage, and many others.V-Ray for Maya became a renderer of choice of numerous renowned studios such as Method Studio, Zoic Studio, Lux VFX, The LAB NYC and many others. For less than two years since its official release V-Ray has been used as a major rendering tool in the latest award winning films and productions.Fur NOT FixedV-Ray 2.0 for Maya Key FeaturesGeneral OverviewV-RAY RT on CPU and GPUV-Ray 2.0 for Maya now comes with interactive rendering on CPU and GPU.SHADINGSupport for efficient material layering – quickly render complex materials using the V-Ray Blend material Fast Sub-surface scattering shader – V-Ray FastSSS2 material uses a pre-pass to create fast and accurate subsurface scattering effects with support for both single and multiple scattering VRayCarPaintMtl – create stunning car paint shaders complete with base, flake and coat layers.Support for the Substance textures in Maya 2011.5 and Maya 2012 – use the new V-Ray 2.0 with the Substance textures in Maya 2011.5 and Maya 2012 to create a wide range of procedural shaders for your projectsVRayToon shader – add an amazing cartoon-like feeling to your renderings.Support for dispersion in refractions for VRayMtl – this option uses the new capabilities for wavelength-dependent raytracing of the V-Ray core and allows you to create stunning close- ups of refractive objects with caustics that dazzle the eye.Automatic support for both Mari and Mudbox style tiled textures – V-Ray 2.0 can automatically load the correct texture bitmaps depending on the UV tiles of the rendered object.Support for rendering of Maya fluids – the new V-Ray 2.0 recognizes and renders Maya fluids directly, with full support for GI and light scattering inside the volume.Ptex textures – with V-Ray 2.0 you can stop worrying about UV coordinates and use PTex textures.LIGHTSPhysically accurate lights – create realistic illumination using physically based lights, including IES lights and true area lights with support for texture mapping.Efficient illumination from HDR environments – create accurate IBL solutions with sharp shadows at a fraction of the usual render timeCAMERALens distortion through Nuke displacement maps – the VRay Physical Camera can use displacement maps from Nuke to completely match the distortion of your real cameraSupport for the Maya stereo camera in batch render mode – render your stereoscopic animations with V-Ray 2.0 and Maya batch render modeOption to turn off camera motion blur – V-Ray 2.0 gives you a separate control to enable or disable the motion blur coming from the movement of the camera.Shutter efficiency for motion blur – render more realistic motion blur with manual control over the camera shutter efficiencyRENDER OUTPUTSupport for additional render elements – have full control in compositing by separating the render into render elementsOutput of multi-channel scanline OpenEXR files with data-window – removes the need to manually convert the multichannel OpenEXR files produced by V-Ray to scanline-based OpenEXR files for efficient processing by compositing applications.VRayLightSelect Render Element – extract the contribution of each light to the scene and compose all the lights back together and change their intensity in real time in any compositing software.Ultimate resolution of any issues caused by Distributed Rendering – the new VRayDRBucket render element enables you to identify which render slave rendered each bucket.EFFECTSDepth of field with bokeh effects – create fast and accurate physically based depth of field effects using the V-Ray Physical cameraAccurate motion blur – efficient and accurate physically based true 3D motion blur effects using the V-Ray Physical camera.SCENE TRANSLATORPython callback for access to and modification of the translated V-Ray scene before rendering – this powerful feature allows you to directly modify the V-Ray scene before rendering to fit V-Ray seamlessly into your production pipeline.Support for .vrscene output for rendering with V-Ray StandaloneOPTIMIZATIONSDynamic loading of tiled OpenEXR – load tiled OpenEXRs on the fly with the help of the new and improved VRayHDRI textureOn-demand geometry loading from the disk – use V-Ray Proxy to render millions of polygons at maximum memory efficiency by storing the geometry on the hard drive.Displacement mapping – precisely control the displacement on a per object basis with the V-Ray Displacement Extra Attributes.Faster rendering of dynamic geometry (displacement, fur, proxies, hair etc) – new internal optimizations have led to even faster rendering of dynamic geometry like displacement, proxies, fur and hair, etc.Faster rendering of subdivision surfaces, VRayFur and Maya hair – the new improved core of V-Ray 2.0 can render VRayFur, Maya hair and render-time subdivision surfaces much faster.TOOLSThe ply2vrmesh tool can convert RealFlow .bin files to .vrmesh files – with the new version of the ply2mesh tool V-Ray 2.0 users can render very large RealFlow simulations as VRayProxy objects with significantly improved memory efficiency.Extended irradiance map viewer tool – allows the incremental merge of irradiance map files to avoid r preview
manual deletion of unwanted samples, and usage of OpenGL display lists for more interactivity.Img2tiledexr tool for mass conversion of many common image formats to tiled OpenEXR files.Read more: .


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